using System; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; /* * Regression tests for the mono JIT. * * Each test needs to be of the form: * * static int test__ (); * * where is an integer (the value that needs to be returned by * the method to make it pass. * is a user-displayed name used to identify the test. * * The tests can be driven in two ways: * *) running the program directly: Main() uses reflection to find and invoke * the test methods (this is useful mostly to check that the tests are correct) * *) with the --regression switch of the jit (this is the preferred way since * all the tests will be run with optimizations on and off) * * The reflection logic could be moved to a .dll since we need at least another * regression test file written in IL code to have better control on how * the IL code looks. */ struct Simple { public int a; public byte b; public short c; public long d; } struct Small { public byte b1; public byte b2; } // Size=2, Align=1 struct Foo { bool b1; bool b2; } struct Large { int one; int two; long three; long four; int five; long six; int seven; long eight; long nine; long ten; public void populate () { one = 1; two = 2; three = 3; four = 4; five = 5; six = 6; seven = 7; eight = 8; nine = 9; ten = 10; } public bool check () { return one == 1 && two == 2 && three == 3 && four == 4 && five == 5 && six == 6 && seven == 7 && eight == 8 && nine == 9 && ten == 10; } } class Sample { public int a; public Sample (int v) { a = v; } } [StructLayout ( LayoutKind.Explicit )] struct StructWithBigOffsets { [ FieldOffset(10000) ] public byte b; [ FieldOffset(10001) ] public sbyte sb; [ FieldOffset(11000) ] public short s; [ FieldOffset(11002) ] public ushort us; [ FieldOffset(12000) ] public uint i; [ FieldOffset(12004) ] public int si; [ FieldOffset(13000) ] public long l; [ FieldOffset(14000) ] public float f; [ FieldOffset(15000) ] public double d; } enum SampleEnum { A, B, C } struct Alpha { public long a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v; } struct Beta { public Alpha a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v; } struct Gamma { public Beta a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v; } class Tests { static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } public static int test_0_return () { Simple s; s.a = 1; s.b = 2; s.c = (short)(s.a + s.b); s.d = 4; return s.a - 1; } public static int test_0_string_access () { string s = "Hello"; if (s [1] != 'e') return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_string_virtual_call () { string s = "Hello"; string s2 = s.ToString (); if (s2 [1] != 'e') return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_iface_call () { string s = "Hello"; object o = ((ICloneable)s).Clone (); return 0; } public static int test_5_newobj () { Sample s = new Sample (5); return s.a; } public static int test_4_box () { object obj = 4; return (int)obj; } public static int test_0_enum_unbox () { SampleEnum x = SampleEnum.A; object o = x; int res = 1; res = (int)o; return res; } static Simple get_simple (int v) { Simple r = new Simple (); r.a = v; r.b = (byte)(v + 1); r.c = (short)(v + 2); r.d = v + 3; return r; } public static int test_3_return_struct () { Simple v = get_simple (1); if (v.a != 1) return 0; if (v.b != 2) return 0; if (v.c != 3) return 0; if (v.d != 4) return 0; return 3; } public virtual Simple v_get_simple (int v) { return get_simple (v); } public static int test_2_return_struct_virtual () { Tests t = new Tests (); Simple v = t.v_get_simple (2); if (v.a != 2) return 0; if (v.b != 3) return 0; if (v.c != 4) return 0; if (v.d != 5) return 0; return 2; } static int receive_simple (int a, Simple v, int b) { if (v.a != 1) return 1; if (v.b != 2) return 2; if (v.c != 3) return 3; if (v.d != 4) return 4; if (a != 7) return 5; if (b != 9) return 6; return 0; } public static int test_5_pass_struct () { Simple v = get_simple (1); if (receive_simple (7, v, 9) != 0) return 0; if (receive_simple (7, get_simple (1), 9) != 0) return 1; return 5; } static Simple s_v; public static int test_5_pass_static_struct () { s_v = get_simple (1); if (receive_simple (7, s_v, 9) != 0) return 0; return 5; } // Test alignment of small structs static Small get_small (byte v) { Small r = new Small (); r.b1 = v; r.b2 = (byte)(v + 1); return r; } static Small return_small (Small s) { return s; } static int receive_small (int a, Small v, int b) { if (v.b1 != 1) return 1; if (v.b2 != 2) return 2; return 0; } static int receive_small_sparc_many_args (int a, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, Small v, int b) { if (v.b1 != 1) return 1; if (v.b2 != 2) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_5_pass_small_struct () { Small v = get_small (1); if (receive_small (7, v, 9) != 0) return 0; if (receive_small (7, get_small (1), 9) != 0) return 1; if (receive_small_sparc_many_args (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, v, 9) != 0) return 2; v = return_small (v); if (v.b1 != 1) return 3; if (v.b2 != 2) return 4; return 5; } // 64-bits, 32-bit aligned struct struct1 { public int a; public int b; }; static int check_struct1(struct1 x) { if (x.a != 1) return 1; if (x.b != 2) return 2; return 0; } static int pass_struct1(int a, int b, struct1 x) { if (a != 3) return 3; if (b != 4) return 4; return check_struct1(x); } static int pass_struct1(int a, struct1 x) { if (a != 3) return 3; return check_struct1(x); } static int pass_struct1(struct1 x) { return check_struct1(x); } public static int test_0_struct1_args () { int r; struct1 x; x.a = 1; x.b = 2; if ((r = check_struct1(x)) != 0) return r; if ((r = pass_struct1(x)) != 0) return r + 10; if ((r = pass_struct1(3, x)) != 0) return r + 20; if ((r = pass_struct1(3, 4, x)) != 0) return r + 30; return 0; } // 64-bits, 64-bit aligned struct struct2 { public long a; }; static int check_struct2(struct2 x) { if (x.a != 1) return 1; return 0; } static int pass_struct2(int a, int b, int c, struct2 x) { if (a != 3) return 3; if (b != 4) return 4; if (c != 5) return 5; return check_struct2(x); } static int pass_struct2(int a, int b, struct2 x) { if (a != 3) return 3; if (b != 4) return 4; return check_struct2(x); } static int pass_struct2(int a, struct2 x) { if (a != 3) return 3; return check_struct2(x); } static int pass_struct2(struct2 x) { return check_struct2(x); } public static int test_0_struct2_args () { int r; struct2 x; x.a = 1; if ((r = check_struct2(x)) != 0) return r; if ((r = pass_struct2(x)) != 0) return r + 10; if ((r = pass_struct2(3, x)) != 0) return r + 20; if ((r = pass_struct2(3, 4, x)) != 0) return r + 30; if ((r = pass_struct2(3, 4, 5, x)) != 0) return r + 40; return 0; } // 128 bits struct Struct3 { public long i, j, k, l; } static int pass_struct3 (int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o, int p, Struct3 s, int q) { if (s.i + s.j + s.k + s.l != 10) return 1; else return 0; } public static int test_0_struct3_args () { Struct3 s = new Struct3 (); s.i = 1; s.j = 2; s.k = 3; s.l = 4; return pass_struct3 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, s, 9); } // Struct with unaligned size on 64 bit machines struct Struct4 { public int i, j, k, l, m; public int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6; } static int pass_struct4 (Struct4 s) { if (s.i + s.j + s.k + s.l + s.m != 15) return 1; else return 0; } public static int test_0_struct4_args () { Struct4 s = new Struct4 (); s.i = 1; s.j = 2; s.k = 3; s.l = 4; s.m = 5; return pass_struct4 (s); } struct AStruct { public int i; public AStruct (int i) { this.i = i; } public override int GetHashCode () { return i; } } // Test that vtypes are unboxed during a virtual call public static int test_44_unbox_trampoline () { AStruct s = new AStruct (44); object o = s; return o.GetHashCode (); } public static int test_0_unbox_trampoline2 () { int i = 12; object o = i; if (i.ToString () != "12") return 1; if (((Int32)o).ToString () != "12") return 2; if (o.ToString () != "12") return 3; return 0; } // Test fields with big offsets public static int test_0_fields_with_big_offsets () { StructWithBigOffsets s = new StructWithBigOffsets (); StructWithBigOffsets s2 = new StructWithBigOffsets (); s.b = 0xde; = 0xe; s.s = 0x12de; = 0x12da; s.i = 0xdeadbeef; = 0xcafe; s.l = 0xcafebabe; s.f = 3.14F; s.d = 3.14; s2.b = s.b; =; s2.s = s.s; =; s2.i = s.i; =; s2.l = s.l; s2.f = s.f; s2.d = s.d; if (s2.b != 0xde) return 1; if (s2.s != 0x12de) return 2; if (s2.i != 0xdeadbeef) return 3; if (s2.l != 0xcafebabe) return 4; if (s2.f != 3.14F) return 5; if (s2.d != 3.14) return 6; if ( != 0xe) return 7; if ( != 0x12da) return 9; if ( != 0xcafe) return 10; return 0; } class TestRegA { long buf_start; int buf_length, buf_offset; public TestRegA () { buf_start = 0; buf_length = 0; buf_offset = 0; } public long Seek (long position) { long pos = position; /* interaction between the register allocator and * allocating arguments to registers */ if (pos >= buf_start && pos <= buf_start + buf_length) { buf_offset = (int) (pos - buf_start); return pos; } return buf_start; } } public static int test_0_seektest () { TestRegA t = new TestRegA (); return (int)t.Seek (0); } class Super : ICloneable { public virtual object Clone () { return null; } } class Duper: Super { } public static int test_0_null_cast () { object o = null; Super s = (Super)o; return 0; } public static int test_0_super_cast () { Duper d = new Duper (); Super sup = d; Object o = d; if (!(o is Super)) return 1; try { d = (Duper)sup; } catch { return 2; } if (!(d is Object)) return 3; try { d = (Duper)(object)sup; } catch { return 4; } return 0; } public static int test_0_super_cast_array () { Duper[] d = new Duper [0]; Super[] sup = d; Object[] o = d; if (!(o is Super[])) return 1; try { d = (Duper[])sup; } catch { return 2; } if (!(d is Object[])) return 3; try { d = (Duper[])(object[])sup; } catch { return 4; } return 0; } public static int test_0_multi_array_cast () { Duper[,] d = new Duper [1, 1]; object[,] o = d; try { o [0, 0] = new Super (); return 1; } catch (ArrayTypeMismatchException) { } return 0; } public static int test_0_vector_array_cast () { Array arr1 = Array.CreateInstance (typeof (int), new int[] {1}, new int[] {0}); Array arr2 = Array.CreateInstance (typeof (int), new int[] {1}, new int[] {10}); if (arr1.GetType () != typeof (int[])) return 1; if (arr2.GetType () == typeof (int[])) return 2; int[] b; b = (int[])arr1; try { b = (int[])arr2; return 3; } catch (InvalidCastException) { } if (arr2 is int[]) return 4; int [,] [] arr3 = new int [1, 1] []; object o = arr3; int [,] [] arr4 = (int [,] [])o; return 0; } public static int test_0_enum_array_cast () { TypeCode[] tc = new TypeCode [0]; object[] oa; ValueType[] vta; int[] inta; Array a = tc; bool ok; if (a is object[]) return 1; if (a is ValueType[]) return 2; if (a is Enum[]) return 3; try { ok = false; oa = (object[])a; } catch { ok = true; } if (!ok) return 4; try { ok = false; vta = (ValueType[])a; } catch { ok = true; } if (!ok) return 5; try { ok = true; inta = (int[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 6; return 0; } public static int test_0_more_cast_corner_cases () { ValueType[] vta = new ValueType [0]; Enum[] ea = new Enum [0]; Array a = vta; object[] oa; bool ok; if (!(a is object[])) return 1; if (!(a is ValueType[])) return 2; if (a is Enum[]) return 3; a = ea; if (!(a is object[])) return 4; if (!(a is ValueType[])) return 5; if (!(a is Enum[])) return 6; try { ok = true; oa = (object[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 7; try { ok = true; oa = (Enum[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 8; try { ok = true; oa = (ValueType[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 9; a = vta; try { ok = true; oa = (object[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 10; try { ok = true; oa = (ValueType[])a; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 11; try { ok = false; vta = (Enum[])a; } catch { ok = true; } if (!ok) return 12; return 0; } public static int test_0_cast_iface_array () { object o = new ICloneable [0]; object o2 = new Duper [0]; object t; bool ok; if (!(o is object[])) return 1; if (!(o2 is ICloneable[])) return 2; try { ok = true; t = (object[])o; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 3; try { ok = true; t = (ICloneable[])o2; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 4; try { ok = true; t = (ICloneable[])o; } catch { ok = false; } if (!ok) return 5; if (!(o is ICloneable[])) return 6; /* add tests for interfaces that 'inherit' interfaces */ return 0; } private static int[] daysmonthleap = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; private static int AbsoluteDays (int year, int month, int day) { int temp = 0, m = 1; int[] days = daysmonthleap; while (m < month) temp += days[m++]; return ((day-1) + temp + (365* (year-1)) + ((year-1)/4) - ((year-1)/100) + ((year-1)/400)); } public static int test_719162_complex_div () { int adays = AbsoluteDays (1970, 1, 1); return adays; } delegate int GetIntDel (); static int return4 () { return 4; } int return5 () { return 5; } public static int test_2_static_delegate () { GetIntDel del = new GetIntDel (return4); int v = del (); if (v != 4) return 0; return 2; } public static int test_2_instance_delegate () { Tests t = new Tests (); GetIntDel del = new GetIntDel (t.return5); int v = del (); if (v != 5) return 0; return 2; } public static int test_1_store_decimal () { decimal[,] a = {{1}}; if (a[0,0] != 1m) return 0; return 1; } public static int test_2_intptr_stobj () { System.IntPtr [] arr = { new System.IntPtr () }; if (arr [0] != (System.IntPtr)0) return 1; return 2; } static int llmult (int a, int b, int c, int d) { return a + b + c + d; } /* * Test that evaluation of complex arguments does not overwrite the * arguments already in outgoing registers. */ public static int test_155_regalloc () { int a = 10; int b = 10; int c = 0; int d = 0; int[] arr = new int [5]; return llmult (arr [c + d], 150, 5, 0); } static bool large_struct_test (Large a, Large b, Large c, Large d) { if (!a.check ()) return false; if (!b.check ()) return false; if (!c.check ()) return false; if (!d.check ()) return false; return true; } public static int test_2_large_struct_pass () { Large a, b, c, d; a = new Large (); b = new Large (); c = new Large (); d = new Large (); a.populate (); b.populate (); c.populate (); d.populate (); if (large_struct_test (a, b, c, d)) return 2; return 0; } public static unsafe int test_0_pin_string () { string x = "xxx"; fixed (char *c = x) { if (*c != 'x') return 1; } return 0; } public static int my_flags; public static int test_0_and_cmp_static () { /* various forms of test [mem], imm */ my_flags = 0x01020304; if ((my_flags & 0x01020304) == 0) return 1; if ((my_flags & 0x00000304) == 0) return 2; if ((my_flags & 0x00000004) == 0) return 3; if ((my_flags & 0x00000300) == 0) return 4; if ((my_flags & 0x00020000) == 0) return 5; if ((my_flags & 0x01000000) == 0) return 6; return 0; } static byte b; public static int test_0_byte_compares () { b = 0xff; if (b == -1) return 1; b = 0; if (!(b < System.Byte.MaxValue)) return 2; if (!(b <= System.Byte.MaxValue)) return 3; return 0; } public static int test_71_long_shift_right () { ulong value = 38654838087; int x = 0; byte [] buffer = new byte [1]; buffer [x] = ((byte)(value >> x)); return buffer [x]; } static long x; public static int test_0_addsub_mem () { x = 0; x += 5; if (x != 5) return 1; x -= 10; if (x != -5) return 2; return 0; } static ulong y; public static int test_0_sh32_mem () { y = 0x0102130405060708; y >>= 32; if (y != 0x01021304) return 1; y = 0x0102130405060708; y <<= 32; if (y != 0x0506070800000000) return 2; x = 0x0102130405060708; x <<= 32; if (x != 0x0506070800000000) return 2; return 0; } static uint dum_de_dum = 1; public static int test_0_long_arg_opt () { return Foo (0x1234567887654321, dum_de_dum); } static int Foo (ulong x, ulong y) { if (x != 0x1234567887654321) return 1; if (y != 1) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_long_ret_opt () { ulong x = X (); if (x != 0x1234567887654321) return 1; ulong y = Y (); if (y != 1) return 2; return 0; } static ulong X () { return 0x1234567887654321; } static ulong Y () { return dum_de_dum; } /* from bug# 71515 */ static int counter = 0; static bool WriteStuff () { counter = 10; return true; } public static int test_0_cond_branch_side_effects () { counter = 5; if (WriteStuff()); if (counter == 10) return 0; return 1; } // bug #74992 public static int arg_only_written (string file_name, int[] ncells ) { if (file_name == null) return 1; ncells = foo (); bar (ncells [0]); return 0; } public static int[] foo () { return new int [3]; } public static void bar (int i) { } public static int test_0_arg_only_written () { return arg_only_written ("", null); } static long position = 0; public static int test_4_static_inc_long () { int count = 4; position = 0; position += count; return (int)position; } struct FooStruct { public FooStruct (long l) { } } public static int test_0_calls_opcode_emulation () { // Test that emulated opcodes do not clobber arguments already in // out registers checked { long val = 10000; new FooStruct (val * 10000); } return 0; } public static int test_0_intrins_string_length () { string s = "ABC"; return (s.Length == 3) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_string_chars () { string s = "ABC"; return (s [0] == 'A' && s [1] == 'B' && s [2] == 'C') ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_object_gettype () { object o = 1; return (o.GetType () == typeof (int)) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_object_gethashcode () { object o = new Object (); return (o.GetHashCode () == o.GetHashCode ()) ? 0 : 1; } class FooClass { } public static int test_0_intrins_object_ctor () { object o = new FooClass (); return (o != null) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_array_rank () { int[,] a = new int [10, 10]; return (a.Rank == 2) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_array_length () { int[,] a = new int [10, 10]; Array a2 = a; return (a2.Length == 100) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_intrins_runtimehelpers_offset_to_string_data () { int i = RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData; return i - i; } public static int test_0_intrins_string_setchar () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("ABC"); sb [1] = 'D'; return sb.ToString () == "ADC" ? 0 : 1; } public class Bar { bool allowLocation = true; Foo f = new Foo (); } public static int test_0_regress_78990_unaligned_structs () { new Bar (); return 0; } public static unsafe int test_97_negative_index () { char[] arr = new char[] {'a', 'b'}; fixed (char *p = arr) { char *i = p + 2; char a = i[-2]; return a; } } /* bug #82281 */ public static int test_0_unsigned_right_shift_imm0 () { uint temp = 0; byte[] data = new byte[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i ++) temp = (uint)(data[temp >> 24] | data[temp >> 0]); return 0; } class Foo2 { public virtual int foo () { return 0; } } sealed class Bar2 : Foo2 { public override int foo () { return 0; } } public static int test_0_abcrem_check_this_removal () { Bar2 b = new Bar2 (); // The check_this generated here by the JIT should be removed (); return 0; } static int invoke_twice (Bar2 b) { (); // The check_this generated here by the JIT should be removed (); return 0; } public static int test_0_abcrem_check_this_removal2 () { Bar2 b = new Bar2 (); invoke_twice (b); return 0; } /* #346563 */ public static int test_0_array_access_64_bit () { int[] arr2 = new int [10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) arr2 [i] = i; string s = "ABCDEFGH"; byte[] arr = new byte [4]; arr [0] = 252; arr [1] = 255; arr [2] = 255; arr [3] = 255; int len = arr [0] | (arr [1] << 8) | (arr [2] << 16) | (arr [3] << 24); int len2 = - (len + 2); // Test array and string access with a 32 bit value whose upper 32 bits are // undefined // len2 = 3 if (arr2 [len2] != 2) return 1; if (s [len2] != 'C') return 2; return 0; } public static float return_float () { return 1.4e-45f; } public static int test_0_float_return_spill () { // The return value of return_float () is spilled because of the // boxing call object o = return_float (); float f = return_float (); return (float)o == f ? 0 : 1; } class R4Holder { public static float pi = 3.14f; public float float_field; } public static int test_0_ldsfld_soft_float () { if (R4Holder.pi == 3.14f) return 0; else return 1; } public static int test_0_ldfld_stfld_soft_float () { R4Holder h = new R4Holder (); h.float_field = 3.14f; if (h.float_field == 3.14f) return 0; else return 1; } class R4HolderRemote : MarshalByRefObject { public static float pi = 3.14f; public float float_field; } public static int test_0_ldfld_stfld_soft_float_remote () { R4HolderRemote h = new R4HolderRemote (); h.float_field = 3.14f; if (h.float_field == 3.14f) return 0; else return 1; } public static int test_0_locals_soft_float () { float f = 0.0f; f = 3.14f; if (f == 3.14f) return 0; else return 1; } static int range_check_strlen (int i, string s) { if (i < 0 || i > s.Length) return 1; else return 0; } public static int test_0_range_check_opt () { if (range_check_strlen (0, "A") != 0) return 1; if (range_check_strlen (1, "A") != 0) return 2; if (range_check_strlen (2, "A") != 1) return 3; if (range_check_strlen (-100, "A") != 1) return 4; return 0; } static int test_0_array_get_set_soft_float () { float[,] arr = new float [2, 2]; arr [0, 0] = 256f; return arr [0, 0] == 256f ? 0 : 1; } //repro for #506915 struct Bug506915 { public int val; } static int test_2_ldobj_stobj_optization () { int i = 99; var a = new Bug506915 (); var b = new Bug506915 (); if (i.GetHashCode () == 99) i = 44; var array = new Bug506915 [2]; array [0].val = 2; array [1] = (i == 0) ? a : array [0]; return array [1].val; } static void InitMe (out Gamma noMercyWithTheStack) { noMercyWithTheStack = new Gamma (); } static int FunNoInline () { int x = 99; if (x > 344 && x < 22) return 333; return x; } static float DoNothingButDontInline (float a, int b) { if (b > 0) return a; else if (b < 0 && b > 10) return 444.0f; return a; } /* * The local register allocator emits loadr8_membase and storer8_membase * to do spilling. This code is generated after mono_arch_lowering_pass so * mono_arch_output_basic_block must know how to deal with big offsets. * This only happens because the call in middle forces the temp for "(float)obj" * to be spilled. */ public static int test_0_float_load_and_store_with_big_offset () { object obj = 1.0f; Gamma noMercyWithTheStack; float res; InitMe (out noMercyWithTheStack); res = DoNothingButDontInline ((float)obj, FunNoInline ()); if (!(res == 1.0f)) return 1; return 0; } struct VTypePhi { public int i; } static int vtype_phi (VTypePhi v1, VTypePhi v2, bool first) { VTypePhi v = first ? v1 : v2; return v.i; } static int test_0_vtype_phi () { VTypePhi v1 = new VTypePhi () { i = 1 }; VTypePhi v2 = new VTypePhi () { i = 2 }; if (vtype_phi (v1, v2, true) != 1) return 1; if (vtype_phi (v1, v2, false) != 2) return 2; return 0; } }