using System; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Collections.Generic; /* * Regression tests for the AOT/FULL-AOT code. */ #if MOBILE class AotTests #else class Tests #endif { #if !MOBILE static int Main (String[] args) { return TestDriver.RunTests (typeof (Tests), args); } #endif public delegate void ArrayDelegate (int[,] arr); static int test_0_array_delegate_full_aot () { ArrayDelegate d = delegate (int[,] arr) { }; int[,] a = new int[5, 6]; d.BeginInvoke (a, null, null); return 0; } struct Struct1 { public double a, b; } struct Struct2 { public float a, b; } class Foo { /* The 'd' argument is used to shift the register indexes so 't' doesn't start at the first reg */ public static T Get_T (double d, T t) { return t; } } class Foo2 { public static T Get_T (double d, T t) { return t; } public static T Get_T2 (double d, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8, T t) { return t; } } class Foo3 { public static T Get_T (double d, T t) { return Foo2.Get_T (d, t); } } [Category ("DYNCALL")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_double () { double arg1 = 1.0f; double s = 2.0f; var res = (double)typeof (Foo).GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (res != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } [Category ("DYNCALL")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_float () { double arg1 = 1.0f; float s = 2.0f; var res = (float)typeof (Foo).GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (res != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } [Category ("DYNCALL")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_hfa_double () { double arg1 = 1.0f; // HFA with double members var s = new Struct1 (); s.a = 1.0f; s.b = 2.0f; var s_res = (Struct1)typeof (Foo).GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (s_res.a != 1.0f || s_res.b != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } [Category ("DYNCALL")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_hfa_float () { double arg1 = 1.0f; var s = new Struct2 (); s.a = 1.0f; s.b = 2.0f; var s_res = (Struct2)typeof (Foo).GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (s_res.a != 1.0f || s_res.b != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } [Category ("DYNCALL")] [Category ("GSHAREDVT")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_gsharedvt_out_hfa_double () { /* gsharedvt out trampoline with double hfa argument */ double arg1 = 1.0f; var s = new Struct1 (); s.a = 1.0f; s.b = 2.0f; // Call Foo2.Get_T directly, so its gets an instance Foo2.Get_T (arg1, s); Type t = typeof (Foo3<>).MakeGenericType (new Type [] { typeof (Struct1) }); // Call Foo3.Get_T, this will call the gsharedvt instance, which will call the non-gsharedvt instance var s_res = (Struct1)t.GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (s_res.a != 1.0f || s_res.b != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } [Category ("DYNCALL")] [Category ("GSHAREDVT")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_gsharedvt_out_hfa_float () { /* gsharedvt out trampoline with double hfa argument */ double arg1 = 1.0f; var s = new Struct2 (); s.a = 1.0f; s.b = 2.0f; // Call Foo2.Get_T directly, so its gets an instance Foo2.Get_T (arg1, s); Type t = typeof (Foo3<>).MakeGenericType (new Type [] { typeof (Struct2) }); // Call Foo3.Get_T, this will call the gsharedvt instance, which will call the non-gsharedvt instance var s_res = (Struct2)t.GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (null, new object [] { arg1, s }); if (s_res.a != 1.0f || s_res.b != 2.0f) return 1; return 0; } interface IFaceFoo4 { T Get_T (double d, T t); T Get_T2 (double d, T t); } class Foo4 : IFaceFoo4 { public T Get_T (double d, T t) { return Foo2.Get_T (d, t); } public T Get_T2 (double d, T t) { return Foo2.Get_T2 (d, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, t); } } struct VTypeByRefStruct { public long o1, o2, o3; } [Category ("GSHAREDVT")] public static int test_0_arm64_gsharedvt_out_vtypebyref () { /* gsharedvt out trampoline with vtypebyref argument */ var s = new VTypeByRefStruct () { o1 = 1, o2 = 2, o3 = 3 }; // Call Foo2.Get_T directly, so its gets an instance Foo2.Get_T (1.0f, s); var o = (IFaceFoo4)Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Foo4<>).MakeGenericType (new Type [] { typeof (VTypeByRefStruct) })); // Call Foo4.Get_T, this will call the gsharedvt instance, which will call the non-gsharedvt instance var s_res = o.Get_T (1.0f, s); if (s_res.o1 != 1 || s_res.o2 != 2 || s_res.o3 != 3) return 1; // Same with the byref argument passed on the stack s_res = o.Get_T2 (1.0f, s); if (s_res.o1 != 1 || s_res.o2 != 2 || s_res.o3 != 3) return 2; return 0; } class Foo5 { public static T Get_T (object o) { return (T)o; } } [Category ("DYNCALL")] static int test_0_arm64_dyncall_vtypebyref_ret () { var s = new VTypeByRefStruct () { o1 = 1, o2 = 2, o3 = 3 }; Type t = typeof (Foo5<>).MakeGenericType (new Type [] { typeof (VTypeByRefStruct) }); var o = Activator.CreateInstance (t); try { var s_res = (VTypeByRefStruct)t.GetMethod ("Get_T").Invoke (o, new object [] { s }); if (s_res.o1 != 1 || s_res.o2 != 2 || s_res.o3 != 3) return 1; } catch (TargetInvocationException) { return 2; } return 0; } static int test_0_partial_sharing_regress_30204 () { var t = typeof (System.Collections.Generic.Comparer>); var d = new SortedDictionary (); d.Add ("key1", "banana"); return d ["key1"] == "banana" ? 0 : 1; } class NullableMethods { [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static bool GetHasValue(Nullable value) where T : struct { return value.HasValue; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static T GetValue(Nullable value) where T : struct { return value.Value; } } [Category ("DYNCALL")] public static int test_0_dyncall_nullable () { int? v; v = 42; NullableMethods.GetHasValue (v); bool b = (bool)typeof (NullableMethods).GetMethod ("GetHasValue").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (int) }).Invoke (null, new object [] { v }); if (!b) return 1; v = null; b = (bool)typeof (NullableMethods).GetMethod ("GetHasValue").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (int) }).Invoke (null, new object [] { v }); if (b) return 2; v = 42; NullableMethods.GetValue (v); var res = (int)typeof (NullableMethods).GetMethod ("GetValue").MakeGenericMethod (new Type [] { typeof (int) }).Invoke (null, new object [] { v }); if (res != 42) return 3; return 0; } enum AnEnum { A = 0, B = 1 } public static int test_0_enum_eq_comparer () { var c = EqualityComparer.Default; return (!c.Equals (AnEnum.A, AnEnum.B) && c.Equals (AnEnum.A, AnEnum.A)) ? 0 : 1; } public static int test_0_enum_comparer () { var c = Comparer.Default; return c.Compare (AnEnum.A, AnEnum.A); } }