using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Tests { public static int delegate_test (int a) { if (a == 2) return 0; return 1; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimpleStruct { public bool a; public bool b; public bool c; public string d; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimpleStruct2 { public bool a; public bool b; public bool c; public string d; public byte e; public double f; public byte g; public long h; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=0)] public struct EmptyStruct { } /* sparcv9 has complex conventions when passing structs with doubles in them by value, some simple tests for them */ [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Point { public double x; public double y; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct MixedPoint { public int x; public double y; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class SimpleClass { public bool a; public bool b; public bool c; public string d; public byte e; public double f; public byte g; public long h; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class EmptyClass { } [DllImport ("libnot-found", EntryPoint="not_found")] public static extern int mono_library_not_found (); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="not_found")] public static extern int mono_entry_point_not_found (); [DllImport ("libtest.dll", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_char")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_char_2 (char a1); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_char")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_char (char a1); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_bool_byref")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_bool_byref (int a, ref bool b, int c); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_array")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_array (int [] a1); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_inout_array")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_inout_array ([In, Out] int [] a1); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_inout_nonblittable_array", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_inout_nonblittable_array ([In, Out] char [] a1); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_struct")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_struct (SimpleStruct ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_struct2")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_struct2 (SimpleStruct2 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_struct2_2")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_struct2_2 (int i, int j, int k, SimpleStruct2 ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_point")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_point (Point p); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_mixed_point")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_mixed_point (MixedPoint p); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_empty_struct")] public static extern int mono_test_empty_struct (int a, EmptyStruct es, int b); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_struct_array")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_struct_array (SimpleStruct2[] ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_class")] public static extern SimpleClass mono_test_marshal_class (int i, int j, int k, SimpleClass ss, int l); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_byref_class")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_byref_class (ref SimpleClass ss); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_delegate")] public static extern int mono_test_marshal_delegate (SimpleDelegate d); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_return_vtype")] public static extern SimpleStruct mono_test_return_vtype (IntPtr i); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder")] public static extern void mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder (StringBuilder sb, int len); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_unicode", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern void mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_unicode (StringBuilder sb, int len); [DllImport ("libtest", EntryPoint="mono_test_last_error", SetLastError=true)] public static extern void mono_test_last_error (int err); public delegate int SimpleDelegate (int a); public static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } static int test_0_marshal_char () { return mono_test_marshal_char ('a'); } static int test_1225_marshal_array () { int [] a1 = new int [50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) a1 [i] = i; return mono_test_marshal_array (a1); } static int test_1225_marshal_inout_array () { int [] a1 = new int [50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) a1 [i] = i; int res = mono_test_marshal_inout_array (a1); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) if (a1 [i] != 50 - i) { Console.WriteLine ("X: " + i + " " + a1 [i]); return 2; } return res; } static int test_0_marshal_inout_nonblittable_array () { char [] a1 = new char [10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) a1 [i] = "Hello, World" [i]; int res = mono_test_marshal_inout_nonblittable_array (a1); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (a1 [i] != 'F') return 2; return res; } static int test_0_marshal_struct () { SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct (); ss.b = true; ss.d = "TEST"; return mono_test_marshal_struct (ss); } static int test_0_marshal_struct2 () { SimpleStruct2 ss2 = new SimpleStruct2 (); ss2.b = true; ss2.d = "TEST"; ss2.e = 99; ss2.f = 1.5; ss2.g = 42; ss2.h = 123L; return mono_test_marshal_struct2 (ss2); } static int test_0_marshal_struct3 () { SimpleStruct2 ss2 = new SimpleStruct2 (); ss2.b = true; ss2.d = "TEST"; ss2.e = 99; ss2.f = 1.5; ss2.g = 42; ss2.h = 123L; return mono_test_marshal_struct2_2 (10, 11, 12, ss2); } static int test_0_marshal_empty_struct () { EmptyStruct es = new EmptyStruct (); if (mono_test_empty_struct (1, es, 2) != 0) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_marshal_struct_array () { SimpleStruct2[] ss_arr = new SimpleStruct2 [2]; SimpleStruct2 ss2 = new SimpleStruct2 (); ss2.b = true; ss2.d = "TEST"; ss2.e = 99; ss2.f = 1.5; ss2.g = 42; ss2.h = 123L; ss_arr [0] = ss2; ss2.b = false; ss2.d = "TEST2"; ss2.e = 100; ss2.f = 2.5; ss2.g = 43; ss2.h = 124L; ss_arr [1] = ss2; return mono_test_marshal_struct_array (ss_arr); } /* Test classes as arguments and return values */ static int test_0_marshal_class () { SimpleClass ss = new SimpleClass (); ss.b = true; ss.d = "TEST"; ss.e = 99; ss.f = 1.5; ss.g = 42; ss.h = 123L; SimpleClass res = mono_test_marshal_class (10, 11, 12, ss, 14); if (res == null) return 1; if (! (res.a == ss.a && res.b == ss.b && res.c == ss.c && res.d == ss.d && res.e == ss.e && res.f == ss.f && res.g == ss.g && res.h == ss.h)) return 2; /* Test null arguments and results */ res = mono_test_marshal_class (10, 11, 12, null, 14); if (res != null) return 3; return 0; } static int test_0_marshal_byref_class () { SimpleClass ss = new SimpleClass (); ss.b = true; ss.d = "TEST"; ss.e = 99; ss.f = 1.5; ss.g = 42; ss.h = 123L; int res = mono_test_marshal_byref_class (ref ss); if (ss.d != "TEST-RES") return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_marshal_delegate () { SimpleDelegate d = new SimpleDelegate (delegate_test); return mono_test_marshal_delegate (d); } static int test_0_marshal_point () { Point pt = new Point(); pt.x = 1.25; pt.y = 3.5; return mono_test_marshal_point(pt); } static int test_0_marshal_mixed_point () { MixedPoint mpt = new MixedPoint(); mpt.x = 5; mpt.y = 6.75; return mono_test_marshal_mixed_point(mpt); } static int test_0_marshal_bool_byref () { bool b = true; if (mono_test_marshal_bool_byref (99, ref b, 100) != 1) return 1; b = false; if (mono_test_marshal_bool_byref (99, ref b, 100) != 0) return 12; if (b != true) return 13; return 0; } static int test_0_return_vtype () { SimpleStruct ss = mono_test_return_vtype (new IntPtr (5)); if (!ss.a && ss.b && !ss.c && ss.d == "TEST") return 0; return 1; } static int test_0_marshal_stringbuilder () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255); mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder (sb, sb.Capacity); String res = sb.ToString(); if (res != "This is my message. Isn't it nice?") return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_marshal_stringbuilder_unicode () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255); mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_unicode (sb, sb.Capacity); String res = sb.ToString(); if (res != "This is my message. Isn't it nice?") return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_last_error () { mono_test_last_error (5); if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error () == 5) return 0; else return 1; } static int test_0_library_not_found () { try { mono_entry_point_not_found (); return 1; } catch (EntryPointNotFoundException) { } return 0; } static int test_0_entry_point_not_found () { try { mono_library_not_found (); return 1; } catch (DllNotFoundException) { } return 0; } /* Check that the runtime trims .dll from the library name */ static int test_0_trim_dll_from_name () { mono_test_marshal_char_2 ('A'); return 0; } }