#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 1 #define DEBUG_PARSER(stmt) do { stmt; } while (0) #else #define DEBUG_PARSER(stmt) #endif #if 0 #define DEBUG_SCANNER(stmt) do { stmt; } while (0) #define SCANNER_DEBUG 1 #else #define DEBUG_SCANNER(stmt) #endif /* Grammar: tokens: comment ::= '#.* identifier ::= ([a-z] | [A-Z]) ([a-z] | [A-Z] | [0-9] | [_-.])* hexa_digit = [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F] number ::= hexadecimal | decimal hexadecimal ::= (+-)?('0' [xX])? hexa_digit+ decimal ::= 0 [0-9]+ eol ::= punctuation ::= [{}] program: test_case* test_case: identifier '{' assembly_directive test_entry* '}' assembly_directive: 'assembly' identifier test_entry: validity patch (',' patch)* validity: 'valid' | 'invalid' | 'badrt' patch: selector effect selector: 'offset' expression effect: ('set-byte' | 'set-ushort' | 'set-uint' | 'set-bit' | 'or-byte' | 'or-ushort' | 'or-uint' | 'truncate' ) expression expression: atom ([+-] atom)* atom: number | variable | function_call function_call: fun_name '(' arg_list ')' fun_name: read.byte | read.ushort | read.uint | translate.rva | translate.rva.ind | stream-header | table-row | blob.i arg_list: expression | expression ',' arg_list variable: file-size | pe-header | pe-optional-header | pe-signature | section-table | cli-header | cli-metadata | tables-header TODO For the sake of a simple implementation, tokens are space delimited. */ enum { TOKEN_INVALID, TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_NUM, TOKEN_PUNC, TOKEN_EOF, }; enum { OK, INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE, INVALID_PUNC_TEXT, INVALID_ID_TEXT, INVALID_VALIDITY_TEST, INVALID_NUMBER, INVALID_FILE_NAME, INVALID_SELECTOR, INVALID_EFFECT, INVALID_EXPRESSION, INVALID_VARIABLE_NAME, INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME, INVALID_ARG_COUNT, INVALID_RVA, INVALID_BAD_FILE }; enum { TEST_TYPE_VALID, TEST_TYPE_INVALID, TEST_TYPE_BADRT }; enum { SELECTOR_ABS_OFFSET, }; enum { EFFECT_SET_BYTE, EFFECT_SET_USHORT, EFFECT_SET_UINT, EFFECT_SET_TRUNC, EFFECT_SET_BIT, EFFECT_OR_BYTE, EFFECT_OR_USHORT, EFFECT_OR_UINT, }; enum { EXPRESSION_CONSTANT, EXPRESSION_VARIABLE, EXPRESSION_ADD, EXPRESSION_SUB, EXPRESSION_FUNC }; typedef struct _expression expression_t; typedef struct { int type; int start, end; /*stream range text is in [start, end[*/ int line; } token_t; typedef struct { char *input; int idx, size, line; token_t current; } scanner_t; struct _expression { int type; union { gint32 constant; char *name; struct { expression_t *left; expression_t *right; } bin; struct { char *name; GSList *args; } func; } data; }; typedef struct { int type; expression_t *expression; } patch_selector_t; typedef struct { int type; expression_t *expression; } patch_effect_t; typedef struct { patch_selector_t *selector; patch_effect_t *effect; } test_patch_t; typedef struct { char *name; char *assembly; int count; char *assembly_data; int assembly_size; MonoImage *image; int init; } test_set_t; typedef struct { int validity; GSList *patches; /*of test_patch_t*/ char *data; int data_size; test_set_t *test_set; } test_entry_t; /*******************************************************************************************************/ static guint32 expression_eval (expression_t *exp, test_entry_t *entry); static expression_t* parse_expression (scanner_t *scanner); static const char* test_validity_name (int validity) { switch (validity) { case TEST_TYPE_VALID: return "valid"; case TEST_TYPE_INVALID: return "invalid"; case TEST_TYPE_BADRT: return "badrt"; default: printf ("Invalid test type %d\n", validity); exit (INVALID_VALIDITY_TEST); } } static char* read_whole_file_and_close (const char *name, int *file_size) { FILE *file = fopen (name, "ro"); char *res; int fsize; if (!file) { printf ("Could not open file %s\n", name); exit (INVALID_FILE_NAME); } fseek (file, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell (file); fseek (file, 0, SEEK_SET); res = g_malloc (fsize + 1); fread (res, fsize, 1, file); fclose (file); *file_size = fsize; return res; } static void init_test_set (test_set_t *test_set) { MonoImageOpenStatus status; if (test_set->init) return; test_set->assembly_data = read_whole_file_and_close (test_set->assembly, &test_set->assembly_size); test_set->image = mono_image_open_from_data (test_set->assembly_data, test_set->assembly_size, FALSE, &status); if (!test_set->image || status != MONO_IMAGE_OK) { printf ("Could not parse image %s\n", test_set->assembly); exit (INVALID_BAD_FILE); } test_set->init = 1; } static char* make_test_name (test_entry_t *entry, test_set_t *test_set) { return g_strdup_printf ("%s-%s-%d.exe", test_validity_name (entry->validity), test_set->name, test_set->count++); } #define READ_VAR(KIND, PTR) GUINT32_FROM_LE((guint32)*((KIND*)(PTR))) #define SET_VAR(KIND, PTR, VAL) do { *((KIND*)(PTR)) = GUINT32_TO_LE ((KIND)VAL); } while (0) #define READ_BIT(PTR,OFF) ((((guint8*)(PTR))[(OFF / 8)] & (1 << ((OFF) % 8))) != 0) #define SET_BIT(PTR,OFF) do { ((guint8*)(PTR))[(OFF / 8)] |= (1 << ((OFF) % 8)); } while (0) static guint32 get_pe_header (test_entry_t *entry) { return READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + 0x3c) + 4; } static guint32 translate_rva (test_entry_t *entry, guint32 rva) { guint32 pe_header = get_pe_header (entry); guint32 sectionCount = READ_VAR (guint16, entry->data + pe_header + 2); guint32 idx = pe_header + 244; while (sectionCount-- > 0) { guint32 size = READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + idx + 8); guint32 base = READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + idx + 12); guint32 offset = READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + idx + 20); if (rva >= base && rva <= base + size) return (rva - base) + offset; idx += 40; } printf ("Could not translate RVA %x\n", rva); exit (INVALID_RVA); } static guint32 get_cli_header (test_entry_t *entry) { guint32 offset = get_pe_header (entry) + 20; /*pe-optional-header*/ offset += 208; /*cli header entry offset in the pe-optional-header*/ return translate_rva (entry, READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + offset)); } static guint32 get_cli_metadata_root (test_entry_t *entry) { guint32 offset = get_cli_header (entry); offset += 8; /*metadata rva offset*/ return translate_rva (entry, READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + offset)); } static guint32 pad4 (guint32 offset) { if (offset % 4) offset += 4 - (offset % 4); return offset; } static guint32 get_metadata_stream_header (test_entry_t *entry, guint32 idx) { guint32 offset; offset = get_cli_metadata_root (entry); offset = pad4 (offset + 16 + READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + offset + 12)); offset += 4; while (idx--) { int i; offset += 8; for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (!READ_VAR (guint8, entry->data + offset++)) break; } offset = pad4 (offset); } return offset; } static guint32 lookup_var (test_entry_t *entry, const char *name) { if (!strcmp ("file-size", name)) return entry->data_size; if (!strcmp ("pe-signature", name)) return get_pe_header (entry) - 4; if (!strcmp ("pe-header", name)) return get_pe_header (entry); if (!strcmp ("pe-optional-header", name)) return get_pe_header (entry) + 20; if (!strcmp ("section-table", name)) return get_pe_header (entry) + 244; if (!strcmp ("cli-header", name)) return get_cli_header (entry); if (!strcmp ("cli-metadata", name)) return get_cli_metadata_root (entry); if (!strcmp ("tables-header", name)) { guint32 metadata_root = get_cli_metadata_root (entry); guint32 tilde_stream = get_metadata_stream_header (entry, 0); guint32 offset = READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + tilde_stream); return metadata_root + offset; } printf ("Unknown variable in expression %s\n", name); exit (INVALID_VARIABLE_NAME); } static guint32 call_func (test_entry_t *entry, const char *name, GSList *args) { if (!strcmp ("read.byte", name)) { guint32 offset; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to read.ushort %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } offset = expression_eval (args->data, entry); return READ_VAR (guint8, entry->data + offset); } if (!strcmp ("read.ushort", name)) { guint32 offset; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to read.ushort %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } offset = expression_eval (args->data, entry); return READ_VAR (guint16, entry->data + offset); } if (!strcmp ("read.uint", name)) { guint32 offset; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to read.uint %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } offset = expression_eval (args->data, entry); return READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + offset); } if (!strcmp ("translate.rva", name)) { guint32 rva; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to translate.rva %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } rva = expression_eval (args->data, entry); return translate_rva (entry, rva); } if (!strcmp ("translate.rva.ind", name)) { guint32 rva; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to translate.rva.ind %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } rva = expression_eval (args->data, entry); rva = READ_VAR (guint32, entry->data + rva); return translate_rva (entry, rva); } if (!strcmp ("stream-header", name)) { guint32 idx; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to stream-header %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } idx = expression_eval (args->data, entry); return get_metadata_stream_header (entry, idx); } if (!strcmp ("table-row", name)) { const char *data; guint32 table, row; const MonoTableInfo *info; if (g_slist_length (args) != 2) { printf ("Invalid number of args to table-row %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } table = expression_eval (args->data, entry); row = expression_eval (args->next->data, entry); info = mono_image_get_table_info (entry->test_set->image, table); data = info->base + row * info->row_size; return data - entry->test_set->assembly_data; } if (!strcmp ("blob.i", name)) { guint32 offset, base; MonoStreamHeader blob = entry->test_set->image->heap_blob; if (g_slist_length (args) != 1) { printf ("Invalid number of args to blob %d\n", g_slist_length (args)); exit (INVALID_ARG_COUNT); } base = blob.data - entry->test_set->image->raw_data; offset = expression_eval (args->data, entry); offset = READ_VAR (guint16, entry->data + offset); return base + offset; } printf ("Unknown function %s\n", name); exit (INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME); } static guint32 expression_eval (expression_t *exp, test_entry_t *entry) { switch (exp->type) { case EXPRESSION_CONSTANT: return exp->data.constant; case EXPRESSION_VARIABLE: return lookup_var (entry, exp->data.name); case EXPRESSION_ADD: return expression_eval (exp->data.bin.left, entry) + expression_eval (exp->data.bin.right, entry); case EXPRESSION_SUB: return expression_eval (exp->data.bin.left, entry) - expression_eval (exp->data.bin.right, entry); case EXPRESSION_FUNC: return call_func (entry, exp->data.func.name, exp->data.func.args); default: printf ("Invalid expression type %d\n", exp->type); exit (INVALID_EXPRESSION); } return 0; } static guint32 apply_selector (patch_selector_t *selector, test_entry_t *entry) { guint32 value = 0; if (selector->expression) value = expression_eval (selector->expression, entry); switch (selector->type) { case SELECTOR_ABS_OFFSET: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tabsolute offset selector [%04x]\n", value)); return value; default: printf ("Invalid selector type %d\n", selector->type); exit (INVALID_SELECTOR); } } static void apply_effect (patch_effect_t *effect, test_entry_t *entry, guint32 offset) { gint32 value = 0; char *ptr = entry->data + offset; if (effect->expression) value = expression_eval (effect->expression, entry); switch (effect->type) { case EFFECT_SET_BYTE: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tset-byte effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint8, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint8, ptr, value); break; case EFFECT_SET_USHORT: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tset-ushort effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint16, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint16, ptr, value); break; case EFFECT_SET_UINT: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tset-uint effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint32, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint32, ptr, value); break; case EFFECT_SET_TRUNC: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\ttrunc effect [%d]\n", offset)); entry->data_size = offset; break; case EFFECT_SET_BIT: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tset-bit effect bit %d old value [%x]\n", value, READ_BIT (ptr, value))); SET_BIT (ptr, value); break; case EFFECT_OR_BYTE: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tor-byte effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint8, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint8, ptr, READ_VAR (guint8, ptr) | value); break; case EFFECT_OR_USHORT: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tor-ushort effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint16, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint16, ptr, READ_VAR (guint16, ptr) | value); break; case EFFECT_OR_UINT: DEBUG_PARSER (printf("\tor-uint effect old value [%x] new value [%x]\n", READ_VAR (guint32, ptr), value)); SET_VAR (guint32, ptr, READ_VAR (guint32, ptr) | value); break; default: printf ("Invalid effect type %d\n", effect->type); exit (INVALID_EFFECT); } } static void apply_patch (test_entry_t *entry, test_patch_t *patch) { guint32 offset = apply_selector (patch->selector, entry); apply_effect (patch->effect, entry, offset); } static void process_test_entry (test_set_t *test_set, test_entry_t *entry) { GSList *tmp; char *file_name; FILE *f; init_test_set (test_set); entry->data = g_memdup (test_set->assembly_data, test_set->assembly_size); entry->data_size = test_set->assembly_size; entry->test_set = test_set; DEBUG_PARSER (printf("(%d)%s\n", test_set->count, test_validity_name (entry->validity))); for (tmp = entry->patches; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) apply_patch (entry, tmp->data); file_name = make_test_name (entry, test_set); f = fopen (file_name, "wo"); fwrite (entry->data, entry->data_size, 1, f); fclose (f); g_free (file_name); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ static void patch_free (test_patch_t *patch) { free (patch->selector); free (patch->effect); free (patch); } static void test_set_free (test_set_t *set) { free (set->name); free (set->assembly); free (set->assembly_data); if (set->image) mono_image_close (set->image); } static void test_entry_free (test_entry_t *entry) { GSList *tmp; free (entry->data); for (tmp = entry->patches; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) patch_free (tmp->data); g_slist_free (entry->patches); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ static const char* token_type_name (int type) { switch (type) { case TOKEN_INVALID: return "invalid"; case TOKEN_ID: return "identifier"; case TOKEN_NUM: return "number"; case TOKEN_PUNC: return "punctuation"; case TOKEN_EOF: return "end of file"; } return "unknown token type"; } #define CUR_CHAR (scanner->input [scanner->idx]) static int is_eof (scanner_t *scanner) { return scanner->idx >= scanner->size; } static int ispunct_char (int c) { return c == '{' || c == '}' || c == ','; } static void skip_spaces (scanner_t *scanner) { start: while (!is_eof (scanner) && isspace (CUR_CHAR)) { if (CUR_CHAR == '\n') ++scanner->line; ++scanner->idx; } if (CUR_CHAR == '#') { while (!is_eof (scanner) && CUR_CHAR != '\n') { ++scanner->idx; } goto start; } } static char* token_text_dup (scanner_t *scanner, token_t *token) { int len = token->end - token->start; char *str = g_memdup (scanner->input + token->start, len + 1); str [len] = 0; return str; } #if SCANNER_DEBUG static void dump_token (scanner_t *scanner, token_t *token) { char *str = token_text_dup (scanner, token); printf ("token '%s' of type '%s' at line %d\n", str, token_type_name (token->type), token->line); free (str); } #endif static gboolean is_special_char (char c) { switch (c) { case ';': case ',': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void next_token (scanner_t *scanner) { int start, end, type; char c; skip_spaces (scanner); start = scanner->idx; while (!is_eof (scanner) && !isspace (CUR_CHAR)) { if (scanner->idx == start) { if (is_special_char (CUR_CHAR)) { ++scanner->idx; break; } } else if (is_special_char (CUR_CHAR)) break; ++scanner->idx; } end = scanner->idx; c = scanner->input [start]; if (start >= scanner->size) type = TOKEN_EOF; else if (isdigit (c) || c == '\'') type = TOKEN_NUM; else if (ispunct_char (c)) type = TOKEN_PUNC; else type = TOKEN_ID; scanner->current.start = start; scanner->current.end = end; scanner->current.type = type; scanner->current.line = scanner->line; DEBUG_SCANNER (dump_token (scanner, &scanner->current)); } static scanner_t* scanner_new (const char *file_name) { scanner_t *res; res = g_new0 (scanner_t, 1); res->input = read_whole_file_and_close (file_name, &res->size); res->line = 1; next_token (res); return res; } static void scanner_free (scanner_t *scanner) { free (scanner->input); free (scanner); } static token_t* scanner_get_current_token (scanner_t *scanner) { return &scanner->current; } static int scanner_get_type (scanner_t *scanner) { return scanner_get_current_token (scanner)->type; } static int scanner_get_line (scanner_t *scanner) { return scanner_get_current_token (scanner)->line; } static char* scanner_text_dup (scanner_t *scanner) { return token_text_dup (scanner, scanner_get_current_token (scanner)); } static int scanner_text_parse_number (scanner_t *scanner, long *res) { char *text = scanner_text_dup (scanner); char *end = NULL; int ok; if (text [0] == '\'') { ok = strlen (text) != 3 || text [2] != '\''; if (!ok) *res = text [1]; } else { *res = strtol (text, &end, 0); ok = *end; } free (text); return ok; } static int match_current_type (scanner_t *scanner, int type) { return scanner_get_type (scanner) == type; } static int match_current_text (scanner_t *scanner, const char *text) { token_t *t = scanner_get_current_token (scanner); return !strncmp (scanner->input + t->start, text, t->end - t->start); } static int match_current_type_and_text (scanner_t *scanner, int type, const char *text) { return match_current_type (scanner, type) && match_current_text (scanner, text); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ #define FAIL(MSG, REASON) do { \ printf ("%s at line %d for rule %s\n", MSG, scanner_get_line (scanner), __FUNCTION__); \ exit (REASON); \ } while (0); #define EXPECT_TOKEN(TYPE) do { \ if (scanner_get_type (scanner) != TYPE) { \ printf ("Expected %s but got %s '%s' at line %d for rule %s\n", token_type_name (TYPE), token_type_name (scanner_get_type (scanner)), scanner_text_dup (scanner), scanner_get_line (scanner), __FUNCTION__); \ exit (INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE); \ } \ } while (0) #define CONSUME_SPECIFIC_PUNCT(TEXT) do { \ EXPECT_TOKEN (TOKEN_PUNC); \ if (!match_current_text (scanner, TEXT)) { \ char *__tmp = scanner_text_dup (scanner); \ printf ("Expected '%s' but got '%s' at line %d for rule %s\n", TEXT, __tmp, scanner_get_line (scanner), __FUNCTION__); \ free (__tmp); \ exit (INVALID_PUNC_TEXT); \ } \ next_token (scanner); \ } while (0) #define CONSUME_IDENTIFIER(DEST) do { \ EXPECT_TOKEN (TOKEN_ID); \ DEST = scanner_text_dup (scanner); \ next_token (scanner); \ } while (0) #define CONSUME_SPECIFIC_IDENTIFIER(TEXT) do { \ EXPECT_TOKEN (TOKEN_ID); \ if (!match_current_text (scanner, TEXT)) { \ char *__tmp = scanner_text_dup (scanner); \ printf ("Expected '%s' but got '%s' at line %d for rule %s\n", TEXT, __tmp, scanner_get_line (scanner), __FUNCTION__); \ free (__tmp); \ exit (INVALID_ID_TEXT); \ } \ next_token (scanner); \ } while (0) #define CONSUME_NUMBER(DEST) do { \ long __tmp_num; \ EXPECT_TOKEN (TOKEN_NUM); \ if (scanner_text_parse_number (scanner, &__tmp_num)) { \ char *__tmp = scanner_text_dup (scanner); \ printf ("Expected a number but got '%s' at line %d for rule %s\n", __tmp, scanner_get_line (scanner), __FUNCTION__); \ free (__tmp); \ exit (INVALID_NUMBER); \ } \ DEST = __tmp_num; \ next_token (scanner); \ } while (0) #define LA_ID(TEXT) (scanner_get_type (scanner) == TOKEN_ID && match_current_text (scanner, TEXT)) #define LA_PUNCT(TEXT) (scanner_get_type (scanner) == TOKEN_PUNC && match_current_text (scanner, TEXT)) /*******************************************************************************************************/ static expression_t* parse_atom (scanner_t *scanner) { expression_t *atom = g_new0 (expression_t, 1); if (scanner_get_type (scanner) == TOKEN_NUM) { atom->type = EXPRESSION_CONSTANT; CONSUME_NUMBER (atom->data.constant); } else { char *name; CONSUME_IDENTIFIER (name); if (LA_ID ("(")) { atom->data.func.name = name; atom->type = EXPRESSION_FUNC; CONSUME_SPECIFIC_IDENTIFIER ("("); while (!LA_ID (")") && !match_current_type (scanner, TOKEN_EOF)) atom->data.func.args = g_slist_append (atom->data.func.args, parse_expression (scanner)); CONSUME_SPECIFIC_IDENTIFIER (")"); } else { atom->data.name = name; atom->type = EXPRESSION_VARIABLE; } } return atom; } static expression_t* parse_expression (scanner_t *scanner) { expression_t *exp = parse_atom (scanner); while (LA_ID ("-") || LA_ID ("+")) { char *text; CONSUME_IDENTIFIER (text); expression_t *left = exp; exp = g_new0 (expression_t, 1); exp->type = !strcmp ("+", text) ? EXPRESSION_ADD: EXPRESSION_SUB; exp->data.bin.left = left; exp->data.bin.right = parse_atom (scanner); } return exp; } static patch_selector_t* parse_selector (scanner_t *scanner) { patch_selector_t *selector; CONSUME_SPECIFIC_IDENTIFIER ("offset"); selector = g_new0 (patch_selector_t, 1); selector->type = SELECTOR_ABS_OFFSET; selector->expression = parse_expression (scanner); return selector; } static patch_effect_t* parse_effect (scanner_t *scanner) { patch_effect_t *effect; char *name; int type; CONSUME_IDENTIFIER(name); if (!strcmp ("set-byte", name)) type = EFFECT_SET_BYTE; else if (!strcmp ("set-ushort", name)) type = EFFECT_SET_USHORT; else if (!strcmp ("set-uint", name)) type = EFFECT_SET_UINT; else if (!strcmp ("set-bit", name)) type = EFFECT_SET_BIT; else if (!strcmp ("truncate", name)) type = EFFECT_SET_TRUNC; else if (!strcmp ("or-byte", name)) type = EFFECT_OR_BYTE; else if (!strcmp ("or-ushort", name)) type = EFFECT_OR_USHORT; else if (!strcmp ("or-uint", name)) type = EFFECT_OR_UINT; else FAIL(g_strdup_printf ("Invalid effect kind, expected one of: (set-byte set-ushort set-uint set-bit or-byte or-ushort or-uint truncate) but got %s",name), INVALID_ID_TEXT); effect = g_new0 (patch_effect_t, 1); effect->type = type; if (type != EFFECT_SET_TRUNC) effect->expression = parse_expression (scanner); return effect; } static test_patch_t* parse_patch (scanner_t *scanner) { test_patch_t *patch; patch = g_new0 (test_patch_t, 1); patch->selector = parse_selector (scanner); patch->effect = parse_effect (scanner); return patch; } static int parse_validity (scanner_t *scanner) { char *name = NULL; int validity; CONSUME_IDENTIFIER (name); if (!strcmp (name, "valid")) validity = TEST_TYPE_VALID; else if (!strcmp (name, "invalid")) validity = TEST_TYPE_INVALID; else if (!strcmp (name, "badrt")) validity = TEST_TYPE_BADRT; else { printf ("Expected either 'valid', 'invalid' or 'badtr' but got '%s' at the begining of a test entry at line %d\n", name, scanner_get_line (scanner)); exit (INVALID_VALIDITY_TEST); } free (name); return validity; } static void parse_test_entry (scanner_t *scanner, test_set_t *test_set) { test_entry_t entry = { 0 }; entry.validity = parse_validity (scanner); do { if (entry.patches) CONSUME_SPECIFIC_PUNCT (","); entry.patches = g_slist_append (entry.patches, parse_patch (scanner)); } while (match_current_type_and_text (scanner, TOKEN_PUNC, ",")); process_test_entry (test_set, &entry); test_entry_free (&entry); } static void parse_test (scanner_t *scanner) { test_set_t set = { 0 }; CONSUME_IDENTIFIER (set.name); CONSUME_SPECIFIC_PUNCT ("{"); CONSUME_SPECIFIC_IDENTIFIER ("assembly"); CONSUME_IDENTIFIER (set.assembly); DEBUG_PARSER (printf ("RULE %s using assembly %s\n", set.name, set.assembly)); while (!match_current_type (scanner, TOKEN_EOF) && !match_current_type_and_text (scanner, TOKEN_PUNC, "}")) parse_test_entry (scanner, &set); CONSUME_SPECIFIC_PUNCT ("}"); test_set_free (&set); } static void parse_program (scanner_t *scanner) { while (!match_current_type (scanner, TOKEN_EOF)) parse_test (scanner); } static void digest_file (const char *file) { scanner_t *scanner = scanner_new (file); parse_program (scanner); scanner_free (scanner); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf ("usage: gen-md.test file_to_process\n"); return 1; } mono_init_version ("gen-md-test", "v2.0.50727"); mono_marshal_init (); digest_file (argv [1]); return 0; }