/* * process.c: System.Diagnostics.Process support * * Author: * Dick Porter (dick@ximian.com) * * Copyright 2002 Ximian, Inc. * Copyright 2002-2006 Novell, Inc. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* FIXME: fix this code to not depend so much on the internals */ #include #include #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) #include #endif void mono_w32process_init (void) { } void mono_w32process_cleanup (void) { } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) HANDLE ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Process_GetProcess_internal (guint32 pid) { HANDLE handle; /* GetCurrentProcess returns a pseudo-handle, so use * OpenProcess instead */ handle = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, pid); if (handle == NULL) /* FIXME: Throw an exception */ return NULL; return handle; } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT | HAVE_UWP_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Process_ShellExecuteEx_internal (MonoW32ProcessStartInfo *proc_start_info, MonoW32ProcessInfo *process_info) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO shellex = {0}; gboolean ret; shellex.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); shellex.fMask = (gulong)(SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_UNICODE); shellex.nShow = (gulong)proc_start_info->window_style; shellex.nShow = (gulong)((shellex.nShow == 0) ? 1 : (shellex.nShow == 1 ? 0 : shellex.nShow)); if (proc_start_info->filename != NULL) { shellex.lpFile = mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->filename); } if (proc_start_info->arguments != NULL) { shellex.lpParameters = mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->arguments); } if (proc_start_info->verb != NULL && mono_string_length (proc_start_info->verb) != 0) { shellex.lpVerb = mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->verb); } if (proc_start_info->working_directory != NULL && mono_string_length (proc_start_info->working_directory) != 0) { shellex.lpDirectory = mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->working_directory); } if (proc_start_info->error_dialog) { shellex.hwnd = proc_start_info->error_dialog_parent_handle; } else { shellex.fMask = (gulong)(shellex.fMask | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI); } ret = ShellExecuteEx (&shellex); if (ret == FALSE) { process_info->pid = -GetLastError (); } else { process_info->process_handle = shellex.hProcess; process_info->thread_handle = NULL; #if !defined(MONO_CROSS_COMPILE) process_info->pid = GetProcessId (shellex.hProcess); #else process_info->pid = 0; #endif process_info->tid = 0; } return ret; } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline void mono_process_init_startup_info (HANDLE stdin_handle, HANDLE stdout_handle, HANDLE stderr_handle, STARTUPINFO *startinfo) { startinfo->cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startinfo->dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; startinfo->hStdInput = stdin_handle; startinfo->hStdOutput = stdout_handle; startinfo->hStdError = stderr_handle; return; } static gboolean mono_process_create_process (MonoW32ProcessInfo *mono_process_info, MonoString *cmd, guint32 creation_flags, gunichar2 *env_vars, gunichar2 *dir, STARTUPINFO *start_info, PROCESS_INFORMATION *process_info) { gboolean result = FALSE; if (mono_process_info->username) { guint32 logon_flags = mono_process_info->load_user_profile ? LOGON_WITH_PROFILE : 0; result = CreateProcessWithLogonW (mono_string_chars (mono_process_info->username), mono_process_info->domain ? mono_string_chars (mono_process_info->domain) : NULL, (const gunichar2 *)mono_process_info->password, logon_flags, NULL, cmd ? mono_string_chars (cmd) : NULL, creation_flags, env_vars, dir, start_info, process_info); } else { result = CreateProcessW (NULL, cmd ? mono_string_chars (cmd): NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, creation_flags, env_vars, dir, start_info, process_info); } return result; } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ static gchar* process_unquote_application_name (gchar *appname) { size_t len = strlen (appname); if (len) { if (appname[len-1] == '\"') appname[len-1] = '\0'; if (appname[0] == '\"') appname++; } return appname; } static gchar* process_quote_path (const gchar *path) { gchar *res = g_shell_quote (path); gchar *q = res; while (*q) { if (*q == '\'') *q = '\"'; q++; } return res; } /* Only used when UseShellExecute is false */ static gboolean process_complete_path (const gunichar2 *appname, gchar **completed) { gchar *utf8app, *utf8appmemory; gchar *found; utf8appmemory = g_utf16_to_utf8 (appname, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); utf8app = process_unquote_application_name (utf8appmemory); if (g_path_is_absolute (utf8app)) { *completed = process_quote_path (utf8app); g_free (utf8appmemory); return TRUE; } if (g_file_test (utf8app, G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE) && !g_file_test (utf8app, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { *completed = process_quote_path (utf8app); g_free (utf8appmemory); return TRUE; } found = g_find_program_in_path (utf8app); if (found == NULL) { *completed = NULL; g_free (utf8appmemory); return FALSE; } *completed = process_quote_path (found); g_free (found); g_free (utf8appmemory); return TRUE; } static gboolean process_get_shell_arguments (MonoW32ProcessStartInfo *proc_start_info, MonoString **cmd) { gchar *spath = NULL; gchar *new_cmd, *cmd_utf8; MonoError mono_error; *cmd = proc_start_info->arguments; if (process_complete_path (mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->filename), &spath)) { /* Seems like our CreateProcess does not work as the windows one. * This hack is needed to deal with paths containing spaces */ if (*cmd) { cmd_utf8 = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (*cmd, &mono_error); if (!mono_error_set_pending_exception (&mono_error)) { new_cmd = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", spath, cmd_utf8); *cmd = mono_string_new_wrapper (new_cmd); g_free (cmd_utf8); g_free (new_cmd); } else { *cmd = NULL; } } else { *cmd = mono_string_new_wrapper (spath); } g_free (spath); } return (*cmd != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Process_CreateProcess_internal (MonoW32ProcessStartInfo *proc_start_info, HANDLE stdin_handle, HANDLE stdout_handle, HANDLE stderr_handle, MonoW32ProcessInfo *process_info) { gboolean ret; gunichar2 *dir; STARTUPINFO startinfo={0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo; gunichar2 *env_vars = NULL; MonoString *cmd = NULL; guint32 creation_flags; mono_process_init_startup_info (stdin_handle, stdout_handle, stderr_handle, &startinfo); creation_flags = CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT; if (proc_start_info->create_no_window) creation_flags |= CREATE_NO_WINDOW; if (process_get_shell_arguments (proc_start_info, &cmd) == FALSE) { process_info->pid = -ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return FALSE; } if (process_info->env_variables) { gint i, len; MonoString *var; gunichar2 *str, *ptr; len = 0; for (i = 0; i < mono_array_length (process_info->env_variables); i++) { var = mono_array_get (process_info->env_variables, MonoString*, i); len += mono_string_length (var) * sizeof (gunichar2); /* null-separated */ len += sizeof (gunichar2); } /* null-terminated */ len += sizeof (gunichar2); env_vars = ptr = g_new0 (gunichar2, len); for (i = 0; i < mono_array_length (process_info->env_variables); i++) { var = mono_array_get (process_info->env_variables, MonoString*, i); memcpy (ptr, mono_string_chars (var), mono_string_length (var) * sizeof (gunichar2)); ptr += mono_string_length (var); ptr += 1; // Skip over the null-separator } } /* The default dir name is "". Turn that into NULL to mean * "current directory" */ if (proc_start_info->working_directory == NULL || mono_string_length (proc_start_info->working_directory) == 0) dir = NULL; else dir = mono_string_chars (proc_start_info->working_directory); ret = mono_process_create_process (process_info, cmd, creation_flags, env_vars, dir, &startinfo, &procinfo); g_free (env_vars); if (ret) { process_info->process_handle = procinfo.hProcess; /*process_info->thread_handle=procinfo.hThread;*/ process_info->thread_handle = NULL; if (procinfo.hThread != NULL && procinfo.hThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (procinfo.hThread); process_info->pid = procinfo.dwProcessId; process_info->tid = procinfo.dwThreadId; } else { process_info->pid = -GetLastError (); } return ret; } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline gboolean mono_process_win_enum_processes (DWORD *pids, DWORD count, DWORD *needed) { return EnumProcesses (pids, count, needed); } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ MonoArray * ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Process_GetProcesses_internal (void) { MonoError error; MonoArray *procs; gboolean ret; DWORD needed; int count; DWORD *pids; count = 512; do { pids = g_new0 (DWORD, count); ret = mono_process_win_enum_processes (pids, count * sizeof (guint32), &needed); if (ret == FALSE) { MonoException *exc; g_free (pids); pids = NULL; exc = mono_get_exception_not_supported ("This system does not support EnumProcesses"); mono_set_pending_exception (exc); return NULL; } if (needed < (count * sizeof (guint32))) break; g_free (pids); pids = NULL; count = (count * 3) / 2; } while (TRUE); count = needed / sizeof (guint32); procs = mono_array_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), mono_get_int32_class (), count, &error); if (mono_error_set_pending_exception (&error)) { g_free (pids); return NULL; } memcpy (mono_array_addr (procs, guint32, 0), pids, needed); g_free (pids); pids = NULL; return procs; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_CloseProcess (gpointer handle) { return CloseHandle (handle); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_TerminateProcess (gpointer handle, gint32 exitcode) { return TerminateProcess (handle, exitcode); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_GetExitCodeProcess (gpointer handle, gint32 *exitcode) { return GetExitCodeProcess (handle, exitcode); } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline MonoBoolean mono_icall_get_process_working_set_size (gpointer handle, gsize *min, gsize *max) { return GetProcessWorkingSetSize (handle, min, max); } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_GetProcessWorkingSetSize (gpointer handle, gsize *min, gsize *max) { return mono_icall_get_process_working_set_size (handle, min, max); } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline MonoBoolean mono_icall_set_process_working_set_size (gpointer handle, gsize min, gsize max) { return SetProcessWorkingSetSize (handle, min, max); } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_SetProcessWorkingSetSize (gpointer handle, gsize min, gsize max) { return mono_icall_set_process_working_set_size (handle, min, max); } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline gint32 mono_icall_get_priority_class (gpointer handle) { return GetPriorityClass (handle); } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ gint32 ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_GetPriorityClass (gpointer handle) { return mono_icall_get_priority_class (handle); } #if G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) static inline MonoBoolean mono_icall_set_priority_class (gpointer handle, gint32 priorityClass) { return SetPriorityClass (handle, (guint32) priorityClass); } #endif /* G_HAVE_API_SUPPORT(HAVE_CLASSIC_WINAPI_SUPPORT) */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_SetPriorityClass (gpointer handle, gint32 priorityClass) { return mono_icall_set_priority_class (handle, priorityClass); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_GetProcessTimes (gpointer handle, gint64 *creationtime, gint64 *exittime, gint64 *kerneltime, gint64 *usertime) { return GetProcessTimes (handle, (LPFILETIME) creationtime, (LPFILETIME) exittime, (LPFILETIME) kerneltime, (LPFILETIME) usertime); } gpointer ves_icall_Microsoft_Win32_NativeMethods_GetCurrentProcess (void) { return GetCurrentProcess (); }