using System; using System.Reflection; /* * Regression tests for the mono JIT. * * Each test needs to be of the form: * * static int test__ (); * * where is an integer (the value that needs to be returned by * the method to make it pass. * is a user-displayed name used to identify the test. * * The tests can be driven in two ways: * *) running the program directly: Main() uses reflection to find and invoke * the test methods (this is useful mostly to check that the tests are correct) * *) with the --regression switch of the jit (this is the preferred way since * all the tests will be run with optimizations on and off) * * The reflection logic could be moved to a .dll since we need at least another * regression test file written in IL code to have better control on how * the IL code looks. */ class Tests { static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } public static int test_0_return () { return 0; } public static int test_100000_return_large () { return 100000; } public static int test_1_load_bool () { bool a = true; return a? 1: 0; } public static int test_0_load_bool_false () { bool a = false; return a? 1: 0; } public static int test_200_load_byte () { byte a = 200; return a; } public static int test_100_load_sbyte () { sbyte a = 100; return a; } public static int test_200_load_short () { short a = 200; return a; } public static int test_100_load_ushort () { ushort a = 100; return a; } public static int test_3_add_simple () { int a = 1; int b = 2; return a + b; } public static int test_3_add_imm () { int a = 1; return a + 2; } public static int test_13407573_add_largeimm () { int a = 1; return a + 13407572; } public static int test_1_sub_simple () { int a = 1; int b = 2; return b - a; } public static int test_1_sub_simple_un () { uint a = 1; uint b = 2; return (int)(b - a); } public static int test_1_sub_imm () { int b = 2; return b - 1; } public static int test_2_sub_large_imm () { int b = 0xff0f0f; return b - 0xff0f0d; } public static int test_0_sub_inv_imm () { int b = 2; return 2 - b; } public static int test_2_and () { int b = 2; int a = 3; return b & a; } public static int test_0_and_imm () { int b = 2; return b & 0x10; } public static int test_0_and_large_imm () { int b = 2; return b & 0x10000000; } public static int test_0_and_large_imm2 () { int b = 2; return b & 0x100000f0; } public static int test_2_div () { int b = 6; int a = 3; return b / a; } public static int test_4_div_imm () { int b = 12; return b / 3; } public static int test_4_divun_imm () { uint b = 12; return (int)(b / 3); } public static int test_0_div_fold () { int b = -1; return b / 2; } public static int test_719177_div_destreg () { int year = 1970; return ((365* (year-1)) + ((year-1)/4)); } public static int test_1_remun_imm () { uint b = 13; return (int)(b % 3); } public static int test_2_bigremun_imm () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-2; return (int)(b % 3); } } public static int test_2_rem () { int b = 5; int a = 3; return b % a; } public static int test_4_rem_imm () { int b = 12; return b % 8; } public static int test_4_rem_big_imm () { int b = 10004; return b % 10000; } public static int test_9_mul () { int b = 3; int a = 3; return b * a; } public static int test_15_mul_imm () { int b = 3; return b * 5; } public static int test_24_mul () { int a = 3; int b = 8; int res; res = a * b; return res; } public static int test_24_mul_ovf () { int a = 3; int b = 8; int res; checked { res = a * b; } return res; } public static int test_24_mul_un () { uint a = 3; uint b = 8; uint res; res = a * b; return (int)res; } public static int test_24_mul_ovf_un () { uint a = 3; uint b = 8; uint res; checked { res = a * b; } return (int)res; } public static int test_0_add_ovf () { int i, j, k; checked { i = System.Int32.MinValue; j = 0; k = i + j; } if (k != System.Int32.MinValue) return 1; checked { i = System.Int32.MaxValue; j = 0; k = i + j; } if (k != System.Int32.MaxValue) return 2; checked { i = System.Int32.MinValue; j = System.Int32.MaxValue; k = i + j; } if (k != -1) return 3; checked { i = System.Int32.MaxValue; j = System.Int32.MinValue; k = i + j; } if (k != -1) return 4; checked { i = System.Int32.MinValue + 1234; j = -1234; k = i + j; } if (k != System.Int32.MinValue) return 5; checked { i = System.Int32.MaxValue - 1234; j = 1234; k = i + j; } if (k != System.Int32.MaxValue) return 6; return 0; } public static int test_0_add_un_ovf () { uint n = (uint)134217728 * 16; uint number = checked (n + (uint)0); return number == n ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_3_or () { int b = 2; int a = 3; return b | a; } public static int test_3_or_un () { uint b = 2; uint a = 3; return (int)(b | a); } public static int test_3_or_short_un () { ushort b = 2; ushort a = 3; return (int)(b | a); } public static int test_18_or_imm () { int b = 2; return b | 0x10; } public static int test_268435458_or_large_imm () { int b = 2; return b | 0x10000000; } public static int test_268435459_or_large_imm2 () { int b = 2; return b | 0x10000001; } public static int test_1_xor () { int b = 2; int a = 3; return b ^ a; } public static int test_1_xor_imm () { int b = 2; return b ^ 3; } public static int test_983041_xor_imm_large () { int b = 2; return b ^ 0xf0003; } public static int test_1_neg () { int b = -2; b++; return -b; } public static int test_2_not () { int b = ~2; b = ~b; return b; } public static int test_16_shift () { int b = 2; int a = 3; return b << a; } public static int test_16_shift_add () { int b = 2; int a = 3; int c = 0; return b << (a + c); } public static int test_16_shift_add2 () { int b = 2; int a = 3; int c = 0; return (b + c) << a; } public static int test_16_shift_imm () { int b = 2; return b << 3; } public static int test_524288_shift_imm_large () { int b = 2; return b << 18; } public static int test_12_shift_imm_inv () { int b = 2; return 3 << 2; } public static int test_12_shift_imm_inv_sbyte () { sbyte b = 2; return 3 << 2; } public static int test_1_rshift_imm () { int b = 8; return b >> 3; } public static int test_2_unrshift_imm () { uint b = 16; return (int)(b >> 3); } public static int test_0_bigunrshift_imm () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-1; b = b >> 1; if (b != 0x7fffffff) return 1; return 0; } } public static int test_0_bigrshift_imm () { int b = -1; b = b >> 1; if (b != -1) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_1_rshift () { int b = 8; int a = 3; return b >> a; } public static int test_2_unrshift () { uint b = 16; int a = 3; return (int)(b >> a); } public static int test_0_bigunrshift () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-1; int a = 1; b = b >> a; if (b != 0x7fffffff) return 1; return 0; } } public static int test_0_bigrshift () { int b = -1; int a = 1; b = b >> a; if (b != -1) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_2_cond () { int b = 2, a = 3, c; if (a == b) return 0; return 2; } public static int test_2_cond_short () { short b = 2, a = 3, c; if (a == b) return 0; return 2; } public static int test_2_cond_sbyte () { sbyte b = 2, a = 3, c; if (a == b) return 0; return 2; } public static int test_6_cascade_cond () { int b = 2, a = 3, c; if (a == b) return 0; else if (b > a) return 1; else if (b != b) return 2; else { c = 1; } return a + b + c; } public static int test_6_cascade_short () { short b = 2, a = 3, c; if (a == b) return 0; else if (b > a) return 1; else if (b != b) return 2; else { c = 1; } return a + b + c; } public static int test_0_short_sign_extend () { int t1 = 0xffeedd; short s1 = (short)t1; int t2 = s1; if ((uint)t2 != 0xffffeedd) return 1; else return 0; } public static int test_15_for_loop () { int i; for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { } return i; } public static int test_11_nested_for_loop () { int i, j = 0; /* mcs bug here if j not set */ for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { for (j = 200; j >= 5; --j) ; } return i - j; } public static int test_11_several_nested_for_loops () { int i, j = 0; /* mcs bug here if j not set */ for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { for (j = 200; j >= 5; --j) ; } i = j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { for (j = 200; j >= 5; --j) ; } return i - j; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_i1 () { int c; //for (int j = 0; j < 10000000; j++) checked { c = 127; sbyte b = (sbyte)c; c = -128; b = (sbyte)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_i1_un () { uint c; checked { c = 127; sbyte b = (sbyte)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_i2 () { int c; checked { c = 32767; Int16 b = (Int16)c; c = -32768; b = (Int16)c; unchecked { uint u = 0xfffffffd; c = (int)u; } b = (Int16)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_i2_un () { uint c; checked { c = 32767; Int16 b = (Int16)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_u2 () { int c; checked { c = 65535; UInt16 b = (UInt16)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_u2_un () { uint c; checked { c = 65535; UInt16 b = (UInt16)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_conv_ovf_u4 () { int c; checked { c = 0x7fffffff; uint b = (uint)c; } return 0; } public static int test_0_bool () { bool val = true; if (val) return 0; return 1; } public static int test_1_bool_inverted () { bool val = true; if (!val) return 0; return 1; } public static int test_1_bool_assign () { bool val = true; val = !val; // this should produce a ceq if (val) return 0; return 1; } public static int test_1_bool_multi () { bool val = true; bool val2 = true; val = !val; if ((val && !val2) && (!val2 && val)) return 0; return 1; } public static int test_16_spill () { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = 3; int d = 4; int e = 5; return (1 + (a + (b + (c + (d + e))))); } public static int test_1_switch () { int n = 0; switch (n) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 2; case -1: return 3; default: return 4; } return 1; } public static int test_0_switch_constprop () { int n = -1; switch (n) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return 3; case 2: return 3; default: return 0; } return 3; } public static int test_0_switch_constprop2 () { int n = 3; switch (n) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return 3; case 2: return 3; default: return 0; } return 3; } public static int test_0_while_loop_1 () { int value = 255; do { value = value >> 4; } while (value != 0); return 0; } public static int test_0_while_loop_2 () { int value = 255; int position = 5; do { value = value >> 4; } while (value != 0 && position > 1); return 0; } public static int test_0_char_conv () { int i = 1; char tc = (char) ('0' + i); if (tc != '1') return 1; return 0; } public static int test_3_shift_regalloc () { int shift = 8; int orig = 1; byte value = 0xfe; orig &= ~(0xff << shift); orig |= value << shift; if (orig == 0xfe01) return 3; return 0; } enum E {A, B}; public static int test_2_optimize_branches () { switch (E.A) { case E.A: if (E.A == E.B) { } break; } return 2; } public static int test_0_checked_byte_cast () { int v = 250; int b = checked ((byte) (v)); if (b != 250) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_checked_byte_cast_un () { uint v = 250; uint b = checked ((byte) (v)); if (b != 250) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_checked_short_cast () { int v = 250; int b = checked ((ushort) (v)); if (b != 250) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_checked_short_cast_un () { uint v = 250; uint b = checked ((ushort) (v)); if (b != 250) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_1_a_eq_b_plus_a () { int a = 0, b = 1; a = b + a; return a; } public static int test_0_comp () { int a = 0; int b = -1; int error = 1; bool val; val = a < b; if (val) return error; error++; val = a > b; if (!val) return error; error ++; val = a == b; if (val) return error; error ++; val = a == a; if (!val) return error; error ++; return 0; } public static int test_0_comp_unsigned () { uint a = 1; uint b = 0xffffffff; int error = 1; bool val; val = a < b; if (!val) return error; error++; val = a <= b; if (!val) return error; error++; val = a == b; if (val) return error; error++; val = a >= b; if (val) return error; error++; val = a > b; if (val) return error; error++; val = b < a; if (val) return error; error++; val = b <= a; if (val) return error; error++; val = b == a; if (val) return error; error++; val = b > a; if (!val) return error; error++; val = b >= a; if (!val) return error; error++; return 0; } public static int test_16_cmov () { int n = 0; if (n == 0) n = 16; return n; } public static int test_0_and_cmp () { /* test esi, imm */ int local = 0x01020304; if ((local & 0x01020304) == 0) return 7; if ((local & 0x00000304) == 0) return 8; if ((local & 0x00000004) == 0) return 9; if ((local & 0x00000300) == 0) return 10; if ((local & 0x00020000) == 0) return 11; if ((local & 0x01000000) == 0) return 12; return 0; } public static int test_0_cne () { int x = 0; int y = 1; bool b = x != y; bool bb = x != x; if (!b) return 1; if (bb) return 2; return 0; } static byte b; public static int test_0_byte_compares () { b = 0xff; if (b == -1) return 1; b = 0; if (!(b < System.Byte.MaxValue)) return 2; if (!(b <= System.Byte.MaxValue)) return 3; return 0; } public static int test_0_cmp_regvar_zero () { int n = 10; if (!(n > 0 && n >= 0 && n != 0)) return 1; if (n < 0 || n <= 0 || n == 0) return 1; return 0; } }