/* * mono-profiler-aot.c: Ahead of Time Compiler Profiler for Mono. * * * Copyright 2008-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * * This profiler collects profiling information usable by the Mono AOT compiler * to generate better code. It saves the information into files under ~/.mono. * The AOT compiler can load these files during compilation. * Currently, only the order in which methods were compiled is saved, * allowing more efficient function ordering in the AOT files. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include #include "mono-profiler-aot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HOST_WIN32 #include #endif struct _MonoProfiler { GHashTable *classes; GHashTable *images; GPtrArray *methods; FILE *outfile; int id; char *outfile_name; }; static mono_mutex_t mutex; static gboolean verbose; static void prof_jit_enter (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method) { } static void prof_jit_leave (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, int result) { MonoImage *image = mono_class_get_image (mono_method_get_class (method)); if (!image->assembly || method->wrapper_type) return; mono_os_mutex_lock (&mutex); g_ptr_array_add (prof->methods, method); mono_os_mutex_unlock (&mutex); } static void prof_shutdown (MonoProfiler *prof); static void usage (int do_exit) { printf ("AOT profiler.\n"); printf ("Usage: mono --profile=aot[:OPTION1[,OPTION2...]] program.exe\n"); printf ("Options:\n"); printf ("\thelp show this usage info\n"); printf ("\toutput=FILENAME write the data to file FILENAME (required)\n"); printf ("\tverbose print diagnostic info\n"); if (do_exit) exit (1); } static const char* match_option (const char* p, const char *opt, char **rval) { int len = strlen (opt); if (strncmp (p, opt, len) == 0) { if (rval) { if (p [len] == '=' && p [len + 1]) { const char *opt = p + len + 1; const char *end = strchr (opt, ','); char *val; int l; if (end == NULL) { l = strlen (opt); } else { l = end - opt; } val = (char *) g_malloc (l + 1); memcpy (val, opt, l); val [l] = 0; *rval = val; return opt + l; } if (p [len] == 0 || p [len] == ',') { *rval = NULL; return p + len + (p [len] == ','); } usage (1); } else { if (p [len] == 0) return p + len; if (p [len] == ',') return p + len + 1; } } return p; } void mono_profiler_startup (const char *desc); /* the entry point */ void mono_profiler_startup (const char *desc) { MonoProfiler *prof; const char *p; const char *opt; char *outfile_name; p = desc; if (strncmp (p, "aot", 3)) usage (1); p += 3; if (*p == ':') p++; for (; *p; p = opt) { char *val; if (*p == ',') { opt = p + 1; continue; } if ((opt = match_option (p, "help", NULL)) != p) { usage (0); continue; } if ((opt = match_option (p, "verbose", NULL)) != p) { verbose = TRUE; continue; } if ((opt = match_option (p, "output", &val)) != p) { outfile_name = val; continue; } fprintf (stderr, "mono-profiler-aot: Unknown option: '%s'.\n", p); exit (1); } if (!outfile_name) { fprintf (stderr, "mono-profiler-aot: The 'output' argument is required.\n"); exit (1); } prof = g_new0 (MonoProfiler, 1); prof->images = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); prof->classes = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); prof->methods = g_ptr_array_new (); prof->outfile_name = outfile_name; mono_os_mutex_init (&mutex); mono_profiler_install (prof, prof_shutdown); mono_profiler_install_jit_compile (prof_jit_enter, prof_jit_leave); mono_profiler_set_events (MONO_PROFILE_JIT_COMPILATION); } static void emit_byte (MonoProfiler *prof, guint8 value) { fwrite (&value, 1, 1, prof->outfile); } static void emit_int32 (MonoProfiler *prof, int value) { // FIXME: Endianness fwrite (&value, 4, 1, prof->outfile); } static void emit_string (MonoProfiler *prof, const char *str) { int len = strlen (str); emit_int32 (prof, len); fwrite (str, len, 1, prof->outfile); } static void emit_record (MonoProfiler *prof, AotProfRecordType type, int id) { emit_byte (prof, type); emit_int32 (prof, id); } static int add_image (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoImage *image) { int id = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (prof->images, image)); if (id) return id - 1; id = prof->id ++; emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_IMAGE, id); emit_string (prof, image->assembly->aname.name); emit_string (prof, image->guid); g_hash_table_insert (prof->images, image, GINT_TO_POINTER (id + 1)); return id; } static int add_class (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoClass *klass); static int add_type (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoType *type) { switch (type->type) { #if 0 case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { int eid = add_type (prof, &type->data.klass->byval_arg); if (eid == -1) return -1; int id = prof->id ++; emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_TYPE, id); emit_byte (prof, MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY); emit_int32 (prof, id); return id; } #endif case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_R4: case MONO_TYPE_R8: case MONO_TYPE_I: case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: return add_class (prof, mono_class_from_mono_type (type)); default: return -1; } } static int add_ginst (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoGenericInst *inst) { int i, id; int *ids; // FIXME: Cache ids = g_malloc0 (inst->type_argc * sizeof (int)); for (i = 0; i < inst->type_argc; ++i) { MonoType *t = inst->type_argv [i]; ids [i] = add_type (prof, t); if (ids [i] == -1) { g_free (ids); return -1; } } id = prof->id ++; emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_GINST, id); emit_int32 (prof, inst->type_argc); for (i = 0; i < inst->type_argc; ++i) emit_int32 (prof, ids [i]); g_free (ids); return id; } static int add_class (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoClass *klass) { int id, inst_id = -1, image_id; char *name; id = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (prof->classes, klass)); if (id) return id - 1; image_id = add_image (prof, klass->image); if (mono_class_is_ginst (klass)) { MonoGenericContext *ctx = mono_class_get_context (klass); inst_id = add_ginst (prof, ctx->class_inst); if (inst_id == -1) return -1; } if (klass->nested_in) name = g_strdup_printf ("%s.%s/%s", klass->nested_in->name_space, klass->nested_in->name, klass->name); else name = g_strdup_printf ("%s.%s", klass->name_space, klass->name); id = prof->id ++; emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_TYPE, id); emit_byte (prof, MONO_TYPE_CLASS); emit_int32 (prof, image_id); emit_int32 (prof, inst_id); emit_string (prof, name); g_free (name); g_hash_table_insert (prof->classes, klass, GINT_TO_POINTER (id + 1)); return id; } static void add_method (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *m) { MonoError error; MonoMethodSignature *sig; char *s; sig = mono_method_signature_checked (m, &error); g_assert (mono_error_ok (&error)); int class_id = add_class (prof, m->klass); if (class_id == -1) return; int inst_id = -1; if (m->is_inflated) { MonoGenericContext *ctx = mono_method_get_context (m); if (ctx->method_inst) inst_id = add_ginst (prof, ctx->method_inst); } int id = prof->id ++; emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_METHOD, id); emit_int32 (prof, class_id); emit_int32 (prof, inst_id); emit_int32 (prof, sig->param_count); emit_string (prof, m->name); s = mono_signature_full_name (sig); emit_string (prof, s); g_free (s); if (verbose) printf ("%s %d\n", mono_method_full_name (m, 1), id); } /* called at the end of the program */ static void prof_shutdown (MonoProfiler *prof) { FILE *outfile; int mindex; char magic [32]; printf ("Creating output file: %s\n", prof->outfile_name); if (prof->outfile_name [0] == '#') { int fd = strtol (prof->outfile_name + 1, NULL, 10); outfile = fdopen (fd, "a"); } else { outfile = fopen (prof->outfile_name, "w+"); } if (!outfile) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to create output file '%s': %s.\n", prof->outfile_name, strerror (errno)); return; } prof->outfile = outfile; gint32 version = (AOT_PROFILER_MAJOR_VERSION << 16) | AOT_PROFILER_MINOR_VERSION; sprintf (magic, AOT_PROFILER_MAGIC); fwrite (magic, strlen (magic), 1, outfile); emit_int32 (prof, version); GHashTable *all_methods = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); for (mindex = 0; mindex < prof->methods->len; ++mindex) { MonoMethod *m = (MonoMethod*)g_ptr_array_index (prof->methods, mindex); if (!mono_method_get_token (m)) continue; if (g_hash_table_lookup (all_methods, m)) continue; g_hash_table_insert (all_methods, m, m); add_method (prof, m); } emit_record (prof, AOTPROF_RECORD_NONE, 0); fclose (outfile); g_hash_table_destroy (all_methods); g_hash_table_destroy (prof->classes); g_hash_table_destroy (prof->images); g_ptr_array_free (prof->methods, TRUE); g_free (prof->outfile_name); }