// // Tests for Marshal.StructureToPtr and PtrToStructure // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Test { [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class SimpleObj { public int a; public int b; public void test () {} } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimpleStruct2 { public int a; public int b; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] public struct SimpleStruct { public int a; public bool bool1; public bool bool2; public int b; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=2)] public short[] a1; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=4)] public string s1; public SimpleStruct2 emb1; public SimpleObj emb2; public string s2; public double x; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=2)] public char[] a2; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public struct ByValWStrStruct { [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=4)] public string s1; public int i; } public unsafe static int Main () { SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct (); int size = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SimpleStruct)); //if (size != 52) //return 1; IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size); ss.a = 1; ss.bool1 = true; ss.bool2 = false; ss.b = 2; ss.a1 = new short [2]; ss.a1 [0] = 6; ss.a1 [1] = 5; ss.s1 = "abcd"; ss.emb1 = new SimpleStruct2 (); ss.emb1.a = 3; ss.emb1.b = 4; ss.emb2 = new SimpleObj (); ss.emb2.a = 10; ss.emb2.b = 11; ss.s2 = "just a test"; ss.x = 1.5; ss.a2 = new char [2]; ss.a2 [0] = 'a'; ss.a2 [1] = 'b'; Marshal.StructureToPtr (ss, p, false); Type t = ss.GetType (); if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "a")) != 1) return 1; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "bool1")) != 1) return 2; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "bool2")) != 0) return 3; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "b")) != 2) return 4; if (Marshal.ReadInt16 (p, 16) != 6) return 5; if (Marshal.ReadInt16 (p, 18) != 5) return 6; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, 20) != 97) return 7; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, 21) != 98) return 8; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, 22) != 99) return 9; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, 23) != 0) return 10; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, 24) != 3) return 11; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, 28) != 4) return 12; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, 32) != 10) return 13; if (Marshal.ReadInt32 (p, 36) != 11) return 14; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "a2")) != 97) return 15; if (Marshal.ReadByte (p, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf (t, "a2") + 1) != 98) return 16; SimpleStruct cp = (SimpleStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure (p, ss.GetType ()); if (cp.a != 1) return 16; if (cp.bool1 != true) return 17; if (cp.bool2 != false) return 18; if (cp.b != 2) return 19; if (cp.a1 [0] != 6) return 20; if (cp.a1 [1] != 5) return 21; if (cp.s1 != "abc") return 22; if (cp.emb1.a != 3) return 23; if (cp.emb1.b != 4) return 24; if (cp.emb2.a != 10) return 25; if (cp.emb2.b != 11) return 26; if (cp.s2 != "just a test") return 27; if (cp.x != 1.5) return 28; if (cp.a2 [0] != 'a') return 29; if (cp.a2 [1] != 'b') return 30; /* ByValTStr with Unicode */ ByValWStrStruct s = new ByValWStrStruct (); IntPtr p2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (ByValWStrStruct))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(s, p2, false); /* Check that the ByValWStr is initialized correctly */ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if (Marshal.ReadByte (p2, i) != 0) return 31; s.s1 = "ABCD"; s.i = 55; Marshal.StructureToPtr(s, p2, false); ByValWStrStruct s2 = (ByValWStrStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure (p2, typeof (ByValWStrStruct)); /* The fourth char is lost because of null-termination */ if (s2.s1 != "ABC") return 32; if (s2.i != 55) return 33; return 0; } }