2010-04-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_switch_with_value_on_stack.il: New test. 2010-04-09 Rodrigo Kumpera valid_call_to_virtual_method_on_sealed_class.il: New test. 2010-04-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_store_of_uint_to_int_array.il: Regression test for #555950. 2010-04-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ginst_dont_reduce_to_gparam_with_constraint.il: Regression test for #587849. 2010-03-26 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_branch_in_between_prefix_and_instruction.il: * invalid_empty_filter_block.il: * make_endfilter_test.sh * make_endfinally_test.sh: Silence which when gsed is not found. 2010-02-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_endfilter_test.sh: Fix this test to not have a throw that make some of the endfilter unreachable. 2010-02-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_branch_in_between_prefix_and_instruction.il: * invalid_empty_filter_block.il: * make_endfilter_test.sh * make_endfinally_test.sh: Bunch of OSX and test fixes. 2010-01-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile, *.sh, *.il: Change status of a bunch of a tests to reflect the metadata verifier. First pass into making the test suite works under OSX. 2010-01-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_iface_with_variant_constraint.cs: Constraints can be variant. 2009-12-26 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_try_catch_with_zero_max_stack.il: Regression test for bug #562320. 2009-08-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_type_definition_on_boxing_position.cs: Valid encoding of GTD on box position. 2009-08-14 Rodrigo Kumpera *unverifiable_ldobj_with_generic_type_definition.il: Regression test for bug #531237. 2009-07-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile: Add support for new test kind badmd for tests with broken metadata. * make_tests.sh: Fix some tests that have broken metadata. * *.sh: Add execute bit. 2009-04-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ldflda_owned_field_on_cctor.il: Fix visibility of .ctor. 2009-04-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_nested_eh_in_try_of_try_filter_block.il: Regression test for #495656. 2009-04-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_initobj_this.cs: Regression test for #496175. 2009-04-19 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_access_nested_class_multidym_array.cs: Regression test for #496150. 2009-04-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_br_before_try_block.il: Regression test for #494812. 2009-04-13 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_backward_branch.il: Fix typo. 2009-04-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_delegate_signature_with_generics.cs: Test for the compatibility of delegate arguments when a function has a non generic type argument and the delegate has a generic one. 2009-04-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_nested_access_with_multi_array_instance.cs: * valid_nested_access_with_array_instance.cs: Regression tests for #493068. 2009-04-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_eh_block_with_no_instructions_after.il: Regression test for #492494. 2009-04-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_throw_with_unboxed_generic_argument.il: Regression test for #487738. 2009-04-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_candidate_contraint_is_inflated_using_global_context.cs: New test for cases where the candidate constraint type refers to the global generic context. We have to use it because it might be the case the the global context has more arguments than the local one. 2009-03-31 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_catch_block_out_of_bounds.il * invalid_try_block_out_of_bounds.il: Tests for proper bounds check of exception clauses. 2009-03-16 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_generic_generic_object_is_boxed.il: Regression test for #485706. 2009-02-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_array_element_type_compatiblity.il: Regression test for #474271. 2009-02-16 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_rethrow_doesnt_fallthrough: New regression test for #476257. 2009-02-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_boxed_vt_compatible_with_sys_vt_or_sys_enum.il: Regression test for #469549. 2009-02-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_delegate_with_bad_bound_first_arg_to_static_method.il: * mono/tests/verifier/valid_ldfnt_delegates_of_static_methods.il: Regression test for #469529. 2009-02-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_valuetype_boxed_types_are_merge_compatible.il: Regression test for #469528. 2009-01-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_iface_constant_with_parent_implementing_it.il: Regression test for #461200. 2009-01-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_array_compat_with_bonds_and_sizes.il: * valid_array_compat_with_bounds.il: * valid_array_compat_with_sizes.il: Regression tests for #461200. 2009-01-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ceq_with_boxed_vt.il: Regression test for #461200. 2008-12-01 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_boxed_type_not_compatible_with_string.il: * unverifiable_boxed_type_not_compatible_with_valuetype.il: * unverifiable_ret_with_boxed_value_on_stack.il: Regression tests for #448560. 2008-09-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * strict_native_int_converts_to_unamanged_pointer.cs: It turns out that this test should generate unverifiable code. Big WTF for me as well. 2008-07-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_inflated_generic_constraint_compatible.il: Regression test for constraints that require to be inflated. 2008-07-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_argument_type.il: * invalid_local_variable.il: New tests for invalid types in locals or arguments. 2008-07-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_generic_type_with_explicit_layout.il: New test. * Makefile: Fix C# files compilation. 2008-07-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_generic_argument_constraints_test.sh: New test generator for constraint compatibility of generic arguments. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using using the new generator. * invalid_generic_argument_violate_type_constraint.il: Test for constraints compatibility between types. 2008-07-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_binary_compare_with_generic_argument.il: * unverifiable_binary_compare_with_valuetype.il: * unverifiable_ceq_with_generic_argument.il: * unverifiable_ceq_with_valuetype.il: Tests for valuetypes and generic arguments with bne.un and ceq. 2008-07-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_nested_field_access_with_generic_class.cs: Check if nested access works with generic types. * valid_isinst_box_generic_arguments.il: Check if generic arguments should be boxed by isisnt and castclass. 2008-07-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_inst_field_might_have_zero_size.il: Regression test found from gtest-106.exe 2008-07-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldtoken_field.il * invalid_ldtoken_method.il * invalid_ldtoken_type_2.il * invalid_ldtoken_type_3.il * invalid_ldtoken_type.il: Tests for bad tokens for the ldtoken opcode. 2008-07-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_bad_method_instantiation.il: Test for instantiations using VAR or MVAR that are invalid in the current context. 2008-07-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_funptr_double_free_regression.il: Regression test for double free of funptrs. 2008-06-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_exception_catch_clause_type.cs: Regression test for #402606. 2008-06-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_ctor_test.sh: New test generator for constructor related tests. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using using the new generator. 2008-05-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_contravariant_delegate_1.il * valid_contravariant_delegate_2.il * valid_convariant_delegate_1.il * valid_convariant_delegate_2.il * valid_generic_delegate_1.cs * valid_generic_delegate_2.cs * valid_invariant_delegate.il: Test compatibility of generic delegates in the presence of variance. 2008-05-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_visibility_across_generic_instantiations.cs: Regression test for #390128. 2008-05-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * test_lib.cs: Dependency for new visibility related tests. * Makefile: Added compilation step for test_lib.cs. 2008-05-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_type_visibility_test.sh: New test generator for visibility tests of generic method and type arguments. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using using the new generator. 2008-05-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Changed one test from unverifiable to valid as it only fails on MS runtime due to a bug on its implementation. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_nullable_store.il: New test to ensure that nullables are properly compared. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_leave_before_try_block.il: New test to ensure that the leave opcode empties the stack. 2008-05-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * BatchCompiler.cs: ilasm generates bad tokens when compiling many times within the same appdomain. Using one per source file. Compilation times are now just a bit faster than before. * Makefile: Fix typo. 2008-05-01 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: Fixed compilation and renamed to invalid_ldsfld_no_fld.il. * BatchCompiler.cs: New driver to fast compile the verifier test suite. It's about 20x faster now. * Makefile: Use the ilasm driver for faster compilation. 2008-04-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_il_overflow_test.sh: New test generator for a truncated IL stream. * make_tests.sh: Fixed generation script. Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Add some tests for overlapping aligned reference fields. * Makefile: Added new test prefix typeunverifiable. It should be used for tests that type fails to load only under verifiable. 2008-04-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_boxed_genarg_test.sh: New test generator for boxed generic arguments. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator for the interaction between boxed generic arguments and its constraint types. 2008-04-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: If a VerificationException happens while running under fulltrust, it means that the code is invalid. * make_method_constraint_test.sh: Test generator for generic methods argument constraints. * make_test.sh: Added tests for invalid opcodes using the new generator. * invalid_generic_method_and_type.il: New test for generic constraints. 2008-04-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_bad_op_test.sh: Test generator for invalid opcodes. * make_test.sh: Added tests for invalid opcodes using the new generator. 2008-04-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_overlapped_test.sh: Test generator for overlapped fields. * make_test.sh: Added tests for overlapped fields using the new generator. 2008-04-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unary_test.sh: Clear the stack before ret. * make_test.sh: Added tests for ckfinite. 2008-04-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tail_call_test.sh: New test generator for tail prefix. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_branch_middle_of_instruction.il: Recent work on prefixes broke the verification for branching in the middle of an instruction. 2008-04-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_prefix_test.sh: New test generator for instruction prefix. * make_test.sh: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-04-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_type_constraint_test.sh: New test generator for constraints on generic type arguments. * make_testS: Added tests using the new generator. 2008-03-31 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: Mark TypeLoadException as invalid code. 2008-03-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_branch_to_first_prefix.il: Test branching to the first prefix of an instruction. 2008-03-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_cmmp_test.sh: Test generator for readonly pointers. * make_test.sh: New tests using the added generator. 2008-03-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_constrained_test.sh: Test generator for constrained calls. * make_test.sh: New tests using the added generator. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_test.cs: Tests for generic classes. * unverifiable_generic_type_field_access.il: Tests for not mixing generic arguments. * valid_generic_test.cs: Add tests for generic class and method together. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * strict_native_int_converts_to_unamanged_pointer.cs: Allow conversion from native int to unmanaged pointer in non-strict mode. This is required to allow the C# expression "(IntPtr)null" to be verifiable. 2008-03-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ldftn_final_virtual_method.il: * valid_ldftn_sealed_type_virtual_method.il: Tests the interaction of sealed type and final method or ldftn verifiability. 2008-03-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_compat_test.sh: Added. Generate tests for compatibility between delegate signature and function signature. * make_tests.sh: Added tests using make_delegate_compat_test.sh. 2008-03-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_invalid_ret_type.sh: Added. Generate return site tests for invalid return types. * make_tests.sh: Add tests using make_invalid_ret_type.sh. 2008-03-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_callvirt_static_method.il: Added. Test for callvirt and static methods. 2008-02-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_refanytype_null_stack_top.il: New test for refanytype opcode. * invalid_refanytype_invalid_stack_top.il: Same. * valid_refanytype.il: Same. 2008-02-28 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_mkrefany.il: New test generator for mkrefany opcode. * make_tests.sh: Added tests for mkrefany. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_vararg.il: New test for calling vararg methods. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_refanyval.il: New test for the refanyval opcode. * invalid_refanyval_null_stack_top.il: Same. * invalid_refanyval_invalid_stack_top.il: Same. 2008-02-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_arglist.il: New test for the arglist opcode. * invalid_arglist_method_not_vararg.il: Same. 2008-02-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_locals_without_initlocals.il: Methods with locals that are not .init are allways unverifiable. 2008-02-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_void_ptr_store_2.cs: Tests for using unmanaged pointers. This test looks for void pointers. * unverifiable_void_ptr_store_3.cs: Same. * unverifiable_void_ptr_store.cs: Same. * valid_merge_boxed_type_3.cs: Test merging a reference type diferent than System.Object and a boxed valuetype. This is hopefully the last issue of merging stack frames. * Makefile: compile .cs files with /unsafe switch. 2008-02-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_boxed_enum_is_compatible_with_system_enum.cs: Added. Test if an enum is compatible with System.Enum. * valid_merge_boxed_type.cs: Added. Test merging a boxed int32 with a reference type. * valid_merge_boxed_type_2.cs: Same. * make_ldelem_test.sh: Added some enums to be used by the tests. * make_tests.sh: New tests for ldelem compatibility between enums and their base type. Marked some tests as strict. 2008-02-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_merge_base_type.cs * valid_merge_first_value_is_base_type.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type_3.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type_4.cs: * valid_merge_interface_type.cs: * valid_merge_second_value_is_base_type.cs: New tests for stack merging. These tests verify the correctness of the merged value. 2008-01-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: More tests for brtrue/brfalse with boxed values and null literals. * make_bool_branch_test.sh: New optional arg to allow for new tests. 2008-01-30 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: Removed some invalid tests for nesting access as they where trying to call non final virtual methods without using the 'this' pointer. 2008-01-23 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_call_test.sh: test generator for call and callvirt. * make_tests.sh: added tests for call and callvirt. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldstr_bad_token.il: added. check the index against the the #US heap. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_newobj_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for newobj. 2008-01-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldftn_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for ldftn. * unverifiable_ldvirtftn_no_visibility.il: added. visibility check for ldvirtftn. 2008-01-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: added tests for ovf math with floats. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_localloc_test.sh: test generator for localloc. * make_tests.sh: added tests for localloc. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_sizeof_test.sh: test generator for sizeof. * make_tests.sh: added tests for sizeof. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_cp_test.sh: test generator for cpobj. * make_tests.sh: added tests for cpobj. 2008-01-17 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_initobj_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: tests for initobj. * invalid_initobj_invalid_token_type.il: same. * make_initobj_test.sh: test generator for initobj. * make_tests.sh: added tests for initobj. 2008-01-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldfld_reference_type_by_ref.il: new test for ldfld. * invalid_stojb_bad_token.il: test for bad ldobj token. * invalid_stojb_token_out_of_bounds.il: same. * make_stobj_test.sh: new test generator. * make_test.sh: added new tests for stobj. 2008-01-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_ldftn_method_spec_token.il: new test for loading function pointers for generic methods. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for unbox.any. * make_unbox_any_test.sh: new test generator. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for add|sub|mul ovf; * unverifiable_unbox_toke_is_reference_type.il: New test for regressions found while validating vbnc. * valid_stind_ref_with_boxed_value.il: same. * valid_ldelema_enum_array.il: same. 2008-01-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_isinst_with_boxed_valuetype.il: New test for regressions found while validating vbnc. * valid_ldfld_valuetype_by_ref.il: same. * valid_ldfld_valuetype_by_value.il: same. * valid_stelem_ref_boxed_value.il: same. * valid_stloc_boxed_valuetype.il: same. * valid_sub_class_of_generic_type_is_compatible.il: same. * unverifiable_ldfld_valuetype_boxed.il: same. * unverifiable_ldfld_reference_type_by_ref.il: same. * make_test.sh: new tests for stfld and cgt.un. 2008-01-08 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_test.sh: increased max stack for ldvirtftn tests. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for delegates constructed with ldvirtftn. 2008-01-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_delegate_test.sh: added. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for delegates constructed with ldftn. 2008-01-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldvirtftn_invalid_token_type.il: added. * make_ldvirtftn_test.sh: added. * invalid_ldvirtftn_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: added. * make_ldftn_test.sh: changed to allow more tests. * make_tests.sh: added new tests for ldvirtftn and a buch more for ldftn. 2007-12-31 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_ldftn_invalid_token_out_of_bounds.il: added. * invalid_ldftn_invalid_token_type.il: added. * make_ldftn_test.sh: added. * make_test.sh: new tests for ldftn. * AssemblyRunner.cs: added BadImageFormatException to the list of invalid code errors. Removed some dead code and an useless message. 2007-12-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_non_empty_stack_at_try_begin.il: added. * valid_branch_to_first_intruction_of_try.il: added. 2007-12-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_exception_overlap_test.sh: new test generator. * make_tests.sh: new tests for exception clause restrictions enumerated in P1 * invalid_catch_block_starts_after_prefix.il: new test for a catch block that starts in the middle of an instruction. 2007-12-24 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_switch_test.sh: new test generator. * make_exception_branch_test.sh: the filter handler did not pop the exception argument. * make_tests.sh: add tests for switch. 2007-12-21 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_branch_test.sh: new test generator. * make_exception_branch_test.sh: added support to test generator to specify the expected result. * make_tests.sh: some results for make_exception_branch_test.sh were wrong, fixed that. * make_tests.sh: added some tests to beq and bge. * make_tests.sh added tests for br. 2007-12-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_exception_sequence.il: new test for what blocks take an exception on stack at the begin. 2007-12-19 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_empty_catch_block.il * invalid_empty_fault_block.il * invalid_empty_filter_block.il * invalid_empty_finally_block.il * invalid_empty_handler_block.il * invalid_empty_try_block.il tests for empty protected blocks. * invalid_exception_blocks_order.il: test for the required ordering of exception clauses. * invalid_finally_block_overlap_try_block.il * invalid_try_block_includes_catch_block.il * invalid_try_block_inside_filter_block.il tests for ill formed exception clauses. * invalid_fallout_of_filter_block.il * invalid_fallout_of_handler_block.il * invalid_fallthru_into_filter_block.il * invalid_fallthru_into_handler_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_catch_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_fault_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_finally_block.il * unverifiable_fallout_of_try_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_catch_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_fault_block.il * unverifiable_fallthru_into_finally_block.il * valid_end_try_block_with_throw.il: tests for fallthru in and out of protected blocks. 2007-12-18 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for filter * make_filter_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for endfilter * make_endfilter_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile: add support to check strict tests. * AssemblyRunner.cs: start using peverify as part of the process. Support for strict tests. 2007-12-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_1.il: tests if the filter block is limited by the start of the associated handler clause or it is limited by the ocurrence of endfilter. These 3 tests show that even if the endfilter instruction must be the last, it doesn't define the end of the filter block. * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_2.il: same * invalid_filter_ends_at_endfilter_3.il: same * make_test.sh: added tests for endfinally / endfault * make_endfinally_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for rethrow * make_rethrow_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-11 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for throw * make_throw_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for castclass and isinst * make_cast_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-07 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for stelem.X * make_stelem_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelem 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: fixed compilation issues with some tests. 2007-12-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelem.X * make_ldelem_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldelema * make_ldelema_test.sh: new test generator 2007-12-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added tests for ldlen * make_ldlen_test.sh: new test generator 2007-10-26 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_array_method.cs: test for invoking array methods. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: tests for the return type of the invoked method. tests for passing typedbyref as param. * make_obj_store_test.sh: add new optional script parameter to tell if class fields should be generated. This fix some bogus tests using typedbyref. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: unbox_byref_like test was flawed, it was not testing the proper unverifable condition. 2007-10-09 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unary_test.sh: fixed an invalid struct that has no fields, this was not the subject of the tests. * make_newobj_test.sh: added, generate tests for newobj. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for newobj and some corner cases of local/arg load/store. 2007-10-04 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_store_indirect_test.sh: added, generate tests for stind.X. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ldind.X. 2007-10-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ops mixing Int32 and IntPtr, disabled the overlapped tests for now * make_unary_test.sh: disabled the overlapped tests for now * make_field_store_test.sh: sames 2007-09-27 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_load_indirect_test.sh: added, generate tests for ldind.X. * make_tests.sh: added the new tests for ldind.X and new tests for stloc/starg using native int and int32. 2007-09-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_load_addr.il: Tests for valid uses of ldarga and ldloca * make_double_nesting_test.sh: Generate tests for calling nested classes from a diferent outer class 2007-09-25 Rodrigo Kumpera * valid_generic_params.cs (added): Tests for valid use of generic types. * Makedfile: added valid_generic_params.cs 2007-08-16 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_newarr_test.sh (added): Generate newarr related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for newarr. 2007-08-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_unbox_test.sh (added): Generate unbox related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for unbox. 2007-08-15 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_ldobj_test.sh (added): Generate ldobj related tests. * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for ldobj. 2007-08-13 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_ldtoken_test.sh (added): Generate ldtoken related tests * make_tests.sh: Addes tests for ldtoken, conv.*.* and visibility checks for nested classes mixed with inheritance 2007-08-10 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: Added new visibility tests and not/neg tests * make_cross_nested_access_test.sh: new test script for visibility between two classes nested in the same class * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: added main method * make_unary_test.sh: added some types to make room for more tests * make_exception_branch_test.sh: fix the test to trigger the right error 2007-08-02 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_exception_branch_test.sh: Fix the generation of the tests, so only branching problems are validated. 2007-07-20 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added more visibility tests * Makefile: changed again the clean target to work with the larger number of tests * make_self_nested_test.sh: new visibility tests 2007-07-19 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_test.sh: added reference compatibility tests 2007-07-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: bug fix: handles missing fields corrently * make_test.sh: correct some tests based on fixed AssemblyRunner 2007-07-05 Rodrigo Kumpera * AssemblyRunner.cs: Allow running the test suite from the same VM instance * make_tests.sh: improved the test-suite, now it works running under a VM, not just the verifier * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_nop.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * make_load_test.sh: same * make_stack_0_test.sh: same * make_obj_store_test.sh: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldloc.il: same * make_ret_test.sh: same * make_store_test.sh: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * make_access_test.sh: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldloc.il: same * invalid_call_no_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldsfld_no_fld.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldarg.il: same * make_stack_merge_test.sh: same * unverifiable_stack_2_ret.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_ctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * make_field_store_test.sh: same * invalid_backward_branch.il: same * unverifiable_ldfld_initonly.il: same * make_nested_access_test.sh: same * invalid_stack_2_ret.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldarg.il: same * valid_fld_initonly.il: same * make_bin_test.sh: same * make_field_valuetype_test.sh: new tests 2007-07-03 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: new access verification tests * make_access_test.sh: create member access test * make_nested_access_tests.sh: create nested member access test 2007-07-03 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: fixed two tests to produce valid results with .net *make_field_test.sh: make fields public 2007-06-22 Rodrigo Kumpera * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: test for load field address in .ctor * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_other_class_field_on_cctor.il: same * unverifiable_ldsflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * unverifiable_ldflda_owner_class_on_simple_method.il: same * valid_ldflda_owned_field_on_cctor.il: same * valid_ldsflda_owned_field_on_cctor.il: same * valid_local_ref_ref_store.il: valid local store that was not covered before * unverifiable_ptr_nop.il: unmanaged pointer ops * unverifiable_ptr_ldloc.il: same * unverifiable_ptr_ldarg.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldloc.il: same * unverifiable_m_ptr_ldarg.il: same 2007-06-20 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: new ldsfld tests, more call conv tests 2007-06-19 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_tests.sh: new ldfld tests (they check everything but visibility) *make_field_store_test.sh: generated the new field tests 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_dup_maxstack.il: the test wasn't generating the failing condition * make_tests.sh: fixed the generation of stack merge tests and a typo on the return coercion tests * unverifiable_ldfld_initonly.il: add assembly manifest (so it tests the right thing) * invalid_stack_2_ret.il: fix the entry point 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera * invalid_call_empty_stack.il: added assembly manifest (so it tests the right thing) * invalid_ldsfld_nonstatic_fld.il: same * invalid_dup_maxstack.il: same * invalid_ldsfld_no_fld.il: same * unverifiable_call_private.il: same * invalid_backward_branch.il: same * make_unary_test.sh: same * invalid_ldloc_no_local.il: same * make_obj_store_test.sh: added static field to have stsfld tests * make_store_test.sh: fixed the entrypoint * make_tests.sh: fixed tests to be faithfull to the spec 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera *Changelog: fixed the dates of my commits 2007-06-14 Rodrigo Kumpera *make_load_test.sh: Fixed the entrypoint to generate valid code *make_ret_test.sh: Fixed the entrypoint to generate valid code. Removed invalid generics classes *make_tests.sh: Fixed the testsuite to not generate wrong tests *Makefile: split the clean step as it was failing due to the huge file list (it might need further tweaking as the testsuite grows) 2007-06-12 Rodrigo Kumpera * make_tests.sh: New boolean branch tests * make_bool_branch_test.sh: Test the stack value that boolean branches use (brfalse / brtrue) * make_ret_test.sh: removed unused variable from sed expression 2007-06-06 Rodrigo Kumpera * Makefile (run-test): Make it use pedump instead of mono for validation * make_tests.sh: New tests * invalid_stack_2_tet.il: New test * make_ret_test.sh: New test script * make_load_test.sh: New test script * make_obj_store_test.sh: Test did not generate valid code for some cases * make_store_test.sh: Test did not generate valid code for some cases 2006-06-06 Zoltan Varga * Makefile (run-test): Split 'test' target into a 'compile' and 'run-test' target. * make_tests.sh: Remove some stack merge tests which are verifiable. * make_unary_test.sh *.cil Makefile: Change extension of all static and generated test files to the standard .il. 2006-05-25 Zoltan Varga * *.sh: Fix more verification problems. * TestRunner.cs: Use Assembly.EntryPoint instead of searching for a Main method. 2006-05-23 Zoltan Varga * make_store_test.sh make_obj_store_test.sh make_stack_merge_test.sh: Fix more ilasm and verification problems. * TestRunner.cs: New file. 2006-05-12 Zoltan Varga * make_store_test.sh make_obj_store_test.sh make_stack_merge_test.sh: Make valuetypes sealed to fix ilasm warnings. Sun Mar 12 16:18:04 CET 2006 Paolo Molaro * Initial import of the verifiers tests developed by Jim Purbrick .