using System; using System.Reflection; namespace Test { public class MyAttribute: Attribute { public string val; public MyAttribute (string stuff) { System.Console.WriteLine (stuff); val = stuff; } } public class My2Attribute: MyAttribute { public int ival; public My2Attribute (string stuff, int blah) : base (stuff) { System.Console.WriteLine ("ctor with int val"+stuff); ival = blah; } } public class My3Attribute : Attribute { char[] array_val; public char[] Prop { get { return array_val; } set { array_val = value; } } public char[] Prop2; } class XAttribute : Attribute { public XAttribute () { throw new Exception ("X"); } } class ZAttribute : Attribute { } [X, Z, Serializable] class Y { } [My("testclass")] [My2("testclass", 22)] [My3(Prop = new char [] { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' }, Prop2 = new char [] { 'A', 'D' })] public class Test { static public int Main() { System.Reflection.MemberInfo info = typeof (Test); object[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes (false); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i ++) { System.Console.WriteLine(attributes[i]); } if (attributes.Length != 3) return 1; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; ++i) { if (attributes [i] is MyAttribute) { if (((MyAttribute)attributes [i]).val != "testclass") return 2; } if (attributes [i] is My3Attribute) { if (new String (((My3Attribute)attributes [i]).Prop) != "ABCD") { Console.WriteLine (new String (((My3Attribute)attributes [i]).Prop)); return 3; } if (new String (((My3Attribute)attributes [i]).Prop2) != "AD") { Console.WriteLine (new String (((My3Attribute)attributes [i]).Prop2)); return 4; } } } // // Test that requesting a specific custom attributes does not // create all the others // typeof (Y).IsDefined (typeof (ZAttribute), true); typeof (Y).IsDefined (typeof (XAttribute), true); typeof (Y).GetCustomAttributes (typeof (ZAttribute), true); try { typeof (Y).GetCustomAttributes (true); return 4; } catch { } return 0; } } }