/* * metadata/gc.c: GC icalls. * * Author: Paolo Molaro * * Copyright 2002-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for mono_delegate_free_ftnptr () */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef HOST_WIN32 #include #endif typedef struct DomainFinalizationReq { MonoDomain *domain; HANDLE done_event; } DomainFinalizationReq; static gboolean gc_disabled = FALSE; static gboolean finalizing_root_domain = FALSE; gboolean log_finalizers = FALSE; gboolean mono_do_not_finalize = FALSE; gchar **mono_do_not_finalize_class_names = NULL; #define mono_finalizer_lock() mono_coop_mutex_lock (&finalizer_mutex) #define mono_finalizer_unlock() mono_coop_mutex_unlock (&finalizer_mutex) static MonoCoopMutex finalizer_mutex; static MonoCoopMutex reference_queue_mutex; static GSList *domains_to_finalize= NULL; static MonoMList *threads_to_finalize = NULL; static gboolean finalizer_thread_exited; /* Uses finalizer_mutex */ static MonoCoopCond exited_cond; static MonoInternalThread *gc_thread; static void object_register_finalizer (MonoObject *obj, void (*callback)(void *, void*)); static void reference_queue_proccess_all (void); static void mono_reference_queue_cleanup (void); static void reference_queue_clear_for_domain (MonoDomain *domain); static HANDLE pending_done_event; static guint32 guarded_wait (HANDLE handle, guint32 timeout, gboolean alertable) { guint32 result; MONO_ENTER_GC_SAFE; result = WaitForSingleObjectEx (handle, timeout, alertable); MONO_EXIT_GC_SAFE; return result; } static gboolean add_thread_to_finalize (MonoInternalThread *thread, MonoError *error) { mono_error_init (error); mono_finalizer_lock (); if (!threads_to_finalize) MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT_SINGLE (threads_to_finalize, MONO_ROOT_SOURCE_FINALIZER_QUEUE, "finalizable threads list"); threads_to_finalize = mono_mlist_append_checked (threads_to_finalize, (MonoObject*)thread, error); mono_finalizer_unlock (); return is_ok (error); } static gboolean suspend_finalizers = FALSE; /* * actually, we might want to queue the finalize requests in a separate thread, * but we need to be careful about the execution domain of the thread... */ void mono_gc_run_finalize (void *obj, void *data) { MonoError error; MonoObject *exc = NULL; MonoObject *o; #ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC MonoObject *o2; #endif MonoMethod* finalizer = NULL; MonoDomain *caller_domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoDomain *domain; RuntimeInvokeFunction runtime_invoke; // This function is called from the innards of the GC, so our best alternative for now is to do polling here mono_threads_safepoint (); o = (MonoObject*)((char*)obj + GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data)); if (mono_do_not_finalize) { if (!mono_do_not_finalize_class_names) return; size_t namespace_len = strlen (o->vtable->klass->name_space); for (int i = 0; mono_do_not_finalize_class_names [i]; ++i) { const char *name = mono_do_not_finalize_class_names [i]; if (strncmp (name, o->vtable->klass->name_space, namespace_len)) break; if (name [namespace_len] != '.') break; if (strcmp (name + namespace_len + 1, o->vtable->klass->name)) break; return; } } if (log_finalizers) g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "<%s at %p> Starting finalizer checks.", o->vtable->klass->name, o); if (suspend_finalizers) return; domain = o->vtable->domain; #ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC mono_domain_finalizers_lock (domain); o2 = (MonoObject *)g_hash_table_lookup (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, o); mono_domain_finalizers_unlock (domain); if (!o2) /* Already finalized somehow */ return; #endif /* make sure the finalizer is not called again if the object is resurrected */ object_register_finalizer ((MonoObject *)obj, NULL); if (log_finalizers) g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Registered finalizer as processed.", o->vtable->klass->name, o); if (o->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.internal_thread_class) { MonoInternalThread *t = (MonoInternalThread*)o; if (mono_gc_is_finalizer_internal_thread (t)) /* Avoid finalizing ourselves */ return; if (t->threadpool_thread && finalizing_root_domain) { /* Don't finalize threadpool threads when shutting down - they're finalized when the threadpool shuts down. */ if (!add_thread_to_finalize (t, &error)) goto unhandled_error; return; } } if (o->vtable->klass->image == mono_defaults.corlib && !strcmp (o->vtable->klass->name, "DynamicMethod") && finalizing_root_domain) { /* * These can't be finalized during unloading/shutdown, since that would * free the native code which can still be referenced by other * finalizers. * FIXME: This is not perfect, objects dying at the same time as * dynamic methods can still reference them even when !shutdown. */ return; } if (mono_runtime_get_no_exec ()) return; /* speedup later... and use a timeout */ /* g_print ("Finalize run on %p %s.%s\n", o, mono_object_class (o)->name_space, mono_object_class (o)->name); */ /* Use _internal here, since this thread can enter a doomed appdomain */ mono_domain_set_internal (mono_object_domain (o)); /* delegates that have a native function pointer allocated are * registered for finalization, but they don't have a Finalize * method, because in most cases it's not needed and it's just a waste. */ if (o->vtable->klass->delegate) { MonoDelegate* del = (MonoDelegate*)o; if (del->delegate_trampoline) mono_delegate_free_ftnptr ((MonoDelegate*)o); mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); return; } finalizer = mono_class_get_finalizer (o->vtable->klass); /* If object has a CCW but has no finalizer, it was only * registered for finalization in order to free the CCW. * Else it needs the regular finalizer run. * FIXME: what to do about ressurection and suppression * of finalizer on object with CCW. */ if (mono_marshal_free_ccw (o) && !finalizer) { mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); return; } /* * To avoid the locking plus the other overhead of mono_runtime_invoke_checked (), * create and precompile a wrapper which calls the finalize method using * a CALLVIRT. */ if (log_finalizers) g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Compiling finalizer.", o->vtable->klass->name, o); if (!domain->finalize_runtime_invoke) { MonoMethod *invoke = mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke (mono_class_get_method_from_name_flags (mono_defaults.object_class, "Finalize", 0, 0), TRUE); domain->finalize_runtime_invoke = mono_compile_method_checked (invoke, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); /* expect this not to fail */ } runtime_invoke = (RuntimeInvokeFunction)domain->finalize_runtime_invoke; mono_runtime_class_init_full (o->vtable, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) goto unhandled_error; if (G_UNLIKELY (MONO_GC_FINALIZE_INVOKE_ENABLED ())) { MONO_GC_FINALIZE_INVOKE ((unsigned long)o, mono_object_get_size (o), o->vtable->klass->name_space, o->vtable->klass->name); } if (log_finalizers) g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Calling finalizer.", o->vtable->klass->name, o); runtime_invoke (o, NULL, &exc, NULL); if (log_finalizers) g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Returned from finalizer.", o->vtable->klass->name, o); unhandled_error: if (!is_ok (&error)) exc = (MonoObject*)mono_error_convert_to_exception (&error); if (exc) mono_thread_internal_unhandled_exception (exc); mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); } void mono_gc_finalize_threadpool_threads (void) { while (threads_to_finalize) { MonoInternalThread *thread = (MonoInternalThread*) mono_mlist_get_data (threads_to_finalize); /* Force finalization of the thread. */ thread->threadpool_thread = FALSE; mono_object_register_finalizer ((MonoObject*)thread); mono_gc_run_finalize (thread, NULL); threads_to_finalize = mono_mlist_next (threads_to_finalize); } } gpointer mono_gc_out_of_memory (size_t size) { /* * we could allocate at program startup some memory that we could release * back to the system at this point if we're really low on memory (ie, size is * lower than the memory we set apart) */ mono_raise_exception (mono_domain_get ()->out_of_memory_ex); return NULL; } /* * Some of our objects may point to a different address than the address returned by GC_malloc() * (because of the GetHashCode hack), but we need to pass the real address to register_finalizer. * This also means that in the callback we need to adjust the pointer to get back the real * MonoObject*. * We also need to be consistent in the use of the GC_debug* variants of malloc and register_finalizer, * since that, too, can cause the underlying pointer to be offset. */ static void object_register_finalizer (MonoObject *obj, void (*callback)(void *, void*)) { MonoDomain *domain; g_assert (obj != NULL); domain = obj->vtable->domain; #if HAVE_BOEHM_GC if (mono_domain_is_unloading (domain) && (callback != NULL)) /* * Can't register finalizers in a dying appdomain, since they * could be invoked after the appdomain has been unloaded. */ return; mono_domain_finalizers_lock (domain); if (callback) g_hash_table_insert (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, obj, obj); else g_hash_table_remove (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, obj); mono_domain_finalizers_unlock (domain); mono_gc_register_for_finalization (obj, callback); #elif defined(HAVE_SGEN_GC) /* * If we register finalizers for domains that are unloading we might * end up running them while or after the domain is being cleared, so * the objects will not be valid anymore. */ if (!mono_domain_is_unloading (domain)) mono_gc_register_for_finalization (obj, callback); #endif } /** * mono_object_register_finalizer: * @obj: object to register * * Records that object @obj has a finalizer, this will call the * Finalize method when the garbage collector disposes the object. * */ void mono_object_register_finalizer (MonoObject *obj) { /* g_print ("Registered finalizer on %p %s.%s\n", obj, mono_object_class (obj)->name_space, mono_object_class (obj)->name); */ object_register_finalizer (obj, mono_gc_run_finalize); } /** * mono_domain_finalize: * @domain: the domain to finalize * @timeout: msects to wait for the finalization to complete, -1 to wait indefinitely * * Request finalization of all finalizable objects inside @domain. Wait * @timeout msecs for the finalization to complete. * * Returns: TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if there was a timeout */ gboolean mono_domain_finalize (MonoDomain *domain, guint32 timeout) { DomainFinalizationReq *req; guint32 res; HANDLE done_event; MonoInternalThread *thread = mono_thread_internal_current (); #if defined(__native_client__) return FALSE; #endif if (mono_thread_internal_current () == gc_thread) /* We are called from inside a finalizer, not much we can do here */ return FALSE; /* * No need to create another thread 'cause the finalizer thread * is still working and will take care of running the finalizers */ if (gc_disabled) return TRUE; /* We don't support domain finalization without a GC */ if (mono_gc_is_null ()) return FALSE; mono_gc_collect (mono_gc_max_generation ()); done_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (done_event == NULL) { return FALSE; } req = g_new0 (DomainFinalizationReq, 1); req->domain = domain; req->done_event = done_event; if (domain == mono_get_root_domain ()) finalizing_root_domain = TRUE; mono_finalizer_lock (); domains_to_finalize = g_slist_append (domains_to_finalize, req); mono_finalizer_unlock (); /* Tell the finalizer thread to finalize this appdomain */ mono_gc_finalize_notify (); if (timeout == -1) timeout = INFINITE; while (TRUE) { res = guarded_wait (done_event, timeout, TRUE); /* printf ("WAIT RES: %d.\n", res); */ if (res == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) { if ((thread->state & (ThreadState_StopRequested | ThreadState_SuspendRequested)) != 0) return FALSE; } else if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* We leak the handle here */ return FALSE; } else { break; } } CloseHandle (done_event); if (domain == mono_get_root_domain ()) { mono_threadpool_ms_cleanup (); mono_gc_finalize_threadpool_threads (); } mono_profiler_appdomain_event (domain, MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD); return TRUE; } void ves_icall_System_GC_InternalCollect (int generation) { mono_gc_collect (generation); } gint64 ves_icall_System_GC_GetTotalMemory (MonoBoolean forceCollection) { if (forceCollection) mono_gc_collect (mono_gc_max_generation ()); return mono_gc_get_used_size (); } void ves_icall_System_GC_KeepAlive (MonoObject *obj) { /* * Does nothing. */ } void ves_icall_System_GC_ReRegisterForFinalize (MonoObject *obj) { MONO_CHECK_ARG_NULL (obj,); object_register_finalizer (obj, mono_gc_run_finalize); } void ves_icall_System_GC_SuppressFinalize (MonoObject *obj) { MONO_CHECK_ARG_NULL (obj,); /* delegates have no finalizers, but we register them to deal with the * unmanaged->managed trampoline. We don't let the user suppress it * otherwise we'd leak it. */ if (obj->vtable->klass->delegate) return; /* FIXME: Need to handle case where obj has COM Callable Wrapper * generated for it that needs cleaned up, but user wants to suppress * their derived object finalizer. */ object_register_finalizer (obj, NULL); } void ves_icall_System_GC_WaitForPendingFinalizers (void) { if (mono_gc_is_null ()) return; if (!mono_gc_pending_finalizers ()) return; if (mono_thread_internal_current () == gc_thread) /* Avoid deadlocks */ return; /* If the finalizer thread is not live, lets pretend no finalizers are pending since the current thread might be the one responsible for starting it up. */ if (gc_thread == NULL) return; ResetEvent (pending_done_event); mono_gc_finalize_notify (); /* g_print ("Waiting for pending finalizers....\n"); */ guarded_wait (pending_done_event, INFINITE, TRUE); /* g_print ("Done pending....\n"); */ } void ves_icall_System_GC_register_ephemeron_array (MonoObject *array) { #ifdef HAVE_SGEN_GC if (!mono_gc_ephemeron_array_add (array)) { mono_set_pending_exception (mono_object_domain (array)->out_of_memory_ex); return; } #endif } MonoObject* ves_icall_System_GC_get_ephemeron_tombstone (void) { return mono_domain_get ()->ephemeron_tombstone; } MonoObject * ves_icall_System_GCHandle_GetTarget (guint32 handle) { return mono_gchandle_get_target (handle); } /* * if type == -1, change the target of the handle, otherwise allocate a new handle. */ guint32 ves_icall_System_GCHandle_GetTargetHandle (MonoObject *obj, guint32 handle, gint32 type) { if (type == -1) { mono_gchandle_set_target (handle, obj); /* the handle doesn't change */ return handle; } switch (type) { case HANDLE_WEAK: return mono_gchandle_new_weakref (obj, FALSE); case HANDLE_WEAK_TRACK: return mono_gchandle_new_weakref (obj, TRUE); case HANDLE_NORMAL: return mono_gchandle_new (obj, FALSE); case HANDLE_PINNED: return mono_gchandle_new (obj, TRUE); default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return 0; } void ves_icall_System_GCHandle_FreeHandle (guint32 handle) { mono_gchandle_free (handle); } gpointer ves_icall_System_GCHandle_GetAddrOfPinnedObject (guint32 handle) { MonoObject *obj; if (MONO_GC_HANDLE_TYPE (handle) != HANDLE_PINNED) return (gpointer)-2; obj = mono_gchandle_get_target (handle); if (obj) { MonoClass *klass = mono_object_class (obj); if (klass == mono_defaults.string_class) { return mono_string_chars ((MonoString*)obj); } else if (klass->rank) { return mono_array_addr ((MonoArray*)obj, char, 0); } else { /* the C# code will check and throw the exception */ /* FIXME: missing !klass->blittable test, see bug #61134 */ if ((klass->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_LAYOUT_MASK) == TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_LAYOUT) return (gpointer)-1; return (char*)obj + sizeof (MonoObject); } } return NULL; } MonoBoolean mono_gc_GCHandle_CheckCurrentDomain (guint32 gchandle) { return mono_gchandle_is_in_domain (gchandle, mono_domain_get ()); } static MonoCoopSem finalizer_sem; static volatile gboolean finished=FALSE; void mono_gc_finalize_notify (void) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message ( "%s: prodding finalizer", __func__); #endif if (mono_gc_is_null ()) return; mono_coop_sem_post (&finalizer_sem); } /* This is the number of entries allowed in the hazard free queue before we explicitly cycle the finalizer thread to trigger pumping the queue. It was picked empirically by running the corlib test suite in a stress scenario where all hazard entries are queued. In this extreme scenario we double the number of times we cycle the finalizer thread compared to just GC calls. Entries are usually in the order of 100's of bytes each, so we're limiting floating garbage to be in the order of a dozen kb. */ static gboolean finalizer_thread_pulsed; #define HAZARD_QUEUE_OVERFLOW_SIZE 20 static void hazard_free_queue_is_too_big (size_t size) { if (size < HAZARD_QUEUE_OVERFLOW_SIZE) return; if (finalizer_thread_pulsed || InterlockedCompareExchange (&finalizer_thread_pulsed, TRUE, FALSE)) return; mono_gc_finalize_notify (); } static void hazard_free_queue_pump (void) { mono_thread_hazardous_try_free_all (); finalizer_thread_pulsed = FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_BOEHM_GC static void collect_objects (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { GPtrArray *arr = (GPtrArray*)user_data; g_ptr_array_add (arr, key); } #endif /* * finalize_domain_objects: * * Run the finalizers of all finalizable objects in req->domain. */ static void finalize_domain_objects (DomainFinalizationReq *req) { MonoDomain *domain = req->domain; #if HAVE_SGEN_GC #define NUM_FOBJECTS 64 MonoObject *to_finalize [NUM_FOBJECTS]; int count; #endif /* Process finalizers which are already in the queue */ mono_gc_invoke_finalizers (); #ifdef HAVE_BOEHM_GC while (g_hash_table_size (domain->finalizable_objects_hash) > 0) { int i; GPtrArray *objs; /* * Since the domain is unloading, nobody is allowed to put * new entries into the hash table. But finalize_object might * remove entries from the hash table, so we make a copy. */ objs = g_ptr_array_new (); g_hash_table_foreach (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, collect_objects, objs); /* printf ("FINALIZING %d OBJECTS.\n", objs->len); */ for (i = 0; i < objs->len; ++i) { MonoObject *o = (MonoObject*)g_ptr_array_index (objs, i); /* FIXME: Avoid finalizing threads, etc */ mono_gc_run_finalize (o, 0); } g_ptr_array_free (objs, TRUE); } #elif defined(HAVE_SGEN_GC) while ((count = mono_gc_finalizers_for_domain (domain, to_finalize, NUM_FOBJECTS))) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mono_gc_run_finalize (to_finalize [i], 0); } } #endif /* cleanup the reference queue */ reference_queue_clear_for_domain (domain); /* printf ("DONE.\n"); */ SetEvent (req->done_event); /* The event is closed in mono_domain_finalize if we get here */ g_free (req); } static guint32 finalizer_thread (gpointer unused) { MonoError error; mono_thread_set_name_internal (mono_thread_internal_current (), mono_string_new (mono_get_root_domain (), "Finalizer"), FALSE, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); gboolean wait = TRUE; /* Register a hazard free queue pump callback */ mono_hazard_pointer_install_free_queue_size_callback (hazard_free_queue_is_too_big); while (!finished) { /* Wait to be notified that there's at least one * finaliser to run */ g_assert (mono_domain_get () == mono_get_root_domain ()); mono_gc_set_skip_thread (TRUE); if (wait) { /* An alertable wait is required so this thread can be suspended on windows */ mono_coop_sem_wait (&finalizer_sem, MONO_SEM_FLAGS_ALERTABLE); } wait = TRUE; mono_gc_set_skip_thread (FALSE); mono_threads_perform_thread_dump (); mono_console_handle_async_ops (); mono_attach_maybe_start (); if (domains_to_finalize) { mono_finalizer_lock (); if (domains_to_finalize) { DomainFinalizationReq *req = (DomainFinalizationReq *)domains_to_finalize->data; domains_to_finalize = g_slist_remove (domains_to_finalize, req); mono_finalizer_unlock (); finalize_domain_objects (req); } else { mono_finalizer_unlock (); } } /* If finished == TRUE, mono_gc_cleanup has been called (from mono_runtime_cleanup), * before the domain is unloaded. */ mono_gc_invoke_finalizers (); mono_threads_join_threads (); reference_queue_proccess_all (); hazard_free_queue_pump (); /* Avoid posting the pending done event until there are pending finalizers */ if (mono_coop_sem_timedwait (&finalizer_sem, 0, MONO_SEM_FLAGS_NONE) == 0) { /* Don't wait again at the start of the loop */ wait = FALSE; } else { SetEvent (pending_done_event); } } mono_finalizer_lock (); finalizer_thread_exited = TRUE; mono_coop_cond_signal (&exited_cond); mono_finalizer_unlock (); return 0; } #ifndef LAZY_GC_THREAD_CREATION static #endif void mono_gc_init_finalizer_thread (void) { MonoError error; gc_thread = mono_thread_create_internal (mono_domain_get (), finalizer_thread, NULL, FALSE, 0, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); } void mono_gc_init (void) { mono_coop_mutex_init_recursive (&finalizer_mutex); mono_coop_mutex_init_recursive (&reference_queue_mutex); mono_counters_register ("Minor GC collections", MONO_COUNTER_GC | MONO_COUNTER_UINT, &gc_stats.minor_gc_count); mono_counters_register ("Major GC collections", MONO_COUNTER_GC | MONO_COUNTER_UINT, &gc_stats.major_gc_count); mono_counters_register ("Minor GC time", MONO_COUNTER_GC | MONO_COUNTER_ULONG | MONO_COUNTER_TIME, &gc_stats.minor_gc_time); mono_counters_register ("Major GC time", MONO_COUNTER_GC | MONO_COUNTER_ULONG | MONO_COUNTER_TIME, &gc_stats.major_gc_time); mono_counters_register ("Major GC time concurrent", MONO_COUNTER_GC | MONO_COUNTER_ULONG | MONO_COUNTER_TIME, &gc_stats.major_gc_time_concurrent); mono_gc_base_init (); if (mono_gc_is_disabled ()) { gc_disabled = TRUE; return; } pending_done_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); g_assert (pending_done_event); mono_coop_cond_init (&exited_cond); mono_coop_sem_init (&finalizer_sem, 0); #ifndef LAZY_GC_THREAD_CREATION mono_gc_init_finalizer_thread (); #endif } void mono_gc_cleanup (void) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message ("%s: cleaning up finalizer", __func__); #endif if (mono_gc_is_null ()) return; if (!gc_disabled) { finished = TRUE; if (mono_thread_internal_current () != gc_thread) { gboolean timed_out = FALSE; gint64 start_ticks = mono_msec_ticks (); gint64 end_ticks = start_ticks + 2000; mono_gc_finalize_notify (); /* Finishing the finalizer thread, so wait a little bit... */ /* MS seems to wait for about 2 seconds */ while (!finalizer_thread_exited) { gint64 current_ticks = mono_msec_ticks (); guint32 timeout; if (current_ticks >= end_ticks) break; else timeout = end_ticks - current_ticks; mono_finalizer_lock (); if (!finalizer_thread_exited) mono_coop_cond_timedwait (&exited_cond, &finalizer_mutex, timeout); mono_finalizer_unlock (); } if (!finalizer_thread_exited) { int ret; /* Set a flag which the finalizer thread can check */ suspend_finalizers = TRUE; /* Try to abort the thread, in the hope that it is running managed code */ mono_thread_internal_stop (gc_thread); /* Wait for it to stop */ ret = guarded_wait (gc_thread->handle, 100, TRUE); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* * The finalizer thread refused to die. There is not much we * can do here, since the runtime is shutting down so the * state the finalizer thread depends on will vanish. */ g_warning ("Shutting down finalizer thread timed out."); timed_out = TRUE; } } if (!timed_out) { int ret; /* Wait for the thread to actually exit */ ret = guarded_wait (gc_thread->handle, INFINITE, TRUE); g_assert (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0); mono_thread_join (GUINT_TO_POINTER (gc_thread->tid)); } g_assert (finalizer_thread_exited); } gc_thread = NULL; mono_gc_base_cleanup (); } mono_reference_queue_cleanup (); mono_coop_mutex_destroy (&finalizer_mutex); mono_coop_mutex_destroy (&reference_queue_mutex); } gboolean mono_gc_is_finalizer_internal_thread (MonoInternalThread *thread) { return thread == gc_thread; } /** * mono_gc_is_finalizer_thread: * @thread: the thread to test. * * In Mono objects are finalized asynchronously on a separate thread. * This routine tests whether the @thread argument represents the * finalization thread. * * Returns: TRUE if @thread is the finalization thread. */ gboolean mono_gc_is_finalizer_thread (MonoThread *thread) { return mono_gc_is_finalizer_internal_thread (thread->internal_thread); } #if defined(__MACH__) static pthread_t mach_exception_thread; void mono_gc_register_mach_exception_thread (pthread_t thread) { mach_exception_thread = thread; } pthread_t mono_gc_get_mach_exception_thread (void) { return mach_exception_thread; } #endif static MonoReferenceQueue *ref_queues; static void ref_list_remove_element (RefQueueEntry **prev, RefQueueEntry *element) { do { /* Guard if head is changed concurrently. */ while (*prev != element) prev = &(*prev)->next; } while (prev && InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer *)prev, element->next, element) != element); } static void ref_list_push (RefQueueEntry **head, RefQueueEntry *value) { RefQueueEntry *current; do { current = *head; value->next = current; STORE_STORE_FENCE; /*Must make sure the previous store is visible before the CAS. */ } while (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer *)head, value, current) != current); } static void reference_queue_proccess (MonoReferenceQueue *queue) { RefQueueEntry **iter = &queue->queue; RefQueueEntry *entry; while ((entry = *iter)) { if (queue->should_be_deleted || !mono_gchandle_get_target (entry->gchandle)) { mono_gchandle_free ((guint32)entry->gchandle); ref_list_remove_element (iter, entry); queue->callback (entry->user_data); g_free (entry); } else { iter = &entry->next; } } } static void reference_queue_proccess_all (void) { MonoReferenceQueue **iter; MonoReferenceQueue *queue = ref_queues; for (; queue; queue = queue->next) reference_queue_proccess (queue); restart: mono_coop_mutex_lock (&reference_queue_mutex); for (iter = &ref_queues; *iter;) { queue = *iter; if (!queue->should_be_deleted) { iter = &queue->next; continue; } if (queue->queue) { mono_coop_mutex_unlock (&reference_queue_mutex); reference_queue_proccess (queue); goto restart; } *iter = queue->next; g_free (queue); } mono_coop_mutex_unlock (&reference_queue_mutex); } static void mono_reference_queue_cleanup (void) { MonoReferenceQueue *queue = ref_queues; for (; queue; queue = queue->next) queue->should_be_deleted = TRUE; reference_queue_proccess_all (); } static void reference_queue_clear_for_domain (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoReferenceQueue *queue = ref_queues; for (; queue; queue = queue->next) { RefQueueEntry **iter = &queue->queue; RefQueueEntry *entry; while ((entry = *iter)) { if (entry->domain == domain) { mono_gchandle_free ((guint32)entry->gchandle); ref_list_remove_element (iter, entry); queue->callback (entry->user_data); g_free (entry); } else { iter = &entry->next; } } } } /** * mono_gc_reference_queue_new: * @callback callback used when processing collected entries. * * Create a new reference queue used to process collected objects. * A reference queue let you add a pair of (managed object, user data) * using the mono_gc_reference_queue_add method. * * Once the managed object is collected @callback will be called * in the finalizer thread with 'user data' as argument. * * The callback is called from the finalizer thread without any locks held. * When a AppDomain is unloaded, all callbacks for objects belonging to it * will be invoked. * * @returns the new queue. */ MonoReferenceQueue* mono_gc_reference_queue_new (mono_reference_queue_callback callback) { MonoReferenceQueue *res = g_new0 (MonoReferenceQueue, 1); res->callback = callback; mono_coop_mutex_lock (&reference_queue_mutex); res->next = ref_queues; ref_queues = res; mono_coop_mutex_unlock (&reference_queue_mutex); return res; } /** * mono_gc_reference_queue_add: * @queue the queue to add the reference to. * @obj the object to be watched for collection * @user_data parameter to be passed to the queue callback * * Queue an object to be watched for collection, when the @obj is * collected, the callback that was registered for the @queue will * be invoked with @user_data as argument. * * @returns false if the queue is scheduled to be freed. */ gboolean mono_gc_reference_queue_add (MonoReferenceQueue *queue, MonoObject *obj, void *user_data) { RefQueueEntry *entry; if (queue->should_be_deleted) return FALSE; g_assert (obj != NULL); entry = g_new0 (RefQueueEntry, 1); entry->user_data = user_data; entry->domain = mono_object_domain (obj); entry->gchandle = mono_gchandle_new_weakref (obj, TRUE); mono_object_register_finalizer (obj); ref_list_push (&queue->queue, entry); return TRUE; } /** * mono_gc_reference_queue_free: * @queue the queue that should be freed. * * This operation signals that @queue should be freed. This operation is deferred * as it happens on the finalizer thread. * * After this call, no further objects can be queued. It's the responsibility of the * caller to make sure that no further attempt to access queue will be made. */ void mono_gc_reference_queue_free (MonoReferenceQueue *queue) { queue->should_be_deleted = TRUE; }