using System; using System.Reflection; public struct A { public override string ToString () { return "A"; } } public class D { public string Test () { return "Test"; } } enum Enum1 { A, B } enum Enum2 { C, D } class Tests { public static Enum1 return_enum1 () { return Enum1.A; } public static Enum2 return_enum2 () { return Enum2.C; } public static long return_long () { return 1234; } public static ulong return_ulong () { return UInt64.MaxValue - 5; } static int Main (string[] args) { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests), args); } public static int test_0_base () { Assembly ass = typeof (Tests).Assembly; Type a_type = ass.GetType ("A"); MethodInfo a_method = a_type.GetMethod ("ToString"); Type d_type = ass.GetType ("D"); MethodInfo d_method = d_type.GetMethod ("Test"); Console.WriteLine ("TEST: {0} {1}", a_method, d_method); A a = new A (); D d = new D (); object a_ret = a_method.Invoke (a, null); Console.WriteLine (a_ret); object d_ret = d_method.Invoke (d, null); Console.WriteLine (d_ret); return 0; } public static int test_0_enum_sharing () { /* Check sharing of wrappers returning enums */ if (typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("return_enum1").Invoke (null, null).GetType () != typeof (Enum1)) return 1; if (typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("return_enum2").Invoke (null, null).GetType () != typeof (Enum2)) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_primitive_sharing () { /* Check sharing of wrappers returning primitive types */ if (typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("return_long").Invoke (null, null).GetType () != typeof (long)) return 3; if (typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("return_ulong").Invoke (null, null).GetType () != typeof (ulong)) return 4; return 0; } public struct Foo { public string ToString2 () { return "FOO"; } } public static object GetNSObject (IntPtr i) { return i; } public static int test_0_vtype_method_sharing () { /* Check sharing of wrappers of vtype methods with static methods having an IntPtr argument */ if ((string)(typeof (Foo).GetMethod ("ToString2").Invoke (new Foo (), null)) != "FOO") return 3; object o = typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("GetNSObject").Invoke (null, new object [] { new IntPtr (42) }); if (!(o is IntPtr) || ((IntPtr)o != new IntPtr (42))) return 4; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_ptr () { int[] arr = new int [10]; fixed (void *p = &arr [5]) { object o = typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_ptr").Invoke (null, new object [1] { new IntPtr (p) }); void *p2 = Pointer.Unbox (o); if (new IntPtr (p) != new IntPtr (p2)) return 1; o = typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_ptr").Invoke (null, new object [1] { null }); p2 = Pointer.Unbox (o); if (new IntPtr (p2) != IntPtr.Zero) return 1; } return 0; } public static int test_42_int () { return (int)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_int").Invoke (null, new object [] { Int32.MinValue, UInt32.MaxValue }); } public static int test_42_short () { return (short)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_short").Invoke (null, new object [] { short.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue }); } public static int test_0_bool_char () { if ((int)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_bool_char").Invoke (null, new object [] { true, false, 'A' }) != 0) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_byref_int () { if ((int)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_byref_int").Invoke (null, new object [] { 42 }) != 0) return 1; return 0; } public class Foo { public T t; } public static int test_0_ginst_ref () { Foo f = new Foo { t = "A" }; Foo f2 = (Foo)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_ginst_ref").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (string) }).Invoke (null, new object [] { f }); if (f2.t != "A") return 1; else return 0; } public static int test_0_ginst_vtype () { FooStruct f = new FooStruct { t = "A" }; FooStruct f2 = (FooStruct)typeof (Tests).GetMethod ("data_types_ginst_vtype").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (string) }).Invoke (null, new object [] { f }); if (f2.t != "A") return 1; else return 0; } public static Foo data_types_ginst_ref (Foo f) { return f; } public struct FooStruct { public T t; } public static FooStruct data_types_ginst_vtype (FooStruct f) { return f; } public static int data_types_int (int i, uint ui) { if (i == Int32.MinValue && ui == UInt32.MaxValue) return 42; else return 1; } public static short data_types_short (short i, ushort ui) { if (i == short.MinValue && ui == ushort.MaxValue) return 42; else return 1; } public static int data_types_bool_char (bool b1, bool b2, char c) { if (b1 == true && b2 == false && c == 'A') return 0; else return 1; } public static int data_types_byref_int (ref int i) { if (i == 42) return 0; else return 1; } public static unsafe int* data_types_ptr (int *val) { //Console.WriteLine (new IntPtr (val)); return val; } }