using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; struct Foo { public int i, j, k, l, m, n; } struct GFoo { public T dummy; public T t; public int i; public Foo f; public static T static_dummy; public static T static_t; public static Foo static_f; } struct GFoo2 { public T t, t2, t3; } class GFoo3 { public T t, t2; public GFoo3 () { } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public GFoo3 (T i1, T i2) { t = i1; t2 = i2; } } // // Tests for generic sharing of vtypes. // The tests use arrays to pass/receive values to keep the calling convention of the methods stable, which is a current limitation of the runtime support for gsharedvt. // // FIXME: Add mixed ref/noref tests, i.e. Dictionary #if MOBILE public class GSharedTests #else public class Tests #endif { #if !MOBILE public static int Main (String[] args) { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests), args); } #endif [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void gshared (T [] array, int i, int j) { T tmp = array [i]; array [i] = array [j]; array [j] = tmp; } // Test that the gshared and gsharedvt versions don't mix public static int test_0_vt_gshared () { string[] sarr = new string [2] { "A", "B" }; gshared (sarr, 0, 1); Foo[] arr = new Foo [2]; arr [0] = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }; arr [1] = new Foo () { i = 3, j = 4 }; gshared (arr, 0, 1); if (arr [0].i != 3 || arr [0].j != 4) return 1; if (arr [1].i != 1 || arr [1].j != 2) return 2; return 0; } static void ldelem_stelem (T [] array, int i, int j) { T tmp = array [i]; array [i] = array [j]; array [j] = tmp; } public static int test_0_vt_ldelem_stelem () { Foo[] arr = new Foo [2]; arr [0] = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }; arr [1] = new Foo () { i = 3, j = 4 }; ldelem_stelem (arr, 0, 1); if (arr [0].i != 3 || arr [0].j != 4) return 1; if (arr [1].i != 1 || arr [1].j != 2) return 2; int[] arr2 = new int [2] { 1, 2 }; ldelem_stelem (arr2, 0, 1); if (arr2 [0] !=2 || arr2 [1] != 1) return 3; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static void initobj (T [] array, int i, int j) { T x = default(T); array [i] = x; } public static int test_0_vt_initobj () { Foo[] arr = new Foo [2]; arr [0] = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }; arr [1] = new Foo () { i = 3, j = 4 }; initobj (arr, 0, 1); if (arr [0].i != 0 || arr [0].j != 0) return 1; if (arr [1].i != 3 || arr [1].j != 4) return 2; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T ldobj_stobj (ref T t1, ref T t2) { t1 = t2; T t = t2; t2 = default(T); return t; } public static int test_0_vt_ldobj_stobj () { int i = 5; int j = 6; if (ldobj_stobj (ref i, ref j) != 6) return 1; if (i != 6 || j != 0) return 2; double d1 = 1.0; double d2 = 2.0; if (ldobj_stobj (ref d1, ref d2) != 2.0) return 3; if (d1 != 2.0 || d2 != 0.0) return 4; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static void box (T [] array, object[] arr) { object x = array [0]; arr [0] = x; } public static int test_0_vt_box () { Foo[] arr = new Foo [2]; arr [0] = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }; object[] arr2 = new object [16]; box (arr, arr2); if (arr2 [0].GetType () != typeof (Foo)) return 1; Foo f = (Foo)arr2 [0]; if (f.i != 1 || f.j != 2) return 2; string[] arr3 = new string [16]; object[] arr4 = new object [16]; arr3 [0] = "OK"; box (arr3, arr4); if (arr4 [0] != (object)arr3 [0]) return 3; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static void unbox_any (T [] array, object[] arr) { T t = (T)arr [0]; array [0] = t; } public static int test_0_vt_unbox_any () { int[] iarr = new int [16]; unbox_any (iarr, new object [] { 12 }); Foo[] arr = new Foo [2]; object[] arr2 = new object [16]; arr2 [0] = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }; unbox_any (arr, arr2); if (arr [0].i != 1 || arr [0].j != 2) return 2; return 0; } interface IFaceUnbox { T Unbox (T t, T2 t2, object o); } class ClassUnbox : IFaceUnbox { public T Unbox (T t, T2 t2, object o) { return (T)o; } } // unbox.any on a ref type in a gsharedvt method public static int test_0_ref_gsharedvt_aot_unbox_any () { IFaceUnbox iface = new ClassUnbox (); string s = iface.Unbox ("A", 2, "A"); if (s != "A") return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_unbox_any_enum () { IFaceUnbox iface = new ClassUnbox (); AnEnum res = iface.Unbox (AnEnum.One, 0, 1); if (res != AnEnum.Two) return 1; res = iface.Unbox (AnEnum.One, 0, AnEnum.Two); if (res != AnEnum.Two) return 2; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void ldfld_nongeneric (GFoo[] foo, int[] arr) { arr [0] = foo [0].i; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void ldfld (GFoo[] foo, T[] arr) { arr [0] = foo [0].t; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void stfld_nongeneric (GFoo[] foo, int[] arr) { foo [0].i = arr [0]; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void stfld (GFoo[] foo, T[] arr) { foo [0].t = arr [0]; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void ldflda (GFoo[] foo, int[] arr) { arr [0] = foo [0].f.i; } public static int test_0_vt_ldfld_stfld () { var foo = new GFoo () { t = new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 }, i = 5, f = new Foo () { i = 5, j = 6 } }; var farr = new GFoo[] { foo }; /* Normal fields with a variable offset */ var iarr = new int [10]; ldfld_nongeneric (farr, iarr); if (iarr [0] != 5) return 1; iarr [0] = 16; stfld_nongeneric (farr, iarr); if (farr [0].i != 16) return 2; /* Variable type field with a variable offset */ var arr = new Foo [10]; ldfld (farr, arr); if (arr [0].i != 1 || arr [0].j != 2) return 3; arr [0] = new Foo () { i = 3, j = 4 }; stfld (farr, arr); if (farr [0].t.i != 3 || farr [0].t.j != 4) return 4; ldflda (farr, iarr); if (iarr [0] != 5) return 5; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void stsfld (T[] arr) { GFoo.static_t = arr [0]; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void ldsfld (T[] arr) { arr [0] = GFoo.static_t; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void ldsflda (int[] iarr) { iarr [0] = GFoo.static_f.i; } public static int test_0_stsfld () { Foo[] farr = new Foo [] { new Foo () { i = 1, j = 2 } }; stsfld (farr); if (GFoo.static_t.i != 1 || GFoo.static_t.j != 2) return 1; Foo[] farr2 = new Foo [1]; ldsfld (farr2); if (farr2 [0].i != 1 || farr2 [0].j != 2) return 2; var iarr = new int [10]; GFoo.static_f = new Foo () { i = 5, j = 6 }; ldsflda (iarr); if (iarr [0] != 5) return 3; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static object newarr () { object o = new T[10]; return o; } public static int test_0_vt_newarr () { object o = newarr (); if (!(o is Foo[])) return 1; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static Type ldtoken () { return typeof (GFoo); } public static int test_0_vt_ldtoken () { Type t = ldtoken (); if (t != typeof (GFoo)) return 1; t = ldtoken (); if (t != typeof (GFoo)) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_vtype_list () { List l = new List (); l.Add (5); if (l.Count != 1) return 1; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int args_simple (T t, int i) { return i; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int args_simple (T t, int i, T t2) { return i; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static Type args_rgctx (T t, int i) { return typeof (T); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static Type eh_in (T t, int i) { throw new OverflowException (); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return_t (T t) { return t; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] T return_this_t (T t) { return t; } interface IFaceGSharedVtIn { T return_t (T t); } class ClassGSharedVtIn : IFaceGSharedVtIn { public T return_t (T t) { return t; } } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_in () { // Check that the non-generic argument is passed at the correct stack position int r = args_simple (true, 42); if (r != 42) return 1; r = args_simple (new Foo (), 43); if (r != 43) return 2; // Check that the proper rgctx is passed to the method Type t = args_rgctx (5, 42); if (t != typeof (int)) return 3; var v = args_simple> (new GFoo2 () { t = 11, t2 = 12 }, 44, new GFoo2 () { t = 11, t2 = 12 }); if (v != 44) return 4; // Check that EH works properly try { eh_in (1, 2); } catch (OverflowException) { } return 0; } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_in_ret () { int i = return_t (42); if (i != 42) return 1; long l = return_t (Int64.MaxValue); if (l != Int64.MaxValue) return 2; double d = return_t (3.0); if (d != 3.0) return 3; float f = return_t (3.0f); if (f != 3.0f) return 4; short s = return_t (16); if (s != 16) return 5; var v = new GFoo2 () { t = 55, t2 = 32 }; var v2 = return_t> (v); if (v2.t != 55 || v2.t2 != 32) return 6; IFaceGSharedVtIn o = new ClassGSharedVtIn (); var v3 = new GFoo2 () { t = 55, t2 = 32 }; var v4 = o.return_t> (v3); if (v4.t != 55 || v4.t2 != 32) return 7; i = new GSharedTests ().return_this_t (42); if (i != 42) return 8; return 0; } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_in_delegates () { Func f = new Func (return_t); if (f (42) != 42) return 1; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return2_t (T t) { return return_t (t); } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_calls () { if (return2_t (2) != 2) return 1; if (return2_t ("A") != "A") return 2; if (return2_t (2.0) != 2.0) return 3; return 0; } static GFoo3 newobj (T t1, T t2) { return new GFoo3 (t1, t2); } public static int test_0_gshared_new () { var g1 = newobj (1, 2); if (g1.t != 1 || g1.t2 != 2) return 1; var g2 = newobj (1.0, 2.0); if (g1.t != 1.0 || g1.t2 != 2.0) return 2; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static GFoo2 newobj_vt (T t1, T t2) { return new GFoo2 () { t = t1, t2 = t2 }; } public static int test_0_gshared_new_vt () { GFoo2 v1 = newobj_vt (1, 2); if (v1.t != 1 || v1.t2 != 2) return 1; GFoo2 v2 = newobj_vt (1.0, 2.0); if (v2.t != 1.0 || v2.t2 != 2.0) return 2; return 0; } // // Tests for transitioning out of gsharedvt code // // T1=Nullable<..> is not currently supported by gsharedvt [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return_t_nogshared (T t) { object o = t; T t2 = (T)o; //Console.WriteLine ("X: " + t); return t; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int return_int_nogshared (T t) { object o = t; T t2 = (T)o; return 2; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static A return_vtype_nogshared (T t) { object o = t; T t2 = (T)o; return new A () { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return2_t_out (T t) { return return_t_nogshared (t); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int return2_int_out (T t) { return return_int_nogshared (t); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static A return2_vtype_out (T t) { return return_vtype_nogshared (t); } struct A { public int a, b, c; } [Category ("!FULLAOT")] public static int test_0_gsharedvt_out () { if (return2_t_out (2) != 2) return 1; if (return2_t_out ("A") != "A") return 2; if (return2_t_out (2.0) != 2.0) return 3; if (return2_t_out (2.0f) != 2.0f) return 4; A a = new A () { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }; A a2 = return2_t_out (a); if (a2.a != 1 || a2.b != 2 || a2.c != 3) return 5; // Calls with non gsharedvt return types if (return2_int_out (1) != 2) return 6; A c = return2_vtype_out (a); if (a2.a != 1 || a2.b != 2 || a2.c != 3) return 7; return 0; } public class GenericClass { public static T Z (IList x, int index) { return x [index]; } } public static int test_0_generic_array_helpers () { int[] x = new int[] {100, 200}; // Generic array helpers should be treated as gsharedvt-out if (GenericClass.Z (x, 0) != 100) return 1; return 0; } internal class IntComparer : IComparer { public int Compare (int ix, int iy) { if (ix == iy) return 0; if (((uint) ix) < ((uint) iy)) return -1; return 1; } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int gshared_out_iface (T t1, T t2, IComparer comp) { return comp.Compare (t1, t2); } public static int test_0_gshared_out_iface () { // Call out from gshared to a nongeneric method through a generic interface method if (gshared_out_iface (2, 2, new IntComparer ()) != 0) return 1; return 0; } struct Foo1 { public int i1, i2, i3; } struct Foo2 { int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5; public T foo; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void locals (T t) { Foo2 t2 = new Foo2 (); object o = t2; } public static int test_0_locals () { // Test that instantiations of type parameters are allocated the proper local type int i = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) i ++; locals (new Foo1 () { i1 = 1, i2 = 2, i3 = 3 }); return 0; } public interface IFace { T return_t_iface (T t); } public class Parent { public virtual T return_t_vcall (T t) { throw new Exception (); return t; } } public class Child : Parent, IFace { public override T return_t_vcall (T t) { return t; } public T return_t_iface (T t) { return t; } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return_t_vcall (Parent r, T t) { return r.return_t_vcall (t); } public static int test_0_vcalls () { if (return_t_vcall (new Child (), 2) != 2) return 1; // Patching for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (return_t_vcall (new Child (), 2) != 2) return 2; } if (return_t_vcall (new Child (), 2.0) != 2.0) return 3; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T return_t_iface (IFace r, T t) { return r.return_t_iface (t); } public static int test_0_iface_calls () { if (return_t_iface (new Child (), 2) != 2) return 1; if (return_t_iface (new Child (), 2.0) != 2.0) return 3; return 0; } interface IFaceKVP { T do_kvp (T a); } static KeyValuePair make_kvp (T1 t1, T2 t2) { return new KeyValuePair (t1, t2); } static T2 use_kvp (KeyValuePair kvp) { return kvp.Value; } class ClassKVP : IFaceKVP { public T do_kvp (T a) { var t = make_kvp (a, a); // argument is an instance of a vtype instantiated with gsharedvt type arguments return use_kvp (t); } } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_ginstvt_constructed_arg () { IFaceKVP c = new ClassKVP (); if (c.do_kvp (1) != 1) return 1; return 0; } interface IGetter { T Get(); } class Getter : IGetter { public T Get() { return default(T); } } abstract class Session { public abstract IGetter Getter { get; } } class IosSession : Session { private IGetter getter = new Getter(); public override IGetter Getter { get { return getter; } } } enum ENUM_TYPE { } public static int test_0_regress_5156 () { new IosSession().Getter.Get(); return 0; } public struct VT { public Action a; } public class D { } public class A3 { public void OuterMethod(TArg1 value) { this.InnerMethod(value, 0); } private void InnerMethod(TArg1 v1, TArg2 v2) { //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",v1,v2); } } public static int test_0_regress_2096 () { var a = new A3(); // The following work: a.OuterMethod(1); a.OuterMethod(DateTime.Now); var v = new VT(); a.OuterMethod(v); var x = new D(); // Next line will crash with Attempting to JIT compile method on device // Attempting to JIT compile method a.OuterMethod(x); return 0; } public class B { public void Test() { //System.Console.WriteLine(typeof(T)); } } public class A { public void Test() { new B().Test>(); } } public static int test_0_regress_6040 () { //new B().Test>(); new A().Test(); new A().Test(); new A().Test(); return 0; } class ArrayContainer { private T[,] container = new T[1,1]; public T Prop { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] get { return container [0, 0]; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] set { container [0, 0] = value; } } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static int test_0_multi_dim_arrays () { var c = new ArrayContainer (); c.Prop = 5; return c.Prop == 5 ? 0 : 1; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static T2 rgctx_in_call_innner_inner (T1 t1, T2 t2) { return t2; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static GFoo3 rgctx_in_call_inner (T t) { return rgctx_in_call_innner_inner (1, new GFoo3 ()); } public static int test_0_rgctx_in_call () { // The call is made through the rgctx call, and it needs an IN trampoline var t = rgctx_in_call_inner (1); if (t is GFoo3) return 0; return 1; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void arm_params1 (T t1, T t2, T t3, T t4, T t5, T t6) { } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static void arm_params2 (T t1, T t2, T t3, long t4, T t5, T t6) { } public static int test_0_arm_param_passing () { arm_params1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); arm_params1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); return 0; } sealed class ScheduledItem { private readonly object _scheduler; private readonly TValue _state; private readonly object _action; public ScheduledItem(object o, TValue state, object action, TAbsolute dueTime) { _state = state; } } abstract class VirtualTimeSchedulerBase { public abstract void ScheduleAbsolute(TState state, TAbsolute dueTime); } class VirtualTimeScheduler : VirtualTimeSchedulerBase { public override void ScheduleAbsolute(TState state, TAbsolute dueTime) { var si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, null, dueTime); } } public static int test_0_rx_mixed_regress () { var v = new VirtualTimeScheduler (); v.ScheduleAbsolute (null, 22); return 0; } public class Base { public virtual T foo (T t) { return t; } } class Class1 : Base { public object o; public override T foo (T t) { o = t; return t; } } class Class2 : Base { public object o; public override T foo (T t) { o = t; return t; } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void bar (Base b, T t) { (t); } public static int test_0_virtual_generic () { Class1 c1 = new Class1 (); Class2 c2 = new Class2 (); bar (c1, 5); if (!(c1.o is int) || ((int)c1.o != 5)) return 1; bar (c1, 6.0); if (!(c1.o is double) || ((double)c1.o != 6.0)) return 2; bar (c1, 7.0f); if (!(c1.o is float) || ((float)c1.o != 7.0f)) return 3; bar (c2, 5); if (!(c2.o is int) || ((int)c2.o != 5)) return 4; bar (c2, 6.0); bar (c2, 7.0f); return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static string to_string(T t, T2 t2) { return t.ToString (); } enum AnEnum { One, Two }; public static int test_0_constrained_tostring () { if (to_string (1, 1) != "1") return 1; if (to_string (AnEnum.One, 1) != "One") return 2; if (to_string ("A", 1) != "A") return 3; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static int get_hash(T t, T2 t2) { return t.GetHashCode (); } public static int test_0_constrained_get_hash () { if (get_hash (1, 1) != 1.GetHashCode ()) return 1; if (get_hash (1.0, 1) != 1.0.GetHashCode ()) return 2; if (get_hash (AnEnum.One, 1) != AnEnum.One.GetHashCode ()) return 3; if (get_hash ("A", 1) != "A".GetHashCode ()) return 4; return 0; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] static bool equals(T t, T2 t2) { return t.Equals (t); } public static int test_0_constrained_equals () { if (equals (1, 1) != true) return 1; if (equals (1.0, 1) != true) return 2; if (equals (AnEnum.One, 1) != true) return 3; if (equals ("A", 1) != true) return 4; return 0; } interface IGetType { Type gettype(T t, T2 t2); } public class CGetType : IGetType { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public Type gettype(T t, T2 t2) { return t.GetType (); } } public static int test_0_constrained_gettype () { IGetType c = new CGetType (); if (c.gettype (1, 1) != typeof (int)) return 1; if (c.gettype ("A", 1) != typeof (string)) return 2; return 0; } struct Pair { public T1 First; public T2 Second; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static TState call_del(TState state, Func action) { return action(null, state); } public static int test_0_delegate_wrappers () { Func, Pair> del1 = delegate (object o, Pair p) { return p; }; Func, Pair> del2 = delegate (object o, Pair p) { return p; }; Func, Pair> del3 = delegate (object o, Pair p) { return p; }; var r1 = call_del> (new Pair { First = 1, Second = 2}, del1); if (r1.First != 1 || r1.Second != 2) return 1; var r2 = call_del> (new Pair { First = 3, Second = 4}, del2); if (r2.First != 3 || r2.Second != 4) return 2; var r3 = call_del> (new Pair { First = 1.0, Second = 2}, del3); if (r3.First != 1.0 || r3.Second != 2) return 3; return 0; } class Base { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public object foo (T1 t1, T t, object o) { return o; } } class AClass : Base { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public object bar (T t, long time, object o) { return foo (t, time, o); } } public static int test_0_out_in_wrappers () { var a = new AClass (); object o1 = "A"; object o2 = (1024, 0, o1); if (o1 != o2) return 1; return 0; } interface BIFace { object AMethod (); } class Base : BIFace { public TAbsolute Clock { get; set; } public virtual object AMethod () { return Clock; } } class BClass : Base { } public static int test_0_regress_1 () { BIFace c = new BClass (); object o = c.AMethod (); if (!(o is long) || ((long)o != 0)) return 1; return 0; } interface IFace3 { T unbox_any (object o); } class Class3 : IFace3 { public virtual T unbox_any (object o) { return (T)o; } } public static int test_0_unbox_any () { IFace3 o = new Class3 (); if (o.unbox_any (16) != 16) return 1; if (o.unbox_any ((long)32) != 32) return 2; if (o.unbox_any (2.0) != 2.0) return 3; try { o.unbox_any (2.0); return 4; } catch (Exception) { } return 0; } interface IFace4 { TSource Catch(TSource t) where TException : Exception; } class Class4 : IFace4 { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public TSource Catch(TSource t) where TException : Exception { return t; } } // Check that mixed instantiations are correctly created/found in AOT public static int test_0_constraints () { IFace4 o = new Class4 (); o.Catch (1); return 0; } internal static Type Process (TSource[] arr, Action call) { arr [0] = default (TSource); return typeof (TSource); } interface IFace5 { Type foo (); } class Class5 : IFace5 { public Type foo () { return Process, T> (new KeyValuePair [10], null); } } public static int test_0_rgctx_call_from_gshared_code () { var c = new Class5 (); if ( () != typeof (KeyValuePair)) return 1; return 0; } public class Enumbers { public object Enumerate (List> alist) { return alist.ToArray (); } } public static int test_0_checkthis_gshared_call () { Enumbers e = new Enumbers (); try { e.Enumerate (null); return 1; } catch (NullReferenceException) { } return 0; } interface IFace6 { T[] Del (T t); } class Class6 : IFace6 { public T[] Del (T t) { var res = new T [5]; Func func = delegate(T t1, T t2, T t3, T t4) { res [0] = t1; res [1] = t2; res [2] = t3; res [3] = t4; return t1; }; var v = func.BeginInvoke(t, t, t, t, null, null); res [4] = func.EndInvoke (v); return res; } } // FIXME: The runtime-invoke wrapper used by BeginInvoke is not found [Category ("!FULLAOT")] public static int test_0_begin_end_invoke () { IFace6 o = new Class6 (); var arr1 = o.Del (1); if (arr1 [0] != 1 || arr1 [1] != 1 || arr1 [2] != 1 || arr1 [3] != 1 || arr1 [4] != 1) return 1; var arr2 = o.Del (2.0); if (arr2 [0] != 2.0 || arr2 [1] != 2.0 || arr2 [2] != 2.0 || arr2 [3] != 2.0 || arr2 [4] != 2.0) return 2; return 0; } public class TAbstractTableItem { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void SetProperty () { } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void Test () { SetProperty (); } } public static int test_0_gsharedvt_method_on_shared_class () { TAbstractTableItem.Test (); return 0; } interface IFaceBox { object box (T t); } class ClassBox : IFaceBox { public object box (T t) { object o = t; return o; } } public static int test_0_nullable_box () { IFaceBox c = new ClassBox (); int i = 5; object o = (i); if ((int)o != i) return 1; if ( (null) != null) return 2; long l = Int64.MaxValue - 1; o = (l); if ((long)o != l) return 3; if ( (null) != null) return 4; string s = "A"; if ( (s) != (object)s) return 5; return 0; } interface IFaceUnbox2 { T unbox (object o); } class ClassUnbox2 : IFaceUnbox2 { public T unbox (object o) { return (T)o; } } public static int test_0_nullable_unbox () { IFaceUnbox2 c = new ClassUnbox2 (); int? i = c.unbox (5); if (i != 5) return 1; int? j = c.unbox (null); if (j != null) return 2; return 0; } interface IConstrained { void foo (); void foo_ref_arg (string s); } interface IConstrained { void foo_gsharedvt_arg (T3 s); T3 foo_gsharedvt_ret (T3 s); } static object constrained_res; struct ConsStruct : IConstrained { public int i; public void foo () { constrained_res = i; } public void foo_ref_arg (string s) { constrained_res = s == "A" ? 42 : 0; } } class ConsClass : IConstrained { public int i; public void foo () { constrained_res = i; } public void foo_ref_arg (string s) { constrained_res = s == "A" ? 43 : 0; } } struct ConsStruct : IConstrained { public void foo_gsharedvt_arg (T s) { constrained_res = s; } public T foo_gsharedvt_ret (T s) { return s; } } struct ConsStructThrow : IConstrained { public void foo () { throw new Exception (); } public void foo_ref_arg (string s) { } } interface IFaceConstrained { void constrained_void_iface_call(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : IConstrained; void constrained_void_iface_call_ref_arg(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : IConstrained; void constrained_void_iface_call_gsharedvt_arg(T t, T2 t2, T3 t3) where T2 : IConstrained; T constrained_iface_call_gsharedvt_ret(T t, T2 t2, T3 t3) where T2 : IConstrained; T2 constrained_normal_call(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : VClass; } class ClassConstrained : IFaceConstrained { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void constrained_void_iface_call(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : IConstrained { (); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void constrained_void_iface_call_ref_arg(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : IConstrained { t2.foo_ref_arg ("A"); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void constrained_void_iface_call_gsharedvt_arg(T t, T2 t2, T3 t3) where T2 : IConstrained { t2.foo_gsharedvt_arg (t); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public T constrained_iface_call_gsharedvt_ret(T t, T2 t2, T3 t3) where T2 : IConstrained { return t2.foo_gsharedvt_ret (t); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public T2 constrained_normal_call(T t, T2 t2) where T2 : VClass { /* This becomes a constrained call even through 't2' is forced to be a reference type by the constraint */ return (T2) (5); } } class VClass { public virtual VClass foo (int i) { return this; } } public static int test_0_constrained_void_iface_call () { IFaceConstrained c = new ClassConstrained (); var s = new ConsStruct () { i = 42 }; constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call (1, s); if (!(constrained_res is int) || ((int)constrained_res) != 42) return 1; constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call_ref_arg (1, s); if (!(constrained_res is int) || ((int)constrained_res) != 42) return 2; var s2 = new ConsClass () { i = 43 }; constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call (1, s2); if (!(constrained_res is int) || ((int)constrained_res) != 43) return 3; constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call_ref_arg (1, s2); if (!(constrained_res is int) || ((int)constrained_res) != 43) return 4; return 0; } public static int test_0_constrained_eh () { var s2 = new ConsStructThrow () { }; try { IFaceConstrained c = new ClassConstrained (); c.constrained_void_iface_call (1, s2); return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } } public static int test_0_constrained_void_iface_call_gsharedvt_arg () { // This tests constrained calls through interfaces with one gsharedvt arg, like IComparable.CompareTo () IFaceConstrained c = new ClassConstrained (); var s = new ConsStruct (); constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call_gsharedvt_arg, int> (42, s, 55); if (!(constrained_res is int) || ((int)constrained_res) != 42) return 1; var s2 = new ConsStruct (); constrained_res = null; c.constrained_void_iface_call_gsharedvt_arg, int> ("A", s2, 55); if (!(constrained_res is string) || ((string)constrained_res) != "A") return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_constrained_iface_call_gsharedvt_ret () { IFaceConstrained c = new ClassConstrained (); var s = new ConsStruct (); int ires = c.constrained_iface_call_gsharedvt_ret, int> (42, s, 55); if (ires != 42) return 1; var s2 = new ConsStruct (); string sres = c.constrained_iface_call_gsharedvt_ret, int> ("A", s2, 55); if (sres != "A") return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_constrained_normal_call () { IFaceConstrained c = new ClassConstrained (); var o = new VClass (); var res = c.constrained_normal_call (1, o); return res == o ? 0 : 1; } public static async Task FooAsync (int i, int j) { Task t = new Task (delegate () { return 42; }); var response = await t; return default(T); } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void call_async (int i, int j) { Task t = FooAsync (1, 2); // FIXME: This doesn't work //t.RunSynchronously (); } // In AOT mode, the async infrastructure depends on gsharedvt methods public static int test_0_async_call_from_generic () { call_async (1, 2); return 0; } public static int test_0_array_helper_gsharedvt () { var arr = new AnEnum [16]; var c = new ReadOnlyCollection (arr); return c.Contains (AnEnum.Two) == false ? 0 : 1; } } // #13191 public class MobileServiceCollection { public async Task LoadMoreItemsAsync(int count = 0) { await Task.Delay (1000); int results = await ProcessQueryAsync (); return results; } protected async virtual Task ProcessQueryAsync() { await Task.Delay (1000); throw new Exception (); } } #if !MOBILE public class GSharedTests : Tests { } #endif