/* * remoting.c: Remoting support * * Copyright 2002-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright 2011-2014 Xamarin, Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) * * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include "config.h" #include "mono/metadata/remoting.h" #include "mono/metadata/marshal.h" #include "mono/metadata/abi-details.h" #include "mono/metadata/cominterop.h" #include "mono/metadata/tabledefs.h" #include "mono/metadata/exception.h" #include "mono/metadata/debug-helpers.h" #include "mono/metadata/reflection-internals.h" typedef enum { MONO_MARSHAL_NONE, /* No marshalling needed */ MONO_MARSHAL_COPY, /* Can be copied by value to the new domain */ MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT, /* out parameter that needs to be copied back to the original instance */ MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE /* Value needs to be serialized into the new domain */ } MonoXDomainMarshalType; #ifndef DISABLE_REMOTING #define OPDEF(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) \ a = i, enum { #include "mono/cil/opcode.def" LAST = 0xff }; #undef OPDEF struct _MonoRemotingMethods { MonoMethod *invoke; MonoMethod *invoke_with_check; MonoMethod *xdomain_invoke; MonoMethod *xdomain_dispatch; }; typedef struct _MonoRemotingMethods MonoRemotingMethods; static MonoObject * mono_remoting_wrapper (MonoMethod *method, gpointer *params); static gint32 mono_marshal_set_domain_by_id (gint32 id, MonoBoolean push); static gboolean mono_marshal_check_domain_image (gint32 domain_id, MonoImage *image); MONO_API void mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper (MonoReflectionType *rtype, MonoTransparentProxy *tproxy); static MonoXDomainMarshalType mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (MonoType *t); static void mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value (MonoObject *src, MonoObject *dst); static MonoReflectionType * type_from_handle (MonoType *handle); /* Class lazy loading functions */ static GENERATE_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (remoting_services, System.Runtime.Remoting, RemotingServices) static GENERATE_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (call_context, System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging, CallContext) static GENERATE_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (context, System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts, Context) static mono_mutex_t remoting_mutex; static gboolean remoting_mutex_inited; static MonoClass *byte_array_class; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT static MonoMethod *method_rs_serialize, *method_rs_deserialize, *method_exc_fixexc, *method_rs_appdomain_target; static MonoMethod *method_set_call_context, *method_needs_context_sink, *method_rs_serialize_exc; #endif static void register_icall (gpointer func, const char *name, const char *sigstr, gboolean save) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_create_icall_signature (sigstr); mono_register_jit_icall (func, name, sig, save); } static inline void remoting_lock (void) { g_assert (remoting_mutex_inited); mono_os_mutex_lock (&remoting_mutex); } static inline void remoting_unlock (void) { g_assert (remoting_mutex_inited); mono_os_mutex_unlock (&remoting_mutex); } /* * Return the hash table pointed to by VAR, lazily creating it if neccesary. */ static GHashTable* get_cache (GHashTable **var, GHashFunc hash_func, GCompareFunc equal_func) { if (!(*var)) { remoting_lock (); if (!(*var)) { GHashTable *cache = g_hash_table_new (hash_func, equal_func); mono_memory_barrier (); *var = cache; } remoting_unlock (); } return *var; } static GHashTable* get_cache_full (GHashTable **var, GHashFunc hash_func, GCompareFunc equal_func, GDestroyNotify key_destroy_func, GDestroyNotify value_destroy_func) { if (!(*var)) { remoting_lock (); if (!(*var)) { GHashTable *cache = g_hash_table_new_full (hash_func, equal_func, key_destroy_func, value_destroy_func); mono_memory_barrier (); *var = cache; } remoting_unlock (); } return *var; } void mono_remoting_init (void) { mono_os_mutex_init (&remoting_mutex); remoting_mutex_inited = TRUE; } static void mono_remoting_marshal_init (void) { MonoClass *klass; static gboolean module_initialized = FALSE; static gboolean icalls_registered = FALSE; if (module_initialized) return; byte_array_class = mono_array_class_get (mono_defaults.byte_class, 1); #ifndef DISABLE_JIT klass = mono_class_get_remoting_services_class (); method_rs_serialize = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "SerializeCallData", -1); g_assert (method_rs_serialize); method_rs_deserialize = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "DeserializeCallData", -1); g_assert (method_rs_deserialize); method_rs_serialize_exc = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "SerializeExceptionData", -1); g_assert (method_rs_serialize_exc); klass = mono_defaults.real_proxy_class; method_rs_appdomain_target = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "GetAppDomainTarget", -1); g_assert (method_rs_appdomain_target); klass = mono_defaults.exception_class; method_exc_fixexc = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "FixRemotingException", -1); g_assert (method_exc_fixexc); klass = mono_class_get_call_context_class (); method_set_call_context = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "SetCurrentCallContext", -1); g_assert (method_set_call_context); klass = mono_class_get_context_class (); method_needs_context_sink = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "get_NeedsContextSink", -1); g_assert (method_needs_context_sink); #endif mono_loader_lock (); if (!icalls_registered) { register_icall (type_from_handle, "type_from_handle", "object ptr", FALSE); register_icall (mono_marshal_set_domain_by_id, "mono_marshal_set_domain_by_id", "int32 int32 int32", FALSE); register_icall (mono_marshal_check_domain_image, "mono_marshal_check_domain_image", "int32 int32 ptr", FALSE); register_icall (mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value, "mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value", "object object", FALSE); register_icall (mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value, "mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value", "void object object", FALSE); register_icall (mono_remoting_wrapper, "mono_remoting_wrapper", "object ptr ptr", FALSE); register_icall (mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper, "mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper", "void object object", FALSE); /* mono_load_remote_field_new_icall registered by mini-runtime.c */ /* mono_store_remote_field_new_icall registered by mini-runtime.c */ } icalls_registered = TRUE; mono_loader_unlock (); module_initialized = TRUE; } static MonoReflectionType * type_from_handle (MonoType *handle) { MonoError error; MonoReflectionType *ret; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (handle); mono_class_init (klass); ret = mono_type_get_object_checked (domain, handle, &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return ret; } #ifndef DISABLE_JIT static int mono_mb_emit_proxy_check (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, int branch_code) { int pos; mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoObject, vtable)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoVTable, klass)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_CLASSCONST); mono_mb_emit_i4 (mb, mono_mb_add_data (mb, mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class)); pos = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, branch_code); return pos; } static int mono_mb_emit_xdomain_check (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, int branch_code) { int pos; mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, rp)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoRealProxy, target_domain_id)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I4); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, -1); pos = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, branch_code); return pos; } static int mono_mb_emit_contextbound_check (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, int branch_code) { static int offset = -1; static guint8 mask; if (offset < 0) mono_marshal_find_bitfield_offset (MonoClass, contextbound, &offset, &mask); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, remote_class)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoRemoteClass, proxy_class)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, offset); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_U1); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, mask); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_AND); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 0); return mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, branch_code); } #endif /* !DISABLE_JIT */ static inline MonoMethod* mono_marshal_remoting_find_in_cache (MonoMethod *method, int wrapper_type) { MonoMethod *res = NULL; MonoRemotingMethods *wrps = NULL; mono_marshal_lock_internal (); if (mono_method_get_wrapper_cache (method)->remoting_invoke_cache) wrps = (MonoRemotingMethods *)g_hash_table_lookup (mono_method_get_wrapper_cache (method)->remoting_invoke_cache, method); if (wrps) { switch (wrapper_type) { case MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE: res = wrps->invoke; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE_WITH_CHECK: res = wrps->invoke_with_check; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE: res = wrps->xdomain_invoke; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_DISPATCH: res = wrps->xdomain_dispatch; break; } } /* it is important to do the unlock after the load from wrps, since in * mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache () we drop the marshal lock to be able * to take the loader lock and some other thread may set the fields. */ mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); return res; } /* Create the method from the builder and place it in the cache */ static inline MonoMethod* mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache (MonoMethod *key, MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoMethodSignature *sig, int max_stack, WrapperInfo *info) { MonoMethod **res = NULL; MonoRemotingMethods *wrps; GHashTable *cache; cache = get_cache_full (&mono_method_get_wrapper_cache (key)->remoting_invoke_cache, mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL, NULL, g_free); mono_marshal_lock_internal (); wrps = (MonoRemotingMethods *)g_hash_table_lookup (cache, key); if (!wrps) { wrps = g_new0 (MonoRemotingMethods, 1); g_hash_table_insert (cache, key, wrps); } switch (mb->method->wrapper_type) { case MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE: res = &wrps->invoke; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE_WITH_CHECK: res = &wrps->invoke_with_check; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE: res = &wrps->xdomain_invoke; break; case MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_DISPATCH: res = &wrps->xdomain_dispatch; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); if (*res == NULL) { MonoMethod *newm; newm = mono_mb_create_method (mb, sig, max_stack); mono_marshal_lock_internal (); if (!*res) { *res = newm; mono_marshal_set_wrapper_info (*res, info); mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); } else { mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); mono_free_method (newm); } } return *res; } static MonoObject * mono_remoting_wrapper (MonoMethod *method, gpointer *params) { MonoError error; MonoMethodMessage *msg; MonoTransparentProxy *this_obj; MonoObject *res, *exc; MonoArray *out_args; this_obj = *((MonoTransparentProxy **)params [0]); g_assert (this_obj); g_assert (((MonoObject *)this_obj)->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class); /* skip the this pointer */ params++; if (mono_class_is_contextbound (this_obj->remote_class->proxy_class) && this_obj->rp->context == (MonoObject *) mono_context_get ()) { int i; MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method); int count = sig->param_count; gpointer* mparams = (gpointer*) alloca(count*sizeof(gpointer)); for (i=0; iparams [i]); if (klass->valuetype) { if (sig->params [i]->byref) { mparams[i] = *((gpointer *)params [i]); } else { /* runtime_invoke expects a boxed instance */ if (mono_class_is_nullable (mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [i]))) { mparams[i] = mono_nullable_box ((guint8 *)params [i], klass, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) goto fail; } else mparams[i] = params [i]; } } else { mparams[i] = *((gpointer**)params [i]); } } res = mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, method->klass->valuetype? mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject*)this_obj): this_obj, mparams, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) goto fail; return res; } msg = mono_method_call_message_new (method, params, NULL, NULL, NULL); res = mono_remoting_invoke ((MonoObject *)this_obj->rp, msg, &exc, &out_args, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) goto fail; if (exc) { mono_error_init (&error); mono_error_set_exception_instance (&error, (MonoException *)exc); goto fail; } mono_method_return_message_restore (method, params, out_args, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) goto fail; return res; fail: /* This icall will be called from managed code, and more over * from a protected wrapper so interruptions such as pending * exceptions will not be honored. (See * is_running_protected_wrapper () in threads.c and * mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke () in remoting.c) */ mono_error_raise_exception (&error); return NULL; } MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (MonoMethod *method) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; int params_var; WrapperInfo *info; g_assert (method); if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE || method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE) return method; /* this seems to be the best plase to put this, as all remoting invokes seem to get filtered through here */ #ifndef DISABLE_COM if (mono_class_is_com_object (method->klass) || method->klass == mono_class_try_get_com_object_class ()) { MonoVTable *vtable = mono_class_vtable (mono_domain_get (), method->klass); g_assert (vtable); /*FIXME do proper error handling*/ if (!mono_vtable_is_remote (vtable)) { return mono_cominterop_get_invoke (method); } } #endif sig = mono_signature_no_pinvoke (method); /* we cant remote methods without this pointer */ if (!sig->hasthis) return method; if ((res = mono_marshal_remoting_find_in_cache (method, MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE))) return res; mono_remoting_marshal_init (); mb = mono_mb_new (method->klass, method->name, MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE); #ifndef DISABLE_JIT mb->method->save_lmf = 1; params_var = mono_mb_emit_save_args (mb, sig, TRUE); mono_mb_emit_ptr (mb, method); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, params_var); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_remoting_wrapper); // FIXME: this interrupt checkpoint code is a no-op since 'mb' // is a MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE, and // mono_thread_interruption_checkpoint_request (FALSE) // considers such wrappers "protected" and always returns // NULL as if there's no pending interruption. mono_marshal_emit_thread_interrupt_checkpoint (mb); if (sig->ret->type == MONO_TYPE_VOID) { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); } else { mono_mb_emit_restore_result (mb, sig->ret); } #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.remoting.method = method; res = mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache (method, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value() * Copies the contents of the src instance into the dst instance. src and dst * must have the same type, and if they are arrays, the same size. */ static void mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value (MonoObject *src, MonoObject *dst) { if (src == NULL || dst == NULL) return; g_assert (mono_object_class (src) == mono_object_class (dst)); switch (mono_object_class (src)->byval_arg.type) { case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { int mt = mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (&(mono_object_class (src)->element_class->byval_arg)); if (mt == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) return; if (mt == MONO_MARSHAL_COPY) { int i, len = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *)dst); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { MonoObject *item = (MonoObject *)mono_array_get ((MonoArray *)src, gpointer, i); mono_array_setref ((MonoArray *)dst, i, mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value (item)); } } else { mono_array_full_copy ((MonoArray *)src, (MonoArray *)dst); } return; } default: break; } } #if !defined (DISABLE_JIT) static void mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoClass *pclass) { mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CASTCLASS, pclass); } static void mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_out_value (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoClass *pclass) { mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_out_value); } #endif /* mono_marshal_supports_fast_xdomain() * Returns TRUE if the method can use the fast xdomain wrapper. */ static gboolean mono_marshal_supports_fast_xdomain (MonoMethod *method) { return !mono_class_is_contextbound (method->klass) && !((method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_NAME) && (strcmp (".ctor", method->name) == 0)); } static gint32 mono_marshal_set_domain_by_id (gint32 id, MonoBoolean push) { MonoDomain *current_domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (id); if (!domain || !mono_domain_set (domain, FALSE)) { mono_set_pending_exception (mono_get_exception_appdomain_unloaded ()); return 0; } if (push) mono_thread_push_appdomain_ref (domain); else mono_thread_pop_appdomain_ref (); return current_domain->domain_id; } #if !defined (DISABLE_JIT) static void mono_marshal_emit_switch_domain (MonoMethodBuilder *mb) { mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_marshal_set_domain_by_id); } /* mono_marshal_emit_load_domain_method () * Loads into the stack a pointer to the code of the provided method for * the current domain. */ static void mono_marshal_emit_load_domain_method (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoMethod *method) { /* We need a pointer to the method for the running domain (not the domain * that compiles the method). */ mono_mb_emit_ptr (mb, method); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_compile_method); } #endif /* mono_marshal_check_domain_image () * Returns TRUE if the image is loaded in the specified * application domain. */ static gboolean mono_marshal_check_domain_image (gint32 domain_id, MonoImage *image) { MonoAssembly* ass; GSList *tmp; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (domain_id); if (!domain) return FALSE; mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); for (tmp = domain->domain_assemblies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { ass = (MonoAssembly *)tmp->data; if (ass->image == image) break; } mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return tmp != NULL; } /* mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_dispatch () * Generates a method that dispatches a method call from another domain into * the current domain. */ static MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_dispatch (MonoMethod *method, int *marshal_types, int complex_count, int complex_out_count, int ret_marshal_type) { MonoMethodSignature *sig, *csig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; int i, j, param_index, copy_locals_base; MonoClass *ret_class = NULL; int loc_array=0, loc_return=0, loc_serialized_exc=0; MonoExceptionClause *main_clause; int pos, pos_leave; gboolean copy_return; WrapperInfo *info; if ((res = mono_marshal_remoting_find_in_cache (method, MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_DISPATCH))) return res; sig = mono_method_signature (method); copy_return = (sig->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID && ret_marshal_type != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE); j = 0; csig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 3 + sig->param_count - complex_count); csig->params [j++] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; csig->params [j++] = &byte_array_class->this_arg; csig->params [j++] = &byte_array_class->this_arg; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { if (marshal_types [i] != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) csig->params [j++] = sig->params [i]; } if (copy_return) csig->ret = sig->ret; else csig->ret = &mono_defaults.void_class->byval_arg; csig->pinvoke = 1; csig->hasthis = FALSE; mb = mono_mb_new (method->klass, method->name, MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_DISPATCH); mb->method->save_lmf = 1; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT /* Locals */ loc_serialized_exc = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &byte_array_class->byval_arg); if (complex_count > 0) loc_array = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg); if (sig->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) { loc_return = mono_mb_add_local (mb, sig->ret); ret_class = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->ret); } /* try */ main_clause = (MonoExceptionClause *)mono_image_alloc0 (method->klass->image, sizeof (MonoExceptionClause)); main_clause->try_offset = mono_mb_get_label (mb); /* Clean the call context */ mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_set_call_context, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP); /* Deserialize call data */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); pos = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BRFALSE_S); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, byte_array_class); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_deserialize, NULL); if (complex_count > 0) mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_array); else mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP); mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos); /* Get the target object */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_appdomain_target, NULL); /* Load the arguments */ copy_locals_base = mb->locals; param_index = 3; // Index of the first non-serialized parameter of this wrapper j = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { MonoType *pt = sig->params [i]; MonoClass *pclass = mono_class_from_mono_type (pt); switch (marshal_types [i]) { case MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE: { /* take the value from the serialized array */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, j++); if (pt->byref) { if (pclass->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDELEM_REF); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, pclass); } else { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDELEMA, pclass); } } else { if (pclass->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDELEM_REF); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, pclass); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, pclass); } else { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDELEM_REF); if (pclass != mono_defaults.object_class) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CASTCLASS, pclass); } } } break; } case MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT: { /* Keep a local copy of the value since we need to copy it back after the call */ int copy_local = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &(pclass->byval_arg)); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, param_index++); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, pclass); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, copy_local); break; } case MONO_MARSHAL_COPY: { mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, param_index); if (pt->byref) { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, pclass); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } else { mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, pclass); } param_index++; break; } case MONO_MARSHAL_NONE: mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, param_index++); break; } } /* Make the call to the real object */ mono_marshal_emit_thread_force_interrupt_checkpoint (mb); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CALLVIRT, method); if (sig->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_return); /* copy back MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT parameters */ j = 0; param_index = 3; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { if (marshal_types [i] == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) continue; if (marshal_types [i] == MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, copy_locals_base + (j++)); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, param_index); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_out_value (mb, mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [i])); } param_index++; } /* Serialize the return values */ if (complex_out_count > 0) { /* Reset parameters in the array that don't need to be serialized back */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { if (marshal_types[i] != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) continue; if (!sig->params [i]->byref) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, j); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STELEM_REF); } j++; } /* Add the return value to the array */ if (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, complex_count); /* The array has an additional slot to hold the ret value */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_return); g_assert (ret_class); /*FIXME properly fail here*/ if (ret_class->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_BOX, ret_class); } mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STELEM_REF); } /* Serialize */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } else if (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) { mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_return); if (ret_class->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_BOX, ret_class); } mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } else { mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); pos_leave = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_LEAVE); /* Main exception catch */ main_clause->flags = MONO_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE_NONE; main_clause->try_len = mono_mb_get_pos (mb) - main_clause->try_offset; main_clause->data.catch_class = mono_defaults.object_class; /* handler code */ main_clause->handler_offset = mono_mb_get_label (mb); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize_exc, NULL); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_serialized_exc); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_exc); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_LEAVE); main_clause->handler_len = mono_mb_get_pos (mb) - main_clause->handler_offset; /* end catch */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos_leave); if (copy_return) mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_return); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); mono_mb_set_clauses (mb, 1, main_clause); #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.remoting.method = method; res = mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache (method, mb, csig, csig->param_count + 16, info); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_invoke () * Generates a fast remoting wrapper for cross app domain calls. */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_invoke (MonoMethod *method) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; int i, j, complex_count, complex_out_count, copy_locals_base; int *marshal_types; MonoClass *ret_class = NULL; MonoMethod *xdomain_method; int ret_marshal_type = MONO_MARSHAL_NONE; int loc_array=0, loc_serialized_data=-1, loc_real_proxy; int loc_old_domainid, loc_domainid, loc_return=0, loc_serialized_exc=0, loc_context; int pos, pos_dispatch, pos_noex; gboolean copy_return = FALSE; WrapperInfo *info; g_assert (method); if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE || method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE) return method; /* we cant remote methods without this pointer */ if (!mono_method_signature (method)->hasthis) return method; mono_remoting_marshal_init (); if (!mono_marshal_supports_fast_xdomain (method)) return mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method); if ((res = mono_marshal_remoting_find_in_cache (method, MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE))) return res; sig = mono_signature_no_pinvoke (method); mb = mono_mb_new (method->klass, method->name, MONO_WRAPPER_XDOMAIN_INVOKE); mb->method->save_lmf = 1; /* Count the number of parameters that need to be serialized */ marshal_types = (int *)alloca (sizeof (int) * sig->param_count); complex_count = complex_out_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { MonoType *ptype = sig->params[i]; int mt = mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (ptype); /* If the [Out] attribute is applied to a parameter that can be internally copied, * the copy will be made by reusing the original object instance */ if ((ptype->attrs & PARAM_ATTRIBUTE_OUT) != 0 && mt == MONO_MARSHAL_COPY && !ptype->byref) mt = MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT; else if (mt == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) { complex_count++; if (ptype->byref) complex_out_count++; } marshal_types [i] = mt; } if (sig->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) { ret_marshal_type = mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (sig->ret); ret_class = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->ret); copy_return = ret_marshal_type != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE; } /* Locals */ #ifndef DISABLE_JIT if (complex_count > 0) loc_array = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg); loc_serialized_data = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &byte_array_class->byval_arg); loc_real_proxy = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg); if (copy_return) loc_return = mono_mb_add_local (mb, sig->ret); loc_old_domainid = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg); loc_domainid = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg); loc_serialized_exc = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &byte_array_class->byval_arg); loc_context = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg); /* Save thread domain data */ mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_context_get); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_context); /* If the thread is not running in the default context, it needs to go * through the whole remoting sink, since the context is going to change */ mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_needs_context_sink, NULL); pos = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BRTRUE_S); /* Another case in which the fast path can't be used: when the target domain * has a different image for the same assembly. */ /* Get the target domain id */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, rp)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_real_proxy); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoRealProxy, target_domain_id)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I4); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_domainid); /* Check if the target domain has the same image for the required assembly */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_domainid); mono_mb_emit_ptr (mb, method->klass->image); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_marshal_check_domain_image); pos_dispatch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BRTRUE_S); /* Use the whole remoting sink to dispatch this message */ mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i + 1); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method), NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos_dispatch); /* Create the array that will hold the parameters to be serialized */ if (complex_count > 0) { mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE && complex_out_count > 0) ? complex_count + 1 : complex_count); /* +1 for the return type */ mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_NEWARR, mono_defaults.object_class); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { MonoClass *pclass; if (marshal_types [i] != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) continue; pclass = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params[i]); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, j); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i + 1); /* 0=this */ if (sig->params[i]->byref) { if (pclass->valuetype) mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, pclass); else mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); } if (pclass->valuetype) mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_BOX, pclass); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STELEM_REF); j++; } mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_array); /* Serialize parameters */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_serialized_data); } else { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_serialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_serialized_data); } /* switch domain */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_domainid); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDC_I4_1); mono_marshal_emit_switch_domain (mb); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_old_domainid); /* Load the arguments */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_real_proxy); mono_mb_emit_ldloc_addr (mb, loc_serialized_data); mono_mb_emit_ldloc_addr (mb, loc_serialized_exc); copy_locals_base = mb->locals; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { switch (marshal_types [i]) { case MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE: continue; case MONO_MARSHAL_COPY: { mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i+1); if (sig->params [i]->byref) { /* make a local copy of the byref parameter. The real parameter * will be updated after the xdomain call */ MonoClass *pclass = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [i]); int copy_local = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &(pclass->byval_arg)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, copy_local); mono_mb_emit_ldloc_addr (mb, copy_local); } break; } case MONO_MARSHAL_COPY_OUT: case MONO_MARSHAL_NONE: mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i+1); break; } } /* Make the call to the invoke wrapper in the target domain */ xdomain_method = mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_dispatch (method, marshal_types, complex_count, complex_out_count, ret_marshal_type); mono_marshal_emit_load_domain_method (mb, xdomain_method); mono_mb_emit_calli (mb, mono_method_signature (xdomain_method)); if (copy_return) mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_return); /* Switch domain */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_old_domainid); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDC_I4_0); mono_marshal_emit_switch_domain (mb); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP); /* Restore thread domain data */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_context); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_context_set); /* if (loc_serialized_exc != null) ... */ mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_exc); pos_noex = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BRFALSE_S); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_exc); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, byte_array_class); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_deserialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CASTCLASS, mono_defaults.exception_class); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_exc_fixexc, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_THROW); mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos_noex); /* copy back non-serialized output parameters */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { if (!sig->params [i]->byref || marshal_types [i] != MONO_MARSHAL_COPY) continue; mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i + 1); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, copy_locals_base + (j++)); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [i])); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } /* Deserialize out parameters */ if (complex_out_count > 0) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_data); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, byte_array_class); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_deserialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, loc_array); /* Copy back output parameters and return type */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++) { if (marshal_types [i] != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) continue; if (sig->params[i]->byref) { MonoClass *pclass = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [i]); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i + 1); mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, j); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDELEM_REF); if (pclass->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, pclass); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, pclass); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_STOBJ, pclass); } else { if (pclass != mono_defaults.object_class) mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CASTCLASS, pclass); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_REF); } } j++; } if (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_array); mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, complex_count); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDELEM_REF); if (ret_class->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, ret_class); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, ret_class); } } } else if (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_data); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, byte_array_class); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_deserialize, NULL); if (ret_class->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, ret_class); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, ret_class); } else if (ret_class != mono_defaults.object_class) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CASTCLASS, ret_class); } } else { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_serialized_data); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_DUP); pos = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BRFALSE_S); mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, byte_array_class); mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method_rs_deserialize, NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP); } if (copy_return) { mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, loc_return); if (ret_marshal_type == MONO_MARSHAL_COPY) mono_marshal_emit_xdomain_copy_value (mb, ret_class); } mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif /* DISABLE_JIT */ info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.remoting.method = method; res = mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache (method, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke_for_target (MonoMethod *method, MonoRemotingTarget target_type) { if (target_type == MONO_REMOTING_TARGET_APPDOMAIN) { return mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_invoke (method); } else if (target_type == MONO_REMOTING_TARGET_COMINTEROP) { #ifndef DISABLE_COM return mono_cominterop_get_invoke (method); #else g_assert_not_reached (); #endif } else { return mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method); } /* Not erached */ return NULL; } G_GNUC_UNUSED static gpointer mono_marshal_load_remoting_wrapper (MonoRealProxy *rp, MonoMethod *method) { if (rp->target_domain_id != -1) return mono_compile_method (mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_invoke (method)); else return mono_compile_method (mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method)); } MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke_with_check (MonoMethod *method) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res, *native; WrapperInfo *info; int i, pos, pos_rem; g_assert (method); if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE_WITH_CHECK) return method; /* we cant remote methods without this pointer */ g_assert (mono_method_signature (method)->hasthis); if ((res = mono_marshal_remoting_find_in_cache (method, MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE_WITH_CHECK))) return res; sig = mono_signature_no_pinvoke (method); mb = mono_mb_new (method->klass, method->name, MONO_WRAPPER_REMOTING_INVOKE_WITH_CHECK); #ifndef DISABLE_JIT for (i = 0; i <= sig->param_count; i++) mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos = mono_mb_emit_proxy_check (mb, CEE_BNE_UN); if (mono_marshal_supports_fast_xdomain (method)) { mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos_rem = mono_mb_emit_xdomain_check (mb, CEE_BEQ); /* wrapper for cross app domain calls */ native = mono_marshal_get_xappdomain_invoke (method); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, native, mono_method_signature (native)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos_rem); } /* wrapper for normal remote calls */ native = mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, native, mono_method_signature (native)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); /* not a proxy */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, method, mono_method_signature (method)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.remoting.method = method; res = mono_remoting_mb_create_and_cache (method, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* * mono_marshal_get_ldfld_remote_wrapper: * @klass: The return type * * This method generates a wrapper for calling mono_load_remote_field_new. * The return type is ignored for now, as mono_load_remote_field_new () always * returns an object. In the future, to optimize some codepaths, we might * call a different function that takes a pointer to a valuetype, instead. */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_ldfld_remote_wrapper (MonoClass *klass) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; static MonoMethod* cached = NULL; mono_marshal_lock_internal (); if (cached) { mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); return cached; } mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); mb = mono_mb_new_no_dup_name (mono_defaults.object_class, "__mono_load_remote_field_new_wrapper", MONO_WRAPPER_LDFLD_REMOTE); mb->method->save_lmf = 1; sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 3); sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->ret = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_load_remote_field_new_icall); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif mono_marshal_lock_internal (); res = cached; mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); if (!res) { MonoMethod *newm; newm = mono_mb_create (mb, sig, 4, NULL); mono_marshal_lock_internal (); res = cached; if (!res) { res = newm; cached = res; mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); } else { mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); mono_free_method (newm); } } mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* * mono_marshal_get_ldfld_wrapper: * @type: the type of the field * * This method generates a function which can be use to load a field with type * @type from an object. The generated function has the following signature: * <@type> ldfld_wrapper (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, int offset) */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_ldfld_wrapper (MonoType *type) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; MonoClass *klass; GHashTable *cache; WrapperInfo *info; char *name; int t, pos0, pos1 = 0; type = mono_type_get_underlying_type (type); t = type->type; if (!type->byref) { if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY) { klass = mono_defaults.array_class; } else if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { klass = type->data.klass; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_OBJECT || t == MONO_TYPE_CLASS || t == MONO_TYPE_STRING) { klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_PTR || t == MONO_TYPE_FNPTR) { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST) { if (mono_type_generic_inst_is_valuetype (type)) klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); else klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else { klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); } } else { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } cache = get_cache (&klass->image->ldfld_wrapper_cache, mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL); if ((res = mono_marshal_find_in_cache (cache, klass))) return res; /* we add the %p pointer value of klass because class names are not unique */ name = g_strdup_printf ("__ldfld_wrapper_%p_%s.%s", klass, klass->name_space, klass->name); mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, name, MONO_WRAPPER_LDFLD); g_free (name); sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 4); sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [3] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->ret = &klass->byval_arg; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos0 = mono_mb_emit_proxy_check (mb, CEE_BNE_UN); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, mono_marshal_get_ldfld_remote_wrapper (klass), NULL); /* csig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 3); csig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; csig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; csig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; csig->ret = &klass->this_arg; csig->pinvoke = 1; mono_mb_emit_native_call (mb, csig, mono_load_remote_field_new); mono_marshal_emit_thread_interrupt_checkpoint (mb); */ if (klass->valuetype) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_UNBOX, klass); pos1 = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_BR); } else { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); } mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_OBJADDR); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 3); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD); if (klass->valuetype) mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos1); switch (t) { case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_R4: case MONO_TYPE_R8: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_I: case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_PTR: case MONO_TYPE_FNPTR: mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, mono_type_to_ldind (type)); break; case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: g_assert (!klass->enumtype); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, klass); break; case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: if (mono_type_generic_inst_is_valuetype (type)) { mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, klass); } else { mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); } break; case MONO_TYPE_VAR: case MONO_TYPE_MVAR: mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_LDOBJ, klass); break; default: g_warning ("type %x not implemented", type->type); g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif /* DISABLE_JIT */ info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.proxy.klass = klass; res = mono_mb_create_and_cache_full (cache, klass, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info, NULL); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* * mono_marshal_get_ldflda_wrapper: * @type: the type of the field * * This method generates a function which can be used to load a field address * from an object. The generated function has the following signature: * gpointer ldflda_wrapper (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, int offset); */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_ldflda_wrapper (MonoType *type) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; MonoClass *klass; GHashTable *cache; WrapperInfo *info; char *name; int t, pos0, pos1, pos2, pos3; type = mono_type_get_underlying_type (type); t = type->type; if (!type->byref) { if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY) { klass = mono_defaults.array_class; } else if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { klass = type->data.klass; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_OBJECT || t == MONO_TYPE_CLASS || t == MONO_TYPE_STRING || t == MONO_TYPE_CLASS) { klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_PTR || t == MONO_TYPE_FNPTR) { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST) { if (mono_type_generic_inst_is_valuetype (type)) klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); else klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else { klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); } } else { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } cache = get_cache (&klass->image->ldflda_wrapper_cache, mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL); if ((res = mono_marshal_find_in_cache (cache, klass))) return res; /* we add the %p pointer value of klass because class names are not unique */ name = g_strdup_printf ("__ldflda_wrapper_%p_%s.%s", klass, klass->name_space, klass->name); mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, name, MONO_WRAPPER_LDFLDA); g_free (name); sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 4); sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [3] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->ret = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT /* if typeof (this) != transparent_proxy goto pos0 */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos0 = mono_mb_emit_proxy_check (mb, CEE_BNE_UN); /* if same_appdomain goto pos1 */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos1 = mono_mb_emit_xdomain_check (mb, CEE_BEQ); mono_mb_emit_exception_full (mb, "System", "InvalidOperationException", "Attempt to load field address from object in another appdomain."); /* same app domain */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos1); /* if typeof (this) != contextbound goto pos2 */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos2 = mono_mb_emit_contextbound_check (mb, CEE_BEQ); /* if this->rp->context == mono_context_get goto pos3 */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, rp)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoRealProxy, context)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_context_get); pos3 = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_BEQ); mono_mb_emit_exception_full (mb, "System", "InvalidOperationException", "Attempt to load field address from object in another context."); mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos2); mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos3); /* return the address of the field from this->rp->unwrapped_server */ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, rp)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoRealProxy, unwrapped_server)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_OBJADDR); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 3); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); /* not a proxy: return the address of the field directly */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_OBJADDR); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 3); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.proxy.klass = klass; res = mono_mb_create_and_cache_full (cache, klass, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info, NULL); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* * mono_marshal_get_stfld_remote_wrapper: * klass: The type of the field * * This function generates a wrapper for calling mono_store_remote_field_new * with the appropriate signature. * Similarly to mono_marshal_get_ldfld_remote_wrapper () this doesn't depend on the * klass argument anymore. */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_stfld_remote_wrapper (MonoClass *klass) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; static MonoMethod *cached = NULL; mono_marshal_lock_internal (); if (cached) { mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); return cached; } mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); mb = mono_mb_new_no_dup_name (mono_defaults.object_class, "__mono_store_remote_field_new_wrapper", MONO_WRAPPER_STFLD_REMOTE); mb->method->save_lmf = 1; sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 4); sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [3] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->ret = &mono_defaults.void_class->byval_arg; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 3); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_store_remote_field_new_icall); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif mono_marshal_lock_internal (); res = cached; mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); if (!res) { MonoMethod *newm; newm = mono_mb_create (mb, sig, 6, NULL); mono_marshal_lock_internal (); res = cached; if (!res) { res = newm; cached = res; mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); } else { mono_marshal_unlock_internal (); mono_free_method (newm); } } mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } /* * mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper: * @type: the type of the field * * This method generates a function which can be use to store a field with type * @type. The generated function has the following signature: * void stfld_wrapper (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, int offset, <@type> val) */ MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper (MonoType *type) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; MonoMethod *res; MonoClass *klass; GHashTable *cache; WrapperInfo *info; char *name; int t, pos; type = mono_type_get_underlying_type (type); t = type->type; if (!type->byref) { if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY) { klass = mono_defaults.array_class; } else if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { klass = type->data.klass; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_OBJECT || t == MONO_TYPE_CLASS || t == MONO_TYPE_STRING) { klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_PTR || t == MONO_TYPE_FNPTR) { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } else if (t == MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST) { if (mono_type_generic_inst_is_valuetype (type)) klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); else klass = mono_defaults.object_class; } else { klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (type); } } else { klass = mono_defaults.int_class; } cache = get_cache (&klass->image->stfld_wrapper_cache, mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL); if ((res = mono_marshal_find_in_cache (cache, klass))) return res; /* we add the %p pointer value of klass because class names are not unique */ name = g_strdup_printf ("__stfld_wrapper_%p_%s.%s", klass, klass->name_space, klass->name); mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, name, MONO_WRAPPER_STFLD); g_free (name); sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 5); sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; sig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [2] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [3] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg; sig->params [4] = &klass->byval_arg; sig->ret = &mono_defaults.void_class->byval_arg; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos = mono_mb_emit_proxy_check (mb, CEE_BNE_UN); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 2); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 4); if (klass->valuetype) mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_BOX, klass); mono_mb_emit_managed_call (mb, mono_marshal_get_stfld_remote_wrapper (klass), NULL); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_OBJADDR); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 3); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 4); switch (t) { case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_R4: case MONO_TYPE_R8: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_I: case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_PTR: case MONO_TYPE_FNPTR: mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, mono_type_to_stind (type)); break; case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: g_assert (!klass->enumtype); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_STOBJ, klass); break; case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: case MONO_TYPE_VAR: case MONO_TYPE_MVAR: mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_STOBJ, klass); break; default: g_warning ("type %x not implemented", type->type); g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.proxy.klass = klass; res = mono_mb_create_and_cache_full (cache, klass, mb, sig, sig->param_count + 16, info, NULL); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } MonoMethod * mono_marshal_get_proxy_cancast (MonoClass *klass) { static MonoMethodSignature *isint_sig = NULL; GHashTable *cache; MonoMethod *res; WrapperInfo *info; int pos_failed, pos_end; char *name, *klass_name; MonoMethod *can_cast_to; MonoMethodDesc *desc; MonoMethodBuilder *mb; cache = get_cache (&klass->image->proxy_isinst_cache, mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL); if ((res = mono_marshal_find_in_cache (cache, klass))) return res; if (!isint_sig) { isint_sig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 1); isint_sig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; isint_sig->ret = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg; isint_sig->pinvoke = 0; } klass_name = mono_type_full_name (&klass->byval_arg); name = g_strdup_printf ("__proxy_isinst_wrapper_%s", klass_name); mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, name, MONO_WRAPPER_PROXY_ISINST); g_free (klass_name); g_free (name); mb->method->save_lmf = 1; #ifndef DISABLE_JIT /* get the real proxy from the transparent proxy*/ mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoTransparentProxy, rp)); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_REF); /* get the reflection type from the type handle */ mono_mb_emit_ptr (mb, &klass->byval_arg); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, type_from_handle); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); /* make the call to CanCastTo (type, ob) */ desc = mono_method_desc_new ("IRemotingTypeInfo:CanCastTo", FALSE); can_cast_to = mono_method_desc_search_in_class (desc, mono_defaults.iremotingtypeinfo_class); g_assert (can_cast_to); mono_method_desc_free (desc); mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_CALLVIRT, can_cast_to); pos_failed = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_BRFALSE); /* Upgrade the proxy vtable by calling: mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper (type, ob)*/ mono_mb_emit_ptr (mb, &klass->byval_arg); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, type_from_handle); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper); mono_marshal_emit_thread_interrupt_checkpoint (mb); mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0); pos_end = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_BR); /* fail */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos_failed); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDNULL); /* the end */ mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos_end); mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET); #endif info = mono_wrapper_info_create (mb, WRAPPER_SUBTYPE_NONE); info->d.proxy.klass = klass; res = mono_mb_create_and_cache_full (cache, klass, mb, isint_sig, isint_sig->param_count + 16, info, NULL); mono_mb_free (mb); return res; } void mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper (MonoReflectionType *rtype, MonoTransparentProxy *tproxy) { MonoClass *klass; MonoDomain *domain = ((MonoObject*)tproxy)->vtable->domain; klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (rtype->type); mono_upgrade_remote_class (domain, (MonoObject*)tproxy, klass); } #else /* DISABLE_REMOTING */ void mono_remoting_init (void) { } #endif /* DISABLE_REMOTING */ /* mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type() * Returns the kind of marshalling that a type needs for cross domain calls. */ static MonoXDomainMarshalType mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (MonoType *t) { switch (t->type) { case MONO_TYPE_VOID: g_assert_not_reached (); break; case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_R4: case MONO_TYPE_R8: return MONO_MARSHAL_NONE; case MONO_TYPE_STRING: return MONO_MARSHAL_COPY; case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { MonoClass *elem_class = mono_class_from_mono_type (t)->element_class; if (mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (&(elem_class->byval_arg)) != MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) return MONO_MARSHAL_COPY; break; } default: break; } return MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE; } /* mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value * Makes a copy of "val" suitable for the current domain. */ MonoObject * mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value (MonoObject *val) { MonoError error; MonoDomain *domain; if (val == NULL) return NULL; domain = mono_domain_get (); switch (mono_object_class (val)->byval_arg.type) { case MONO_TYPE_VOID: g_assert_not_reached (); break; case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_R4: case MONO_TYPE_R8: { MonoObject *res = mono_value_box_checked (domain, mono_object_class (val), ((char*)val) + sizeof(MonoObject), &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return res; } case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { MonoString *str = (MonoString *) val; MonoObject *res = NULL; res = (MonoObject *) mono_string_new_utf16_checked (domain, mono_string_chars (str), mono_string_length (str), &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return res; } case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { MonoArray *acopy; MonoXDomainMarshalType mt = mono_get_xdomain_marshal_type (&(mono_object_class (val)->element_class->byval_arg)); if (mt == MONO_MARSHAL_SERIALIZE) return NULL; acopy = mono_array_clone_in_domain (domain, (MonoArray *) val, &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ if (mt == MONO_MARSHAL_COPY) { int i, len = mono_array_length (acopy); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { MonoObject *item = (MonoObject *)mono_array_get (acopy, gpointer, i); mono_array_setref (acopy, i, mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value (item)); } } return (MonoObject *) acopy; } default: break; } return NULL; }