#include #include #include "mono/metadata/class.h" #include "mono/metadata/assembly.h" #include "mono/metadata/tokentype.h" #include "mono/metadata/opcodes.h" #include "mono/metadata/tabledefs.h" #include "mono/metadata/cil-coff.h" /* MonoCLIImageInfo */ #include "mono/metadata/mono-endian.h" #include "mono/metadata/appdomain.h" /* mono_init */ static FILE *output; static int include_namespace = 0; static int max_depth = 6; static int verbose = 0; static char *graph_properties = "\tnode [fontsize=8.0]\n\tedge [len=2,color=red]\n"; static void output_type_edge (MonoClass *first, MonoClass *second) { if (include_namespace) fprintf (output, "\t\"%s.%s\" -> \"%s.%s\"\n", first->name_space, first->name, second->name_space, second->name); else fprintf (output, "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", first->name, second->name); } static void print_subtypes (MonoImage *image, MonoClass *class, int depth) { int i, index; MonoTableInfo *t; MonoClass *child; if (depth++ > max_depth) return; t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_TYPEDEF]; index = mono_metadata_token_index (class->type_token); index <<= TYPEDEFORREF_BITS; index |= TYPEDEFORREF_TYPEDEF; /* use a subgraph? */ for (i = 0; i < t->rows; ++i) { if (index == mono_metadata_decode_row_col (t, i, MONO_TYPEDEF_EXTENDS)) { child = mono_class_get (image, MONO_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF | (i + 1)); output_type_edge (class, child); print_subtypes (image, child, depth); } } } static void type_graph (MonoImage *image, char* cname) { MonoClass *class; MonoClass *parent; MonoClass *child; char *name_space; char *p; int depth = 0; cname = g_strdup (cname); p = strrchr (cname, '.'); if (p) { name_space = cname; *p++ = 0; cname = p; } else { name_space = ""; } class = mono_class_from_name (image, name_space, cname); if (!class) g_error ("class %s.%s not found", name_space, cname); fprintf (output, "digraph blah {\n"); fprintf (output, "%s", graph_properties); child = class; /* go back and print the parents for the node as well: not sure it's a good idea */ for (parent = class->parent; parent; parent = parent->parent) { output_type_edge (parent, child); child = parent; } print_subtypes (image, class, depth); fprintf (output, "}\n"); } static void get_type (GString *res, MonoType *type) { switch (type->type) { case MONO_TYPE_VOID: g_string_append (res, "void"); break; case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: g_string_append (res, "char"); break; case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: g_string_append (res, "bool"); break; case MONO_TYPE_U1: g_string_append (res, "byte"); break; case MONO_TYPE_I1: g_string_append (res, "sbyte"); break; case MONO_TYPE_U2: g_string_append (res, "uint16"); break; case MONO_TYPE_I2: g_string_append (res, "int16"); break; case MONO_TYPE_U4: g_string_append (res, "int"); break; case MONO_TYPE_I4: g_string_append (res, "unint"); break; case MONO_TYPE_U8: g_string_append (res, "ulong"); break; case MONO_TYPE_I8: g_string_append (res, "long"); break; case MONO_TYPE_FNPTR: /* who cares for the exact signature? */ g_string_append (res, "*()"); break; case MONO_TYPE_U: g_string_append (res, "intptr"); break; case MONO_TYPE_I: g_string_append (res, "unintptr"); break; case MONO_TYPE_R4: g_string_append (res, "single"); break; case MONO_TYPE_R8: g_string_append (res, "double"); break; case MONO_TYPE_STRING: g_string_append (res, "string"); break; case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: g_string_append (res, "object"); break; case MONO_TYPE_PTR: get_type (res, type->data.type); g_string_append_c (res, '*'); break; case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: get_type (res, type->data.array->type); g_string_append (res, "[,]"); /* not the full array info.. */ break; case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: get_type (res, type->data.type); g_string_append (res, "[]"); break; case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { MonoClass *class = type->data.klass; if (!class) { g_string_append (res, "Unknown"); break; } if (include_namespace && *(class->name_space)) g_string_sprintfa (res, "%s.", class->name_space); g_string_sprintfa (res, "%s", class->name); break; } default: break; } if (type->byref) g_string_append_c (res, '&'); } static char * get_signature (MonoMethod *method) { GString *res; static GHashTable *hash = NULL; char *result; int i; if (!hash) hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); if ((result = g_hash_table_lookup (hash, method))) return result; res = g_string_new (""); if (include_namespace && *(method->klass->name_space)) g_string_sprintfa (res, "%s.", method->klass->name_space); g_string_sprintfa (res, "%s:%s(", method->klass->name, method->name); for (i = 0; i < method->signature->param_count; ++i) { if (i > 0) g_string_append_c (res, ','); get_type (res, method->signature->params [i]); } g_string_sprintfa (res, ")"); g_hash_table_insert (hash, method, res->str); result = res->str; g_string_free (res, FALSE); return result; } static void output_method_edge (MonoMethod *first, MonoMethod *second) { char * f = get_signature (first); char * s = get_signature (second); fprintf (output, "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", f, s); } /* * We need to handle virtual calls is derived types. * We could check what types implement the method and * disassemble all of them: this can make the graph to explode. * We could try and keep track of the 'this' pointer type and * consider only the methods in the classes derived from that: * this can reduce the graph complexity somewhat (and it would * be the more correct approach). */ static void print_method (MonoMethod *method, int depth) { const MonoOpcode *opcode; MonoMethodHeader *header; GHashTable *hash; const unsigned char *ip; int i; if (depth++ > max_depth) return; if (method->info) /* avoid recursion */ return; method->info = method; if (method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL | METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME)) return; if (method->flags & (METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL | METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ABSTRACT)) return; header = ((MonoMethodNormal *)method)->header; ip = header->code; hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); while (ip < (header->code + header->code_size)) { if (*ip == 0xfe) { ++ip; i = *ip + 256; } else { i = *ip; } opcode = &mono_opcodes [i]; switch (opcode->argument) { case MonoInlineNone: ++ip; break; case MonoInlineType: case MonoInlineField: case MonoInlineTok: case MonoInlineString: case MonoInlineSig: case MonoShortInlineR: case MonoInlineI: case MonoInlineBrTarget: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineVar: ip += 3; break; case MonoShortInlineVar: case MonoShortInlineI: case MonoShortInlineBrTarget: ip += 2; break; case MonoInlineSwitch: { gint32 n; ++ip; n = read32 (ip); ip += 4; ip += 4 * n; break; } case MonoInlineR: case MonoInlineI8: ip += 9; break; case MonoInlineMethod: { guint32 token; MonoMethod *called; ip++; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; called = mono_get_method (method->klass->image, token, NULL); if (!called) break; /* warn? */ if (g_hash_table_lookup (hash, called)) break; g_hash_table_insert (hash, called, called); output_method_edge (method, called); print_method (called, depth); break; } default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } g_hash_table_destroy (hash); } static void method_graph (MonoImage *image, char *name) { int depth = 0; MonoMethod *method = NULL; if (!name) { method = mono_get_method (image, ((MonoCLIImageInfo*)image->image_info)->cli_cli_header.ch_entry_point, NULL); if (!method) g_error ("Cannot find entry point"); } else { /* search the method */ MonoTableInfo *tdef = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_TYPEDEF]; MonoTableInfo *methods = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD]; char *class_name, *class_nspace, *method_name, *use_args; int use_namespace, i; class_nspace = g_strdup (name); use_args = strchr (class_nspace, '('); if (use_args) *use_args++ = 0; method_name = strrchr (class_nspace, ':'); if (!method_name) g_error ("Invalid method name %s", name); *method_name++ = 0; class_name = strrchr (class_nspace, '.'); if (class_name) { *class_name++ = 0; use_namespace = 1; } else { class_name = class_nspace; use_namespace = 0; } for (i = 0; i < methods->rows; ++i) { guint32 index = mono_metadata_decode_row_col (methods, i, MONO_METHOD_NAME); guint32 idx; const char *n = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, index); if (strcmp (n, method_name)) continue; index = mono_metadata_typedef_from_method (image, i + 1); idx = mono_metadata_decode_row_col (tdef, index - 1, MONO_TYPEDEF_NAME); n = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, idx); if (strcmp (n, class_name)) continue; if (use_namespace) { idx = mono_metadata_decode_row_col (tdef, index - 1, MONO_TYPEDEF_NAMESPACE); n = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, idx); if (strcmp (n, class_nspace)) continue; } method = mono_get_method (image, MONO_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF | (i + 1), NULL); if (use_args) { /* check the signature */ n = get_signature (method); if (strcmp (n, name) == 0) break; if (verbose) g_print ("signature check failed: '%s' != '%s'.\n", n, name); method = NULL; } } if (!method) g_error ("Cannot find method %s", name); g_free (class_nspace); } fprintf (output, "digraph blah {\n"); fprintf (output, "%s", graph_properties); print_method (method, depth); fprintf (output, "}\n"); } static void usage () { printf ("monograph 0.1 Copyright (c) 2002 Ximian, Inc\n"); printf ("Create call graph or type hierarchy information from CIL assemblies.\n"); printf ("Usage: monograph [options] [assembly [typename|methodname]]\n"); printf ("Valid options are:\n"); printf ("\t-c|--call output call graph instead of type hierarchy\n"); printf ("\t-d|--depth num max depth recursion (default: 6)\n"); printf ("\t-o|--output filename write graph to file filename (default: stdout)\n"); printf ("\t-f|--fullname include namespace in type and method names\n"); printf ("\t-n|--neato invoke neato directly\n"); printf ("\t-v|--verbose verbose operation\n"); printf ("The default assembly is corlib.dll. The default method for\n"); printf ("the --call option is the entrypoint.\n"); printf ("When the --neato option is used the output type info is taken\n"); printf ("from the output filename extension.\n"); printf ("Sample runs:\n"); printf ("\tmonograph -n -o vt.png corlib.dll System.ValueType\n"); printf ("\tmonograph -n -o expr.png mcs.exe Mono.CSharp.Expression\n"); printf ("\tmonograph -d 3 -n -o callgraph.png -c mis.exe\n"); exit (1); } /* * TODO: * * virtual method calls as explained above * * maybe track field references * * track what exceptions a method could throw? * * for some inputs neato appears to hang or take a long time: kill it? * * allow passing additional command-line arguments to neato * * allow setting different graph/node/edge options directly * * option to avoid specialname methods * * make --neato option the default? * * use multiple classes/method roots? * * write a manpage */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { MonoAssembly *assembly; char *cname = NULL; char *aname = NULL; char *outputfile = NULL; int callgraph = 0; int callneato = 0; int i; mono_init (); output = stdout; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv [i] [0] != '-') break; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--call") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-c") == 0) { callgraph = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--fullname") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-f") == 0) { include_namespace = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--neato") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-n") == 0) { callneato = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--verbose") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-v") == 0) { verbose++; } else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--output") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-o") == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) usage (); outputfile = argv [++i]; } else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--depth") == 0 || strcmp (argv [i], "-d") == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) usage (); max_depth = atoi (argv [++i]); } else { usage (); } } if (argc > i) aname = argv [i]; if (argc > i + 1) cname = argv [i + 1]; if (!aname) aname = "corlib.dll"; if (!cname && !callgraph) cname = "System.Object"; assembly = mono_assembly_open (aname, NULL, NULL); if (!assembly) g_error ("cannot open assembly %s", aname); if (callneato) { GString *command = g_string_new ("neato"); char *type = NULL; if (outputfile) { type = strrchr (outputfile, '.'); g_string_sprintfa (command, " -o %s", outputfile); } if (type) g_string_sprintfa (command, " -T%s", type + 1); output = popen (command->str, "w"); if (!output) g_error ("Cannot run neato"); } else if (outputfile) { output = fopen (outputfile, "w"); if (!output) g_error ("Cannot open file: %s", outputfile); } /* if it looks like a method name, we want a callgraph. */ if (cname && strchr (cname, ':')) callgraph = 1; if (callgraph) method_graph (assembly->image, cname); else type_graph (assembly->image, cname); if (callneato) { if (verbose) g_print ("waiting for neato.\n"); pclose (output); } else if (outputfile) fclose (output); return 0; }