#include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include "initguid.h" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #define STDCALL __stdcall #else #define STDCALL #endif #ifdef WIN32 extern __declspec(dllimport) __stdcall void CoTaskMemFree(void *ptr); #endif typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate) (int a); static void marshal_free (void *ptr) { #ifdef WIN32 CoTaskMemFree (ptr); #else g_free (ptr); #endif } STDCALL unsigned short* test_lpwstr_marshal (unsigned short* chars, long length) { int i = 0; unsigned short *res; res = malloc (2 * (length + 1)); // printf("test_lpwstr_marshal()\n"); while ( i < length ) { // printf("X|%u|\n", chars[i]); res [i] = chars[i]; i++; } res [i] = 0; return res; } typedef struct { int b; int a; int c; } union_test_1_type; STDCALL int mono_union_test_1 (union_test_1_type u1) { // printf ("Got values %d %d %d\n", u1.b, u1.a, u1.c); return u1.a + u1.b + u1.c; } STDCALL int mono_return_int (int a) { // printf ("Got value %d\n", a); return a; } struct ss { int i; }; STDCALL int mono_return_int_ss (struct ss a) { // printf ("Got value %d\n", a.i); return a.i; } STDCALL struct ss mono_return_ss (struct ss a) { // printf ("Got value %d\n", a.i); a.i++; return a; } struct sc1 { char c[1]; }; STDCALL struct sc1 mono_return_sc1 (struct sc1 a) { // printf ("Got value %d\n", a.c[0]); a.c[0]++; return a; } struct sc3 { char c[3]; }; STDCALL struct sc3 mono_return_sc3 (struct sc3 a) { // printf ("Got values %d %d %d\n", a.c[0], a.c[1], a.c[2]); a.c[0]++; a.c[1] += 2; a.c[2] += 3; return a; } struct sc5 { char c[5]; }; STDCALL struct sc5 mono_return_sc5 (struct sc5 a) { // printf ("Got values %d %d %d %d %d\n", a.c[0], a.c[1], a.c[2], a.c[3], a.c[4]); a.c[0]++; a.c[1] += 2; a.c[2] += 3; a.c[3] += 4; a.c[4] += 5; return a; } union su { int i1; int i2; }; STDCALL int mono_return_int_su (union su a) { // printf ("Got value %d\n", a.i1); return a.i1; } STDCALL int mono_test_many_int_arguments (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j); STDCALL short mono_test_many_short_arguments (short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f, short g, short h, short i, short j); STDCALL char mono_test_many_char_arguments (char a, char b, char c, char d, char e, char f, char g, char h, char i, char j); STDCALL int mono_test_many_int_arguments (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j) { return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; } STDCALL short mono_test_many_short_arguments (short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f, short g, short h, short i, short j) { return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; } STDCALL char mono_test_many_byte_arguments (char a, char b, char c, char d, char e, char f, char g, char h, char i, char j) { return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; } STDCALL float mono_test_many_float_arguments (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float i, float j) { return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; } STDCALL double mono_test_many_double_arguments (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, double g, double h, double i, double j) { return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; } STDCALL double mono_test_split_double_arguments (double a, double b, float c, double d, double e) { return a + b + c + d + e; } STDCALL int mono_test_puts_static (char *s) { // printf ("TEST %s\n", s); return 1; } typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate3) (int a, int b); STDCALL int mono_invoke_delegate (SimpleDelegate3 delegate) { int res; // printf ("start invoke %p\n", delegate); res = delegate (2, 3); // printf ("end invoke\n"); return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_char (short a1) { if (a1 == 'a') return 0; return 1; } STDCALL void mono_test_marshal_char_array (gunichar2 *s) { const char m[] = "abcdef"; gunichar2* s2; glong len; s2 = g_utf8_to_utf16 (m, -1, NULL, &len, NULL); len = (len * 2) + 2; memcpy (s, s2, len); g_free (s2); } STDCALL int mono_test_empty_pinvoke (int i) { return i; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_bool_byref (int a, int *b, int c) { int res = *b; *b = 1; return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_array (int *a1) { int i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) sum += a1 [i]; return sum; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_inout_array (int *a1) { int i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { sum += a1 [i]; a1 [i] = 50 - a1 [i]; } return sum; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_out_array (int *a1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { a1 [i] = i; } return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_inout_nonblittable_array (gunichar2 *a1) { int i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a1 [i] = 'F'; } return sum; } typedef struct { int a; int b; int c; const char *d; gunichar2 *d2; } simplestruct; typedef struct { double x; double y; } point; STDCALL simplestruct mono_test_return_vtype (int i) { simplestruct res; static gunichar2 test2 [] = { 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T', '2', 0 }; res.a = 0; res.b = 1; res.c = 0; res.d = "TEST"; res.d2 = test2; return res; } STDCALL void mono_test_delegate_struct (void) { // printf ("TEST\n"); } typedef char* (STDCALL *ReturnStringDelegate) (const char *s); STDCALL char * mono_test_return_string (ReturnStringDelegate func) { char *res; // printf ("mono_test_return_string\n"); res = func ("TEST"); marshal_free (res); // printf ("got string: %s\n", res); return g_strdup ("12345"); } typedef int (STDCALL *RefVTypeDelegate) (int a, simplestruct *ss, int b); STDCALL int mono_test_ref_vtype (int a, simplestruct *ss, int b, RefVTypeDelegate func) { if (a == 1 && b == 2 && ss->a == 0 && ss->b == 1 && ss->c == 0 && !strcmp (ss->d, "TEST1")) { ss->a = 1; ss->b = 0; ss->c = 1; ss->d = "TEST2"; return func (a, ss, b); } return 1; } typedef int (STDCALL *OutVTypeDelegate) (int a, simplestruct *ss, int b); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_out_struct (int a, simplestruct *ss, int b, OutVTypeDelegate func) { /* Check that the input pointer is ignored */ ss->d = (gpointer)0x12345678; func (a, ss, b); if (ss->a && ss->b && ss->c && !strcmp (ss->d, "TEST3")) return 0; else return 1; } typedef struct { int a; SimpleDelegate func, func2; } DelegateStruct; STDCALL DelegateStruct mono_test_marshal_delegate_struct (DelegateStruct ds) { DelegateStruct res; res.a = ds.func (ds.a) + ds.func2 (ds.a); res.func = ds.func; res.func2 = ds.func2; return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_struct (simplestruct ss) { if (ss.a == 0 && ss.b == 1 && ss.c == 0 && !strcmp (ss.d, "TEST")) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_byref_struct (simplestruct *ss, int a, int b, int c, char *d) { gboolean res = (ss->a == a && ss->b == b && ss->c == c && strcmp (ss->d, d) == 0); marshal_free (ss->d); ss->a = !ss->a; ss->b = !ss->b; ss->c = !ss->c; ss->d = g_strdup ("DEF"); return res ? 0 : 1; } typedef struct { int a; int b; int c; char *d; unsigned char e; double f; unsigned char g; guint64 h; } simplestruct2; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_struct2 (simplestruct2 ss) { if (ss.a == 0 && ss.b == 1 && ss.c == 0 && !strcmp (ss.d, "TEST") && ss.e == 99 && ss.f == 1.5 && ss.g == 42 && ss.h == (guint64)123) return 0; return 1; } /* on HP some of the struct should be on the stack and not in registers */ STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_struct2_2 (int i, int j, int k, simplestruct2 ss) { if (i != 10 || j != 11 || k != 12) return 1; if (ss.a == 0 && ss.b == 1 && ss.c == 0 && !strcmp (ss.d, "TEST") && ss.e == 99 && ss.f == 1.5 && ss.g == 42 && ss.h == (guint64)123) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_lpstruct (simplestruct *ss) { if (ss->a == 0 && ss->b == 1 && ss->c == 0 && !strcmp (ss->d, "TEST")) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_lpstruct_blittable (point *p) { if (p->x == 1.0 && p->y == 2.0) return 0; else return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_struct_array (simplestruct2 *ss) { if (! (ss[0].a == 0 && ss[0].b == 1 && ss[0].c == 0 && !strcmp (ss[0].d, "TEST") && ss[0].e == 99 && ss[0].f == 1.5 && ss[0].g == 42 && ss[0].h == (guint64)123)) return 1; if (! (ss[1].a == 0 && ss[1].b == 0 && ss[1].c == 0 && !strcmp (ss[1].d, "TEST2") && ss[1].e == 100 && ss[1].f == 2.5 && ss[1].g == 43 && ss[1].h == (guint64)124)) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct long_align_struct { gint32 a; gint64 b; gint64 c; } long_align_struct; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_long_align_struct_array (long_align_struct *ss) { return ss[0].a + ss[0].b + ss[0].c + ss[1].a + ss[1].b + ss[1].c; } STDCALL simplestruct2 * mono_test_marshal_class (int i, int j, int k, simplestruct2 *ss, int l) { simplestruct2 *res; if (!ss) return NULL; if (i != 10 || j != 11 || k != 12 || l != 14) return NULL; if (! (ss->a == 0 && ss->b == 1 && ss->c == 0 && !strcmp (ss->d, "TEST") && ss->e == 99 && ss->f == 1.5 && ss->g == 42 && ss->h == (guint64)123)) return NULL; res = g_new0 (simplestruct2, 1); memcpy (res, ss, sizeof (simplestruct2)); res->d = g_strdup ("TEST"); return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_byref_class (simplestruct2 **ssp) { simplestruct2 *ss = *ssp; simplestruct2 *res; if (! (ss->a == 0 && ss->b == 1 && ss->c == 0 && !strcmp (ss->d, "TEST") && ss->e == 99 && ss->f == 1.5 && ss->g == 42 && ss->h == (guint64)123)) return 1; res = g_new0 (simplestruct2, 1); memcpy (res, ss, sizeof (simplestruct2)); res->d = g_strdup ("TEST-RES"); *ssp = res; return 0; } static void * get_sp (void) { int i; void *p; /* Yes, this is correct, we are only trying to determine the value of the stack here */ p = &i; return p; } STDCALL int reliable_delegate (int a) { return a; } /* * Checks whether get_sp() works as expected. It doesn't work with gcc-2.95.3 on linux. */ static gboolean is_get_sp_reliable (void) { void *sp1, *sp2; reliable_delegate(1); sp1 = get_sp(); reliable_delegate(1); sp2 = get_sp(); return sp1 == sp2; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate (SimpleDelegate delegate) { void *sp1, *sp2; /* Check that the delegate wrapper is stdcall */ delegate (2); sp1 = get_sp (); delegate (2); sp2 = get_sp (); if (is_get_sp_reliable()) g_assert (sp1 == sp2); return delegate (2); } STDCALL SimpleDelegate mono_test_marshal_return_delegate (SimpleDelegate delegate) { return delegate; } static STDCALL int return_plus_one (int i) { return i + 1; } STDCALL SimpleDelegate mono_test_marshal_return_delegate_2 () { return return_plus_one; } typedef simplestruct (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate2) (simplestruct ss); static gboolean is_utf16_equals (gunichar2 *s1, const char *s2) { char *s; int res; s = g_utf16_to_utf8 (s1, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); res = strcmp (s, s2); g_free (s); return res == 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate2 (SimpleDelegate2 delegate) { simplestruct ss, res; ss.a = 0; ss.b = 1; ss.c = 0; ss.d = "TEST"; ss.d2 = g_utf8_to_utf16 ("TEST2", -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); res = delegate (ss); if (! (res.a && !res.b && res.c && !strcmp (res.d, "TEST-RES") && is_utf16_equals (res.d2, "TEST2-RES"))) return 1; return 0; } typedef simplestruct* (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate4) (simplestruct *ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate4 (SimpleDelegate4 delegate) { simplestruct ss; simplestruct *res; ss.a = 0; ss.b = 1; ss.c = 0; ss.d = "TEST"; /* Check argument */ res = delegate (&ss); if (!res) return 1; /* Check return value */ if (! (!res->a && res->b && !res->c && !strcmp (res->d, "TEST"))) return 2; /* Check NULL argument and NULL result */ res = delegate (NULL); if (res) return 3; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate5) (simplestruct **ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate5 (SimpleDelegate5 delegate) { simplestruct ss; int res; simplestruct *ptr; ss.a = 0; ss.b = 1; ss.c = 0; ss.d = "TEST"; ptr = &ss; res = delegate (&ptr); if (res != 0) return 1; if (!(ptr->a && !ptr->b && ptr->c && !strcmp (ptr->d, "RES"))) return 2; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate6 (SimpleDelegate5 delegate) { int res; res = delegate (NULL); return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate7) (simplestruct **ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate7 (SimpleDelegate7 delegate) { int res; simplestruct *ptr; /* Check that the input pointer is ignored */ ptr = (gpointer)0x12345678; res = delegate (&ptr); if (res != 0) return 1; if (!(ptr->a && !ptr->b && ptr->c && !strcmp (ptr->d, "RES"))) return 2; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *InOutByvalClassDelegate) (simplestruct *ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_inout_byval_class_delegate (InOutByvalClassDelegate delegate) { int res; simplestruct ss; ss.a = FALSE; ss.b = TRUE; ss.c = FALSE; ss.d = g_strdup_printf ("%s", "FOO"); res = delegate (&ss); if (res != 0) return 1; if (!(ss.a && !ss.b && ss.c && !strcmp (ss.d, "RES"))) return 2; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate8) (gunichar2 *s); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate8 (SimpleDelegate8 delegate, gunichar2 *s) { return delegate (s); } typedef int (STDCALL *return_int_fnt) (int i); typedef int (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate9) (return_int_fnt d); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate9 (SimpleDelegate9 delegate, gpointer ftn) { return delegate (ftn); } STDCALL static int return_self (int i) { return i; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_delegate10 (SimpleDelegate9 delegate) { return delegate (return_self); } typedef int (STDCALL *PrimitiveByrefDelegate) (int *i); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_primitive_byref_delegate (PrimitiveByrefDelegate delegate) { int i = 1; int res = delegate (&i); if (res != 0) return res; if (i != 2) return 2; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *return_int_delegate) (int i); typedef return_int_delegate (STDCALL *ReturnDelegateDelegate) (void); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_return_delegate_delegate (ReturnDelegateDelegate d) { return (d ()) (55); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder (char *s, int n) { const char m[] = "This is my message. Isn't it nice?"; if (strcmp (s, "ABCD") != 0) return 1; strncpy(s, m, n); s [n] = '\0'; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_default (char *s, int n) { const char m[] = "This is my message. Isn't it nice?"; strncpy(s, m, n); s [n] = '\0'; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_unicode (gunichar2 *s, int n) { const char m[] = "This is my message. Isn't it nice?"; gunichar2* s2; glong len; s2 = g_utf8_to_utf16 (m, -1, NULL, &len, NULL); len = (len * 2) + 2; if (len > (n * 2)) len = n * 2; memcpy (s, s2, len); g_free (s2); return 0; } typedef struct { #ifndef __GNUC__ char a; #endif } EmptyStruct; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_empty_string_array (char **array) { return (array == NULL) ? 0 : 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_string_array (char **array) { if (strcmp (array [0], "ABC")) return 1; if (strcmp (array [1], "DEF")) return 2; if (array [2] != NULL) return 3; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_byref_string_array (char ***array) { if (*array == NULL) return 0; if (strcmp ((*array) [0], "Alpha")) return 2; if (strcmp ((*array) [1], "Beta")) return 2; if (strcmp ((*array) [2], "Gamma")) return 2; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_stringbuilder_array (char **array) { if (strcmp (array [0], "ABC")) return 1; if (strcmp (array [1], "DEF")) return 2; strcpy (array [0], "DEF"); strcpy (array [1], "ABC"); return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_unicode_string_array (gunichar2 **array, char **array2) { GError *error = NULL; char *s; s = g_utf16_to_utf8 (array [0], -1, NULL, NULL, &error); if (strcmp (s, "ABC")) { g_free (s); return 1; } else g_free (s); s = g_utf16_to_utf8 (array [1], -1, NULL, NULL, &error); if (strcmp (s, "DEF")) { g_free (s); return 2; } else g_free (s); if (strcmp (array2 [0], "ABC")) return 3; if (strcmp (array2 [1], "DEF")) return 4; return 0; } /* this does not work on Redhat gcc 2.96 */ STDCALL int mono_test_empty_struct (int a, EmptyStruct es, int b) { // printf ("mono_test_empty_struct %d %d\n", a, b); // Intel icc on ia64 passes 'es' in 2 registers #if defined(__ia64) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) return 0; #else if (a == 1 && b == 2) return 0; return 1; #endif } typedef struct { char a[100]; } ByValStrStruct; STDCALL ByValStrStruct * mono_test_byvalstr_gen (void) { ByValStrStruct *ret; ret = malloc(sizeof(ByValStrStruct)); memset(ret, 'a', sizeof(ByValStrStruct)-1); ret->a[sizeof(ByValStrStruct)-1] = 0; return ret; } STDCALL int mono_test_byvalstr_check (ByValStrStruct* data, char* correctString) { int ret; ret = strcmp(data->a, correctString); // printf ("T1: %s\n", data->a); // printf ("T2: %s\n", correctString); marshal_free (data); return (ret != 0); } typedef struct { guint16 a[4]; int flag; } ByValStrStruct_Unicode; STDCALL int mono_test_byvalstr_check_unicode (ByValStrStruct_Unicode *ref, int test) { if (ref->flag != 0x1234abcd){ printf ("overwritten data"); return 1; } if (test == 1 || test == 3){ if (ref->a [0] != '1' || ref->a [1] != '2' || ref->a [2] != '3') return 1; return 0; } if (test == 2){ if (ref->a [0] != '1' || ref->a [1] != '2') return 1; return 0; } return 10; } STDCALL int NameManglingAnsi (char *data) { return data [0] + data [1] + data [2]; } STDCALL int NameManglingAnsiA (char *data) { g_assert_not_reached (); } STDCALL int NameManglingAnsiW (char *data) { g_assert_not_reached (); } STDCALL int NameManglingAnsi2A (char *data) { return data [0] + data [1] + data [2]; } STDCALL int NameManglingAnsi2W (char *data) { g_assert_not_reached (); } STDCALL int NameManglingUnicode (char *data) { g_assert_not_reached (); } STDCALL int NameManglingUnicodeW (gunichar2 *data) { return data [0] + data [1] + data [2]; } STDCALL int NameManglingUnicode2 (gunichar2 *data) { return data [0] + data [1] + data [2]; } STDCALL int NameManglingAutoW (char *data) { #ifdef WIN32 return (data [0] + data [1] + data [2]) == 131 ? 0 : 1; #else g_assert_not_reached (); #endif } STDCALL int NameManglingAuto (char *data) { #ifndef WIN32 return (data [0] + data [1] + data [2]) == 198 ? 0 : 1; #else g_assert_not_reached (); #endif } typedef int (STDCALL *intcharFunc)(const char*); STDCALL void callFunction (intcharFunc f) { f ("ABC"); } typedef struct { const char* str; int i; } SimpleObj; STDCALL int class_marshal_test0 (SimpleObj *obj1) { // printf ("class_marshal_test0 %s %d\n", obj1->str, obj1->i); if (strcmp(obj1->str, "T1")) return -1; if (obj1->i != 4) return -2; return 0; } STDCALL int class_marshal_test4 (SimpleObj *obj1) { if (obj1) return -1; return 0; } STDCALL void class_marshal_test1 (SimpleObj **obj1) { SimpleObj *res = malloc (sizeof (SimpleObj)); res->str = g_strdup ("ABC"); res->i = 5; *obj1 = res; } STDCALL int class_marshal_test2 (SimpleObj **obj1) { // printf ("class_marshal_test2 %s %d\n", (*obj1)->str, (*obj1)->i); if (strcmp((*obj1)->str, "ABC")) return -1; if ((*obj1)->i != 5) return -2; return 0; } STDCALL int string_marshal_test0 (char *str) { if (strcmp (str, "TEST0")) return -1; return 0; } STDCALL void string_marshal_test1 (const char **str) { *str = "TEST1"; } STDCALL int string_marshal_test2 (char **str) { // printf ("string_marshal_test2 %s\n", *str); if (strcmp (*str, "TEST1")) return -1; return 0; } STDCALL int string_marshal_test3 (char *str) { if (str) return -1; return 0; } typedef struct { int a; int b; } BlittableClass; STDCALL BlittableClass* TestBlittableClass (BlittableClass *vl) { BlittableClass *res; // printf ("TestBlittableClass %d %d\n", vl->a, vl->b); if (vl) { vl->a++; vl->b++; res = g_new0 (BlittableClass, 1); memcpy (res, vl, sizeof (BlittableClass)); } else { res = g_new0 (BlittableClass, 1); res->a = 42; res->b = 43; } return res; } typedef struct OSVERSIONINFO_STRUCT { int a; int b; } OSVERSIONINFO_STRUCT; STDCALL int MyGetVersionEx (OSVERSIONINFO_STRUCT *osvi) { // printf ("GOT %d %d\n", osvi->a, osvi->b); osvi->a += 1; osvi->b += 1; return osvi->a + osvi->b; } STDCALL int BugGetVersionEx (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, OSVERSIONINFO_STRUCT *osvi) { // printf ("GOT %d %d\n", osvi->a, osvi->b); osvi->a += 1; osvi->b += 1; return osvi->a + osvi->b; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_point (point pt) { // printf("point %g %g\n", pt.x, pt.y); if (pt.x == 1.25 && pt.y == 3.5) return 0; return 1; } typedef struct { int x; double y; } mixed_point; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_mixed_point (mixed_point pt) { // printf("mixed point %d %g\n", pt.x, pt.y); if (pt.x == 5 && pt.y == 6.75) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_mixed_point_2 (mixed_point *pt) { if (pt->x != 5 || pt->y != 6.75) return 1; pt->x = 10; pt->y = 12.35; return 0; } STDCALL int marshal_test_ref_bool(int i, char *b1, short *b2, int *b3) { int res = 1; if (*b1 != 0 && *b1 != 1) return 1; if (*b2 != 0 && *b2 != -1) /* variant_bool */ return 1; if (*b3 != 0 && *b3 != 1) return 1; if (i == ((*b1 << 2) | (-*b2 << 1) | *b3)) res = 0; *b1 = !*b1; *b2 = ~*b2; *b3 = !*b3; return res; } struct BoolStruct { int i; char b1; short b2; /* variant_bool */ int b3; }; STDCALL int marshal_test_bool_struct(struct BoolStruct *s) { int res = 1; if (s->b1 != 0 && s->b1 != 1) return 1; if (s->b2 != 0 && s->b2 != -1) return 1; if (s->b3 != 0 && s->b3 != 1) return 1; if (s->i == ((s->b1 << 2) | (-s->b2 << 1) | s->b3)) res = 0; s->b1 = !s->b1; s->b2 = ~s->b2; s->b3 = !s->b3; return res; } STDCALL void mono_test_last_error (int err) { #ifdef WIN32 SetLastError (err); #else errno = err; #endif } STDCALL int mono_test_asany (void *ptr, int what) { switch (what) { case 1: return (*(int*)ptr == 5) ? 0 : 1; case 2: return strcmp (ptr, "ABC") == 0 ? 0 : 1; case 3: { simplestruct2 ss = *(simplestruct2*)ptr; if (ss.a == 0 && ss.b == 1 && ss.c == 0 && !strcmp (ss.d, "TEST") && ss.e == 99 && ss.f == 1.5 && ss.g == 42 && ss.h == (guint64)123) return 0; else return 1; } case 4: { GError *error = NULL; char *s; s = g_utf16_to_utf8 (ptr, -1, NULL, NULL, &error); if (!strcmp (s, "ABC")) { g_free (s); return 0; } else { g_free (s); return 1; } } default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return 1; } typedef struct { int i; int j; int k; char *s; } AsAnyStruct; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_asany_in (void* ptr) { AsAnyStruct* asAny = ptr; int res = asAny->i + asAny->j + asAny->k; return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_asany_inout (void* ptr) { AsAnyStruct* asAny = ptr; int res = asAny->i + asAny->j + asAny->k; marshal_free (asAny->s); asAny->i = 10; asAny->j = 20; asAny->k = 30; asAny->s = 0; return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_asany_out (void* ptr) { AsAnyStruct* asAny = ptr; int res = asAny->i + asAny->j + asAny->k; asAny->i = 10; asAny->j = 20; asAny->k = 30; asAny->s = 0; return res; } /* * AMD64 marshalling tests. */ typedef struct amd64_struct1 { int i; int j; int k; int l; } amd64_struct1; STDCALL amd64_struct1 mono_test_marshal_amd64_pass_return_struct1 (amd64_struct1 s) { s.i ++; s.j ++; s.k ++; s.l ++; return s; } typedef struct amd64_struct2 { int i; int j; } amd64_struct2; STDCALL amd64_struct2 mono_test_marshal_amd64_pass_return_struct2 (amd64_struct2 s) { s.i ++; s.j ++; return s; } typedef struct amd64_struct3 { int i; } amd64_struct3; STDCALL amd64_struct3 mono_test_marshal_amd64_pass_return_struct3 (amd64_struct3 s) { s.i ++; return s; } typedef struct amd64_struct4 { double d1, d2; } amd64_struct4; STDCALL amd64_struct4 mono_test_marshal_amd64_pass_return_struct4 (amd64_struct4 s) { s.d1 ++; s.d2 ++; return s; } /* * IA64 marshalling tests. */ typedef struct test_struct5 { float d1, d2; } test_struct5; STDCALL test_struct5 mono_test_marshal_ia64_pass_return_struct5 (double d1, double d2, test_struct5 s, double d3, double d4) { s.d1 += d1 + d2; s.d2 += d3 + d4; return s; } typedef struct test_struct6 { double d1, d2; } test_struct6; STDCALL test_struct6 mono_test_marshal_ia64_pass_return_struct6 (double d1, double d2, test_struct6 s, double d3, double d4) { s.d1 += d1 + d2; s.d2 += d3 + d4; return s; } static guint32 custom_res [2]; STDCALL void* mono_test_marshal_pass_return_custom (int i, guint32 *ptr, int j) { /* ptr will be freed by CleanupNative, so make a copy */ custom_res [0] = 0; /* not allocated by AllocHGlobal */ custom_res [1] = ptr [1]; return &custom_res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_out_custom (int i, guint32 **ptr, int j) { custom_res [0] = 0; custom_res [1] = i + j + 10; *ptr = custom_res; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_inout_custom (int i, guint32 *ptr, int j) { ptr [0] = 0; ptr [1] = i + ptr [1] + j; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_out_byval_custom (int i, guint32 *ptr, int j) { return ptr == NULL ? 0 : 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_byref_custom (int i, guint32 **ptr, int j) { (*ptr)[1] += i + j; return 0; } STDCALL void* mono_test_marshal_pass_return_custom2 (int i, guint32 *ptr, int j) { g_assert_not_reached (); return NULL; } STDCALL void* mono_test_marshal_pass_return_custom_null (int i, guint32 *ptr, int j) { g_assert (ptr == NULL); return NULL; } typedef void *(STDCALL *PassReturnPtrDelegate) (void *ptr); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_return_custom_in_delegate (PassReturnPtrDelegate del) { guint32 buf [2]; guint32 res; guint32 *ptr; buf [0] = 0; buf [1] = 10; ptr = del (&buf); res = ptr [1]; #ifdef WIN32 /* FIXME: Freed with FreeHGlobal */ #else g_free (ptr); #endif return res; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_pass_return_custom_null_in_delegate (PassReturnPtrDelegate del) { void *ptr = del (NULL); return (ptr == NULL) ? 15 : 0; } typedef void (STDCALL *CustomOutParamDelegate) (void **pptr); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_custom_out_param_delegate (CustomOutParamDelegate del) { void* pptr = del; del (&pptr); if(pptr != NULL) return 1; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *ReturnEnumDelegate) (int e); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_return_enum_delegate (ReturnEnumDelegate func) { return func (1); } typedef struct { int a, b, c; gint64 d; } BlittableStruct; typedef BlittableStruct (STDCALL *SimpleDelegate10) (BlittableStruct ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_blittable_struct_delegate (SimpleDelegate10 delegate) { BlittableStruct ss, res; ss.a = 1; ss.b = 2; ss.c = 3; ss.d = 55; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.a == -1) && (res.b == -2) && (res.c == -3) && (res.d == -55))) return 1; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_stdcall_name_mangling (int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; } /* * PASSING AND RETURNING SMALL STRUCTURES FROM DELEGATES TESTS */ typedef struct { int i; } SmallStruct1; typedef SmallStruct1 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate1) (SmallStruct1 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate1 (SmallStructDelegate1 delegate) { SmallStruct1 ss, res; ss.i = 1; res = delegate (ss); if (! (res.i == -1)) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { gint16 i, j; } SmallStruct2; typedef SmallStruct2 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate2) (SmallStruct2 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate2 (SmallStructDelegate2 delegate) { SmallStruct2 ss, res; ss.i = 2; ss.j = 3; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -2) && (res.j == -3))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { gint16 i; gint8 j; } SmallStruct3; typedef SmallStruct3 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate3) (SmallStruct3 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate3 (SmallStructDelegate3 delegate) { SmallStruct3 ss, res; ss.i = 1; ss.j = 2; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1) && (res.j == -2))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { gint16 i; } SmallStruct4; typedef SmallStruct4 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate4) (SmallStruct4 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate4 (SmallStructDelegate4 delegate) { SmallStruct4 ss, res; ss.i = 1; res = delegate (ss); if (! (res.i == -1)) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { gint64 i; } SmallStruct5; typedef SmallStruct5 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate5) (SmallStruct5 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate5 (SmallStructDelegate5 delegate) { SmallStruct5 ss, res; ss.i = 5; res = delegate (ss); if (! (res.i == -5)) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { int i, j; } SmallStruct6; typedef SmallStruct6 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate6) (SmallStruct6 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate6 (SmallStructDelegate6 delegate) { SmallStruct6 ss, res; ss.i = 1; ss.j = 2; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1) && (res.j == -2))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { int i; gint16 j; } SmallStruct7; typedef SmallStruct7 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate7) (SmallStruct7 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate7 (SmallStructDelegate7 delegate) { SmallStruct7 ss, res; ss.i = 1; ss.j = 2; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1) && (res.j == -2))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { float i; } SmallStruct8; typedef SmallStruct8 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate8) (SmallStruct8 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate8 (SmallStructDelegate8 delegate) { SmallStruct8 ss, res; ss.i = 1.0; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1.0))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { double i; } SmallStruct9; typedef SmallStruct9 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate9) (SmallStruct9 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate9 (SmallStructDelegate9 delegate) { SmallStruct9 ss, res; ss.i = 1.0; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1.0))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { float i, j; } SmallStruct10; typedef SmallStruct10 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate10) (SmallStruct10 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate10 (SmallStructDelegate10 delegate) { SmallStruct10 ss, res; ss.i = 1.0; ss.j = 2.0; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1.0) && (res.j == -2.0))) return 1; return 0; } typedef struct { float i; int j; } SmallStruct11; typedef SmallStruct11 (STDCALL *SmallStructDelegate11) (SmallStruct11 ss); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_small_struct_delegate11 (SmallStructDelegate11 delegate) { SmallStruct11 ss, res; ss.i = 1.0; ss.j = 2; res = delegate (ss); if (! ((res.i == -1.0) && (res.j == -2))) return 1; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *ArrayDelegate) (int i, char *j, void *arr); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_array_delegate (void *arr, int len, ArrayDelegate del) { return del (len, NULL, arr); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_out_array_delegate (int *arr, int len, ArrayDelegate del) { del (len, NULL, arr); if ((arr [0] != 1) || (arr [1] != 2)) return 1; else return 0; } typedef gunichar2* (STDCALL *UnicodeStringDelegate) (gunichar2 *message); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_return_unicode_string_delegate (UnicodeStringDelegate del) { const char m[] = "abcdef"; gunichar2 *s2, *res; glong len; s2 = g_utf8_to_utf16 (m, -1, NULL, &len, NULL); res = del (s2); marshal_free (res); return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_out_string_array_delegate (char **arr, int len, ArrayDelegate del) { del (len, NULL, arr); if (!strcmp (arr [0], "ABC") && !strcmp (arr [1], "DEF")) return 0; else return 1; } typedef int (*CdeclDelegate) (int i, int j); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_cdecl_delegate (CdeclDelegate del) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) del (1, 2); return 0; } typedef char** (*ReturnStringArrayDelegate) (int i); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_return_string_array_delegate (ReturnStringArrayDelegate d) { char **arr = d (2); int res; if (arr == NULL) return 3; if (strcmp (arr [0], "ABC") || strcmp (arr [1], "DEF")) res = 1; else res = 0; marshal_free (arr); return res; } STDCALL int add_delegate (int i, int j) { return i + j; } STDCALL gpointer mono_test_marshal_return_fnptr (void) { return &add_delegate; } STDCALL int mono_xr (int code) { printf ("codigo %x\n", code); return code + 1234; } typedef struct { int handle; } HandleRef; STDCALL HandleRef mono_xr_as_handle (int code) { HandleRef ref; return ref; } typedef struct { int a; void *handle1; void *handle2; int b; } HandleStructs; STDCALL int mono_safe_handle_struct_ref (HandleStructs *x) { printf ("Dingus Ref! \n"); printf ("Values: %d %d %d %d\n", x->a, x->b, x->handle1, x->handle2); if (x->a != 1234) return 1; if (x->b != 8743) return 2; if (x->handle1 != (void*) 0x7080feed) return 3; if (x->handle2 != (void*) 0x1234abcd) return 4; return 0xf00d; } STDCALL int mono_safe_handle_struct (HandleStructs x) { printf ("Dingus Standard! \n"); printf ("Values: %d %d %d %d\n", x.a, x.b, x.handle1, x.handle2); if (x.a != 1234) return 1; if (x.b != 8743) return 2; if (x.handle1 != (void*) 0x7080feed) return 3; if (x.handle2 != (void*) 0x1234abcd) return 4; return 0xf00f; } typedef struct { void *a; } TrivialHandle; STDCALL int mono_safe_handle_struct_simple (TrivialHandle x) { printf ("The value is %d\n", x.a); return ((int)x.a) * 2; } STDCALL int mono_safe_handle_return () { return 0x1000f00d; } STDCALL void mono_safe_handle_ref (void **handle) { if (*handle != 0){ *handle = (void *) 0xbad; return; } *handle = (void *) 0x800d; } /* * COM INTEROP TESTS */ #ifdef WIN32 STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_bstr_in(BSTR bstr) { if (!wcscmp(bstr, L"mono_test_marshal_bstr_in")) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_bstr_out(BSTR* bstr) { *bstr = SysAllocString(L"mono_test_marshal_bstr_out"); return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_bstr_in_null(BSTR bstr) { if (!bstr) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_bstr_out_null(BSTR* bstr) { *bstr = NULL; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_sbyte(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_I1 && variant.cVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_byte(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_UI1 && variant.bVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_short(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_I2 && variant.iVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_ushort(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_UI2 && variant.uiVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_int(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_I4 && variant.lVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_uint(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_UI4 && variant.ulVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_long(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_I8 && variant.llVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_ulong(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_UI8 && variant.ullVal == 314) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_float(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_R4 && (variant.fltVal - 3.14)/3.14 < .001) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_double(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_R8 && (variant.dblVal - 3.14)/3.14 < .001) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bstr(VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_BSTR && !wcscmp(variant.bstrVal, L"PI")) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bool_true (VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_BOOL && variant.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bool_false (VARIANT variant) { if (variant.vt == VT_BOOL && variant.boolVal == VARIANT_FALSE) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_sbyte(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_I1; variant->cVal = 100; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_byte(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_UI1; variant->bVal = 100; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_short(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_I2; variant->iVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_ushort(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_UI2; variant->uiVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_int(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_I4; variant->lVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_uint(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_UI4; variant->ulVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_long(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_I8; variant->llVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_ulong(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_UI8; variant->ullVal = 314; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_float(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_R4; variant->fltVal = 3.14; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_double(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_R8; variant->dblVal = 3.14; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bstr(VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_BSTR; variant->bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"PI"); return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bool_true (VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_BOOL; variant->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bool_false (VARIANT* variant) { variant->vt = VT_BOOL; variant->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; return 0; } typedef int (STDCALL *VarFunc) (int vt, VARIANT variant); typedef int (STDCALL *VarRefFunc) (int vt, VARIANT* variant); STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_sbyte_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_I1; vt.cVal = -100; return func (VT_I1, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_byte_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_UI1; vt.bVal = 100; return func (VT_UI1, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_short_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_I2; vt.iVal = -100; return func (VT_I2, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_ushort_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_UI2; vt.uiVal = 100; return func (VT_UI2, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_int_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_I4; vt.lVal = -100; return func (VT_I4, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_uint_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_UI4; vt.ulVal = 100; return func (VT_UI4, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_long_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_I8; vt.llVal = -100; return func (VT_I8, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_ulong_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_UI8; vt.ullVal = 100; return func (VT_UI8, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_float_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_R4; vt.fltVal = 3.14; return func (VT_R4, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_double_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_R8; vt.dblVal = 3.14; return func (VT_R8, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bstr_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_BSTR; vt.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"PI"); return func (VT_BSTR, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bool_true_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_BOOL; vt.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; return func (VT_BOOL, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_in_bool_false_unmanaged(VarFunc func) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_BOOL; vt.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; return func (VT_BOOL, vt); } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_sbyte_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_I1, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_I1 && vt.cVal == -100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_byte_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_UI1, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_UI1 && vt.bVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_short_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_I2, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_I2 && vt.iVal == -100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_ushort_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_UI2, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_UI2 && vt.uiVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_int_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_I4, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_I4 && vt.lVal == -100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_uint_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_UI4, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_UI4 && vt.ulVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_long_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_I8, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_I8 && vt.llVal == -100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_ulong_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_UI8, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_UI8 && vt.ullVal == 100) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_float_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_R4, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_R4 && fabs (vt.fltVal - 3.14f) < 1e-10) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_double_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_R8, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_R8 && fabs (vt.dblVal - 3.14) < 1e-10) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bstr_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_BSTR, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_BSTR && !wcscmp(vt.bstrVal, L"PI")) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bool_true_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_BOOL, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_BOOL && vt.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) return 0; return 1; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_variant_out_bool_false_unmanaged(VarRefFunc func) { VARIANT vt; VariantInit (&vt); func (VT_BOOL, &vt); if (vt.vt == VT_BOOL && vt.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) return 0; return 1; } typedef struct MonoComObject MonoComObject; typedef struct { int (STDCALL *QueryInterface)(MonoComObject* pUnk, gpointer riid, gpointer* ppv); int (STDCALL *AddRef)(MonoComObject* pUnk); int (STDCALL *Release)(MonoComObject* pUnk); int (STDCALL *get_ITest)(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject* *ppUnk); int (STDCALL *SByteIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, char a); int (STDCALL *ByteIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned char a); int (STDCALL *ShortIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, short a); int (STDCALL *UShortIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned short a); int (STDCALL *IntIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, int a); int (STDCALL *UIntIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned int a); int (STDCALL *LongIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, LONGLONG a); int (STDCALL *ULongIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, ULONGLONG a); int (STDCALL *FloatIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, float a); int (STDCALL *DoubleIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, double a); int (STDCALL *ITestIn)(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject* pUnk2); int (STDCALL *ITestOut)(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject* *ppUnk); } MonoIUnknown; struct MonoComObject { MonoIUnknown* vtbl; int m_ref; }; DEFINE_GUID(IID_ITest, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IMonoUnknown, 0, 0, 0, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IMonoDispatch, 0x00020400, 0, 0, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46); int STDCALL MonoQueryInterface(MonoComObject* pUnk, gpointer riid, gpointer* ppv) { *ppv = NULL; if (!memcmp(riid, &IID_IMonoUnknown, sizeof(GUID))) { *ppv = pUnk; return S_OK; } else if (!memcmp(riid, &IID_ITest, sizeof(GUID))) { *ppv = pUnk; return S_OK; } else if (!memcmp(riid, &IID_IMonoDispatch, sizeof(GUID))) { *ppv = pUnk; return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } int STDCALL MonoAddRef(MonoComObject* pUnk) { return ++(pUnk->m_ref); } int STDCALL MonoRelease(MonoComObject* pUnk) { return --(pUnk->m_ref); } int STDCALL SByteIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, char a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL ByteIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned char a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL ShortIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, short a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL UShortIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned short a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL IntIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, int a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL UIntIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, unsigned int a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL LongIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, LONGLONG a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL ULongIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, ULONGLONG a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL FloatIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, float a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL DoubleIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, double a) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL ITestIn(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject *pUnk2) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL ITestOut(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject* *ppUnk) { return S_OK; } int STDCALL get_ITest(MonoComObject* pUnk, MonoComObject* *ppUnk) { return S_OK; } static void create_com_object (MonoComObject** pOut) { *pOut = g_new0 (MonoComObject, 1); (*pOut)->vtbl = g_new0 (MonoIUnknown, 1); (*pOut)->m_ref = 1; (*pOut)->vtbl->QueryInterface = MonoQueryInterface; (*pOut)->vtbl->AddRef = MonoAddRef; (*pOut)->vtbl->Release = MonoRelease; (*pOut)->vtbl->SByteIn = SByteIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->ByteIn = ByteIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->ShortIn = ShortIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->UShortIn = UShortIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->IntIn = IntIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->UIntIn = UIntIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->LongIn = LongIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->ULongIn = ULongIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->FloatIn = FloatIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->DoubleIn = DoubleIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->ITestIn = ITestIn; (*pOut)->vtbl->ITestOut = ITestOut; (*pOut)->vtbl->get_ITest = get_ITest; } static MonoComObject* same_object = NULL; STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_com_object_create(MonoComObject* *pUnk) { create_com_object (pUnk); if (!same_object) same_object = *pUnk; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_com_object_same(MonoComObject* *pUnk) { *pUnk = same_object; return 0; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_com_object_destroy(MonoComObject *pUnk) { int ref = --(pUnk->m_ref); g_free(pUnk->vtbl); g_free(pUnk); return ref; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_com_object_ref_count(MonoComObject *pUnk) { return pUnk->m_ref; } STDCALL int mono_test_marshal_ccw_itest (MonoComObject *pUnk) { int hr = 0; MonoComObject* pTest; if (!pUnk) return 1; hr = pUnk->vtbl->SByteIn (pUnk, -100); if (hr != 0) return 2; hr = pUnk->vtbl->ByteIn (pUnk, 100); if (hr != 0) return 3; hr = pUnk->vtbl->ShortIn (pUnk, -100); if (hr != 0) return 4; hr = pUnk->vtbl->UShortIn (pUnk, 100); if (hr != 0) return 5; hr = pUnk->vtbl->IntIn (pUnk, -100); if (hr != 0) return 6; hr = pUnk->vtbl->UIntIn (pUnk, 100); if (hr != 0) return 7; hr = pUnk->vtbl->LongIn (pUnk, -100); if (hr != 0) return 8; hr = pUnk->vtbl->ULongIn (pUnk, 100); if (hr != 0) return 9; hr = pUnk->vtbl->FloatIn (pUnk, 3.14f); if (hr != 0) return 10; hr = pUnk->vtbl->DoubleIn (pUnk, 3.14); if (hr != 0) return 11; hr = pUnk->vtbl->ITestIn (pUnk, pUnk); if (hr != 0) return 12; hr = pUnk->vtbl->ITestOut (pUnk, &pTest); if (hr != 0) return 13; return 0; } #endif //NOT_YET