/* * pedump.c: Dumps the contents of an extended PE/COFF file * * Author: * Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) * * (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include #include "cil-coff.h" #include "private.h" #include "mono-endian.h" #include "verify.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mono/utils/mono-digest.h" gboolean dump_data = TRUE; gboolean verify_pe = FALSE; /* unused static void hex_dump (const char *buffer, int base, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++){ if ((i % 16) == 0) printf ("\n0x%08x: ", (unsigned char) base + i); printf ("%02x ", (unsigned char) (buffer [i])); } } */ static void hex8 (const char *label, unsigned char x) { printf ("\t%s: 0x%02x\n", label, (unsigned char) x); } static void hex16 (const char *label, guint16 x) { printf ("\t%s: 0x%04x\n", label, x); } static void hex32 (const char *label, guint32 x) { printf ("\t%s: 0x%08x\n", label, x); } static void dump_coff_header (MonoCOFFHeader *coff) { printf ("\nCOFF Header:\n"); hex16 (" Machine", coff->coff_machine); hex16 (" Sections", coff->coff_sections); hex32 (" Time stamp", coff->coff_time); hex32 ("Pointer to Symbol Table", coff->coff_symptr); hex32 (" Symbol Count", coff->coff_symcount); hex16 (" Optional Header Size", coff->coff_opt_header_size); hex16 (" Characteristics", coff->coff_attributes); } static void dump_pe_header (MonoPEHeader *pe) { printf ("\nPE Header:\n"); hex16 (" Magic (0x010b)", pe->pe_magic); hex8 (" LMajor (6)", pe->pe_major); hex8 (" LMinor (0)", pe->pe_minor); hex32 (" Code Size", pe->pe_code_size); hex32 (" Initialized Data Size", pe->pe_data_size); hex32 ("Uninitialized Data Size", pe->pe_uninit_data_size); hex32 (" Entry Point RVA", pe->pe_rva_entry_point); hex32 (" Code Base RVA", pe->pe_rva_code_base); hex32 (" Data Base RVA", pe->pe_rva_data_base); printf ("\n"); } static void dump_nt_header (MonoPEHeaderNT *nt) { printf ("\nNT Header:\n"); hex32 (" Image Base (0x400000)", nt->pe_image_base); hex32 ("Section Alignment (8192)", nt->pe_section_align); hex32 (" File Align (512/4096)", nt->pe_file_alignment); hex16 (" OS Major (4)", nt->pe_os_major); hex16 (" OS Minor (0)", nt->pe_os_minor); hex16 (" User Major (0)", nt->pe_user_major); hex16 (" User Minor (0)", nt->pe_user_minor); hex16 (" Subsys major (4)", nt->pe_subsys_major); hex16 (" Subsys minor (0)", nt->pe_subsys_minor); hex32 (" Reserverd", nt->pe_reserved_1); hex32 (" Image Size", nt->pe_image_size); hex32 (" Header Size", nt->pe_header_size); hex32 (" Checksum (0)", nt->pe_checksum); hex16 (" Subsystem", nt->pe_subsys_required); hex16 (" DLL Flags (0)", nt->pe_dll_flags); hex32 (" Stack Reserve Size (1M)", nt->pe_stack_reserve); hex32 ("Stack commit Size (4096)", nt->pe_stack_commit); hex32 (" Heap Reserve Size (1M)", nt->pe_heap_reserve); hex32 (" Heap Commit Size (4096)", nt->pe_heap_commit); hex32 (" Loader flags (0x1)", nt->pe_loader_flags); hex32 (" Data Directories (16)", nt->pe_data_dir_count); } static void dent (const char *label, MonoPEDirEntry de) { printf ("\t%s: 0x%08x [0x%08x]\n", label, de.rva, de.size); } static void dump_blob (const char *desc, const char* p, guint32 size) { int i; printf ("%s", desc); if (!p) { printf (" none\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!(i % 16)) printf ("\n\t"); printf (" %02X", p [i] & 0xFF); } printf ("\n"); } static void dump_public_key (MonoImage *m) { guint32 size; const char *p; p = mono_image_get_public_key (m, &size); dump_blob ("\nPublic key:", p, size); } static void dump_strong_name (MonoImage *m) { guint32 size; const char *p; p = mono_image_get_strong_name (m, &size); dump_blob ("\nStrong name:", p, size); } static void dump_datadir (MonoPEDatadir *dd) { printf ("\nData directories:\n"); dent (" Export Table", dd->pe_export_table); dent (" Import Table", dd->pe_import_table); dent (" Resource Table", dd->pe_resource_table); dent (" Exception Table", dd->pe_exception_table); dent ("Certificate Table", dd->pe_certificate_table); dent (" Reloc Table", dd->pe_reloc_table); dent (" Debug", dd->pe_debug); dent (" Copyright", dd->pe_copyright); dent (" Global Ptr", dd->pe_global_ptr); dent (" TLS Table", dd->pe_tls_table); dent ("Load Config Table", dd->pe_load_config_table); dent (" Bound Import", dd->pe_bound_import); dent (" IAT", dd->pe_iat); dent ("Delay Import Desc", dd->pe_delay_import_desc); dent (" CLI Header", dd->pe_cli_header); } static void dump_dotnet_header (MonoDotNetHeader *header) { dump_coff_header (&header->coff); dump_pe_header (&header->pe); dump_nt_header (&header->nt); dump_datadir (&header->datadir); } static void dump_section_table (MonoSectionTable *st) { guint32 flags = st->st_flags; printf ("\n\tName: %s\n", st->st_name); hex32 (" Virtual Size", st->st_virtual_size); hex32 ("Virtual Address", st->st_virtual_address); hex32 (" Raw Data Size", st->st_raw_data_size); hex32 (" Raw Data Ptr", st->st_raw_data_ptr); hex32 (" Reloc Ptr", st->st_reloc_ptr); hex32 (" LineNo Ptr", st->st_lineno_ptr); hex16 (" Reloc Count", st->st_reloc_count); hex16 (" Line Count", st->st_line_count); printf ("\tFlags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_HAS_CODE) ? "code, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_HAS_INITIALIZED_DATA) ? "data, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_HAS_UNINITIALIZED_DATA) ? "bss, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_DISCARDABLE) ? "discard, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_NOT_CACHED) ? "nocache, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_NOT_PAGED) ? "nopage, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_SHARED) ? "shared, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_EXECUTE) ? "exec, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_READ) ? "read, " : "", (flags & SECT_FLAGS_MEM_WRITE) ? "write" : ""); } static void dump_sections (MonoCLIImageInfo *iinfo) { const int top = iinfo->cli_header.coff.coff_sections; int i; for (i = 0; i < top; i++) dump_section_table (&iinfo->cli_section_tables [i]); } static void dump_cli_header (MonoCLIHeader *ch) { printf ("\n"); printf (" CLI header size: %d\n", ch->ch_size); printf (" Runtime required: %d.%d\n", ch->ch_runtime_major, ch->ch_runtime_minor); printf (" Flags: %s, %s, %s, %s\n", (ch->ch_flags & CLI_FLAGS_ILONLY ? "ilonly" : "contains native"), (ch->ch_flags & CLI_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED ? "32bits" : "32/64"), (ch->ch_flags & CLI_FLAGS_ILONLY ? "trackdebug" : "no-trackdebug"), (ch->ch_flags & CLI_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED ? "strongnamesigned" : "notsigned")); dent (" Metadata", ch->ch_metadata); hex32 ("Entry Point Token", ch->ch_entry_point); dent (" Resources at", ch->ch_resources); dent (" Strong Name at", ch->ch_strong_name); dent (" Code Manager at", ch->ch_code_manager_table); dent (" VTableFixups at", ch->ch_vtable_fixups); dent (" EAT jumps at", ch->ch_export_address_table_jumps); } static void dsh (const char *label, MonoImage *meta, MonoStreamHeader *sh) { printf ("%s: 0x%08x - 0x%08x [%d == 0x%08x]\n", label, sh->data - meta->raw_metadata, sh->data + sh->size - meta->raw_metadata, sh->size, sh->size); } static void dump_metadata_ptrs (MonoImage *meta) { printf ("\nMetadata pointers:\n"); dsh ("\tTables (#~)", meta, &meta->heap_tables); dsh ("\t Strings", meta, &meta->heap_strings); dsh ("\t Blob", meta, &meta->heap_blob); dsh ("\tUser string", meta, &meta->heap_us); dsh ("\t GUID", meta, &meta->heap_guid); } static void dump_metadata (MonoImage *meta) { int table; dump_metadata_ptrs (meta); printf ("Rows:\n"); for (table = 0; table < MONO_TABLE_NUM; table++){ if (meta->tables [table].rows == 0) continue; printf ("Table %s: %d records (%d bytes, at %p)\n", mono_meta_table_name (table), meta->tables [table].rows, meta->tables [table].row_size, meta->tables [table].base ); } } static void dump_methoddef (MonoImage *metadata, guint32 token) { const char *loc; if (!token) return; loc = mono_metadata_locate_token (metadata, token); printf ("RVA for Entry Point: 0x%08x\n", read32 (loc)); } static void dump_dotnet_iinfo (MonoImage *image) { MonoCLIImageInfo *iinfo = image->image_info; dump_dotnet_header (&iinfo->cli_header); dump_sections (iinfo); dump_cli_header (&iinfo->cli_cli_header); dump_strong_name (image); dump_public_key (image); dump_metadata (image); dump_methoddef (image, iinfo->cli_cli_header.ch_entry_point); } static void dump_verify_info (MonoImage *image, int flags) { GSList *errors, *tmp; int count = 0; const char* desc [] = { "Ok", "Error", "Warning", NULL, "CLS" }; errors = mono_image_verify_tables (image, flags); for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoVerifyInfo *info = tmp->data; g_print ("%s: %s\n", desc [info->status], info->message); if (info->status == MONO_VERIFY_ERROR) count++; } mono_free_verify_list (errors); if (flags & (MONO_VERIFY_ALL + 1)) { /* verify code */ int i; MonoTableInfo *m = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD]; for (i = 0; i < m->rows; ++i) { MonoMethod *method; method = mono_get_method (image, MONO_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF | (i+1), NULL); errors = mono_method_verify (method, flags); if (errors) { char *sig; MonoClass *klass = mono_method_get_class (method); sig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), FALSE); g_print ("In method: %s.%s::%s(%s)\n", mono_class_get_namespace (klass), mono_class_get_name (klass), mono_method_get_name (method), sig); g_free (sig); } for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoVerifyInfo *info = tmp->data; g_print ("%s: %s\n", desc [info->status], info->message); if (info->status == MONO_VERIFY_ERROR) count++; } mono_free_verify_list (errors); } } if (count) g_print ("Error count: %d\n", count); } static void usage (void) { printf ("Usage is: pedump [--verify error,warn,cls,all,code] file.exe\n"); exit (1); } int main (int argc, char *argv []) { MonoImage *image; char *file = NULL; char *flags = NULL; const char *flag_desc [] = {"error", "warn", "cls", "all", "code", NULL}; guint flag_vals [] = {MONO_VERIFY_ERROR, MONO_VERIFY_WARNING, MONO_VERIFY_CLS, MONO_VERIFY_ALL, MONO_VERIFY_ALL + 1}; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++){ if (argv [i][0] != '-'){ file = argv [i]; continue; } if (strcmp (argv [i], "--help") == 0) usage (); else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--verify") == 0) { verify_pe = 1; dump_data = 0; ++i; flags = argv [i]; } else { usage (); } } if (!file) usage (); mono_metadata_init (); mono_raw_buffer_init (); mono_images_init (); mono_assemblies_init (); mono_loader_init (); image = mono_image_open (file, NULL); if (!image){ fprintf (stderr, "Can not open image %s\n", file); exit (1); } if (dump_data) dump_dotnet_iinfo (image); if (verify_pe) { int f = 0; char *tok = strtok (flags, ","); MonoAssembly *assembly; while (tok) { for (i = 0; flag_desc [i]; ++i) { if (strcmp (tok, flag_desc [i]) == 0) { f |= flag_vals [i]; break; } } if (!flag_desc [i]) g_print ("Unknown verify flag %s\n", tok); tok = strtok (NULL, ","); } mono_init (file); assembly = mono_assembly_open (file, NULL); dump_verify_info (assembly->image, f); } else mono_image_close (image); return 0; }