using System; using System.Reflection; class Test { public struct SimpleStruct { public bool a; public bool b; public SimpleStruct (bool arg) { a = arg; b = false; } } static void Test2 () { Console.WriteLine ("Test2 called"); } public static SimpleStruct Test1 (SimpleStruct ss) { Console.WriteLine ("Test1 called " + ss.a + " " + ss.b); SimpleStruct res = new SimpleStruct (); res.a = !ss.a; res.b = !ss.b; return res; } public static void Foo(ref int x, ref int y) { x = 20; y = 30; } static int Main () { Type t = typeof (Test); MethodInfo m2 = t.GetMethod ("Test2"); if (m2 != null) return 1; MethodInfo m1 = t.GetMethod ("Test1"); if (m1 == null) return 1; object [] args = new object [1]; SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct (); ss.a = true; ss.b = false; args [0] = ss; SimpleStruct res = (SimpleStruct)m1.Invoke (null, args); if (res.a == true) return 1; if (res.b == false) return 1; // Test that the objects for byref valuetype arguments are // automatically created MethodInfo m3 = typeof(Test).GetMethod("Foo"); args = new object[2]; m3.Invoke(null, args); if ((((int)(args [0])) != 20) || (((int)(args [1])) != 30)) return 2; // Test the return value from ConstructorInfo.Invoke when a precreated // valuetype is used. ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (SimpleStruct).GetConstructor (new Type [] { typeof (bool) }); ci.Invoke (ss, new object [] { false }); // Test invoking of the array Get/Set methods string[,] arr = new string [10, 10]; arr.GetType ().GetMethod ("Set").Invoke (arr, new object [] { 1, 1, "FOO" }); string s = (string)arr.GetType ().GetMethod ("Get").Invoke (arr, new object [] { 1, 1 }); if (s != "FOO") return 3; return 0; } }