#include "mono/metadata/profiler-private.h" #include "mono/metadata/debug-helpers.h" #include static MonoProfiler * current_profiler = NULL; static MonoProfileAppDomainFunc domain_start_load; static MonoProfileAppDomainResult domain_end_load; static MonoProfileAppDomainFunc domain_start_unload; static MonoProfileAppDomainFunc domain_end_unload; static MonoProfileAssemblyFunc assembly_start_load; static MonoProfileAssemblyResult assembly_end_load; static MonoProfileAssemblyFunc assembly_start_unload; static MonoProfileAssemblyFunc assembly_end_unload; static MonoProfileModuleFunc module_start_load; static MonoProfileModuleResult module_end_load; static MonoProfileModuleFunc module_start_unload; static MonoProfileModuleFunc module_end_unload; static MonoProfileClassFunc class_start_load; static MonoProfileClassResult class_end_load; static MonoProfileClassFunc class_start_unload; static MonoProfileClassFunc class_end_unload; static MonoProfileMethodFunc jit_start; static MonoProfileMethodResult jit_end; static MonoProfileMethodResult man_unman_transition; static MonoProfileMethodFunc method_enter; static MonoProfileMethodFunc method_leave; static MonoProfileThreadFunc thread_start; static MonoProfileThreadFunc thread_end; static MonoProfileFunc shutdown_callback; /* this is directly accessible to other mono libs. */ MonoProfileFlags mono_profiler_events; void mono_profiler_install (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoProfileFunc callback) { if (current_profiler) g_error ("profiler already setup"); current_profiler = prof; shutdown_callback = callback; } void mono_profiler_set_events (MonoProfileFlags events) { mono_profiler_events = events; } MonoProfileFlags mono_profiler_get_events (void) { return mono_profiler_events; } void mono_profiler_install_enter_leave (MonoProfileMethodFunc enter, MonoProfileMethodFunc leave) { method_enter = enter; method_leave = leave; } void mono_profiler_install_jit_compile (MonoProfileMethodFunc start, MonoProfileMethodResult end) { jit_start = start; jit_end = end; } void mono_profiler_install_thread (MonoProfileThreadFunc start, MonoProfileThreadFunc end) { thread_start = start; thread_end = end; } void mono_profiler_install_transition (MonoProfileMethodResult callback) { man_unman_transition = callback; } void mono_profiler_install_appdomain (MonoProfileAppDomainFunc start_load, MonoProfileAppDomainResult end_load, MonoProfileAppDomainFunc start_unload, MonoProfileAppDomainFunc end_unload) { domain_start_load = start_load; domain_end_load = end_load; domain_start_unload = start_unload; domain_end_unload = end_unload; } void mono_profiler_install_assembly (MonoProfileAssemblyFunc start_load, MonoProfileAssemblyResult end_load, MonoProfileAssemblyFunc start_unload, MonoProfileAssemblyFunc end_unload) { assembly_start_load = start_load; assembly_end_load = end_load; assembly_start_unload = start_unload; assembly_end_unload = end_unload; } void mono_profiler_install_module (MonoProfileModuleFunc start_load, MonoProfileModuleResult end_load, MonoProfileModuleFunc start_unload, MonoProfileModuleFunc end_unload) { module_start_load = start_load; module_end_load = end_load; module_start_unload = start_unload; module_end_unload = end_unload; } void mono_profiler_install_class (MonoProfileClassFunc start_load, MonoProfileClassResult end_load, MonoProfileClassFunc start_unload, MonoProfileClassFunc end_unload) { class_start_load = start_load; class_end_load = end_load; class_start_unload = start_unload; class_end_unload = end_unload; } void mono_profiler_method_enter (MonoMethod *method) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ENTER_LEAVE) && method_enter) method_enter (current_profiler, method); } void mono_profiler_method_leave (MonoMethod *method) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ENTER_LEAVE) && method_leave) method_leave (current_profiler, method); } void mono_profiler_method_jit (MonoMethod *method) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_JIT_COMPILATION) && jit_start) jit_start (current_profiler, method); } void mono_profiler_method_end_jit (MonoMethod *method, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_JIT_COMPILATION) && jit_end) jit_end (current_profiler, method, result); } void mono_profiler_code_transition (MonoMethod *method, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_TRANSITIONS) && man_unman_transition) man_unman_transition (current_profiler, method, result); } void mono_profiler_thread_start (guint32 tid) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_THREADS) && thread_start) thread_start (current_profiler, tid); } void mono_profiler_thread_end (guint32 tid) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_THREADS) && thread_end) thread_end (current_profiler, tid); } void mono_profiler_assembly_event (MonoAssembly *assembly, int code) { if (!(mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ASSEMBLY_EVENTS)) return; switch (code) { case MONO_PROFILE_START_LOAD: if (assembly_start_load) assembly_start_load (current_profiler, assembly); break; case MONO_PROFILE_START_UNLOAD: if (assembly_start_unload) assembly_start_unload (current_profiler, assembly); break; case MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD: if (assembly_end_unload) assembly_end_unload (current_profiler, assembly); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } void mono_profiler_assembly_loaded (MonoAssembly *assembly, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ASSEMBLY_EVENTS) && assembly_end_load) assembly_end_load (current_profiler, assembly, result); } void mono_profiler_module_event (MonoImage *module, int code) { if (!(mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_MODULE_EVENTS)) return; switch (code) { case MONO_PROFILE_START_LOAD: if (module_start_load) module_start_load (current_profiler, module); break; case MONO_PROFILE_START_UNLOAD: if (module_start_unload) module_start_unload (current_profiler, module); break; case MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD: if (module_end_unload) module_end_unload (current_profiler, module); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } void mono_profiler_module_loaded (MonoImage *module, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_MODULE_EVENTS) && module_end_load) module_end_load (current_profiler, module, result); } void mono_profiler_class_event (MonoClass *klass, int code) { if (!(mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_CLASS_EVENTS)) return; switch (code) { case MONO_PROFILE_START_LOAD: if (class_start_load) class_start_load (current_profiler, klass); break; case MONO_PROFILE_START_UNLOAD: if (class_start_unload) class_start_unload (current_profiler, klass); break; case MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD: if (class_end_unload) class_end_unload (current_profiler, klass); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } void mono_profiler_class_loaded (MonoClass *klass, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_CLASS_EVENTS) && class_end_load) class_end_load (current_profiler, klass, result); } void mono_profiler_appdomain_event (MonoDomain *domain, int code) { if (!(mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_APPDOMAIN_EVENTS)) return; switch (code) { case MONO_PROFILE_START_LOAD: if (domain_start_load) domain_start_load (current_profiler, domain); break; case MONO_PROFILE_START_UNLOAD: if (domain_start_unload) domain_start_unload (current_profiler, domain); break; case MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD: if (domain_end_unload) domain_end_unload (current_profiler, domain); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } void mono_profiler_appdomain_loaded (MonoDomain *domain, int result) { if ((mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_APPDOMAIN_EVENTS) && domain_end_load) domain_end_load (current_profiler, domain, result); } void mono_profiler_shutdown (void) { if (current_profiler && shutdown_callback) shutdown_callback (current_profiler); } /* * Small profiler extracted from mint: we should move it in a loadable module * and improve it to do graphs and more accurate timestamping with rdtsc. */ #define USE_X86TSC 0 #define USE_WIN32COUNTER 0 #if USE_X86TSC typedef struct { unsigned int lows, highs, lowe, highe; } MonoRdtscTimer; #define rdtsc(low,high) \ __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high)) static int freq; static double rdtsc_elapsed (MonoRdtscTimer *t) { unsigned long long diff; unsigned int highe = t->highe; if (t->lowe < t->lows) highe--; diff = (((unsigned long long) highe - t->highs) << 32) + (t->lowe - t->lows); return ((double)diff / freq) / 1000000; /* have to return the result in seconds */ } static int have_rdtsc (void) { char buf[256]; int have_freq = 0; int have_flag = 0; float val; FILE *cpuinfo; if (!(cpuinfo = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"))) return 0; while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), cpuinfo)) { if (sscanf (buf, "cpu MHz : %f", &val) == 1) { /*printf ("got mh: %f\n", val);*/ have_freq = val; } if (strncmp (buf, "flags", 5) == 0) { if (strstr (buf, "tsc")) { have_flag = 1; /*printf ("have tsc\n");*/ } } } fclose (cpuinfo); return have_flag? have_freq: 0; } #define MONO_TIMER_STARTUP \ if (!(freq = have_rdtsc ())) g_error ("Compiled with TSC support, but none found"); #define MONO_TIMER_TYPE MonoRdtscTimer #define MONO_TIMER_INIT(t) #define MONO_TIMER_DESTROY(t) #define MONO_TIMER_START(t) rdtsc ((t).lows, (t).highs); #define MONO_TIMER_STOP(t) rdtsc ((t).lowe, (t).highe); #define MONO_TIMER_ELAPSED(t) rdtsc_elapsed (&(t)) #elif USE_WIN32COUNTER #include typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER start, stop; } MonoWin32Timer; static int freq; static double win32_elapsed (MonoWin32Timer *t) { LONGLONG diff = t->stop.QuadPart - t->start.QuadPart; return ((double)diff / freq) / 1000000; /* have to return the result in seconds */ } static int have_win32counter (void) { LARGE_INTEGER f; if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&f)) return 0; return f.LowPart; } #define MONO_TIMER_STARTUP \ if (!(freq = have_win32counter ())) g_error ("Compiled with Win32 counter support, but none found"); #define MONO_TIMER_TYPE MonoWin32Timer #define MONO_TIMER_INIT(t) #define MONO_TIMER_DESTROY(t) #define MONO_TIMER_START(t) QueryPerformanceCounter (&(t).start) #define MONO_TIMER_STOP(t) QueryPerformanceCounter (&(t).stop) #define MONO_TIMER_ELAPSED(t) win32_elapsed (&(t)) #else typedef struct { GTimeVal start, stop; } MonoGLibTimer; static double timeval_elapsed (MonoGLibTimer *t) { if (t->start.tv_usec > t->stop.tv_usec) { t->stop.tv_usec += G_USEC_PER_SEC; t->stop.tv_sec--; } return (t->stop.tv_sec - t->start.tv_sec) + ((double)(t->stop.tv_usec - t->start.tv_usec))/ G_USEC_PER_SEC; } #define MONO_TIMER_STARTUP #define MONO_TIMER_TYPE MonoGLibTimer #define MONO_TIMER_INIT(t) #define MONO_TIMER_DESTROY(t) #define MONO_TIMER_START(t) g_get_current_time (&(t).start) #define MONO_TIMER_STOP(t) g_get_current_time (&(t).stop) #define MONO_TIMER_ELAPSED(t) timeval_elapsed (&(t)) #endif struct _MonoProfiler { GHashTable *methods; GHashTable *newobjs; MONO_TIMER_TYPE jit_timer; double jit_time; int methods_jitted; }; typedef struct { union { MONO_TIMER_TYPE timer; MonoMethod *method; } u; guint64 count; double total; } MethodProfile; typedef struct _MethodCallProfile MethodCallProfile; struct _MethodCallProfile { MethodCallProfile *next; MONO_TIMER_TYPE timer; MonoMethod *method; }; static gint compare_profile (MethodProfile *profa, MethodProfile *profb) { return (gint)((profb->total - profa->total)*1000); } static void build_profile (MonoMethod *m, MethodProfile *prof, GList **funcs) { MONO_TIMER_DESTROY (prof->u.timer); prof->u.method = m; *funcs = g_list_insert_sorted (*funcs, prof, (GCompareFunc)compare_profile); } static void output_profile (GList *funcs) { GList *tmp; MethodProfile *p; char buf [256]; char *sig; guint64 total_calls = 0; if (funcs) g_print ("Method name\t\t\t\t\tTotal (ms) Calls Per call (ms)\n"); for (tmp = funcs; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { p = tmp->data; total_calls += p->count; if (!(gint)(p->total*1000)) continue; sig = mono_signature_get_desc (p->u.method->signature, FALSE); g_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%s::%s(%s)", p->u.method->klass->name_space, p->u.method->klass->name, p->u.method->name, sig); g_free (sig); printf ("%-52s %7d %7llu %7d\n", buf, (gint)(p->total*1000), p->count, (gint)((p->total*1000)/p->count)); } printf ("Total number of calls: %lld\n", total_calls); } typedef struct { MonoClass *klass; guint count; } NewobjProfile; static gint compare_newobj_profile (NewobjProfile *profa, NewobjProfile *profb) { return (gint)profb->count - (gint)profa->count; } static void build_newobj_profile (MonoClass *class, gpointer count, GList **funcs) { NewobjProfile *prof = g_new (NewobjProfile, 1); prof->klass = class; prof->count = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (count); *funcs = g_list_insert_sorted (*funcs, prof, (GCompareFunc)compare_newobj_profile); } static void output_newobj_profile (GList *proflist) { GList *tmp; NewobjProfile *p; MonoClass *klass; const char* isarray; char buf [256]; if (proflist) g_print ("\n%-52s %9s\n", "Objects created:", "count"); for (tmp = proflist; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { p = tmp->data; klass = p->klass; if (klass->rank) { isarray = "[]"; klass = klass->element_class; } else { isarray = ""; } g_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%s%s", klass->name_space, klass->name, isarray); g_print ("%-52s %9d\n", buf, p->count); } } static void simple_method_enter (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method) { MethodProfile *profile_info; if (!(profile_info = g_hash_table_lookup (prof->methods, method))) { profile_info = g_new0 (MethodProfile, 1); MONO_TIMER_INIT (profile_info->u.timer); g_hash_table_insert (prof->methods, method, profile_info); } profile_info->count++; MONO_TIMER_START (profile_info->u.timer); } static void simple_method_leave (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method) { MethodProfile *profile_info; if (!(profile_info = g_hash_table_lookup (prof->methods, method))) g_assert_not_reached (); MONO_TIMER_STOP (profile_info->u.timer); profile_info->total += MONO_TIMER_ELAPSED (profile_info->u.timer); } static void simple_method_jit (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method) { prof->methods_jitted++; MONO_TIMER_START (prof->jit_timer); } static void simple_method_end_jit (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, int result) { MONO_TIMER_STOP (prof->jit_timer); prof->jit_time += MONO_TIMER_ELAPSED (prof->jit_timer); } static void simple_shutdown (MonoProfiler *prof) { GList *profile = NULL; printf("Total time spent compiling %d methods (sec): %.4g\n", prof->methods_jitted, prof->jit_time); g_hash_table_foreach (prof->methods, (GHFunc)build_profile, &profile); output_profile (profile); g_list_free (profile); profile = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach (prof->newobjs, (GHFunc)build_newobj_profile, &profile); output_newobj_profile (profile); g_list_free (profile); } void mono_profiler_install_simple (void) { MonoProfiler *prof = g_new0 (MonoProfiler, 1); MONO_TIMER_STARTUP; prof->methods = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); prof->newobjs = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); MONO_TIMER_INIT (prof->jit_timer); mono_profiler_install (prof, simple_shutdown); /* later do also object creation */ mono_profiler_install_enter_leave (simple_method_enter, simple_method_leave); mono_profiler_install_jit_compile (simple_method_jit, simple_method_end_jit); mono_profiler_set_events (MONO_PROFILE_ENTER_LEAVE|MONO_PROFILE_JIT_COMPILATION); }