using System.Security; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; [SecurityCriticalAttribute] public class CClass { public CClass () { //Console.WriteLine ("c ctor"); } public virtual void Method () { //Console.WriteLine ("c class"); } public static void StaticMethod () { //Console.WriteLine ("c class static"); } } [SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute] public class SCClass { public SCClass () { //Console.WriteLine ("sc ctor"); } public virtual void Method () { //Console.WriteLine ("sc class"); CClass cc = new CClass (); cc.Method (); } } public class SCDevClass : SCClass { public SCDevClass () { Test.error ("safe-critical-derived class instantiated"); } public override void Method () { //base.Method (); Test.error ("safe-critical-derived method called"); } } public class CMethodClass { public CMethodClass () { //Console.WriteLine ("cmethod ctor"); } [SecurityCriticalAttribute] public virtual void Method () { //Console.WriteLine ("cmethod"); } } public class CMethodDevClass : CMethodClass { public CMethodDevClass () { Test.error ("critical-derived constructor called"); } public override void Method () { //base.Method(); Test.error ("critical-derived method called"); } } public interface CMethodInterface { [SecurityCriticalAttribute] void Method (); } public class CInterfaceClass : CMethodInterface { public CInterfaceClass () { } public void Method () { Test.error ("security-critical-interface-derived method called"); } } [SecurityCriticalAttribute] public class CriticalClass { public class NestedClassInsideCritical { static public void Method () { Test.error ("critical inner class method called"); } } } public class TransparentBaseClass { public virtual void TransparentMethod () { } [SecuritySafeCritical] public virtual void SafeCriticalMethod () { } [SecurityCritical] public virtual void CriticalMethod () { } } public class BadTransparentOverrideClass : TransparentBaseClass { [SecurityCritical] public override void TransparentMethod () { Test.error ("this method is critical and cannot override its base (transparent)"); } } public class BadSafeCriticalOverrideClass : TransparentBaseClass { [SecurityCritical] public override void SafeCriticalMethod () { Test.error ("this method is critical and cannot override its base (safe critical)"); } } public class BadCriticalOverrideClass : TransparentBaseClass { public override void CriticalMethod () { Test.error ("this method is NOT critical and cannot override its base (critical)"); } } public delegate void MethodDelegate (); public delegate Object InvokeDelegate (Object obj, Object[] parms); public class Test { static bool haveError = false; public static void error (string text) { Console.WriteLine (text); haveError = true; } [SecurityCriticalAttribute] static void CMethod () { //Console.WriteLine ("c"); } [SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute] static void SCMethod () { //Console.WriteLine ("sc"); CMethod (); } static void doSCDev () { SCDevClass scdev = new SCDevClass (); scdev.Method (); } static void doCMethodDev () { CMethodDevClass cmdev = new CMethodDevClass (); error ("critical-derived object instantiated"); cmdev.Method (); Console.WriteLine ("critical-derived method called"); } static void doSCInterfaceDev () { CMethodInterface mi = new CInterfaceClass (); error ("safe-critical-interface-derived object instantiated"); mi.Method (); error ("safe-critical-interface-derived method called"); } /* static unsafe void unsafeMethod () { byte *p = null; error ("unsafe method called"); } */ static void doBadTransparentOverrideClass () { new BadTransparentOverrideClass (); } static void doBadSafeCriticalOverrideClass () { new BadSafeCriticalOverrideClass (); } static void doBadCriticalOverrideClass () { new BadCriticalOverrideClass (); } public static void TransparentReflectionCMethod () { } [SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void ReflectionCMethod () { error ("method called via reflection"); } [SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static unsafe void StringTest () { string str = "blabla"; char [] arr = str.ToCharArray (); string r; fixed (char *tarr = arr) { int ss = 1, l = 3; r = new string (tarr, ss, l - ss); } } [SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute] public static void CallStringTest () { StringTest (); } [DllImport ("/lib64/")] static extern int getpid (); public static int Main () { SCMethod (); try { CMethod (); error ("static critical method called"); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } SCClass sc = new SCClass (); sc.Method (); try { CClass c = new CClass (); // Illegal error ("critical object instantiated"); c.Method (); // Illegal error ("critical method called"); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } try { doSCDev (); error ("security-critical-derived class error"); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } try { doCMethodDev (); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } try { getpid (); error ("pinvoke called"); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } try { MethodDelegate md = new MethodDelegate (CClass.StaticMethod); md (); error ("critical method called via delegate"); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } try { CriticalClass.NestedClassInsideCritical.Method (); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } try { doSCInterfaceDev (); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } /* try { unsafeMethod (); } catch (VerificationException) { } */ try { Type type = Type.GetType ("Test"); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod"); method.Invoke(null, null); } catch (MethodAccessException) { error ("transparent method not called via reflection"); } try { Type type = Type.GetType ("Test"); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod"); method.Invoke(null, null); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } try { Type type = Type.GetType ("Test"); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod"); InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke); id (null, null); } catch (MethodAccessException) { error ("transparent method not called via reflection delegate"); } try { Type type = Type.GetType ("Test"); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod"); InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke); id (null, null); } catch (MethodAccessException) { } // wrapper 7 try { CallStringTest (); } catch (MethodAccessException) { error ("string test failed"); } try { doBadTransparentOverrideClass (); error ("BadTransparentOverrideClass error"); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } try { doBadSafeCriticalOverrideClass (); error ("BadSafeCriticalOverrideClass error"); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } try { doBadCriticalOverrideClass (); error ("BadCriticalOverrideClass error"); } catch (TypeLoadException) { } //Console.WriteLine ("ok"); if (haveError) return 1; return 0; } }