// // From test: Bug 348522 // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Globalization; public struct SimpleStruct { public int a; public int b; public SimpleStruct (int a, int b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } class NullableTestClass { public bool hasValue; public int bVal; public void F (SimpleStruct? code) { if (hasValue = code.HasValue) bVal = code.Value.b; } } class PrimitiveTestClass { public int val; public void i4 (int code) { val = code; } } struct GenericStruct { T t; } class GenericClass { T t; } class Driver { public static GenericStruct StructTest (GenericStruct t) { return t; } public static GenericClass ReferenceTest (GenericClass t) { return t; } static int Main () { BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod; MethodInfo mi = typeof (NullableTestClass).GetMethod ("F"); NullableTestClass nullable = new NullableTestClass (); SimpleStruct? test = new SimpleStruct (90, 90); mi.Invoke (nullable, flags, new PassesStuffBinder (null), new object [] {null}, null); if (nullable.hasValue) { Console.WriteLine ("invoked nullabled with null arg but did not get a null in the method"); return 1; } nullable = new NullableTestClass (); mi.Invoke (nullable, flags, new PassesStuffBinder (new SimpleStruct (10, 20)), new object [] {200}, null); if (!nullable.hasValue || nullable.bVal != 20) { Console.WriteLine ("invoked nullabled with boxed struct, but did not get it"); return 2; } nullable = new NullableTestClass (); mi.Invoke (nullable, flags, new PassesStuffBinder (test), new object [] {200}, null); if (!nullable.hasValue || nullable.bVal != 90) { Console.WriteLine ("invoked nullabled with nullable literal, but did not get it"); return 3; } mi = typeof (PrimitiveTestClass).GetMethod ("i4"); PrimitiveTestClass prim = new PrimitiveTestClass (); mi.Invoke (prim, flags, new PassesStuffBinder ((byte)10), new object [] {88}, null); if (prim.val != 10) { Console.WriteLine ("invoked primitive with byte, it should be widened to int "+ prim.val); return 4; } try { mi.Invoke (prim, flags, new PassesStuffBinder (Missing.Value), new object [] {null}, null); Console.WriteLine ("invoked literal with reference value"); return 5; } catch (Exception) { } try { MethodInfo method = typeof (Driver).GetMethod ("StructTest"); MethodInfo generic_method = method.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); generic_method.Invoke (null, new object [] { new GenericStruct() }); method = typeof (Driver).GetMethod ("ReferenceTest"); generic_method = method.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); generic_method.Invoke (null, new object [] { new GenericClass() }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("calling with generic arg failed "+e); return 6; } return 0; } } class PassesStuffBinder : BaseBinder { object stuff = stuff; public PassesStuffBinder (object stuff) { this.stuff = stuff; } public override object ChangeType (object value, Type type1, CultureInfo culture) { return stuff; } } class BaseBinder : Binder { public override MethodBase BindToMethod (BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase [] match, ref object [] args, ParameterModifier [] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string [] names, out object state) { state = null; return match [0]; } public override object ChangeType (object value, Type type1, CultureInfo culture) { return (ulong) 0xdeadbeefcafebabe; } // The rest is just to please the compiler public override FieldInfo BindToField (System.Reflection.BindingFlags a, System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] b, object c, System.Globalization.CultureInfo d) { return null; } public override void ReorderArgumentArray(ref object[] a, object b) { } public override MethodBase SelectMethod(System.Reflection.BindingFlags a, System.Reflection.MethodBase[] b, System.Type[] c, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] d) { return null; } public override PropertyInfo SelectProperty(System.Reflection.BindingFlags a, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] b, System.Type c, System.Type[] d, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] e) { return null; } }