/* * locales.c: Culture-sensitive handling * * Author: * Dick Porter (dick@ximian.com) * Mohammad DAMT (mdamt@cdl2000.com) * * (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. * (C) 2003 PT Cakram Datalingga Duaribu http://www.cdl2000.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef DEBUG static gint32 string_invariant_compare_char (gunichar2 c1, gunichar2 c2, gint32 options); static gint32 string_invariant_compare (MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options); static MonoString *string_invariant_replace (MonoString *me, MonoString *oldValue, MonoString *newValue); static gint32 string_invariant_indexof (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, MonoBoolean first); static gint32 string_invariant_indexof_char (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, MonoBoolean first); static MonoString *string_invariant_tolower (MonoString *this); static MonoString *string_invariant_toupper (MonoString *this); static int culture_lcid_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const CultureInfoEntry *aa = a; const CultureInfoEntry *bb = b; return (aa->lcid - bb->lcid); } static int culture_name_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const CultureInfoNameEntry *aa = a; const CultureInfoNameEntry *bb = b; int ret; ret = strcmp (aa->name, bb->name); return ret; } static MonoArray* create_group_sizes_array (const gint *gs, gint ml) { MonoArray *ret; int i, len = 0; for (i = 0; i < ml; i++) { if (gs [i] == -1) break; len++; } ret = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.int32_class, len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) mono_array_set (ret, gint32, i, gs [i]); return ret; } static MonoArray* create_names_array (const gchar **names, int ml) { MonoArray *ret; MonoDomain *domain; int i, len = 0; if (names == NULL) return NULL; domain = mono_domain_get (); for (i = 0; i < ml; i++) { if (names [i] == NULL) break; len++; } ret = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.string_class, len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) mono_array_set (ret, MonoString *, i, mono_string_new (domain, names [i])); return ret; } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_datetime_format (MonoCultureInfo *this) { MonoDomain *domain; MonoDateTimeFormatInfo *datetime; const DateTimeFormatEntry *dfe; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; g_assert (this->datetime_index >= 0); datetime = this->datetime_format; dfe = &datetime_format_entries [this->datetime_index]; domain = mono_domain_get (); datetime->AbbreviatedDayNames = create_names_array (dfe->abbreviated_day_names, NUM_OF_DAYS); datetime->AbbreviatedMonthNames = create_names_array (dfe->abbreviated_month_names, MAX_NUM_MONTHS); datetime->AMDesignator = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->am_designator); datetime->CalendarWeekRule = dfe->calendar_week_rule; datetime->DateSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->date_separator); datetime->DayNames = create_names_array (dfe->day_names, NUM_OF_DAYS); datetime->FirstDayOfWeek = dfe->first_day_of_week; datetime->FullDateTimePattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->full_date_time_pattern); datetime->LongDatePattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->long_date_pattern); datetime->LongTimePattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->long_time_pattern); datetime->MonthDayPattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->month_day_pattern); datetime->MonthNames = create_names_array (dfe->month_names, MAX_NUM_MONTHS); datetime->PMDesignator = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->pm_designator); datetime->ShortDatePattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->short_date_pattern); datetime->ShortTimePattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->short_time_pattern); datetime->TimeSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->time_separator); datetime->YearMonthPattern = mono_string_new (domain, dfe->year_month_pattern); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_number_format (MonoCultureInfo *this) { MonoDomain *domain; MonoNumberFormatInfo *number; const NumberFormatEntry *nfe; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; g_assert (this->number_format != 0); number = this->number_format; nfe = &number_format_entries [this->number_index]; domain = mono_domain_get (); number->currencyDecimalDigits = nfe->currency_decimal_digits; number->currencyDecimalSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->currency_decimal_separator); number->currencyGroupSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->currency_group_separator); number->currencyGroupSizes = create_group_sizes_array (nfe->currency_group_sizes, MAX_GROUP_SIZE); number->currencyNegativePattern = nfe->currency_negative_pattern; number->currencyPositivePattern = nfe->currency_positive_pattern; number->currencySymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->currency_symbol); number->naNSymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->nan_symbol); number->negativeInfinitySymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->negative_infinity_symbol); number->negativeSign = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->negative_sign); number->numberDecimalDigits = nfe->number_decimal_digits; number->numberDecimalSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->number_decimal_separator); number->numberGroupSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->number_group_separator); number->numberGroupSizes = create_group_sizes_array (nfe->number_group_sizes, MAX_GROUP_SIZE); number->numberNegativePattern = nfe->number_negative_pattern; number->percentDecimalDigits = nfe->percent_decimal_digits; number->percentDecimalSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->percent_decimal_separator); number->percentGroupSeparator = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->percent_group_separator); number->percentGroupSizes = create_group_sizes_array (nfe->percent_group_sizes, MAX_GROUP_SIZE); number->percentNegativePattern = nfe->percent_negative_pattern; number->percentPositivePattern = nfe->percent_positive_pattern; number->percentSymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->percent_symbol); number->perMilleSymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->per_mille_symbol); number->positiveInfinitySymbol = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->positive_infinity_symbol); number->positiveSign = mono_string_new (domain, nfe->positive_sign); } static MonoBoolean construct_culture (MonoCultureInfo *this, const CultureInfoEntry *ci) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); this->lcid = ci->lcid; this->name = mono_string_new (domain, ci->name); this->icu_name = mono_string_new (domain, ci->icu_name); this->displayname = mono_string_new (domain, ci->displayname); this->englishname = mono_string_new (domain, ci->englishname); this->nativename = mono_string_new (domain, ci->nativename); this->win3lang = mono_string_new (domain, ci->win3lang); this->iso3lang = mono_string_new (domain, ci->iso3lang); this->iso2lang = mono_string_new (domain, ci->iso2lang); this->parent_lcid = ci->parent_lcid; this->specific_lcid = ci->specific_lcid; this->datetime_index = ci->datetime_format_index; this->number_index = ci->number_format_index; return TRUE; } static const CultureInfoEntry* culture_info_entry_from_lcid (int lcid) { const CultureInfoEntry *ci; CultureInfoEntry key; key.lcid = lcid; ci = bsearch (&key, culture_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoEntry), culture_lcid_locator); return ci; } /** * The following two methods are modified from the ICU source code. (http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu) * Copyright (c) 1995-2003 International Business Machines Corporation and others * All rights reserved. */ static gchar* get_posix_locale (void) { const gchar* posix_locale = NULL; posix_locale = getenv("LC_ALL"); if (posix_locale == 0) { posix_locale = getenv("LANG"); if (posix_locale == 0) { posix_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); } } if (posix_locale == NULL) return NULL; if ((strcmp ("C", posix_locale) == 0) || (strchr (posix_locale, ' ') != NULL) || (strchr (posix_locale, '/') != NULL)) { /** * HPUX returns 'C C C C C C C' * Solaris can return /en_US/C/C/C/C/C on the second try. * Maybe we got some garbage. */ return NULL; } return g_strdup (posix_locale); } static gchar* get_current_locale_name (void) { gchar *locale; gchar *corrected = NULL; const gchar *p; const gchar *q; gchar *c; gint32 len; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 locale = g_win32_getlocale (); #else locale = get_posix_locale (); #endif if (locale == NULL) return NULL; if ((p = strchr (locale, '.')) != NULL) { /* assume new locale can't be larger than old one? */ corrected = malloc (strlen (locale)); strncpy (corrected, locale, p - locale); corrected [p - locale] = 0; /* do not copy after the @ */ if ((p = strchr (corrected, '@')) != NULL) corrected [p - corrected] = 0; } /* Note that we scan the *uncorrected* ID. */ if ((p = strrchr (locale, '@')) != NULL) { if (corrected == NULL) { corrected = malloc (strlen (locale)); strncpy (corrected, locale, p - locale); corrected [p - locale] = 0; } p++; /* Take care of any special cases here.. */ if (!strcmp (p, "nynorsk")) p = "NY"; if (strchr (corrected, '_') == NULL) strcat (corrected, "__"); /* aa@b -> aa__b */ else strcat (corrected, "_"); /* aa_CC@b -> aa_CC_b */ if ((q = strchr (p, '.')) != NULL) { /* How big will the resulting string be? */ len = strlen (corrected) + (q - p); strncat (corrected, p, q - p); corrected [len] = 0; } else { /* Anything following the @ sign */ strcat (corrected, p); } /* Should there be a map from 'no@nynorsk' -> no_NO_NY here? * How about 'russian' -> 'ru'? */ } if (corrected == NULL) corrected = locale; else g_free (locale); if ((c = strchr (corrected, '_')) != NULL) *c = '-'; g_strdown (corrected); return corrected; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_current_locale (MonoCultureInfo *ci) { gchar *locale; CultureInfoNameEntry key; const CultureInfoNameEntry *ne; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; locale = get_current_locale_name (); if (locale == NULL) return FALSE; key.name = locale; ne = bsearch (&key, culture_name_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoNameEntry), culture_name_locator); g_free (locale); if (ne == NULL) return FALSE; return construct_culture (ci, &culture_entries [ne->culture_entry_index]); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_lcid (MonoCultureInfo *this, gint lcid) { const CultureInfoEntry *ci; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ci = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (lcid); if(ci == NULL) return FALSE; return construct_culture (this, ci); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_name (MonoCultureInfo *this, MonoString *name) { CultureInfoNameEntry key; const CultureInfoNameEntry *ne; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; key.name = mono_string_to_utf8 (name); ne = bsearch (&key, culture_name_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoNameEntry), culture_name_locator); g_free (key.name); if (ne == NULL) return FALSE; return construct_culture (this, &culture_entries [ne->culture_entry_index]); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_specific_name (MonoCultureInfo *ci, MonoString *name) { const CultureInfoEntry *entry; CultureInfoNameEntry key; const CultureInfoNameEntry *ne; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; key.name = mono_string_to_utf8 (name); ne = bsearch (&key, culture_name_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoNameEntry), culture_name_locator); g_free (key.name); if (ne == NULL) return FALSE; entry = &culture_entries [ne->culture_entry_index]; /* try avoiding another lookup, often the culture is its own specific culture */ if (entry->lcid != entry->specific_lcid) entry = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (entry->specific_lcid); return construct_culture (ci, entry); } MonoArray* ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_internal_get_cultures (MonoBoolean neutral, MonoBoolean specific, MonoBoolean installed) { MonoArray *ret; MonoClass *class; MonoCultureInfo *culture; MonoDomain *domain; const CultureInfoEntry *ci; gint i, len; gboolean is_neutral; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; domain = mono_domain_get (); len = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES; i++) { ci = &culture_entries [i]; is_neutral = ((ci->lcid & 0xff00) == 0 || ci->specific_lcid == 0); if ((neutral && is_neutral) || (specific && !is_neutral)) len++; } class = mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System.Globalization", "CultureInfo"); ret = mono_array_new (domain, class, len); len = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES; i++) { ci = &culture_entries [i]; is_neutral = ((ci->lcid & 0xff00) == 0 || ci->specific_lcid == 0); if ((neutral && !is_neutral) && (specific && is_neutral)) continue; culture = (MonoCultureInfo *) mono_object_new (domain, class); mono_runtime_object_init ((MonoObject *) culture); construct_culture (culture, ci); mono_array_set (ret, MonoCultureInfo *, len++, culture); } return ret; } /** * Set is_neutral and return TRUE if the culture is found. If it is not found return FALSE. */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_internal_is_lcid_neutral (gint lcid, MonoBoolean *is_neutral) { const CultureInfoEntry *entry; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; entry = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (lcid); if (entry == NULL) return FALSE; *is_neutral = (entry->specific_lcid == 0); return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_ICU #include #include #include #include #include static MonoString *monostring_from_resource_index (const UResourceBundle *bundle, int32_t idx) { gunichar2 *res_str; int32_t res_strlen; UErrorCode ec; ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; res_str=(gunichar2 *)ures_getStringByIndex (bundle, idx, &res_strlen, &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { return(NULL); } return(mono_string_from_utf16 (res_str)); } static UResourceBundle *open_subbundle (const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *name, int32_t req_count) { UResourceBundle *subbundle; UErrorCode ec; int32_t count; ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; subbundle=ures_getByKey (bundle, name, NULL, &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { /* Couldn't find the subbundle */ return(NULL); } count=ures_countArrayItems (bundle, name, &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { /* Couldn't count the subbundle */ ures_close (subbundle); return(NULL); } if(count!=req_count) { /* Bummer */ ures_close (subbundle); return(NULL); } return(subbundle); } static MonoArray *build_array (const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *resname, int32_t req_count) { MonoArray *arr=NULL; UResourceBundle *subbundle; int i; subbundle=open_subbundle (bundle, resname, req_count); if(subbundle!=NULL) { arr=mono_array_new(mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.string_class, req_count); for(i=0; iAMDesignator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 0); new_dtf->PMDesignator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 1); ures_close (subbundle); } /* Date/Time patterns. Don't set FullDateTimePattern. As it * seems to always default to LongDatePattern + " " + * LongTimePattern, let the property accessor deal with it. */ subbundle=open_subbundle (bundle, "DateTimePatterns", 9); if(subbundle!=NULL) { new_dtf->ShortDatePattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 7); new_dtf->LongDatePattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 5); new_dtf->ShortTimePattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 3); new_dtf->LongTimePattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 2); /* RFC1123Pattern, SortableDateTimePattern and * UniversalSortableDateTimePattern all seem to be * constant, and all the same as the invariant default * set in the ctor */ ures_close (subbundle); } #if 0 /* Not sure what to do with these yet, so leave them set to * the invariant default */ set_field_string (new_dtf, "_DateSeparator", str); set_field_string (new_dtf, "_TimeSeparator", str); set_field_string (new_dtf, "_MonthDayPattern", str); set_field_string (new_dtf, "_YearMonthPattern", str); #endif /* Day names. Luckily both ICU and .net start Sunday at index 0 */ new_dtf->DayNames=build_array (bundle, "DayNames", 7); /* Abbreviated day names */ new_dtf->AbbreviatedDayNames=build_array (bundle, "DayAbbreviations", 7); /* Month names */ new_dtf->MonthNames=build_array (bundle, "MonthNames", 12); /* Abbreviated month names */ new_dtf->AbbreviatedMonthNames=build_array (bundle, "MonthAbbreviations", 12); /* TODO: DayOfWeek _FirstDayOfWeek, Calendar _Calendar, CalendarWeekRule _CalendarWeekRule */ ures_close (bundle); error1: return(new_dtf); } static MonoNumberFormatInfo *create_NumberFormat (const char *locale) { MonoNumberFormatInfo *new_nf; MonoClass *class; MonoMethodDesc* methodDesc; MonoMethod *method; UResourceBundle *bundle, *subbundle, *table_entries; UErrorCode ec; int32_t count; static char country [7]; //FIXME const UChar *res_str; int32_t res_strlen; class=mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System.Globalization", "NumberFormatInfo"); new_nf=(MonoNumberFormatInfo *)mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), class); mono_runtime_object_init ((MonoObject *)new_nf); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; bundle=ures_open (NULL, locale, &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { goto error1; } /* Number Elements */ ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; subbundle=ures_getByKey (bundle, "NumberElements", NULL, &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { /* Couldn't find the subbundle */ goto error1; } count=ures_countArrayItems (bundle, "NumberElements", &ec); if(U_FAILURE (ec)) { /* Couldn't count the subbundle */ ures_close (subbundle); goto error1; } if(subbundle!=NULL) { new_nf->numberDecimalSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 0); new_nf->numberGroupSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 1); new_nf->percentDecimalSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 0); new_nf->percentGroupSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 1); new_nf->percentSymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 3); new_nf->zeroPattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 4); new_nf->digitPattern=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 5); new_nf->negativeSign=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 6); new_nf->perMilleSymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 8); new_nf->positiveInfinitySymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 9); /* we dont have this in CLDR, so copy it from positiveInfinitySymbol */ new_nf->negativeInfinitySymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 9); new_nf->naNSymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 10); new_nf->currencyDecimalSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 0); new_nf->currencyGroupSeparator=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 1); ures_close (subbundle); } /* get country name */ ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; uloc_getCountry (locale, country, sizeof (country), &ec); if (U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* find country name in root.CurrencyMap */ subbundle = ures_getByKey (bundle, "CurrencyMap", NULL, &ec); if (U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* get currency id for specified country */ table_entries = ures_getByKey (subbundle, country, NULL, &ec); if (U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ures_close (subbundle); ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; res_str = ures_getStringByIndex ( table_entries, 0, &res_strlen, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { /* now we have currency id string */ ures_close (table_entries); ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_UCharsToChars (res_str, country, sizeof (country)); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* find currency string in locale data */ subbundle = ures_getByKey ( bundle, "Currencies", NULL, &ec); if (U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* find currency symbol under specified currency id */ table_entries = ures_getByKey (subbundle, country, NULL, &ec); if (U_SUCCESS (ec)) { /* get the first string only, * the second is international currency symbol (not used)*/ new_nf->currencySymbol=monostring_from_resource_index (table_entries, 0); ures_close (table_entries); } ures_close (subbundle); } } } } } } subbundle=open_subbundle (bundle, "NumberPatterns", 4); if(subbundle!=NULL) { new_nf->decimalFormats=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 0); new_nf->currencyFormats=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 1); new_nf->percentFormats=monostring_from_resource_index (subbundle, 2); ures_close (subbundle); /* calls InitPatterns to parse the patterns */ methodDesc = mono_method_desc_new ( "System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:InitPatterns()", TRUE); method = mono_method_desc_search_in_class (methodDesc, class); if(method!=NULL) { mono_runtime_invoke (method, new_nf, NULL, NULL); } else { g_warning (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Runtime mismatch with class lib! (Looking for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:InitPatterns())"); } } ures_close (bundle); error1: return(new_nf); } static char *mono_string_to_icu_locale (MonoString *locale) { UErrorCode ec; char *passed_locale, *icu_locale=NULL; int32_t loc_len, ret; passed_locale=mono_string_to_utf8 (locale); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; ret=uloc_getName (passed_locale, NULL, 0, &ec); if(ec==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; loc_len=ret+1; icu_locale=(char *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(char)*loc_len); ret=uloc_getName (passed_locale, icu_locale, loc_len, &ec); } g_free (passed_locale); return(icu_locale); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale (MonoCultureInfo *this, MonoString *locale) { UChar *ustr; char *str; UErrorCode ec; char *icu_locale; int32_t str_len, ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; icu_locale=mono_string_to_icu_locale (locale); if(icu_locale==NULL) { /* Something went wrong */ mono_raise_exception((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name(mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "SystemException")); return; } /* Fill in the static fields */ /* TODO: Calendar, InstalledUICulture, OptionalCalendars, * TextInfo */ str_len=256; /* Should be big enough for anything */ str=(char *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(char)*str_len); ustr=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*str_len); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; ret=uloc_getDisplayName (icu_locale, "en", ustr, str_len, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec) && retenglishname=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)ustr); } ret=uloc_getDisplayName (icu_locale, uloc_getDefault (), ustr, str_len, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec) && retdisplayname=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)ustr); } ret=uloc_getDisplayName (icu_locale, icu_locale, ustr, str_len, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec) && retnativename=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)ustr); } this->iso3lang=mono_string_new_wrapper (uloc_getISO3Language (icu_locale)); ret=uloc_getLanguage (icu_locale, str, str_len, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec) && retiso2lang=mono_string_new_wrapper (str); } this->datetime_format=create_DateTimeFormat (icu_locale); this->number_format=create_NumberFormat (icu_locale); g_free (str); g_free (ustr); g_free (icu_locale); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_construct_compareinfo (MonoCompareInfo *comp, MonoString *locale) { UCollator *coll; UErrorCode ec; char *icu_locale; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Constructing collator for locale [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (locale)); #endif icu_locale=mono_string_to_icu_locale (locale); if(icu_locale==NULL) { /* Something went wrong */ mono_raise_exception((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name(mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "SystemException")); return; } ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; coll=ucol_open (icu_locale, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { comp->ICU_collator=coll; } else { comp->ICU_collator=NULL; } g_free (icu_locale); } /* Set up the collator to reflect the options required. Some of these * options clash, as they adjust the collator strength level. Try to * make later checks reduce the strength level, and attempt to take * previous options into account. * * Don't bother to check the error returns when setting the * attributes, as a failure here is hardly grounds to error out. */ static void set_collator_options (UCollator *coll, gint32 options) { UErrorCode ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Set up the defaults */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, &ec); ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_OFF, &ec); /* Do this first so other options will override the quaternary * level strength setting if necessary */ if(!(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreKanaType)) { ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_HIRAGANA_QUATERNARY_MODE, UCOL_ON, &ec); ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_QUATERNARY, &ec); } /* Word sort, the default */ if(!(options & CompareOptions_StringSort)) { ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_SHIFTED, &ec); /* Tertiary strength is the default, but it might have * been set to quaternary above. (We don't want that * here, because that will order all the punctuation * first instead of just ignoring it.) * * Unfortunately, tertiary strength with * ALTERNATE_HANDLING==SHIFTED means that '/' and '@' * compare to equal, which has the nasty side effect * of killing mcs :-( (We can't specify a * culture-insensitive compare, because * String.StartsWith doesn't have that option.) * * ALTERNATE_HANDLING==SHIFTED is needed to accomplish * the word-sorting-ignoring-punctuation feature. So * we have to live with the slightly mis-ordered * punctuation and a working mcs... */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_QUATERNARY, &ec); } if(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreCase) { ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_SECONDARY, &ec); ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, &ec); } if(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreWidth) { /* Kana width is a tertiary strength difference. This * will totally break the !IgnoreKanaType option */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_SECONDARY, &ec); } if(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreNonSpace) { ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &ec); /* We can still compare case even when just checking * primary strength */ if(!(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreCase) || !(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreWidth)) { /* Not sure if CASE_LEVEL handles kana width */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, &ec); } } if(options & CompareOptions_IgnoreSymbols) { /* Don't know what to do here */ } if(options == CompareOptions_Ordinal) { /* This one is handled elsewhere */ } } gint32 ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_compare (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options) { UCollator *coll; UCollationResult result; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Comparing [%s] and [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (str1), mono_string_to_utf8 (str2)); #endif coll=this->ICU_collator; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", this->lcid); #endif if(coll==NULL || this->lcid==0x007F || options & CompareOptions_Ordinal) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": No collator or invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_compare (str1, off1, len1, str2, off2, len2, options)); } mono_monitor_try_enter ((MonoObject *)this, INFINITE); set_collator_options (coll, options); result=ucol_strcoll (coll, mono_string_chars (str1)+off1, len1, mono_string_chars (str2)+off2, len2); mono_monitor_exit ((MonoObject *)this); #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Comparison of [%s] and [%s] returning %d", mono_string_to_utf8 (str1), mono_string_to_utf8 (str2), result); #endif return(result); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_free_internal_collator (MonoCompareInfo *this) { UCollator *coll; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; coll=this->ICU_collator; if(coll!=NULL) { ucol_close (coll); } } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_assign_sortkey (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoSortKey *key, MonoString *source, gint32 options) { UCollator *coll; MonoArray *arr; char *keybuf; int32_t keylen, i; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; coll=this->ICU_collator; if(coll==NULL) { mono_raise_exception((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name(mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "SystemException")); return; } mono_monitor_try_enter ((MonoObject *)this, INFINITE); set_collator_options (coll, options); keylen=ucol_getSortKey (coll, mono_string_chars (source), -1, NULL, 0); keybuf=g_malloc (sizeof(char)* keylen); ucol_getSortKey (coll, mono_string_chars (source), -1, keybuf, keylen); mono_monitor_exit ((MonoObject *)this); arr=mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.byte_class, keylen); for(i=0; ikey=arr; g_free (keybuf); } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_index (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, gint32 options, MonoBoolean first) { UCollator *coll; UChar *usrcstr; UErrorCode ec; UStringSearch *search; int32_t pos= -1; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Finding %s [%s] in [%s] (sindex %d,count %d)", first?"first":"last", mono_string_to_utf8 (value), mono_string_to_utf8 (source), sindex, count); #endif coll=this->ICU_collator; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", this->lcid); #endif if(coll==NULL || this->lcid==0x007F || options & CompareOptions_Ordinal) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": No collator or invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_indexof (source, sindex, count, value, first)); } usrcstr=g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(count+1)); if(first) { memcpy (usrcstr, mono_string_chars (source)+sindex, sizeof(UChar)*count); } else { memcpy (usrcstr, mono_string_chars (source)+sindex-count+1, sizeof(UChar)*count); } mono_monitor_try_enter ((MonoObject *)this, INFINITE); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Need to set the collator to a fairly weak level, so that it * treats characters that can be written differently as * identical (eg "ß" and "ss", "æ" and "ae" or "ä" etc.) Note * that this means that the search string and the original * text might have differing lengths. */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &ec); /* Still notice case differences though (normally a tertiary * difference) */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, &ec); /* Don't ignore some codepoints */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, &ec); search=usearch_openFromCollator (mono_string_chars (value), -1, usrcstr, -1, coll, NULL, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { if(first) { pos=usearch_first (search, &ec); } else { pos=usearch_last (search, &ec); } if(pos!=USEARCH_DONE) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Got match at %d (sindex %d) len %d", pos, sindex, usearch_getMatchedLength (search)); #endif if(sindex>0) { if(first) { pos+=sindex; } else { pos+=(sindex-count+1); } } } } else { g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": usearch_open error: %s", u_errorName (ec)); } usearch_close (search); mono_monitor_exit ((MonoObject *)this); g_free (usrcstr); return(pos); } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_index_char (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, gint32 options, MonoBoolean first) { UCollator *coll; UChar *usrcstr, uvalstr[2]={0, 0}; UErrorCode ec; UStringSearch *search; int32_t pos= -1; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Finding %s 0x%0x in [%s] (sindex %d,count %d)", first?"first":"last", value, mono_string_to_utf8 (source), sindex, count); #endif coll=this->ICU_collator; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", this->lcid); #endif if(coll==NULL || this->lcid==0x007F || options & CompareOptions_Ordinal) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": No collator or invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_indexof_char (source, sindex, count, value, first)); } usrcstr=g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(count+1)); if(first) { memcpy (usrcstr, mono_string_chars (source)+sindex, sizeof(UChar)*count); } else { memcpy (usrcstr, mono_string_chars (source)+sindex-count+1, sizeof(UChar)*count); } uvalstr[0]=value; mono_monitor_try_enter ((MonoObject *)this, INFINITE); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Need to set the collator to a fairly weak level, so that it * treats characters that can be written differently as * identical (eg "ß" and "ss", "æ" and "ae" or "ä" etc.) Note * that this means that the search string and the original * text might have differing lengths. */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &ec); /* Still notice case differences though (normally a tertiary * difference) */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, &ec); /* Don't ignore some codepoints */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, &ec); search=usearch_openFromCollator (uvalstr, -1, usrcstr, -1, coll, NULL, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { if(first) { pos=usearch_first (search, &ec); } else { pos=usearch_last (search, &ec); } if(pos!=USEARCH_DONE) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Got match at %d (sindex %d) len %d", pos, sindex, usearch_getMatchedLength (search)); #endif if(sindex>0) { if(first) { pos+=sindex; } else { pos+=(sindex-count+1); } } } } else { g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": usearch_open error: %s", u_errorName (ec)); } usearch_close (search); mono_monitor_exit ((MonoObject *)this); g_free (uvalstr); return(pos); } int ves_icall_System_Threading_Thread_current_lcid (void) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return(uloc_getLCID (uloc_getDefault ())); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalReplace_Str_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoString *old, MonoString *new, MonoCompareInfo *comp) { MonoString *ret=NULL; UCollator *coll; UErrorCode ec; UStringSearch *search; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Replacing [%s] with [%s] in [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (old), mono_string_to_utf8 (new), mono_string_to_utf8 (this)); #endif coll=comp->ICU_collator; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", comp->lcid); #endif if(coll==NULL || comp->lcid==0x007F) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": No collator or invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_replace (this, old, new)); } mono_monitor_try_enter ((MonoObject *)comp, INFINITE); ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Need to set the collator to a fairly weak level, so that it * treats characters that can be written differently as * identical (eg "ß" and "ss", "æ" and "ae" or "ä" etc.) Note * that this means that the search string and the original * text might have differing lengths. */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &ec); /* Still notice case differences though (normally a tertiary * difference) */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, &ec); /* Don't ignore some codepoints */ ucol_setAttribute (coll, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, &ec); search=usearch_openFromCollator (mono_string_chars (old), -1, mono_string_chars (this), -1, coll, NULL, &ec); if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { int pos, oldpos, len_delta=0; int32_t newstr_len=mono_string_length (new), match_len; UChar *uret, *match; for(pos=usearch_first (search, &ec); pos!=USEARCH_DONE; pos=usearch_next (search, &ec)) { /* ICU usearch currently ignores most of the collator * attributes :-( * * Check the returned match to see if it really * does match properly... */ match_len = usearch_getMatchedLength (search); match=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar) * (match_len + 1)); usearch_getMatchedText (search, match, match_len, &ec); if (ucol_strcoll (coll, match, -1, mono_string_chars (old), -1) == UCOL_EQUAL) { /* OK, we really did get a match */ #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Got match at %d len %d", pos, match_len); #endif len_delta += (newstr_len - match_len); } else { /* False alarm */ #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Got false match at %d len %d", pos, match_len); #endif } g_free (match); } #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": New string length is %d (delta %d)", mono_string_length (this)+len_delta, len_delta); #endif uret=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar) * (mono_string_length (this)+len_delta+2)); for(oldpos=0, pos=usearch_first (search, &ec); pos!=USEARCH_DONE; pos=usearch_next (search, &ec)) { match_len = usearch_getMatchedLength (search); match=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar) * (match_len + 1)); usearch_getMatchedText (search, match, match_len, &ec); /* Add the unmatched text */ u_strncat (uret, mono_string_chars (this)+oldpos, pos-oldpos); if (ucol_strcoll (coll, match, -1, mono_string_chars (old), -1) == UCOL_EQUAL) { /* Then the replacement */ u_strcat (uret, mono_string_chars (new)); } else { /* Then the original, because this is a * false match */ u_strncat (uret, mono_string_chars (this)+pos, match_len); } oldpos=pos+match_len; g_free (match); } /* Finish off with the trailing unmatched text */ u_strcat (uret, mono_string_chars (this)+oldpos); ret=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)uret); } else { g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": usearch_open error: %s", u_errorName (ec)); } usearch_close (search); mono_monitor_exit ((MonoObject *)comp); #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Replacing [%s] with [%s] in [%s] returns [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (old), mono_string_to_utf8 (new), mono_string_to_utf8 (this), mono_string_to_utf8 (ret)); #endif return(ret); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalToLower_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoCultureInfo *cult) { MonoString *ret; UChar *udest; UErrorCode ec; char *icu_loc; int32_t len; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (this)); #endif #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", cult->lcid); #endif if(cult->lcid==0x007F) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_tolower (this)); } icu_loc=mono_string_to_icu_locale (cult->icu_name); if(icu_loc==NULL) { mono_raise_exception ((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "SystemException")); return(NULL); } udest=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(mono_string_length (this)+1)); /* According to the docs, this might result in a longer or * shorter string than we started with... */ ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; len=u_strToLower (udest, mono_string_length (this)+1, mono_string_chars (this), -1, icu_loc, &ec); if(ec==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || ec==U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) { g_free (udest); udest=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(len+1)); len=u_strToLower (udest, len+1, mono_string_chars (this), -1, icu_loc, &ec); } if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ret=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)udest); } else { g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": u_strToLower error: %s", u_errorName (ec)); /* return something */ ret=this; } g_free (icu_loc); g_free (udest); #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": returning [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (ret)); #endif return(ret); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalToUpper_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoCultureInfo *cult) { MonoString *ret; UChar *udest; UErrorCode ec; char *icu_loc; int32_t len; #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (this)); #endif #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": LCID is %d", cult->lcid); #endif if(cult->lcid==0x007F) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": Invariant, using shortcut"); #endif return(string_invariant_toupper (this)); } icu_loc=mono_string_to_icu_locale (cult->icu_name); if(icu_loc==NULL) { mono_raise_exception ((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "SystemException")); return(NULL); } udest=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(mono_string_length (this)+1)); /* According to the docs, this might result in a longer or * shorter string than we started with... */ ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; len=u_strToUpper (udest, mono_string_length (this)+1, mono_string_chars (this), -1, icu_loc, &ec); if(ec==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || ec==U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) { g_free (udest); udest=(UChar *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(UChar)*(len+1)); len=u_strToUpper (udest, len+1, mono_string_chars (this), -1, icu_loc, &ec); } if(U_SUCCESS (ec)) { ret=mono_string_from_utf16 ((gunichar2 *)udest); } else { g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": u_strToUpper error: %s", u_errorName (ec)); /* return something */ ret=this; } g_free (icu_loc); g_free (udest); #ifdef DEBUG g_message (G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION ": returning [%s]", mono_string_to_utf8 (ret)); #endif return(ret); } #else /* HAVE_ICU */ void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale (MonoCultureInfo *this, MonoString *locale) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Always claim "unknown locale" if we don't have ICU (only * called for non-invariant locales) */ mono_raise_exception((MonoException *)mono_exception_from_name(mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "ArgumentException")); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_construct_compareinfo (MonoCompareInfo *comp, MonoString *locale) { /* Nothing to do here */ } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_compare (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Do a normal ascii string compare, as we only know the * invariant locale if we dont have ICU */ return(string_invariant_compare (str1, off1, len1, str2, off2, len2, options)); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_free_internal_collator (MonoCompareInfo *this) { /* Nothing to do here */ } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_assign_sortkey (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoSortKey *key, MonoString *source, gint32 options) { MonoArray *arr; gint32 keylen, i; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; keylen=mono_string_length (source); arr=mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_defaults.byte_class, keylen); for(i=0; ikey=arr; } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_index (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, gint32 options, MonoBoolean first) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return(string_invariant_indexof (source, sindex, count, value, first)); } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_index_char (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, gint32 options, MonoBoolean first) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return(string_invariant_indexof_char (source, sindex, count, value, first)); } int ves_icall_System_Threading_Thread_current_lcid (void) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Invariant */ return(0x007F); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalReplace_Str_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoString *old, MonoString *new, MonoCompareInfo *comp) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Do a normal ascii string compare and replace, as we only * know the invariant locale if we dont have ICU */ return(string_invariant_replace (this, old, new)); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalToLower_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoCultureInfo *cult) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return(string_invariant_tolower (this)); } MonoString *ves_icall_System_String_InternalToUpper_Comp (MonoString *this, MonoCultureInfo *cult) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return(string_invariant_toupper (this)); } #endif /* HAVE_ICU */ static gint32 string_invariant_compare_char (gunichar2 c1, gunichar2 c2, gint32 options) { gint32 result; GUnicodeType c1type, c2type; c1type = g_unichar_type (c1); c2type = g_unichar_type (c2); if (options & CompareOptions_IgnoreCase) { result = (gint32) (c1type != G_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER ? g_unichar_tolower(c1) : c1) - (c2type != G_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER ? g_unichar_tolower(c2) : c2); } else if (options & CompareOptions_Ordinal) { // Rotor/ms return the full value just not -1 and 1 return (gint32) c1 - c2; } else { /* No options. Kana, symbol and spacing options don't * apply to the invariant culture. */ if (c1type == G_UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER && c2type == G_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER) { return(1); } if (c1type == G_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER && c2type == G_UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER) { return(-1); } result = (gint32) c1 - c2; } return ((result < 0) ? -1 : (result > 0) ? 1 : 0); } static gint32 string_invariant_compare (MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options) { /* c translation of C# code from old string.cs.. :) */ gint32 length; gint32 charcmp; gunichar2 *ustr1; gunichar2 *ustr2; gint32 pos; if(len1 >= len2) { length=len1; } else { length=len2; } ustr1 = mono_string_chars(str1)+off1; ustr2 = mono_string_chars(str2)+off2; pos = 0; for (pos = 0; pos != length; pos++) { if (pos >= len1 || pos >= len2) break; charcmp = string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos], ustr2[pos], options); if (charcmp != 0) { return(charcmp); } } /* the lesser wins, so if we have looped until length we just * need to check the last char */ if (pos == length) { return(string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos - 1], ustr2[pos - 1], options)); } /* Test if one of the strings has been compared to the end */ if (pos >= len1) { if (pos >= len2) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } } else if (pos >= len2) { return(1); } /* if not, check our last char only.. (can this happen?) */ return(string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos], ustr2[pos], options)); } static MonoString *string_invariant_replace (MonoString *me, MonoString *oldValue, MonoString *newValue) { MonoString *ret; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *dest=NULL; /* shut gcc up */ gunichar2 *oldstr; gunichar2 *newstr=NULL; /* shut gcc up here too */ gint32 i, destpos; gint32 occurr; gint32 newsize; gint32 oldstrlen; gint32 newstrlen; gint32 srclen; occurr = 0; destpos = 0; oldstr = mono_string_chars(oldValue); oldstrlen = mono_string_length(oldValue); if (NULL != newValue) { newstr = mono_string_chars(newValue); newstrlen = mono_string_length(newValue); } else newstrlen = 0; src = mono_string_chars(me); srclen = mono_string_length(me); if (oldstrlen != newstrlen) { i = 0; while (i <= srclen - oldstrlen) { if (0 == memcmp(src + i, oldstr, oldstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2))) { occurr++; i += oldstrlen; } else i ++; } if (occurr == 0) return me; newsize = srclen + ((newstrlen - oldstrlen) * occurr); } else newsize = srclen; ret = NULL; i = 0; while (i < srclen) { if (0 == memcmp(src + i, oldstr, oldstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2))) { if (ret == NULL) { ret = mono_string_new_size( mono_domain_get (), newsize); dest = mono_string_chars(ret); memcpy (dest, src, i * sizeof(gunichar2)); } if (newstrlen > 0) { memcpy(dest + destpos, newstr, newstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2)); destpos += newstrlen; } i += oldstrlen; continue; } else if (ret != NULL) { dest[destpos] = src[i]; } destpos++; i++; } if (ret == NULL) return me; return ret; } static gint32 string_invariant_indexof (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, MonoBoolean first) { gint32 lencmpstr; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *cmpstr; gint32 pos,i; lencmpstr = mono_string_length(value); src = mono_string_chars(source); cmpstr = mono_string_chars(value); if(first) { count -= lencmpstr; for(pos=sindex;pos <= sindex+count;pos++) { for(i=0;src[pos+i]==cmpstr[i];) { if(++i==lencmpstr) { return(pos); } } } return(-1); } else { for(pos=sindex-lencmpstr+1;pos>sindex-count;pos--) { if(memcmp (src+pos, cmpstr, lencmpstr*sizeof(gunichar2))==0) { return(pos); } } return(-1); } } static gint32 string_invariant_indexof_char (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, MonoBoolean first) { gint32 pos; gunichar2 *src; src = mono_string_chars(source); if(first) { for (pos = sindex; pos != count + sindex; pos++) { if (src [pos] == value) { return(pos); } } return(-1); } else { for (pos = sindex; pos > sindex - count; pos--) { if (src [pos] == value) return(pos); } return(-1); } } static MonoString *string_invariant_tolower (MonoString *this) { MonoString *ret; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *dest; gint32 i; ret = mono_string_new_size(mono_domain_get (), mono_string_length(this)); src = mono_string_chars (this); dest = mono_string_chars (ret); for (i = 0; i < mono_string_length (this); ++i) { dest[i] = g_unichar_tolower(src[i]); } return(ret); } static MonoString *string_invariant_toupper (MonoString *this) { MonoString *ret; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *dest; guint32 i; ret = mono_string_new_size(mono_domain_get (), mono_string_length(this)); src = mono_string_chars (this); dest = mono_string_chars (ret); for (i = 0; i < mono_string_length (this); ++i) { dest[i] = g_unichar_toupper(src[i]); } return(ret); }