/* * assembly.c: Routines for loading assemblies. * * Author: * Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) * * Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright 2011 Xamarin, Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "assembly.h" #include "assembly-internals.h" #include "image.h" #include "image-internals.h" #include "object-internals.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef HOST_WIN32 #include #include #include #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_MACOSX #include #endif /* AssemblyVersionMap: an assembly name, the assembly version set on which it is based, the assembly name it is replaced with and whether only versions lower than the current runtime version should be remapped */ typedef struct { const char* assembly_name; guint8 version_set_index; const char* new_assembly_name; gboolean only_lower_versions; } AssemblyVersionMap; /* the default search path is empty, the first slot is replaced with the computed value */ static const char* default_path [] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; /* Contains the list of directories to be searched for assemblies (MONO_PATH) */ static char **assemblies_path = NULL; /* Contains the list of directories that point to auxiliary GACs */ static char **extra_gac_paths = NULL; #ifndef DISABLE_ASSEMBLY_REMAPPING /* The list of system assemblies what will be remapped to the running * runtime version. WARNING: this list must be sorted. * The integer number is an index in the MonoRuntimeInfo structure, whose * values can be found in domain.c - supported_runtimes. Look there * to understand what remapping will be made. * * .NET version can be found at https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/src/inc/fxretarget.h#L99 * */ static const AssemblyVersionMap framework_assemblies [] = { {"Accessibility", 0}, {"Commons.Xml.Relaxng", 0}, {"I18N", 0}, {"I18N.CJK", 0}, {"I18N.MidEast", 0}, {"I18N.Other", 0}, {"I18N.Rare", 0}, {"I18N.West", 0}, {"Microsoft.Build.Engine", 2, NULL, TRUE}, {"Microsoft.Build.Framework", 2, NULL, TRUE}, {"Microsoft.Build.Tasks", 2, "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0"}, {"Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5", 2, "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0"}, {"Microsoft.Build.Utilities", 2, "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0"}, {"Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v3.5", 2, "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0"}, {"Microsoft.VisualBasic", 1}, {"Microsoft.VisualC", 1}, {"Mono.Cairo", 0}, {"Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter", 0}, {"Mono.Data", 0}, {"Mono.Data.SybaseClient", 0}, {"Mono.Data.Tds", 0}, {"Mono.Data.TdsClient", 0}, {"Mono.GetOptions", 0}, {"Mono.Http", 0}, {"Mono.Posix", 0}, {"Mono.Security", 0}, {"Mono.Security.Win32", 0}, {"Mono.Xml.Ext", 0}, {"Novell.Directory.Ldap", 0}, {"PEAPI", 0}, {"System", 0}, {"System.ComponentModel.Composition", 2}, {"System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations", 2}, {"System.Configuration", 0}, {"System.Configuration.Install", 0}, {"System.Core", 2}, {"System.Data", 0}, {"System.Data.Linq", 2}, {"System.Data.OracleClient", 0}, {"System.Data.Services", 2}, {"System.Data.Services.Client", 2}, {"System.Data.SqlXml", 0}, {"System.Design", 0}, {"System.DirectoryServices", 0}, {"System.Drawing", 0}, {"System.Drawing.Design", 0}, {"System.EnterpriseServices", 0}, {"System.IdentityModel", 3}, {"System.IdentityModel.Selectors", 3}, {"System.Management", 0}, {"System.Messaging", 0}, {"System.Net", 2}, {"System.Runtime.Remoting", 0}, {"System.Runtime.Serialization", 3}, {"System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap", 0}, {"System.Security", 0}, {"System.ServiceModel", 3}, {"System.ServiceModel.Web", 2}, {"System.ServiceProcess", 0}, {"System.Transactions", 0}, {"System.Web", 0}, {"System.Web.Abstractions", 2}, {"System.Web.DynamicData", 2}, {"System.Web.Extensions", 2}, {"System.Web.Mobile", 0}, {"System.Web.Routing", 2}, {"System.Web.Services", 0}, {"System.Windows.Forms", 0}, {"System.Xml", 0}, {"System.Xml.Linq", 2}, {"WindowsBase", 3}, {"mscorlib", 0} }; #endif /* * keeps track of loaded assemblies */ static GList *loaded_assemblies = NULL; static MonoAssembly *corlib; #if defined(__native_client__) /* On Native Client, allow mscorlib to be loaded from memory */ /* instead of loaded off disk. If these are not set, default */ /* mscorlib loading will take place */ /* NOTE: If mscorlib data is passed to mono in this way then */ /* it needs to remain allocated during the use of mono. */ static void *corlibData = NULL; static size_t corlibSize = 0; void mono_set_corlib_data (void *data, size_t size) { corlibData = data; corlibSize = size; } #endif static char* unquote (const char *str); /* This protects loaded_assemblies and image->references */ #define mono_assemblies_lock() mono_os_mutex_lock (&assemblies_mutex) #define mono_assemblies_unlock() mono_os_mutex_unlock (&assemblies_mutex) static mono_mutex_t assemblies_mutex; /* If defined, points to the bundled assembly information */ const MonoBundledAssembly **bundles; static mono_mutex_t assembly_binding_mutex; /* Loaded assembly binding info */ static GSList *loaded_assembly_bindings = NULL; /* Class lazy loading functions */ static GENERATE_TRY_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (internals_visible, System.Runtime.CompilerServices, InternalsVisibleToAttribute) static GENERATE_TRY_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (reference_assembly, System.Runtime.CompilerServices, ReferenceAssemblyAttribute) static MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssembly *requesting, gboolean refonly, gboolean postload); static MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_full_internal (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssembly *requesting, const char *basedir, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly); static MonoBoolean mono_assembly_is_in_gac (const gchar *filanem); static MonoAssembly* prevent_reference_assembly_from_running (MonoAssembly* candidate, gboolean refonly); static gchar* encode_public_tok (const guchar *token, gint32 len) { const static gchar allowed [] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; gchar *res; int i; res = (gchar *)g_malloc (len * 2 + 1); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { res [i * 2] = allowed [token [i] >> 4]; res [i * 2 + 1] = allowed [token [i] & 0xF]; } res [len * 2] = 0; return res; } /** * mono_public_tokens_are_equal: * @pubt1: first public key token * @pubt2: second public key token * * Compare two public key tokens and return #TRUE is they are equal and #FALSE * otherwise. */ gboolean mono_public_tokens_are_equal (const unsigned char *pubt1, const unsigned char *pubt2) { return memcmp (pubt1, pubt2, 16) == 0; } /** * mono_set_assemblies_path: * @path: list of paths that contain directories where Mono will look for assemblies * * Use this method to override the standard assembly lookup system and * override any assemblies coming from the GAC. This is the method * that supports the MONO_PATH variable. * * Notice that MONO_PATH and this method are really a very bad idea as * it prevents the GAC from working and it prevents the standard * resolution mechanisms from working. Nonetheless, for some debugging * situations and bootstrapping setups, this is useful to have. */ void mono_set_assemblies_path (const char* path) { char **splitted, **dest; splitted = g_strsplit (path, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1000); if (assemblies_path) g_strfreev (assemblies_path); assemblies_path = dest = splitted; while (*splitted) { char *tmp = *splitted; if (*tmp) *dest++ = mono_path_canonicalize (tmp); g_free (tmp); splitted++; } *dest = *splitted; if (g_getenv ("MONO_DEBUG") == NULL) return; splitted = assemblies_path; while (*splitted) { if (**splitted && !g_file_test (*splitted, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) g_warning ("'%s' in MONO_PATH doesn't exist or has wrong permissions.", *splitted); splitted++; } } /* Native Client can't get this info from an environment variable so */ /* it's passed in to the runtime, or set manually by embedding code. */ #ifdef __native_client__ char* nacl_mono_path = NULL; #endif static void check_path_env (void) { const char* path; path = g_getenv ("MONO_PATH"); #ifdef __native_client__ if (!path) path = nacl_mono_path; #endif if (!path || assemblies_path != NULL) return; mono_set_assemblies_path(path); } static void check_extra_gac_path_env (void) { const char *path; char **splitted, **dest; path = g_getenv ("MONO_GAC_PREFIX"); if (!path) return; splitted = g_strsplit (path, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1000); if (extra_gac_paths) g_strfreev (extra_gac_paths); extra_gac_paths = dest = splitted; while (*splitted){ if (**splitted) *dest++ = *splitted; splitted++; } *dest = *splitted; if (g_getenv ("MONO_DEBUG") == NULL) return; while (*splitted) { if (**splitted && !g_file_test (*splitted, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) g_warning ("'%s' in MONO_GAC_PREFIX doesn't exist or has wrong permissions.", *splitted); splitted++; } } static gboolean assembly_binding_maps_name (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { if (!info || !info->name) return FALSE; if (strcmp (info->name, aname->name)) return FALSE; if (info->major != aname->major || info->minor != aname->minor) return FALSE; if ((info->culture != NULL && info->culture [0]) != (aname->culture != NULL && aname->culture [0])) return FALSE; if (info->culture && aname->culture && strcmp (info->culture, aname->culture)) return FALSE; if (!mono_public_tokens_are_equal (info->public_key_token, aname->public_key_token)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void mono_assembly_binding_info_free (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info) { if (!info) return; g_free (info->name); g_free (info->culture); } static void get_publisher_policy_info (MonoImage *image, MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *binding_info) { MonoTableInfo *t; guint32 cols [MONO_MANIFEST_SIZE]; const gchar *filename; gchar *subpath, *fullpath; t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_MANIFESTRESOURCE]; /* MS Impl. accepts policy assemblies with more than * one manifest resource, and only takes the first one */ if (t->rows < 1) { binding_info->is_valid = FALSE; return; } mono_metadata_decode_row (t, 0, cols, MONO_MANIFEST_SIZE); if ((cols [MONO_MANIFEST_IMPLEMENTATION] & MONO_IMPLEMENTATION_MASK) != MONO_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE) { binding_info->is_valid = FALSE; return; } filename = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, cols [MONO_MANIFEST_NAME]); g_assert (filename != NULL); subpath = g_path_get_dirname (image->name); fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, subpath, filename, NULL); mono_config_parse_publisher_policy (fullpath, binding_info); g_free (subpath); g_free (fullpath); /* Define the optional elements/attributes before checking */ if (!binding_info->culture) binding_info->culture = g_strdup (""); /* Check that the most important elements/attributes exist */ if (!binding_info->name || !binding_info->public_key_token [0] || !binding_info->has_old_version_bottom || !binding_info->has_new_version || !assembly_binding_maps_name (binding_info, aname)) { mono_assembly_binding_info_free (binding_info); binding_info->is_valid = FALSE; return; } binding_info->is_valid = TRUE; } static int compare_versions (AssemblyVersionSet *v, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { if (v->major > aname->major) return 1; else if (v->major < aname->major) return -1; if (v->minor > aname->minor) return 1; else if (v->minor < aname->minor) return -1; if (v->build > aname->build) return 1; else if (v->build < aname->build) return -1; if (v->revision > aname->revision) return 1; else if (v->revision < aname->revision) return -1; return 0; } static gboolean check_policy_versions (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, MonoAssemblyName *name) { if (!info->is_valid) return FALSE; /* If has_old_version_top doesn't exist, we don't have an interval */ if (!info->has_old_version_top) { if (compare_versions (&info->old_version_bottom, name) == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* Check that the version defined by name is valid for the interval */ if (compare_versions (&info->old_version_top, name) < 0) return FALSE; /* We should be greater or equal than the small version */ if (compare_versions (&info->old_version_bottom, name) > 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * mono_assembly_names_equal: * @l: first assembly * @r: second assembly. * * Compares two MonoAssemblyNames and returns whether they are equal. * * This compares the names, the cultures, the release version and their * public tokens. * * Returns: TRUE if both assembly names are equal. */ gboolean mono_assembly_names_equal (MonoAssemblyName *l, MonoAssemblyName *r) { if (!l->name || !r->name) return FALSE; if (strcmp (l->name, r->name)) return FALSE; if (l->culture && r->culture && strcmp (l->culture, r->culture)) return FALSE; if (l->major != r->major || l->minor != r->minor || l->build != r->build || l->revision != r->revision) if (! ((l->major == 0 && l->minor == 0 && l->build == 0 && l->revision == 0) || (r->major == 0 && r->minor == 0 && r->build == 0 && r->revision == 0))) return FALSE; if (!l->public_key_token [0] || !r->public_key_token [0]) return TRUE; if (!mono_public_tokens_are_equal (l->public_key_token, r->public_key_token)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static MonoAssembly * load_in_path (const char *basename, const char** search_path, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, MonoBoolean refonly) { int i; char *fullpath; MonoAssembly *result; for (i = 0; search_path [i]; ++i) { fullpath = g_build_filename (search_path [i], basename, NULL); result = mono_assembly_open_full (fullpath, status, refonly); g_free (fullpath); if (result) return result; } return NULL; } /** * mono_assembly_setrootdir: * @root_dir: The pathname of the root directory where we will locate assemblies * * This routine sets the internal default root directory for looking up * assemblies. * * This is used by Windows installations to compute dynamically the * place where the Mono assemblies are located. * */ void mono_assembly_setrootdir (const char *root_dir) { /* * Override the MONO_ASSEMBLIES directory configured at compile time. */ /* Leak if called more than once */ default_path [0] = g_strdup (root_dir); } /** * mono_assembly_getrootdir: * * Obtains the root directory used for looking up assemblies. * * Returns: a string with the directory, this string should not be freed. */ G_CONST_RETURN gchar * mono_assembly_getrootdir (void) { return default_path [0]; } /** * mono_native_getrootdir: * * Obtains the root directory used for looking up native libs (.so, .dylib). * * Returns: a string with the directory, this string should be freed by * the caller. */ G_CONST_RETURN gchar * mono_native_getrootdir (void) { gchar* fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, mono_assembly_getrootdir (), mono_config_get_reloc_lib_dir(), NULL); return fullpath; } /** * mono_set_dirs: * @assembly_dir: the base directory for assemblies * @config_dir: the base directory for configuration files * * This routine is used internally and by developers embedding * the runtime into their own applications. * * There are a number of cases to consider: Mono as a system-installed * package that is available on the location preconfigured or Mono in * a relocated location. * * If you are using a system-installed Mono, you can pass NULL * to both parameters. If you are not, you should compute both * directory values and call this routine. * * The values for a given PREFIX are: * * assembly_dir: PREFIX/lib * config_dir: PREFIX/etc * * Notice that embedders that use Mono in a relocated way must * compute the location at runtime, as they will be in control * of where Mono is installed. */ void mono_set_dirs (const char *assembly_dir, const char *config_dir) { if (assembly_dir == NULL) assembly_dir = mono_config_get_assemblies_dir (); if (config_dir == NULL) config_dir = mono_config_get_cfg_dir (); mono_assembly_setrootdir (assembly_dir); mono_set_config_dir (config_dir); } #ifndef HOST_WIN32 static char * compute_base (char *path) { char *p = strrchr (path, '/'); if (p == NULL) return NULL; /* Not a well known Mono executable, we are embedded, cant guess the base */ if (strcmp (p, "/mono") && strcmp (p, "/mono-boehm") && strcmp (p, "/mono-sgen") && strcmp (p, "/pedump") && strcmp (p, "/monodis")) return NULL; *p = 0; p = strrchr (path, '/'); if (p == NULL) return NULL; if (strcmp (p, "/bin") != 0) return NULL; *p = 0; return path; } static void fallback (void) { mono_set_dirs (mono_config_get_assemblies_dir (), mono_config_get_cfg_dir ()); } static G_GNUC_UNUSED void set_dirs (char *exe) { char *base; char *config, *lib, *mono; struct stat buf; const char *bindir; /* * Only /usr prefix is treated specially */ bindir = mono_config_get_bin_dir (); g_assert (bindir); if (strncmp (exe, bindir, strlen (bindir)) == 0 || (base = compute_base (exe)) == NULL){ fallback (); return; } config = g_build_filename (base, "etc", NULL); lib = g_build_filename (base, "lib", NULL); mono = g_build_filename (lib, "mono/4.5", NULL); // FIXME: stop hardcoding 4.5 here if (stat (mono, &buf) == -1) fallback (); else { mono_set_dirs (lib, config); } g_free (config); g_free (lib); g_free (mono); } #endif /* HOST_WIN32 */ /** * mono_set_rootdir: * * Registers the root directory for the Mono runtime, for Linux and Solaris 10, * this auto-detects the prefix where Mono was installed. */ void mono_set_rootdir (void) { #if defined(HOST_WIN32) || (defined(PLATFORM_MACOSX) && !defined(TARGET_ARM)) gchar *bindir, *installdir, *root, *name, *resolvedname, *config; #ifdef HOST_WIN32 name = mono_get_module_file_name ((HMODULE) &__ImageBase); #else { /* * _NSGetExecutablePath may return -1 to indicate buf is not large * enough, but we ignore that case to avoid having to do extra dynamic * allocation for the path and hope that 4096 is enough - this is * ok in the Linux/Solaris case below at least... */ gchar buf[4096]; guint buf_size = sizeof (buf); name = NULL; if (_NSGetExecutablePath (buf, &buf_size) == 0) name = g_strdup (buf); if (name == NULL) { fallback (); return; } } #endif resolvedname = mono_path_resolve_symlinks (name); bindir = g_path_get_dirname (resolvedname); installdir = g_path_get_dirname (bindir); root = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, installdir, "lib", NULL); config = g_build_filename (root, "..", "etc", NULL); #ifdef HOST_WIN32 mono_set_dirs (root, config); #else if (g_file_test (root, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && g_file_test (config, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) mono_set_dirs (root, config); else fallback (); #endif g_free (config); g_free (root); g_free (installdir); g_free (bindir); g_free (name); g_free (resolvedname); #elif defined(DISABLE_MONO_AUTODETECTION) fallback (); #else char buf [4096]; int s; char *str; /* Linux style */ s = readlink ("/proc/self/exe", buf, sizeof (buf)-1); if (s != -1){ buf [s] = 0; set_dirs (buf); return; } /* Solaris 10 style */ str = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/%d/path/a.out", getpid ()); s = readlink (str, buf, sizeof (buf)-1); g_free (str); if (s != -1){ buf [s] = 0; set_dirs (buf); return; } fallback (); #endif } /** * mono_assemblies_init: * * Initialize global variables used by this module. */ void mono_assemblies_init (void) { /* * Initialize our internal paths if we have not been initialized yet. * This happens when embedders use Mono. */ if (mono_assembly_getrootdir () == NULL) mono_set_rootdir (); check_path_env (); check_extra_gac_path_env (); mono_os_mutex_init_recursive (&assemblies_mutex); mono_os_mutex_init (&assembly_binding_mutex); } static void mono_assembly_binding_lock (void) { mono_locks_os_acquire (&assembly_binding_mutex, AssemblyBindingLock); } static void mono_assembly_binding_unlock (void) { mono_locks_os_release (&assembly_binding_mutex, AssemblyBindingLock); } gboolean mono_assembly_fill_assembly_name (MonoImage *image, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { MonoTableInfo *t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_ASSEMBLY]; guint32 cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_SIZE]; gint32 machine, flags; if (!t->rows) return FALSE; mono_metadata_decode_row (t, 0, cols, MONO_ASSEMBLY_SIZE); aname->hash_len = 0; aname->hash_value = NULL; aname->name = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_NAME]); aname->culture = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_CULTURE]); aname->flags = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_FLAGS]; aname->major = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_MAJOR_VERSION]; aname->minor = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_MINOR_VERSION]; aname->build = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_BUILD_NUMBER]; aname->revision = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_REV_NUMBER]; aname->hash_alg = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_HASH_ALG]; if (cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_PUBLIC_KEY]) { guchar* token = (guchar *)g_malloc (8); gchar* encoded; const gchar* pkey; int len; pkey = mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_PUBLIC_KEY]); len = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (pkey, &pkey); aname->public_key = (guchar*)pkey; mono_digest_get_public_token (token, aname->public_key, len); encoded = encode_public_tok (token, 8); g_strlcpy ((char*)aname->public_key_token, encoded, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); g_free (encoded); g_free (token); } else { aname->public_key = NULL; memset (aname->public_key_token, 0, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); } if (cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_PUBLIC_KEY]) { aname->public_key = (guchar*)mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLY_PUBLIC_KEY]); } else aname->public_key = 0; machine = ((MonoCLIImageInfo*)(image->image_info))->cli_header.coff.coff_machine; flags = ((MonoCLIImageInfo*)(image->image_info))->cli_cli_header.ch_flags; switch (machine) { case COFF_MACHINE_I386: /* https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17632 */ if (flags & (CLI_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED|CLI_FLAGS_PREFERRED32BIT)) aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86; else if ((flags & 0x70) == 0x70) aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_NONE; else aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MSIL; break; case COFF_MACHINE_IA64: aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64; break; case COFF_MACHINE_AMD64: aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64; break; case COFF_MACHINE_ARM: aname->arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM; break; default: break; } return TRUE; } /** * mono_stringify_assembly_name: * @aname: the assembly name. * * Convert @aname into its string format. The returned string is dynamically * allocated and should be freed by the caller. * * Returns: a newly allocated string with a string representation of * the assembly name. */ char* mono_stringify_assembly_name (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { const char *quote = (aname->name && g_ascii_isspace (aname->name [0])) ? "\"" : ""; return g_strdup_printf ( "%s%s%s, Version=%d.%d.%d.%d, Culture=%s, PublicKeyToken=%s%s", quote, aname->name, quote, aname->major, aname->minor, aname->build, aname->revision, aname->culture && *aname->culture? aname->culture: "neutral", aname->public_key_token [0] ? (char *)aname->public_key_token : "null", (aname->flags & ASSEMBLYREF_RETARGETABLE_FLAG) ? ", Retargetable=Yes" : ""); } static gchar* assemblyref_public_tok (MonoImage *image, guint32 key_index, guint32 flags) { const gchar *public_tok; int len; public_tok = mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, key_index); len = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (public_tok, &public_tok); if (flags & ASSEMBLYREF_FULL_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAG) { guchar token [8]; mono_digest_get_public_token (token, (guchar*)public_tok, len); return encode_public_tok (token, 8); } return encode_public_tok ((guchar*)public_tok, len); } /** * mono_assembly_addref: * @assemnly: the assembly to reference * * This routine increments the reference count on a MonoAssembly. * The reference count is reduced every time the method mono_assembly_close() is * invoked. */ void mono_assembly_addref (MonoAssembly *assembly) { InterlockedIncrement (&assembly->ref_count); } /* * CAUTION: This table must be kept in sync with * ivkm/reflect/Fusion.cs */ #define SILVERLIGHT_KEY "7cec85d7bea7798e" #define WINFX_KEY "31bf3856ad364e35" #define ECMA_KEY "b77a5c561934e089" #define MSFINAL_KEY "b03f5f7f11d50a3a" #define COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY "969db8053d3322ac" typedef struct { const char *name; const char *from; const char *to; } KeyRemapEntry; static KeyRemapEntry key_remap_table[] = { { "CustomMarshalers", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "Microsoft.CSharp", WINFX_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "Microsoft.VisualBasic", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "System", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.ComponentModel.Composition", WINFX_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations", "ddd0da4d3e678217", WINFX_KEY }, { "System.Core", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Core", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Data", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Data.DataSetExtensions", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Drawing", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "System.Messaging", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, // FIXME: MS uses MSFINAL_KEY for .NET 4.5 { "System.Net", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "System.Numerics", WINFX_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Runtime.Serialization", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Runtime.Serialization", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.ServiceModel", WINFX_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.ServiceModel", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.ServiceModel.Web", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, WINFX_KEY }, { "System.Web.Services", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "System.Windows", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, MSFINAL_KEY }, { "System.Windows.Forms", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Xml", SILVERLIGHT_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Xml", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Xml.Linq", WINFX_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Xml.Linq", COMPACTFRAMEWORK_KEY, ECMA_KEY }, { "System.Xml.Serialization", WINFX_KEY, ECMA_KEY } }; static void remap_keys (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (key_remap_table); i++) { const KeyRemapEntry *entry = &key_remap_table [i]; if (strcmp (aname->name, entry->name) || !mono_public_tokens_are_equal (aname->public_key_token, (const unsigned char*) entry->from)) continue; memcpy (aname->public_key_token, entry->to, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Remapped public key token of retargetable assembly %s from %s to %s", aname->name, entry->from, entry->to); return; } } static MonoAssemblyName * mono_assembly_remap_version (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssemblyName *dest_aname) { const MonoRuntimeInfo *current_runtime; int pos, first, last; if (aname->name == NULL) return aname; current_runtime = mono_get_runtime_info (); if (aname->flags & ASSEMBLYREF_RETARGETABLE_FLAG) { const AssemblyVersionSet* vset; /* Remap to current runtime */ vset = ¤t_runtime->version_sets [0]; memcpy (dest_aname, aname, sizeof(MonoAssemblyName)); dest_aname->major = vset->major; dest_aname->minor = vset->minor; dest_aname->build = vset->build; dest_aname->revision = vset->revision; dest_aname->flags &= ~ASSEMBLYREF_RETARGETABLE_FLAG; /* Remap assembly name */ if (!strcmp (aname->name, "System.Net")) dest_aname->name = g_strdup ("System"); remap_keys (dest_aname); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "The request to load the retargetable assembly %s v%d.%d.%d.%d was remapped to %s v%d.%d.%d.%d", aname->name, aname->major, aname->minor, aname->build, aname->revision, dest_aname->name, vset->major, vset->minor, vset->build, vset->revision ); return dest_aname; } #ifndef DISABLE_ASSEMBLY_REMAPPING first = 0; last = G_N_ELEMENTS (framework_assemblies) - 1; while (first <= last) { int res; pos = first + (last - first) / 2; res = strcmp (aname->name, framework_assemblies[pos].assembly_name); if (res == 0) { const AssemblyVersionSet* vset; int index = framework_assemblies[pos].version_set_index; g_assert (index < G_N_ELEMENTS (current_runtime->version_sets)); vset = ¤t_runtime->version_sets [index]; if (aname->major == vset->major && aname->minor == vset->minor && aname->build == vset->build && aname->revision == vset->revision) return aname; if (framework_assemblies[pos].only_lower_versions && compare_versions ((AssemblyVersionSet*)vset, aname) < 0) return aname; if ((aname->major | aname->minor | aname->build | aname->revision) != 0) mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "The request to load the assembly %s v%d.%d.%d.%d was remapped to v%d.%d.%d.%d", aname->name, aname->major, aname->minor, aname->build, aname->revision, vset->major, vset->minor, vset->build, vset->revision ); memcpy (dest_aname, aname, sizeof(MonoAssemblyName)); dest_aname->major = vset->major; dest_aname->minor = vset->minor; dest_aname->build = vset->build; dest_aname->revision = vset->revision; if (framework_assemblies[pos].new_assembly_name != NULL) { dest_aname->name = framework_assemblies[pos].new_assembly_name; mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "The assembly name %s was remapped to %s", aname->name, dest_aname->name); } return dest_aname; } else if (res < 0) { last = pos - 1; } else { first = pos + 1; } } #endif return aname; } /** * mono_assembly_get_assemblyref: * @image: pointer to the MonoImage to extract the information from. * @index: index to the assembly reference in the image. * @aname: pointer to a `MonoAssemblyName` that will hold the returned value. * * Fills out the @aname with the assembly name of the @index assembly reference in @image. */ void mono_assembly_get_assemblyref (MonoImage *image, int index, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { MonoTableInfo *t; guint32 cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_SIZE]; const char *hash; t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_ASSEMBLYREF]; mono_metadata_decode_row (t, index, cols, MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_SIZE); hash = mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_HASH_VALUE]); aname->hash_len = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (hash, &hash); aname->hash_value = hash; aname->name = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_NAME]); aname->culture = mono_metadata_string_heap (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_CULTURE]); aname->flags = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_FLAGS]; aname->major = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_MAJOR_VERSION]; aname->minor = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_MINOR_VERSION]; aname->build = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_BUILD_NUMBER]; aname->revision = cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_REV_NUMBER]; if (cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_PUBLIC_KEY]) { gchar *token = assemblyref_public_tok (image, cols [MONO_ASSEMBLYREF_PUBLIC_KEY], aname->flags); g_strlcpy ((char*)aname->public_key_token, token, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); g_free (token); } else { memset (aname->public_key_token, 0, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); } } void mono_assembly_load_reference (MonoImage *image, int index) { MonoAssembly *reference; MonoAssemblyName aname; MonoImageOpenStatus status; /* * image->references is shared between threads, so we need to access * it inside a critical section. */ mono_assemblies_lock (); if (!image->references) { MonoTableInfo *t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_ASSEMBLYREF]; image->references = g_new0 (MonoAssembly *, t->rows + 1); image->nreferences = t->rows; } reference = image->references [index]; mono_assemblies_unlock (); if (reference) return; mono_assembly_get_assemblyref (image, index, &aname); if (image->assembly && image->assembly->ref_only) { /* We use the loaded corlib */ if (!strcmp (aname.name, "mscorlib")) reference = mono_assembly_load_full_internal (&aname, image->assembly, image->assembly->basedir, &status, FALSE); else { reference = mono_assembly_loaded_full (&aname, TRUE); if (!reference) /* Try a postload search hook */ reference = mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (&aname, image->assembly, TRUE, TRUE); } /* * Here we must advice that the error was due to * a non loaded reference using the ReflectionOnly api */ if (!reference) reference = (MonoAssembly *)REFERENCE_MISSING; } else { /* we first try without setting the basedir: this can eventually result in a ResolveAssembly * event which is the MS .net compatible behaviour (the assemblyresolve_event3.cs test has been fixed * accordingly, it would fail on the MS runtime before). * The second load attempt has the basedir set to keep compatibility with the old mono behavior, for * example bug-349190.2.cs and who knows how much more code in the wild. */ reference = mono_assembly_load_full_internal (&aname, image->assembly, NULL, &status, FALSE); if (!reference && image->assembly) reference = mono_assembly_load_full_internal (&aname, image->assembly, image->assembly->basedir, &status, FALSE); } if (reference == NULL){ char *extra_msg; if (status == MONO_IMAGE_ERROR_ERRNO && errno == ENOENT) { extra_msg = g_strdup_printf ("The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (%s).\n", image->assembly != NULL ? image->assembly->basedir : "" ); } else if (status == MONO_IMAGE_ERROR_ERRNO) { extra_msg = g_strdup_printf ("System error: %s\n", strerror (errno)); } else if (status == MONO_IMAGE_MISSING_ASSEMBLYREF) { extra_msg = g_strdup ("Cannot find an assembly referenced from this one.\n"); } else if (status == MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID) { extra_msg = g_strdup ("The file exists but is not a valid assembly.\n"); } else { extra_msg = g_strdup (""); } mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "The following assembly referenced from %s could not be loaded:\n" " Assembly: %s (assemblyref_index=%d)\n" " Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n" " Public Key: %s\n%s", image->name, aname.name, index, aname.major, aname.minor, aname.build, aname.revision, strlen ((char*)aname.public_key_token) == 0 ? "(none)" : (char*)aname.public_key_token, extra_msg); g_free (extra_msg); } mono_assemblies_lock (); if (reference == NULL) { /* Flag as not found */ reference = (MonoAssembly *)REFERENCE_MISSING; } if (!image->references [index]) { if (reference != REFERENCE_MISSING){ mono_assembly_addref (reference); if (image->assembly) mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Ref addref %s[%p] -> %s[%p]: %d", image->assembly->aname.name, image->assembly, reference->aname.name, reference, reference->ref_count); } else { if (image->assembly) mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Failed to load assembly %s[%p]\n", image->assembly->aname.name, image->assembly); } image->references [index] = reference; } mono_assemblies_unlock (); if (image->references [index] != reference) { /* Somebody loaded it before us */ mono_assembly_close (reference); } } /** * mono_assembly_load_references: * @image: * @status: * @deprecated: There is no reason to use this method anymore, it does nothing * * This method is now a no-op, it does nothing other than setting the @status to #MONO_IMAGE_OK */ void mono_assembly_load_references (MonoImage *image, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { /* This is a no-op now but it is part of the embedding API so we can't remove it */ *status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; } typedef struct AssemblyLoadHook AssemblyLoadHook; struct AssemblyLoadHook { AssemblyLoadHook *next; MonoAssemblyLoadFunc func; gpointer user_data; }; AssemblyLoadHook *assembly_load_hook = NULL; void mono_assembly_invoke_load_hook (MonoAssembly *ass) { AssemblyLoadHook *hook; for (hook = assembly_load_hook; hook; hook = hook->next) { hook->func (ass, hook->user_data); } } void mono_install_assembly_load_hook (MonoAssemblyLoadFunc func, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyLoadHook *hook; g_return_if_fail (func != NULL); hook = g_new0 (AssemblyLoadHook, 1); hook->func = func; hook->user_data = user_data; hook->next = assembly_load_hook; assembly_load_hook = hook; } static void free_assembly_load_hooks (void) { AssemblyLoadHook *hook, *next; for (hook = assembly_load_hook; hook; hook = next) { next = hook->next; g_free (hook); } } typedef struct AssemblySearchHook AssemblySearchHook; struct AssemblySearchHook { AssemblySearchHook *next; MonoAssemblySearchFunc func; gboolean refonly; gboolean postload; gpointer user_data; }; AssemblySearchHook *assembly_search_hook = NULL; static MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssembly *requesting, gboolean refonly, gboolean postload) { AssemblySearchHook *hook; for (hook = assembly_search_hook; hook; hook = hook->next) { if ((hook->refonly == refonly) && (hook->postload == postload)) { MonoAssembly *ass; /** * A little explanation is in order here. * * The default postload search hook needs to know the requesting assembly to report it to managed code. * The embedding API exposes a search hook that doesn't take such argument. * * The original fix would call the default search hook before all the registered ones and pass * the requesting assembly to it. It works but broke a very suddle embedding API aspect that some users * rely on. Which is the ordering between user hooks and the default runtime hook. * * Registering the hook after mono_jit_init would let your hook run before the default one and * when using it to handle non standard app layouts this could save your app from a massive amount * of syscalls that the default hook does when probing all sorts of places. Slow targets with horrible IO * are all using this trick and if we broke this assumption they would be very disapointed at us. * * So what's the fix? We register the default hook using regular means and special case it when iterating * over the registered hooks. This preserves ordering and enables managed resolve hooks to get the requesting * assembly. */ if (hook->func == (void*)mono_domain_assembly_postload_search) ass = mono_domain_assembly_postload_search (aname, requesting, refonly); else ass = hook->func (aname, hook->user_data); if (ass) return ass; } } return NULL; } MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { return mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (aname, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } static void mono_install_assembly_search_hook_internal (MonoAssemblySearchFunc func, gpointer user_data, gboolean refonly, gboolean postload) { AssemblySearchHook *hook; g_return_if_fail (func != NULL); hook = g_new0 (AssemblySearchHook, 1); hook->func = func; hook->user_data = user_data; hook->refonly = refonly; hook->postload = postload; hook->next = assembly_search_hook; assembly_search_hook = hook; } void mono_install_assembly_search_hook (MonoAssemblySearchFunc func, gpointer user_data) { mono_install_assembly_search_hook_internal (func, user_data, FALSE, FALSE); } static void free_assembly_search_hooks (void) { AssemblySearchHook *hook, *next; for (hook = assembly_search_hook; hook; hook = next) { next = hook->next; g_free (hook); } } void mono_install_assembly_refonly_search_hook (MonoAssemblySearchFunc func, gpointer user_data) { mono_install_assembly_search_hook_internal (func, user_data, TRUE, FALSE); } void mono_install_assembly_postload_search_hook (MonoAssemblySearchFunc func, gpointer user_data) { mono_install_assembly_search_hook_internal (func, user_data, FALSE, TRUE); } void mono_install_assembly_postload_refonly_search_hook (MonoAssemblySearchFunc func, gpointer user_data) { mono_install_assembly_search_hook_internal (func, user_data, TRUE, TRUE); } typedef struct AssemblyPreLoadHook AssemblyPreLoadHook; struct AssemblyPreLoadHook { AssemblyPreLoadHook *next; MonoAssemblyPreLoadFunc func; gpointer user_data; }; static AssemblyPreLoadHook *assembly_preload_hook = NULL; static AssemblyPreLoadHook *assembly_refonly_preload_hook = NULL; static MonoAssembly * invoke_assembly_preload_hook (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gchar **assemblies_path) { AssemblyPreLoadHook *hook; MonoAssembly *assembly; for (hook = assembly_preload_hook; hook; hook = hook->next) { assembly = hook->func (aname, assemblies_path, hook->user_data); if (assembly != NULL) return assembly; } return NULL; } static MonoAssembly * invoke_assembly_refonly_preload_hook (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gchar **assemblies_path) { AssemblyPreLoadHook *hook; MonoAssembly *assembly; for (hook = assembly_refonly_preload_hook; hook; hook = hook->next) { assembly = hook->func (aname, assemblies_path, hook->user_data); if (assembly != NULL) return assembly; } return NULL; } void mono_install_assembly_preload_hook (MonoAssemblyPreLoadFunc func, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyPreLoadHook *hook; g_return_if_fail (func != NULL); hook = g_new0 (AssemblyPreLoadHook, 1); hook->func = func; hook->user_data = user_data; hook->next = assembly_preload_hook; assembly_preload_hook = hook; } void mono_install_assembly_refonly_preload_hook (MonoAssemblyPreLoadFunc func, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyPreLoadHook *hook; g_return_if_fail (func != NULL); hook = g_new0 (AssemblyPreLoadHook, 1); hook->func = func; hook->user_data = user_data; hook->next = assembly_refonly_preload_hook; assembly_refonly_preload_hook = hook; } static void free_assembly_preload_hooks (void) { AssemblyPreLoadHook *hook, *next; for (hook = assembly_preload_hook; hook; hook = next) { next = hook->next; g_free (hook); } for (hook = assembly_refonly_preload_hook; hook; hook = next) { next = hook->next; g_free (hook); } } static gchar * absolute_dir (const gchar *filename) { gchar *cwd; gchar *mixed; gchar **parts; gchar *part; GList *list, *tmp; GString *result; gchar *res; gint i; if (g_path_is_absolute (filename)) { part = g_path_get_dirname (filename); res = g_strconcat (part, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL); g_free (part); return res; } cwd = g_get_current_dir (); mixed = g_build_filename (cwd, filename, NULL); parts = g_strsplit (mixed, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, 0); g_free (mixed); g_free (cwd); list = NULL; for (i = 0; (part = parts [i]) != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp (part, ".")) continue; if (!strcmp (part, "..")) { if (list && list->next) /* Don't remove root */ list = g_list_delete_link (list, list); } else { list = g_list_prepend (list, part); } } result = g_string_new (""); list = g_list_reverse (list); /* Ignores last data pointer, which should be the filename */ for (tmp = list; tmp && tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next){ if (tmp->data) g_string_append_printf (result, "%s%c", (char *) tmp->data, G_DIR_SEPARATOR); } res = result->str; g_string_free (result, FALSE); g_list_free (list); g_strfreev (parts); if (*res == '\0') { g_free (res); return g_strdup ("."); } return res; } /** * mono_assembly_open_from_bundle: * @filename: Filename requested * @status: return status code * * This routine tries to open the assembly specified by `filename' from the * defined bundles, if found, returns the MonoImage for it, if not found * returns NULL */ MonoImage * mono_assembly_open_from_bundle (const char *filename, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { int i; char *name; gchar *lowercase_filename; MonoImage *image = NULL; gboolean is_satellite = FALSE; /* * we do a very simple search for bundled assemblies: it's not a general * purpose assembly loading mechanism. */ if (!bundles) return NULL; lowercase_filename = g_utf8_strdown (filename, -1); is_satellite = g_str_has_suffix (lowercase_filename, ".resources.dll"); g_free (lowercase_filename); name = g_path_get_basename (filename); mono_assemblies_lock (); for (i = 0; !image && bundles [i]; ++i) { if (strcmp (bundles [i]->name, is_satellite ? filename : name) == 0) { image = mono_image_open_from_data_with_name ((char*)bundles [i]->data, bundles [i]->size, FALSE, status, refonly, name); break; } } mono_assemblies_unlock (); if (image) { mono_image_addref (image); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Loader loaded assembly from bundle: '%s'.", is_satellite ? filename : name); g_free (name); return image; } g_free (name); return NULL; } /** * mono_assemblies_open_full: * @filename: the file to load * @status: return status code * @refonly: Whether this assembly is being opened in "reflection-only" mode. * * This loads an assembly from the specified @filename. The @filename allows * a local URL (starting with a file:// prefix). If a file prefix is used, the * filename is interpreted as a URL, and the filename is URL-decoded. Otherwise the file * is treated as a local path. * * First, an attempt is made to load the assembly from the bundled executable (for those * deployments that have been done with the `mkbundle` tool or for scenarios where the * assembly has been registered as an embedded assembly). If this is not the case, then * the assembly is loaded from disk using `api:mono_image_open_full`. * * If the pointed assembly does not live in the Global Assembly Cache, a shadow copy of * the assembly is made. * * If @refonly is set to true, then the assembly is loaded purely for inspection with * the `System.Reflection` API. * * Returns: NULL on error, with the @status set to an error code, or a pointer * to the assembly. */ MonoAssembly * mono_assembly_open_full (const char *filename, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { MonoImage *image; MonoAssembly *ass; MonoImageOpenStatus def_status; gchar *fname; gchar *new_fname; gboolean loaded_from_bundle; g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, NULL); if (!status) status = &def_status; *status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; if (strncmp (filename, "file://", 7) == 0) { GError *error = NULL; gchar *uri = (gchar *) filename; gchar *tmpuri; /* * MS allows file://c:/... and fails on file://localhost/c:/... * They also throw an IndexOutOfRangeException if "file://" */ if (uri [7] != '/') uri = g_strdup_printf ("file:///%s", uri + 7); tmpuri = uri; uri = mono_escape_uri_string (tmpuri); fname = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, &error); g_free (uri); if (tmpuri != filename) g_free (tmpuri); if (error != NULL) { g_warning ("%s\n", error->message); g_error_free (error); fname = g_strdup (filename); } } else { fname = g_strdup (filename); } mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Loader probing location: '%s'.", fname); new_fname = NULL; if (!mono_assembly_is_in_gac (fname)) { MonoError error; new_fname = mono_make_shadow_copy (fname, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) { mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Loader shadow copy error: %s.", mono_error_get_message (&error)); mono_error_cleanup (&error); *status = MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID; g_free (fname); return NULL; } } if (new_fname && new_fname != fname) { g_free (fname); fname = new_fname; mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Loader shadow-copied assembly to: '%s'.", fname); } image = NULL; // If VM built with mkbundle loaded_from_bundle = FALSE; if (bundles != NULL) { image = mono_assembly_open_from_bundle (fname, status, refonly); loaded_from_bundle = image != NULL; } if (!image) image = mono_image_open_full (fname, status, refonly); if (!image){ if (*status == MONO_IMAGE_OK) *status = MONO_IMAGE_ERROR_ERRNO; g_free (fname); return NULL; } if (image->assembly) { /* Already loaded by another appdomain */ mono_assembly_invoke_load_hook (image->assembly); mono_image_close (image); g_free (fname); return image->assembly; } ass = mono_assembly_load_from_full (image, fname, status, refonly); if (ass) { if (!loaded_from_bundle) mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location: '%s'.", filename); if (!refonly) mono_config_for_assembly (ass->image); } /* Clear the reference added by mono_image_open */ mono_image_close (image); g_free (fname); return ass; } static void free_item (gpointer val, gpointer user_data) { g_free (val); } /** * mono_assembly_load_friends: * @ass: an assembly * * Load the list of friend assemblies that are allowed to access * the assembly's internal types and members. They are stored as assembly * names in custom attributes. * * This is an internal method, we need this because when we load mscorlib * we do not have the internals visible cattr loaded yet, * so we need to load these after we initialize the runtime. * * LOCKING: Acquires the assemblies lock plus the loader lock. */ void mono_assembly_load_friends (MonoAssembly* ass) { MonoError error; int i; MonoCustomAttrInfo* attrs; GSList *list; if (ass->friend_assembly_names_inited) return; attrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_assembly_checked (ass, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); if (!attrs) { mono_assemblies_lock (); ass->friend_assembly_names_inited = TRUE; mono_assemblies_unlock (); return; } mono_assemblies_lock (); if (ass->friend_assembly_names_inited) { mono_assemblies_unlock (); return; } mono_assemblies_unlock (); list = NULL; /* * We build the list outside the assemblies lock, the worse that can happen * is that we'll need to free the allocated list. */ for (i = 0; i < attrs->num_attrs; ++i) { MonoCustomAttrEntry *attr = &attrs->attrs [i]; MonoAssemblyName *aname; const gchar *data; /* Do some sanity checking */ if (!attr->ctor || attr->ctor->klass != mono_class_try_get_internals_visible_class ()) continue; if (attr->data_size < 4) continue; data = (const char*)attr->data; /* 0xFF means null string, see custom attr format */ if (data [0] != 1 || data [1] != 0 || (data [2] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) continue; mono_metadata_decode_value (data + 2, &data); aname = g_new0 (MonoAssemblyName, 1); /*g_print ("friend ass: %s\n", data);*/ if (mono_assembly_name_parse_full (data, aname, TRUE, NULL, NULL)) { list = g_slist_prepend (list, aname); } else { g_free (aname); } } mono_custom_attrs_free (attrs); mono_assemblies_lock (); if (ass->friend_assembly_names_inited) { mono_assemblies_unlock (); g_slist_foreach (list, free_item, NULL); g_slist_free (list); return; } ass->friend_assembly_names = list; /* Because of the double checked locking pattern above */ mono_memory_barrier (); ass->friend_assembly_names_inited = TRUE; mono_assemblies_unlock (); } /** * mono_assembly_has_reference_assembly_attribute: * @assembly: a MonoAssembly * @error: set on error. * * Returns TRUE if @assembly has the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute set. * On error returns FALSE and sets @error. */ gboolean mono_assembly_has_reference_assembly_attribute (MonoAssembly *assembly, MonoError *error) { mono_error_init (error); /* TODO: mono_custom_attrs_from_assembly_checked returns NULL if a * single assembly is missing. The custom attr we want is from * corlib, however, so we need a more robust version that doesn't care * about missing attributes. */ #if 0 MonoCustomAttrInfo *attrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_assembly_checked (assembly, error); return_val_if_nok (error, FALSE); if (!attrs) return FALSE; MonoClass *ref_asm_class = mono_class_try_get_reference_assembly_class (); g_assert (ref_asm_class != NULL && ref_asm_class != mono_defaults.object_class && !strcmp(ref_asm_class->name, "ReferenceAssemblyAttribute") ); gboolean result = mono_custom_attrs_has_attr (attrs, ref_asm_class); mono_custom_attrs_free (attrs); return result; #else return FALSE; #endif } /** * mono_assembly_open: * @filename: Opens the assembly pointed out by this name * @status: return status code * * This loads an assembly from the specified @filename. The @filename allows * a local URL (starting with a file:// prefix). If a file prefix is used, the * filename is interpreted as a URL, and the filename is URL-decoded. Otherwise the file * is treated as a local path. * * First, an attempt is made to load the assembly from the bundled executable (for those * deployments that have been done with the `mkbundle` tool or for scenarios where the * assembly has been registered as an embedded assembly). If this is not the case, then * the assembly is loaded from disk using `api:mono_image_open_full`. * * If the pointed assembly does not live in the Global Assembly Cache, a shadow copy of * the assembly is made. * * Return: a pointer to the MonoAssembly if @filename contains a valid * assembly or NULL on error. Details about the error are stored in the * @status variable. */ MonoAssembly * mono_assembly_open (const char *filename, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { return mono_assembly_open_full (filename, status, FALSE); } /** * mono_assembly_load_from_full: * @image: Image to load the assembly from * @fname: assembly name to associate with the assembly * @status: returns the status condition * @refonly: Whether this assembly is being opened in "reflection-only" mode. * * If the provided @image has an assembly reference, it will process the given * image as an assembly with the given name. * * Most likely you want to use the `api:mono_assembly_load_full` method instead. * * Returns: A valid pointer to a `MonoAssembly*` on success and the @status will be * set to #MONO_IMAGE_OK; or NULL on error. * * If there is an error loading the assembly the @status will indicate the * reason with @status being set to `MONO_IMAGE_INVALID` if the * image did not contain an assembly reference table. */ MonoAssembly * mono_assembly_load_from_full (MonoImage *image, const char*fname, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { MonoAssembly *ass, *ass2; char *base_dir; if (!image->tables [MONO_TABLE_ASSEMBLY].rows) { /* 'image' doesn't have a manifest -- maybe someone is trying to Assembly.Load a .netmodule */ *status = MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID; return NULL; } #if defined (HOST_WIN32) { gchar *tmp_fn; int i; tmp_fn = g_strdup (fname); for (i = strlen (tmp_fn) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tmp_fn [i] == '/') tmp_fn [i] = '\\'; } base_dir = absolute_dir (tmp_fn); g_free (tmp_fn); } #else base_dir = absolute_dir (fname); #endif /* * Create assembly struct, and enter it into the assembly cache */ ass = g_new0 (MonoAssembly, 1); ass->basedir = base_dir; ass->ref_only = refonly; ass->image = image; mono_profiler_assembly_event (ass, MONO_PROFILE_START_LOAD); mono_assembly_fill_assembly_name (image, &ass->aname); if (mono_defaults.corlib && strcmp (ass->aname.name, "mscorlib") == 0) { // MS.NET doesn't support loading other mscorlibs g_free (ass); g_free (base_dir); mono_image_addref (mono_defaults.corlib); *status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; return mono_defaults.corlib->assembly; } /* Add a non-temporary reference because of ass->image */ mono_image_addref (image); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Image addref %s[%p] -> %s[%p]: %d", ass->aname.name, ass, image->name, image, image->ref_count); /* * The load hooks might take locks so we can't call them while holding the * assemblies lock. */ if (ass->aname.name) { ass2 = mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (&ass->aname, NULL, refonly, FALSE); if (ass2) { g_free (ass); g_free (base_dir); mono_image_close (image); *status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; return ass2; } } mono_assemblies_lock (); if (image->assembly) { /* * This means another thread has already loaded the assembly, but not yet * called the load hooks so the search hook can't find the assembly. */ mono_assemblies_unlock (); ass2 = image->assembly; g_free (ass); g_free (base_dir); mono_image_close (image); *status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; return ass2; } mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Prepared to set up assembly '%s' (%s)", ass->aname.name, image->name); /* We need to check for ReferenceAssmeblyAttribute before we * mark the assembly as loaded and before we fire the load * hook. Otherwise mono_domain_fire_assembly_load () in * appdomain.c will cache a mapping from the assembly name to * this image and we won't be able to look for a different * candidate. */ if (!refonly && strcmp (ass->aname.name, "mscorlib") != 0) { /* Don't check for reference assmebly attribute for * corlib here because if corlib isn't loaded yet, * it's too early to set up the * ReferenceAssemblyAttribute class. We check that * we're not running with a reference corlib in * mono_init_internal(). */ MonoError refasm_error; if (mono_assembly_has_reference_assembly_attribute (ass, &refasm_error)) { mono_assemblies_unlock (); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Image for assembly '%s' (%s) has ReferenceAssemblyAttribute, skipping", ass->aname.name, image->name); g_free (ass); g_free (base_dir); mono_image_close (image); *status = MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID; return NULL; } mono_error_cleanup (&refasm_error); } image->assembly = ass; loaded_assemblies = g_list_prepend (loaded_assemblies, ass); mono_assemblies_unlock (); #ifdef HOST_WIN32 if (image->is_module_handle) mono_image_fixup_vtable (image); #endif mono_assembly_invoke_load_hook (ass); mono_profiler_assembly_loaded (ass, MONO_PROFILE_OK); return ass; } /** * mono_assembly_load_from: * @image: Image to load the assembly from * @fname: assembly name to associate with the assembly * @status: return status code * * If the provided @image has an assembly reference, it will process the given * image as an assembly with the given name. * * Most likely you want to use the `api:mono_assembly_load_full` method instead. * * This is equivalent to calling `api:mono_assembly_load_from_full` with the * @refonly parameter set to FALSE. * Returns: A valid pointer to a `MonoAssembly*` on success and the @status will be * set to #MONO_IMAGE_OK; or NULL on error. * * If there is an error loading the assembly the @status will indicate the * reason with @status being set to `MONO_IMAGE_INVALID` if the * image did not contain an assembly reference table. */ MonoAssembly * mono_assembly_load_from (MonoImage *image, const char *fname, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { return mono_assembly_load_from_full (image, fname, status, FALSE); } /** * mono_assembly_name_free: * @aname: assembly name to free * * Frees the provided assembly name object. * (it does not frees the object itself, only the name members). */ void mono_assembly_name_free (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { if (aname == NULL) return; g_free ((void *) aname->name); g_free ((void *) aname->culture); g_free ((void *) aname->hash_value); g_free ((guint8*) aname->public_key); } static gboolean parse_public_key (const gchar *key, gchar** pubkey, gboolean *is_ecma) { const gchar *pkey; gchar header [16], val, *arr; gint i, j, offset, bitlen, keylen, pkeylen; keylen = strlen (key) >> 1; if (keylen < 1) return FALSE; /* allow the ECMA standard key */ if (strcmp (key, "00000000000000000400000000000000") == 0) { if (pubkey) { *pubkey = g_strdup (key); *is_ecma = TRUE; } return TRUE; } *is_ecma = FALSE; val = g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [0]) << 4; val |= g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [1]); switch (val) { case 0x00: if (keylen < 13) return FALSE; val = g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [24]); val |= g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [25]); if (val != 0x06) return FALSE; pkey = key + 24; break; case 0x06: pkey = key; break; default: return FALSE; } /* We need the first 16 bytes * to check whether this key is valid or not */ pkeylen = strlen (pkey) >> 1; if (pkeylen < 16) return FALSE; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 16; i++) { header [i] = g_ascii_xdigit_value (pkey [j++]) << 4; header [i] |= g_ascii_xdigit_value (pkey [j++]); } if (header [0] != 0x06 || /* PUBLICKEYBLOB (0x06) */ header [1] != 0x02 || /* Version (0x02) */ header [2] != 0x00 || /* Reserved (word) */ header [3] != 0x00 || (guint)(read32 (header + 8)) != 0x31415352) /* DWORD magic = RSA1 */ return FALSE; /* Based on this length, we _should_ be able to know if the length is right */ bitlen = read32 (header + 12) >> 3; if ((bitlen + 16 + 4) != pkeylen) return FALSE; /* parsing is OK and the public key itself is not requested back */ if (!pubkey) return TRUE; /* Encode the size of the blob */ offset = 0; if (keylen <= 127) { arr = (gchar *)g_malloc (keylen + 1); arr [offset++] = keylen; } else { arr = (gchar *)g_malloc (keylen + 2); arr [offset++] = 0x80; /* 10bs */ arr [offset++] = keylen; } for (i = offset, j = 0; i < keylen + offset; i++) { arr [i] = g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [j++]) << 4; arr [i] |= g_ascii_xdigit_value (key [j++]); } *pubkey = arr; return TRUE; } static gboolean build_assembly_name (const char *name, const char *version, const char *culture, const char *token, const char *key, guint32 flags, guint32 arch, MonoAssemblyName *aname, gboolean save_public_key) { gint major, minor, build, revision; gint len; gint version_parts; gchar *pkey, *pkeyptr, *encoded, tok [8]; memset (aname, 0, sizeof (MonoAssemblyName)); if (version) { version_parts = sscanf (version, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &major, &minor, &build, &revision); if (version_parts < 2 || version_parts > 4) return FALSE; /* FIXME: we should set build & revision to -1 (instead of 0) if these are not set in the version string. That way, later on, we can still determine if these were specified. */ aname->major = major; aname->minor = minor; if (version_parts >= 3) aname->build = build; else aname->build = 0; if (version_parts == 4) aname->revision = revision; else aname->revision = 0; } aname->flags = flags; aname->arch = arch; aname->name = g_strdup (name); if (culture) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (culture, "neutral") == 0) aname->culture = g_strdup (""); else aname->culture = g_strdup (culture); } if (token && strncmp (token, "null", 4) != 0) { char *lower; /* the constant includes the ending NULL, hence the -1 */ if (strlen (token) != (MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH - 1)) { mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return FALSE; } lower = g_ascii_strdown (token, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); g_strlcpy ((char*)aname->public_key_token, lower, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); g_free (lower); } if (key) { gboolean is_ecma; if (strcmp (key, "null") == 0 || !parse_public_key (key, &pkey, &is_ecma)) { mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return FALSE; } if (is_ecma) { if (save_public_key) aname->public_key = (guint8*)pkey; else g_free (pkey); g_strlcpy ((gchar*)aname->public_key_token, "b77a5c561934e089", MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); return TRUE; } len = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size ((const gchar *) pkey, (const gchar **) &pkeyptr); // We also need to generate the key token mono_digest_get_public_token ((guchar*) tok, (guint8*) pkeyptr, len); encoded = encode_public_tok ((guchar*) tok, 8); g_strlcpy ((gchar*)aname->public_key_token, encoded, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); g_free (encoded); if (save_public_key) aname->public_key = (guint8*) pkey; else g_free (pkey); } return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_assembly_directory_name (const char *name, const char *dirname, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { gchar **parts; gboolean res; parts = g_strsplit (dirname, "_", 3); if (!parts || !parts[0] || !parts[1] || !parts[2]) { g_strfreev (parts); return FALSE; } res = build_assembly_name (name, parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], NULL, 0, 0, aname, FALSE); g_strfreev (parts); return res; } static gboolean split_key_value (const gchar *pair, gchar **key, guint32 *keylen, gchar **value) { char *eqsign = strchr (pair, '='); if (!eqsign) { *key = NULL; *keylen = 0; *value = NULL; return FALSE; } *key = (gchar*)pair; *keylen = eqsign - *key; while (*keylen > 0 && g_ascii_isspace ((*key) [*keylen - 1])) (*keylen)--; *value = g_strstrip (eqsign + 1); return TRUE; } gboolean mono_assembly_name_parse_full (const char *name, MonoAssemblyName *aname, gboolean save_public_key, gboolean *is_version_defined, gboolean *is_token_defined) { gchar *dllname; gchar *dllname_uq; gchar *version = NULL; gchar *version_uq; gchar *culture = NULL; gchar *culture_uq; gchar *token = NULL; gchar *token_uq; gchar *key = NULL; gchar *key_uq; gchar *retargetable = NULL; gchar *retargetable_uq; gchar *procarch; gchar *procarch_uq; gboolean res; gchar *value, *part_name; guint32 part_name_len; gchar **parts; gchar **tmp; gboolean version_defined; gboolean token_defined; guint32 flags = 0; guint32 arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_NONE; if (!is_version_defined) is_version_defined = &version_defined; *is_version_defined = FALSE; if (!is_token_defined) is_token_defined = &token_defined; *is_token_defined = FALSE; parts = tmp = g_strsplit (name, ",", 6); if (!tmp || !*tmp) { g_strfreev (tmp); return FALSE; } dllname = g_strstrip (*tmp); tmp++; while (*tmp) { if (!split_key_value (g_strstrip (*tmp), &part_name, &part_name_len, &value)) goto cleanup_and_fail; if (part_name_len == 7 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "Version", part_name_len)) { *is_version_defined = TRUE; version = value; if (strlen (version) == 0) { goto cleanup_and_fail; } tmp++; continue; } if (part_name_len == 7 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "Culture", part_name_len)) { culture = value; if (strlen (culture) == 0) { goto cleanup_and_fail; } tmp++; continue; } if (part_name_len == 14 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "PublicKeyToken", part_name_len)) { *is_token_defined = TRUE; token = value; if (strlen (token) == 0) { goto cleanup_and_fail; } tmp++; continue; } if (part_name_len == 9 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "PublicKey", part_name_len)) { key = value; if (strlen (key) == 0) { goto cleanup_and_fail; } tmp++; continue; } if (part_name_len == 12 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "Retargetable", part_name_len)) { retargetable = value; retargetable_uq = unquote (retargetable); if (retargetable_uq != NULL) retargetable = retargetable_uq; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (retargetable, "yes")) { flags |= ASSEMBLYREF_RETARGETABLE_FLAG; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (retargetable, "no")) { g_free (retargetable_uq); goto cleanup_and_fail; } g_free (retargetable_uq); tmp++; continue; } if (part_name_len == 21 && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (part_name, "ProcessorArchitecture", part_name_len)) { procarch = value; procarch_uq = unquote (procarch); if (procarch_uq != NULL) procarch = procarch_uq; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (procarch, "MSIL")) arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MSIL; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (procarch, "X86")) arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (procarch, "IA64")) arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (procarch, "AMD64")) arch = MONO_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64; else { g_free (procarch_uq); goto cleanup_and_fail; } g_free (procarch_uq); tmp++; continue; } g_strfreev (parts); return FALSE; } /* if retargetable flag is set, then we must have a fully qualified name */ if (retargetable != NULL && (version == NULL || culture == NULL || (key == NULL && token == NULL))) { goto cleanup_and_fail; } dllname_uq = unquote (dllname); version_uq = unquote (version); culture_uq = unquote (culture); token_uq = unquote (token); key_uq = unquote (key); res = build_assembly_name ( dllname_uq == NULL ? dllname : dllname_uq, version_uq == NULL ? version : version_uq, culture_uq == NULL ? culture : culture_uq, token_uq == NULL ? token : token_uq, key_uq == NULL ? key : key_uq, flags, arch, aname, save_public_key); g_free (dllname_uq); g_free (version_uq); g_free (culture_uq); g_free (token_uq); g_free (key_uq); g_strfreev (parts); return res; cleanup_and_fail: g_strfreev (parts); return FALSE; } static char* unquote (const char *str) { gint slen; const char *end; if (str == NULL) return NULL; slen = strlen (str); if (slen < 2) return NULL; if (*str != '\'' && *str != '\"') return NULL; end = str + slen - 1; if (*str != *end) return NULL; return g_strndup (str + 1, slen - 2); } /** * mono_assembly_name_parse: * @name: name to parse * @aname: the destination assembly name * * Parses an assembly qualified type name and assigns the name, * version, culture and token to the provided assembly name object. * * Returns: TRUE if the name could be parsed. */ gboolean mono_assembly_name_parse (const char *name, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { return mono_assembly_name_parse_full (name, aname, FALSE, NULL, NULL); } /** * mono_assembly_name_new: * @name: name to parse * * Allocate a new MonoAssemblyName and fill its values from the * passed @name. * * Returns: a newly allocated structure or NULL if there was any failure. */ MonoAssemblyName* mono_assembly_name_new (const char *name) { MonoAssemblyName *aname = g_new0 (MonoAssemblyName, 1); if (mono_assembly_name_parse (name, aname)) return aname; g_free (aname); return NULL; } const char* mono_assembly_name_get_name (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { return aname->name; } const char* mono_assembly_name_get_culture (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { return aname->culture; } mono_byte* mono_assembly_name_get_pubkeytoken (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { if (aname->public_key_token [0]) return aname->public_key_token; return NULL; } uint16_t mono_assembly_name_get_version (MonoAssemblyName *aname, uint16_t *minor, uint16_t *build, uint16_t *revision) { if (minor) *minor = aname->minor; if (build) *build = aname->build; if (revision) *revision = aname->revision; return aname->major; } static MonoAssembly* probe_for_partial_name (const char *basepath, const char *fullname, MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { gchar *fullpath = NULL; GDir *dirhandle; const char* direntry; MonoAssemblyName gac_aname; gint major=-1, minor=0, build=0, revision=0; gboolean exact_version; dirhandle = g_dir_open (basepath, 0, NULL); if (!dirhandle) return NULL; exact_version = (aname->major | aname->minor | aname->build | aname->revision) != 0; while ((direntry = g_dir_read_name (dirhandle))) { gboolean match = TRUE; if(!parse_assembly_directory_name (aname->name, direntry, &gac_aname)) continue; if (aname->culture != NULL && strcmp (aname->culture, gac_aname.culture) != 0) match = FALSE; if (match && strlen ((char*)aname->public_key_token) > 0 && !mono_public_tokens_are_equal (aname->public_key_token, gac_aname.public_key_token)) match = FALSE; if (match) { if (exact_version) { match = (aname->major == gac_aname.major && aname->minor == gac_aname.minor && aname->build == gac_aname.build && aname->revision == gac_aname.revision); } else if (gac_aname.major < major) match = FALSE; else if (gac_aname.major == major) { if (gac_aname.minor < minor) match = FALSE; else if (gac_aname.minor == minor) { if (gac_aname.build < build) match = FALSE; else if (gac_aname.build == build && gac_aname.revision <= revision) match = FALSE; } } } if (match) { major = gac_aname.major; minor = gac_aname.minor; build = gac_aname.build; revision = gac_aname.revision; g_free (fullpath); fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, basepath, direntry, fullname, NULL); } mono_assembly_name_free (&gac_aname); } g_dir_close (dirhandle); if (fullpath == NULL) return NULL; else { MonoAssembly *res = mono_assembly_open (fullpath, status); g_free (fullpath); return res; } } /** * mono_assembly_load_with_partial_name: * @name: an assembly name that is then parsed by `api:mono_assembly_name_parse`. * @status: return status code * * Loads a Mono Assembly from a name. The name is parsed using `api:mono_assembly_name_parse`, * so it might contain a qualified type name, version, culture and token. * * This will load the assembly from the file whose name is derived from the assembly name * by appending the .dll extension. * * The assembly is loaded from either one of the extra Global Assembly Caches specified * by the extra GAC paths (specified by the `MONO_GAC_PREFIX` environment variable) or * if that fails from the GAC. * * Returns: NULL on failure, or a pointer to a MonoAssembly on success. */ MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_with_partial_name (const char *name, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { MonoError error; MonoAssembly *res; MonoAssemblyName *aname, base_name; MonoAssemblyName mapped_aname; gchar *fullname, *gacpath; gchar **paths; memset (&base_name, 0, sizeof (MonoAssemblyName)); aname = &base_name; if (!mono_assembly_name_parse (name, aname)) return NULL; /* * If no specific version has been requested, make sure we load the * correct version for system assemblies. */ if ((aname->major | aname->minor | aname->build | aname->revision) == 0) aname = mono_assembly_remap_version (aname, &mapped_aname); res = mono_assembly_loaded (aname); if (res) { mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return res; } res = invoke_assembly_preload_hook (aname, assemblies_path); if (res) { res->in_gac = FALSE; mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return res; } fullname = g_strdup_printf ("%s.dll", aname->name); if (extra_gac_paths) { paths = extra_gac_paths; while (!res && *paths) { gacpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, *paths, "lib", "mono", "gac", aname->name, NULL); res = probe_for_partial_name (gacpath, fullname, aname, status); g_free (gacpath); paths++; } } if (res) { res->in_gac = TRUE; g_free (fullname); mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return res; } gacpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, mono_assembly_getrootdir (), "mono", "gac", aname->name, NULL); res = probe_for_partial_name (gacpath, fullname, aname, status); g_free (gacpath); if (res) res->in_gac = TRUE; else { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoReflectionAssembly *refasm; refasm = mono_try_assembly_resolve (domain, mono_string_new (domain, name), NULL, FALSE, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) { g_free (fullname); mono_assembly_name_free (aname); mono_error_cleanup (&error); if (*status == MONO_IMAGE_OK) *status = MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID; } if (refasm) res = refasm->assembly; } g_free (fullname); mono_assembly_name_free (aname); return res; } static MonoBoolean mono_assembly_is_in_gac (const gchar *filename) { const gchar *rootdir; gchar *gp; gchar **paths; if (filename == NULL) return FALSE; for (paths = extra_gac_paths; paths && *paths; paths++) { if (strstr (*paths, filename) != *paths) continue; gp = (gchar *) (filename + strlen (*paths)); if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) continue; gp++; if (strncmp (gp, "lib", 3)) continue; gp += 3; if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) continue; gp++; if (strncmp (gp, "mono", 4)) continue; gp += 4; if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) continue; gp++; if (strncmp (gp, "gac", 3)) continue; gp += 3; if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) continue; return TRUE; } rootdir = mono_assembly_getrootdir (); if (strstr (filename, rootdir) != filename) return FALSE; gp = (gchar *) (filename + strlen (rootdir)); if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) return FALSE; gp++; if (strncmp (gp, "mono", 4)) return FALSE; gp += 4; if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) return FALSE; gp++; if (strncmp (gp, "gac", 3)) return FALSE; gp += 3; if (*gp != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static MonoImage* mono_assembly_load_publisher_policy (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { MonoImage *image; gchar *filename, *pname, *name, *culture, *version, *fullpath, *subpath; gchar **paths; gint32 len; if (strstr (aname->name, ".dll")) { len = strlen (aname->name) - 4; name = (gchar *)g_malloc (len + 1); strncpy (name, aname->name, len); name[len] = 0; } else name = g_strdup (aname->name); if (aname->culture) culture = g_utf8_strdown (aname->culture, -1); else culture = g_strdup (""); pname = g_strdup_printf ("policy.%d.%d.%s", aname->major, aname->minor, name); version = g_strdup_printf ("", culture, aname->public_key_token); g_free (name); g_free (culture); filename = g_strconcat (pname, ".dll", NULL); subpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, pname, version, filename, NULL); g_free (pname); g_free (version); g_free (filename); image = NULL; if (extra_gac_paths) { paths = extra_gac_paths; while (!image && *paths) { fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, *paths, "lib", "mono", "gac", subpath, NULL); image = mono_image_open (fullpath, NULL); g_free (fullpath); paths++; } } if (image) { g_free (subpath); return image; } fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, mono_assembly_getrootdir (), "mono", "gac", subpath, NULL); image = mono_image_open (fullpath, NULL); g_free (subpath); g_free (fullpath); return image; } static MonoAssemblyName* mono_assembly_bind_version (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssemblyName *dest_name) { memcpy (dest_name, aname, sizeof (MonoAssemblyName)); dest_name->major = info->new_version.major; dest_name->minor = info->new_version.minor; dest_name->build = info->new_version.build; dest_name->revision = info->new_version.revision; return dest_name; } /* LOCKING: assembly_binding lock must be held */ static MonoAssemblyBindingInfo* search_binding_loaded (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { GSList *tmp; for (tmp = loaded_assembly_bindings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)tmp->data; if (assembly_binding_maps_name (info, aname)) return info; } return NULL; } static inline gboolean info_compare_versions (AssemblyVersionSet *left, AssemblyVersionSet *right) { if (left->major != right->major || left->minor != right->minor || left->build != right->build || left->revision != right->revision) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static inline gboolean info_versions_equal (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *left, MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *right) { if (left->has_old_version_bottom != right->has_old_version_bottom) return FALSE; if (left->has_old_version_top != right->has_old_version_top) return FALSE; if (left->has_new_version != right->has_new_version) return FALSE; if (left->has_old_version_bottom && !info_compare_versions (&left->old_version_bottom, &right->old_version_bottom)) return FALSE; if (left->has_old_version_top && !info_compare_versions (&left->old_version_top, &right->old_version_top)) return FALSE; if (left->has_new_version && !info_compare_versions (&left->new_version, &right->new_version)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* LOCKING: assumes all the necessary locks are held */ static void assembly_binding_info_parsed (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, void *user_data) { MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info_copy; GSList *tmp; MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info_tmp; MonoDomain *domain = (MonoDomain*)user_data; if (!domain) return; for (tmp = domain->assembly_bindings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { info_tmp = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)tmp->data; if (strcmp (info->name, info_tmp->name) == 0 && info_versions_equal (info, info_tmp)) return; } info_copy = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)mono_mempool_alloc0 (domain->mp, sizeof (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo)); memcpy (info_copy, info, sizeof (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo)); if (info->name) info_copy->name = mono_mempool_strdup (domain->mp, info->name); if (info->culture) info_copy->culture = mono_mempool_strdup (domain->mp, info->culture); domain->assembly_bindings = g_slist_append_mempool (domain->mp, domain->assembly_bindings, info_copy); } static int get_version_number (int major, int minor) { return major * 256 + minor; } static inline gboolean info_major_minor_in_range (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { int aname_version_number = get_version_number (aname->major, aname->minor); if (!info->has_old_version_bottom) return FALSE; if (get_version_number (info->old_version_bottom.major, info->old_version_bottom.minor) > aname_version_number) return FALSE; if (info->has_old_version_top && get_version_number (info->old_version_top.major, info->old_version_top.minor) < aname_version_number) return FALSE; /* This is not the nicest way to do it, but it's a by-product of the way parsing is done */ info->major = aname->major; info->minor = aname->minor; return TRUE; } /* LOCKING: Assumes that we are already locked - both loader and domain locks */ static MonoAssemblyBindingInfo* get_per_domain_assembly_binding_info (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssemblyName *aname) { MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info; GSList *list; if (!domain->assembly_bindings) return NULL; info = NULL; for (list = domain->assembly_bindings; list; list = list->next) { info = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)list->data; if (info && !strcmp (aname->name, info->name) && info_major_minor_in_range (info, aname)) break; info = NULL; } if (info) { if (info->name && info->public_key_token [0] && info->has_old_version_bottom && info->has_new_version && assembly_binding_maps_name (info, aname)) info->is_valid = TRUE; else info->is_valid = FALSE; } return info; } static MonoAssemblyName* mono_assembly_apply_binding (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssemblyName *dest_name) { MonoError error; MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info, *info2; MonoImage *ppimage; MonoDomain *domain; if (aname->public_key_token [0] == 0) return aname; domain = mono_domain_get (); mono_assembly_binding_lock (); info = search_binding_loaded (aname); mono_assembly_binding_unlock (); if (!info) { mono_domain_lock (domain); info = get_per_domain_assembly_binding_info (domain, aname); mono_domain_unlock (domain); } if (info) { if (!check_policy_versions (info, aname)) return aname; mono_assembly_bind_version (info, aname, dest_name); return dest_name; } if (domain && domain->setup && domain->setup->configuration_file) { mono_domain_lock (domain); if (!domain->assembly_bindings_parsed) { gchar *domain_config_file_name = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (domain->setup->configuration_file, &error); /* expect this to succeed because mono_domain_set_options_from_config () did * the same thing when the domain was created. */ mono_error_assert_ok (&error); gchar *domain_config_file_path = mono_portability_find_file (domain_config_file_name, TRUE); if (!domain_config_file_path) domain_config_file_path = domain_config_file_name; mono_config_parse_assembly_bindings (domain_config_file_path, aname->major, aname->minor, domain, assembly_binding_info_parsed); domain->assembly_bindings_parsed = TRUE; if (domain_config_file_name != domain_config_file_path) g_free (domain_config_file_name); g_free (domain_config_file_path); } info2 = get_per_domain_assembly_binding_info (domain, aname); if (info2) { info = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)g_memdup (info2, sizeof (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo)); info->name = g_strdup (info2->name); info->culture = g_strdup (info2->culture); info->domain_id = domain->domain_id; } mono_domain_unlock (domain); } if (!info) { info = g_new0 (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo, 1); info->major = aname->major; info->minor = aname->minor; } if (!info->is_valid) { ppimage = mono_assembly_load_publisher_policy (aname); if (ppimage) { get_publisher_policy_info (ppimage, aname, info); mono_image_close (ppimage); } } /* Define default error value if needed */ if (!info->is_valid) { info->name = g_strdup (aname->name); info->culture = g_strdup (aname->culture); g_strlcpy ((char *)info->public_key_token, (const char *)aname->public_key_token, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); } mono_assembly_binding_lock (); info2 = search_binding_loaded (aname); if (info2) { /* This binding was added by another thread * before us */ mono_assembly_binding_info_free (info); g_free (info); info = info2; } else loaded_assembly_bindings = g_slist_prepend (loaded_assembly_bindings, info); mono_assembly_binding_unlock (); if (!info->is_valid || !check_policy_versions (info, aname)) return aname; mono_assembly_bind_version (info, aname, dest_name); return dest_name; } /** * mono_assembly_load_from_gac * * @aname: The assembly name object */ static MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_from_gac (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gchar *filename, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, MonoBoolean refonly) { MonoAssembly *result = NULL; gchar *name, *version, *culture, *fullpath, *subpath; gint32 len; gchar **paths; char *pubtok; if (aname->public_key_token [0] == 0) { return NULL; } if (strstr (aname->name, ".dll")) { len = strlen (filename) - 4; name = (gchar *)g_malloc (len + 1); strncpy (name, aname->name, len); name[len] = 0; } else { name = g_strdup (aname->name); } if (aname->culture) { culture = g_utf8_strdown (aname->culture, -1); } else { culture = g_strdup (""); } pubtok = g_ascii_strdown ((char*)aname->public_key_token, MONO_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LENGTH); version = g_strdup_printf ("%d.%d.%d.%d_%s_%s", aname->major, aname->minor, aname->build, aname->revision, culture, pubtok); g_free (pubtok); subpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, name, version, filename, NULL); g_free (name); g_free (version); g_free (culture); if (extra_gac_paths) { paths = extra_gac_paths; while (!result && *paths) { fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, *paths, "lib", "mono", "gac", subpath, NULL); result = mono_assembly_open_full (fullpath, status, refonly); g_free (fullpath); paths++; } } if (result) { result->in_gac = TRUE; g_free (subpath); return result; } fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, mono_assembly_getrootdir (), "mono", "gac", subpath, NULL); result = mono_assembly_open_full (fullpath, status, refonly); g_free (fullpath); if (result) result->in_gac = TRUE; g_free (subpath); return result; } MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_corlib (const MonoRuntimeInfo *runtime, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { char *corlib_file; MonoAssemblyName *aname; if (corlib) { /* g_print ("corlib already loaded\n"); */ return corlib; } // In native client, Corlib is embedded in the executable as static variable corlibData #if defined(__native_client__) if (corlibData != NULL && corlibSize != 0) { int status = 0; /* First "FALSE" instructs mono not to make a copy. */ /* Second "FALSE" says this is not just a ref. */ MonoImage* image = mono_image_open_from_data_full (corlibData, corlibSize, FALSE, &status, FALSE); if (image == NULL || status != 0) g_print("mono_image_open_from_data_full failed: %d\n", status); corlib = mono_assembly_load_from_full (image, "mscorlib", &status, FALSE); if (corlib == NULL || status != 0) g_print ("mono_assembly_load_from_full failed: %d\n", status); if (corlib) return corlib; } #endif // A nonstandard preload hook may provide a special mscorlib assembly aname = mono_assembly_name_new ("mscorlib.dll"); corlib = invoke_assembly_preload_hook (aname, assemblies_path); mono_assembly_name_free (aname); g_free (aname); if (corlib != NULL) goto return_corlib_and_facades; // This unusual directory layout can occur if mono is being built and run out of its own source repo if (assemblies_path) { // Custom assemblies path set via MONO_PATH or mono_set_assemblies_path corlib = load_in_path ("mscorlib.dll", (const char**)assemblies_path, status, FALSE); if (corlib) goto return_corlib_and_facades; } /* Normal case: Load corlib from mono/ */ corlib_file = g_build_filename ("mono", runtime->framework_version, "mscorlib.dll", NULL); if (assemblies_path) { // Custom assemblies path corlib = load_in_path (corlib_file, (const char**)assemblies_path, status, FALSE); if (corlib) { g_free (corlib_file); goto return_corlib_and_facades; } } corlib = load_in_path (corlib_file, default_path, status, FALSE); g_free (corlib_file); return_corlib_and_facades: if (corlib && !strcmp (runtime->framework_version, "4.5")) // FIXME: stop hardcoding 4.5 here default_path [1] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/Facades", corlib->basedir); return corlib; } static MonoAssembly* prevent_reference_assembly_from_running (MonoAssembly* candidate, gboolean refonly) { MonoError refasm_error; mono_error_init (&refasm_error); if (candidate && !refonly && mono_assembly_has_reference_assembly_attribute (candidate, &refasm_error)) { candidate = NULL; } mono_error_cleanup (&refasm_error); return candidate; } MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_full_nosearch (MonoAssemblyName *aname, const char *basedir, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { MonoAssembly *result; char *fullpath, *filename; MonoAssemblyName maped_aname; MonoAssemblyName maped_name_pp; int ext_index; const char *ext; int len; aname = mono_assembly_remap_version (aname, &maped_aname); /* Reflection only assemblies don't get assembly binding */ if (!refonly) aname = mono_assembly_apply_binding (aname, &maped_name_pp); result = mono_assembly_loaded_full (aname, refonly); if (result) return result; result = refonly ? invoke_assembly_refonly_preload_hook (aname, assemblies_path) : invoke_assembly_preload_hook (aname, assemblies_path); if (result) { result->in_gac = FALSE; return result; } /* Currently we retrieve the loaded corlib for reflection * only requests, like a common reflection only assembly */ if (strcmp (aname->name, "mscorlib") == 0 || strcmp (aname->name, "mscorlib.dll") == 0) { return mono_assembly_load_corlib (mono_get_runtime_info (), status); } len = strlen (aname->name); for (ext_index = 0; ext_index < 2; ext_index ++) { ext = ext_index == 0 ? ".dll" : ".exe"; if (len > 4 && (!strcmp (aname->name + len - 4, ".dll") || !strcmp (aname->name + len - 4, ".exe"))) { filename = g_strdup (aname->name); /* Don't try appending .dll/.exe if it already has one of those extensions */ ext_index++; } else { filename = g_strconcat (aname->name, ext, NULL); } result = mono_assembly_load_from_gac (aname, filename, status, refonly); if (result) { g_free (filename); return result; } if (basedir) { fullpath = g_build_filename (basedir, filename, NULL); result = mono_assembly_open_full (fullpath, status, refonly); g_free (fullpath); if (result) { result->in_gac = FALSE; g_free (filename); return result; } } result = load_in_path (filename, default_path, status, refonly); if (result) result->in_gac = FALSE; g_free (filename); if (result) return result; } return result; } MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_full_internal (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssembly *requesting, const char *basedir, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { MonoAssembly *result = mono_assembly_load_full_nosearch (aname, basedir, status, refonly); if (!result) { /* Try a postload search hook */ result = mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (aname, requesting, refonly, TRUE); result = prevent_reference_assembly_from_running (result, refonly); } return result; } /** * mono_assembly_load_full: * @aname: A MonoAssemblyName with the assembly name to load. * @basedir: A directory to look up the assembly at. * @status: a pointer to a MonoImageOpenStatus to return the status of the load operation * @refonly: Whether this assembly is being opened in "reflection-only" mode. * * Loads the assembly referenced by @aname, if the value of @basedir is not NULL, it * attempts to load the assembly from that directory before probing the standard locations. * * If the assembly is being opened in reflection-only mode (@refonly set to TRUE) then no * assembly binding takes place. * * Returns: the assembly referenced by @aname loaded or NULL on error. On error the * value pointed by status is updated with an error code. */ MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_full (MonoAssemblyName *aname, const char *basedir, MonoImageOpenStatus *status, gboolean refonly) { return mono_assembly_load_full_internal (aname, NULL, basedir, status, refonly); } /** * mono_assembly_load: * @aname: A MonoAssemblyName with the assembly name to load. * @basedir: A directory to look up the assembly at. * @status: a pointer to a MonoImageOpenStatus to return the status of the load operation * * Loads the assembly referenced by @aname, if the value of @basedir is not NULL, it * attempts to load the assembly from that directory before probing the standard locations. * * Returns: the assembly referenced by @aname loaded or NULL on error. On error the * value pointed by status is updated with an error code. */ MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load (MonoAssemblyName *aname, const char *basedir, MonoImageOpenStatus *status) { return mono_assembly_load_full_internal (aname, NULL, basedir, status, FALSE); } /** * mono_assembly_loaded_full: * @aname: an assembly to look for. * @refonly: Whether this assembly is being opened in "reflection-only" mode. * * This is used to determine if the specified assembly has been loaded * Returns: NULL If the given @aname assembly has not been loaded, or a pointer to * a `MonoAssembly` that matches the `MonoAssemblyName` specified. */ MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_loaded_full (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gboolean refonly) { MonoAssembly *res; MonoAssemblyName maped_aname; aname = mono_assembly_remap_version (aname, &maped_aname); res = mono_assembly_invoke_search_hook_internal (aname, NULL, refonly, FALSE); return res; } /** * mono_assembly_loaded: * @aname: an assembly to look for. * * This is used to determine if the specified assembly has been loaded * Returns: NULL If the given @aname assembly has not been loaded, or a pointer to * a `MonoAssembly` that matches the `MonoAssemblyName` specified. */ MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_loaded (MonoAssemblyName *aname) { return mono_assembly_loaded_full (aname, FALSE); } void mono_assembly_release_gc_roots (MonoAssembly *assembly) { if (assembly == NULL || assembly == REFERENCE_MISSING) return; if (assembly_is_dynamic (assembly)) { int i; MonoDynamicImage *dynimg = (MonoDynamicImage *)assembly->image; for (i = 0; i < dynimg->image.module_count; ++i) mono_dynamic_image_release_gc_roots ((MonoDynamicImage *)dynimg->image.modules [i]); mono_dynamic_image_release_gc_roots (dynimg); } } /* * Returns whether mono_assembly_close_finish() must be called as * well. See comment for mono_image_close_except_pools() for why we * unload in two steps. */ gboolean mono_assembly_close_except_image_pools (MonoAssembly *assembly) { GSList *tmp; g_return_val_if_fail (assembly != NULL, FALSE); if (assembly == REFERENCE_MISSING) return FALSE; /* Might be 0 already */ if (InterlockedDecrement (&assembly->ref_count) > 0) return FALSE; mono_profiler_assembly_event (assembly, MONO_PROFILE_START_UNLOAD); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Unloading assembly %s [%p].", assembly->aname.name, assembly); mono_debug_close_image (assembly->image); mono_assemblies_lock (); loaded_assemblies = g_list_remove (loaded_assemblies, assembly); mono_assemblies_unlock (); assembly->image->assembly = NULL; if (!mono_image_close_except_pools (assembly->image)) assembly->image = NULL; for (tmp = assembly->friend_assembly_names; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoAssemblyName *fname = (MonoAssemblyName *)tmp->data; mono_assembly_name_free (fname); g_free (fname); } g_slist_free (assembly->friend_assembly_names); g_free (assembly->basedir); mono_profiler_assembly_event (assembly, MONO_PROFILE_END_UNLOAD); return TRUE; } void mono_assembly_close_finish (MonoAssembly *assembly) { g_assert (assembly && assembly != REFERENCE_MISSING); if (assembly->image) mono_image_close_finish (assembly->image); if (assembly_is_dynamic (assembly)) { g_free ((char*)assembly->aname.culture); } else { g_free (assembly); } } /** * mono_assembly_close: * @assembly: the assembly to release. * * This method releases a reference to the @assembly. The assembly is * only released when all the outstanding references to it are released. */ void mono_assembly_close (MonoAssembly *assembly) { if (mono_assembly_close_except_image_pools (assembly)) mono_assembly_close_finish (assembly); } MonoImage* mono_assembly_load_module (MonoAssembly *assembly, guint32 idx) { MonoError error; MonoImage *result = mono_assembly_load_module_checked (assembly, idx, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); return result; } MONO_API MonoImage* mono_assembly_load_module_checked (MonoAssembly *assembly, uint32_t idx, MonoError *error) { return mono_image_load_file_for_image_checked (assembly->image, idx, error); } /** * mono_assembly_foreach: * @func: function to invoke for each assembly loaded * @user_data: data passed to the callback * * Invokes the provided @func callback for each assembly loaded into * the runtime. The first parameter passed to the callback is the * `MonoAssembly*`, and the second parameter is the @user_data. * * This is done for all assemblies loaded in the runtime, not just * those loaded in the current application domain. */ void mono_assembly_foreach (GFunc func, gpointer user_data) { GList *copy; /* * We make a copy of the list to avoid calling the callback inside the * lock, which could lead to deadlocks. */ mono_assemblies_lock (); copy = g_list_copy (loaded_assemblies); mono_assemblies_unlock (); g_list_foreach (loaded_assemblies, func, user_data); g_list_free (copy); } /** * mono_assemblies_cleanup: * * Free all resources used by this module. */ void mono_assemblies_cleanup (void) { GSList *l; mono_os_mutex_destroy (&assemblies_mutex); mono_os_mutex_destroy (&assembly_binding_mutex); for (l = loaded_assembly_bindings; l; l = l->next) { MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)l->data; mono_assembly_binding_info_free (info); g_free (info); } g_slist_free (loaded_assembly_bindings); free_assembly_load_hooks (); free_assembly_search_hooks (); free_assembly_preload_hooks (); } /*LOCKING takes the assembly_binding lock*/ void mono_assembly_cleanup_domain_bindings (guint32 domain_id) { GSList **iter; mono_assembly_binding_lock (); iter = &loaded_assembly_bindings; while (*iter) { GSList *l = *iter; MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *info = (MonoAssemblyBindingInfo *)l->data; if (info->domain_id == domain_id) { *iter = l->next; mono_assembly_binding_info_free (info); g_free (info); g_slist_free_1 (l); } else { iter = &l->next; } } mono_assembly_binding_unlock (); } /* * Holds the assembly of the application, for * System.Diagnostics.Process::MainModule */ static MonoAssembly *main_assembly=NULL; void mono_assembly_set_main (MonoAssembly *assembly) { main_assembly = assembly; } /** * mono_assembly_get_main: * * Returns: the assembly for the application, the first assembly that is loaded by the VM */ MonoAssembly * mono_assembly_get_main (void) { return (main_assembly); } /** * mono_assembly_get_image: * @assembly: The assembly to retrieve the image from * * Returns: the MonoImage associated with this assembly. */ MonoImage* mono_assembly_get_image (MonoAssembly *assembly) { return assembly->image; } /** * mono_assembly_get_name: * @assembly: The assembly to retrieve the name from * * The returned name's lifetime is the same as @assembly's. * * Returns: the MonoAssemblyName associated with this assembly. */ MonoAssemblyName * mono_assembly_get_name (MonoAssembly *assembly) { return &assembly->aname; } void mono_register_bundled_assemblies (const MonoBundledAssembly **assemblies) { bundles = assemblies; } #define MONO_DECLSEC_FORMAT_10 0x3C #define MONO_DECLSEC_FORMAT_20 0x2E #define MONO_DECLSEC_FIELD 0x53 #define MONO_DECLSEC_PROPERTY 0x54 #define SKIP_VISIBILITY_XML_ATTRIBUTE ("\"SkipVerification\"") #define SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ("System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute") #define SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE (sizeof (SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) - 1) #define SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_NAME ("SkipVerification") #define SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_SIZE (sizeof (SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_NAME) - 1) static gboolean mono_assembly_try_decode_skip_verification_param (const char *p, const char **resp, gboolean *abort_decoding) { int len; switch (*p++) { case MONO_DECLSEC_PROPERTY: break; case MONO_DECLSEC_FIELD: default: *abort_decoding = TRUE; return FALSE; break; } if (*p++ != MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { *abort_decoding = TRUE; return FALSE; } /* property name length */ len = mono_metadata_decode_value (p, &p); if (len >= SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_SIZE && !memcmp (p, SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_NAME, SKIP_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY_SIZE)) { p += len; return *p; } p += len + 1; *resp = p; return FALSE; } static gboolean mono_assembly_try_decode_skip_verification (const char *p, const char *endn) { int i, j, num, len, params_len; if (*p == MONO_DECLSEC_FORMAT_10) { gsize read, written; char *res = g_convert (p, endn - p, "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE", &read, &written, NULL); if (res) { gboolean found = strstr (res, SKIP_VISIBILITY_XML_ATTRIBUTE) != NULL; g_free (res); return found; } return FALSE; } if (*p++ != MONO_DECLSEC_FORMAT_20) return FALSE; /* number of encoded permission attributes */ num = mono_metadata_decode_value (p, &p); for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { gboolean is_valid = FALSE; gboolean abort_decoding = FALSE; /* attribute name length */ len = mono_metadata_decode_value (p, &p); /* We don't really need to fully decode the type. Comparing the name is enough */ is_valid = len >= SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE && !memcmp (p, SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, SKIP_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE); p += len; /*size of the params table*/ params_len = mono_metadata_decode_value (p, &p); if (is_valid) { const char *params_end = p + params_len; /* number of parameters */ len = mono_metadata_decode_value (p, &p); for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) { if (mono_assembly_try_decode_skip_verification_param (p, &p, &abort_decoding)) return TRUE; if (abort_decoding) break; } p = params_end; } else { p += params_len; } } return FALSE; } gboolean mono_assembly_has_skip_verification (MonoAssembly *assembly) { MonoTableInfo *t; guint32 cols [MONO_DECL_SECURITY_SIZE]; const char *blob; int i, len; if (MONO_SECMAN_FLAG_INIT (assembly->skipverification)) return MONO_SECMAN_FLAG_GET_VALUE (assembly->skipverification); t = &assembly->image->tables [MONO_TABLE_DECLSECURITY]; for (i = 0; i < t->rows; ++i) { mono_metadata_decode_row (t, i, cols, MONO_DECL_SECURITY_SIZE); if ((cols [MONO_DECL_SECURITY_PARENT] & MONO_HAS_DECL_SECURITY_MASK) != MONO_HAS_DECL_SECURITY_ASSEMBLY) continue; if (cols [MONO_DECL_SECURITY_ACTION] != SECURITY_ACTION_REQMIN) continue; blob = mono_metadata_blob_heap (assembly->image, cols [MONO_DECL_SECURITY_PERMISSIONSET]); len = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (blob, &blob); if (!len) continue; if (mono_assembly_try_decode_skip_verification (blob, blob + len)) { MONO_SECMAN_FLAG_SET_VALUE (assembly->skipverification, TRUE); return TRUE; } } MONO_SECMAN_FLAG_SET_VALUE (assembly->skipverification, FALSE); return FALSE; }