/* * mono-profiler-iomap.c: IOMAP string profiler for Mono. * * Authors: * Marek Habersack * * Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc (http://novell.com) * * Note: this profiler is completely unsafe wrt handling managed objects, * don't use and don't copy code from here. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOCATION_INDENT " " #define BACKTRACE_SIZE 64 typedef struct _MonoStackBacktraceInfo { MonoMethod *method; gint native_offset; } MonoStackBacktraceInfo; typedef struct { guint32 count; gchar *requestedName; gchar *actualName; } MismatchedFilesStats; typedef struct _SavedString { MonoString *string; MonoDomain *domain; void *stack [BACKTRACE_SIZE]; gint stack_entries; struct _SavedString *next; } SavedString; typedef struct _SavedStringFindInfo { guint32 hash; size_t len; } SavedStringFindInfo; typedef struct _StringLocation { gchar *hint; struct _StringLocation *next; } StringLocation; struct _MonoProfiler { GHashTable *mismatched_files_hash; GHashTable *saved_strings_hash; GHashTable *string_locations_hash; gboolean may_have_locations; }; typedef struct _StackWalkData { MonoProfiler *prof; void **stack; int stack_size; int frame_count; } StackWalkData; static mono_mutex_t mismatched_files_section; static gboolean runtime_initialized = FALSE; static inline void append_report (GString **report, const gchar *format, ...); static inline void print_report (const gchar *format, ...); static inline guint32 do_calc_string_hash (guint32 hash, const gchar *str); static inline guint32 calc_strings_hash (const gchar *str1, const gchar *str2, guint32 *str1hash); static void print_mismatched_stats (MonoProfiler *prof); static inline gchar *build_hint (SavedString *head); static inline gchar *build_hint_from_stack (MonoDomain *domain, void **stack, gint stack_entries); static inline void store_string_location (MonoProfiler *prof, const gchar *string, guint32 hash, size_t len); static void mono_portability_remember_string (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoDomain *domain, MonoString *str); void mono_profiler_startup (const char *desc); static void mismatched_stats_foreach_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { MismatchedFilesStats *stats = (MismatchedFilesStats*)value; StringLocation *location; MonoProfiler *prof = (MonoProfiler*)user_data; guint32 hash; gboolean bannerShown = FALSE; hash = do_calc_string_hash (0, stats->requestedName); fprintf (stdout, " Count: %u\n" "Requested: %s\n" " Actual: %s\n", stats->count, stats->requestedName, stats->actualName); if (!prof->may_have_locations) { fprintf (stdout, "\n"); return; } location = (StringLocation *)g_hash_table_lookup (prof->string_locations_hash, &hash); while (location) { if (location->hint && strlen (location->hint) > 0) { if (!bannerShown) { fprintf (stdout, "Locations:\n"); bannerShown = TRUE; } fprintf (stdout, "%s", location->hint); } location = location->next; if (location) fprintf (stdout, LOCATION_INDENT "--\n"); } fprintf (stdout, "\n"); } static void print_mismatched_stats (MonoProfiler *prof) { if (!prof->mismatched_files_hash || g_hash_table_size (prof->mismatched_files_hash) == 0) return; prof->may_have_locations = g_hash_table_size (prof->string_locations_hash) > 0; fprintf (stdout, "\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MONO_IOMAP Stats -=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n"); g_hash_table_foreach (prof->mismatched_files_hash, mismatched_stats_foreach_func, (gpointer)prof); fflush (stdout); } static guint mismatched_files_guint32_hash (gconstpointer key) { if (!key) return 0; return *((guint32*)key); } static gboolean mismatched_files_guint32_equal (gconstpointer key1, gconstpointer key2) { if (!key1 || !key2) return FALSE; return (gboolean)(*((guint32*)key1) == *((guint32*)key2)); } static inline guint32 do_calc_string_hash (guint32 hash, const gchar *str) { guint32 ret = hash; gchar *cc = (gchar*)str; gchar *end = (gchar*)(str + strlen (str) - 1); for (; cc < end; cc += 2) { ret = (ret << 5) - ret + *cc; ret = (ret << 5) - ret + cc [1]; } end++; if (cc < end) ret = (ret << 5) - ret + *cc; return ret; } static inline guint32 calc_strings_hash (const gchar *str1, const gchar *str2, guint32 *str1hash) { guint32 hash = do_calc_string_hash (0, str1); if (str1hash) *str1hash = hash; return do_calc_string_hash (hash, str2); } static inline void print_report (const gchar *format, ...) { MonoClass *klass; MonoProperty *prop; MonoString *str; char *stack_trace; va_list ap; fprintf (stdout, "-=-=-=-=-=-=- MONO_IOMAP REPORT -=-=-=-=-=-=-\n"); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stdout, format, ap); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); va_end (ap); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "Environment"); mono_class_init (klass); prop = mono_class_get_property_from_name (klass, "StackTrace"); str = (MonoString*)mono_property_get_value (prop, NULL, NULL, NULL); stack_trace = mono_string_to_utf8 (str); fprintf (stdout, "-= Stack Trace =-\n%s\n\n", stack_trace); g_free (stack_trace); fflush (stdout); } static inline void append_report (GString **report, const gchar *format, ...) { #if defined (_EGLIB_MAJOR) || GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) va_list ap; if (!*report) *report = g_string_new (""); va_start (ap, format); g_string_append_vprintf (*report, format, ap); va_end (ap); #else g_assert_not_reached (); #endif } static gboolean saved_strings_find_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { SavedStringFindInfo *info = (SavedStringFindInfo*)user_data; SavedString *saved = (SavedString*)value; gchar *utf_str; guint32 hash; if (!info || !saved || mono_string_length (saved->string) != info->len) return FALSE; utf_str = mono_string_to_utf8 (saved->string); hash = do_calc_string_hash (0, utf_str); g_free (utf_str); if (hash != info->hash) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static inline void store_string_location (MonoProfiler *prof, const gchar *string, guint32 hash, size_t len) { StringLocation *location = (StringLocation *)g_hash_table_lookup (prof->string_locations_hash, &hash); SavedString *saved; SavedStringFindInfo info; guint32 *hashptr; if (location) return; info.hash = hash; info.len = len; /* Expensive but unavoidable... */ saved = (SavedString*)g_hash_table_find (prof->saved_strings_hash, saved_strings_find_func, &info); hashptr = (guint32*)g_malloc (sizeof (guint32)); *hashptr = hash; location = (StringLocation*)g_malloc0 (sizeof (location)); g_hash_table_insert (prof->string_locations_hash, hashptr, location); if (!saved) return; g_hash_table_remove (prof->saved_strings_hash, saved->string); location->hint = build_hint (saved); } static gboolean ignore_frame (MonoMethod *method) { MonoClass *klass = method->klass; if (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) return TRUE; /* Now ignore the assemblies we know shouldn't contain mixed-case names (only the most frequent cases) */ if (klass->image ) { if (strcmp (klass->image->assembly_name, "mscorlib") == 0) return TRUE; else if (strcmp (klass->image->assembly_name, "System") == 0) return TRUE; else if (strncmp (klass->image->assembly_name, "Mono.", 5) == 0) return TRUE; else if (strncmp (klass->image->assembly_name, "System.", 7) == 0) return TRUE; else if (strcmp (klass->image->assembly_name, "PEAPI") == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static inline gchar *build_hint_from_stack (MonoDomain *domain, void **stack, gint stack_entries) { gchar *hint; MonoMethod *method, *selectedMethod; MonoAssembly *assembly; MonoImage *image; MonoDebugSourceLocation *location; MonoStackBacktraceInfo *info; gboolean use_full_trace; char *methodName; gint i, native_offset, firstAvailable; selectedMethod = NULL; firstAvailable = -1; use_full_trace = FALSE; native_offset = -1; for (i = 0; i < stack_entries; i++) { info = (MonoStackBacktraceInfo*) stack [i]; method = info ? info->method : NULL; if (!method || method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) continue; if (firstAvailable == -1) firstAvailable = i; image = method->klass->image; assembly = image->assembly; if ((assembly && assembly->in_gac) || ignore_frame (method)) continue; selectedMethod = method; native_offset = info->native_offset; break; } if (!selectedMethod) { /* All the frames were from assemblies installed in GAC. Find first frame that is * not in the ignore list */ for (i = 0; i < stack_entries; i++) { info = (MonoStackBacktraceInfo*) stack [i]; method = info ? info->method : NULL; if (!method || ignore_frame (method)) continue; selectedMethod = method; native_offset = info->native_offset; break; } if (!selectedMethod) use_full_trace = TRUE; } hint = NULL; if (use_full_trace) { GString *trace = g_string_new ("Full trace:\n"); for (i = firstAvailable; i < stack_entries; i++) { info = (MonoStackBacktraceInfo*) stack [i]; method = info ? info->method : NULL; if (!method || method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) continue; location = mono_debug_lookup_source_location (method, info->native_offset, domain); methodName = mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE); if (location) { append_report (&trace, LOCATION_INDENT "%s in %s:%u\n", methodName, location->source_file, location->row); mono_debug_free_source_location (location); } else append_report (&trace, LOCATION_INDENT "%s\n", methodName); g_free (methodName); } if (trace) { if (trace->len) hint = g_string_free (trace, FALSE); else g_string_free (trace, TRUE); } } else { location = mono_debug_lookup_source_location (selectedMethod, native_offset, domain); methodName = mono_method_full_name (selectedMethod, TRUE); if (location) { hint = g_strdup_printf (LOCATION_INDENT "%s in %s:%u\n", methodName, location->source_file, location->row); mono_debug_free_source_location (location); } else hint = g_strdup_printf (LOCATION_INDENT "%s\n", methodName); g_free (methodName); } return hint; } static inline gchar *build_hint (SavedString *head) { SavedString *current; gchar *tmp; GString *hint = NULL; current = head; while (current) { tmp = build_hint_from_stack (current->domain, current->stack, current->stack_entries); current = current->next; if (!tmp) continue; append_report (&hint, tmp); } if (hint) { if (hint->len) return g_string_free (hint, FALSE); else { g_string_free (hint, FALSE); return NULL; } } return NULL; } static gboolean stack_walk_func (MonoMethod *method, gint32 native_offset, gint32 il_offset, gboolean managed, gpointer data) { StackWalkData *swdata = (StackWalkData*)data; MonoStackBacktraceInfo *info; if (swdata->frame_count >= swdata->stack_size) return TRUE; info = (MonoStackBacktraceInfo*)g_malloc (sizeof (*info)); info->method = method; info->native_offset = native_offset; swdata->stack [swdata->frame_count++] = info; return FALSE; } static inline int mono_stack_backtrace (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoDomain *domain, void **stack, int size) { StackWalkData data; data.prof = prof; data.stack = stack; data.stack_size = size; data.frame_count = 0; mono_stack_walk_no_il (stack_walk_func, (gpointer)&data); return data.frame_count; } static void mono_portability_remember_string (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoDomain *domain, MonoString *str) { SavedString *head, *entry; if (!str || !domain || !runtime_initialized) return; entry = (SavedString*)g_malloc0 (sizeof (SavedString)); entry->string = str; entry->domain = domain; entry->stack_entries = mono_stack_backtrace (prof, domain, entry->stack, BACKTRACE_SIZE); if (entry->stack_entries == 0) { g_free (entry); return; } mono_os_mutex_lock (&mismatched_files_section); head = (SavedString*)g_hash_table_lookup (prof->saved_strings_hash, (gpointer)str); if (head) { while (head->next) head = head->next; head->next = entry; } else g_hash_table_insert (prof->saved_strings_hash, (gpointer)str, (gpointer)entry); mono_os_mutex_unlock (&mismatched_files_section); } static MonoClass *string_class = NULL; static void mono_portability_remember_alloc (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoObject *obj, MonoClass *klass) { if (klass != string_class) return; mono_portability_remember_string (prof, mono_object_get_domain (obj), (MonoString*)obj); } static void mono_portability_iomap_event (MonoProfiler *prof, const char *report, const char *pathname, const char *new_pathname) { guint32 hash, pathnameHash; MismatchedFilesStats *stats; if (!runtime_initialized) return; mono_os_mutex_lock (&mismatched_files_section); hash = calc_strings_hash (pathname, new_pathname, &pathnameHash); stats = (MismatchedFilesStats*)g_hash_table_lookup (prof->mismatched_files_hash, &hash); if (stats == NULL) { guint32 *hashptr; stats = (MismatchedFilesStats*) g_malloc (sizeof (MismatchedFilesStats)); stats->count = 1; stats->requestedName = g_strdup (pathname); stats->actualName = g_strdup (new_pathname); hashptr = (guint32*)g_malloc (sizeof (guint32)); if (hashptr) { *hashptr = hash; g_hash_table_insert (prof->mismatched_files_hash, (gpointer)hashptr, stats); } else g_error ("Out of memory allocating integer pointer for mismatched files hash table."); store_string_location (prof, (const gchar*)stats->requestedName, pathnameHash, strlen (stats->requestedName)); mono_os_mutex_unlock (&mismatched_files_section); print_report ("%s - Found file path: '%s'\n", report, new_pathname); } else { mono_os_mutex_unlock (&mismatched_files_section); stats->count++; } } static void runtime_initialized_cb (MonoProfiler *prof) { runtime_initialized = TRUE; string_class = mono_get_string_class (); } static void profiler_shutdown (MonoProfiler *prof) { print_mismatched_stats (prof); mono_os_mutex_destroy (&mismatched_files_section); } void mono_profiler_startup (const char *desc) { MonoProfiler *prof = g_new0 (MonoProfiler, 1); mono_os_mutex_init (&mismatched_files_section); prof->mismatched_files_hash = g_hash_table_new (mismatched_files_guint32_hash, mismatched_files_guint32_equal); prof->saved_strings_hash = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); prof->string_locations_hash = g_hash_table_new (mismatched_files_guint32_hash, mismatched_files_guint32_equal); mono_profiler_install (prof, profiler_shutdown); mono_profiler_install_runtime_initialized (runtime_initialized_cb); mono_profiler_install_iomap (mono_portability_iomap_event); mono_profiler_install_allocation (mono_portability_remember_alloc); mono_profiler_set_events ((MonoProfileFlags)(MONO_PROFILE_ALLOCATIONS | MONO_PROFILE_IOMAP_EVENTS)); }