using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Mono; /* * Regression tests for the mono JIT. * * Each test needs to be of the form: * * static int test__ (); * * where is an integer (the value that needs to be returned by * the method to make it pass. * is a user-displayed name used to identify the test. * * The tests can be driven in two ways: * *) running the program directly: Main() uses reflection to find and invoke * the test methods (this is useful mostly to check that the tests are correct) * *) with the --regression switch of the jit (this is the preferred way since * all the tests will be run with optimizations on and off) * * The reflection logic could be moved to a .dll since we need at least another * regression test file written in IL code to have better control on how * the IL code looks. */ #if __MOBILE__ namespace UnalignedTests { #endif class Tests { #if !__MOBILE__ public static int Main (string[] args) { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests), args); } #endif public static unsafe int test_0_ldobj_r4 () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [32]; float f = (float)123.44f; *(float*)ptr = (float)f; int expected = *(int*)ptr; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 1, expected); /* we can loose some precision due to r4<->r8 conversions */ if (Math.Abs (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 1) - f) > 0.01f) return 1; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_ldobj_r8 () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [32]; double f = 34423.44f; *(double*)ptr = (double)f; long expected = *(long*)ptr; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 3, expected); if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 3) != f) return 1; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_ldobj () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) ptr [i] = (byte)i; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 0) != 0x0100) return 1; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 1) != 0x0201) return 2; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 2) != 0x0302) return 3; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 1) != 0x04030201) return 4; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 2) != 0x05040302) return 5; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 1) != 0x0807060504030201) return 6; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobj (ptr + 6) != 0xD0C0B0A09080706) return 7; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_ldind () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) ptr [i] = (byte)i; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd2 (ptr + 0) != 0x0100) return 1; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd2 (ptr + 1) != 0x0201) return 2; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd2 (ptr + 2) != 0x0302) return 3; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd4 (ptr + 1) != 0x04030201) return 4; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd4 (ptr + 2) != 0x05040302) return 5; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd8 (ptr + 1) != 0x0807060504030201) return 6; if (Intrinsics.UnalignedLdInd8 (ptr + 6) != 0xD0C0B0A09080706) return 7; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_cpobj () { byte *dest = stackalloc byte [20]; byte *src = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) src [i] = (byte)i; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 0, src + 0); if (dest [0] != src [0] || dest [1] != src [1]) return 1; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 1, src + 0); if (dest [1] != src [0] || dest [2] != src [1]) return 2; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 0, src + 1); if (dest [0] != src [1] || dest [1] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 1, src + 1); if (dest [1] != src [1] || dest [2] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 3, src); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (dest [i + 3] != src [i]) return 4; } Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 1, src + 2); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (dest [i + 1] != src [i + 2]) return 5; } Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 1, src + 2); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (dest [i + 1] != src [i + 2]) return 6; } Intrinsics.UnalignedCpobj (dest + 7, src + 2); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (dest [i + 7] != src [i + 2]) return 7; } return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_stobj () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [20]; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 0, 0x6688); if (ptr [0] != 0x88 || ptr [1] != 0x66) return 1; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 1, 0x6589); if (ptr [1] != 0x89 || ptr [2] != 0x65) return 2; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 1, 0x60708090); if (ptr [1] != 0x90 || ptr [2] != 0x80 || ptr [3] != 0x70 || ptr [4] != 0x60) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedStobj (ptr + 1, 0x405060708090); if (ptr [1] != 0x90 || ptr [2] != 0x80 || ptr [3] != 0x70 || ptr [4] != 0x60 || ptr [5] != 0x50 || ptr [6] != 0x40) return 4; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_ldobj_stobj () { byte *dest = stackalloc byte [20]; byte *src = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) src [i] = (byte)i; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 0, src + 0); if (dest [0] != src [0] || dest [1] != src [1]) return 1; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 1, src + 0); if (dest [1] != src [0] || dest [2] != src [1]) return 2; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 0, src + 1); if (dest [0] != src [1] || dest [1] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 1, src + 1); if (dest [1] != src [1] || dest [2] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 1, src + 1); if (dest [1] != src [1] || dest [2] != src [2]) return 4; Intrinsics.UnalignedLdobjStObjPair (dest + 1, src + 1); if (dest [1] != src [1] || dest [2] != src [2]) return 5; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_cpblk () { byte *dest = stackalloc byte [20]; byte *src = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) src [i] = (byte)i; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 0, src + 0, 2); if (dest [0] != src [0] || dest [1] != src [1]) return 1; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 1, src + 0, 2); if (dest [1] != src [0] || dest [2] != src [1]) return 2; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 0, src + 1, 2); if (dest [0] != src [1] || dest [1] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 1, src + 1, 2); if (dest [1] != src [1] || dest [2] != src [2]) return 3; Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 1, src + 1, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (dest [i + 1] != src [i + 1]) return 4; } Intrinsics.UnalignedCpblk (dest + 1, src + 1, 8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (dest [i + 1] != src [i + 1]) return 5; } return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_initblk () { byte *ptr = stackalloc byte [20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) ptr [i] = (byte)i; Intrinsics.UnalignedInit (ptr, 30, 2); if (ptr [0] != 30 || ptr [1] != 30) return 1; Intrinsics.UnalignedInit (ptr + 1, 31, 2); if (ptr[0] != 30 || ptr [1] != 31 || ptr [2] != 31) return 2; return 0; } } #if __MOBILE__ } #endif