/* * file-io.c: File IO internal calls * * Author: * Dick Porter (dick@ximian.com) * Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) * * Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef DEBUG /* conversion functions */ static guint32 convert_mode(MonoFileMode mono_mode) { guint32 mode; switch(mono_mode) { case FileMode_CreateNew: mode=CREATE_NEW; break; case FileMode_Create: mode=CREATE_ALWAYS; break; case FileMode_Open: mode=OPEN_EXISTING; break; case FileMode_OpenOrCreate: mode=OPEN_ALWAYS; break; case FileMode_Truncate: mode=TRUNCATE_EXISTING; break; case FileMode_Append: mode=OPEN_ALWAYS; break; default: g_warning("System.IO.FileMode has unknown value 0x%x", mono_mode); /* Safe fallback */ mode=OPEN_EXISTING; } return(mode); } static guint32 convert_access(MonoFileAccess mono_access) { guint32 access; switch(mono_access) { case FileAccess_Read: access=GENERIC_READ; break; case FileAccess_Write: access=GENERIC_WRITE; break; case FileAccess_ReadWrite: access=GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE; break; default: g_warning("System.IO.FileAccess has unknown value 0x%x", mono_access); /* Safe fallback */ access=GENERIC_READ; } return(access); } static guint32 convert_share(MonoFileShare mono_share) { guint32 share = 0; if (mono_share & FileShare_Read) { share |= FILE_SHARE_READ; } if (mono_share & FileShare_Write) { share |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } if (mono_share & FileShare_Delete) { share |= FILE_SHARE_DELETE; } if (mono_share & ~(FileShare_Read|FileShare_Write|FileShare_Delete)) { g_warning("System.IO.FileShare has unknown value 0x%x", mono_share); /* Safe fallback */ share=0; } return(share); } #if 0 static guint32 convert_stdhandle(guint32 fd) { guint32 stdhandle; switch(fd) { case 0: stdhandle=STD_INPUT_HANDLE; break; case 1: stdhandle=STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE; break; case 2: stdhandle=STD_ERROR_HANDLE; break; default: g_warning("unknown standard file descriptor %d", fd); stdhandle=STD_INPUT_HANDLE; } return(stdhandle); } #endif static guint32 convert_seekorigin(MonoSeekOrigin origin) { guint32 w32origin; switch(origin) { case SeekOrigin_Begin: w32origin=FILE_BEGIN; break; case SeekOrigin_Current: w32origin=FILE_CURRENT; break; case SeekOrigin_End: w32origin=FILE_END; break; default: g_warning("System.IO.SeekOrigin has unknown value 0x%x", origin); /* Safe fallback */ w32origin=FILE_CURRENT; } return(w32origin); } static gint64 convert_filetime (const FILETIME *filetime) { guint64 ticks = filetime->dwHighDateTime; ticks <<= 32; ticks += filetime->dwLowDateTime; return (gint64)ticks; } static void convert_win32_file_attribute_data (const WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA *data, const gunichar2 *name, MonoIOStat *stat) { int len; stat->attributes = data->dwFileAttributes; stat->creation_time = convert_filetime (&data->ftCreationTime); stat->last_access_time = convert_filetime (&data->ftLastAccessTime); stat->last_write_time = convert_filetime (&data->ftLastWriteTime); stat->length = ((gint64)data->nFileSizeHigh << 32) | data->nFileSizeLow; len = 0; while (name [len]) ++ len; MONO_STRUCT_SETREF (stat, name, mono_string_new_utf16 (mono_domain_get (), name, len)); } /* Managed file attributes have nearly but not quite the same values * as the w32 equivalents. */ static guint32 convert_attrs(MonoFileAttributes attrs) { if(attrs & FileAttributes_Encrypted) { attrs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; } return(attrs); } /* * On Win32, GetFileAttributes|Ex () seems to try opening the file, * which might lead to sharing violation errors, whereas FindFirstFile * always succeeds. These 2 wrappers resort to FindFirstFile if * GetFileAttributes|Ex () has failed. */ static guint32 get_file_attributes (const gunichar2 *path) { guint32 res; WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; HANDLE find_handle; gint32 error; res = GetFileAttributes (path); if (res != -1) return res; error = GetLastError (); if (error != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) return res; find_handle = FindFirstFile (path, &find_data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return res; FindClose (find_handle); return find_data.dwFileAttributes; } static gboolean get_file_attributes_ex (const gunichar2 *path, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA *data) { gboolean res; WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; HANDLE find_handle; gint32 error; res = GetFileAttributesEx (path, GetFileExInfoStandard, data); if (res) return TRUE; error = GetLastError (); if (error != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) return FALSE; find_handle = FindFirstFile (path, &find_data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; FindClose (find_handle); data->dwFileAttributes = find_data.dwFileAttributes; data->ftCreationTime = find_data.ftCreationTime; data->ftLastAccessTime = find_data.ftLastAccessTime; data->ftLastWriteTime = find_data.ftLastWriteTime; data->nFileSizeHigh = find_data.nFileSizeHigh; data->nFileSizeLow = find_data.nFileSizeLow; return TRUE; } /* System.IO.MonoIO internal calls */ MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_CreateDirectory (MonoString *path, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=CreateDirectory (mono_string_chars (path), NULL); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_RemoveDirectory (MonoString *path, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=RemoveDirectory (mono_string_chars (path)); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoArray * ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetFileSystemEntries (MonoString *path, MonoString *path_with_pattern, gint attrs, gint mask, gint32 *error) { MonoDomain *domain; MonoArray *result; int i; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE find_handle; GPtrArray *names; gchar *utf8_path, *utf8_result, *full_name; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error = ERROR_SUCCESS; domain = mono_domain_get (); mask = convert_attrs (mask); find_handle = FindFirstFile (mono_string_chars (path_with_pattern), &data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { gint32 find_error = GetLastError (); if (find_error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { /* No files, so just return an empty array */ result = mono_array_new (domain, mono_defaults.string_class, 0); return(result); } *error = find_error; return(NULL); } utf8_path = mono_string_to_utf8 (path); /*If this raises there is not memory to release*/ names = g_ptr_array_new (); do { if ((data.cFileName[0] == '.' && data.cFileName[1] == 0) || (data.cFileName[0] == '.' && data.cFileName[1] == '.' && data.cFileName[2] == 0)) { continue; } if ((data.dwFileAttributes & mask) == attrs) { utf8_result = g_utf16_to_utf8 (data.cFileName, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (utf8_result == NULL) { continue; } full_name = g_build_filename (utf8_path, utf8_result, NULL); g_ptr_array_add (names, full_name); g_free (utf8_result); } } while(FindNextFile (find_handle, &data)); if (FindClose (find_handle) == FALSE) { *error = GetLastError (); result = NULL; } else { result = mono_array_new (domain, mono_defaults.string_class, names->len); for (i = 0; i < names->len; i++) { mono_array_setref (result, i, mono_string_new (domain, g_ptr_array_index (names, i))); } } for (i = 0; i < names->len; i++) { g_free (g_ptr_array_index (names, i)); } g_ptr_array_free (names, TRUE); g_free (utf8_path); return result; } typedef struct { MonoDomain *domain; gchar *utf8_path; HANDLE find_handle; } IncrementalFind; static gboolean incremental_find_check_match (IncrementalFind *handle, WIN32_FIND_DATA *data, MonoString **result) { gchar *utf8_result; gchar *full_name; if ((data->cFileName[0] == '.' && data->cFileName[1] == 0) || (data->cFileName[0] == '.' && data->cFileName[1] == '.' && data->cFileName[2] == 0)) return FALSE; utf8_result = g_utf16_to_utf8 (data->cFileName, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (utf8_result == NULL) return FALSE; full_name = g_build_filename (handle->utf8_path, utf8_result, NULL); g_free (utf8_result); *result = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), full_name); g_free (full_name); return TRUE; } MonoString * ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_FindFirst (MonoString *path, MonoString *path_with_pattern, gint32 *result_attr, gint32 *error, gpointer *handle) { WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE find_handle; IncrementalFind *ifh; MonoString *result; *error = ERROR_SUCCESS; find_handle = FindFirstFile (mono_string_chars (path_with_pattern), &data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { gint32 find_error = GetLastError (); *handle = NULL; if (find_error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return NULL; *error = find_error; return NULL; } ifh = g_new (IncrementalFind, 1); ifh->find_handle = find_handle; ifh->utf8_path = mono_string_to_utf8 (path); ifh->domain = mono_domain_get (); *handle = ifh; while (incremental_find_check_match (ifh, &data, &result) == 0){ if (FindNextFile (find_handle, &data) == FALSE){ int e = GetLastError (); if (e != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) *error = e; return NULL; } } *result_attr = data.dwFileAttributes; return result; } MonoString * ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_FindNext (gpointer handle, gint32 *result_attr, gint32 *error) { IncrementalFind *ifh = handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; MonoString *result; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { if (FindNextFile (ifh->find_handle, &data) == FALSE){ int e = GetLastError (); if (e != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) *error = e; return NULL; } } while (incremental_find_check_match (ifh, &data, &result) == 0); *result_attr = data.dwFileAttributes; return result; } int ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_FindClose (gpointer handle) { IncrementalFind *ifh = handle; gint32 error; if (FindClose (ifh->find_handle) == FALSE){ error = GetLastError (); } else error = ERROR_SUCCESS; g_free (ifh->utf8_path); g_free (ifh); return error; } MonoString * ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetCurrentDirectory (gint32 *error) { MonoString *result; gunichar2 *buf; int len, res_len; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; len = MAX_PATH + 1; /*FIXME this is too smal under most unix systems.*/ buf = g_new (gunichar2, len); *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; result = NULL; res_len = GetCurrentDirectory (len, buf); if (res_len > len) { /*buf is too small.*/ int old_res_len = res_len; g_free (buf); buf = g_new (gunichar2, res_len); res_len = GetCurrentDirectory (res_len, buf) == old_res_len; } if (res_len) { len = 0; while (buf [len]) ++ len; result = mono_string_new_utf16 (mono_domain_get (), buf, len); } else { *error=GetLastError (); } g_free (buf); return result; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_SetCurrentDirectory (MonoString *path, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=SetCurrentDirectory (mono_string_chars (path)); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_MoveFile (MonoString *path, MonoString *dest, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=MoveFile (mono_string_chars (path), mono_string_chars (dest)); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_ReplaceFile (MonoString *sourceFileName, MonoString *destinationFileName, MonoString *destinationBackupFileName, MonoBoolean ignoreMetadataErrors, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; gunichar2 *utf16_sourceFileName = NULL, *utf16_destinationFileName = NULL, *utf16_destinationBackupFileName = NULL; guint32 replaceFlags = REPLACEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; if (sourceFileName) utf16_sourceFileName = mono_string_chars (sourceFileName); if (destinationFileName) utf16_destinationFileName = mono_string_chars (destinationFileName); if (destinationBackupFileName) utf16_destinationBackupFileName = mono_string_chars (destinationBackupFileName); *error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (ignoreMetadataErrors) replaceFlags |= REPLACEFILE_IGNORE_MERGE_ERRORS; ret = ReplaceFile (utf16_destinationFileName, utf16_sourceFileName, utf16_destinationBackupFileName, replaceFlags, NULL, NULL); if (ret == FALSE) *error = GetLastError (); return ret; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_CopyFile (MonoString *path, MonoString *dest, MonoBoolean overwrite, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=CopyFile (mono_string_chars (path), mono_string_chars (dest), !overwrite); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_DeleteFile (MonoString *path, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=DeleteFile (mono_string_chars (path)); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } gint32 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetFileAttributes (MonoString *path, gint32 *error) { gint32 ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=get_file_attributes (mono_string_chars (path)); /* * The definition of INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES in the cygwin win32 * headers is wrong, hence this temporary workaround. * See * http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2003-09/msg01771.html */ if (ret==-1) { /* if(ret==INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { */ *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_SetFileAttributes (MonoString *path, gint32 attrs, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=SetFileAttributes (mono_string_chars (path), convert_attrs (attrs)); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } gint32 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetFileType (HANDLE handle, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=GetFileType (handle); if(ret==FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { /* Not necessarily an error, but the caller will have * to decide based on the error value. */ *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetFileStat (MonoString *path, MonoIOStat *stat, gint32 *error) { gboolean result; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; result = get_file_attributes_ex (mono_string_chars (path), &data); if (result) { convert_win32_file_attribute_data (&data, mono_string_chars (path), stat); } else { *error=GetLastError (); memset (stat, 0, sizeof (MonoIOStat)); } return result; } HANDLE ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Open (MonoString *filename, gint32 mode, gint32 access_mode, gint32 share, gint32 options, gint32 *error) { HANDLE ret; int attributes, attrs; gunichar2 *chars = mono_string_chars (filename); MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; if (options != 0){ if (options & FileOptions_Encrypted) attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; else attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; if (options & FileOptions_DeleteOnClose) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE; if (options & FileOptions_SequentialScan) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; if (options & FileOptions_RandomAccess) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS; if (options & FileOptions_Temporary) attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY; /* Not sure if we should set FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, how does this mix with the "Async" bool here? */ if (options & FileOptions_Asynchronous) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; if (options & FileOptions_WriteThrough) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH; } else attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; /* If we're opening a directory we need to set the extra flag */ attrs = get_file_attributes (chars); if (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { attributes |= FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS; } } ret=CreateFile (chars, convert_access (access_mode), convert_share (share), NULL, convert_mode (mode), attributes, NULL); if(ret==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Close (HANDLE handle, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=CloseHandle (handle); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } gint32 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Read (HANDLE handle, MonoArray *dest, gint32 dest_offset, gint32 count, gint32 *error) { guchar *buffer; gboolean result; guint32 n; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; if (dest_offset + count > mono_array_length (dest)) return 0; buffer = mono_array_addr (dest, guchar, dest_offset); result = ReadFile (handle, buffer, count, &n, NULL); if (!result) { *error=GetLastError (); return -1; } return (gint32)n; } gint32 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Write (HANDLE handle, MonoArray *src, gint32 src_offset, gint32 count, gint32 *error) { guchar *buffer; gboolean result; guint32 n; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; if (src_offset + count > mono_array_length (src)) return 0; buffer = mono_array_addr (src, guchar, src_offset); result = WriteFile (handle, buffer, count, &n, NULL); if (!result) { *error=GetLastError (); return -1; } return (gint32)n; } gint64 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Seek (HANDLE handle, gint64 offset, gint32 origin, gint32 *error) { gint32 offset_hi; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; offset_hi = offset >> 32; offset = SetFilePointer (handle, (gint32) (offset & 0xFFFFFFFF), &offset_hi, convert_seekorigin (origin)); if(offset==INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *error=GetLastError (); } return offset | ((gint64)offset_hi << 32); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Flush (HANDLE handle, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=FlushFileBuffers (handle); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } gint64 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetLength (HANDLE handle, gint32 *error) { gint64 length; guint32 length_hi; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; length = GetFileSize (handle, &length_hi); if(length==INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return length | ((gint64)length_hi << 32); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_SetLength (HANDLE handle, gint64 length, gint32 *error) { gint64 offset, offset_set; gint32 offset_hi; gint32 length_hi; gboolean result; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; /* save file pointer */ offset_hi = 0; offset = SetFilePointer (handle, 0, &offset_hi, FILE_CURRENT); if(offset==INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *error=GetLastError (); return(FALSE); } /* extend or truncate */ length_hi = length >> 32; offset_set=SetFilePointer (handle, length & 0xFFFFFFFF, &length_hi, FILE_BEGIN); if(offset_set==INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *error=GetLastError (); return(FALSE); } result = SetEndOfFile (handle); if(result==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); return(FALSE); } /* restore file pointer */ offset_set=SetFilePointer (handle, offset & 0xFFFFFFFF, &offset_hi, FILE_BEGIN); if(offset_set==INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *error=GetLastError (); return(FALSE); } return result; } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_SetFileTime (HANDLE handle, gint64 creation_time, gint64 last_access_time, gint64 last_write_time, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; const FILETIME *creation_filetime; const FILETIME *last_access_filetime; const FILETIME *last_write_filetime; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; if (creation_time < 0) creation_filetime = NULL; else creation_filetime = (FILETIME *)&creation_time; if (last_access_time < 0) last_access_filetime = NULL; else last_access_filetime = (FILETIME *)&last_access_time; if (last_write_time < 0) last_write_filetime = NULL; else last_write_filetime = (FILETIME *)&last_write_time; ret=SetFileTime (handle, creation_filetime, last_access_filetime, last_write_filetime); if(ret==FALSE) { *error=GetLastError (); } return(ret); } HANDLE ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_ConsoleOutput () { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); } HANDLE ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_ConsoleInput () { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); } HANDLE ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_ConsoleError () { MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; return GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_CreatePipe (HANDLE *read_handle, HANDLE *write_handle) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attr; gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; attr.nLength=sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); attr.bInheritHandle=TRUE; attr.lpSecurityDescriptor=NULL; ret=CreatePipe (read_handle, write_handle, &attr, 0); if(ret==FALSE) { /* FIXME: throw an exception? */ return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_DuplicateHandle (HANDLE source_process_handle, HANDLE source_handle, HANDLE target_process_handle, HANDLE *target_handle, gint32 access, gint32 inherit, gint32 options) { /* This is only used on Windows */ gboolean ret; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ret=DuplicateHandle (source_process_handle, source_handle, target_process_handle, target_handle, access, inherit, options); if(ret==FALSE) { /* FIXME: throw an exception? */ return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } gunichar2 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_VolumeSeparatorChar () { #if defined (TARGET_WIN32) return (gunichar2) ':'; /* colon */ #else return (gunichar2) '/'; /* forward slash */ #endif } gunichar2 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_DirectorySeparatorChar () { #if defined (TARGET_WIN32) return (gunichar2) '\\'; /* backslash */ #else return (gunichar2) '/'; /* forward slash */ #endif } gunichar2 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_AltDirectorySeparatorChar () { #if defined (TARGET_WIN32) return (gunichar2) '/'; /* forward slash */ #else return (gunichar2) '/'; /* slash, same as DirectorySeparatorChar */ #endif } gunichar2 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_PathSeparator () { #if defined (TARGET_WIN32) return (gunichar2) ';'; /* semicolon */ #else return (gunichar2) ':'; /* colon */ #endif } static const gunichar2 invalid_path_chars [] = { #if defined (TARGET_WIN32) 0x0022, /* double quote, which seems allowed in MS.NET but should be rejected */ 0x003c, /* less than */ 0x003e, /* greater than */ 0x007c, /* pipe */ 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, #endif 0x0000 /* null */ }; MonoArray * ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_get_InvalidPathChars () { MonoArray *chars; MonoDomain *domain; int i, n; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; domain = mono_domain_get (); n = sizeof (invalid_path_chars) / sizeof (gunichar2); chars = mono_array_new (domain, mono_defaults.char_class, n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++ i) mono_array_set (chars, gunichar2, i, invalid_path_chars [i]); return chars; } gint32 ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_GetTempPath (MonoString **mono_name) { gunichar2 *name; int ret; name=g_new0 (gunichar2, 256); ret=GetTempPath (256, name); if(ret>255) { /* Buffer was too short. Try again... */ g_free (name); name=g_new0 (gunichar2, ret+2); /* include the terminator */ ret=GetTempPath (ret, name); } if(ret>0) { #ifdef DEBUG g_message ("%s: Temp path is [%s] (len %d)", __func__, name, ret); #endif mono_gc_wbarrier_generic_store ((gpointer) mono_name, (MonoObject*) mono_string_new_utf16 (mono_domain_get (), name, ret)); } g_free (name); return(ret); } void ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Lock (HANDLE handle, gint64 position, gint64 length, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=LockFile (handle, position & 0xFFFFFFFF, position >> 32, length & 0xFFFFFFFF, length >> 32); if (ret == FALSE) { *error = GetLastError (); } } void ves_icall_System_IO_MonoIO_Unlock (HANDLE handle, gint64 position, gint64 length, gint32 *error) { gboolean ret; *error=ERROR_SUCCESS; ret=UnlockFile (handle, position & 0xFFFFFFFF, position >> 32, length & 0xFFFFFFFF, length >> 32); if (ret == FALSE) { *error = GetLastError (); } }