using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; public class Toggleref { public int __test; public string id; public List link = new List (); public const int DROP = 0; public const int STRONG = 1; public const int WEAK = 2; ~Toggleref () { } } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct Helper { [FieldOffset(0)] IntPtr ptr; [FieldOffset(0)] object obj; public static IntPtr ObjToPtr (object obj) { Helper h = default (Helper); h.obj = obj; return h.ptr; } } class Driver { static WeakReference root, child; [DllImport ("__Internal", EntryPoint="mono_gc_toggleref_add")] static extern int mono_gc_toggleref_add (IntPtr ptr, bool strong_ref); static void Register (object obj) { mono_gc_toggleref_add (Helper.ObjToPtr (obj), true); } static Toggleref a, b; static void SetupLinks () { var r = new Toggleref () { id = "root" }; var c = new Toggleref () { id = "child" }; (c); r.__test = Toggleref.STRONG; c.__test = Toggleref.WEAK; Register (r); Register (c); root = new WeakReference (r, false); child = new WeakReference (c, false); } static int test_0_root_keeps_child () { Console.WriteLine ("test_0_root_keeps_child"); var t = new Thread (SetupLinks); t.Start (); t.Join (); GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); Console.WriteLine ("try get A {0}", root.TryGetTarget (out a)); Console.WriteLine ("try get B {0}", child.TryGetTarget (out b)); Console.WriteLine ("a is null {0}", a == null); Console.WriteLine ("b is null {0}", b == null); if (a == null || b == null) return 1; Console.WriteLine ("a test {0}", a.__test); Console.WriteLine ("b test {0}", b.__test); //now we break the link and switch b to strong (); b.__test = Toggleref.STRONG; a = b = null; GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); Console.WriteLine ("try get A {0}", root.TryGetTarget (out a)); Console.WriteLine ("try get B {0}", child.TryGetTarget (out b)); Console.WriteLine ("a is null {0}", a == null); Console.WriteLine ("b is null {0}", b == null); if (a == null || b == null) return 2; Console.WriteLine ("a test {0}", a.__test); Console.WriteLine ("b test {0}", b.__test); return 0; } static void SetupLinks2 () { var r = new Toggleref () { id = "root" }; var c = new Toggleref () { id = "child" }; r.__test = Toggleref.STRONG; c.__test = Toggleref.WEAK; Register (r); Register (c); root = new WeakReference (r, false); child = new WeakReference (c, false); } static int test_0_child_goes_away () { Console.WriteLine ("test_0_child_goes_away"); var t = new Thread (SetupLinks2); t.Start (); t.Join (); GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); Console.WriteLine ("try get A {0}", root.TryGetTarget (out a)); Console.WriteLine ("try get B {0}", child.TryGetTarget (out b)); Console.WriteLine ("a is null {0}", a == null); Console.WriteLine ("b is null {0}", b == null); if (a == null || b != null) return 1; Console.WriteLine ("a test {0}", a.__test); return 0; } static ConditionalWeakTable cwt = new ConditionalWeakTable (); static WeakReference root_value, child_value; static object a_val, b_val; static void SetupLinks3 () { var r = new Toggleref () { id = "root" }; var c = new Toggleref () { id = "child" }; r.__test = Toggleref.STRONG; c.__test = Toggleref.WEAK; Register (r); Register (c); root = new WeakReference (r, false); child = new WeakReference (c, false); var root_val = new object (); var child_val = new object (); cwt.Add (r, root_val); cwt.Add (c, child_val); root_value = new WeakReference (root_val, false); child_value = new WeakReference (child_val, false); } static int test_0_CWT_keep_child_alive () { Console.WriteLine ("test_0_CWT_keep_child_alive"); var t = new Thread (SetupLinks3); t.Start (); t.Join (); GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); Console.WriteLine ("try get A {0}", root.TryGetTarget (out a)); Console.WriteLine ("try get B {0}", child.TryGetTarget (out b)); Console.WriteLine ("a is null {0}", a == null); Console.WriteLine ("b is null {0}", b == null); if (a == null || b != null) return 1; Console.WriteLine ("a test {0}", a.__test); Console.WriteLine ("try get a_val {0}", root_value.TryGetTarget (out a_val)); Console.WriteLine ("try get v_val {0}", child_value.TryGetTarget (out b_val)); //the strong toggleref must keep the CWT value to remains alive if (a_val == null) return 2; //the weak toggleref should allow the CWT value to go away if (b_val != null) return 3; object res_value = null; bool res = cwt.TryGetValue (a, out res_value); Console.WriteLine ("CWT result {0} -> {1}", res, res_value == a_val); //the strong val is not on the CWT if (!res) return 4; //for some reason the value is not the right one if (res_value != a_val) return 5; return 0; } static int Main (string[] args) { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Driver), args); } }