// // test-runner.cs // // Author: // Zoltan Varga (vargaz@gmail.com) // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; #if !FULL_AOT_DESKTOP && !MOBILE using Mono.Unix.Native; #endif // // This is a simple test runner with support for parallel execution // public class TestRunner { const string TEST_TIME_FORMAT = "mm\\:ss\\.fff"; const string ENV_TIMEOUT = "TEST_DRIVER_TIMEOUT_SEC"; const string MONO_PATH = "MONO_PATH"; class ProcessData { public string test; public StringBuilder stdout, stderr; public object stdoutLock = new object (), stderrLock = new object (); public string stdoutName, stderrName; } class TestInfo { public string test, opt_set; } public static int Main (String[] args) { // Defaults int concurrency = 1; int timeout = 2 * 60; // in seconds int expectedExitCode = 0; bool verbose = false; string testsuiteName = null; string inputFile = null; string disabled_tests = null; string runtime = "mono"; string config = null; string mono_path = null; string runtime_args = null; var opt_sets = new List (); string aot_run_flags = null; string aot_build_flags = null; // Process options int i = 0; while (i < args.Length) { if (args [i].StartsWith ("-")) { if (args [i] == "-j") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to -j command line option."); return 1; } if (args [i + 1] == "a") concurrency = Environment.ProcessorCount; else concurrency = Int32.Parse (args [i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--timeout") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --timeout command line option."); return 1; } timeout = Int32.Parse (args [i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--disabled") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --disabled command line option."); return 1; } disabled_tests = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--runtime") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --runtime command line option."); return 1; } runtime = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--runtime-args") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --runtime-args command line option."); return 1; } runtime_args = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--config") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --config command line option."); return 1; } config = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--opt-sets") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --opt-sets command line option."); return 1; } foreach (var s in args [i + 1].Split ()) opt_sets.Add (s); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--expected-exit-code") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --expected-exit-code command line option."); return 1; } expectedExitCode = Int32.Parse (args [i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--testsuite-name") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --testsuite-name command line option."); return 1; } testsuiteName = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--input-file") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --input-file command line option."); return 1; } inputFile = args [i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--mono-path") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --mono-path command line option."); return 1; } mono_path = args [i + 1].Substring(0, args [i + 1].Length); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--aot-run-flags") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --aot-run-flags command line option."); return 1; } aot_run_flags = args [i + 1].Substring(0, args [i + 1].Length); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--aot-build-flags") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument to --aot-build-flags command line option."); return 1; } aot_build_flags = args [i + 1].Substring(0, args [i + 1].Length); i += 2; } else if (args [i] == "--verbose") { verbose = true; i ++; } else { Console.WriteLine ("Unknown command line option: '" + args [i] + "'."); return 1; } } else { break; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (testsuiteName)) { Console.WriteLine ("Missing the required --testsuite-name command line option."); return 1; } var disabled = new Dictionary (); if (disabled_tests != null) { foreach (string test in disabled_tests.Split ()) disabled [test] = test; } var tests = new List (); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (inputFile)) { tests.AddRange (File.ReadAllLines (inputFile)); } else { // The remaining arguments are the tests for (int j = i; j < args.Length; ++j) if (!disabled.ContainsKey (args [j])) tests.Add (args [j]); } var passed = new List (); var failed = new List (); var timedout = new List (); object monitor = new object (); Console.WriteLine ("Running tests: "); var test_info = new Queue (); if (opt_sets.Count == 0) { foreach (string s in tests) test_info.Enqueue (new TestInfo { test = s }); } else { foreach (string opt in opt_sets) { foreach (string s in tests) test_info.Enqueue (new TestInfo { test = s, opt_set = opt }); } } /* compute the max length of test names, to have an optimal output width */ int output_width = -1; foreach (TestInfo ti in test_info) { if (ti.test.Length > output_width) output_width = Math.Min (120, ti.test.Length); } if (aot_build_flags != null) { Console.WriteLine("AOT compiling tests"); object aot_monitor = new object (); var aot_queue = new Queue (tests); List build_threads = new List (concurrency); for (int j = 0; j < concurrency; ++j) { Thread thread = new Thread (() => { while (true) { String test_name; lock (aot_monitor) { if (aot_queue.Count == 0) break; test_name = aot_queue.Dequeue (); } string test_bitcode_output = test_name + "_bitcode_tmp"; string test_bitcode_arg = ",temp-path=" + test_bitcode_output; string aot_args = aot_build_flags + test_bitcode_arg + " " + test_name; Directory.CreateDirectory(test_bitcode_output); ProcessStartInfo job = new ProcessStartInfo (runtime, aot_args); job.UseShellExecute = false; job.EnvironmentVariables[ENV_TIMEOUT] = timeout.ToString(); job.EnvironmentVariables[MONO_PATH] = mono_path; Process compiler = new Process (); compiler.StartInfo = job; compiler.Start (); if (!compiler.WaitForExit (timeout * 1000)) { try { compiler.Kill (); } catch { } throw new Exception(String.Format("Timeout AOT compiling tests, output in {0}", test_bitcode_output)); } else if (compiler.ExitCode != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Error AOT compiling tests, output in {0}", test_bitcode_output)); } else { Directory.Delete (test_bitcode_output, true); } } }); thread.Start (); build_threads.Add (thread); } for (int j = 0; j < build_threads.Count; ++j) build_threads [j].Join (); Console.WriteLine("Done compiling"); } List threads = new List (concurrency); DateTime test_start_time = DateTime.UtcNow; for (int j = 0; j < concurrency; ++j) { Thread thread = new Thread (() => { while (true) { TestInfo ti; lock (monitor) { if (test_info.Count == 0) break; ti = test_info.Dequeue (); } var output = new StringWriter (); string test = ti.test; string opt_set = ti.opt_set; if (verbose) { output.Write (String.Format ("{{0,-{0}}} ", output_width), test); } else { Console.Write ("."); } string test_invoke; if (aot_run_flags != null) test_invoke = aot_run_flags + " " + test; else test_invoke = test; /* Spawn a new process */ string process_args = test_invoke; if (opt_set != null) process_args = "-O=" + opt_set + " " + process_args; if (runtime_args != null) process_args = runtime_args + " " + process_args; ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo (runtime, process_args); info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; info.RedirectStandardError = true; info.EnvironmentVariables[ENV_TIMEOUT] = timeout.ToString(); if (config != null) info.EnvironmentVariables["MONO_CONFIG"] = config; if (mono_path != null) info.EnvironmentVariables[MONO_PATH] = mono_path; Process p = new Process (); p.StartInfo = info; ProcessData data = new ProcessData (); data.test = test; string log_prefix = ""; if (opt_set != null) log_prefix = "." + opt_set.Replace ("-", "no").Replace (",", "_"); data.stdoutName = test + log_prefix + ".stdout"; data.stdout = new StringBuilder (); data.stderrName = test + log_prefix + ".stderr"; data.stderr = new StringBuilder (); p.OutputDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stdoutLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stdout.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; p.ErrorDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stderrLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stderr.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; var start = DateTime.UtcNow; p.Start (); p.BeginOutputReadLine (); p.BeginErrorReadLine (); if (!p.WaitForExit (timeout * 1000)) { lock (monitor) { timedout.Add (data); } // Force the process to print a thread dump TryThreadDump (p.Id, data); if (verbose) { output.Write ($"timed out ({timeout}s)"); } try { p.Kill (); } catch { } } else if (p.ExitCode != expectedExitCode) { var end = DateTime.UtcNow; lock (monitor) { failed.Add (data); } if (verbose) output.Write ("failed, time: {0}, exit code: {1}", (end - start).ToString (TEST_TIME_FORMAT), p.ExitCode); } else { var end = DateTime.UtcNow; lock (monitor) { passed.Add (data); } if (verbose) output.Write ("passed, time: {0}", (end - start).ToString (TEST_TIME_FORMAT)); } p.Close (); lock (monitor) { if (verbose) Console.WriteLine (output.ToString ()); } } }); thread.Start (); threads.Add (thread); } for (int j = 0; j < threads.Count; ++j) threads [j].Join (); TimeSpan test_time = DateTime.UtcNow - test_start_time; int npassed = passed.Count; int nfailed = failed.Count; int ntimedout = timedout.Count; XmlWriterSettings xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings (); xmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = true; xmlWriterSettings.Indent = true; string xmlPath = String.Format ("TestResult-{0}.xml", testsuiteName); using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create (xmlPath, xmlWriterSettings)) { // writer.WriteStartDocument (); // writer.WriteComment ("This file represents the results of running a test suite"); // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-results"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", String.Format ("{0}-tests.dummy", testsuiteName)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("total", (npassed + nfailed + ntimedout).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("failures", (nfailed + ntimedout).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("not-run", "0"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("date", DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd")); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", DateTime.Now.ToString ("HH:mm:ss")); // writer.WriteStartElement ("environment"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("nunit-version", "" ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("clr-version", Environment.Version.ToString() ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("os-version", Environment.OSVersion.ToString() ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("platform", Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString() ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("cwd", Environment.CurrentDirectory ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("machine-name", Environment.MachineName ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("user", Environment.UserName ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("user-domain", Environment.UserDomainName ); writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteStartElement ("culture-info"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("current-culture", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name ); writer.WriteAttributeString ("current-uiculture", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name ); writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-suite"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", String.Format ("{0}-tests.dummy", testsuiteName)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", (nfailed + ntimedout == 0).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", test_time.Seconds.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", (nfailed + ntimedout).ToString()); // writer.WriteStartElement ("results"); // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-suite"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name","MonoTests"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", (nfailed + ntimedout == 0).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", test_time.Seconds.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", (nfailed + ntimedout).ToString()); // writer.WriteStartElement ("results"); // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-suite"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", testsuiteName); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", (nfailed + ntimedout == 0).ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", test_time.Seconds.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", (nfailed + ntimedout).ToString()); // writer.WriteStartElement ("results"); // Dump all passing tests first foreach (ProcessData pd in passed) { // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-case"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", String.Format ("MonoTests.{0}.{1}", testsuiteName, pd.test)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("executed", "True"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", "True"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", "0"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", "0"); writer.WriteEndElement (); } // Now dump all failing tests foreach (ProcessData pd in failed) { // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-case"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", String.Format ("MonoTests.{0}.{1}", testsuiteName, pd.test)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("executed", "True"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", "False"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", "0"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", "1"); writer.WriteStartElement ("failure"); writer.WriteStartElement ("message"); writer.WriteCData (FilterInvalidXmlChars (pd.stdout.ToString ())); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteStartElement ("stack-trace"); writer.WriteCData (FilterInvalidXmlChars (pd.stderr.ToString ())); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); } // Then dump all timing out tests foreach (ProcessData pd in timedout) { // writer.WriteStartElement ("test-case"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", String.Format ("MonoTests.{0}.{1}_timedout", testsuiteName, pd.test)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("executed", "True"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("success", "False"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("time", "0"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("asserts", "1"); writer.WriteStartElement ("failure"); writer.WriteStartElement ("message"); writer.WriteCData (FilterInvalidXmlChars (pd.stdout.ToString ())); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteStartElement ("stack-trace"); writer.WriteCData (FilterInvalidXmlChars (pd.stderr.ToString ())); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); } // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); // writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndDocument (); string babysitterXmlList = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_BABYSITTER_NUNIT_XML_LIST_FILE"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(babysitterXmlList)) { try { string fullXmlPath = Path.GetFullPath(xmlPath); File.AppendAllText(babysitterXmlList, fullXmlPath + Environment.NewLine); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Attempted to record XML path to file {0} but failed.", babysitterXmlList); } } } if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Time: {0}", test_time.ToString (TEST_TIME_FORMAT)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("{0,4} test(s) passed", npassed); Console.WriteLine ("{0,4} test(s) failed", nfailed); Console.WriteLine ("{0,4} test(s) timed out", ntimedout); } else { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("{0} test(s) passed, {1} test(s) did not pass.", npassed, nfailed)); } if (nfailed > 0) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Failed test(s):"); foreach (ProcessData pd in failed) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (pd.test); DumpFile (pd.stdoutName, pd.stdout.ToString ()); DumpFile (pd.stderrName, pd.stderr.ToString ()); } } if (ntimedout > 0) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Timed out test(s):"); foreach (ProcessData pd in timedout) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (pd.test); DumpFile (pd.stdoutName, pd.stdout.ToString ()); DumpFile (pd.stderrName, pd.stderr.ToString ()); } } return (ntimedout == 0 && nfailed == 0) ? 0 : 1; } static void DumpFile (string filename, string text) { Console.WriteLine ("=============== {0} ===============", filename); Console.WriteLine (text); Console.WriteLine ("=============== EOF ==============="); } static string FilterInvalidXmlChars (string text) { // Spec at http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#charsets says only the following chars are valid in XML: // Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] /* any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. */ return Regex.Replace (text, @"[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]", ""); } static void TryThreadDump (int pid, ProcessData data) { try { TryGDB (pid, data); return; } catch { } #if !FULL_AOT_DESKTOP && !MOBILE /* LLDB cannot produce managed stacktraces for all the threads */ try { Syscall.kill (pid, Signum.SIGQUIT); Thread.Sleep (1000); } catch { } #endif try { TryLLDB (pid, data); return; } catch { } } static void TryLLDB (int pid, ProcessData data) { string filename = Path.GetTempFileName (); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write))) { sw.WriteLine ("process attach --pid " + pid); sw.WriteLine ("thread list"); sw.WriteLine ("thread backtrace all"); sw.WriteLine ("detach"); sw.WriteLine ("quit"); sw.Flush (); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "lldb", Arguments = "--batch --source \"" + filename + "\" --no-lldbinit", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, }; using (Process process = new Process { StartInfo = psi }) { process.OutputDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stdoutLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stdout.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; process.ErrorDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stderrLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stderr.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; process.Start (); process.BeginOutputReadLine (); process.BeginErrorReadLine (); if (!process.WaitForExit (60 * 1000)) process.Kill (); } } } static void TryGDB (int pid, ProcessData data) { string filename = Path.GetTempFileName (); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write))) { sw.WriteLine ("attach " + pid); sw.WriteLine ("info threads"); sw.WriteLine ("thread apply all p mono_print_thread_dump(0)"); sw.WriteLine ("thread apply all backtrace"); sw.Flush (); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "gdb", Arguments = "-batch -x \"" + filename + "\" -nx", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, }; using (Process process = new Process { StartInfo = psi }) { process.OutputDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stdoutLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stdout.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; process.ErrorDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { lock (data.stderrLock) { if (e.Data != null) data.stderr.AppendLine (e.Data); } }; process.Start (); process.BeginOutputReadLine (); process.BeginErrorReadLine (); if (!process.WaitForExit (60 * 1000)) process.Kill (); } } } }