resources-master-directory { #This assembly has a regular resource and a linked resource #LAMEIMPL MS doesn't validate those. assembly assembly-with-resource.exe #the resource directory table is 16 bytes long invalid offset pe-optional-header + 116 set-uint 0 invalid offset pe-optional-header + 116 set-uint 15 #the resources directory table has too many entries that it overflows the directory size invalid offset translate.rva.ind ( pe-optional-header + 112 ) + 12 set-ushort 0x9999 #the resources directory table has too many entries that it overflows the directory size invalid offset translate.rva.ind ( pe-optional-header + 112 ) + 14 set-ushort 0x9999 #I won't check anything more than that for now as this is only used by out stack. }