2008-05-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_contravariant_delegate_1.il * valid_contravariant_delegate_2.il * valid_convariant_delegate_1.il * valid_convariant_delegate_2.il * valid_generic_delegate_1.cs * valid_generic_delegate_2.cs * valid_invariant_delegate.il: Test compatibility of generic delegates in the presence of variance. 2008-05-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_visibility_across_generic_instantiations.cs: Regression test for #390128. 2008-05-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * test_lib.cs: Dependency for new visibility related tests. * Makefile: Added compilation step for test_lib.cs. 2008-05-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_type_visibility_test.sh: New test generator for visibility tests of generic method and type arguments. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using using the new generator. 2008-05-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Changed one test from unverifiable to valid as it only fails on MS runtime due to a bug on its implementation. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_nullable_store.il: New test to ensure that nullables are properly compared. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_leave_before_try_block.il: New test to ensure that the leave opcode empties the stack. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * BatchCompiler.cs: ilasm generates bad tokens when compiling many times within the same appdomain. Using one per source file. Compilation times are now just a bit faster than before. * Makefile: Fix typo. 2008-05-01 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: Fixed compilation and renamed to invalid_ldsfld_no_fld.il. * BatchCompiler.cs: New driver to fast compile the verifier test suite. It's about 20x faster now. * Makefile: Use the ilasm driver for faster compilation. 2008-04-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_il_overflow_test.sh: New test generator for a truncated IL stream. * make_tests.sh: Fixed generation script. Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Add some tests for overlapping aligned reference fields. * Makefile: Added new test prefix typeunverifiable. It should be used for tests that type fails to load only under verifiable. 2008-04-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_boxed_genarg_test.sh: New test generator for boxed generic arguments. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator for the interaction between boxed generic arguments and its constraint types. 2008-04-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: If a VerificationException happens while running under fulltrust, it means that the code is invalid. * make_method_constraint_test.sh: Test generator for generic methods argument constraints. * make_test.sh: Added tests for invalid opcodes using the new generator. * invalid_generic_method_and_type.il: New test for generic constraints. 2008-04-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_bad_op_test.sh: Test generator for invalid opcodes. * make_test.sh: Added tests for invalid opcodes using the new generator. 2008-04-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_overlapped_test.sh: Test generator for overlapped fields. * make_test.sh: Added tests for overlapped fields using the new generator. 2008-04-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unary_test.sh: Clear the stack before ret. * make_test.sh: Added tests for ckfinite. 2008-04-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tail_call_test.sh: New test generator for tail prefix. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_branch_middle_of_instruction.il: Recent work on prefixes broke the verification for branching in the middle of an instruction. 2008-04-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_prefix_test.sh: New test generator for instruction prefix. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_type_constraint_test.sh: New test generator for constraints on generic type arguments. * make_testS: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-03-31 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: Mark TypeLoadException as invalid code. 2008-03-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_branch_to_first_prefix.il: Test branching to the first prefix of an instruction. 2008-03-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_cmmp_test.sh: Test generator for readonly pointers. * make_test.sh: New tests using the added generator. 2008-03-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_constrained_test.sh: Test generator for constrained calls. * make_test.sh: New tests using the added generator. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_test.cs: Tests for generic classes. * unverifiable_generic_type_field_access.il: Tests for not mixing generic arguments. * valid_generic_test.cs: Add tests for generic class and method together. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * strict_native_int_converts_to_unamanged_pointer.cs: Allow conversion from native int to unmanaged pointer in non-strict mode. This is required to allow the C# expression "(IntPtr)null" to be verifiable. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ldftn_final_virtual_method.il: * valid_ldftn_sealed_type_virtual_method.il: Tests the interaction of sealed type and final method or ldftn verifiability. 2008-03-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_compat_test.sh: Added. Generate tests for compatibility between delegate signature and function signature. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using make_delegate_compat_test.sh. 2008-03-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_invalid_ret_type.sh: Added. Generate return site tests for invalid return types. * make_tests.sh: Add tests using make_invalid_ret_type.sh. 2008-03-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_callvirt_static_method.il: Added. Test for callvirt and static methods. 2008-02-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_refanytype_null_stack_top.il: New test for refanytype opcode. * invalid_refanytype_invalid_stack_top.il: Same. * valid_refanytype.il: Same. 2008-02-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_mkrefany.il: New test generator for mkrefany opcode. * make_tests.sh: Added tests for mkrefany. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_vararg.il: New test for calling vararg methods. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_refanyval.il: New test for the refanyval opcode. * invalid_refanyval_null_stack_top.il: Same. * invalid_refanyval_invalid_stack_top.il: Same. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_arglist.il: New test for the arglist opcode. * invalid_arglist_method_not_vararg.il: Same. 2008-02-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_locals_without_initlocals.il: Methods with locals that are not .init are allways unverifiable. 2008-02-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_void_ptr_store_2.cs: Tests for using unmanaged pointers. This test looks for void pointers. * unverifiable_void_ptr_store_3.cs: Same. * unverifiable_void_ptr_store.cs: Same. * valid_merge_boxed_type_3.cs: Test merging a reference type diferent than System.Object and a boxed valuetype. This is hopefully the last issue of merging stack frames. * Makefile: compile .cs files with /unsafe switch. 2008-02-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_boxed_enum_is_compatible_with_system_enum.cs: Added. Test if an enum is compatible with System.Enum. * valid_merge_boxed_type.cs: Added. Test merging a boxed int32 with a reference type. * valid_merge_boxed_type_2.cs: Same. * make_ldelem_test.sh: Added some enums to be used by the tests. * make_tests.sh: New tests for ldelem compatibility between enums and their base type. Marked some tests as strict. 2008-02-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_merge_base_type.cs * valid_merge_first_value_is_base_type.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type_3.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type_4.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type.cs: * valid_merge_second_value_is_base_type.cs: New tests for stack merging. These tests verify the correctness of the merged value. 2008-01-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: More tests for brtrue/brfalse with boxed values and null literals. * make_bool_branch_test.sh: New optional arg to allow for new tests. 2008-01-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Removed some invalid tests for nesting access as they where trying to call non final virtual methods without using the 'this' pointer. 2008-01-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_call_test.sh: test generator for call and callvirt. * make_tests.sh: added tests for call and callvirt. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldstr_bad_token.il: added. check the index against the the #US heap. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_newobj_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for newobj. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldftn_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for ldftn. * unverifiable_ldvirtftn_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for ldvirtftn. 2008-01-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: added tests for ovf math with floats. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_localloc_test.sh: test generator for localloc. * make_tests.sh: added tests for localloc. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_sizeof_test.sh: test generator for sizeof. * make_tests.sh: added tests for sizeof. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_cp_test.sh: test generator for cpobj. * make_tests.sh: added tests for cpobj. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_initobj_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: tests for initobj. * invalid_initobj_invalid_token_type.il: same. * make_initobj_test.sh: test generator for initobj. * make_tests.sh: added tests for initobj. 2008-01-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldfld_reference_type_by_ref.il: new test for ldfld. * invalid_stojb_bad_token.il: test for bad ldobj token. * invalid_stojb_token_out_of_bounds.il: same. * make_stobj_test.sh: new test generator. * make_test.sh: added new tests for stobj. 2008-01-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ldftn_method_spec_token.il: new test for loading function pointers for generic methods. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for unbox.any. * make_unbox_any_test.sh: new test generator. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for add|sub|mul ovf; * unverifiable_unbox_toke_is_reference_type.il: New test for regressions found while validating vbnc. * valid_stind_ref_with_boxed_value.il: same. * valid_ldelema_enum_array.il: same. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_isinst_with_boxed_valuetype.il: New test for regressions found while validating vbnc. * valid_ldfld_valuetype_by_ref.il: same. * valid_ldfld_valuetype_by_value.il: same. * valid_stelem_ref_boxed_value.il: same. * valid_stloc_boxed_valuetype.il: same. * valid_sub_class_of_generic_type_is_compatible.il: same. * unverifiable_ldfld_valuetype_boxed.il: same. * unverifiable_ldfld_reference_type_by_ref.il: same. * make_test.sh: new tests for stfld and cgt.un. 2008-01-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_test.sh: increased max stack for ldvirtftn tests. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for delegates constructed with ldvirtftn. 2008-01-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_test.sh: added. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for delegates constructed with ldftn. 2008-01-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldvirtftn_invalid_token_type.il: added. * make_ldvirtftn_test.sh: added. * invalid_ldvirtftn_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: added. * make_ldftn_test.sh: changed to allow more tests. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for ldvirtftn and a buch more for ldftn. 2007-12-31 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldftn_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: added. * invalid_ldftn_invalid_token_type.il: added. * make_ldftn_test.sh: added. * make_test.sh: new tests for ldftn. * AssemblyRunner.cs: added BadImageFormatException to the list of invalid code errors. Removed some dead code and an useless message. 2007-12-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_non_empty_stack_at_try_begin.il: added. * valid_branch_to_first_intruction_of_try.il: added. 2007-12-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_exception_overlap_test.sh: new test generator. * make_tests.sh: new tests for exception clause restrictions enumerated in P1 * invalid_catch_block_starts_after_prefix.il: new test for a catch block that starts in the middle of an instruction. 2007-12-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_switch_test.sh: new test generator. * make_exception_branch_test.sh: the filter handler did not pop the exception argument. * make_tests.sh: add tests for switch. 2007-12-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_branch_test.sh: new test generator. * make_exception_branch_test.sh: added support to test generator to specify the expected result. * make_tests.sh: some results for make_exception_branch_test.sh were wrong, fixed that. * make_tests.sh: added some tests to beq and bge. * make_tests.sh added tests for br. 2007-12-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_exception_sequence.il: new test for what blocks take an exception on stack at the begin. 2007-12-19 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_empty_catch_block.il * invalid_empty_fault_block.il * invalid_empty_filter_block.il * invalid_empty_finally_block.il * invalid_empty_handler_block.il * invalid_empty_try_block.il tests for empty protected blocks. * invalid_exception_blocks_order.il: test for the required ordering of exception clauses. * invalid_finally_block_overlap_try_block.il * invalid_try_block_includes_catch_block.il * invalid_try_block_inside_filter_block.il tests for ill formed exception clauses. * invalid_fallout_of_filter_block.il * invalid_fallout_of_handler_block.il * invalid_fallthru_into_filter_block.il * invalid_fallthru_into_handler_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_catch_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_fault_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_finally_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_try_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_catch_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_fault_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_finally_block.il * valid_end_try_block_with_throw.il: tests for fallthru in and out of protected blocks. 2007-12-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for filter * make_filter_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for endfilter * make_endfilter_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile: add support to check strict tests. * AssemblyRunner.cs: start using peverify as part of the process. Support for strict tests. 2007-12-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_1.il: tests if the filter block is limited by the start of the associated handler clause or it is limited by the ocurrence of endfilter. These 3 tests show that even if the endfilter instruction must be the last, it doesn't define the end of the filter block. * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_2.il: same * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_3.il: same * make_test.sh: added tests for endfinally / endfault * make_endfinally_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for rethrow * make_rethrow_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for throw * make_throw_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for castclass and isinst * make_cast_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for stelem.X * make_stelem_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelem 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: fixed compilation issues with some tests. 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelem.X * make_ldelem_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelema * make_ldelema_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldlen * make_ldlen_test.sh: new test generator 2007-10-26 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_array_method.cs: test for invoking array methods. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: tests for the return type of the invoked method. tests for passing typedbyref as param. * make_obj_store_test.sh: add new optional script parameter to tell if class fields should be generated. This fix some bogus tests using typedbyref. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: unbox_byref_like test was flawed, it was not testing the proper unverifable condition. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unary_test.sh: fixed an invalid struct that has no fields, this was not the subject of the tests. * make_newobj_test.sh: added, generate tests for newobj. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for newobj and some corner cases of local/arg load/store. 2007-10-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_store_indirect_test.sh: added, generate tests for stind.X. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ldind.X. 2007-10-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ops mixing Int32 and IntPtr, disabled the overlapped tests for now * make_unary_test.sh: disabled the overlapped tests for now * make_field_store_test.sh: sames 2007-09-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_load_indirect_test.sh: added, generate tests for ldind.X. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ldind.X and new tests for stloc/starg using native int and int32. 2007-09-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_load_addr.il: Tests for valid uses of ldarga and ldloca * make_double_nesting_test.sh: Generate tests for calling nested classes from a diferent outer class 2007-09-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_params.cs (added): Tests for valid use of generic types. * Makedfile: added valid_generic_params.cs 2007-08-16 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_newarr_test.sh (added): Generate newarr related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for newarr. 2007-08-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unbox_test.sh (added): Generate unbox related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for unbox. 2007-08-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_ldobj_test.sh (added): Generate ldobj related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for ldobj. 2007-08-13 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_ldtoken_test.sh (added): Generate ldtoken related tests * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for ldtoken, conv.*.* and visibility checks for nested classes mixed with inheritance 2007-08-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: Added new visibility tests and not/neg tests * make_cross_nested_access_test.sh: new test script for visibility between two classes nested in the same class * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: added main method * make_unary_test.sh: added some types to make room for more tests * make_exception_branch_test.sh: fix the test to trigger the right error 2007-08-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_exception_branch_test.sh: Fix the generation of the tests, so only branching problems are validated. 2007-07-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added more visibility tests * Makefile: changed again the clean target to work with the larger number of tests * make_self_nested_test.sh: new visibility tests 2007-07-19 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added reference compatibility tests 2007-07-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: bug fix: handles missing fields corrently * make_test.sh: correct some tests based on fixed AssemblyRunner 2007-07-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: Allow running the test suite from the same VM instance * make_tests.sh: improved the test-suite, now it works running under a VM, not just the verifier * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_nop.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * make_load_test.sh: same * make_stack_0_test.sh: same * make_obj_store_test.sh: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldloc.il: same * make_ret_test.sh: same * make_store_test.sh: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * make_access_test.sh: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldloc.il: same * invalid_call_no_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldarg.il: same * make_stack_merge_test.sh: same * unverifiable_stack_2_ret.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_ctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * make_field_store_test.sh: same * invalid_backward_branch.il: same * unverifiable_ldfld_initonly.il: same * make_nested_access_test.sh: same * invalid_stack_2_ret.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldarg.il: same * valid_fld_initonly.il: same * make_bin_test.sh: same * make_field_valuetype_test.sh: new tests 2007-07-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: new access verification tests * make_access_test.sh: create member access test * make_nested_access_tests.sh: create nested member access test 2007-07-03 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: fixed two tests to produce valid results with .net *make_field_test.sh: make fields public 2007-06-22 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: test for load field address in .ctor * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * valid_ldflda_owned_field_on_cctor.il: same * valid_ldsflda_owned_field_on_cctor.il: same * valid_local_ref_ref_store.il: valid local store that was not covered before * unverifiable_ptr_nop.il: unmanaged pointer ops * unverifiable_ptr_ldloc.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldarg.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldloc.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldarg.il: same 2007-06-20 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: new ldsfld tests, more call conv tests 2007-06-19 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: new ldfld tests (they check everything but visibility) *make_field_store_test.sh: generated the new field tests 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_dup_maxstack.il: the test wasn't generating the failing condition * make_tests.sh: fixed the generation of stack merge tests and a typo on the return coercion tests * unverifiable_ldfld_initonly.il: add assembly manifest (so it tests the right thing) * invalid_stack_2_ret.il: fix the entry point 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_call_empty_stack.il: added assembly manifest (so it tests the right thing) * invalid_ldsfld_nonstatic_fld.il: same * invalid_dup_maxstack.il: same * invalid_ldsfld_no_fld.il: same * unverifiable_call_private.il: same * invalid_backward_branch.il: same * make_unary_test.sh: same * invalid_ldloc_no_local.il: same * make_obj_store_test.sh: added static field to have stsfld tests * make_store_test.sh: fixed the entrypoint * make_tests.sh: fixed tests to be faithfull to the spec 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera *Changelog: fixed the dates of my commits 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_load_test.sh: Fixed the entrypoint to generate valid code *make_ret_test.sh: Fixed the entrypoint to generate valid code. Removed invalid generics classes *make_tests.sh: Fixed the testsuite to not generate wrong tests *Makefile: split the clean step as it was failing due to the huge file list (it might need further tweaking as the testsuite grows) 2007-06-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: New boolean branch tests * make_bool_branch_test.sh: Test the stack value that boolean branches use (brfalse / brtrue) * make_ret_test.sh: removed unused variable from sed expression 2007-06-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile (run-test): Make it use pedump instead of mono for validation * make_tests.sh: New tests * invalid_stack_2_tet.il: New test * make_ret_test.sh: New test script * make_load_test.sh: New test script * make_obj_store_test.sh: Test did not generate valid code for some cases * make_store_test.sh: Test did not generate valid code for some cases 2006-06-06 Zoltan Varga * Makefile (run-test): Split 'test' target into a 'compile' and 'run-test' target. * make_tests.sh: Remove some stack merge tests which are verifiable. * make_unary_test.sh *.cil Makefile: Change extension of all static and generated test files to the standard .il. 2006-05-25 Zoltan Varga * *.sh: Fix more verification problems. * TestRunner.cs: Use Assembly.EntryPoint instead of searching for a Main method. 2006-05-23 Zoltan Varga * make_store_test.sh make_obj_store_test.sh make_stack_merge_test.sh: Fix more ilasm and verification problems. * TestRunner.cs: New file. 2006-05-12 Zoltan Varga * make_store_test.sh make_obj_store_test.sh make_stack_merge_test.sh: Make valuetypes sealed to fix ilasm warnings. Sun Mar 12 16:18:04 CET 2006 Paolo Molaro * Initial import of the verifiers tests developed by Jim Purbrick .