#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug-private.h" #include "helpers.h" #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 /* * NOTE: Functions and variables starting with `mono_debug_' and `debug_' are * part of the general debugging code. * * Functions and variables starting with `mono_debugger_' and `debugger_' * are only used when the JIT is running inside the Mono Debugger. * * FIXME: This file needs some API loving. */ /* This is incremented each time the symbol table is modified. * The debugger looks at this variable and if it has a higher value than its current * copy of the symbol table, it must call debugger_update_symbol_file_table(). */ static guint32 debugger_symbol_file_table_generation = 0; static guint32 debugger_symbol_file_table_modified = 0; /* Caution: This variable may be accessed at any time from the debugger; * it is very important not to modify the memory it is pointing to * without previously setting this pointer back to NULL. */ static MonoDebuggerSymbolFileTable *debugger_symbol_file_table = NULL; /* Caution: This function MUST be called before touching the symbol table! */ static void release_symbol_file_table (void); static void initialize_debugger_support (void); static gboolean running_in_the_mono_debugger = FALSE; static MonoDebugHandle *mono_debug_handle = NULL; static gboolean mono_debug_initialized = FALSE; static gconstpointer debugger_notification_address = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION debugger_lock_mutex; static gpointer debugger_thread_cond; static gpointer debugger_start_cond; static gpointer debugger_finished_cond; static CRITICAL_SECTION debugger_finished_mutex; static gboolean debugger_signalled = FALSE; static gboolean must_send_finished = FALSE; extern void (*mono_debugger_class_init_func) (MonoClass *klass); static guint64 debugger_insert_breakpoint (guint64 method_argument, const gchar *string_argument); static guint64 debugger_remove_breakpoint (guint64 breakpoint); static int debugger_update_symbol_file_table (void); static int debugger_update_symbol_file_table_internal (void); static gpointer debugger_compile_method (MonoMethod *method); static void mono_debug_add_assembly (MonoAssembly *assembly, gpointer user_data); static void mono_debug_close_assembly (AssemblyDebugInfo* info); static AssemblyDebugInfo *mono_debug_open_image (MonoDebugHandle* debug, MonoImage *image); /* * This is a global data symbol which is read by the debugger. */ MonoDebuggerInfo MONO_DEBUGGER__debugger_info = { MONO_SYMBOL_FILE_DYNAMIC_MAGIC, MONO_SYMBOL_FILE_DYNAMIC_VERSION, sizeof (MonoDebuggerInfo), &mono_generic_trampoline_code, &mono_breakpoint_trampoline_code, &debugger_symbol_file_table_generation, &debugger_symbol_file_table_modified, &debugger_notification_address, &debugger_symbol_file_table, &debugger_compile_method, &debugger_insert_breakpoint, &debugger_remove_breakpoint, &mono_runtime_invoke }; static void debugger_init_threads (void) { debugger_thread_cond = CreateSemaphore (NULL, 0, 1, NULL); debugger_start_cond = CreateSemaphore (NULL, 0, 1, NULL); InitializeCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); debugger_finished_cond = CreateSemaphore (NULL, 0, 1, NULL); } static void mono_debug_init (void) { if (!mono_debug_initialized) { InitializeCriticalSection (&debugger_lock_mutex); mono_debug_initialized = TRUE; } } static void mono_debug_lock (void) { if (mono_debug_initialized) EnterCriticalSection (&debugger_lock_mutex); } static void mono_debug_unlock (void) { if (mono_debug_initialized) LeaveCriticalSection (&debugger_lock_mutex); } static void mono_debugger_signal (gboolean modified) { g_assert (running_in_the_mono_debugger); if (modified) debugger_symbol_file_table_modified = TRUE; mono_debug_lock (); if (!debugger_signalled) { debugger_signalled = TRUE; ReleaseSemaphore (debugger_thread_cond, 1, NULL); } mono_debug_unlock (); } static void mono_debugger_wait (void) { g_assert (running_in_the_mono_debugger); LeaveCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); g_assert (WaitForSingleObject (debugger_finished_cond, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); EnterCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); } static void free_method_info (MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo) { DebugMethodInfo *priv = minfo->user_data; if (priv) { g_free (priv->name); g_free (priv); } if (minfo->jit) { g_array_free (minfo->jit->line_numbers, TRUE); g_free (minfo->jit->this_var); g_free (minfo->jit->params); g_free (minfo->jit->locals); g_free (minfo->jit); } g_free (minfo->il_offsets); g_free (minfo); } static void debug_arg_warning (const char *message) { g_warning ("Error while processing --debug-args arguments: %s", message); } static gchar * replace_suffix (const char *filename, const char *new_suffix) { const char *pos = strrchr (filename, '.'); if (!pos) return g_strdup_printf ("%s.%s", filename, new_suffix); else { int len = pos - filename; gchar *retval = g_malloc0 (len + strlen (new_suffix) + 2); memcpy (retval, filename, len); retval [len] = '.'; memcpy (retval + len + 1, new_suffix, strlen (new_suffix) + 1); return retval; } } MonoDebugHandle* mono_debug_open (MonoAssembly *assembly, MonoDebugFormat format, const char **args) { MonoDebugHandle *debug; const char **ptr; g_assert (!mono_debug_handle); mono_debug_init (); debug = g_new0 (MonoDebugHandle, 1); debug->name = g_strdup (assembly->image->name); debug->format = format; debug->producer_name = g_strdup_printf ("Mono JIT compiler version %s", VERSION); debug->next_idx = 100; debug->dirty = TRUE; debug->type_hash = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); debug->source_files = g_ptr_array_new (); debug->images = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) mono_debug_close_assembly); for (ptr = args; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { const char *arg = *ptr; gchar *message; switch (debug->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_STABS: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_DWARF2: if (!strncmp (arg, "filename=", 9)) { if (debug->filename) debug_arg_warning ("The `filename' argument can be given only once."); debug->filename = g_strdup (arg + 9); continue; } else if (!strncmp (arg, "objfile=", 8)) { if (debug->objfile) debug_arg_warning ("The `objfile' argument can be given only once."); debug->objfile = g_strdup (arg + 8); continue; } break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_UPDATE_IL_FILES | MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_CREATE_IL_FILES; break; default: break; } if ((debug->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) && (debug->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) { if (!strcmp (arg, "dont_assemble")) { debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_ASSEMBLE; continue; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "update_on_exit")) { debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_UPDATE_ON_EXIT; continue; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "install_il_files")) { debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_INSTALL_IL_FILES; continue; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "dont_update_il_files")) { debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_UPDATE_IL_FILES; continue; } else if (!strcmp (arg, "dont_create_il_files")) { debug->flags |= MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_CREATE_IL_FILES; continue; } } message = g_strdup_printf ("Unknown argument `%s'.", arg); debug_arg_warning (message); g_free (message); } switch (debug->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_STABS: if (!debug->filename) debug->filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s-stabs.s", g_basename (debug->name)); if (!debug->objfile) debug->objfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s.o", g_basename (debug->name)); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_DWARF2: if (!debug->filename) debug->filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s-dwarf.s", g_basename (debug->name)); if (!debug->objfile) debug->objfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s.o", g_basename (debug->name)); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: mono_debugger_class_init_func = mono_debug_add_type; break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: mono_debugger_class_init_func = mono_debug_add_type; initialize_debugger_support (); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_debug_lock (); release_symbol_file_table (); mono_debug_handle = debug; mono_install_assembly_load_hook (mono_debug_add_assembly, NULL); mono_debug_open_image (mono_debug_handle, assembly->image); mono_debug_open_image (mono_debug_handle, mono_defaults.corlib); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.object_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.object_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.byte_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.void_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.boolean_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.sbyte_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.int16_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.uint16_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.int32_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.uint32_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.int_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.uint_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.int64_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.uint64_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.single_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.double_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.char_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.string_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.enum_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.array_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.multicastdelegate_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.asyncresult_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.waithandle_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.typehandle_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.fieldhandle_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.methodhandle_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.monotype_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.exception_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.threadabortexception_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.thread_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.real_proxy_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.mono_method_message_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.appdomain_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.field_info_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.stringbuilder_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.math_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.stack_frame_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.stack_trace_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.marshal_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.iserializeable_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.serializationinfo_class); mono_debug_add_type (mono_defaults.streamingcontext_class); debugger_update_symbol_file_table (); mono_debug_unlock (); return debug; } static void mono_debug_add_assembly (MonoAssembly *assembly, gpointer user_data) { if (!mono_debug_handle) return; mono_debug_lock (); mono_debug_open_image (mono_debug_handle, assembly->image); mono_debug_unlock (); } static void generate_il_offsets (AssemblyDebugInfo *info, MonoMethod *method) { GPtrArray *il_offsets = g_ptr_array_new (); MonoClass *klass = method->klass; MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo; DebugMethodInfo *priv; int i; g_assert (klass->image == info->image); /* FIXME: doesn't work yet. */ if (!strcmp (klass->name_space, "System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies")) return; mono_class_init (klass); minfo = g_new0 (MonoDebugMethodInfo, 1); minfo->method = method; minfo->user_data = priv = g_new0 (DebugMethodInfo, 1); priv->name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s.%s", klass->name_space, klass->name_space [0]? ".": "", klass->name, method->name); priv->source_file = info->source_file; priv->info = info; /* * Find the method index in the image. */ for (i = 0; klass->methods && i < klass->method.count; ++i) { if (klass->methods [i] == minfo->method) { priv->method_number = klass->method.first + i + 1; priv->first_line = info->mlines [priv->method_number]; break; } } g_assert (priv->method_number); /* info->moffsets contains -1 "outside" of functions. */ for (i = priv->first_line; (i > 0) && (info->moffsets [i] == 0); i--) ; priv->start_line = i + 1; for (i = priv->start_line; info->moffsets [i] != -1; i++) { MonoSymbolFileLineNumberEntry *lne = g_new0 (MonoSymbolFileLineNumberEntry, 1); if (!info->moffsets [i] && (i > priv->start_line)) continue; lne->offset = info->moffsets [i]; lne->row = i; g_ptr_array_add (il_offsets, lne); } priv->last_line = i; minfo->start_line = priv->first_line; minfo->end_line = priv->last_line; minfo->num_il_offsets = il_offsets->len; minfo->il_offsets = g_new0 (MonoSymbolFileLineNumberEntry, il_offsets->len); for (i = 0; i < il_offsets->len; i++) { MonoSymbolFileLineNumberEntry *il = g_ptr_array_index (il_offsets, i); minfo->il_offsets [i] = *il; } g_ptr_array_free (il_offsets, TRUE); g_hash_table_insert (info->methods, method, minfo); } static void debug_load_method_lines (AssemblyDebugInfo* info) { MonoTableInfo *table = &info->image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD]; FILE *f; char buf [1024]; int i, mnum, idx; int offset = -1; if (info->always_create_il || !(info->handle->flags & MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_DONT_UPDATE_IL_FILES)) { char *command = g_strdup_printf ("monodis --output=%s %s", info->ilfile, info->image->name); struct stat stata, statb; int need_update = FALSE; if (stat (info->image->name, &stata)) { g_warning ("cannot access assembly file (%s): %s", info->image->name, g_strerror (errno)); g_free (command); return; } /* If the stat() failed or the file is older. */ if (stat (info->ilfile, &statb)) { need_update = TRUE; } else if (statb.st_mtime < stata.st_mtime) need_update = TRUE; if (need_update) { #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 struct sigaction act, oldact; sigset_t old_set; #endif int ret; #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_RESTART; sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask); sigaddset (&act.sa_mask, SIGCHLD); sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &act.sa_mask, &old_set); sigaction (SIGCHLD, &act, &oldact); #endif g_print ("Recreating %s from %s.\n", info->ilfile, info->image->name); ret = system (command); #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 sigaction (SIGCHLD, &oldact, NULL); sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL); #endif if (ret) { g_warning ("cannot create IL assembly file (%s): %s", command, g_strerror (errno)); g_free (command); return; } } } /* use an env var with directories for searching. */ if (!(f = fopen (info->ilfile, "r"))) { g_warning ("cannot open IL assembly file %s", info->ilfile); return; } info->total_lines = 100; info->moffsets = g_malloc (info->total_lines * sizeof (int)); i = 0; while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f)) { int pos = i; info->moffsets [i++] = offset; if (i + 2 >= info->total_lines) { info->total_lines += 100; info->moffsets = g_realloc (info->moffsets, info->total_lines * sizeof (int)); g_assert (info->moffsets); } if (!sscanf (buf, " // method line %d", &mnum)) continue; offset = 0; if (mnum >= info->nmethods) break; while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f)) { int newoffset; ++i; if (i + 2 >= info->total_lines) { info->total_lines += 100; info->moffsets = g_realloc (info->moffsets, info->total_lines * sizeof (int)); g_assert (info->moffsets); } if (strstr (buf, "}")) { offset = -1; break; } if (sscanf (buf, " IL_%x:", &newoffset)) { offset = newoffset; if (!offset) pos = i; } info->moffsets [i] = offset; } /* g_print ("method %d found at %d\n", mnum, pos); */ info->mlines [mnum] = pos; } fclose (f); for (idx = 1; idx <= table->rows; idx++) { guint32 token = mono_metadata_make_token (MONO_TABLE_METHOD, idx); MonoMethod *method = mono_get_method (info->image, token, NULL); if ((method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) || (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) || (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL)) continue; if (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) continue; generate_il_offsets (info, method); } } static void record_line_number (MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, guint32 address, guint32 offset, guint32 line) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne = g_new0 (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, 1); lne->address = address; lne->offset = offset; lne->line = line; g_array_append_val (minfo->jit->line_numbers, *lne); } static void debug_generate_method_lines (AssemblyDebugInfo *info, MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, MonoFlowGraph* cfg) { guint32 st_address, st_line; DebugMethodInfo *priv = minfo->user_data; int i; if (!priv || !info->moffsets) return; minfo->jit->line_numbers = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry)); st_line = priv->first_line; st_address = minfo->jit->prologue_end; /* This is the first actual code line of the method. */ record_line_number (minfo, st_address, 0, st_line); /* start lines of basic blocks */ for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { int j; for (j = 0; cfg->bblocks [i].forest && (j < cfg->bblocks [i].forest->len); ++j) { MBTree *t = (MBTree *) g_ptr_array_index (cfg->bblocks [i].forest, j); gint32 line_inc = 0, addr_inc; if (!i && !j) { st_line = priv->first_line; st_address = t->addr; } addr_inc = t->addr - st_address; st_address += addr_inc; if (t->cli_addr != -1) { int *lines = info->moffsets + st_line; int *k = lines; while ((*k != -1) && (*k < t->cli_addr)) k++; line_inc = k - lines; } st_line += line_inc; if (t->cli_addr != -1) record_line_number (minfo, st_address, t->cli_addr, st_line); } } } static void generate_line_number (MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, guint32 address, guint32 offset, int debug) { int i; if (debug) g_message (G_STRLOC ": searching IL offset %x", offset); for (i = minfo->num_il_offsets - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne; if (minfo->il_offsets [i].offset > offset) continue; if (debug) g_message (G_STRLOC ": found entry %d: offset = %x, row = %d", i, minfo->il_offsets [i].offset, minfo->il_offsets [i].row); if (minfo->jit->line_numbers->len) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry last = g_array_index ( minfo->jit->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, minfo->jit->line_numbers->len - 1); /* Avoid writing more than one entry for the same line. */ if (minfo->il_offsets [i].row == last.line) { if (debug) g_message (G_STRLOC ": skipping line: line = %d, last line = %d, " "last address = %x, address = %x, " "last offset = %x, offset = %x", last.line, minfo->il_offsets [i].row, last.address, address, last.offset, offset); return; } } if (debug) g_message (G_STRLOC ": writing entry: line = %d, offfset = %x, address = %x", minfo->il_offsets [i].row, offset, address); lne = g_new0 (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, 1); lne->address = address; lne->offset = offset; lne->line = minfo->il_offsets [i].row; g_array_append_val (minfo->jit->line_numbers, *lne); return; } } static void debug_update_il_offsets (AssemblyDebugInfo *info, MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, MonoFlowGraph* cfg) { MonoMethodHeader *header; guint32 address, offset; int debug = 0; int i; g_assert (info->symfile); if (info->symfile->is_dynamic) return; g_assert (!minfo->jit->line_numbers); minfo->jit->line_numbers = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry)); address = minfo->jit->prologue_end; offset = 0; g_assert (((MonoMethodNormal*)minfo->method)->header); header = ((MonoMethodNormal*)minfo->method)->header; #if 0 if (!strcmp (minfo->method->name, "Test") || !strcmp (minfo->method->name, "Main")) { MonoMethodHeader *header = ((MonoMethodNormal*)minfo->method)->header; debug = 1; mono_disassemble_code (minfo->jit->code_start, minfo->jit->code_size, minfo->method->name); printf ("\nDisassembly:\n%s\n", mono_disasm_code ( NULL, minfo->method, header->code, header->code + header->code_size)); g_message (G_STRLOC ": %x - %x", minfo->jit->prologue_end, minfo->jit->epilogue_begin); } #endif generate_line_number (minfo, address, offset, debug); /* start lines of basic blocks */ for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { int j; for (j = 0; cfg->bblocks [i].forest && (j < cfg->bblocks [i].forest->len); ++j) { MBTree *t = (MBTree *) g_ptr_array_index (cfg->bblocks [i].forest, j); if ((t->cli_addr == -1) || (t->cli_addr == offset) || (t->addr == address)) continue; offset = t->cli_addr; address = t->addr; generate_line_number (minfo, address, offset, debug); } } generate_line_number (minfo, minfo->jit->epilogue_begin, header->code_size, debug); if (debug) { for (i = 0; i < minfo->jit->line_numbers->len; i++) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry lne = g_array_index ( minfo->jit->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i); g_message (G_STRLOC ": %x,%x,%d", lne.address, lne.offset, lne.line); } } } static AssemblyDebugInfo * mono_debug_get_image (MonoDebugHandle* debug, MonoImage *image) { return g_hash_table_lookup (debug->images, image); } static AssemblyDebugInfo * mono_debug_open_image (MonoDebugHandle* debug, MonoImage *image) { AssemblyDebugInfo *info; MonoAssembly **ptr; info = mono_debug_get_image (debug, image); if (info != NULL) return info; debug->dirty = TRUE; info = g_new0 (AssemblyDebugInfo, 1); info->image = image; info->image->ref_count++; info->name = g_strdup (image->assembly_name); info->format = debug->format; info->handle = debug; info->methods = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) free_method_info); info->source_file = debug->source_files->len; g_ptr_array_add (debug->source_files, g_strdup_printf ("%s.il", image->assembly_name)); g_hash_table_insert (debug->images, image, info); info->nmethods = image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD].rows + 1; info->mlines = g_new0 (int, info->nmethods); for (ptr = image->references; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) mono_debug_add_assembly (*ptr, NULL); switch (info->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_STABS: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_DWARF2: if (debug->flags & MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_INSTALL_IL_FILES) { gchar *dirname = g_path_get_dirname (image->name); info->ilfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s.il", dirname, info->name); g_free (dirname); } else info->ilfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s.il", info->name); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: info->filename = replace_suffix (image->name, "dbg"); if (g_file_test (info->filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) info->symfile = mono_debug_open_mono_symbol_file (info->image, info->filename, TRUE); else if (info->format == MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER) info->symfile = mono_debug_create_mono_symbol_file (info->image); debugger_symbol_file_table_generation++; break; default: break; } if ((debug->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) && (debug->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) debug_load_method_lines (info); return info; } void mono_debug_write_symbols (MonoDebugHandle *debug) { if (!debug || !debug->dirty) return; release_symbol_file_table (); switch (debug->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_STABS: mono_debug_write_stabs (debug); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_DWARF2: mono_debug_write_dwarf2 (debug); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } debug->dirty = FALSE; } void mono_debug_make_symbols (void) { if (!mono_debug_handle || !mono_debug_handle->dirty) return; switch (mono_debug_handle->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_STABS: mono_debug_write_stabs (mono_debug_handle); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_DWARF2: mono_debug_write_dwarf2 (mono_debug_handle); break; case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: debugger_update_symbol_file_table (); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } mono_debug_handle->dirty = FALSE; } static void mono_debug_close_assembly (AssemblyDebugInfo* info) { switch (info->format) { case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO: case MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER: if (info->symfile != NULL) mono_debug_close_mono_symbol_file (info->symfile); break; default: break; } g_hash_table_destroy (info->methods); g_free (info->mlines); g_free (info->moffsets); g_free (info->name); g_free (info->ilfile); g_free (info->filename); g_free (info->objfile); g_free (info); } void mono_debug_cleanup (void) { release_symbol_file_table (); if (!mono_debug_handle) return; if (mono_debug_handle->flags & MONO_DEBUG_FLAGS_UPDATE_ON_EXIT) mono_debug_write_symbols (mono_debug_handle); g_hash_table_destroy (mono_debug_handle->images); g_ptr_array_free (mono_debug_handle->source_files, TRUE); g_hash_table_destroy (mono_debug_handle->type_hash); g_free (mono_debug_handle->producer_name); g_free (mono_debug_handle->name); g_free (mono_debug_handle); mono_debug_handle = NULL; } guint32 mono_debug_get_type (MonoDebugHandle *debug, MonoClass *klass) { guint index, i; mono_class_init (klass); index = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (debug->type_hash, klass)); if (index) return index; debug->dirty = TRUE; index = ++debug->next_klass_idx; g_hash_table_insert (debug->type_hash, klass, GINT_TO_POINTER (index)); if (klass->enumtype) return index; switch (klass->byval_arg.type) { case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: if (klass->parent) mono_debug_get_type (debug, klass->parent); for (i = 0; i < klass->method.count; i++) { MonoMethod *method = klass->methods [i]; MonoType *ret_type = NULL; int j; if (method->signature->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) ret_type = method->signature->ret; if (ret_type) { MonoClass *ret_klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (ret_type); mono_debug_get_type (debug, ret_klass); } for (j = 0; j < method->signature->param_count; j++) { MonoType *sub_type = method->signature->params [j]; MonoClass *sub_klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (sub_type); mono_debug_get_type (debug, sub_klass); } } // fall through case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: for (i = 0; i < klass->field.count; i++) { MonoClass *subclass = mono_class_from_mono_type (klass->fields [i].type); mono_debug_get_type (debug, subclass); } break; case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: mono_debug_get_type (debug, klass->element_class); break; default: break; } return index; } static gint32 il_offset_from_address (MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, guint32 address) { int i; if (!minfo->jit || !minfo->jit->line_numbers) return -1; for (i = minfo->jit->line_numbers->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry lne = g_array_index ( minfo->jit->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i); if (lne.address <= address) return lne.offset; } return -1; } static gint32 address_from_il_offset (MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo, guint32 il_offset) { int i; if (!minfo->jit || !minfo->jit->line_numbers) return -1; for (i = minfo->jit->line_numbers->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MonoDebugLineNumberEntry lne = g_array_index ( minfo->jit->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i); if (lne.offset <= il_offset) return lne.address; } return -1; } void mono_debug_add_type (MonoClass *klass) { AssemblyDebugInfo* info; if (!mono_debug_handle) return; info = mono_debug_get_image (mono_debug_handle, klass->image); g_assert (info); if ((mono_debug_handle->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) && (mono_debug_handle->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) return; if (info->symfile) { mono_debug_lock (); mono_debug_symfile_add_type (info->symfile, klass); if (running_in_the_mono_debugger) mono_debugger_signal (TRUE); mono_debug_unlock (); } } static gint32 il_offset_from_position (MonoFlowGraph *cfg, MonoPosition *pos) { MonoBBlock *bblock; MBTree *tree; if (pos->abs_pos == 0) return -1; if (pos->pos.bid >= cfg->block_count) return -1; bblock = &cfg->bblocks [pos->pos.bid]; if (pos->pos.tid >= bblock->forest->len) return -1; tree = (MBTree *) g_ptr_array_index (bblock->forest, pos->pos.tid); return tree->cli_addr; } struct LookupMethodData { MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo; MonoMethod *method; }; static void lookup_method_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyDebugInfo *info = (AssemblyDebugInfo *) value; struct LookupMethodData *data = (struct LookupMethodData *) user_data; if (data->minfo) return; if (info->symfile) data->minfo = mono_debug_find_method (info->symfile, data->method); else data->minfo = g_hash_table_lookup (info->methods, data->method); } static MonoDebugMethodInfo * lookup_method (MonoMethod *method) { struct LookupMethodData data = { NULL, method }; if (!mono_debug_handle) return NULL; g_hash_table_foreach (mono_debug_handle->images, lookup_method_func, &data); return data.minfo; } void mono_debug_add_method (MonoFlowGraph *cfg) { MonoMethod *method = cfg->method; MonoClass *klass = method->klass; AssemblyDebugInfo* info; MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit; MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo; int i; if (!mono_debug_handle) return; mono_class_init (klass); if ((method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) || (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) || (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) || (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ABSTRACT)) return; if (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) return; info = mono_debug_get_image (mono_debug_handle, klass->image); g_assert (info); minfo = lookup_method (method); if (!minfo || minfo->jit) return; mono_debug_lock (); mono_debug_handle->dirty = TRUE; minfo->jit = jit = g_new0 (MonoDebugMethodJitInfo, 1); jit->code_start = cfg->start; jit->code_size = cfg->epilogue_end; jit->prologue_end = cfg->prologue_end; jit->epilogue_begin = cfg->epilog; jit->num_params = method->signature->param_count; jit->params = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_params); if (method->signature->hasthis) { MonoVarInfo *ptr = ((MonoVarInfo *) cfg->varinfo->data) + cfg->args_start_index; jit->this_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1); jit->this_var->offset = ptr->offset; jit->this_var->size = ptr->size; } for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++) { MonoVarInfo *ptr = ((MonoVarInfo *) cfg->varinfo->data) + cfg->args_start_index + method->signature->hasthis; jit->params [i].offset = ptr [i].offset; jit->params [i].size = ptr [i].size; } debug_generate_method_lines (info, minfo, cfg); if ((info->format == MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) || (info->format == MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) debug_update_il_offsets (info, minfo, cfg); if (!method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL | METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME)) { MonoMethodHeader *header = ((MonoMethodNormal*)method)->header; MonoVarInfo *ptr = ((MonoVarInfo *) cfg->varinfo->data) + cfg->locals_start_index; MonoDebugVarInfo *locals; locals = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, header->num_locals); for (i = 0; i < header->num_locals; i++) { gint32 begin_offset, end_offset; gint32 begin_scope, end_scope; if (ptr [i].reg >= 0) { locals [i].index = ptr [i].reg | MONO_DEBUG_VAR_ADDRESS_MODE_REGISTER; locals [i].offset = 0; } else locals [i].offset = ptr [i].offset; locals [i].size = ptr [i].size; begin_offset = il_offset_from_position (cfg, &ptr [i].range.first_use); end_offset = il_offset_from_position (cfg, &ptr [i].range.last_use); if (end_offset >= 0) end_offset++; if (begin_offset >= 0) begin_scope = address_from_il_offset (minfo, begin_offset); else begin_scope = -1; if (end_offset >= 0) end_scope = address_from_il_offset (minfo, end_offset); else end_scope = -1; if (begin_scope > 0) locals [i].begin_scope = begin_scope; else locals [i].begin_scope = jit->prologue_end; if (end_scope > 0) locals [i].end_scope = end_scope; else locals [i].end_scope = jit->epilogue_begin; } jit->num_locals = header->num_locals; jit->locals = locals; } if (info->symfile) { mono_debug_symfile_add_method (info->symfile, method); if (running_in_the_mono_debugger) mono_debugger_signal (TRUE); } mono_debug_unlock (); } gchar * mono_debug_source_location_from_address (MonoMethod *method, guint32 address, guint32 *line_number) { MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo = lookup_method (method); if (!minfo) return NULL; if (minfo->symfile) { gint32 offset = il_offset_from_address (minfo, address); if (offset < 0) return NULL; return mono_debug_find_source_location (minfo->symfile, method, offset, line_number); } return NULL; } gint32 mono_debug_il_offset_from_address (MonoMethod *method, gint32 address) { MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo; if (address < 0) return -1; minfo = lookup_method (method); if (!minfo || !minfo->il_offsets) return -1; return il_offset_from_address (minfo, address); } gint32 mono_debug_address_from_il_offset (MonoMethod *method, gint32 il_offset) { MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo; if (il_offset < 0) return -1; minfo = lookup_method (method); if (!minfo || !minfo->il_offsets) return -1; return address_from_il_offset (minfo, il_offset); } static void release_symbol_file_table () { MonoDebuggerSymbolFileTable *temp; if (!debugger_symbol_file_table) return; /* * Caution: The debugger may access the memory pointed to by this variable * at any time. It is very important to set the pointer to NULL * before freeing the area. */ temp = debugger_symbol_file_table; debugger_symbol_file_table = NULL; g_free (debugger_symbol_file_table); } static void update_symbol_file_table_count_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyDebugInfo *info = (AssemblyDebugInfo *) value; if (!info->symfile) return; if ((info->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) && (info->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) return; ++ (* (int *) user_data); } struct SymfileTableData { MonoDebuggerSymbolFileTable *symfile_table; int index; }; static void update_symbol_file_table_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { AssemblyDebugInfo *info = (AssemblyDebugInfo *) value; struct SymfileTableData *data = (struct SymfileTableData *) user_data; if (!info->symfile) return; if ((info->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO) && (info->format != MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO_DEBUGGER)) return; data->symfile_table->symfiles [data->index++] = info->symfile; } static int debugger_update_symbol_file_table_internal (void) { int count = 0; MonoDebuggerSymbolFileTable *symfile_table; struct SymfileTableData data; guint32 size; if (!mono_debug_handle) return FALSE; mono_debug_lock (); g_hash_table_foreach (mono_debug_handle->images, update_symbol_file_table_count_func, &count); release_symbol_file_table (); size = sizeof (MonoDebuggerSymbolFileTable) + count * sizeof (MonoSymbolFile *); symfile_table = g_malloc0 (size); symfile_table->magic = MONO_SYMBOL_FILE_DYNAMIC_MAGIC; symfile_table->version = MONO_SYMBOL_FILE_DYNAMIC_VERSION; symfile_table->total_size = size; symfile_table->count = count; symfile_table->generation = debugger_symbol_file_table_generation; symfile_table->global_symfile = mono_debugger_global_symbol_file; data.symfile_table = symfile_table; data.index = 0; g_hash_table_foreach (mono_debug_handle->images, update_symbol_file_table_func, &data); debugger_symbol_file_table = symfile_table; mono_debug_unlock (); return TRUE; } static int debugger_update_symbol_file_table (void) { int retval; if (!mono_debug_handle) return FALSE; mono_debug_lock (); retval = debugger_update_symbol_file_table_internal (); mono_debug_unlock (); return retval; } static pid_t debugger_background_thread; extern void mono_debugger_init_thread_debug (pid_t); /* * NOTE: We must not call any functions here which we ever may want to debug ! */ static guint32 debugger_thread_func (gpointer ptr) { void (*notification_code) (void) = ptr; int last_generation = 0; mono_new_thread_init (NULL, &last_generation); debugger_background_thread = getpid (); /* * The parent thread waits on this condition because it needs our pid. */ ReleaseSemaphore (debugger_start_cond, 1, NULL); /* * This mutex is locked by the parent thread until the debugger actually * attached to us, so we don't need a SIGSTOP here anymore. */ mono_debug_lock (); while (TRUE) { /* Wait for an event. */ mono_debug_unlock (); g_assert (WaitForSingleObject (debugger_thread_cond, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); mono_debug_lock (); /* Reload the symbol file table if necessary. */ if (debugger_symbol_file_table_generation > last_generation) { debugger_update_symbol_file_table_internal (); last_generation = debugger_symbol_file_table_generation; } /* * Send notification - we'll stop on a breakpoint instruction at a special * address. The debugger will reload the symbol tables while we're stopped - * and owning the `debugger_thread_mutex' so that no other thread can touch * them in the meantime. */ notification_code (); /* Clear modified and signalled flag. */ debugger_symbol_file_table_modified = FALSE; debugger_signalled = FALSE; if (must_send_finished) { EnterCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); ReleaseSemaphore (debugger_finished_cond, 1, NULL); must_send_finished = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); } } return 0; } static void initialize_debugger_support () { guint8 *buf, *ptr; HANDLE thread; if (running_in_the_mono_debugger) return; debugger_init_threads (); running_in_the_mono_debugger = TRUE; ptr = buf = g_malloc0 (16); x86_breakpoint (buf); debugger_notification_address = buf; x86_ret (buf); /* * We keep this mutex until mono_debugger_jit_exec(). */ mono_debug_lock (); /* * This mutex is only unlocked in mono_debugger_wait(). */ EnterCriticalSection (&debugger_finished_mutex); thread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, debugger_thread_func, ptr, FALSE, NULL); g_assert (thread); /* * Wait until the background thread set its pid. */ g_assert (WaitForSingleObject (debugger_start_cond, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); /* * Wait until the debugger thread has actually been started and we * have its pid, then actually start the background thread. */ #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 mono_debugger_init_thread_debug (debugger_background_thread); #endif } static GPtrArray *breakpoints = NULL; int mono_insert_breakpoint_full (MonoMethodDesc *desc, gboolean use_trampoline) { static int last_breakpoint_id = 0; MonoDebuggerBreakpointInfo *info; info = g_new0 (MonoDebuggerBreakpointInfo, 1); info->desc = desc; info->use_trampoline = use_trampoline; info->index = ++last_breakpoint_id; if (!breakpoints) breakpoints = g_ptr_array_new (); g_ptr_array_add (breakpoints, info); return info->index; } static guint64 debugger_insert_breakpoint (guint64 method_argument, const gchar *string_argument) { MonoMethodDesc *desc; desc = mono_method_desc_new (string_argument, FALSE); if (!desc) return 0; return mono_insert_breakpoint_full (desc, TRUE); } static guint64 debugger_remove_breakpoint (guint64 breakpoint) { int i; if (!breakpoints) return 0; for (i = 0; i < breakpoints->len; i++) { MonoDebuggerBreakpointInfo *info = g_ptr_array_index (breakpoints, i); if (info->index != breakpoint) continue; mono_method_desc_free (info->desc); g_ptr_array_remove (breakpoints, info); g_free (info); return 1; } return 0; } static gpointer debugger_compile_method (MonoMethod *method) { gpointer retval; mono_debug_lock (); retval = mono_compile_method (method); mono_debugger_signal (FALSE); mono_debug_unlock (); return retval; } int mono_remove_breakpoint (int breakpoint_id) { return debugger_remove_breakpoint (breakpoint_id); } int mono_insert_breakpoint (const gchar *method_name, gboolean include_namespace) { MonoMethodDesc *desc; desc = mono_method_desc_new (method_name, include_namespace); if (!desc) return 0; return mono_insert_breakpoint_full (desc, running_in_the_mono_debugger); } int mono_method_has_breakpoint (MonoMethod* method, gboolean use_trampoline) { int i; if (!breakpoints || (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < breakpoints->len; i++) { MonoDebuggerBreakpointInfo *info = g_ptr_array_index (breakpoints, i); if (info->use_trampoline != use_trampoline) continue; if (!mono_method_desc_full_match (info->desc, method)) continue; return info->index; } return 0; } void mono_debugger_trampoline_breakpoint_callback (void) { mono_debug_lock (); must_send_finished = TRUE; mono_debugger_signal (FALSE); mono_debug_unlock (); mono_debugger_wait (); } /* * This is a custom version of mono_jit_exec() which is used when we're being run inside * the Mono Debugger. */ int mono_debugger_jit_exec (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *assembly, int argc, char *argv[]) { MonoImage *image = assembly->image; MonoMethod *method; gpointer addr; int retval; method = mono_get_method (image, mono_image_get_entry_point (image), NULL); addr = mono_compile_method (method); /* * The mutex has been locked in initialize_debugger_support(); we keep it locked * until we compiled the main method and signalled the debugger. */ must_send_finished = TRUE; mono_debugger_signal (TRUE); mono_debug_unlock (); /* * Wait until the debugger has loaded the initial symbol tables. */ mono_debugger_wait (); retval = mono_runtime_run_main (method, argc, argv, NULL); /* * Kill the background thread. */ #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 /* Someone should look at this too */ kill (debugger_background_thread, SIGKILL); #endif return retval; } #else MonoDebugHandle* mono_debug_open (MonoAssembly *assembly, MonoDebugFormat format, const char **args) { return NULL; } void mono_debug_write_symbols (MonoDebugHandle *debug) { } void mono_debug_make_symbols (void) { } void mono_debug_cleanup (void) { } guint32 mono_debug_get_type (MonoDebugHandle *debug, MonoClass *klass) { return 0; } void mono_debug_add_type (MonoClass *klass) { } void mono_debug_add_method (MonoFlowGraph *cfg) { } gchar * mono_debug_source_location_from_address (MonoMethod *method, guint32 address, guint32 *line_number) { return NULL; } gint32 mono_debug_il_offset_from_address (MonoMethod *method, gint32 address) { return -1; } gint32 mono_debug_address_from_il_offset (MonoMethod *method, gint32 il_offset) { return 0; } int mono_insert_breakpoint_full (MonoMethodDesc *desc, gboolean use_trampoline) { return 0; } int mono_remove_breakpoint (int breakpoint_id) { return 0; } int mono_insert_breakpoint (const gchar *method_name, gboolean include_namespace) { return 0; } int mono_method_has_breakpoint (MonoMethod* method, gboolean use_trampoline) { return 0; } void mono_debugger_trampoline_breakpoint_callback (void) { } int mono_debugger_jit_exec (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *assembly, int argc, char *argv[]) { return -1; } #endif /* PLATFORM_WIN32 */