using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.ComponentModel; //TODO add to a typeref //TODO is Bla a memberref? //TODO to an entry in security table //TODO add to a standalonesig //TODO add to a moduleref //TODO add to a typespec //TODO add to a assemblyref //TODO add to a file //TODO add to a exportedtype //TODO add to a manifesresource //TODO add to an interfaceimpl [assembly: Generic (14)] [module: Generic (80)] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)] public sealed class GenericAttribute : Attribute { public GenericAttribute () {} public GenericAttribute (int x) {} } public interface IFace {} public class Foo : IFace {} public class Foo { [Generic (70)] public void Bla () {} } public delegate int Del(); [Generic (30)] public class Class { [Generic (20)] int field; int Foo ([Generic (50)] int d) { return d; } [Generic (100)] public int Bla { get; set; } [Generic (110)] public event Del Zzz; [Generic (10)] public static void Main () { } }