using System; using System.Reflection; /* * Regression tests for the mono JIT. * * Each test needs to be of the form: * * static int test__ (); * * where is an integer (the value that needs to be returned by * the method to make it pass. * is a user-displayed name used to identify the test. * * The tests can be driven in two ways: * *) running the program directly: Main() uses reflection to find and invoke * the test methods (this is useful mostly to check that the tests are correct) * *) with the --regression switch of the jit (this is the preferred way since * all the tests will be run with optimizations on and off) * * The reflection logic could be moved to a .dll since we need at least another * regression test file written in IL code to have better control on how * the IL code looks. */ class Tests { static int Main () { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests)); } static int test_0_beq () { double a = 2.0; if (a != 2.0) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_bne_un () { double a = 2.0; if (a == 1.0) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_conv_r8 () { double a = 2; if (a != 2.0) return 1; return 0; } static int test_0_conv_i () { double a = 2.0; int i = (int)a; if (i != 2) return 1; uint ui = (uint)a; if (ui != 2) return 2; short s = (short)a; if (s != 2) return 3; ushort us = (ushort)a; if (us != 2) return 4; byte b = (byte)a; if (b != 2) return 5; sbyte sb = (sbyte)a; if (sb != 2) return 6; return 0; } static int test_5_conv_r4 () { int i = 5; float f = (float)i; return (int)f; } static int test_5_double_conv_r4 () { double d = 5.0; float f = (float)d; return (int)f; } static int test_5_float_conv_r8 () { float f = 5.0F; double d = (double)f; return (int)d; } static int test_5_conv_r8 () { int i = 5; double f = (double)i; return (int)f; } static int test_5_add () { double a = 2.0; double b = 3.0; return (int)(a + b); } static int test_5_sub () { double a = 8.0; double b = 3.0; return (int)(a - b); } static int test_24_mul () { double a = 8.0; double b = 3.0; return (int)(a * b); } static int test_4_div () { double a = 8.0; double b = 2.0; return (int)(a / b); } static int test_2_rem () { double a = 8.0; double b = 3.0; return (int)(a % b); } static int test_2_neg () { double a = -2.0; return (int)(-a); } static int test_46_float_add_spill () { // we overflow the FP stack double a = 1; double b = 2; double c = 3; double d = 4; double e = 5; double f = 6; double g = 7; double h = 8; double i = 9; return (int)(1.0 + (a + (b + (c + (d + (e + (f + (g + (h + i))))))))); } static int test_4_float_sub_spill () { // we overflow the FP stack double a = 1; double b = 2; double c = 3; double d = 4; double e = 5; double f = 6; double g = 7; double h = 8; double i = 9; return -(int)(1.0 - (a - (b - (c - (d - (e - (f - (g - (h - i))))))))); ////// -(int)(1.0 - (1 - (2 - (3 - (4 - (5 - (6 - (7 - (8 - 9))))))))); } static int test_362880_float_mul_spill () { // we overflow the FP stack double a = 1; double b = 2; double c = 3; double d = 4; double e = 5; double f = 6; double g = 7; double h = 8; double i = 9; return (int)(1.0 * (a * (b * (c * (d * (e * (f * (g * (h * i))))))))); } static int test_4_long_cast () { long a = 1000; double d = (double)a; long b = (long)d; if (b != 1000) return 0; a = -1; d = (double)a; b = (long)d; if (b != -1) return 1; return 4; } static int test_4_ulong_cast () { ulong a = 1000; double d = (double)a; ulong b = (ulong)d; if (b != 1000) return 0; return 4; } static int test_4_single_long_cast () { long a = 1000; float d = (float)a; long b = (long)d; if (b != 1000) return 0; a = -1; d = (float)a; b = (long)d; if (b != -1) return 1; return 4; } public static int test_0_lconv_to_r8 () { long a = 150; double b = (double) a; if (b != 150.0) return 1; return 0; } public static int test_0_lconv_to_r4 () { long a = 3000; float b = (float) a; if (b != 3000.0F) return 1; return 0; } static void doit (double value, out long m) { m = (long) value; } public static int test_0_ftol_clobber () { long m; doit (1.3, out m); if (m != 1) return 2; return 0; } public static int test_0_rounding () { long ticks = 631502475130080000L; long ticksperday = 864000000000L; double days = (double) ticks / ticksperday; if ((int)days != 730905) return 1; return 0; } /* FIXME: This only works on little-endian machines */ /* static unsafe int test_2_negative_zero () { int result = 0; double d = -0.0; float f = -0.0f; byte *ptr = (byte*)&d; if (ptr [7] == 0) return result; result ++; ptr = (byte*)&f; if (ptr [3] == 0) return result; result ++; return result; } */ static int test_16_float_cmp () { double a = 2.0; double b = 1.0; int result = 0; bool val; val = a == a; if (!val) return result; result++; val = (a != a); if (val) return result; result++; val = a < a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a > a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a <= a; if (!val) return result; result++; val = a >= a; if (!val) return result; result++; val = b == a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b < a; if (!val) return result; result++; val = b > a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b <= a; if (!val) return result; result++; val = b >= a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a == b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a < b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a > b; if (!val) return result; result++; val = a <= b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a >= b; if (!val) return result; result++; return result; } static int test_15_float_cmp_un () { double a = Double.NaN; double b = 1.0; int result = 0; bool val; val = a == a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a < a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a > a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a <= a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a >= a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b == a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b < a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b > a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b <= a; if (val) return result; result++; val = b >= a; if (val) return result; result++; val = a == b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a < b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a > b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a <= b; if (val) return result; result++; val = a >= b; if (val) return result; result++; return result; } static int test_15_float_branch () { double a = 2.0; double b = 1.0; int result = 0; if (!(a == a)) return result; result++; if (a < a) return result; result++; if (a > a) return result; result++; if (!(a <= a)) return result; result++; if (!(a >= a)) return result; result++; if (b == a) return result; result++; if (!(b < a)) return result; result++; if (b > a) return result; result++; if (!(b <= a)) return result; result++; if (b >= a) return result; result++; if (a == b) return result; result++; if (a < b) return result; result++; if (!(a > b)) return result; result++; if (a <= b) return result; result++; if (!(a >= b)) return result; result++; return result; } static int test_15_float_branch_un () { double a = Double.NaN; double b = 1.0; int result = 0; if (a == a) return result; result++; if (a < a) return result; result++; if (a > a) return result; result++; if (a <= a) return result; result++; if (a >= a) return result; result++; if (b == a) return result; result++; if (b < a) return result; result++; if (b > a) return result; result++; if (b <= a) return result; result++; if (b >= a) return result; result++; if (a == b) return result; result++; if (a < b) return result; result++; if (a > b) return result; result++; if (a <= b) return result; result++; if (a >= b) return result; result++; return result; } static int test_0_float_precision () { float f1 = 3.40282346638528859E+38f; float f2 = 3.40282346638528859E+38f; float PositiveInfinity = 1.0f / 0.0f; float f = f1 + f2; return f == PositiveInfinity ? 0 : 1; } }