// // load-exceptions.cs: Tests for loading missing types/methods/fields from IL // using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; class Miss1 : Missing.Foo1 { } public class Tests : LoadMissing { public delegate void TestDel (); internal static int check_type_load (TestDel d) { try { d (); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { //Console.WriteLine (ex.TypeName); //Console.WriteLine (ex); return 0; } return 1; } internal static int check_missing_method (TestDel d) { try { d (); } catch (MissingMethodException ex) { //Console.WriteLine (ex); return 0; } return 1; } internal static int check_file_not_found (TestDel d){ try { d (); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex){ return 0; } return 1; } internal static int check_missing_field (TestDel d) { try { d (); } catch (MissingFieldException ex) { //Console.WriteLine (ex); return 0; } return 1; } // // Base instructions // public static int test_0_call () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_call)); } public static int test_0_jmp () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_jmp)); } public static int test_0_ldftn () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_ldftn)); } // // Object model instructions // public static int test_0_box () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_callvirt () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_callvirt)); } public static int test_0_castclass () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_castclass)); } public static int test_0_cpobj () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_cpobj)); } public static int test_0_missing_type_on_parameter () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_external_type_reference_on_parameter)); } public static int test_0_initobj () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_initobj)); } public static int test_0_isinst () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_isinst)); } public static int test_0_ldelem () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_ldelema () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_ldfld () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_ldfld)); } public static int test_0_ldflda () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_ldflda)); } public static int test_0_ldobj () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_ldsfld () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_ldsfld)); } public static int test_0_ldsflda () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_ldsflda)); } public static int test_0_ldtoken_type () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_ldtoken_type)); } public static int test_0_ldtoken_method () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_ldtoken_method)); } public static int test_0_ldtoken_field () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_ldtoken_field)); } public static int test_0_ldvirtftn () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_ldvirtftn)); } public static int test_0_mkrefany () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_newarr () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_newarr)); } public static int test_0_newobj () { return check_missing_method (new TestDel (missing_newobj)); } public static int test_0_refanyval () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_refanyval)); } public static int test_0_sizeof () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_sizeof)); } public static int test_0_stelem () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_stfld () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_stfld)); } public static int test_0_stobj () { // Thrown earlier return 0; } public static int test_0_stsfld () { return check_missing_field (new TestDel (missing_stsfld)); } public static int test_0_unbox () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_unbox)); } public static int test_0_unbox_any () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_unbox_any)); } #if false // Bummer: we regressed! I should have put this before public static int test_0_missing_assembly_in_fieldref () { return check_file_not_found (new TestDel (missing_assembly_in_fieldref)); } #endif // FIXME: the corrent exception here is FileNotFoundException public static int test_0_missing_assembly_in_call () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_assembly_in_call)); } public static int test_0_missing_assembly_in_newobj () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_assembly_in_newobj)); } public static int test_0_missing_delegate_ctor_argument () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_delegate_ctor_argument)); } // // Missing classes referenced from metadata // public static int test_0_missing_local () { try { missing_local (); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { } /* MS.NET doesn't throw an exception if a local is not found */ return 0; } //Regression test for #508532 public static int test_0_assembly_throws_on_loader_error () { try { Assembly asm = Assembly.Load ("load-missing"); asm.GetType ("BrokenClass", false); return 1; } catch (TypeLoadException) {} return 0; } public static int test_0_bad_method_override1 () { try { BadOverridesDriver.bad_override1 (); return 1; } catch (TypeLoadException) {} return 0; } public static int test_0_bad_method_override2 () { try { BadOverridesDriver.bad_override2 (); return 1; } catch (TypeLoadException) {} return 0; } public static int test_0_bad_method_override3 () { try { BadOverridesDriver.bad_override3 (); return 1; } catch (TypeLoadException) {} return 0; } public static int test_0_bad_method_override4 () { try { BadOverridesDriver.bad_override4 (); return 1; } catch (TypeLoadException) {} return 0; } public static void missing_outer () { new Missing.Foo1.InnerFoo (); } //Regression test for #508487 public static int test_0_missing_outer_type_in_typeref () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_outer)); } // #524498 public static int test_0_exception_while_jitting_cctor () { try { CCtorClass.foo (); } catch (TypeInitializationException) { return 0; } return 1; } #if FALSE public static void missing_parent () { new Miss1 (); } public static int test_0_missing_parent () { return check_type_load (new TestDel (missing_parent)); } #endif public static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } }