/* * locales.c: Culture-sensitive handling * * Author: * Dick Porter (dick@ximian.com) * Mohammad DAMT (mdamt@cdl2000.com) * * Copyright 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * (C) 2003 PT Cakram Datalingga Duaribu http://www.cdl2000.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef DEBUG static gint32 string_invariant_compare_char (gunichar2 c1, gunichar2 c2, gint32 options); static gint32 string_invariant_compare (MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options); static MonoString *string_invariant_replace (MonoString *me, MonoString *oldValue, MonoString *newValue); static gint32 string_invariant_indexof (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, MonoBoolean first); static gint32 string_invariant_indexof_char (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, MonoBoolean first); static const CultureInfoEntry* culture_info_entry_from_lcid (int lcid); static const RegionInfoEntry* region_info_entry_from_lcid (int lcid); static int culture_lcid_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const CultureInfoEntry *aa = a; const CultureInfoEntry *bb = b; return (aa->lcid - bb->lcid); } static int region_lcid_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const int *lcid = a; const CultureInfoEntry *bb = b; return *lcid - bb->lcid; } static int culture_name_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const char *aa = a; const CultureInfoNameEntry *bb = b; int ret; ret = strcmp (aa, idx2string (bb->name)); return ret; } static int region_name_locator (const void *a, const void *b) { const char *aa = a; const RegionInfoNameEntry *bb = b; int ret; ret = strcmp (aa, idx2string (bb->name)); return ret; } static MonoArray* create_group_sizes_array (const gint *gs, gint ml) { MonoArray *ret; int i, len = 0; for (i = 0; i < ml; i++) { if (gs [i] == -1) break; len++; } ret = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_get_int32_class (), len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) mono_array_set (ret, gint32, i, gs [i]); return ret; } static MonoArray* create_names_array_idx (const guint16 *names, int ml) { MonoArray *ret; MonoDomain *domain; int i, len = 0; if (names == NULL) return NULL; domain = mono_domain_get (); for (i = 0; i < ml; i++) { if (names [i] == 0) break; len++; } ret = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_get_string_class (), len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) mono_array_setref (ret, i, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (names [i]))); return ret; } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_datetime_format (MonoCultureInfo *this) { MonoDomain *domain; MonoDateTimeFormatInfo *datetime; const DateTimeFormatEntry *dfe; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; g_assert (this->datetime_index >= 0); datetime = this->datetime_format; dfe = &datetime_format_entries [this->datetime_index]; domain = mono_domain_get (); datetime->readOnly = this->is_read_only; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, AbbreviatedDayNames, create_names_array_idx (dfe->abbreviated_day_names, NUM_DAYS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, AbbreviatedMonthNames, create_names_array_idx (dfe->abbreviated_month_names, NUM_MONTHS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, AMDesignator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->am_designator))); datetime->CalendarWeekRule = dfe->calendar_week_rule; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, DateSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->date_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, DayNames, create_names_array_idx (dfe->day_names, NUM_DAYS)); datetime->FirstDayOfWeek = dfe->first_day_of_week; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, FullDateTimePattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->full_date_time_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, LongDatePattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->long_date_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, LongTimePattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->long_time_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, MonthDayPattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->month_day_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, MonthNames, create_names_array_idx (dfe->month_names, NUM_MONTHS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, PMDesignator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->pm_designator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, ShortDatePattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->short_date_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, ShortTimePattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->short_time_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, TimeSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->time_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, YearMonthPattern, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (dfe->year_month_pattern))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, ShortDatePatterns, create_names_array_idx (dfe->short_date_patterns, NUM_SHORT_DATE_PATTERNS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, LongDatePatterns, create_names_array_idx (dfe->long_date_patterns, NUM_LONG_DATE_PATTERNS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, ShortTimePatterns, create_names_array_idx (dfe->short_time_patterns, NUM_SHORT_TIME_PATTERNS)); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (datetime, LongTimePatterns, create_names_array_idx (dfe->long_time_patterns, NUM_LONG_TIME_PATTERNS)); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_number_format (MonoCultureInfo *this) { MonoDomain *domain; MonoNumberFormatInfo *number; const NumberFormatEntry *nfe; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; g_assert (this->number_format != 0); number = this->number_format; nfe = &number_format_entries [this->number_index]; domain = mono_domain_get (); number->readOnly = this->is_read_only; number->currencyDecimalDigits = nfe->currency_decimal_digits; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, currencyDecimalSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->currency_decimal_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, currencyGroupSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->currency_group_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, currencyGroupSizes, create_group_sizes_array (nfe->currency_group_sizes, GROUP_SIZE)); number->currencyNegativePattern = nfe->currency_negative_pattern; number->currencyPositivePattern = nfe->currency_positive_pattern; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, currencySymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->currency_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, naNSymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->nan_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, negativeInfinitySymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->negative_infinity_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, negativeSign, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->negative_sign))); number->numberDecimalDigits = nfe->number_decimal_digits; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, numberDecimalSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->number_decimal_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, numberGroupSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->number_group_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, numberGroupSizes, create_group_sizes_array (nfe->number_group_sizes, GROUP_SIZE)); number->numberNegativePattern = nfe->number_negative_pattern; number->percentDecimalDigits = nfe->percent_decimal_digits; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, percentDecimalSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->percent_decimal_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, percentGroupSeparator, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->percent_group_separator))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, percentGroupSizes, create_group_sizes_array (nfe->percent_group_sizes, GROUP_SIZE)); number->percentNegativePattern = nfe->percent_negative_pattern; number->percentPositivePattern = nfe->percent_positive_pattern; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, percentSymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->percent_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, perMilleSymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->per_mille_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, positiveInfinitySymbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->positive_infinity_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (number, positiveSign, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (nfe->positive_sign))); } static MonoBoolean construct_culture (MonoCultureInfo *this, const CultureInfoEntry *ci) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); this->lcid = ci->lcid; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, icu_name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->icu_name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, displayname, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->displayname))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, englishname, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->englishname))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, nativename, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->nativename))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, win3lang, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->win3lang))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, iso3lang, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->iso3lang))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, iso2lang, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->iso2lang))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, territory, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ci->territory))); this->parent_lcid = ci->parent_lcid; this->specific_lcid = ci->specific_lcid; this->datetime_index = ci->datetime_format_index; this->number_index = ci->number_format_index; this->calendar_data = ci->calendar_data; this->text_info_data = &ci->text_info; return TRUE; } static MonoBoolean construct_region (MonoRegionInfo *this, const RegionInfoEntry *ri) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); this->region_id = ri->region_id; MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, iso2name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->iso2name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, iso3name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->iso3name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, win3name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->win3name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, english_name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->english_name))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, currency_symbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->currency_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, iso_currency_symbol, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->iso_currency_symbol))); MONO_OBJECT_SETREF (this, currency_english_name, mono_string_new (domain, idx2string (ri->currency_english_name))); return TRUE; } static gboolean construct_culture_from_specific_name (MonoCultureInfo *ci, gchar *name) { const CultureInfoEntry *entry; const CultureInfoNameEntry *ne; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ne = bsearch (name, culture_name_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoNameEntry), culture_name_locator); if (ne == NULL) return FALSE; entry = &culture_entries [ne->culture_entry_index]; /* try avoiding another lookup, often the culture is its own specific culture */ if (entry->lcid != entry->specific_lcid) entry = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (entry->specific_lcid); return construct_culture (ci, entry); } static const CultureInfoEntry* culture_info_entry_from_lcid (int lcid) { const CultureInfoEntry *ci; CultureInfoEntry key; key.lcid = lcid; ci = bsearch (&key, culture_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoEntry), culture_lcid_locator); return ci; } static const RegionInfoEntry* region_info_entry_from_lcid (int lcid) { const RegionInfoEntry *entry; const CultureInfoEntry *ne; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ne = bsearch (&lcid, culture_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoEntry), region_lcid_locator); if (ne == NULL) return FALSE; entry = ®ion_entries [ne->region_entry_index]; return entry; } /* * The following two methods are modified from the ICU source code. (http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu) * Copyright (c) 1995-2003 International Business Machines Corporation and others * All rights reserved. */ static gchar* get_posix_locale (void) { const gchar* posix_locale = NULL; posix_locale = g_getenv("LC_ALL"); if (posix_locale == 0) { posix_locale = g_getenv("LANG"); if (posix_locale == 0) { posix_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); } } if (posix_locale == NULL) return NULL; if ((strcmp ("C", posix_locale) == 0) || (strchr (posix_locale, ' ') != NULL) || (strchr (posix_locale, '/') != NULL)) { /* * HPUX returns 'C C C C C C C' * Solaris can return /en_US/C/C/C/C/C on the second try. * Maybe we got some garbage. */ return NULL; } return g_strdup (posix_locale); } static gchar* get_current_locale_name (void) { gchar *locale; gchar *corrected = NULL; const gchar *p; gchar *c; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 locale = g_win32_getlocale (); #else locale = get_posix_locale (); #endif if (locale == NULL) return NULL; if ((p = strchr (locale, '.')) != NULL) { /* assume new locale can't be larger than old one? */ corrected = malloc (strlen (locale)); strncpy (corrected, locale, p - locale); corrected [p - locale] = 0; /* do not copy after the @ */ if ((p = strchr (corrected, '@')) != NULL) corrected [p - corrected] = 0; } /* Note that we scan the *uncorrected* ID. */ if ((p = strrchr (locale, '@')) != NULL) { /* * In Mono we dont handle the '@' modifier because we do * not have any cultures that use it. We just trim it * off of the end of the name. */ if (corrected == NULL) { corrected = malloc (strlen (locale)); strncpy (corrected, locale, p - locale); corrected [p - locale] = 0; } } if (corrected == NULL) corrected = locale; else g_free (locale); if ((c = strchr (corrected, '_')) != NULL) *c = '-'; c = corrected; corrected = g_ascii_strdown (c, -1); g_free (c); return corrected; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_current_locale (MonoCultureInfo *ci) { gchar *locale; gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; locale = get_current_locale_name (); if (locale == NULL) return FALSE; ret = construct_culture_from_specific_name (ci, locale); g_free (locale); ci->is_read_only = TRUE; ci->use_user_override = TRUE; return ret; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_lcid (MonoCultureInfo *this, gint lcid) { const CultureInfoEntry *ci; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ci = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (lcid); if(ci == NULL) return FALSE; return construct_culture (this, ci); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_name (MonoCultureInfo *this, MonoString *name) { const CultureInfoNameEntry *ne; char *n; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; n = mono_string_to_utf8 (name); ne = bsearch (n, culture_name_entries, NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES, sizeof (CultureInfoNameEntry), culture_name_locator); if (ne == NULL) { /*g_print ("ne (%s) is null\n", n);*/ g_free (n); return FALSE; } g_free (n); return construct_culture (this, &culture_entries [ne->culture_entry_index]); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_construct_internal_locale_from_specific_name (MonoCultureInfo *ci, MonoString *name) { gchar *locale; gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; locale = mono_string_to_utf8 (name); ret = construct_culture_from_specific_name (ci, locale); g_free (locale); return ret; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_RegionInfo_construct_internal_region_from_lcid (MonoRegionInfo *this, gint lcid) { const RegionInfoEntry *ri; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ri = region_info_entry_from_lcid (lcid); if(ri == NULL) return FALSE; return construct_region (this, ri); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_RegionInfo_construct_internal_region_from_name (MonoRegionInfo *this, MonoString *name) { const RegionInfoNameEntry *ne; char *n; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; n = mono_string_to_utf8 (name); ne = bsearch (n, region_name_entries, NUM_REGION_ENTRIES, sizeof (RegionInfoNameEntry), region_name_locator); if (ne == NULL) { /*g_print ("ne (%s) is null\n", n);*/ g_free (n); return FALSE; } g_free (n); return construct_region (this, ®ion_entries [ne->region_entry_index]); } MonoArray* ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_internal_get_cultures (MonoBoolean neutral, MonoBoolean specific, MonoBoolean installed) { MonoArray *ret; MonoClass *class; MonoCultureInfo *culture; MonoDomain *domain; const CultureInfoEntry *ci; gint i, len; gboolean is_neutral; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; domain = mono_domain_get (); len = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES; i++) { ci = &culture_entries [i]; is_neutral = ((ci->lcid & 0xff00) == 0 || ci->specific_lcid == 0); if ((neutral && is_neutral) || (specific && !is_neutral)) len++; } class = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System.Globalization", "CultureInfo"); /* The InvariantCulture is not in culture_entries */ /* We reserve the first slot in the array for it */ if (neutral) len++; ret = mono_array_new (domain, class, len); if (len == 0) return ret; len = 0; if (neutral) mono_array_setref (ret, len++, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES; i++) { ci = &culture_entries [i]; is_neutral = ((ci->lcid & 0xff00) == 0 || ci->specific_lcid == 0); if ((neutral && is_neutral) || (specific && !is_neutral)) { culture = (MonoCultureInfo *) mono_object_new (domain, class); mono_runtime_object_init ((MonoObject *) culture); construct_culture (culture, ci); culture->use_user_override = TRUE; mono_array_setref (ret, len++, culture); } } return ret; } /** * ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_internal_is_lcid_neutral: * * Set is_neutral and return TRUE if the culture is found. If it is not found return FALSE. */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_Globalization_CultureInfo_internal_is_lcid_neutral (gint lcid, MonoBoolean *is_neutral) { const CultureInfoEntry *entry; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; entry = culture_info_entry_from_lcid (lcid); if (entry == NULL) return FALSE; *is_neutral = (entry->specific_lcid == 0); return TRUE; } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_construct_compareinfo (MonoCompareInfo *comp, MonoString *locale) { /* Nothing to do here */ } int ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_internal_compare (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options) { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Do a normal ascii string compare, as we only know the * invariant locale if we dont have ICU */ return(string_invariant_compare (str1, off1, len1, str2, off2, len2, options)); } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_free_internal_collator (MonoCompareInfo *this) { /* Nothing to do here */ } void ves_icall_System_Globalization_CompareInfo_assign_sortkey (MonoCompareInfo *this, MonoSortKey *key, MonoString *source, gint32 options) { MonoArray *arr; gint32 keylen, i; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; keylen=mono_string_length (source); arr=mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_get_byte_class (), keylen); for(i=0; i 0) ? 1 : 0); } static gint32 string_invariant_compare (MonoString *str1, gint32 off1, gint32 len1, MonoString *str2, gint32 off2, gint32 len2, gint32 options) { /* c translation of C# code from old string.cs.. :) */ gint32 length; gint32 charcmp; gunichar2 *ustr1; gunichar2 *ustr2; gint32 pos; if(len1 >= len2) { length=len1; } else { length=len2; } ustr1 = mono_string_chars(str1)+off1; ustr2 = mono_string_chars(str2)+off2; pos = 0; for (pos = 0; pos != length; pos++) { if (pos >= len1 || pos >= len2) break; charcmp = string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos], ustr2[pos], options); if (charcmp != 0) { return(charcmp); } } /* the lesser wins, so if we have looped until length we just * need to check the last char */ if (pos == length) { return(string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos - 1], ustr2[pos - 1], options)); } /* Test if one of the strings has been compared to the end */ if (pos >= len1) { if (pos >= len2) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } } else if (pos >= len2) { return(1); } /* if not, check our last char only.. (can this happen?) */ return(string_invariant_compare_char(ustr1[pos], ustr2[pos], options)); } static MonoString *string_invariant_replace (MonoString *me, MonoString *oldValue, MonoString *newValue) { MonoString *ret; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *dest=NULL; /* shut gcc up */ gunichar2 *oldstr; gunichar2 *newstr=NULL; /* shut gcc up here too */ gint32 i, destpos; gint32 occurr; gint32 newsize; gint32 oldstrlen; gint32 newstrlen; gint32 srclen; occurr = 0; destpos = 0; oldstr = mono_string_chars(oldValue); oldstrlen = mono_string_length(oldValue); if (NULL != newValue) { newstr = mono_string_chars(newValue); newstrlen = mono_string_length(newValue); } else newstrlen = 0; src = mono_string_chars(me); srclen = mono_string_length(me); if (oldstrlen != newstrlen) { i = 0; while (i <= srclen - oldstrlen) { if (0 == memcmp(src + i, oldstr, oldstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2))) { occurr++; i += oldstrlen; } else i ++; } if (occurr == 0) return me; newsize = srclen + ((newstrlen - oldstrlen) * occurr); } else newsize = srclen; ret = NULL; i = 0; while (i < srclen) { if (0 == memcmp(src + i, oldstr, oldstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2))) { if (ret == NULL) { ret = mono_string_new_size( mono_domain_get (), newsize); dest = mono_string_chars(ret); memcpy (dest, src, i * sizeof(gunichar2)); } if (newstrlen > 0) { memcpy(dest + destpos, newstr, newstrlen * sizeof(gunichar2)); destpos += newstrlen; } i += oldstrlen; continue; } else if (ret != NULL) { dest[destpos] = src[i]; } destpos++; i++; } if (ret == NULL) return me; return ret; } static gint32 string_invariant_indexof (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, MonoString *value, MonoBoolean first) { gint32 lencmpstr; gunichar2 *src; gunichar2 *cmpstr; gint32 pos,i; lencmpstr = mono_string_length(value); src = mono_string_chars(source); cmpstr = mono_string_chars(value); if(first) { count -= lencmpstr; for(pos=sindex;pos <= sindex+count;pos++) { for(i=0;src[pos+i]==cmpstr[i];) { if(++i==lencmpstr) { return(pos); } } } return(-1); } else { for(pos=sindex-lencmpstr+1;pos>sindex-count;pos--) { if(memcmp (src+pos, cmpstr, lencmpstr*sizeof(gunichar2))==0) { return(pos); } } return(-1); } } static gint32 string_invariant_indexof_char (MonoString *source, gint32 sindex, gint32 count, gunichar2 value, MonoBoolean first) { gint32 pos; gunichar2 *src; src = mono_string_chars(source); if(first) { for (pos = sindex; pos != count + sindex; pos++) { if (src [pos] == value) { return(pos); } } return(-1); } else { for (pos = sindex; pos > sindex - count; pos--) { if (src [pos] == value) return(pos); } return(-1); } } void load_normalization_resource (guint8 **argProps, guint8 **argMappedChars, guint8 **argCharMapIndex, guint8 **argHelperIndex, guint8 **argMapIdxToComposite, guint8 **argCombiningClass) { *argProps = (guint8*)props; *argMappedChars = (guint8*) mappedChars; *argCharMapIndex = (guint8*) charMapIndex; *argHelperIndex = (guint8*) helperIndex; *argMapIdxToComposite = (guint8*) mapIdxToComposite; *argCombiningClass = (guint8*)combiningClass; }