/* * sgen-stw.c: Stop the world functionality * * Author: * Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com) * Rodrigo Kumpera (kumpera@gmail.com) * * Copyright 2005-2011 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) * Copyright 2011 Xamarin, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2012 Xamarin Inc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License 2.0 along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_SGEN_GC #include "metadata/sgen-gc.h" #include "metadata/sgen-protocol.h" #include "metadata/sgen-memory-governor.h" #include "metadata/profiler-private.h" #include "utils/mono-time.h" #include "utils/dtrace.h" #define TV_DECLARE SGEN_TV_DECLARE #define TV_GETTIME SGEN_TV_GETTIME #define TV_ELAPSED SGEN_TV_ELAPSED #define TV_ELAPSED_MS SGEN_TV_ELAPSED_MS inline static void* align_pointer (void *ptr) { mword p = (mword)ptr; p += sizeof (gpointer) - 1; p &= ~ (sizeof (gpointer) - 1); return (void*)p; } #ifdef USE_MONO_CTX static MonoContext cur_thread_ctx = {0}; #else static mword cur_thread_regs [ARCH_NUM_REGS] = {0}; #endif static void update_current_thread_stack (void *start) { int stack_guard = 0; #if !defined(USE_MONO_CTX) void *reg_ptr = cur_thread_regs; #endif SgenThreadInfo *info = mono_thread_info_current (); info->stack_start = align_pointer (&stack_guard); g_assert (info->stack_start >= info->stack_start_limit && info->stack_start < info->stack_end); #ifdef USE_MONO_CTX MONO_CONTEXT_GET_CURRENT (cur_thread_ctx); memcpy (&info->ctx, &cur_thread_ctx, sizeof (MonoContext)); if (mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func) mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func (info->runtime_data, NULL, &info->ctx); #else ARCH_STORE_REGS (reg_ptr); memcpy (&info->regs, reg_ptr, sizeof (info->regs)); if (mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func) mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func (info->runtime_data, NULL, NULL); #endif } static gboolean is_ip_in_managed_allocator (MonoDomain *domain, gpointer ip) { MonoJitInfo *ji; if (!mono_thread_internal_current ()) /* Happens during thread attach */ return FALSE; if (!ip || !domain) return FALSE; if (!sgen_has_critical_method ()) return FALSE; /* * mono_jit_info_table_find is not async safe since it calls into the AOT runtime to load information for * missing methods (#13951). To work around this, we disable the AOT fallback. For this to work, the JIT needs * to register the jit info for all GC critical methods after they are JITted/loaded. */ ji = mono_jit_info_table_find_internal (domain, ip, FALSE); if (!ji) return FALSE; return sgen_is_critical_method (mono_jit_info_get_method (ji)); } static int restart_threads_until_none_in_managed_allocator (void) { SgenThreadInfo *info; int num_threads_died = 0; int sleep_duration = -1; for (;;) { int restart_count = 0, restarted_count = 0; /* restart all threads that stopped in the allocator */ FOREACH_THREAD_SAFE (info) { gboolean result; if (info->skip || info->gc_disabled) continue; if (mono_thread_info_run_state (info) == STATE_RUNNING && (!info->stack_start || info->in_critical_region || info->info.inside_critical_region || is_ip_in_managed_allocator (info->stopped_domain, info->stopped_ip))) { binary_protocol_thread_restart ((gpointer)mono_thread_info_get_tid (info)); SGEN_LOG (3, "thread %p resumed.", (void*) (size_t) info->info.native_handle); result = sgen_resume_thread (info); if (result) { ++restart_count; } else { info->skip = 1; } } else { /* we set the stopped_ip to NULL for threads which we're not restarting so that we can easily identify the others */ info->stopped_ip = NULL; info->stopped_domain = NULL; } } END_FOREACH_THREAD_SAFE /* if no threads were restarted, we're done */ if (restart_count == 0) break; /* wait for the threads to signal their restart */ sgen_wait_for_suspend_ack (restart_count); if (sleep_duration < 0) { mono_thread_info_yield (); sleep_duration = 0; } else { g_usleep (sleep_duration); sleep_duration += 10; } /* stop them again */ FOREACH_THREAD (info) { gboolean result; if (info->skip || info->stopped_ip == NULL) continue; result = sgen_suspend_thread (info); if (result) { ++restarted_count; } else { info->skip = 1; } } END_FOREACH_THREAD /* some threads might have died */ num_threads_died += restart_count - restarted_count; /* wait for the threads to signal their suspension again */ sgen_wait_for_suspend_ack (restarted_count); } return num_threads_died; } static void acquire_gc_locks (void) { LOCK_INTERRUPTION; mono_thread_info_suspend_lock (); } static void release_gc_locks (void) { mono_thread_info_suspend_unlock (); UNLOCK_INTERRUPTION; } static TV_DECLARE (stop_world_time); static unsigned long max_pause_usec = 0; /* LOCKING: assumes the GC lock is held */ int sgen_stop_world (int generation) { int count, dead; /*XXX this is the right stop, thought might not be the nicest place to put it*/ sgen_process_togglerefs (); mono_profiler_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_PRE_STOP_WORLD, generation); MONO_GC_WORLD_STOP_BEGIN (); acquire_gc_locks (); update_current_thread_stack (&count); sgen_global_stop_count++; SGEN_LOG (3, "stopping world n %d from %p %p", sgen_global_stop_count, mono_thread_info_current (), (gpointer)mono_native_thread_id_get ()); TV_GETTIME (stop_world_time); count = sgen_thread_handshake (TRUE); dead = restart_threads_until_none_in_managed_allocator (); if (count < dead) g_error ("More threads have died (%d) that been initialy suspended %d", dead, count); count -= dead; SGEN_LOG (3, "world stopped %d thread(s)", count); mono_profiler_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_POST_STOP_WORLD, generation); MONO_GC_WORLD_STOP_END (); sgen_memgov_collection_start (generation); sgen_bridge_reset_data (); return count; } /* LOCKING: assumes the GC lock is held */ int sgen_restart_world (int generation, GGTimingInfo *timing) { int count; SgenThreadInfo *info; TV_DECLARE (end_sw); TV_DECLARE (end_bridge); unsigned long usec, bridge_usec; /* notify the profiler of the leftovers */ /* FIXME this is the wrong spot at we can STW for non collection reasons. */ if (G_UNLIKELY (mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_GC_MOVES)) sgen_gc_event_moves (); mono_profiler_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_PRE_START_WORLD, generation); MONO_GC_WORLD_RESTART_BEGIN (generation); FOREACH_THREAD (info) { info->stack_start = NULL; #ifdef USE_MONO_CTX memset (&info->ctx, 0, sizeof (MonoContext)); #else memset (&info->regs, 0, sizeof (info->regs)); #endif } END_FOREACH_THREAD count = sgen_thread_handshake (FALSE); TV_GETTIME (end_sw); usec = TV_ELAPSED (stop_world_time, end_sw); max_pause_usec = MAX (usec, max_pause_usec); SGEN_LOG (2, "restarted %d thread(s) (pause time: %d usec, max: %d)", count, (int)usec, (int)max_pause_usec); mono_profiler_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_POST_START_WORLD, generation); MONO_GC_WORLD_RESTART_END (generation); /* * We must release the thread info suspend lock after doing * the thread handshake. Otherwise, if the GC stops the world * and a thread is in the process of starting up, but has not * yet registered (it's not in the thread_list), it is * possible that the thread does register while the world is * stopped. When restarting the GC will then try to restart * said thread, but since it never got the suspend signal, it * cannot answer the restart signal, so a deadlock results. */ release_gc_locks (); sgen_try_free_some_memory = TRUE; sgen_bridge_processing_finish (generation); TV_GETTIME (end_bridge); bridge_usec = TV_ELAPSED (end_sw, end_bridge); if (timing) { timing [0].stw_time = usec; timing [0].bridge_time = bridge_usec; } sgen_memgov_collection_end (generation, timing, timing ? 2 : 0); return count; } #endif