#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # run the log profiler test suite my $builddir = shift || die "Usage: ptestrunner.pl mono_build_dir\n"; my @errors = (); my $total_errors = 0; my $report; my $profbuilddir = $builddir . "/mono/profiler"; my $minibuilddir = $builddir . "/mono/mini"; # Setup the execution environment # for the profiler module append_path ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", $profbuilddir . "/.libs"); append_path ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $profbuilddir . "/.libs"); append_path ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $minibuilddir . "/.libs"); # for mprof-report append_path ("PATH", $profbuilddir); # first a basic test $report = run_test ("test-alloc.exe"); check_report_basics ($report); check_report_calls ($report, "T:Main (string[])" => 1); check_report_allocation ($report, "System.Object" => 1000000); report_errors (); # test additional named threads and method calls $report = run_test ("test-busy.exe"); check_report_basics ($report); check_report_calls ($report, "T:Main (string[])" => 1); check_report_threads ($report, "BusyHelper"); check_report_calls ($report, "T:test ()" => 10, "T:test3 ()" => 10, "T:test2 ()" => 1); report_errors (); # test with the sampling profiler $report = run_test ("test-busy.exe", "report,sample"); check_report_basics ($report); check_report_threads ($report, "BusyHelper"); # at least 40% of the samples should hit each of the two busy methods # This seems to fail on osx, where the main thread gets the majority of SIGPROF signals #check_report_samples ($report, "T:test ()" => 40, "T:test3 ()" => 40); report_errors (); # test lock events $report = run_test ("test-monitor.exe"); check_report_basics ($report); check_report_calls ($report, "T:Main (string[])" => 1); # we hope for at least some contention, this is not entirely reliable check_report_locks ($report, 1, 1); report_errors (); # test exceptions $report = run_test ("test-excleave.exe"); check_report_basics ($report); check_report_calls ($report, "T:Main (string[])" => 1, "T:throw_ex ()" => 1000); check_report_exceptions ($report, 1000, 1000, 1000); report_errors (); # test heapshot $report = run_test_sgen ("test-heapshot.exe", "report,heapshot"); if ($report ne "missing binary") { check_report_basics ($report); check_report_heapshot ($report, 0, {"T" => 5000}); check_report_heapshot ($report, 1, {"T" => 5023}); report_errors (); } # test heapshot traces $report = run_test_sgen ("test-heapshot.exe", "heapshot,output=-traces.mlpd", "--traces traces.mlpd"); if ($report ne "missing binary") { check_report_basics ($report); check_report_heapshot ($report, 0, {"T" => 5000}); check_report_heapshot ($report, 1, {"T" => 5023}); check_heapshot_traces ($report, 0, T => [4999, "T"] ); check_heapshot_traces ($report, 1, T => [5022, "T"] ); report_errors (); } # test traces $report = run_test ("test-traces.exe", "output=-traces.mlpd", "--traces traces.mlpd"); check_report_basics ($report); check_call_traces ($report, "T:level3 (int)" => [2020, "T:Main (string[])"], "T:level2 (int)" => [2020, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)"], "T:level1 (int)" => [2020, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)"], "T:level0 (int)" => [2020, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)", "T:level1 (int)"] ); check_exception_traces ($report, [1010, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)", "T:level1 (int)", "T:level0 (int)"] ); check_alloc_traces ($report, T => [1010, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)", "T:level1 (int)", "T:level0 (int)"] ); report_errors (); # test traces without enter/leave events $report = run_test ("test-traces.exe", "nocalls,output=-traces.mlpd", "--traces traces.mlpd"); check_report_basics ($report); # this has been broken recently check_exception_traces ($report, [1010, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)", "T:level1 (int)", "T:level0 (int)"] ); check_alloc_traces ($report, T => [1010, "T:Main (string[])", "T:level3 (int)", "T:level2 (int)", "T:level1 (int)", "T:level0 (int)"] ); report_errors (); exit ($total_errors? 1: 0); # utility functions sub append_path { my $var = shift; my $value = shift; if (exists $ENV{$var}) { $ENV{$var} = $value . ":" . $ENV{$var}; } else { $ENV{$var} = $value; } } sub run_test { return run_test_bin ("$minibuilddir/mono", @_); } sub run_test_sgen { return run_test_bin ("$minibuilddir/mono-sgen", @_); } sub run_test_bin { my $bin = shift; my $test_name = shift; my $option = shift || "report"; my $roptions = shift; #clear the errors @errors = (); $total_errors = 0; print "Checking $test_name with $option ..."; unless (-x $bin) { print "missing $bin, skipped.\n"; return "missing binary"; } my $report = `$bin --profile=log:$option $test_name`; print "\n"; if (defined $roptions) { return `$profbuilddir/mprof-report $roptions`; } return $report; } sub report_errors { foreach my $e (@errors) { print "Error: $e\n"; $total_errors++; } print "Total errors: $total_errors\n" if $total_errors; #print $report; } sub get_delim_data { my $report = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $section = ""; my $insection = 0; foreach (split (/\n/, $report)) { if ($insection) { #print "matching end $end vs $_\n"; last if /$end/; $section .= $_; $section .= "\n"; } else { #print "matching $start vs $_\n"; $insection = 1 if (/$start/); } } return $section; } sub get_section { my $report = shift; my $name = shift; return get_delim_data ($report, "^\Q$name\E", "^\\w.*summary"); } sub get_heap_shot { my $section = shift; my $num = shift; return get_delim_data ($report, "Heap shot $num at", "^\$"); } sub check_report_basics { my $report = shift; check_report_threads ($report, "Finalizer", "Main"); check_report_metadata ($report, 2); check_report_jit ($report); } sub check_report_metadata { my $report = shift; my $num = shift; my $section = get_section ($report, "Metadata"); push @errors, "Wrong loaded images $num." unless $section =~ /Loaded images:\s$num/s; } sub check_report_calls { my $report = shift; my %calls = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Method"); foreach my $method (keys %calls) { push @errors, "Wrong calls to $method." unless $section =~ /\d+\s+\d+\s+($calls{$method})\s+\Q$method\E/s; } } sub check_call_traces { my $report = shift; my %calls = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Method"); foreach my $method (keys %calls) { my @desc = @{$calls{$method}}; my $num = shift @desc; my $trace = get_delim_data ($section, "\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\Q$method\E", "^(\\s*\\d+\\s+\\d)|(^Total calls)"); if ($trace =~ s/^\s+(\d+)\s+calls from:$//m) { my $num_calls = $1; push @errors, "Wrong calls to $method." unless $num_calls == $num; my @frames = map {s/^\s+(.*)\s*$/$1/; $_} split (/\n/, $trace); while (@desc) { my $dm = pop @desc; my $fm = pop @frames; push @errors, "Wrong frame $fm to $method." unless $dm eq $fm; } } else { push @errors, "No num calls for $method."; } } } sub check_alloc_traces { my $report = shift; my %types = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Allocation"); foreach my $type (keys %types) { my @desc = @{$types{$type}}; my $num = shift @desc; my $trace = get_delim_data ($section, "\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\Q$type\E", "^(\\s*\\d+\\s+\\d)|(^Total)"); if ($trace =~ s/^\s+(\d+)\s+bytes from:$//m) { #my $num_calls = $1; #push @errors, "Wrong calls to $method." unless $num_calls == $num; my @frames = map {s/^\s+(.*)\s*$/$1/; $_} split (/\n/, $trace); while (@desc) { my $dm = pop @desc; my $fm = pop @frames; $fm = pop @frames if $fm =~ /wrapper/; push @errors, "Wrong frame $fm for alloc of $type." unless $dm eq $fm; } } else { push @errors, "No alloc frames for $type."; } } } sub check_heapshot_traces { my $report = shift; my $hshot = shift; my %types = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Heap"); $section = get_heap_shot ($section, $hshot); foreach my $type (keys %types) { my @desc = @{$types{$type}}; my $num = shift @desc; my $rtype = shift @desc; my $trace = get_delim_data ($section, "\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\Q$type\E", "^\\s*\\d+\\s+\\d"); if ($trace =~ s/^\s+(\d+)\s+references from:\s+\Q$rtype\E$//m) { my $num_refs = $1; push @errors, "Wrong num refs to $type from $rtype." unless $num_refs == $num; } else { push @errors, "No refs to $type from $rtype."; } } } sub check_exception_traces { my $report = shift; my @etraces = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Exception"); foreach my $d (@etraces) { my @desc = @{$d}; my $num = shift @desc; my $trace = get_delim_data ($section, "^\\s+$num\\s+throws from:\$", "^\\s+(\\d+|Executed)"); if (length ($trace)) { my @frames = map {s/^\s+(.*)\s*$/$1/; $_} split (/\n/, $trace); while (@desc) { my $dm = pop @desc; my $fm = pop @frames; push @errors, "Wrong frame '$fm' in exceptions (should be '$dm')." unless $dm eq $fm; } } else { push @errors, "No exceptions or incorrect number."; } } } sub check_report_samples { my $report = shift; my %calls = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Statistical"); foreach my $method (keys %calls) { push @errors, "Wrong samples for $method." unless ($section =~ /\d+\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+\Q$method\E/s && $1 >= $calls{$method}); } } sub check_report_allocation { my $report = shift; my %allocs = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Allocation"); foreach my $type (keys %allocs) { if ($section =~ /\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\Q$type\E$/m) { push @errors, "Wrong allocs for type $type." unless $1 >= $allocs{$type}; } else { push @errors, "No allocs for type $type."; } } } sub check_report_heapshot { my $report = shift; my $hshot = shift; my $typemap = shift; my %allocs = %{$typemap}; my $section = get_section ($report, "Heap"); $section = get_heap_shot ($section, $hshot); foreach my $type (keys %allocs) { if ($section =~ /\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\Q$type\E(\s+\(bytes.*\))?$/m) { push @errors, "Wrong heapshot for type $type at $hshot ($1, $allocs{$type})." unless $1 >= $allocs{$type}; } else { push @errors, "No heapshot for type $type at heapshot $hshot."; } } } sub check_report_jit { my $report = shift; my $min_methods = shift || 1; my $min_code = shift || 16; my $section = get_section ($report, "JIT"); push @errors, "Not enough compiled method." unless (($section =~ /Compiled methods:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $min_methods)); push @errors, "Not enough compiled code." unless (($section =~ /Generated code size:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $min_code)); } sub check_report_locks { my $report = shift; my $contentions = shift; my $acquired = shift; my $section = get_section ($report, "Monitor"); push @errors, "Not enough contentions." unless (($section =~ /Lock contentions:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $contentions)); push @errors, "Not enough acquired locks." unless (($section =~ /Lock acquired:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $acquired)); } sub check_report_exceptions { my $report = shift; my $throws = shift; my $catches = shift; my $finallies = shift; my $section = get_section ($report, "Exception"); push @errors, "Not enough throws." unless (($section =~ /Throws:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $throws)); push @errors, "Not enough catches." unless (($section =~ /Executed catch clauses:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $catches)); push @errors, "Not enough finallies." unless (($section =~ /Executed finally clauses:\s(\d+)/s) && ($1 >= $finallies)); } sub check_report_threads { my $report = shift; my @threads = @_; my $section = get_section ($report, "Thread"); foreach my $tname (@threads) { push @errors, "Missing thread $tname." unless $section =~ /Thread:.*name:\s"\Q$tname\E"/s; } }