/* * threadpool-ms-io.c: Microsoft IO threadpool runtime support * * Author: * Ludovic Henry (ludovic.henry@xamarin.com) * * Copyright 2015 Xamarin, Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) */ #include #ifndef DISABLE_SOCKETS #include #if defined(HOST_WIN32) #include #else #include #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) #include #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Keep in sync with System.Net.Sockets.MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem */ struct _MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem { MonoObject object; MonoSocketAsyncResult *socket_async_result; }; /* Keep in sync with System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SocketOperation */ enum { AIO_OP_FIRST, AIO_OP_ACCEPT = 0, AIO_OP_CONNECT, AIO_OP_RECEIVE, AIO_OP_RECEIVEFROM, AIO_OP_SEND, AIO_OP_SENDTO, AIO_OP_RECV_JUST_CALLBACK, AIO_OP_SEND_JUST_CALLBACK, AIO_OP_READPIPE, AIO_OP_CONSOLE2, AIO_OP_DISCONNECT, AIO_OP_ACCEPTRECEIVE, AIO_OP_RECEIVE_BUFFERS, AIO_OP_SEND_BUFFERS, AIO_OP_LAST }; typedef enum { BACKEND_EPOLL, BACKEND_KQUEUE, BACKEND_POLL, } ThreadPoolIOBackend; typedef struct { gint fd; union { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) struct { struct epoll_event *event; gint op; } epoll; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) struct { struct kevent *event; } kqueue; #endif struct { mono_pollfd fd; } poll; }; } ThreadPoolIOUpdate; typedef struct { MonoGHashTable *states; mono_mutex_t states_lock; ThreadPoolIOBackend backend; ThreadPoolIOUpdate *updates; guint updates_size; mono_mutex_t updates_lock; #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) gint wakeup_pipes [2]; #else SOCKET wakeup_pipes [2]; #endif union { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) struct { gint fd; struct epoll_event *events; } epoll; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) struct { gint fd; struct kevent *events; } kqueue; #endif struct { mono_pollfd *fds; guint fds_size; guint fds_max; } poll; }; } ThreadPoolIO; static gint32 io_status = STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; static gint32 io_thread_status = STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; static ThreadPoolIO* threadpool_io; static int get_events_from_state (MonoSocketAsyncResult *ares) { switch (ares->operation) { case AIO_OP_ACCEPT: case AIO_OP_RECEIVE: case AIO_OP_RECV_JUST_CALLBACK: case AIO_OP_RECEIVEFROM: case AIO_OP_READPIPE: case AIO_OP_ACCEPTRECEIVE: case AIO_OP_RECEIVE_BUFFERS: return MONO_POLLIN; case AIO_OP_SEND: case AIO_OP_SEND_JUST_CALLBACK: case AIO_OP_SENDTO: case AIO_OP_CONNECT: case AIO_OP_SEND_BUFFERS: case AIO_OP_DISCONNECT: return MONO_POLLOUT; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static MonoSocketAsyncResult* get_state (MonoMList **list, gint event) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *state = NULL; MonoMList *current; g_assert (list); for (current = *list; current; current = mono_mlist_next (current)) { state = (MonoSocketAsyncResult*) mono_mlist_get_data (current); if (get_events_from_state ((MonoSocketAsyncResult*) state) == event) break; state = NULL; } if (current) *list = mono_mlist_remove_item (*list, current); return state; } static gint get_events (MonoMList *list) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *ares; gint events = 0; for (; list; list = mono_mlist_next (list)) if ((ares = (MonoSocketAsyncResult*) mono_mlist_get_data (list))) events |= get_events_from_state (ares); return events; } static void polling_thread_wakeup (void) { gchar msg = 'c'; gint written; for (;;) { #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) written = write (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1], &msg, 1); if (written == 1) break; if (written == -1) { g_warning ("polling_thread_wakeup: write () failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); break; } #else written = send (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1], &msg, 1, 0); if (written == 1) break; if (written == SOCKET_ERROR) { g_warning ("polling_thread_wakeup: write () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); break; } #endif } } static void polling_thread_drain_wakeup_pipes (void) { gchar buffer [128]; gint received; for (;;) { #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) received = read (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], buffer, sizeof (buffer)); if (received == 0) break; if (received == -1) { if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) g_warning ("poll_thread: read () failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); break; } #else received = recv (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], buffer, sizeof (buffer), 0); if (received == 0) break; if (received == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError () != WSAEINTR && WSAGetLastError () != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) g_warning ("poll_thread: recv () failed, error (%d) %s\n", WSAGetLastError ()); break; } #endif } } #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) #if defined(HOST_WIN32) /* We assume that epoll is not available on windows */ #error #endif #define EPOLL_NEVENTS 128 static gboolean epoll_init (void) { #ifdef EPOOL_CLOEXEC threadpool_io->epoll.fd = epoll_create1 (EPOLL_CLOEXEC); #else threadpool_io->epoll.fd = epoll_create1 (256); fcntl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif if (threadpool_io->epoll.fd == -1) { #ifdef EPOOL_CLOEXEC g_warning ("epoll_init: epoll (EPOLL_CLOEXEC) failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); #else g_warning ("epoll_init: epoll (256) failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); #endif return FALSE; } if (epoll_ctl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], EPOLLIN) == -1) { g_warning ("epoll_init: epoll_ctl () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); close (threadpool_io->epoll.fd); return FALSE; } threadpool_io->epoll.events = g_new0 (struct epoll_event, EPOLL_NEVENTS); return TRUE; } static void epoll_cleanup (void) { g_free (threadpool_io->epoll.events); close (threadpool_io->epoll.fd); } static void epoll_update (gint fd, gint events, gboolean is_new) { ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update; struct epoll_event *event; gchar msg = 'c'; event = g_new0 (struct epoll_event, 1); event->data.fd = fd; if ((events & MONO_POLLIN) != 0) event->events |= EPOLLIN; if ((events & MONO_POLLOUT) != 0) event->events |= EPOLLOUT; mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); threadpool_io->updates_size += 1; threadpool_io->updates = g_renew (ThreadPoolIOUpdate, threadpool_io->updates, threadpool_io->updates_size); update = &threadpool_io->updates [threadpool_io->updates_size - 1]; update->fd = fd; update->epoll.event = event; update->epoll.op = is_new ? EPOLL_CTL_ADD : EPOLL_CTL_MOD; mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); polling_thread_wakeup (); } static void epoll_thread_add_update (ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update) { if (epoll_ctl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, update->epoll.op, update->fd, update->epoll.event) == -1) g_warning ("epoll_thread_add_update: epoll_ctl(%s) failed, error (%d) %s", update->epoll.op == EPOLL_CTL_ADD ? "EPOLL_CTL_ADD" : "EPOLL_CTL_MOD", errno, g_strerror (errno)); g_free (update->epoll.event); } static gint epoll_thread_wait_for_event (void) { gint ready; ready = epoll_wait (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, threadpool_io->epoll.events, EPOLL_NEVENTS, -1); if (ready == -1) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: check_for_interruption_critical (); ready = 0; break; default: g_warning ("epoll_thread_wait_for_event: epoll_wait () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); break; } } return ready; } static inline gint epoll_thread_get_fd_at (guint i) { return threadpool_io->epoll.events [i].data.fd; } static gboolean epoll_thread_create_socket_async_results (gint fd, struct epoll_event *epoll_event, MonoMList **list) { g_assert (epoll_event); g_assert (list); if (!*list) { epoll_ctl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, epoll_event); } else { gint events; if ((epoll_event->events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLIN); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } if ((epoll_event->events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLOUT); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } events = get_events (*list); epoll_event->events = ((events & MONO_POLLOUT) ? EPOLLOUT : 0) | ((events & MONO_POLLIN) ? EPOLLIN : 0); if (epoll_ctl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, epoll_event) == -1) { if (epoll_ctl (threadpool_io->epoll.fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, epoll_event) == -1) g_warning ("epoll_thread_create_socket_async_results: epoll_ctl () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); } } return TRUE; } #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) #if defined(HOST_WIN32) /* We assume that kqueue is not available on windows */ #error #endif #define KQUEUE_NEVENTS 128 static gboolean kqueue_init (void) { struct kevent event; threadpool_io->kqueue.fd = kqueue (); if (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd == -1) { g_warning ("kqueue_init: kqueue () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } EV_SET (&event, threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0); if (kevent (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd, &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { g_warning ("kqueue_init: kevent () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); close (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd); return FALSE; } threadpool_io->kqueue.events = g_new0 (struct kevent, KQUEUE_NEVENTS); return TRUE; } static void kqueue_cleanup (void) { g_free (threadpool_io->kqueue.events); close (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd); } static void kqueue_update (gint fd, gint events, gboolean is_new) { ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update; struct kevent *event; event = g_new0 (struct kevent, 1); if ((events & MONO_POLLIN) != 0) EV_SET (event, fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, 0, 0, 0); if ((events & MONO_POLLOUT) != 0) EV_SET (event, fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, 0, 0, 0); mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); threadpool_io->updates_size += 1; threadpool_io->updates = g_renew (ThreadPoolIOUpdate, threadpool_io->updates, threadpool_io->updates_size); update = &threadpool_io->updates [threadpool_io->updates_size - 1]; update->fd = fd; update->kqueue.event = event; mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); polling_thread_wakeup (); } static void kqueue_thread_add_update (ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update) { if (kevent (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd, update->kqueue.event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) g_warning ("kqueue_thread_add_update: kevent(update) failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); g_free (update->kqueue.event); } static gint kqueue_thread_wait_for_event (void) { gint ready; ready = kevent (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd, NULL, 0, threadpool_io->kqueue.events, KQUEUE_NEVENTS, NULL); if (ready == -1) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: check_for_interruption_critical (); ready = 0; break; default: g_warning ("kqueue_thread_wait_for_event: kevent () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); break; } } return ready; } static inline gint kqueue_thread_get_fd_at (guint i) { return threadpool_io->kqueue.events [i].ident; } static gboolean kqueue_thread_create_socket_async_results (gint fd, struct kevent *kqueue_event, MonoMList **list) { g_assert (kqueue_event); g_assert (list); if (*list) { gint events; if (kqueue_event->filter == EVFILT_READ || (kqueue_event->flags & EV_ERROR) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLIN); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } if (kqueue_event->filter == EVFILT_WRITE || (kqueue_event->flags & EV_ERROR) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLOUT); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } events = get_events (*list); if (kqueue_event->filter == EVFILT_READ && (events & MONO_POLLIN) != 0) { EV_SET (kqueue_event, fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, 0, 0, 0); if (kevent (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd, kqueue_event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) g_warning ("kqueue_thread_create_socket_async_results: kevent (read) failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); } if (kqueue_event->filter == EVFILT_WRITE && (events & MONO_POLLOUT) != 0) { EV_SET (kqueue_event, fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, 0, 0, 0); if (kevent (threadpool_io->kqueue.fd, kqueue_event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) g_warning ("kqueue_thread_create_socket_async_results: kevent (write) failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); } } return TRUE; } #endif #define POLL_NEVENTS 1024 static inline void POLL_INIT_FD (mono_pollfd *poll_fd, gint fd, gint events) { poll_fd->fd = fd; poll_fd->events = events; poll_fd->revents = 0; } static gboolean poll_init (void) { guint i; threadpool_io->poll.fds_max = 1; threadpool_io->poll.fds_size = POLL_NEVENTS; threadpool_io->poll.fds = g_new0 (mono_pollfd, threadpool_io->poll.fds_size); POLL_INIT_FD (threadpool_io->poll.fds, threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], MONO_POLLIN); for (i = threadpool_io->poll.fds_max; i < threadpool_io->poll.fds_size; ++i) POLL_INIT_FD (threadpool_io->poll.fds + i, -1, 0); return TRUE; } static void poll_cleanup (void) { g_free (threadpool_io->poll.fds); } static void poll_update (gint fd, gint events, gboolean is_new) { ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update; mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); threadpool_io->updates_size += 1; threadpool_io->updates = g_renew (ThreadPoolIOUpdate, threadpool_io->updates, threadpool_io->updates_size); update = &threadpool_io->updates [threadpool_io->updates_size - 1]; update->fd = fd; POLL_INIT_FD (&update->poll.fd, fd, events); mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); polling_thread_wakeup (); } static gint poll_mark_bad_fds (mono_pollfd *poll_fds, gint poll_fds_size) { gint i; gint ret; gint ready = 0; mono_pollfd *poll_fd; for (i = 0; i < poll_fds_size; i++) { poll_fd = poll_fds + i; if (poll_fd->fd == -1) continue; ret = mono_poll (poll_fd, 1, 0); if (ret == 1) ready++; if (ret == -1) { #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) if (errno == EBADF) #else if (WSAGetLastError () == WSAEBADF) #endif { poll_fd->revents |= MONO_POLLNVAL; ready++; } } } return ready; } static void poll_thread_add_update (ThreadPoolIOUpdate *update) { gboolean found = FALSE; gint j, k; for (j = 1; j < threadpool_io->poll.fds_size; ++j) { mono_pollfd *poll_fd = threadpool_io->poll.fds + j; if (poll_fd->fd == update->poll.fd.fd) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { for (j = 1; j < threadpool_io->poll.fds_size; ++j) { mono_pollfd *poll_fd = threadpool_io->poll.fds + j; if (poll_fd->fd == -1) break; } } if (j == threadpool_io->poll.fds_size) { threadpool_io->poll.fds_size += POLL_NEVENTS; threadpool_io->poll.fds = g_renew (mono_pollfd, threadpool_io->poll.fds, threadpool_io->poll.fds_size); for (k = j; k < threadpool_io->poll.fds_size; ++k) POLL_INIT_FD (threadpool_io->poll.fds + k, -1, 0); } POLL_INIT_FD (threadpool_io->poll.fds + j, update->poll.fd.fd, update->poll.fd.events); if (j >= threadpool_io->poll.fds_max) threadpool_io->poll.fds_max = j + 1; } static gint poll_thread_wait_for_event (void) { gint ready; ready = mono_poll (threadpool_io->poll.fds, threadpool_io->poll.fds_max, -1); if (ready == -1) { /* * Apart from EINTR, we only check EBADF, for the rest: * EINVAL: mono_poll() 'protects' us from descriptor * numbers above the limit if using select() by marking * then as MONO_POLLERR. If a system poll() is being * used, the number of descriptor we're passing will not * be over sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX), as the error would have * happened when opening. * * EFAULT: we own the memory pointed by pfds. * ENOMEM: we're doomed anyway * */ #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) switch (errno) #else switch (WSAGetLastError ()) #endif { #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) case EINTR: #else case WSAEINTR: #endif check_for_interruption_critical (); ready = 0; break; #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) case EBADF: #else case WSAEBADF: #endif ready = poll_mark_bad_fds (threadpool_io->poll.fds, threadpool_io->poll.fds_max); break; default: #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) g_warning ("poll_thread_wait_for_event: mono_poll () failed, error (%d) %s", errno, g_strerror (errno)); #else g_warning ("poll_thread_wait_for_event: mono_poll () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); #endif break; } } return ready; } static inline gint poll_thread_get_fd_at (guint i) { return threadpool_io->poll.fds [i].fd; } static gboolean poll_thread_create_socket_async_results (gint fd, mono_pollfd *poll_fd, MonoMList **list) { g_assert (poll_fd); g_assert (list); if (fd == -1 || poll_fd->revents == 0) return FALSE; if (!*list) { POLL_INIT_FD (poll_fd, -1, 0); } else { if ((poll_fd->revents & (MONO_POLLIN | MONO_POLLERR | MONO_POLLHUP | MONO_POLLNVAL)) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLIN); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } if ((poll_fd->revents & (MONO_POLLOUT | MONO_POLLERR | MONO_POLLHUP | MONO_POLLNVAL)) != 0) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *io_event = get_state (list, MONO_POLLOUT); if (io_event) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) io_event)->vtable->domain, io_event); } poll_fd->events = get_events (*list); } return TRUE; } static void polling_thread (gpointer data) { io_thread_status = STATUS_INITIALIZED; for (;;) { guint i; guint max; gint ready = 0; mono_gc_set_skip_thread (TRUE); mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); for (i = 0; i < threadpool_io->updates_size; ++i) { switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: epoll_thread_add_update (&threadpool_io->updates [i]); break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: kqueue_thread_add_update (&threadpool_io->updates [i]); break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: poll_thread_add_update (&threadpool_io->updates [i]); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } if (threadpool_io->updates_size > 0) { threadpool_io->updates_size = 0; threadpool_io->updates = g_renew (ThreadPoolIOUpdate, threadpool_io->updates, threadpool_io->updates_size); } mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: ready = epoll_thread_wait_for_event (); break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: ready = kqueue_thread_wait_for_event (); break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: ready = poll_thread_wait_for_event (); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_gc_set_skip_thread (FALSE); if (ready == -1 || mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ()) break; switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: max = EPOLL_NEVENTS; break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: max = KQUEUE_NEVENTS; break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: max = threadpool_io->poll.fds_max; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); for (i = 0; i < max && ready > 0; ++i) { MonoMList *list; gboolean created; gint fd; switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: fd = epoll_thread_get_fd_at (i); break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: fd = kqueue_thread_get_fd_at (i); break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: fd = poll_thread_get_fd_at (i); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (fd == threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0]) { polling_thread_drain_wakeup_pipes (); ready -= 1; continue; } list = mono_g_hash_table_lookup (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd)); switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: created = epoll_thread_create_socket_async_results (fd, &threadpool_io->epoll.events [i], &list); break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: created = kqueue_thread_create_socket_async_results (fd, &threadpool_io->kqueue.events [i], &list); break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: created = poll_thread_create_socket_async_results (fd, &threadpool_io->poll.fds [i], &list); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (!created) continue; if (list) mono_g_hash_table_replace (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd), list); else mono_g_hash_table_remove (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd)); ready -= 1; } mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); } io_thread_status = STATUS_CLEANED_UP; } static void wakeup_pipes_init (void) { #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) if (pipe (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes) == -1) g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: pipe () failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); if (fcntl (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: fcntl () failed, error (%d) %s\n", errno, g_strerror (errno)); #else struct sockaddr_in client; struct sockaddr_in server; SOCKET server_sock; gulong arg; gint size; server_sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); g_assert (server_sock != INVALID_SOCKET); threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1] = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); g_assert (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1] != INVALID_SOCKET); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (""); server.sin_port = 0; if (bind (server_sock, (SOCKADDR*) &server, sizeof (server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket (server_sock); g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: bind () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); } size = sizeof (server); if (getsockname (server_sock, (SOCKADDR*) &server, &size) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket (server_sock); g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: getsockname () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); } if (listen (server_sock, 1024) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket (server_sock); g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: listen () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); } if (connect ((SOCKET) threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1], (SOCKADDR*) &server, sizeof (server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket (server_sock); g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: connect () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); } size = sizeof (client); threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0] = accept (server_sock, (SOCKADDR *) &client, &size); g_assert (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0] != INVALID_SOCKET); arg = 1; if (ioctlsocket (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0], FIONBIO, &arg) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0]); closesocket (server_sock); g_error ("wakeup_pipes_init: ioctlsocket () failed, error (%d)\n", WSAGetLastError ()); } closesocket (server_sock); #endif } static void ensure_initialized (void) { if (io_status >= STATUS_INITIALIZED) return; if (io_status == STATUS_INITIALIZING || InterlockedCompareExchange (&io_status, STATUS_INITIALIZING, STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED) != STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED) { while (io_status == STATUS_INITIALIZING) mono_thread_info_yield (); g_assert (io_status >= STATUS_INITIALIZED); return; } g_assert (!threadpool_io); threadpool_io = g_new0 (ThreadPoolIO, 1); g_assert (threadpool_io); threadpool_io->states = mono_g_hash_table_new_type (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC); MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT_FIXED (threadpool_io->states); mono_mutex_init (&threadpool_io->states_lock); threadpool_io->updates = NULL; threadpool_io->updates_size = 0; mono_mutex_init (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_EPOLL; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_KQUEUE; #else threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_POLL; #endif if (g_getenv ("MONO_DISABLE_AIO") != NULL) threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_POLL; wakeup_pipes_init (); retry_init_backend: switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: if (!epoll_init ()) { threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_POLL; goto retry_init_backend; } break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: if (!kqueue_init ()) { threadpool_io->backend = BACKEND_POLL; goto retry_init_backend; } break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: if (!poll_init ()) g_error ("ensure_initialized: poll_init () failed"); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (!mono_thread_create_internal (mono_get_root_domain (), polling_thread, NULL, TRUE, SMALL_STACK)) g_error ("ensure_initialized: mono_thread_create_internal () failed"); io_thread_status = STATUS_INITIALIZING; mono_memory_write_barrier (); io_status = STATUS_INITIALIZED; } static void ensure_cleanedup (void) { if (io_status == STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED && InterlockedCompareExchange (&io_status, STATUS_CLEANED_UP, STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED) == STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED) return; if (io_status == STATUS_INITIALIZING) { while (io_status == STATUS_INITIALIZING) mono_thread_info_yield (); } if (io_status == STATUS_CLEANED_UP) return; if (io_status == STATUS_CLEANING_UP || InterlockedCompareExchange (&io_status, STATUS_CLEANING_UP, STATUS_INITIALIZED) != STATUS_INITIALIZED) { while (io_status == STATUS_CLEANING_UP) mono_thread_info_yield (); g_assert (io_status == STATUS_CLEANED_UP); return; } /* we make the assumption along the code that we are * cleaning up only if the runtime is shutting down */ g_assert (mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ()); polling_thread_wakeup (); while (io_thread_status != STATUS_CLEANED_UP) usleep (1000); MONO_GC_UNREGISTER_ROOT (threadpool_io->states); mono_g_hash_table_destroy (threadpool_io->states); mono_mutex_destroy (&threadpool_io->states_lock); g_free (threadpool_io->updates); mono_mutex_destroy (&threadpool_io->updates_lock); switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: epoll_cleanup (); break; #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: kqueue_cleanup (); break; #endif case BACKEND_POLL: poll_cleanup (); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } #if !defined(HOST_WIN32) close (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0]); close (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1]); #else closesocket (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [0]); closesocket (threadpool_io->wakeup_pipes [1]); #endif g_assert (threadpool_io); g_free (threadpool_io); threadpool_io = NULL; g_assert (!threadpool_io); io_status = STATUS_CLEANED_UP; } static gboolean is_socket_async_callback (MonoImage *system_image, MonoClass *class) { MonoClass *socket_async_callback_class = NULL; socket_async_callback_class = mono_class_from_name (system_image, "System.Net.Sockets", "SocketAsyncCallback"); g_assert (socket_async_callback_class); return class == socket_async_callback_class; } static gboolean is_async_read_handler (MonoImage *system_image, MonoClass *class) { MonoClass *process_class = NULL; process_class = mono_class_from_name (system_image, "System.Diagnostics", "Process"); g_assert (process_class); return class->nested_in && class->nested_in == process_class && strcmp (class->name, "AsyncReadHandler") == 0; } gboolean mono_threadpool_ms_is_io (MonoObject *target, MonoObject *state) { MonoImage *system_image; MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares; system_image = mono_image_loaded ("System"); if (!system_image) return FALSE; if (!is_socket_async_callback (system_image, target->vtable->klass) && !is_async_read_handler (system_image, target->vtable->klass)) return FALSE; sockares = (MonoSocketAsyncResult*) state; if (sockares->operation < AIO_OP_FIRST || sockares->operation >= AIO_OP_LAST) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_cleanup (void) { ensure_cleanedup (); } MonoAsyncResult * mono_threadpool_ms_io_add (MonoAsyncResult *ares, MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares) { MonoMList *list; gboolean is_new; gint events; gint fd; g_assert (ares); g_assert (sockares); if (mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ()) return NULL; ensure_initialized (); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (sockares, ares, ares); fd = GPOINTER_TO_INT (sockares->handle); mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); g_assert (threadpool_io->states); list = mono_g_hash_table_lookup (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd)); is_new = list == NULL; list = mono_mlist_append (list, (MonoObject*) sockares); mono_g_hash_table_replace (threadpool_io->states, sockares->handle, list); events = get_events (list); switch (threadpool_io->backend) { #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL) case BACKEND_EPOLL: { epoll_update (fd, events, is_new); break; } #elif defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) case BACKEND_KQUEUE: { kqueue_update (fd, events, is_new); break; } #endif case BACKEND_POLL: { poll_update (fd, events, is_new); break; } default: g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); return ares; } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_remove_socket (int fd) { MonoMList *list; if (io_status != STATUS_INITIALIZED) return; mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); g_assert (threadpool_io->states); list = mono_g_hash_table_lookup (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd)); if (list) mono_g_hash_table_remove (threadpool_io->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (fd)); mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); while (list) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares, *sockares2; sockares = (MonoSocketAsyncResult*) mono_mlist_get_data (list); if (sockares->operation == AIO_OP_RECEIVE) sockares->operation = AIO_OP_RECV_JUST_CALLBACK; else if (sockares->operation == AIO_OP_SEND) sockares->operation = AIO_OP_SEND_JUST_CALLBACK; sockares2 = get_state (&list, MONO_POLLIN); if (sockares2) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) sockares2)->vtable->domain, sockares2); if (!list) break; sockares2 = get_state (&list, MONO_POLLOUT); if (sockares2) mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (((MonoObject*) sockares2)->vtable->domain, sockares2); } } static gboolean remove_sockstate_for_domain (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { MonoMList *list; gboolean remove = FALSE; for (list = value; list; list = mono_mlist_next (list)) { MonoObject *data = mono_mlist_get_data (list); if (mono_object_domain (data) == user_data) { remove = TRUE; mono_mlist_set_data (list, NULL); } } //FIXME is there some sort of additional unregistration we need to perform here? return remove; } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_remove_domain_jobs (MonoDomain *domain) { if (io_status == STATUS_INITIALIZED) { mono_mutex_lock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); mono_g_hash_table_foreach_remove (threadpool_io->states, remove_sockstate_for_domain, domain); mono_mutex_unlock (&threadpool_io->states_lock); } } void mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (MonoDomain *domain, MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares) { MonoImage *system_image; MonoClass *socket_runtime_work_item_class; MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem *srwi; g_assert (sockares); system_image = mono_image_loaded ("System"); g_assert (system_image); socket_runtime_work_item_class = mono_class_from_name (system_image, "System.Net.Sockets", "MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem"); g_assert (socket_runtime_work_item_class); srwi = (MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem*) mono_object_new (domain, socket_runtime_work_item_class); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (srwi, socket_async_result, sockares); mono_threadpool_ms_enqueue_work_item (domain, (MonoObject*) srwi); } void ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem_ExecuteWorkItem (MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem *rwi) { MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares; MonoAsyncResult *ares; MonoObject *exc = NULL; g_assert (rwi); sockares = rwi->socket_async_result; g_assert (sockares); g_assert (sockares->ares); switch (sockares->operation) { case AIO_OP_RECEIVE: sockares->total = ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_Socket_Receive_internal ((SOCKET) (gssize) sockares->handle, sockares->buffer, sockares->offset, sockares->size, sockares->socket_flags, &sockares->error); break; case AIO_OP_SEND: sockares->total = ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_Socket_Send_internal ((SOCKET) (gssize) sockares->handle, sockares->buffer, sockares->offset, sockares->size, sockares->socket_flags, &sockares->error); break; } ares = sockares->ares; g_assert (ares); mono_async_result_invoke (ares, &exc); if (sockares->completed && sockares->callback) { MonoAsyncResult *cb_ares; /* Don't call mono_async_result_new() to avoid capturing the context */ cb_ares = (MonoAsyncResult*) mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.asyncresult_class); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (cb_ares, async_delegate, sockares->callback); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (cb_ares, async_state, (MonoObject*) sockares); mono_threadpool_ms_enqueue_async_result (mono_domain_get (), cb_ares); } if (exc) mono_raise_exception ((MonoException*) exc); } #else gboolean mono_threadpool_ms_is_io (MonoObject *target, MonoObject *state) { return FALSE; } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_cleanup (void) { g_assert_not_reached (); } MonoAsyncResult * mono_threadpool_ms_io_add (MonoAsyncResult *ares, MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares) { g_assert_not_reached (); } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_remove_socket (int fd) { g_assert_not_reached (); } void mono_threadpool_ms_io_remove_domain_jobs (MonoDomain *domain) { g_assert_not_reached (); } void mono_threadpool_io_enqueue_socket_async_result (MonoDomain *domain, MonoSocketAsyncResult *sockares) { g_assert_not_reached (); } void ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem_ExecuteWorkItem (MonoSocketRuntimeWorkItem *rwi) { g_assert_not_reached (); } #endif