using System; using System.Reflection; /* * Regression tests for the mono JIT. * * Each test needs to be of the form: * * static int test__ (); * * where is an integer (the value that needs to be returned by * the method to make it pass. * is a user-displayed name used to identify the test. * * The tests can be driven in two ways: * *) running the program directly: Main() uses reflection to find and invoke * the test methods (this is useful mostly to check that the tests are correct) * *) with the --regression switch of the jit (this is the preferred way since * all the tests will be run with optimizations on and off) * * The reflection logic could be moved to a .dll since we need at least another * regression test file written in IL code to have better control on how * the IL code looks. */ class Tests { static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } static int test_10_simple_cast () { long a = 10; return (int)a; } static int test_1_bigmul1 () { int a; int b; long c; a = 10; b = 10; c = (long)a * (long)b; if (c == 100) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_bigmul2 () { int a = System.Int32.MaxValue, b = System.Int32.MaxValue; long s = System.Int64.MinValue; long c; c = s + (long) a * (long) b; if (c == -4611686022722355199) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_bigmul3 () { int a = 10, b = 10; ulong c; c = (ulong) a * (ulong) b; if (c == 100) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_bigmul4 () { int a = System.Int32.MaxValue, b = System.Int32.MaxValue; ulong c; c = (ulong) a * (ulong) b; if (c == 4611686014132420609) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_bigmul5 () { int a = System.Int32.MaxValue, b = System.Int32.MinValue; long c; c = (long) a * (long) b; if (c == -4611686016279904256) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_bigmul6 () { uint a = System.UInt32.MaxValue, b = System.UInt32.MaxValue/(uint)2; ulong c; c = (ulong) a * (ulong) b; if (c == 9223372030412324865) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_beq () { long a = 0xffffffffff; if (a != 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_bne_un () { long a = 0xffffffffff; if (a == 0xfffffffffe) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_ble () { long a = 0xffffffffff; if (a > 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_ble_un () { ulong a = 0xffffffffff; if (a > 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_bge () { long a = 0xffffffffff; if (a < 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_bge_un () { ulong a = 0xffffffffff; if (a < 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_blt () { long a = 0xfffffffffe; if (a >= 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_blt_un () { ulong a = 0xfffffffffe; if (a >= 0xffffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_bgt () { long a = 0xffffffffff; if (a <= 0xfffffffffe) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_conv_to_i4 () { long a = 0; return (int)a; } static int test_0_conv_from_i4 () { long a = 2; if (a != 2) return 1; int b = 2; if (a != b) return 2; return 0; } static int test_0_conv_from_i4_negative () { long a = -2; if (a != -2) return 1; int b = -2; if (a != b) return 2; return 0; } /* static int test_0_conv_from_r8 () { double b = 2.0; long a = (long)b; if (a != 2) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_conv_from_r4 () { float b = 2.0F; long a = (long)b; if (a != 2) return 1; return 0; } */ static int test_8_and () { long a = 0xffffffffff; long b = 8; return (int)(a & b); } static int test_8_and_imm () { long a = 0xffffffffff; return (int)(a & 8); } static int test_10_or () { long a = 8; long b = 2; return (int)(a | b); } static int test_10_or_imm () { long a = 8; return (int)(a | 2); } static int test_5_xor () { long a = 7; long b = 2; return (int)(a ^ b); } static int test_5_xor_imm () { long a = 7; return (int)(a ^ 2); } static int test_5_add () { long a = 2; long b = 3; return (int)(a + b); } static int test_5_add_imm () { long a = 2; return (int)(a + 3); } static int test_0_add_imm_carry () { long a = -1; return (int)(a + 1); } static int test_0_add_imm_no_inc () { // we can't blindly convert an add x, 1 to an inc x long a = 0x1ffffffff; long c; c = a + 2; if (c == ((a + 1) + 1)) return 0; return 1; } static int test_4_addcc_imm () { long a = 3; long b = 0; return (int)(a - b + 1); } static int test_5_sub () { long a = 8; long b = 3; return (int)(a - b); } static int test_5_sub_imm () { long a = 8; return (int)(a - 3); } static int test_0_sub_imm_carry () { long a = 0; return (int)((a - 1) + 1); } static int test_2_neg () { long a = -2; return (int)(-a); } static int test_0_neg_large () { long min = -9223372036854775808; unchecked { ulong ul = (ulong)min; return (min == -(long)ul) ? 0 : 1; } } static int test_0_shl () { long a = 9; int b = 1; if ((a >> b) != 4) return 1; return 0; } static int test_1_rshift () { long a = 9; int b = 1; a = -9; if ((a >> b) != -5) return 0; return 1; } static int test_5_shift () { long a = 9; int b = 1; int count = 0; if ((a >> b) != 4) return count; count++; if ((a >> 63) != 0) return count; count++; if ((a << 1) != 18) return count; count++; if ((a << b) != 18) return count; count++; a = -9; if ((a >> b) != -5) return count; count++; return count; } static int test_1_shift_u () { ulong a; int b; int count = 0; // The JIT optimizes this a = 8589934592UL; if ((a >> 32) != 2) return 0; count ++; return count; } static int test_1_simple_neg () { long a = 9; if (-a != -9) return 0; return 1; } static int test_2_compare () { long a = 1; long b = 1; if (a != b) return 0; return 2; } static int test_9_alu () { long a = 9, b = 6; int count = 0; if ((a + b) != 15) return count; count++; if ((a - b) != 3) return count; count++; if ((a & 8) != 8) return count; count++; if ((a | 2) != 11) return count; count++; if ((a * b) != 54) return count; count++; if ((a / 4) != 2) return count; count++; if ((a % 4) != 1) return count; count++; if (-a != -9) return count; count++; b = -1; if (~b != 0) return count; count++; return count; } static int test_24_mul () { long a = 8; long b = 3; return (int)(a * b); } static int test_24_mul_ovf () { long a = 8; long b = 3; long res; checked { res = a * b; } return (int)res; } static int test_24_mul_un () { ulong a = 8; ulong b = 3; return (int)(a * b); } static int test_24_mul_ovf_un () { ulong a = 8; ulong b = 3; ulong res; checked { res = a * b; } return (int)res; } static int test_4_divun () { uint b = 12; int a = 3; return (int)(b / a); } static int test_1431655764_bigdivun_imm () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-2; return (int)(b / 3); } } static int test_1431655764_bigdivun () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-2; int a = 3; return (int)(b / a); } } static int test_1_remun () { uint b = 13; int a = 3; return (int)(b % a); } static int test_2_bigremun () { unchecked { uint b = (uint)-2; int a = 3; return (int)(b % a); } } static int test_0_ceq () { long a = 2; long b = 2; long c = 3; long d = 0xff00000002; bool val = (a == b); // this should produce a ceq if (!val) return 1; val = (a == c); // this should produce a ceq if (val) return 2; val = (a == d); // this should produce a ceq if (val) return 3; return 0; } static int test_0_ceq_complex () { long l = 1, ll = 2; if (l < 0 != ll < 0) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_clt () { long a = 2; long b = 2; long c = 3; long d = 0xff00000002L; long e = -1; bool val = (a < b); // this should produce a clt if (val) return 1; val = (a < c); // this should produce a clt if (!val) return 2; val = (c < a); // this should produce a clt if (val) return 3; val = (e < d); // this should produce a clt if (!val) return 4; val = (d < e); // this should produce a clt if (val) return 5; return 0; } static int test_0_clt_un () { ulong a = 2; ulong b = 2; ulong c = 3; ulong d = 0xff00000002; ulong e = 0xffffffffffffffff; bool val = (a < b); // this should produce a clt_un if (val) return 1; val = (a < c); // this should produce a clt_un if (!val) return 1; val = (d < e); // this should produce a clt_un if (!val) return 1; val = (e < d); // this should produce a clt_un if (val) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_cgt () { long a = 2; long b = 2; long c = 3; long d = 0xff00000002L; long e = -1; bool val = (a > b); // this should produce a cgt if (val) return 1; val = (a > c); // this should produce a cgt if (val) return 2; val = (c > a); // this should produce a cgt if (!val) return 3; val = (e > d); // this should produce a cgt if (val) return 4; val = (d > e); // this should produce a cgt if (!val) return 5; return 0; } static int test_0_cgt_un () { ulong a = 2; ulong b = 2; ulong c = 3; ulong d = 0xff00000002; ulong e = 0xffffffffffffffff; bool val = (a > b); // this should produce a cgt_un if (val) return 1; val = (a > c); // this should produce a cgt_un if (val) return 1; val = (d > e); // this should produce a cgt_un if (val) return 1; val = (e > d); // this should produce a cgt_un if (!val) return 1; return 0; } static long return_5low () { return 5; } static long return_5high () { return 0x500000000; } static int test_3_long_ret () { long val = return_5low (); return (int) (val - 2); } static int test_1_long_ret2 () { long val = return_5high (); if (val > 0xffffffff) return 1; return 0; } static int test_3_byte_cast () { ulong val = 0xff00ff00f0f0f0f0; byte b; b = (byte) (val & 0xFF); if (b != 0xf0) return 1; return 3; } static int test_4_ushort_cast () { ulong val = 0xff00ff00f0f0f0f0; ushort b; b = (ushort) (val & 0xFFFF); if (b != 0xf0f0) return 1; return 4; } static int test_500_mul_div () { long val = 1000; long exp = 10; long maxexp = 20; long res = val * exp / maxexp; return (int)res; } static long position = 0; static int test_4_static_inc_long () { int count = 4; position = 0; position += count; return (int)position; } static void doit (double value, out long m) { m = (long) value; } static int test_3_checked_cast_un () { ulong i = 2; long j; checked { j = (long)i; } if (j != 2) return 0; return 3; } static int test_4_checked_cast () { long i = 3; ulong j; checked { j = (ulong)i; } if (j != 3) return 0; return 4; } static int test_1234_checked_i2_cast () { long l = 1234; checked { return (short)l; } } static int test_10_int_uint_compare () { uint size = 10; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { j++; } return j; } static int test_0_ftol_clobber () { long m; doit (1.3, out m); if (m != 1) return 2; return 0; } static int test_71_long_shift_right () { ulong value = 38654838087; int x = 0; byte [] buffer = new byte [1]; buffer [x] = ((byte)(value >> x)); return buffer [x]; } static int test_0_ulong_regress () { ulong u = 4257145737; u --; return (u == 4257145736) ? 0 : 1; } static long x; static int test_0_addsub_mem () { x = 0; x += 5; if (x != 5) return 1; x -= 10; if (x != -5) return 2; return 0; } static ulong y; static int test_0_sh32_mem () { y = 0x0102130405060708; y >>= 32; if (y != 0x01021304) return 1; y = 0x0102130405060708; y <<= 32; if (y != 0x0506070800000000) return 2; x = 0x0102130405060708; x <<= 32; if (x != 0x0506070800000000) return 2; return 0; } static int test_0_assemble_long () { uint a = 5; ulong x = 0x12345678; ulong y = 1; ulong z = ((x - y) << 32) | a; if (z != 0x1234567700000005) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_hash () { ulong x = 0x1234567887654321; int h = (int)(x & 0xffffffff) ^ (int)(x >> 32); if (h != unchecked ((int)(0x87654321 ^ 0x12345678))) return h; return 0; } static int test_0_shift_regress () { long a = 0; int b = 6; UInt16 c = 3; return ((a >> (b - c)) == 0) ? 0 : 1; } }