// // pinvoke3.cs: // // Tests for native->managed marshalling // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Tests { [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimpleStruct { public bool a; public bool b; public bool c; public string d; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string d2; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class SimpleClass { public bool a; public bool b; public bool c; public string d; } public static SimpleStruct delegate_test_struct (SimpleStruct ss) { SimpleStruct res; res.a = !ss.a; res.b = !ss.b; res.c = !ss.c; res.d = ss.d + "-RES"; res.d2 = ss.d2 + "-RES"; return res; } public static int delegate_test_struct_byref (int a, ref SimpleStruct ss, int b) { if (a == 1 && b == 2 && ss.a && !ss.b && ss.c && ss.d == "TEST2") { ss.a = true; ss.b = true; ss.c = true; ss.d = "TEST3"; return 0; } return 1; } public static int delegate_test_struct_out (int a, out SimpleStruct ss, int b) { ss.a = true; ss.b = true; ss.c = true; ss.d = "TEST3"; ss.d2 = "TEST4"; return 0; } public static SimpleClass delegate_test_class (SimpleClass ss) { if (ss == null) return null; if (! (!ss.a && ss.b && !ss.c && ss.d == "TEST")) return null; SimpleClass res = ss; return res; } public static int delegate_test_class_byref (ref SimpleClass ss) { if (ss == null) return -1; if (!ss.a && ss.b && !ss.c && ss.d == "TEST") { ss.a = true; ss.b = false; ss.c = true; ss.d = "RES"; return 0; } return 1; } public static int delegate_test_class_out (out SimpleClass ss) { ss = new SimpleClass (); ss.a = true; ss.b = false; ss.c = true; ss.d = "RES"; return 0; } public static int delegate_test_primitive_byref (ref int i) { if (i != 1) return 1; i = 2; return 0; } public static int delegate_test_string_marshalling (string s) { return s == "ABC" ? 0 : 1; } [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_ref_vtype")] public static extern int mono_test_ref_vtype (int a, ref SimpleStruct ss, int b, TestDelegate d); public delegate int OutStructDelegate (int a, out SimpleStruct ss, int b); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_out_struct")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_out_struct (int a, out SimpleStruct ss, int b, OutStructDelegate d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate2")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate2 (SimpleDelegate2 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate4")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate4 (SimpleDelegate4 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate5")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate5 (SimpleDelegate5 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate6")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate6 (SimpleDelegate5 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate7")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate7 (SimpleDelegate7 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate8", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate8 (SimpleDelegate8 d, string s); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate9")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate9 (SimpleDelegate9 d, return_int_delegate d2); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate10")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate10 (SimpleDelegate9 d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_primitive_byref_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_primitive_byref_delegate (PrimitiveByrefDelegate d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_return_delegate_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_return_delegate_delegate (ReturnDelegateDelegate d); public delegate int TestDelegate (int a, ref SimpleStruct ss, int b); public delegate SimpleStruct SimpleDelegate2 (SimpleStruct ss); public delegate SimpleClass SimpleDelegate4 (SimpleClass ss); public delegate int SimpleDelegate5 (ref SimpleClass ss); public delegate int SimpleDelegate7 (out SimpleClass ss); public delegate int SimpleDelegate8 ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string s1); public delegate int return_int_delegate (int i); public delegate int SimpleDelegate9 (return_int_delegate del); public delegate int PrimitiveByrefDelegate (ref int i); public delegate return_int_delegate ReturnDelegateDelegate (); public static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } /* Test structures as arguments and return values of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_struct_delegate () { SimpleDelegate2 d = new SimpleDelegate2 (delegate_test_struct); return mono_test_marshal_delegate2 (d); } /* Test structures as byref arguments of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_byref_struct_delegate () { SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct (); TestDelegate d = new TestDelegate (delegate_test_struct_byref); ss.b = true; ss.d = "TEST1"; if (mono_test_ref_vtype (1, ref ss, 2, d) != 0) return 1; if (! (ss.a && ss.b && ss.c && ss.d == "TEST3")) return 2; return 0; } /* Test structures as out arguments of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_out_struct_delegate () { SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct (); OutStructDelegate d = new OutStructDelegate (delegate_test_struct_out); return mono_test_marshal_out_struct (1, out ss, 2, d); } /* Test classes as arguments and return values of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_class_delegate () { SimpleDelegate4 d = new SimpleDelegate4 (delegate_test_class); return mono_test_marshal_delegate4 (d); } /* Test classes as byref arguments of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_byref_class_delegate () { SimpleDelegate5 d = new SimpleDelegate5 (delegate_test_class_byref); return mono_test_marshal_delegate5 (d); } /* Test classes as out arguments of delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_out_class_delegate () { SimpleDelegate7 d = new SimpleDelegate7 (delegate_test_class_out); return mono_test_marshal_delegate7 (d); } /* Test string marshalling with delegates */ public static int test_0_marshal_string_delegate () { SimpleDelegate8 d = new SimpleDelegate8 (delegate_test_string_marshalling); return mono_test_marshal_delegate8 (d, "ABC"); } /* Test that the delegate wrapper correctly catches null byref arguments */ public static int test_0_marshal_byref_class_delegate_null () { SimpleDelegate5 d = new SimpleDelegate5 (delegate_test_class_byref); try { mono_test_marshal_delegate6 (d); return 1; } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { return 0; } } static int return_self (int i) { return i; } static int call_int_delegate (return_int_delegate d) { return d (55); } public static int test_55_marshal_delegate_delegate () { SimpleDelegate9 d = new SimpleDelegate9 (call_int_delegate); return mono_test_marshal_delegate9 (d, new return_int_delegate (return_self)); } public static int test_0_marshal_primitive_byref_delegate () { PrimitiveByrefDelegate d = new PrimitiveByrefDelegate (delegate_test_primitive_byref); return mono_test_marshal_primitive_byref_delegate (d); } public static return_int_delegate return_delegate () { return new return_int_delegate (return_self); } public static int test_55_marshal_return_delegate_delegate () { return mono_test_marshal_return_delegate_delegate (new ReturnDelegateDelegate (return_delegate)); } /* Passing and returning strings */ public delegate String ReturnStringDelegate (String s); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_return_string")] public static extern String mono_test_marshal_return_string_delegate (ReturnStringDelegate d); public static String managed_return_string (String s) { if (s != "TEST") return ""; else return "12345"; } public static int test_0_marshal_return_string_delegate () { ReturnStringDelegate d = new ReturnStringDelegate (managed_return_string); String s = mono_test_marshal_return_string_delegate (d); return (s == "12345") ? 0 : 1; } /* Passing and returning enums */ public enum FooEnum { Foo1, Foo2, Foo3 }; public delegate FooEnum ReturnEnumDelegate (FooEnum e); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_return_enum_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_return_enum_delegate (ReturnEnumDelegate d); public static FooEnum managed_return_enum (FooEnum e) { return (FooEnum)((int)e + 1); } public static int test_0_marshal_return_enum_delegate () { ReturnEnumDelegate d = new ReturnEnumDelegate (managed_return_enum); FooEnum e = (FooEnum)mono_test_marshal_return_enum_delegate (d); return e == FooEnum.Foo3 ? 0 : 1; } /* Passing and returning blittable structs */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct BlittableStruct { public int a, b, c; public long d; } public static BlittableStruct delegate_test_blittable_struct (BlittableStruct ss) { BlittableStruct res; res.a = -ss.a; res.b = -ss.b; res.c = -ss.c; res.d = -ss.d; return res; } public delegate BlittableStruct SimpleDelegate10 (BlittableStruct ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_blittable_struct_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_blittable_struct_delegate (SimpleDelegate10 d); public static int test_0_marshal_blittable_struct_delegate () { return mono_test_marshal_blittable_struct_delegate (new SimpleDelegate10 (delegate_test_blittable_struct)); } /* * Passing and returning small structs */ /* TEST 1: 4 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct1 { public int i; } public static SmallStruct1 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct1 ss) { SmallStruct1 res; res.i = -ss.i; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct1 SmallStructDelegate1 (SmallStruct1 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate1")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate1 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate1 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate1 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 2: 2+2 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct2 { public short i, j; } public static SmallStruct2 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct2 ss) { SmallStruct2 res; res.i = (short)-ss.i; res.j = (short)-ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct2 SmallStructDelegate2 (SmallStruct2 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate2")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate2 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate2 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate2 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 3: 2+1 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct3 { public short i; public byte j; } public static SmallStruct3 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct3 ss) { SmallStruct3 res; res.i = (short)-ss.i; res.j = (byte)-ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct3 SmallStructDelegate3 (SmallStruct3 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate3")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate3 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate3 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate3 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 4: 2 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct4 { public short i; } public static SmallStruct4 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct4 ss) { SmallStruct4 res; res.i = (short)-ss.i; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct4 SmallStructDelegate4 (SmallStruct4 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate4")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate4 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate4 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate4 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 5: 8 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct5 { public long l; } public static SmallStruct5 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct5 ss) { SmallStruct5 res; res.l = -ss.l; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct5 SmallStructDelegate5 (SmallStruct5 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate5")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate5 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate5 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate5 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 6: 4+4 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct6 { public int i, j; } public static SmallStruct6 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct6 ss) { SmallStruct6 res; res.i = -ss.i; res.j = -ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct6 SmallStructDelegate6 (SmallStruct6 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate6")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate6 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate6 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate6 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 7: 4+2 byte long INTEGER struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct7 { public int i; public short j; } public static SmallStruct7 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct7 ss) { SmallStruct7 res; res.i = -ss.i; res.j = (short)-ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct7 SmallStructDelegate7 (SmallStruct7 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate7")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate7 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate7 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate7 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 8: 4 byte long FLOAT struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct8 { public float i; } public static SmallStruct8 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct8 ss) { SmallStruct8 res; res.i = -ss.i; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct8 SmallStructDelegate8 (SmallStruct8 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate8")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate8 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate8 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate8 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 9: 8 byte long FLOAT struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct9 { public double i; } public static SmallStruct9 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct9 ss) { SmallStruct9 res; res.i = -ss.i; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct9 SmallStructDelegate9 (SmallStruct9 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate9")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate9 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate9 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate9 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 10: 4+4 byte long FLOAT struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct10 { public float i; public float j; } public static SmallStruct10 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct10 ss) { SmallStruct10 res; res.i = -ss.i; res.j = -ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct10 SmallStructDelegate10 (SmallStruct10 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate10")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate10 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate10 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate10 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* TEST 11: 4+4 byte long MIXED struct */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SmallStruct11 { public float i; public int j; } public static SmallStruct11 delegate_test_struct (SmallStruct11 ss) { SmallStruct11 res; res.i = -ss.i; res.j = -ss.j; return res; } public delegate SmallStruct11 SmallStructDelegate11 (SmallStruct11 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate11")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (SmallStructDelegate11 d); public static int test_0_marshal_small_struct_delegate11 () { return mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate (new SmallStructDelegate11 (delegate_test_struct)); } /* * Passing arrays */ public delegate int ArrayDelegate1 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeParamIndex=0)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate1 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate1 d); public static int array_delegate1 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; if ((arr [0] != "ABC") || (arr [1] != "DEF")) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_string () { string[] arr = new string [] { "ABC", "DEF" }; return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate1 (arr, arr.Length, new ArrayDelegate1 (array_delegate1)); } public static int array_delegate2 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { return (arr == null) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_null () { return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate1 (null, 0, new ArrayDelegate1 (array_delegate2)); } public delegate int ArrayDelegate3 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeParamIndex=3)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate3 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate3 d); public static int array_delegate3 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { return (arr == null) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_bad_paramindex () { try { mono_test_marshal_array_delegate3 (null, 0, new ArrayDelegate3 (array_delegate3)); return 1; } catch (MarshalDirectiveException) { return 0; } } public delegate int ArrayDelegate4 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeParamIndex=1)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate4 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate4 d); public static int array_delegate4 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { return (arr == null) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_bad_paramtype () { try { mono_test_marshal_array_delegate4 (null, 0, new ArrayDelegate4 (array_delegate4)); return 1; } catch (MarshalDirectiveException) { return 0; } } public delegate int ArrayDelegate5 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPWStr, SizeParamIndex=0)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate5 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate5 d); public static int array_delegate5 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; if ((arr [0] != "ABC") || (arr [1] != "DEF")) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_unicode_string () { string[] arr = new string [] { "ABC", "DEF" }; return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate5 (arr, arr.Length, new ArrayDelegate5 (array_delegate5)); } public delegate int ArrayDelegate6 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeConst=2)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate6 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate6 d); public static int array_delegate6 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; if ((arr [0] != "ABC") || (arr [1] != "DEF")) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_sizeconst () { string[] arr = new string [] { "ABC", "DEF" }; return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate6 (arr, 1024, new ArrayDelegate6 (array_delegate6)); } public delegate int ArrayDelegate7 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeConst=1, SizeParamIndex=0)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate7 (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate7 d); public static int array_delegate7 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; if ((arr [0] != "ABC") || (arr [1] != "DEF")) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_sizeconst_paramindex () { string[] arr = new string [] { "ABC", "DEF" }; return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate7 (arr, 1, new ArrayDelegate7 (array_delegate7)); } public delegate int ArrayDelegate8 (int i, string j, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=0)] int[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate8 (int[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate8 d); public static int array_delegate8 (int i, string j, int[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; if ((arr [0] != 42) || (arr [1] != 43)) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_array_delegate_blittable () { int[] arr = new int [] { 42, 43 }; return mono_test_marshal_array_delegate8 (arr, 2, new ArrayDelegate8 (array_delegate8)); } /* * [Out] blittable arrays */ public delegate int ArrayDelegate9 (int i, string j, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=0)] int[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_out_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_out_array_delegate (int[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate9 d); public static int array_delegate9 (int i, string j, int[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; arr [0] = 1; arr [1] = 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_out_array_delegate () { int[] arr = new int [] { 42, 43 }; return mono_test_marshal_out_array_delegate (arr, 2, new ArrayDelegate9 (array_delegate9)); } /* * [Out] string arrays */ public delegate int ArrayDelegate10 (int i, string j, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeConst=2)] string[] arr); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_out_string_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_out_string_array_delegate (string[] arr, int len, ArrayDelegate10 d); public static int array_delegate10 (int i, string j, string[] arr) { if (arr.Length != 2) return 1; arr [0] = "ABC"; arr [1] = "DEF"; return 0; } public static int test_0_marshal_out_string_array_delegate () { string[] arr = new string [] { "", "" }; return mono_test_marshal_out_string_array_delegate (arr, 2, new ArrayDelegate10 (array_delegate10)); } /* * Returning string arrays */ public delegate string[] ReturnArrayDelegate (int i); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_return_string_array_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_return_string_array_delegate (ReturnArrayDelegate d); public static String[] return_array_delegate (int i) { String[] arr = new String [2]; arr [0] = "ABC"; arr [1] = "DEF"; return arr; } public static String[] return_array_delegate_null (int i) { return null; } public static int test_0_marshal_return_string_array_delegate () { return mono_test_marshal_return_string_array_delegate (new ReturnArrayDelegate (return_array_delegate)); } public static int test_3_marshal_return_string_array_delegate_null () { return mono_test_marshal_return_string_array_delegate (new ReturnArrayDelegate (return_array_delegate_null)); } }