#ifndef __MONO_METADATA_PRIVATE_H__ #define __MONO_METADATA_PRIVATE_H__ /* * This enumeration is used to describe the data types in the metadata * tables */ enum { MONO_MT_END, /* Sized elements */ MONO_MT_UINT32, MONO_MT_UINT16, MONO_MT_UINT8, /* Index into Blob heap */ MONO_MT_BLOB_IDX, /* Index into String heap */ MONO_MT_STRING_IDX, /* GUID index */ MONO_MT_GUID_IDX, /* Pointer into a table */ MONO_MT_TABLE_IDX, /* HasConstant:Parent pointer (Param, Field or Property) */ MONO_MT_CONST_IDX, /* HasCustomAttribute index. Indexes any table except CustomAttribute */ MONO_MT_HASCAT_IDX, /* CustomAttributeType encoded index */ MONO_MT_CAT_IDX, /* HasDeclSecurity index: TypeDef Method or Assembly */ MONO_MT_HASDEC_IDX, /* Implementation coded index: File, Export AssemblyRef */ MONO_MT_IMPL_IDX, /* HasFieldMarshal coded index: Field or Param table */ MONO_MT_HFM_IDX, /* MemberForwardedIndex: Field or Method */ MONO_MT_MF_IDX, /* TypeDefOrRef coded index: typedef, typeref, typespec */ MONO_MT_TDOR_IDX, /* MemberRefParent coded index: typeref, moduleref, method, memberref, typesepc, typedef */ MONO_MT_MRP_IDX, /* MethodDefOrRef coded index: Method or Member Ref table */ MONO_MT_MDOR_IDX, /* HasSemantic coded index: Event or Property */ MONO_MT_HS_IDX, /* ResolutionScope coded index: Module, ModuleRef, AssemblytRef, TypeRef */ MONO_MT_RS_IDX }; typedef struct { int code; const char *def; } MonoMetaTable; const char *mono_meta_table_name (int table); /* Internal functions */ void mono_metadata_compute_table_bases (MonoImage *meta); MonoMetaTable *mono_metadata_get_table (MonoMetaTableEnum table); #endif /* __MONO_METADATA_PRIVATE_H__ */