.assembly iltests {} .assembly extern TestDriver {} .assembly extern mscorlib {} .class public auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit Tests { .method static public int32 Main(string[] args) il managed { .entrypoint ldtoken Tests call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle) ldarg.0 call int32 [TestDriver]TestDriver::RunTests(class [mscorlib]System.Type, string[]) ret } // make sure the register allocator works when the return value of // 'div' is discarded .method static public int32 test_0_div_regalloc () il managed { .locals init ( int32 i ) ldloc 0 ldc.i4.s 0xa div pop ldc.i4.0 ret } .method static public int32 test_1_ceq_to_i4 () il managed { .locals init ( int32 foo ) ldc.i4 500 stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 500 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ret } .method static public int32 test_3_shl_regvars () il managed { .locals init ( int32 a, int32 b, int32 r1, int32 r2, int32 r3 ) ldc.i4.2 stloc a ldc.i4.1 stloc b ldloc a ldloc b shl stloc r1 ldloc a ldloc b shl stloc r2 ldloc a ldloc b shl stloc r3 ldloc r1 ldc.i4.4 ceq ldloc r2 ldc.i4.4 ceq ldloc r3 ldc.i4.4 ceq add add ret } .method static public int32 test_1_fceq_to_i4 () il managed { .locals init ( float64 foo, int32 val ) ldc.r8 2 stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.r8 2 ceq stloc val ldloc val ret } // // This should be manually checked. Basically under -O=linears, // you should not see tons of register spilling. // .method static public int32 test_1_bytedreg_free () il managed { .locals init ( int32 foo ) ldc.i4 500 stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 500 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 1 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 1 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 1 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ldc.i4 1 ceq stloc foo ldloc foo ret } // // This should be manually checked. Basically under -O=linears, // you should not see tons of register spilling. // .method static public int32 test_0_bytesreg1_free () il managed { .locals init ( unsigned int8 dest, int32 src, unsigned int8& pdest ) ldloca dest stloc pdest ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldloc src stind.i1 ldloc pdest ldind.i1 ret } .method static public int32 test_1_shift_regvar () il managed { .locals init ( int32 v7FFFFFFF, int32 v1 ) ldc.i4 0x7FFFFFFF stloc v7FFFFFFF ldc.i4.1 stloc v1 ldloc v7FFFFFFF ldloc v1 shl ldc.i4 0xFFFFFFFE ceq ret } // this only happens with the managed pointer, not an unmanaged one. .method static public int32 test_0_foo () il managed { .locals init ( int32& buf ) ldc.i4.5 localloc stloc buf ldloc buf ldind.i4 ret } .method static public int32 test_0_localloc () cil managed { .locals init (native int, native int, native int, native int, int32) ldc.i4 6 localloc conv.i stloc.0 ldc.i4 6 localloc conv.i stloc.1 ldc.i4 6 localloc conv.i stloc.2 // Variable length ldc.i4 128 stloc.s 4 ldloc.s 4 localloc conv.i stloc.3 // Check zero initialized ldloc.0 ldind.i4 ldc.i4.0 beq OK1 ldc.i4.1 br FAIL OK1: ldloc.3 ldind.i4 ldc.i4.0 beq OK2 ldc.i4.2 br FAIL OK2: ldloc.3 ldc.i4.s 124 add ldind.i4 ldc.i4.0 beq OK3 ldc.i4.3 br FAIL OK3: ldloc.1 ldc.i4 999999 stind.i4 ldloc.1 ldind.i4 ldc.i4 999999 beq OK4 ldc.i4.4 br FAIL OK4: ldloc.0 ldc.i4 999999 stind.i4 ldloc.0 ldind.i4 ldc.i4 999999 beq PASS ldc.i4.5 br FAIL FAIL: ret PASS: ldc.i4.0 ret } .method private static void do_localloc () cil managed { .maxstack 3 .locals init ( unsigned int8* V_0) IL_0000: ldc.i4.1 IL_0001: ldc.i4 131072 IL_0006: mul IL_0007: localloc IL_0009: stloc.0 IL_000a: ret } // Check that localloc can't be inlined .method static public int32 test_0_localloc_inline () cil managed { .maxstack 16 .locals init ( int32 i ) ldc.i4.0 stloc.0 br COND START: call void class Tests::do_localloc() ldloc.0 ldc.i4.1 add stloc.0 COND: ldloc.0 ldc.i4 1000 blt START ldc.i4.0 ret } .method static public int32 test_3_copy_used_bug () il managed { .locals init ( int32 size, int32 res ) ldc.i4 0 stloc res ldc.i4 1 stloc size ldloc size ldloc size ldloc size add stloc size ldloc size add stloc res ldloc res ret } // demonstrate that the copy_used_var is not a fix for the above bug .method static public int32 test_3_copy_used_indir_bug () il managed { .locals init ( int32 size, int32 res ) ldc.i4 0 stloc res ldc.i4 1 stloc size ldloc size ldloca size ldloc size ldloc size add stind.i4 ldloc size add stloc res ldloc res ret } .method static public void do_nothing (int32 a) il managed { ret } // demonstrate the block_split failure: needs -O=inline // mini -O=inline --compile Tests:test_0_split_block_bug iltests.exe .method static public int32 test_0_split_block_bug () il managed { .locals init ( int32 i1 ) ldc.i4 1 stloc i1 test_label: ldloc i1 call void class Tests::do_nothing (int32) ldc.i4 0 brtrue test_label ldc.i4 0 ret } .method public void inline_do_nothing () il managed { ret } .method static public int32 test_1_checkthis_inlining () il managed { ldnull call instance void class Tests::inline_do_nothing () ldc.i4 1 ret } .class nested private auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit TailCallStruct extends [mscorlib]System.ValueType { .field public int32 a .field public int32 b } .method static valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct tail1 (valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct arg) { ldarga 0 ldarga 0 ldfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldc.i4.1 add stfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldarga 0 ldarga 0 ldfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldc.i4.2 add stfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldarg.0 ret } .method static valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct tail2 (valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct arg) { ldarg.0 tail. call valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct Tests::tail1 (valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct) ret } .method static public int32 test_0_tail_calls () il managed { .maxstack 16 .locals init ( valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct arg ) ldloca 0 ldc.i4.2 stfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldloca 0 ldc.i4.4 stfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::b ldloc.0 call valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct Tests::tail2 (valuetype Tests/TailCallStruct) stloc.0 ldloca 0 ldfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::a ldloca 0 ldfld int32 Tests/TailCallStruct::b add ldc.i4 9 sub ret } .method static public int32 test_11_switch_with_nonempty_stack () il managed { .maxstack 16 ldc.i4.5 ldc.i4.6 ldc.i4.1 switch (L0, L1) L0: add ret L1: add ret } .method public static int32 test_5_endfinally_with_nonempty_stack () il managed { .maxstack 16 .try { leave IL_0 } finally { ldc.i4.0 endfinally } IL_0: ldc.i4.5 ret } .method public static int32 test_0_conv_ovf_i8_neg () il managed { .maxstack 16 ldc.i4.m1 conv.ovf.i8 conv.i4 ldc.i4.m1 beq L_OK ldc.i4.1 ret L_OK: ldc.i4.0 ret } .method public static int32 test_0_get_type_from_handle_on_bblock_boundary () cil managed { .maxstack 16 ldc.i4.1 brfalse OBJECT ldtoken [mscorlib]System.String br AFTER OBJECT: ldtoken [mscorlib]System.Object AFTER: call class [mscorlib]'System.Type' class [mscorlib]'System.Type'::'GetTypeFromHandle'(valuetype [mscorlib]'System.RuntimeTypeHandle') callvirt instance string class [mscorlib]System.Type::get_FullName () ldstr "System.String" callvirt instance bool class [mscorlib]System.Object::Equals(object) ldc.i4.0 ceq ret } .method public static int32 test_0_bug59580 () { ldc.r4 float32(0x7FC00000) ldc.r4 float32(0x7FC00000) bge.un pass br fail pass: ldc.i4.0 ret fail: ldc.i4.1 ret } .method public static int32 test_1_bug60056 () { .locals init (int32 m5) ldc.i4.m1 stloc.0 ldc.i4.1 conv.u8 ldloc.0 conv.i8 mul ldc.i4.m1 conv.i8 ceq ret } .method public static int32 test_1_conv_u8_cfold () { ldc.i4.m1 conv.u8 ldc.i8 0x00000000ffffffff ceq ret } .method public static int32 test_1_array_type_mismatch_ldelema () { .locals init (int32 r) ldc.i4.1 newarr string ldc.i4.0 ldelema string pop .try { ldc.i4.1 newarr string ldc.i4.0 ldelema object pop leave end } catch [mscorlib]System.ArrayTypeMismatchException { pop ldc.i4.1 stloc.0 leave end } end: ldloc.0 ret } .method public static int32 test_1_conv_ovf_i8_with_i4 () { ldc.i4.m1 conv.ovf.i8 conv.ovf.i4 neg ret } // bug #72148 .method public static int32 test_0_initlocals_float_ptr () { .maxstack 3 .locals init ( float32[] V_0, float32& pinned V_1, unsigned int32 V_2) ldc.i4.s 0x0f newarr [mscorlib]System.Single stloc.0 ldloc.0 ldc.i4.0 ldc.r4 1.13 stelem.r4 ldloc.0 ldc.i4.0 ldelema [mscorlib]System.Single stloc.1 ldloc.1 conv.i ldind.u4 stloc.2 ldc.i4.0 ret } .class nested private auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit FooStruct extends [mscorlib]System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor () cil managed { .maxstack 8 ret } } .method public static int32 test_0_newobj_vtype () { .maxstack 8 newobj instance void Tests/FooStruct::.ctor() pop ldc.i4.0 ret } }