#include "config.h" #if defined(HAVE_SGEN_GC) && defined(HOST_WIN32) #include #include "metadata/sgen-gc.h" #include "metadata/gc-internal.h" gboolean sgen_resume_thread (SgenThreadInfo *info) { DWORD id = mono_thread_info_get_tid (info); HANDLE handle = OpenThread (THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, id); DWORD result; g_assert (handle); result = ResumeThread (handle); g_assert (result != (DWORD)-1); CloseHandle (handle); return result != (DWORD)-1; } gboolean sgen_suspend_thread (SgenThreadInfo *info) { DWORD id = mono_thread_info_get_tid (info); HANDLE handle = OpenThread (THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, id); CONTEXT context; DWORD result; g_assert (id != GetCurrentThreadId ()); g_assert (handle); result = SuspendThread (handle); if (result == (DWORD)-1) { fprintf (stderr, "could not suspend thread %x (handle %p): %d\n", id, handle, GetLastError ()); fflush (stderr); CloseHandle (handle); return FALSE; } context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_INTEGER | CONTEXT_CONTROL; if (!GetThreadContext (handle, &context)) { g_assert_not_reached (); ResumeThread (handle); CloseHandle (handle); return FALSE; } g_assert (context.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER); g_assert (context.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL); CloseHandle (handle); info->stopped_ip = (gpointer)context.Eip; info->stack_start = (char*)context.Esp - REDZONE_SIZE; info->regs [0] = context.Edi; info->regs [1] = context.Esi; info->regs [2] = context.Ebx; info->regs [3] = context.Edx; info->regs [4] = context.Ecx; info->regs [5] = context.Eax; info->regs [6] = context.Ebp; info->regs [7] = context.Esp; info->stopped_regs = &info->regs; /* Notify the JIT */ if (mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func) mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func (info->runtime_data, NULL); return TRUE; } void sgen_wait_for_suspend_ack (int count) { /* Win32 suspend/resume is synchronous, so we don't need to wait for anything */ } int sgen_thread_handshake (BOOL suspend) { SgenThreadInfo *info; SgenThreadInfo *current = mono_thread_info_current (); int count = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_SAFE (info) { if (info->joined_stw == suspend) continue; info->joined_stw = suspend; if (info == current) continue; if (info->gc_disabled) continue; if (suspend) { g_assert (!info->doing_handshake); info->doing_handshake = TRUE; if (!sgen_suspend_thread (info)) continue; } else { g_assert (info->doing_handshake); info->doing_handshake = FALSE; if (!sgen_resume_thread (info)) continue; } ++count; } END_FOREACH_THREAD_SAFE return count; } void sgen_os_init (void) { } int mono_gc_get_suspend_signal (void) { return -1; } #endif