/* * decimal.c * * conversions and numerical operations for the c# type System.Decimal * * Author: Martin Weindel (martin.weindel@t-online.de) * * (C) 2001 by Martin Weindel */ /* * machine dependent configuration for * CSharp value type System.Decimal */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #ifndef DISABLE_DECIMAL /* needed for building microsoft dll */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define DECINLINE __inline #else #define DECINLINE #endif #define LIT_GUINT32(x) x #define LIT_GUINT64(x) x##LL /* we need a UInt64 type => guint64 */ #include #include "decimal.h" /* * Deal with anon union support. */ #define ss32 u.ss32 #define signscale u.signscale /* debugging stuff */ #ifdef _DEBUG #include #define PRECONDITION(flag) assert(flag) #define POSTCONDITION(flag) assert(flag) #define TEST(flag) assert(flag) #define INVARIANT_TEST(p) assert(p->signscale.scale >= 0 && p->signscale.scale <= DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE \ && p->signscale.reserved1 == 0 && p->signscale.reserved2 == 0); #else #define PRECONDITION(flag) #define POSTCONDITION(flag) #define TEST(flag) #define INVARIANT_TEST(p) #endif /*#ifdef _DEBUG*/ #define DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE 28 #define DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS 9 #define DECIMAL_SUCCESS 0 #define DECIMAL_FINISHED 1 #define DECIMAL_OVERFLOW 2 #define DECIMAL_INVALID_CHARACTER 2 #define DECIMAL_INTERNAL_ERROR 3 #define DECIMAL_INVALID_BITS 4 #define DECIMAL_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 5 #define DECIMAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 6 /* some MACROS */ #define DECINIT(src) memset(src, 0, sizeof(decimal_repr)) #define DECCOPY(dest, src) memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(decimal_repr)) #define DECSWAP(p1, p2, h) \ h = (p1)->ss32; (p1)->ss32 = (p2)->ss32; (p2)->ss32 = h; \ h = (p1)->hi32; (p1)->hi32 = (p2)->hi32; (p2)->hi32 = h; \ h = (p1)->mid32; (p1)->mid32 = (p2)->mid32; (p2)->mid32 = h; \ h = (p1)->lo32; (p1)->lo32 = (p2)->lo32; (p2)->lo32 = h; #define DECNEGATE(p1) (p1)->signscale.sign = 1 - (p1)->signscale.sign #define LIT_DEC128(hi, mid, lo) { (((guint64)mid)<<32 | lo), hi } #define DECTO128(pd, lo, hi) \ lo = (((guint64)(pd)->mid32) << 32) | (pd)->lo32; \ hi = (pd)->hi32; /* some constants */ #define LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT LIT_GUINT32(0x80000000) #define LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT LIT_GUINT64(0x8000000000000000) #define DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF -1000 static const guint32 constantsDecadeInt32Factors[DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS+1] = { LIT_GUINT32(1), LIT_GUINT32(10), LIT_GUINT32(100), LIT_GUINT32(1000), LIT_GUINT32(10000), LIT_GUINT32(100000), LIT_GUINT32(1000000), LIT_GUINT32(10000000), LIT_GUINT32(100000000), LIT_GUINT32(1000000000) }; typedef struct { guint64 lo; guint64 hi; } dec128_repr; static const dec128_repr dec128decadeFactors[DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE+1] = { LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 1u), /* == 1 */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 10u), /* == 10 */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 100u), /* == 100 */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 1000u), /* == 1e3m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 10000u), /* == 1e4m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 100000u), /* == 1e5m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 1000000u), /* == 1e6m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 10000000u), /* == 1e7m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 100000000u), /* == 1e8m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 0, 1000000000u), /* == 1e9m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 2u, 1410065408u), /* == 1e10m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 23u, 1215752192u), /* == 1e11m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 232u, 3567587328u), /* == 1e12m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 2328u, 1316134912u), /* == 1e13m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 23283u, 276447232u), /* == 1e14m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 232830u, 2764472320u), /* == 1e15m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 2328306u, 1874919424u), /* == 1e16m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 23283064u, 1569325056u), /* == 1e17m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 232830643u, 2808348672u), /* == 1e18m */ LIT_DEC128( 0, 2328306436u, 2313682944u), /* == 1e19m */ LIT_DEC128( 5u, 1808227885u, 1661992960u), /* == 1e20m */ LIT_DEC128( 54u, 902409669u, 3735027712u), /* == 1e21m */ LIT_DEC128( 542u, 434162106u, 2990538752u), /* == 1e22m */ LIT_DEC128( 5421u, 46653770u, 4135583744u), /* == 1e23m */ LIT_DEC128( 54210u, 466537709u, 2701131776u), /* == 1e24m */ LIT_DEC128( 542101u, 370409800u, 1241513984u), /* == 1e25m */ LIT_DEC128( 5421010u, 3704098002u, 3825205248u), /* == 1e26m */ LIT_DEC128( 54210108u, 2681241660u, 3892314112u), /* == 1e27m */ LIT_DEC128( 542101086u, 1042612833u, 268435456u), /* == 1e28m */ }; /* 192 bit addition: c = a + b addition is modulo 2**128, any carry is lost */ DECINLINE static void add128(guint64 alo, guint64 ahi, guint64 blo, guint64 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { alo += blo; if (alo < blo) ahi++; /* carry */ ahi += bhi; *pclo = alo; *pchi = ahi; } /* 128 bit subtraction: c = a - b subtraction is modulo 2**128, any carry is lost */ DECINLINE static void sub128(guint64 alo, guint64 ahi, guint64 blo, guint64 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { guint64 clo, chi; clo = alo - blo; chi = ahi - bhi; if (alo < blo) chi--; /* borrow */ *pclo = clo; *pchi = chi; } /* 192 bit addition: c = a + b addition is modulo 2**192, any carry is lost */ DECINLINE static void add192(guint64 alo, guint64 ami, guint64 ahi, guint64 blo, guint64 bmi, guint64 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pcmi, guint64* pchi) { alo += blo; if (alo < blo) { /* carry low */ ami++; if (ami == 0) ahi++; /* carry mid */ } ami += bmi; if (ami < bmi) ahi++; /* carry mid */ ahi += bhi; *pclo = alo; *pcmi = ami; *pchi = ahi; } /* 192 bit subtraction: c = a - b subtraction is modulo 2**192, any carry is lost */ DECINLINE static void sub192(guint64 alo, guint64 ami, guint64 ahi, guint64 blo, guint64 bmi, guint64 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pcmi, guint64* pchi) { guint64 clo, cmi, chi; clo = alo - blo; cmi = ami - bmi; chi = ahi - bhi; if (alo < blo) { if (cmi == 0) chi--; /* borrow mid */ cmi--; /* borrow low */ } if (ami < bmi) chi--; /* borrow mid */ *pclo = clo; *pcmi = cmi; *pchi = chi; } /* multiplication c(192bit) = a(96bit) * b(96bit) */ DECINLINE static void mult96by96to192(guint32 alo, guint32 ami, guint32 ahi, guint32 blo, guint32 bmi, guint32 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pcmi, guint64* pchi) { guint64 a, b, c, d; guint32 h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5; int carry0, carry1; a = ((guint64)alo) * blo; h0 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; carry0 = 0; b = ((guint64)alo) * bmi; c = ((guint64)ami) * blo; a += b; if (a < b) carry0++; a += c; if (a < c) carry0++; h1 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; carry1 = 0; b = ((guint64)alo) * bhi; c = ((guint64)ami) * bmi; d = ((guint64)ahi) * blo; a += b; if (a < b) carry1++; a += c; if (a < c) carry1++; a += d; if (a < d) carry1++; h2 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += carry0; carry0 = 0; b = ((guint64)ami) * bhi; c = ((guint64)ahi) * bmi; a += b; if (a < b) carry0++; a += c; if (a < c) carry0++; h3 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += carry1; b = ((guint64)ahi) * bhi; a += b; h4 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += carry0; h5 = (guint32) a; *pclo = ((guint64)h1) << 32 | h0; *pcmi = ((guint64)h3) << 32 | h2; *pchi = ((guint64)h5) << 32 | h4; } /* multiplication c(128bit) = a(96bit) * b(32bit) */ DECINLINE static void mult96by32to128(guint32 alo, guint32 ami, guint32 ahi, guint32 factor, guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { guint64 a; guint32 h0, h1; a = ((guint64)alo) * factor; h0 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += ((guint64)ami) * factor; h1 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += ((guint64)ahi) * factor; *pclo = ((guint64)h1) << 32 | h0; *pchi = a; } /* multiplication c(128bit) *= b(32bit) */ DECINLINE static int mult128by32(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, guint32 factor, int roundBit) { guint64 a; guint32 h0, h1; a = ((guint64)(guint32)(*pclo)) * factor; if (roundBit) a += factor / 2; h0 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += (*pclo >> 32) * factor; h1 = (guint32) a; *pclo = ((guint64)h1) << 32 | h0; a >>= 32; a += ((guint64)(guint32)(*pchi)) * factor; h0 = (guint32) a; a >>= 32; a += (*pchi >> 32) * factor; h1 = (guint32) a; *pchi = ((guint64)h1) << 32 | h0; return ((a >> 32) == 0) ? DECIMAL_SUCCESS : DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; } DECINLINE static int mult128DecadeFactor(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, int powerOfTen) { int idx, rc; while (powerOfTen > 0) { idx = (powerOfTen >= DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) ? DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS : powerOfTen; powerOfTen -= idx; rc = mult128by32(pclo, pchi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[idx], 0); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; } return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } /* division: x(128bit) /= factor(32bit) returns roundBit */ DECINLINE static int div128by32(guint64* plo, guint64* phi, guint32 factor, guint32* pRest) { guint64 a, b, c, h; h = *phi; a = (guint32)(h >> 32); b = a / factor; a -= b * factor; a <<= 32; a |= (guint32) h; c = a / factor; a -= c * factor; a <<= 32; *phi = b << 32 | (guint32)c; h = *plo; a |= (guint32)(h >> 32); b = a / factor; a -= b * factor; a <<= 32; a |= (guint32) h; c = a / factor; a -= c * factor; *plo = b << 32 | (guint32)c; if (pRest) *pRest = (guint32) a; a <<= 1; return (a >= factor || (a == factor && (c & 1) == 1)) ? 1 : 0; } /* division: x(192bit) /= factor(32bit) no rest and no rounding*/ DECINLINE static void div192by32(guint64* plo, guint64* pmi, guint64* phi, guint32 factor) { guint64 a, b, c, h; h = *phi; a = (guint32)(h >> 32); b = a / factor; a -= b * factor; a <<= 32; a |= (guint32) h; c = a / factor; a -= c * factor; a <<= 32; *phi = b << 32 | (guint32)c; h = *pmi; a |= (guint32)(h >> 32); b = a / factor; a -= b * factor; a <<= 32; a |= (guint32) h; c = a / factor; a -= c * factor; a <<= 32; *pmi = b << 32 | (guint32)c; h = *plo; a |= (guint32)(h >> 32); b = a / factor; a -= b * factor; a <<= 32; a |= (guint32) h; c = a / factor; a -= c * factor; a <<= 32; *plo = b << 32 | (guint32)c; } /* returns upper 32bit for a(192bit) /= b(32bit) a will contain remainder */ DECINLINE static guint32 div192by96to32withRest(guint64* palo, guint64* pami, guint64* pahi, guint32 blo, guint32 bmi, guint32 bhi) { guint64 rlo, rmi, rhi; /* remainder */ guint64 tlo, thi; /* term */ guint32 c; rlo = *palo; rmi = *pami; rhi = *pahi; if (rhi >= (((guint64)bhi) << 32)) { c = LIT_GUINT32(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { c = (guint32) (rhi / bhi); } mult96by32to128(blo, bmi, bhi, c, &tlo, &thi); sub192(rlo, rmi, rhi, 0, tlo, thi, &rlo, &rmi, &rhi); while (((gint64)rhi) < 0) { c--; add192(rlo, rmi, rhi, 0, (((guint64)bmi)<<32) | blo, bhi, &rlo, &rmi, &rhi); } *palo = rlo ; *pami = rmi ; *pahi = rhi; POSTCONDITION(rhi >> 32 == 0); return c; } /* c(128bit) = a(192bit) / b(96bit) b must be >= 2^95 */ DECINLINE static void div192by96to128(guint64 alo, guint64 ami, guint64 ahi, guint32 blo, guint32 bmi, guint32 bhi, guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { guint64 rlo, rmi, rhi; /* remainder */ guint32 h, c; PRECONDITION(ahi < (((guint64)bhi) << 32 | bmi) || (ahi == (((guint64)bhi) << 32 | bmi) && (ami >> 32) > blo)); /* high 32 bit*/ rlo = alo; rmi = ami; rhi = ahi; h = div192by96to32withRest(&rlo, &rmi, &rhi, blo, bmi, bhi); /* mid 32 bit*/ rhi = (rhi << 32) | (rmi >> 32); rmi = (rmi << 32) | (rlo >> 32); rlo <<= 32; *pchi = (((guint64)h) << 32) | div192by96to32withRest(&rlo, &rmi, &rhi, blo, bmi, bhi); /* low 32 bit */ rhi = (rhi << 32) | (rmi >> 32); rmi = (rmi << 32) | (rlo >> 32); rlo <<= 32; h = div192by96to32withRest(&rlo, &rmi, &rhi, blo, bmi, bhi); /* estimate lowest 32 bit (two last bits may be wrong) */ if (rhi >= bhi) { c = LIT_GUINT32(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { rhi <<= 32; c = (guint32) (rhi / bhi); } *pclo = (((guint64)h) << 32) | c; } DECINLINE static void roundUp128(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { if (++(*pclo) == 0) ++(*pchi); } DECINLINE static int normalize128(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, int* pScale, int roundFlag, int roundBit) { guint32 overhang = (guint32)(*pchi >> 32); int scale = *pScale; int deltaScale; while (overhang != 0) { for (deltaScale = 1; deltaScale < DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; deltaScale++) { if (overhang < constantsDecadeInt32Factors[deltaScale]) break; } scale -= deltaScale; if (scale < 0) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; roundBit = div128by32(pclo, pchi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[deltaScale], 0); overhang = (guint32)(*pchi >> 32); if (roundFlag && roundBit && *pclo == (guint64)-1 && (gint32)*pchi == (gint32)-1) { overhang = 1; } } *pScale = scale; if (roundFlag && roundBit) { roundUp128(pclo, pchi); TEST((*pchi >> 32) == 0); } return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } DECINLINE static int maxLeftShift(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA) { guint64 lo64 = (((guint64)(pA->mid32)) << 32) | pA->lo32; guint32 hi32 = pA->hi32; int shift; for (shift = 0; ((gint32)hi32) >= 0 && shift < 96; shift++) { hi32 <<= 1; if (((gint64)lo64) < 0) hi32++; lo64 <<= 1; } pA->lo32 = (guint32) lo64; pA->mid32 = (guint32)(lo64>>32); pA->hi32 = hi32; return shift; } DECINLINE static void rshift128(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { *pclo >>= 1; *pclo |= (*pchi & 1) << 63; *pchi >>= 1; } DECINLINE static void lshift96(guint32* pclo, guint32* pcmid, guint32* pchi) { *pchi <<= 1; *pchi |= (*pcmid & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) >> 31; *pcmid <<= 1; *pcmid |= (*pclo & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) >> 31; *pclo <<= 1; } DECINLINE static void lshift128(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi) { *pchi <<= 1; *pchi |= (*pclo & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) >> 63; *pclo <<= 1; } DECINLINE static void rshift192(guint64* pclo, guint64* pcmi, guint64* pchi) { *pclo >>= 1; *pclo |= (*pcmi & 1) << 63; *pcmi >>= 1; *pcmi |= (*pchi & 1) << 63; *pchi >>= 1; } static inline gint my_g_bit_nth_msf (gsize mask) { /* Mask is expected to be != 0 */ #if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) int r; __asm__("bsrl %1,%0\n\t" : "=r" (r) : "rm" (mask)); return r; #elif defined(__x86_64) && defined(__GNUC__) guint64 r; __asm__("bsrq %1,%0\n\t" : "=r" (r) : "rm" (mask)); return r; #elif defined(__i386__) && defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned long bIndex = 0; if (_BitScanReverse (&bIndex, mask)) return bIndex; return -1; #elif defined(__x86_64__) && defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned long bIndex = 0; if (_BitScanReverse64 (&bIndex, mask)) return bIndex; return -1; #elif defined(__s390x__) && defined(__NOT_YET) guint64 r; __asm__("\tlrvgr\t%1,%1\n" "\tflogr\t%0,%1\n" "\tjz\t0f\n" "\tlghi\t%0,-1\n" "0:\n" : "=r" (r) : "r" (mask) : "cc"); #else int i; i = sizeof (gsize) * 8; while (i > 0) { i --; if (mask & (1UL << i)) return i; } return -1; #endif } /* returns log2(a) or DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF for a = 0 */ DECINLINE static int log2_32(guint32 a) { if (a == 0) return DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF; return my_g_bit_nth_msf (a) + 1; } /* returns log2(a) or DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF for a = 0 */ DECINLINE static int log2_64(guint64 a) { if (a == 0) return DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 return my_g_bit_nth_msf (a) + 1; #else if ((a >> 32) == 0) return my_g_bit_nth_msf ((guint32)a) + 1; else return my_g_bit_nth_msf ((guint32)(a >> 32)) + 1 + 32; #endif } /* returns log2(a) or DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF for a = 0 */ DECINLINE static int log2_128(guint64 alo, guint64 ahi) { if (ahi == 0) return log2_64(alo); else return log2_64(ahi) + 64; } /* returns a upper limit for log2(a) considering scale */ DECINLINE static int log2withScale_128(guint64 alo, guint64 ahi, int scale) { int tlog2 = log2_128(alo, ahi); if (tlog2 < 0) tlog2 = 0; return tlog2 - (scale * 33219) / 10000; } DECINLINE static int pack128toDecimal(/*[Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, guint64 alo, guint64 ahi, int scale, int sign) { PRECONDITION((ahi >> 32) == 0); PRECONDITION(sign == 0 || sign == 1); PRECONDITION(scale >= 0 && scale <= DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE); if (scale < 0 || scale > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE || (ahi >> 32) != 0) { return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; } pA->lo32 = (guint32) alo; pA->mid32 = (guint32) (alo >> 32); pA->hi32 = (guint32) ahi; pA->signscale.sign = sign; pA->signscale.scale = scale; return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } DECINLINE static int adjustScale128(guint64* palo, guint64* pahi, int deltaScale) { int idx, rc; if (deltaScale < 0) { deltaScale *= -1; if (deltaScale > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE) return DECIMAL_INTERNAL_ERROR; while (deltaScale > 0) { idx = (deltaScale > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) ? DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS : deltaScale; deltaScale -= idx; div128by32(palo, pahi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[idx], 0); } } else if (deltaScale > 0) { if (deltaScale > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE) return DECIMAL_INTERNAL_ERROR; while (deltaScale > 0) { idx = (deltaScale > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) ? DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS : deltaScale; deltaScale -= idx; rc = mult128by32(palo, pahi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[idx], 0); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; } } return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } /* input: c * 10^-(*pScale) * 2^-exp output: c * 10^-(*pScale) with minScale <= *pScale <= maxScale and (chi >> 32) == 0 */ DECINLINE static int rescale128(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, int* pScale, int texp, int minScale, int maxScale, int roundFlag) { guint32 factor, overhang; int scale, i, rc, roundBit = 0; PRECONDITION(texp >= 0); scale = *pScale; if (texp > 0) { /* reduce exp */ while (texp > 0 && scale <= maxScale) { overhang = (guint32)(*pchi >> 32); /* The original loop was this: */ /* while (texp > 0 && (overhang > (2<> 32); } */ if (overhang > 0) { int msf = my_g_bit_nth_msf (overhang); int shift = msf - (DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS + 2); if (shift >= texp) shift = texp - 1; if (shift > 0) { texp -= shift; *pclo = (*pclo >> shift) | ((*pchi & ((1 << shift) - 1)) << (64 - shift)); *pchi >>= shift; overhang >>= shift; g_assert (texp > 0); g_assert (overhang > (2 << DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS)); } } while (texp > 0 && (overhang > (2<>= 1; } if (texp > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) i = DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; else i = texp; if (scale + i > maxScale) i = maxScale - scale; if (i == 0) break; texp -= i; scale += i; factor = constantsDecadeInt32Factors[i] >> i; /* 10^i/2^i=5^i */ mult128by32(pclo, pchi, factor, 0); /*printf("3: %.17e\n", (((double)chi) * pow(2,64) + clo) * pow(10, -scale) * pow(2, -texp));*/ } while (texp > 0) { if (--texp == 0) roundBit = (int)(*pclo & 1); rshift128(pclo, pchi); } } TEST(texp == 0); while (scale > maxScale) { i = scale - maxScale; if (i > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) i = DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; scale -= i; roundBit = div128by32(pclo, pchi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[i], 0); } while (scale < minScale) { if (!roundFlag) roundBit = 0; i = minScale - scale; if (i > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) i = DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; scale += i; rc = mult128by32(pclo, pchi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[i], roundBit); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; roundBit = 0; } TEST(scale >= 0 && scale <= DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE); *pScale = scale; return normalize128(pclo, pchi, pScale, roundFlag, roundBit); } guint32 rest; static void trimExcessScale(guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, int* pScale) { guint64 ilo = *pclo, lastlo; guint64 ihi = *pchi, lasthi; int scale = *pScale; int i = 0, roundBit; while (scale > 0) { scale--; i++; lastlo = ilo; lasthi = ihi; roundBit = div128by32(&ilo, &ihi, 10, &rest); if (rest != 0){ i--; if (i == 0) return; *pclo = lastlo; *pchi = lasthi; *pScale = scale+1; return; } } } /* performs a += b */ gint32 mono_decimalIncr(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB) { guint64 alo, ahi, blo, bhi; int log2A, log2B, log2Result, log10Result, rc; int subFlag, sign, scaleA, scaleB; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); DECTO128(pB, blo, bhi); sign = pA->signscale.sign; subFlag = sign - (int)pB->signscale.sign; scaleA = pA->signscale.scale; scaleB = pB->signscale.scale; if (scaleA == scaleB) { /* same scale, that's easy */ if (subFlag) { sub128(alo, ahi, blo, bhi, &alo, &ahi); if (ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) { alo--; alo = ~alo; if (alo == 0) ahi--; ahi = ~ahi; sign = !sign; } } else { add128(alo, ahi, blo, bhi, &alo, &ahi); } rc = normalize128(&alo, &ahi, &scaleA, 1, 0); } else { /* scales must be adjusted */ /* Estimate log10 and scale of result for adjusting scales */ log2A = log2withScale_128(alo, ahi, scaleA); log2B = log2withScale_128(blo, bhi, scaleB); log2Result = MAX (log2A, log2B); if (!subFlag) log2Result++; /* result can have one bit more */ log10Result = (log2Result * 1000) / 3322 + 1; /* we will calculate in 128bit, so we may need to adjust scale */ if (scaleB > scaleA) scaleA = scaleB; if (scaleA + log10Result > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE + 7) { /* this may not fit in 128bit, so limit it */ scaleA = DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE + 7 - log10Result; } rc = adjustScale128(&alo, &ahi, scaleA - (int)pA->signscale.scale); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; rc = adjustScale128(&blo, &bhi, scaleA - scaleB); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; if (subFlag) { sub128(alo, ahi, blo, bhi, &alo, &ahi); if (ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) { alo--; alo = ~alo; if (alo == 0) ahi--; ahi = ~ahi; sign = !sign; } } else { add128(alo, ahi, blo, bhi, &alo, &ahi); } rc = rescale128(&alo, &ahi,&scaleA, 0, 0, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE, 1); } if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; return pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, scaleA, sign); } /* performs a += factor * constants[idx] */ static int incMultConstant128(guint64* palo, guint64* pahi, int idx, int factor) { guint64 blo, bhi, h; PRECONDITION(idx >= 0 && idx <= DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE); PRECONDITION(factor > 0 && factor <= 9); blo = dec128decadeFactors[idx].lo; h = bhi = dec128decadeFactors[idx].hi; if (factor != 1) { mult128by32(&blo, &bhi, factor, 0); if (h > bhi) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; } h = *pahi; add128(*palo, *pahi, blo, bhi, palo, pahi); if (h > *pahi) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } DECINLINE static void div128DecadeFactor(guint64* palo, guint64* pahi, int powerOfTen) { int idx, roundBit = 0; while (powerOfTen > 0) { idx = (powerOfTen > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) ? DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS : powerOfTen; powerOfTen -= idx; roundBit = div128by32(palo, pahi, constantsDecadeInt32Factors[idx], 0); } if (roundBit) roundUp128(palo, pahi); } /* calc significant digits of mantisse */ DECINLINE static int calcDigits(guint64 alo, guint64 ahi) { int tlog2 = 0; int tlog10; if (ahi == 0) { if (alo == 0) { return 0; /* zero has no signficant digits */ } else { tlog2 = log2_64(alo); } } else { tlog2 = 64 + log2_64(ahi); } tlog10 = (tlog2 * 1000) / 3322; /* we need an exact floor value of log10(a) */ if (dec128decadeFactors[tlog10].hi > ahi || (dec128decadeFactors[tlog10].hi == ahi && dec128decadeFactors[tlog10].lo > alo)) { --tlog10; } return tlog10+1; } gint32 mono_double2decimal(/*[Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, double val, gint32 digits) { guint64 alo, ahi; guint64* p = (guint64*)(&val); int sigDigits, sign, texp, rc, scale; guint16 k; PRECONDITION(digits <= 15); sign = ((*p & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) != 0) ? 1 : 0; // Exponent k = ((guint16)((*p) >> 52)) & 0x7FF; // 1-bit followed by the fraction component from the float alo = (*p & LIT_GUINT64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) | LIT_GUINT64(0x10000000000000); ahi = 0; texp = (k & 0x7FF) - 0x3FF; if (k == 0x7FF || texp >= 96) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; /* NaNs, SNaNs, Infinities or >= 2^96 */ if (k == 0 || texp <= -94) { /* Subnormals, Zeros or < 2^-94 */ DECINIT(pA); /* return zero */ return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } texp -= 52; if (texp > 0) { for (; texp > 0; texp--) { lshift128(&alo, &ahi); } } scale = 0; rc = rescale128(&alo, &ahi, &scale, -texp, 0, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE, 1); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; sigDigits = calcDigits(alo, ahi); /* too much digits, then round */ if (sigDigits > digits) { div128DecadeFactor(&alo, &ahi, sigDigits - digits); scale -= sigDigits - digits; /* check value, may be 10^(digits+1) caused by rounding */ if (ahi == dec128decadeFactors[digits].hi && alo == dec128decadeFactors[digits].lo) { div128by32(&alo, &ahi, 10, 0); scale--; } if (scale < 0) { rc = mult128DecadeFactor(&alo, &ahi, -scale); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; scale = 0; } } // // Turn the double 0.6 which at this point is: // 0.6000000000000000 // into: // 0.6 // trimExcessScale (&alo, &ahi, &scale); return pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, scale, sign); } /** * mono_string2decimal: * @decimal_repr: * @str: * @decrDecimal: * @sign: * * converts a digit string to decimal * The significant digits must be passed as an integer in buf ! * * 1. Example: * if you want to convert the number 123.456789012345678901234 to decimal * buf := "123456789012345678901234" * decrDecimal := 3 * sign := 0 * * 2. Example: * you want to convert -79228162514264337593543950335 to decimal * buf := "79228162514264337593543950335" * decrDecimal := 29 * sign := 1 * * 3. Example: * you want to convert -7922816251426433759354395033.250000000000001 to decimal * buf := "7922816251426433759354395033250000000000001" * decrDecimal := 29 * sign := 1 * returns (decimal)-7922816251426433759354395033.3 * * 4. Example: * you want to convert -7922816251426433759354395033.250000000000000 to decimal * buf := "7922816251426433759354395033250000000000000" * decrDecimal := 29 * sign := 1 * returns (decimal)-7922816251426433759354395033.2 * * 5. Example: * you want to convert -7922816251426433759354395033.150000000000000 to decimal * buf := "7922816251426433759354395033150000000000000" * decrDecimal := 29 * sign := 1 * returns (decimal)-7922816251426433759354395033.2 * * Uses banker's rule for rounding if there are more digits than can be * represented by the significant */ gint32 mono_string2decimal(/*[Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, MonoString* str, gint32 decrDecimal, gint32 sign) { gushort *buf = mono_string_chars(str); gushort *p; guint64 alo, ahi; int n, rc, i, len, sigLen = -1, firstNonZero; int scale, roundBit = 0; alo = ahi = 0; DECINIT(pA); for (p = buf, len = 0; *p != 0; len++, p++) { } for (p = buf, i = 0; *p != 0; i++, p++) { n = *p - '0'; if (n < 0 || n > 9) { return DECIMAL_INVALID_CHARACTER; } if (n) { if (sigLen < 0) { firstNonZero = i; sigLen = (len - firstNonZero > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE+1) ? DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE+1+firstNonZero : len; if (decrDecimal > sigLen+1) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; } if (i >= sigLen) break; rc = incMultConstant128(&alo, &ahi, sigLen - 1 - i, n); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) { return rc; } } } scale = sigLen - decrDecimal; if (i < len) { /* too much digits, we must round */ n = buf[i] - '0'; if (n < 0 || n > 9) { return DECIMAL_INVALID_CHARACTER; } if (n > 5) roundBit = 1; else if (n == 5) { /* we must take a nearer look */ n = buf[i-1] - '0'; for (++i; i < len; ++i) { if (buf[i] != '0') break; /* we are greater than .5 */ } if (i < len /* greater than exactly .5 */ || n % 2 == 1) { /* exactly .5, use banker's rule for rounding */ roundBit = 1; } } } if (ahi != 0) { rc = normalize128(&alo, &ahi, &scale, 1, roundBit); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; } if (alo == 0 && ahi == 0) { DECINIT(pA); return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } else { return pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, sigLen - decrDecimal, sign); } } /** * mono_decimal2string: * @ * returns minimal number of digit string to represent decimal * No leading or trailing zeros ! * Examples: * *pA == 0 => buf = "", *pDecPos = 1, *pSign = 0 * *pA == 12.34 => buf = "1234", *pDecPos = 2, *pSign = 0 * *pA == -1000.0000 => buf = "1", *pDecPos = 4, *pSign = 1 * *pA == -0.00000076 => buf = "76", *pDecPos = -6, *pSign = 0 * * Parameters: * pA decimal instance to convert * digits < 0: use decimals instead * = 0: gets mantisse as integer * > 0: gets at most digits, rounded according to banker's rule if necessary * decimals only used if digits < 0 * >= 0: number of decimal places * buf pointer to result buffer * bufSize size of buffer * pDecPos receives insert position of decimal point relative to start of buffer * pSign receives sign */ gint32 mono_decimal2string(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, gint32 digits, gint32 decimals, MonoArray* pArray, gint32 bufSize, gint32* pDecPos, gint32* pSign) { guint16 tmp[41]; guint16 *buf = (guint16*) mono_array_addr(pArray, guint16, 0); guint16 *q, *p = tmp; decimal_repr aa; guint64 alo, ahi; guint32 rest; gint32 sigDigits, d; int i, scale, len; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; scale = pA->signscale.scale; DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); sigDigits = calcDigits(alo, ahi); /* significant digits */ /* calc needed digits (without leading or trailing zeros) */ d = (digits == 0) ? sigDigits : digits; if (d < 0) { /* use decimals ? */ if (0 <= decimals && decimals < scale) { d = sigDigits - scale + decimals; } else { d = sigDigits; /* use all you can get */ } } if (sigDigits > d) { /* we need to round decimal number */ DECCOPY(&aa, pA); aa.signscale.scale = DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE; mono_decimalRound(&aa, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE - sigDigits + d); DECTO128(&aa, alo, ahi); sigDigits += calcDigits(alo, ahi) - d; } len = 0; if (d > 0) { /* get digits starting from the tail */ for (; (alo != 0 || ahi != 0) && len < 40; len++) { div128by32(&alo, &ahi, 10, &rest); *p++ = '0' + (char) rest; } } *p = 0; if (len >= bufSize) return DECIMAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; /* now we have the minimal count of digits, extend to wished count of digits or decimals */ q = buf; if (digits >= 0) { /* count digits */ if (digits >= bufSize) return DECIMAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; if (len == 0) { /* zero or rounded to zero */ *pDecPos = 1; } else { /* copy significant digits */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { *q++ = *(--p); } *pDecPos = sigDigits - scale; } /* add trailing zeros */ for (i = len; i < digits; i++) { *q++ = '0'; } } else { /* count decimals */ if (scale >= sigDigits) { /* add leading zeros */ if (decimals+2 >= bufSize) return DECIMAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; *pDecPos = 1; for (i = 0; i <= scale - sigDigits; i++) { *q++ = '0'; } } else { if (sigDigits - scale + decimals+1 >= bufSize) return DECIMAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; *pDecPos = sigDigits - scale; } /* copy significant digits */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { *q++ = *(--p); } /* add trailing zeros */ for (i = scale; i < decimals; i++) { *q++ = '0'; } } *q = 0; *pSign = (sigDigits > 0) ? pA->signscale.sign : 0; /* zero has positive sign */ return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } /** * mono_decimal2UInt64: * @pA * @pResult * converts a decimal to an UInt64 without rounding */ gint32 mono_decimal2UInt64(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, guint64* pResult) { guint64 alo, ahi; int scale; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); scale = pA->signscale.scale; if (scale > 0) { div128DecadeFactor(&alo, &ahi, scale); } /* overflow if integer too large or < 0 */ if (ahi != 0 || (alo != 0 && pA->signscale.sign)) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; *pResult = alo; return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } /** * mono_decimal2Int64: * @pA: * pResult: * converts a decimal to an Int64 without rounding */ gint32 mono_decimal2Int64(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, gint64* pResult) { guint64 alo, ahi; int sign, scale; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); scale = pA->signscale.scale; if (scale > 0) { div128DecadeFactor(&alo, &ahi, scale); } if (ahi != 0) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; sign = pA->signscale.sign; if (sign && alo != 0) { if (alo > LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; *pResult = (gint64) ~(alo-1); } else { if (alo & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) return DECIMAL_OVERFLOW; *pResult = (gint64) alo; } return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } void mono_decimalFloorAndTrunc(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, gint32 floorFlag) { guint64 alo, ahi; guint32 factor, rest; int scale, sign, idx; int hasRest = 0; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; scale = pA->signscale.scale; if (scale == 0) return; /* nothing to do */ DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); sign = pA->signscale.sign; while (scale > 0) { idx = (scale > DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) ? DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS : scale; factor = constantsDecadeInt32Factors[idx]; scale -= idx; div128by32(&alo, &ahi, factor, &rest); hasRest = hasRest || (rest != 0); } if (floorFlag && hasRest && sign) { /* floor: if negative, we must round up */ roundUp128(&alo, &ahi); } pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, 0, sign); } void mono_decimalRound(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, gint32 decimals) { guint64 alo, ahi; int scale, sign; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); scale = pA->signscale.scale; sign = pA->signscale.sign; if (scale > decimals) { div128DecadeFactor(&alo, &ahi, scale - decimals); scale = decimals; } pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, scale, sign); } gint32 mono_decimalMult(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB) { guint64 low, mid, high; guint32 factor; int scale, sign, rc; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; mult96by96to192(pA->lo32, pA->mid32, pA->hi32, pB->lo32, pB->mid32, pB->hi32, &low, &mid, &high); /* adjust scale and sign */ scale = (int)pA->signscale.scale + (int)pB->signscale.scale; sign = pA->signscale.sign ^ pB->signscale.sign; /* first scaling step */ factor = constantsDecadeInt32Factors[DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS]; while (high != 0 || (mid>>32) >= factor) { if (high < 100) { factor /= 1000; /* we need some digits for final rounding */ scale -= DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS - 3; } else { scale -= DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; } div192by32(&low, &mid, &high, factor); } /* second and final scaling */ rc = rescale128(&low, &mid, &scale, 0, 0, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE, 1); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; return pack128toDecimal(pA, low, mid, scale, sign); } static DECINLINE int decimalDivSub(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB, guint64* pclo, guint64* pchi, int* pExp) { guint64 alo, ami, ahi; guint64 tlo, tmi, thi; guint32 blo, bmi, bhi; int ashift, bshift, extraBit, texp; ahi = (((guint64)(pA->hi32)) << 32) | pA->mid32; ami = ((guint64)(pA->lo32)) << 32; alo = 0; blo = pB->lo32; bmi = pB->mid32; bhi = pB->hi32; if (blo == 0 && bmi == 0 && bhi == 0) { return DECIMAL_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO; } if (ami == 0 && ahi == 0) { *pclo = *pchi = 0; return DECIMAL_FINISHED; } /* enlarge dividend to get maximal precision */ if (ahi == 0) { ahi = ami; ami = 0; for (ashift = 64; (ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) == 0; ++ashift) { ahi <<= 1; } } else { for (ashift = 0; (ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) == 0; ++ashift) { lshift128(&ami, &ahi); } } /* ensure that divisor is at least 2^95 */ if (bhi == 0) { if (bmi == 0) { guint32 hi_shift; bhi = blo; bmi = 0; blo = 0; //g_assert (g_bit_nth_msf (bhi, 32) == my_g_bit_nth_msf (bhi)); hi_shift = 31 - my_g_bit_nth_msf (bhi); bhi <<= hi_shift; bshift = 64 + hi_shift; } else { bhi = bmi; bmi = blo; blo = 0; for (bshift = 32; (bhi & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) == 0; ++bshift) { bhi <<= 1; bhi |= (bmi & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) >> 31; bmi <<= 1; } } } else { for (bshift = 0; (bhi & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) == 0; ++bshift) { bhi <<= 1; bhi |= (bmi & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) >> 31; bmi <<= 1; bmi |= (blo & LIT_GUINT32_HIGHBIT) >> 31; blo <<= 1; } } thi = ((guint64)bhi)<<32 | bmi; tmi = ((guint64)blo)<<32; tlo = 0; if (ahi > thi || (ahi == thi && ami >= tmi)) { sub192(alo, ami, ahi, tlo, tmi, thi, &alo, &ami, &ahi); extraBit = 1; } else { extraBit = 0; } div192by96to128(alo, ami, ahi, blo, bmi, bhi, pclo, pchi); texp = 128 + ashift - bshift; if (extraBit) { rshift128(pclo, pchi); *pchi += LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT; texp--; } /* try loss free right shift */ while (texp > 0 && (*pclo & 1) == 0) { /* right shift */ rshift128(pclo, pchi); texp--; } *pExp = texp; return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } gint32 mono_decimalDiv(/*[Out]*/decimal_repr* pC, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB) { guint64 clo, chi; /* result */ int scale, texp, rc; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; /* Check for common cases */ if (mono_decimalCompare (pA, pB) == 0) /* One */ return pack128toDecimal (pC, 1, 0, 0, 0); pA->signscale.sign = pA->signscale.sign ? 0 : 1; if (mono_decimalCompare (pA, pB) == 0) /* Minus one */ return pack128toDecimal (pC, 1, 0, 0, 1); pA->signscale.sign = pA->signscale.sign ? 0 : 1; rc = decimalDivSub(pA, pB, &clo, &chi, &texp); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) { if (rc == DECIMAL_FINISHED) rc = DECIMAL_SUCCESS; return rc; } /* adjust scale and sign */ scale = (int)pA->signscale.scale - (int)pB->signscale.scale; /*test: printf("0: %.17e\n", (((double)chi) * pow(2,64) + clo) * pow(10, -scale) * pow(2, -exp));*/ rc = rescale128(&clo, &chi, &scale, texp, 0, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE, 1); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; return pack128toDecimal(pC, clo, chi, scale, pA->signscale.sign ^ pB->signscale.sign); } gint32 mono_decimalIntDiv(/*[Out]*/decimal_repr* pC, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB) { guint64 clo, chi; /* result */ int scale, texp, rc; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; rc = decimalDivSub(pA, pB, &clo, &chi, &texp); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) { if (rc == DECIMAL_FINISHED) rc = DECIMAL_SUCCESS; return rc; } /* calc scale */ scale = (int)pA->signscale.scale - (int)pB->signscale.scale; /* truncate result to integer */ rc = rescale128(&clo, &chi, &scale, texp, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; return pack128toDecimal(pC, clo, chi, scale, pA->signscale.sign); } /* approximation for log2 of a If q is the exact value for log2(a), then q <= decimalLog2(a) <= q+1 */ DECINLINE static int decimalLog2(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA) { int tlog2; int scale = pA->signscale.scale; if (pA->hi32 != 0) tlog2 = 64 + log2_32(pA->hi32); else if (pA->mid32 != 0) tlog2 = 32 + log2_32(pA->mid32); else tlog2 = log2_32(pA->lo32); if (tlog2 != DECIMAL_LOG_NEGINF) { tlog2 -= (scale * 33219) / 10000; } return tlog2; } DECINLINE static int decimalIsZero(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA) { return (pA->lo32 == 0 && pA->mid32 == 0 && pA->hi32 == 0); } gint32 mono_decimalCompare(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA, /*[In]*/decimal_repr* pB) { int log2a, log2b, delta, sign; decimal_repr aa; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; sign = (pA->signscale.sign) ? -1 : 1; if (pA->signscale.sign ^ pB->signscale.sign) { return (decimalIsZero(pA) && decimalIsZero(pB)) ? 0 : sign; } /* try fast comparison via log2 */ log2a = decimalLog2(pA); log2b = decimalLog2(pB); delta = log2a - log2b; /* decimalLog2 is not exact, so we can say nothing if abs(delta) <= 1 */ if (delta < -1) return -sign; if (delta > 1) return sign; DECCOPY(&aa, pA); DECNEGATE(&aa); mono_decimalIncr(&aa, pB); if (decimalIsZero(&aa)) return 0; return (aa.signscale.sign) ? 1 : -1; } /* d=(-1)^sign * n * 2^(k-52) with sign (1bit), k(11bit), n-2^52(52bit) */ DECINLINE static void buildIEEE754Double(double* pd, int sign, int texp, guint64 mantisse) { guint64* p = (guint64*) pd; PRECONDITION(sign == 0 || sign == 1); *p = (((guint64)sign) << 63) | (((guint64)((1023+texp)&0x7ff)) << 52) | mantisse; #ifdef ARM_FPU_FPA #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN { guint32 temp; guint32 *t = (guint32*)p; temp = t [0]; t [0] = t [1]; t [1] = temp; } #endif #endif } double mono_decimal2double(/*[In]*/decimal_repr* pA) { double d; guint64 alo, ahi, mantisse; guint32 overhang, factor, roundBits; int scale, texp, log5, i; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; ahi = (((guint64)(pA->hi32)) << 32) | pA->mid32; alo = ((guint64)(pA->lo32)) << 32; /* special case zero */ if (ahi == 0 && alo == 0) return 0.0; texp = 0; scale = pA->signscale.scale; /* transform n * 10^-scale and exp = 0 => m * 2^-exp and scale = 0 */ while (scale > 0) { while ((ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) == 0) { lshift128(&alo, &ahi); texp++; } overhang = (guint32) (ahi >> 32); if (overhang >= 5) { /* estimate log5 */ log5 = (log2_32(overhang) * 1000) / 2322; /* ln(5)/ln(2) = 2.3219... */ if (log5 < DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS) { /* get maximal factor=5^i, so that overhang / factor >= 1 */ factor = constantsDecadeInt32Factors[log5] >> log5; /* 5^n = 10^n/2^n */ i = log5 + overhang / factor; } else { i = DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS; /* we have only constants up to 10^DECIMAL_MAX_INTFACTORS */ } if (i > scale) i = scale; factor = constantsDecadeInt32Factors[i] >> i; /* 5^n = 10^n/2^n */ /* n * 10^-scale * 2^-exp => m * 10^-(scale-i) * 2^-(exp+i) with m = n * 5^-i */ div128by32(&alo, &ahi, factor, 0); scale -= i; texp += i; } } /* normalize significand (highest bit should be 1) */ while ((ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) == 0) { lshift128(&alo, &ahi); texp++; } /* round to nearest even */ roundBits = (guint32)ahi & 0x7ff; ahi += 0x400; if ((ahi & LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) == 0) { /* overflow ? */ ahi >>= 1; texp--; } else if ((roundBits & 0x400) == 0) ahi &= ~1; /* 96 bit => 1 implizit bit and 52 explicit bits */ mantisse = (ahi & ~LIT_GUINT64_HIGHBIT) >> 11; buildIEEE754Double(&d, pA->signscale.sign, -texp+95, mantisse); return d; } /* a *= 10^exp */ gint32 mono_decimalSetExponent(/*[In, Out]*/decimal_repr* pA, gint32 texp) { guint64 alo, ahi; int rc; int scale = pA->signscale.scale; MONO_ARCH_SAVE_REGS; scale -= texp; if (scale < 0 || scale > DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE) { DECTO128(pA, alo, ahi); rc = rescale128(&alo, &ahi, &scale, 0, 0, DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE, 1); if (rc != DECIMAL_SUCCESS) return rc; return pack128toDecimal(pA, alo, ahi, scale, pA->signscale.sign); } else { pA->signscale.scale = scale; return DECIMAL_SUCCESS; } } #endif /* DISABLE_DECIMAL */