using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; class Driver { public static ManualResetEvent mre1 = new ManualResetEvent (false); public static ManualResetEvent mre2 = new ManualResetEvent (false); class StaticConstructor1 { internal static bool gotToEnd, caughtException; static StaticConstructor1 () { try { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1.StaticConstructor1 (1)"); Driver.mre1.Set (); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew (); Thread.Sleep (1000); sw.Stop (); typeof (string).GetMethods (); //XXX we assume that if we slept less than 900ms we got aborted if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 900) throw new Exception ("Bad abort broke our sleep"); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1.StaticConstructor1 (2) waited {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); gotToEnd = true; } catch (Exception e) { caughtException = true; throw; } } public static void Init () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1.Init"); } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void IsStaticConstructor1Viable () { new StaticConstructor1 (); Console.WriteLine ("Did it get to the end? {0} Did it catch an exception {1}", StaticConstructor1.gotToEnd, StaticConstructor1.caughtException); if (!StaticConstructor1.gotToEnd) /* the TAE must not land during a .cctor */ Environment.Exit (1); if (StaticConstructor1.caughtException) Environment.Exit (1); } static void Test1 () { Console.WriteLine ("Test 1:"); Driver.mre1.Reset (); Driver.mre2.Reset (); Thread thread = new Thread (() => { try { StaticConstructor1.Init (); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1::init caught exception {0}", e); if (!(e is ThreadAbortException)) throw; } }); thread.Start (); Driver.mre1.WaitOne (); // The ThreadAbortException should land while in // the StaticConstructor1.cctor. The exception should // be queued, and be rethrown when exiting the cctor. thread.Abort (); thread.Join (); //is StaticConstructor1 viable? try { IsStaticConstructor1Viable (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1 is viable"); /* a TAE doesn't make a type unusable */ } catch (TypeInitializationException e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor1 not viable"); Environment.Exit (1); } } class StaticConstructor2Exception : Exception {} class StaticConstructor2 { static StaticConstructor2 () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor2.StaticConstructor2 (1)"); Driver.mre1.Set (); throw new StaticConstructor2Exception (); /* Unreachable */ Driver.mre2.Set (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor2.StaticConstructor2 (2)"); } public static void Init () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor2.Init"); } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void IsStaticConstructor2Viable () { new StaticConstructor2 (); } static void Test2 () { Console.WriteLine ("Test 2:"); Driver.mre1.Reset (); Driver.mre2.Reset (); Thread thread = new Thread (() => { try { StaticConstructor2.Init (); } catch (TypeInitializationException e) { Console.WriteLine (e); if (!(e.InnerException is StaticConstructor2Exception)) throw; } }); thread.Start (); Driver.mre1.WaitOne (); // A InvalidOperationException should be thrown while in // the StaticConstructor2.cctor. The exception should // be wrapped in a TypeInitializationException. if (Driver.mre2.WaitOne (500)) { /* We shouldn't reach Driver.mre.Set () in StaticConstructor2.cctor */ Environment.Exit (1); } thread.Join (); //is StaticConstructor2 viable? try { IsStaticConstructor2Viable (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor2 is viable"); /* A regular exception escaping the .cctor makes the type not usable */ Environment.Exit (1); } catch (TypeInitializationException e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor2 not viable"); } } class StaticConstructor3 { static StaticConstructor3 () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor3.StaticConstructor3 (1)"); Driver.mre1.Set (); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort (); /* Unreachable */ Driver.mre2.Set (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor3.StaticConstructor3 (2)"); Environment.Exit (1); } public static void Init () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor3.Init"); } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void IsStaticConstructor3Viable () { new StaticConstructor3 (); } static void Test3 () { Console.WriteLine ("Test 3:"); Driver.mre1.Reset (); Driver.mre2.Reset (); Thread thread = new Thread (() => { try { StaticConstructor3.Init (); Console.WriteLine ("cctor3 didn't throw?!?!"); /* StaticConstructor3 self aborted */ Environment.Exit (1); } catch (ThreadAbortException e) { Console.WriteLine ("TEST 3: aborted {0}", e); } }); thread.Start (); Driver.mre1.WaitOne (); // A InvalidOperationException should be thrown while in // the StaticConstructor2.cctor. The exception should // be wrapped in a TypeInitializationException. thread.Join (); //is StaticConstructor2 viable? try { IsStaticConstructor3Viable (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor3 is viable"); /* A regular exception escaping the .cctor makes the type not usable */ Environment.Exit (1); } catch (TypeInitializationException e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor3 not viable"); } } class StaticConstructor4 { internal static bool gotToEnd, caughtException; static StaticConstructor4 () { try { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4.StaticConstructor4 (1)"); Driver.mre1.Set (); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew (); Thread.Sleep (1000); sw.Stop (); typeof (string).GetMethods (); //XXX we assume that if we slept less than 900ms we got aborted if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 900) throw new Exception ("Bad abort broke our sleep"); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4.StaticConstructor4 (2) waited {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); gotToEnd = true; } catch (Exception e) { caughtException = true; throw; } } public static void Init () { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4.Init"); } } static bool got_to_the_end_of_the_finally = false; [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void IsStaticConstructor4Viable () { new StaticConstructor4 (); Console.WriteLine ("IsStaticConstructor4Viable: Did it get to the end? {0} Did it catch an exception {1} and end of the finally block {2}", StaticConstructor4.gotToEnd, StaticConstructor4.caughtException, got_to_the_end_of_the_finally); if (!StaticConstructor4.gotToEnd) /* the TAE must not land during a .cctor */ Environment.Exit (1); if (StaticConstructor4.caughtException) Environment.Exit (1); } static void Test4 () { Console.WriteLine ("Test 4:"); Driver.mre1.Reset (); Driver.mre2.Reset (); Thread thread = new Thread (() => { try { try { } finally { StaticConstructor4.Init (); Console.WriteLine ("Test 4: After the cctor"); got_to_the_end_of_the_finally = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4::init caught exception {0}", e); if (!(e is ThreadAbortException)) throw; if (!got_to_the_end_of_the_finally) throw new Exception ("Test 4: did not get to the end of the cctor"); } }); thread.Start (); Driver.mre1.WaitOne (); // The ThreadAbortException should land while in // the StaticConstructor4.cctor. The exception should // be queued, and be rethrown when exiting the cctor. thread.Abort (); thread.Join (); if (!got_to_the_end_of_the_finally) { Console.WriteLine ("Did not get to the end of test 4 cctor"); Environment.Exit (1); } //is StaticConstructor4viable? try { IsStaticConstructor4Viable (); Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4 is viable"); /* a TAE doesn't make a type unusable */ } catch (TypeInitializationException e) { Console.WriteLine ("StaticConstructor4 not viable"); Environment.Exit (1); } } public static int Main () { Test1 (); Test2 (); Test3 (); Test4 (); Console.WriteLine ("done, all things good"); return 0; } }