/* * monoburg.c: an iburg like code generator generator * * Author: * Dietmar Maurer (dietmar@ximian.com) * * (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. */ #include #include "monoburg.h" extern void yyparse (void); static GHashTable *term_hash; static GList *term_list; static GHashTable *nonterm_hash; static GList *nonterm_list; static GList *rule_list; FILE *inputfd; FILE *outputfd; static FILE *deffd; static void output (char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf (outputfd, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); } void create_rule (char *id, Tree *tree, char *code, char *cost, char *cfunc) { Rule *rule = g_new0 (Rule, 1); if (!cfunc && !cost) cost = "0"; rule->lhs = nonterm (id); rule->tree = tree; rule_list = g_list_append (rule_list, rule); rule->cost = cost; rule->cfunc = cfunc; rule->code = code; if (cfunc) { if (cost) yyerror ("duplicated costs (constant costs and cost function)"); else rule->cost = g_strdup_printf ("mono_burg_cost_%d (tree)", g_list_length (rule_list)); } rule->lhs->rules = g_list_append (rule->lhs->rules, rule); if (tree->op) tree->op->rules = g_list_append (tree->op->rules, rule); else tree->nonterm->chain = g_list_append (tree->nonterm->chain, rule); } Tree * create_tree (char *id, Tree *left, Tree *right) { int arity = (left != NULL) + (right != NULL); Term *term = g_hash_table_lookup (term_hash, id); Tree *tree = g_new0 (Tree, 1); if (term) { if (term->arity == -1) term->arity = arity; if (term->arity != arity) yyerror ("changed arity of terminal %s from %d to %d", id, term->arity, arity); tree->op = term; tree->left = left; tree->right = right; } else { tree->nonterm = nonterm (id); } return tree; } static void check_term_num (char *key, Term *value, int num) { if (num != -1 && value->number == num) yyerror ("duplicate terminal id \"%s\"", key); } void create_term (char *id, int num) { Term *term; if (nonterm_list) yyerror ("terminal definition after nonterminal definition"); if (num < -1) yyerror ("invalid terminal number %d", num); if (!term_hash) term_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash , g_str_equal); g_hash_table_foreach (term_hash, (GHFunc) check_term_num, (gpointer) num); term = g_new0 (Term, 1); term->name = id; term->number = num; term->arity = -1; term_list = g_list_append (term_list, term); g_hash_table_insert (term_hash, term->name, term); } NonTerm * nonterm (char *id) { NonTerm *nterm; if (!nonterm_hash) nonterm_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash , g_str_equal); if ((nterm = g_hash_table_lookup (nonterm_hash, id))) return nterm; nterm = g_new0 (NonTerm, 1); nterm->name = id; nonterm_list = g_list_append (nonterm_list, nterm); nterm->number = g_list_length (nonterm_list); g_hash_table_insert (nonterm_hash, nterm->name, nterm); return nterm; } void start_nonterm (char *id) { static gboolean start_def; if (start_def) yyerror ("start symbol redeclared"); start_def = TRUE; nonterm (id); } static void emit_tree_string (Tree *tree) { if (tree->op) { output ("%s", tree->op->name); if (tree->op->arity) { output ("("); emit_tree_string (tree->left); if (tree->right) { output (", "); emit_tree_string (tree->right); } output (")"); } } else output ("%s", tree->nonterm->name); } static void emit_rule_string (Rule *rule, char *fill) { output ("%s/* ", fill); output ("%s: ", rule->lhs->name); emit_tree_string (rule->tree); output (" */\n"); } static int next_term_num () { GList *l = term_list; int i = 1; while (l) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; if (t->number == i) { l = term_list; i++; } else l = l->next; } return i; } static int term_compare_func (Term *t1, Term *t2) { return t1->number - t2->number; } static void emit_header () { GList *l; output ("#include \n"); output ("\n"); output ("#ifndef MBTREE_TYPE\n#error MBTREE_TYPE undefined\n#endif\n"); output ("#ifndef MBTREE_OP\n#define MBTREE_OP(t) ((t)->op)\n#endif\n"); output ("#ifndef MBTREE_LEFT\n#define MBTREE_LEFT(t) ((t)->left)\n#endif\n"); output ("#ifndef MBTREE_RIGHT\n#define MBTREE_RIGHT(t) ((t)->right)\n#endif\n"); output ("#ifndef MBTREE_STATE\n#define MBTREE_STATE(t) ((t)->state)\n#endif\n"); output ("#ifndef MBCGEN_TYPE\n#define MBCGEN_TYPE int\n#endif\n"); output ("\n"); output ("#define MBMAXCOST 32768\n"); output ("\n"); output ("#define MBCOND(x) if (!(x)) return MBMAXCOST;\n"); output ("\n"); for (l = term_list; l; l = l->next) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; if (t->number == -1) t->number = next_term_num (); } term_list = g_list_sort (term_list, (GCompareFunc)term_compare_func); for (l = term_list; l; l = l->next) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; if (t->number == -1) t->number = next_term_num (); output ("#define MB_TERM_%s\t %d\n", t->name, t->number); } output ("\n"); } static void emit_nonterm () { GList *l; for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; output ("#define MB_NTERM_%s\t%d\n", n->name, n->number); } output ("#define MB_MAX_NTERMS\t%d\n", g_list_length (nonterm_list)); output ("\n"); } static void emit_state () { GList *l; int i, j; output ("typedef struct _MBState MBState;\n"); output ("struct _MBState {\n"); output ("\tint\t\t op;\n"); output ("\tMBState\t\t*left, *right;\n"); output ("\tguint16\t\tcost[%d];\n", g_list_length (nonterm_list) + 1); for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; g_assert (g_list_length (n->rules) < 256); i = g_list_length (n->rules); j = 1; while (i >>= 1) j++; output ("\tunsigned int\t rule_%s:%d;\n", n->name, j); } output ("};\n\n"); } static void emit_decoders () { GList *l; GList *rl; for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; output ("int mono_burg_decode_%s[] = {\n", n->name); output ("\t0,\n"); for (rl = n->rules; rl; rl = rl->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)rl->data; output ("\t%d,\n", g_list_index (rule_list, rule) + 1); } output ("};\n\n"); } } static void emit_tree_match (char *st, Tree *t) { char *tn; output ("\t\t\t%sop == %d /* %s */", st, t->op->number, t->op->name); if (t->left && t->left->op) { tn = g_strconcat (st, "left->", NULL); output (" &&\n"); emit_tree_match (tn, t->left); g_free (tn); } if (t->right && t->right->op) { tn = g_strconcat (st, "right->", NULL); output (" &&\n"); emit_tree_match (tn, t->right); g_free (tn); } } static void emit_rule_match (Rule *rule) { Tree *t = rule->tree; if ((t->left && t->left->op) || (t->right && t->right->op)) { output ("\t\tif (\n"); emit_tree_match ("p->", t); output ("\n\t\t)\n"); } } static void emit_costs (char *st, Tree *t) { char *tn; if (t->op) { if (t->left) { tn = g_strconcat (st, "left->", NULL); emit_costs (tn, t->left); g_free (tn); } if (t->right) { tn = g_strconcat (st, "right->", NULL); emit_costs (tn, t->right); } } else output ("%scost[MB_NTERM_%s] + ", st, t->nonterm->name); } static void emit_cond_assign (Rule *rule, char *cost, char *fill) { char *rc; if (cost) rc = g_strconcat ("c + ", cost, NULL); else rc = g_strdup ("c"); output ("%sif (%s < p->cost[MB_NTERM_%s]) {\n", fill, rc, rule->lhs->name); output ("%s\tp->cost[MB_NTERM_%s] = %s;\n", fill, rule->lhs->name, rc); output ("%s\tp->rule_%s = %d;\n", fill, rule->lhs->name, g_list_index (rule->lhs->rules, rule) + 1); if (rule->lhs->chain) output ("%s\tclosure_%s (p, %s);\n", fill, rule->lhs->name, rc); output ("%s}\n", fill); g_free (rc); } static void emit_label_func () { GList *l; int i; output ("static MBState *\n"); output ("mono_burg_label_priv (MBTREE_TYPE *tree) {\n"); output ("\tint arity;\n"); output ("\tint c;\n"); output ("\tMBState *p, *left, *right;\n\n"); output ("\tswitch (mono_burg_arity [MBTREE_OP(tree)]) {\n"); output ("\tcase 0:\n"); output ("\t\tleft = NULL;\n"); output ("\t\tright = NULL;\n"); output ("\t\tbreak;\n"); output ("\tcase 1:\n"); output ("\t\tleft = mono_burg_label_priv (MBTREE_LEFT(tree));\n"); output ("\t\tright = NULL;\n"); output ("\t\tbreak;\n"); output ("\tcase 2:\n"); output ("\t\tleft = mono_burg_label_priv (MBTREE_LEFT(tree));\n"); output ("\t\tright = mono_burg_label_priv (MBTREE_RIGHT(tree));\n"); output ("\t}\n\n"); output ("\tarity = (left != NULL) + (right != NULL);\n"); output ("\tg_assert (arity == mono_burg_arity [MBTREE_OP(tree)]);\n\n"); output ("\tp = g_new0 (MBState, 1);\n"); output ("\tp->op = MBTREE_OP(tree);\n"); output ("\tp->left = left;\n"); output ("\tp->right = right;\n"); for (l = nonterm_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { output ("\tp->cost [%d] = 32767;\n", ++i); } output ("\n"); output ("\tswitch (MBTREE_OP(tree)) {\n"); for (l = term_list; l; l = l->next) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; GList *rl; output ("\tcase %d: /* %s */\n", t->number, t->name); for (rl = t->rules; rl; rl = rl->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)rl->data; Tree *t = rule->tree; emit_rule_string (rule, "\t\t"); emit_rule_match (rule); output ("\t\t{\n"); output ("\t\t\tc = "); emit_costs ("", t); output ("%s;\n", rule->cost); emit_cond_assign (rule, NULL, "\t\t\t"); output ("\t\t}\n"); } output ("\t\tbreak;\n"); } output ("\tdefault:\n"); output ("\t\tg_error (\"unknown operator\");\n"); output ("\t}\n\n"); output ("\tMBTREE_STATE(tree) = p;\n"); output ("\treturn p;\n"); output ("}\n\n"); output ("MBState *\n"); output ("mono_burg_label (MBTREE_TYPE *tree)\n{\n"); output ("\tMBState *p = mono_burg_label_priv (tree);\n"); output ("\treturn p->rule_%s ? p : NULL;\n", ((NonTerm *)nonterm_list->data)->name); output ("}\n\n"); } static char * compute_kids (char *ts, Tree *tree, int *n) { char *res; if (tree->nonterm) { return g_strdup_printf ("\t\tkids[%d] = %s;\n", (*n)++, ts); } else if (tree->op && tree->op->arity) { char *res2 = NULL; res = compute_kids (g_strdup_printf ("MBTREE_LEFT(%s)", ts), tree->left, n); if (tree->op->arity == 2) res2 = compute_kids (g_strdup_printf ("MBTREE_RIGHT(%s)", ts), tree->right, n); return g_strconcat (res, res2, NULL); } return ""; } static void emit_kids () { GList *l, *nl; int i, j, c, n, *si; char **sa; output ("int\n"); output ("mono_burg_rule (MBState *state, int goal)\n{\n"); output ("\tg_return_val_if_fail (state != NULL, 0);\n"); output ("\tg_return_val_if_fail (goal > 0, 0);\n\n"); output ("\tswitch (goal) {\n"); for (nl = nonterm_list; nl; nl = nl->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)nl->data; output ("\tcase MB_NTERM_%s:\n", n->name); output ("\t\treturn mono_burg_decode_%s [state->rule_%s];\n", n->name, n->name); } output ("\tdefault: g_assert_not_reached ();\n"); output ("\t}\n"); output ("\treturn 0;\n"); output ("}\n\n"); output ("MBTREE_TYPE **\n"); output ("mono_burg_kids (MBTREE_TYPE *tree, int rulenr, MBTREE_TYPE *kids [])\n{\n"); output ("\tg_return_val_if_fail (tree != NULL, NULL);\n"); output ("\tg_return_val_if_fail (MBTREE_STATE(tree) != NULL, NULL);\n"); output ("\tg_return_val_if_fail (kids != NULL, NULL);\n\n"); output ("\tswitch (rulenr) {\n"); n = g_list_length (rule_list); sa = g_new0 (char *, n); si = g_new0 (int, n); /* compress the case statement */ for (l = rule_list, i = 0, c = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; int kn = 0; char *k; k = compute_kids ("tree", rule->tree, &kn); for (j = 0; j < c; j++) if (!strcmp (sa [j], k)) break; si [i++] = j; if (j == c) sa [c++] = k; } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { for (l = rule_list, j = 0; l; l = l->next, j++) if (i == si [j]) output ("\tcase %d:\n", j + 1); output ("%s", sa [i]); output ("\t\tbreak;\n"); } output ("\tdefault:\n\t\tg_assert_not_reached ();\n"); output ("\t}\n"); output ("\treturn kids;\n"); output ("}\n\n"); } static void emit_emitter_func () { GList *l; int i; for (l = rule_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; if (rule->code) { output ("static void "); emit_rule_string (rule, ""); output ("mono_burg_emit_%d (MBTREE_TYPE *tree, MBCGEN_TYPE *s)\n", i); output ("{\n"); output ("%s\n", rule->code); output ("}\n\n"); } i++; } output ("MBEmitFunc mono_burg_func [] = {\n"); output ("\tNULL,\n"); for (l = rule_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; if (rule->code) output ("\tmono_burg_emit_%d,\n", i); else output ("\tNULL,\n"); i++; } output ("};\n\n"); } static void emit_cost_func () { GList *l; int i; for (l = rule_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; if (rule->cfunc) { output ("static guint16\n"); emit_rule_string (rule, ""); output ("mono_burg_cost_%d (MBTREE_TYPE *tree)\n", i + 1); output ("{\n"); output ("%s\n", rule->cfunc); output ("}\n\n"); } i++; } } static void emit_closure () { GList *l, *rl; for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; if (n->chain) output ("static void closure_%s (MBState *p, int c);\n", n->name); } output ("\n"); for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; if (n->chain) { output ("static void\n"); output ("closure_%s (MBState *p, int c)\n{\n", n->name); for (rl = n->chain; rl; rl = rl->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)rl->data; emit_rule_string (rule, "\t"); emit_cond_assign (rule, rule->cost, "\t"); } output ("}\n\n"); } } } static char * compute_nonterms (Tree *tree) { if (!tree) return ""; if (tree->nonterm) { return g_strdup_printf ("MB_NTERM_%s, ", tree->nonterm->name); } else { return g_strconcat (compute_nonterms (tree->left), compute_nonterms (tree->right), NULL); } } static void emit_vardefs () { GList *l; int i, j, c, n, *si; char **sa; output ("guint8 mono_burg_arity [] = {\n"); for (l = term_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; while (i < t->number) { output ("\t0,\n"); i++; } output ("\t%d, /* %s */\n", t->arity, t->name); i++; } output ("};\n\n"); output ("char *mono_burg_term_string [] = {\n"); output ("\tNULL,\n"); for (l = term_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Term *t = (Term *)l->data; output ("\t\"%s\",\n", t->name); } output ("};\n\n"); output ("char *mono_burg_rule_string [] = {\n"); output ("\tNULL,\n"); for (l = rule_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; output ("\t\"%s: ", rule->lhs->name); emit_tree_string (rule->tree); output ("\",\n"); } output ("};\n\n"); n = g_list_length (rule_list); sa = g_new0 (char *, n); si = g_new0 (int, n); /* compress the _nts array */ for (l = rule_list, i = 0, c = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; char *s = compute_nonterms (rule->tree); for (j = 0; j < c; j++) if (!strcmp (sa [j], s)) break; si [i++] = j; if (j == c) { output ("static guint16 mono_burg_nts_%d [] = { %s0 };\n", c, s); sa [c++] = s; } } output ("\n"); output ("guint16 *mono_burg_nts [] = {\n"); output ("\t0,\n"); for (l = rule_list, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; output ("\tmono_burg_nts_%d, ", si [i++]); emit_rule_string (rule, ""); } output ("};\n\n"); } static void emit_prototypes () { output ("typedef void (*MBEmitFunc) (MBTREE_TYPE *tree, MBCGEN_TYPE *s);\n\n"); output ("extern char *mono_burg_term_string [];\n"); output ("extern char *mono_burg_rule_string [];\n"); output ("extern guint16 *mono_burg_nts [];\n"); output ("extern MBEmitFunc mono_burg_func [];\n"); output ("MBState *mono_burg_label (MBTREE_TYPE *tree);\n"); output ("int mono_burg_rule (MBState *state, int goal);\n"); output ("MBTREE_TYPE **mono_burg_kids (MBTREE_TYPE *tree, int rulenr, MBTREE_TYPE *kids []);\n"); output ("\n"); } static void check_reach (NonTerm *n); static void mark_reached (Tree *tree) { if (tree->nonterm && !tree->nonterm->reached) check_reach (tree->nonterm); if (tree->left) mark_reached (tree->left); if (tree->right) mark_reached (tree->right); } static void check_reach (NonTerm *n) { GList *l; n->reached = 1; for (l = n->rules; l; l = l->next) { Rule *rule = (Rule *)l->data; mark_reached (rule->tree); } } static void check_result () { GList *l; for (l = term_list; l; l = l->next) { Term *term = (Term *)l->data; if (term->arity == -1) g_warning ("unused terminal \"%s\"",term->name); } check_reach (((NonTerm *)nonterm_list->data)); for (l = nonterm_list; l; l = l->next) { NonTerm *n = (NonTerm *)l->data; if (!n->reached) g_error ("unreachable nonterm \"%s\"", n->name); } } static void usage () { fprintf (stderr, "Usage is: monoburg [-d file] [file] \n"); exit (1); } int main (int argc, char *argv []) { char *deffile = NULL; char *infile = NULL; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++){ if (argv [i][0] == '-'){ if (argv [i][1] == 'h') { usage (); } else if (argv [i][1] == 'd') { deffile = argv [++i]; } else { usage (); } } else { if (infile) usage (); else infile = argv [i]; } } if (deffile) { if (!(deffd = fopen (deffile, "w"))) { perror ("cant open header output file"); exit (-1); } outputfd = deffd; output ("#ifndef _MONO_BURG_DEFS_\n"); output ("#define _MONO_BURG_DEFS_\n\n"); } else outputfd = stdout; if (infile) { if (!(inputfd = fopen (infile, "r"))) { perror ("cant open input file"); exit (-1); } } else { inputfd = stdin; } yyparse (); check_result (); if (!nonterm_list) g_error ("no start symbol found"); emit_header (); emit_nonterm (); emit_state (); emit_prototypes (); if (deffd) { output ("#endif /* _MONO_BURG_DEFS_ */\n"); fclose (deffd); outputfd = stdout; output ("#include \"%s\"\n\n", deffile); } emit_vardefs (); emit_cost_func (); emit_emitter_func (); emit_decoders (); emit_closure (); emit_label_func (); emit_kids (); yyparsetail (); if (infile) fclose (inputfd); return 0; }