/* * mono-hash.c: GC-aware hashtable, based on Eglib's Hashtable * * Authors: * Paolo Molaro (lupus@xamarin.com) * * Copyright 2013 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #ifndef __MONO_G_HASH_H__ #define __MONO_G_HASH_H__ #include MONO_BEGIN_DECLS /* do not change the values of this enum */ typedef enum { MONO_HASH_KEY_GC = 1, MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC = 2, MONO_HASH_KEY_VALUE_GC = MONO_HASH_KEY_GC | MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC, } MonoGHashGCType; extern int mono_g_hash_table_max_chain_length; typedef struct _MonoGHashTable MonoGHashTable; MONO_API MonoGHashTable *mono_g_hash_table_new_type (GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, MonoGHashGCType type, MonoGCRootSource source, const char *msg); MONO_API guint mono_g_hash_table_size (MonoGHashTable *hash); MONO_API gpointer mono_g_hash_table_lookup (MonoGHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key); MONO_API gboolean mono_g_hash_table_lookup_extended (MonoGHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key, gpointer *orig_key, gpointer *value); MONO_API void mono_g_hash_table_foreach (MonoGHashTable *hash, GHFunc func, gpointer user_data); MONO_API gpointer mono_g_hash_table_find (MonoGHashTable *hash, GHRFunc predicate, gpointer user_data); MONO_API gboolean mono_g_hash_table_remove (MonoGHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key); MONO_API guint mono_g_hash_table_foreach_remove (MonoGHashTable *hash, GHRFunc func, gpointer user_data); MONO_API void mono_g_hash_table_destroy (MonoGHashTable *hash); MONO_API void mono_g_hash_table_insert (MonoGHashTable *h, gpointer k, gpointer v); MONO_API void mono_g_hash_table_replace (MonoGHashTable *h, gpointer k, gpointer v); MONO_API void mono_g_hash_table_print_stats (MonoGHashTable *table); MONO_END_DECLS #endif /* __MONO_G_HASH_H__ */