/* * PLEASE NOTE: This is a research prototype. * * * interp.c: Interpreter for CIL byte codes * * Authors: * Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com) * Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) * Dietmar Maurer (dietmar@ximian.com) * * (C) 2001, 2002 Ximian, Inc. */ #ifndef __USE_ISOC99 #define __USE_ISOC99 #endif #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #else # ifdef __CYGWIN__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca # endif #endif /* trim excessive headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*#include */ #include "interp.h" #include "hacks.h" /* Mingw 2.1 doesnt need this any more, but leave it in for now for older versions */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define isnan _isnan #define finite _finite #endif #ifndef HAVE_FINITE #ifdef HAVE_ISFINITE #define finite isfinite #endif #endif /* If true, then we output the opcodes as we interpret them */ static int global_tracing = 0; static int global_no_pointers = 0; static int debug_indent_level = 0; /* * Pull the list of opcodes */ #define OPDEF(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) \ a = i, enum { #include "mono/cil/opcode.def" LAST = 0xff }; #undef OPDEF #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 #define GET_NATI(sp) ((sp).type == VAL_I32 ? (sp).data.i : (sp).data.nati) #else #define GET_NATI(sp) (sp).data.i #endif #define CSIZE(x) (sizeof (x) / 4) #define INIT_FRAME(frame,parent_frame,obj_this,method_args,method_retval,mono_method) \ do { \ (frame)->parent = (parent_frame); \ (frame)->obj = (obj_this); \ (frame)->stack_args = (method_args); \ (frame)->retval = (method_retval); \ (frame)->method = (mono_method); \ (frame)->ex_handler = NULL; \ (frame)->ex = NULL; \ (frame)->child = NULL; \ (frame)->ip = NULL; \ (frame)->invoke_trap = 0; \ } while (0) typedef struct { MonoInvocation *base_frame; MonoInvocation *current_frame; MonoInvocation *env_frame; jmp_buf *current_env; int search_for_handler; } ThreadContext; static MonoException * quit_exception = NULL; void ves_exec_method (MonoInvocation *frame); static char* dump_stack (stackval *stack, stackval *sp); static char* dump_frame (MonoInvocation *inv); static void ves_exec_method_with_context (MonoInvocation *frame, ThreadContext *context); typedef void (*ICallMethod) (MonoInvocation *frame); static guint32 die_on_exception = 0; static guint32 thread_context_id = 0; #define DEBUG_INTERP 1 #if DEBUG_INTERP static unsigned long opcode_count = 0; static unsigned long fcall_count = 0; static int break_on_method = 0; static GList *db_methods = NULL; static void output_indent (void) { int h; for (h = 0; h < debug_indent_level; h++) g_print (" "); } static void db_match_method (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { MonoMethod *m = (MonoMethod*)user_data; MonoMethodDesc *desc = data; if (mono_method_desc_full_match (desc, m)) break_on_method = 1; } #define DEBUG_ENTER() \ fcall_count++; \ g_list_foreach (db_methods, db_match_method, (gpointer)frame->method); \ if (break_on_method) tracing=2; \ break_on_method = 0; \ if (tracing) { \ char *mn, *args = dump_stack (frame->stack_args, frame->stack_args+signature->param_count); \ debug_indent_level++; \ output_indent (); \ mn = mono_method_full_name (frame->method, FALSE); \ g_print ("(%u) Entering %s (", GetCurrentThreadId(), mn); \ g_free (mn); \ if (signature->hasthis) { \ if (global_no_pointers) { \ g_print ("this%s ", frame->obj ? "" : "=null"); \ } else { \ g_print ("%p ", frame->obj); } \ } \ g_print ("%s)\n", args); \ g_free (args); \ } \ if (mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ENTER_LEAVE) \ mono_profiler_method_enter (frame->method); #define DEBUG_LEAVE() \ if (tracing) { \ char *mn, *args; \ if (signature->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) \ args = dump_stack (frame->retval, frame->retval + 1); \ else \ args = g_strdup (""); \ output_indent (); \ mn = mono_method_full_name (frame->method, FALSE); \ g_print ("(%u) Leaving %s", GetCurrentThreadId(), mn); \ g_free (mn); \ g_print (" => %s\n", args); \ g_free (args); \ debug_indent_level--; \ } \ if (mono_profiler_events & MONO_PROFILE_ENTER_LEAVE) \ mono_profiler_method_leave (frame->method); #else #define DEBUG_ENTER() #define DEBUG_LEAVE() #endif static void interp_ex_handler (MonoException *ex) { ThreadContext *context = TlsGetValue (thread_context_id); char *stack_trace; stack_trace = dump_frame (context->current_frame); ex->stack_trace = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get(), stack_trace); g_free (stack_trace); if (context == NULL || context->current_env == NULL) { char *strace = mono_string_to_utf8 (ex->stack_trace); fprintf(stderr, "Nothing can catch this exception: "); fprintf(stderr, "%s", ex->object.vtable->klass->name); if (ex->message != NULL) { char *m = mono_string_to_utf8 (ex->message); fprintf(stderr, ": %s", m); g_free(m); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strace); g_free (strace); if (ex->inner_ex != NULL) { ex = (MonoException *)ex->inner_ex; fprintf(stderr, "Inner exception: %s", ex->object.vtable->klass->name); if (ex->message != NULL) { char *m = mono_string_to_utf8 (ex->message); fprintf(stderr, ": %s", m); g_free(m); } strace = mono_string_to_utf8 (ex->stack_trace); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strace); g_free (strace); } exit(1); } context->env_frame->ex = ex; context->search_for_handler = 1; longjmp (*context->current_env, 1); } static void ves_real_abort (int line, MonoMethod *mh, const unsigned char *ip, stackval *stack, stackval *sp) { MonoMethodNormal *mm = (MonoMethodNormal *)mh; fprintf (stderr, "Execution aborted in method: %s::%s\n", mh->klass->name, mh->name); fprintf (stderr, "Line=%d IP=0x%04x, Aborted execution\n", line, ip-mm->header->code); g_print ("0x%04x %02x\n", ip-mm->header->code, *ip); if (sp > stack) printf ("\t[%d] %d 0x%08x %0.5f\n", sp-stack, sp[-1].type, sp[-1].data.i, sp[-1].data.f); } #define ves_abort() do {ves_real_abort(__LINE__, frame->method, ip, frame->stack, sp); THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_execution_engine (NULL), ip);} while (0); static gpointer interp_create_remoting_trampoline (MonoMethod *method) { return mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (method); } static MonoMethod* get_virtual_method (MonoDomain *domain, MonoMethod *m, stackval *objs) { MonoObject *obj; MonoClass *klass; MonoMethod **vtable; gboolean is_proxy = FALSE; MonoMethod *res; if ((m->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_FINAL) || !(m->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL)) return m; obj = objs->data.p; if ((klass = obj->vtable->klass) == mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class) { klass = ((MonoTransparentProxy *)obj)->klass; is_proxy = TRUE; } vtable = (MonoMethod **)klass->vtable; if (m->klass->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE) { res = ((MonoMethod **)obj->vtable->interface_offsets [m->klass->interface_id]) [m->slot]; } else { res = vtable [m->slot]; } g_assert (res); if (is_proxy) return mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (res); return res; } void inline stackval_from_data (MonoType *type, stackval *result, char *data, gboolean pinvoke) { if (type->byref) { switch (type->type) { case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: result->type = VAL_OBJ; break; default: result->type = VAL_MP; break; } result->data.p = *(gpointer*)data; return; } switch (type->type) { case MONO_TYPE_VOID: return; case MONO_TYPE_I1: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(gint8*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(guint8*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_I2: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(gint16*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(guint16*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_I4: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(gint32*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_I: result->type = VAL_NATI; result->data.nati = *(mono_i*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_PTR: result->type = VAL_TP; result->data.p = *(gpointer*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_U4: result->type = VAL_I32; result->data.i = *(guint32*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_R4: result->type = VAL_DOUBLE; result->data.f = *(float*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: result->type = VAL_I64; result->data.l = *(gint64*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_R8: result->type = VAL_DOUBLE; result->data.f = *(double*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: result->type = VAL_OBJ; result->data.p = *(gpointer*)data; return; case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: if (type->data.klass->enumtype) { stackval_from_data (type->data.klass->enum_basetype, result, data, pinvoke); return; } else { int size; result->type = VAL_VALUET; if (pinvoke) size = mono_class_native_size (type->data.klass, NULL); else size = mono_class_value_size (type->data.klass, NULL); memcpy (result->data.vt, data, size); } return; default: g_warning ("got type 0x%02x", type->type); g_assert_not_reached (); } } void inline stackval_to_data (MonoType *type, stackval *val, char *data, gboolean pinvoke) { if (type->byref) { gpointer *p = (gpointer*)data; *p = val->data.p; return; } //printf ("TODAT0 %p\n", data); switch (type->type) { case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_U1: { guint8 *p = (guint8*)data; *p = val->data.i; return; } case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { guint8 *p = (guint8*)data; *p = (val->data.i != 0); return; } case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: { guint16 *p = (guint16*)data; *p = val->data.i; return; } case MONO_TYPE_I: { mono_i *p = (mono_i*)data; /* In theory the value used by stloc should match the local var type but in practice it sometimes doesn't (a int32 gets dup'd and stloc'd into a native int - both by csc and mcs). Not sure what to do about sign extension as it is outside the spec... doing the obvious */ *p = val->type == VAL_I32 ? val->data.i : val->data.nati; return; } case MONO_TYPE_U: { mono_u *p = (mono_u*)data; /* see above. */ *p = val->type == VAL_I32 ? (guint32)val->data.i : val->data.nati; return; } case MONO_TYPE_I4: case MONO_TYPE_U4: { gint32 *p = (gint32*)data; *p = val->data.i; return; } case MONO_TYPE_I8: case MONO_TYPE_U8: { gint64 *p = (gint64*)data; *p = val->data.l; return; } case MONO_TYPE_R4: { float *p = (float*)data; *p = val->data.f; return; } case MONO_TYPE_R8: { double *p = (double*)data; *p = val->data.f; return; } case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_PTR: { gpointer *p = (gpointer*)data; *p = val->data.p; return; } case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: if (type->data.klass->enumtype) { stackval_to_data (type->data.klass->enum_basetype, val, data, pinvoke); return; } else { int size; if (pinvoke) size = mono_class_native_size (type->data.klass, NULL); else size = mono_class_value_size (type->data.klass, NULL); memcpy (data, val->data.vt, size); } return; default: g_warning ("got type %x", type->type); g_assert_not_reached (); } } #define FILL_IN_TRACE(exception, frame) \ do { \ char *stack_trace; \ stack_trace = dump_frame (frame); \ (exception)->stack_trace = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get(), stack_trace); \ g_free (stack_trace); \ } while (0) #define THROW_EX(exception,ex_ip) \ do {\ frame->ip = (ex_ip); \ frame->ex = (MonoException*)(exception); \ FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); \ goto handle_exception; \ } while (0) static MonoObject* ves_array_create (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *klass, MonoMethodSignature *sig, stackval *values) { guint32 *lengths; guint32 *lower_bounds; int i; lengths = alloca (sizeof (guint32) * klass->rank * 2); for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; ++i) { lengths [i] = values->data.i; values ++; } if (klass->rank == sig->param_count) { /* Only lengths provided. */ lower_bounds = NULL; } else { /* lower bounds are first. */ lower_bounds = lengths; lengths += klass->rank; } return (MonoObject*)mono_array_new_full (domain, klass, lengths, lower_bounds); } static void ves_array_set (MonoInvocation *frame) { stackval *sp = frame->stack_args; MonoObject *o; MonoArray *ao; MonoClass *ac; gint32 i, t, pos, esize; gpointer ea; MonoType *mt; o = frame->obj; ao = (MonoArray *)o; ac = o->vtable->klass; g_assert (ac->rank >= 1); pos = sp [0].data.i; if (ao->bounds != NULL) { pos -= ao->bounds [0].lower_bound; for (i = 1; i < ac->rank; i++) { if ((t = sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound) >= ao->bounds [i].length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } pos = pos*ao->bounds [i].length + sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound; } } else if (pos >= ao->max_length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } esize = mono_array_element_size (ac); ea = mono_array_addr_with_size (ao, esize, pos); mt = frame->method->signature->params [ac->rank]; stackval_to_data (mt, &sp [ac->rank], ea, FALSE); } static void ves_array_get (MonoInvocation *frame) { stackval *sp = frame->stack_args; MonoObject *o; MonoArray *ao; MonoClass *ac; gint32 i, t, pos, esize; gpointer ea; MonoType *mt; o = frame->obj; ao = (MonoArray *)o; ac = o->vtable->klass; g_assert (ac->rank >= 1); pos = sp [0].data.i; if (ao->bounds != NULL) { pos -= ao->bounds [0].lower_bound; for (i = 1; i < ac->rank; i++) { if ((t = sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound) >= ao->bounds [i].length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } pos = pos*ao->bounds [i].length + sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound; } } else if (pos >= ao->max_length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } esize = mono_array_element_size (ac); ea = mono_array_addr_with_size (ao, esize, pos); mt = frame->method->signature->ret; stackval_from_data (mt, frame->retval, ea, FALSE); } static void ves_array_element_address (MonoInvocation *frame) { stackval *sp = frame->stack_args; MonoObject *o; MonoArray *ao; MonoClass *ac; gint32 i, t, pos, esize; gpointer ea; o = frame->obj; ao = (MonoArray *)o; ac = o->vtable->klass; g_assert (ac->rank >= 1); pos = sp [0].data.i; if (ao->bounds != NULL) { pos -= ao->bounds [0].lower_bound; for (i = 1; i < ac->rank; i++) { if ((t = sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound) >= ao->bounds [i].length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } pos = pos*ao->bounds [i].length + sp [i].data.i - ao->bounds [i].lower_bound; } } else if (pos >= ao->max_length) { frame->ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(frame->ex, frame); return; } esize = mono_array_element_size (ac); ea = mono_array_addr_with_size (ao, esize, pos); frame->retval->type = VAL_MP; frame->retval->data.p = ea; } static void interp_walk_stack (MonoStackWalk func, gpointer user_data) { ThreadContext *context = TlsGetValue (thread_context_id); MonoInvocation *frame = context->current_frame; int il_offset; MonoMethodHeader *hd; while (frame) { gboolean managed = FALSE; if (!frame->method || (frame->method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) || (frame->method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL | METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME))) il_offset = -1; else { hd = ((MonoMethodNormal*)frame->method)->header; il_offset = frame->ip - hd->code; if (!frame->method->wrapper_type) managed = TRUE; } if (func (frame->method, -1, il_offset, managed, user_data)) return; frame = frame->parent; } } static void ves_pinvoke_method (MonoInvocation *frame, MonoMethodSignature *sig, MonoFunc addr, gboolean string_ctor, ThreadContext *context) { jmp_buf env; MonoPIFunc func; MonoInvocation *old_frame = context->current_frame; MonoInvocation *old_env_frame = context->env_frame; jmp_buf *old_env = context->current_env; if (setjmp (env)) { context->current_frame = old_frame; context->env_frame = old_env_frame; context->current_env = old_env; context->search_for_handler = 0; return; } context->env_frame = frame; context->current_env = &env; if (frame->method) { if (!frame->method->info) { func = frame->method->info = mono_arch_create_trampoline (sig, string_ctor); } else { func = (MonoPIFunc)frame->method->info; } } else { func = mono_arch_create_trampoline (sig, string_ctor); } context->current_frame = frame; func (addr, &frame->retval->data.p, frame->obj, frame->stack_args); if (string_ctor) { stackval_from_data (&mono_defaults.string_class->byval_arg, frame->retval, (char*)&frame->retval->data.p, sig->pinvoke); } else if (!MONO_TYPE_ISSTRUCT (sig->ret)) stackval_from_data (sig->ret, frame->retval, (char*)&frame->retval->data.p, sig->pinvoke); context->current_frame = old_frame; context->env_frame = old_env_frame; context->current_env = old_env; } /* * From the spec: * runtime specifies that the implementation of the method is automatically * provided by the runtime and is primarily used for the methods of delegates. */ static void ves_runtime_method (MonoInvocation *frame, ThreadContext *context) { const char *name = frame->method->name; MonoObject *obj = (MonoObject*)frame->obj; MonoInvocation call; MonoMethod *nm; mono_class_init (frame->method->klass); if (obj && mono_object_isinst (obj, mono_defaults.multicastdelegate_class)) { if (*name == '.' && (strcmp (name, ".ctor") == 0)) { mono_delegate_ctor (obj, frame->stack_args[0].data.p, frame->stack_args[1].data.p); return; } if (*name == 'I' && (strcmp (name, "Invoke") == 0)) { nm = mono_marshal_get_delegate_invoke (frame->method); INIT_FRAME(&call,frame,obj,frame->stack_args,frame->retval,nm); ves_exec_method_with_context (&call, context); frame->ex = call.ex; return; } if (*name == 'B' && (strcmp (name, "BeginInvoke") == 0)) { nm = mono_marshal_get_delegate_begin_invoke (frame->method); INIT_FRAME(&call,frame,obj,frame->stack_args,frame->retval,nm); ves_exec_method_with_context (&call, context); frame->ex = call.ex; return; } if (*name == 'E' && (strcmp (name, "EndInvoke") == 0)) { nm = mono_marshal_get_delegate_end_invoke (frame->method); INIT_FRAME(&call,frame,obj,frame->stack_args,frame->retval,nm); ves_exec_method_with_context (&call, context); frame->ex = call.ex; return; } } if (obj && mono_object_isinst (obj, mono_defaults.array_class)) { if (*name == 'S' && (strcmp (name, "Set") == 0)) { ves_array_set (frame); return; } if (*name == 'G' && (strcmp (name, "Get") == 0)) { ves_array_get (frame); return; } if (*name == 'A' && (strcmp (name, "Address") == 0)) { ves_array_element_address (frame); return; } } g_error ("Don't know how to exec runtime method %s.%s::%s", frame->method->klass->name_space, frame->method->klass->name, frame->method->name); } static char* dump_stack (stackval *stack, stackval *sp) { stackval *s = stack; GString *str = g_string_new (""); if (sp == stack) return g_string_free (str, FALSE); while (s < sp) { switch (s->type) { #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case VAL_NATI: g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%d/0x%0x] ", s->data.nati, s->data.nati); break; #else case VAL_NATI: g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%lld/0x%0llx] ", s->data.nati, s->data.nati); break; #endif case VAL_I32: g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%d] ", s->data.i); break; case VAL_I64: g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%lldL] ", s->data.l); break; case VAL_DOUBLE: g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%0.5f] ", s->data.f); break; case VAL_VALUET: if (!global_no_pointers) g_string_sprintfa (str, "[vt: %p] ", s->data.vt); else g_string_sprintfa (str, "[vt%s] ", s->data.vt ? "" : "=null"); break; case VAL_OBJ: { MonoObject *obj = s->data.p; if (global_no_pointers && obj && obj->vtable) { MonoClass *klass = mono_object_class (obj); if (klass == mono_defaults.string_class) { char *utf8 = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString*) obj); g_string_sprintfa (str, "[str:%s] ", utf8); g_free (utf8); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.sbyte_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%d] ", *(gint8 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.int16_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%d] ", *(gint16 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.int32_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%d] ", *(gint32 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.byte_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%u] ", *(guint8 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.char_class || klass == mono_defaults.uint16_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%u] ", *(guint16 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.uint32_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%u] ", *(guint32 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.int64_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%lld] ", *(gint64 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.uint64_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%llu] ", *(guint64 *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.double_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%0.5f] ", *(gdouble *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.single_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%0.5f] ", *(gfloat *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject))); break; } else if (klass == mono_defaults.boolean_class) { g_string_sprintfa (str, "[b:%s] ", *(gboolean *)((guint8 *) obj + sizeof (MonoObject)) ? "true" : "false"); break; } } /* fall thru */ } default: if (!global_no_pointers) g_string_sprintfa (str, "[%c:%p] ", s->type == VAL_OBJ ? 'O' : s->type == VAL_MP ? 'M' : '?', s->data.p); else g_string_sprintfa (str, s->data.p ? "[ptr] " : "[null] "); break; } ++s; } return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } static char* dump_frame (MonoInvocation *inv) { GString *str = g_string_new (""); int i; char *args; for (i = 0; inv; inv = inv->parent, ++i) { if (inv->method != NULL) { MonoClass *k; int codep = 0; const char * opname = ""; gchar *source = NULL; if (!inv->method) { --i; continue; } k = inv->method->klass; if ((inv->method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) == 0 && (inv->method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) == 0) { MonoMethodHeader *hd = ((MonoMethodNormal *)inv->method)->header; if (hd != NULL) { if (inv->ip) codep = *(inv->ip) == 0xfe? inv->ip [1] + 256: *(inv->ip); else codep = 0; opname = mono_opcode_names [codep]; codep = inv->ip - hd->code; source = mono_debug_source_location_from_il_offset (inv->method, codep, NULL); } } args = dump_stack (inv->stack_args, inv->stack_args + inv->method->signature->param_count); if (source) g_string_sprintfa (str, "#%d: 0x%05x %-10s in %s.%s::%s (%s) at %s\n", i, codep, opname, k->name_space, k->name, inv->method->name, args, source); else g_string_sprintfa (str, "#%d: 0x%05x %-10s in %s.%s::%s (%s)\n", i, codep, opname, k->name_space, k->name, inv->method->name, args); g_free (args); g_free (source); } } return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } typedef enum { INLINE_STRING_LENGTH = 1, INLINE_STRING_GET_CHARS, INLINE_ARRAY_LENGTH, INLINE_ARRAY_RANK, INLINE_TYPE_ELEMENT_TYPE } InlineMethod; typedef struct { MonoClassField *field; } MonoRuntimeFieldInfo; typedef struct { guint32 locals_size; guint32 args_size; MonoRuntimeFieldInfo *field_info; guint32 offsets[1]; } MethodRuntimeData; static void write32(unsigned char *p, guint32 v) { p[0] = v & 0xff; p[1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff; p[2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff; p[3] = (v >> 24) & 0xff; } static CRITICAL_SECTION calc_section; static void calc_offsets (MonoImage *image, MonoMethod *method) { int i, align, size, offset = 0; MonoMethodHeader *header = ((MonoMethodNormal*)method)->header; MonoMethodSignature *signature = method->signature; register const unsigned char *ip, *end; const MonoOpcode *opcode; guint32 token; MonoMethod *m; MonoClass *class; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MethodRuntimeData *rtd; int n_fields = 0; mono_profiler_method_jit (method); /* sort of... */ /* intern the strings in the method. */ ip = header->code; end = ip + header->code_size; while (ip < end) { i = *ip; if (*ip == 0xfe) { ip++; i = *ip + 256; } opcode = &mono_opcodes [i]; switch (opcode->argument) { case MonoInlineNone: ++ip; break; case MonoInlineString: mono_ldstr (domain, image, mono_metadata_token_index (read32 (ip + 1))); ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineType: if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) { class = mono_class_get (image, read32 (ip + 1)); mono_class_init (class); if (!(class->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE)) mono_class_vtable (domain, class); } ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineField: n_fields++; ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineMethod: if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) { m = mono_get_method (image, read32 (ip + 1), NULL); mono_class_init (m->klass); if (!(m->klass->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE)) mono_class_vtable (domain, m->klass); } ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineTok: case MonoInlineSig: case MonoShortInlineR: case MonoInlineI: case MonoInlineBrTarget: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineVar: ip += 3; break; case MonoShortInlineVar: case MonoShortInlineI: case MonoShortInlineBrTarget: ip += 2; break; case MonoInlineSwitch: { guint32 n; ++ip; n = read32 (ip); ip += 4; ip += 4 * n; break; } case MonoInlineR: case MonoInlineI8: ip += 9; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } /* the rest needs to be locked so it is only done once */ EnterCriticalSection(&calc_section); if (method->info != NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&calc_section); mono_profiler_method_end_jit (method, MONO_PROFILE_OK); return; } rtd = (MethodRuntimeData *)g_malloc0 (sizeof(MethodRuntimeData) + (header->num_locals - 1 + signature->hasthis + signature->param_count) * sizeof(guint32)); for (i = 0; i < header->num_locals; ++i) { size = mono_type_size (header->locals [i], &align); offset += align - 1; offset &= ~(align - 1); rtd->offsets [i] = offset; offset += size; } rtd->locals_size = offset; offset = 0; if (signature->hasthis) { offset += sizeof (gpointer) - 1; offset &= ~(sizeof (gpointer) - 1); rtd->offsets [header->num_locals] = offset; offset += sizeof (gpointer); } for (i = 0; i < signature->param_count; ++i) { if (signature->pinvoke) { size = mono_type_native_stack_size (signature->params [i], &align); align = 8; } else size = mono_type_stack_size (signature->params [i], &align); offset += align - 1; offset &= ~(align - 1); rtd->offsets [signature->hasthis + header->num_locals + i] = offset; offset += size; } rtd->args_size = offset; rtd->field_info = g_malloc(n_fields * sizeof(MonoRuntimeFieldInfo)); header->code = g_memdup(header->code, header->code_size); n_fields = 0; ip = header->code; end = ip + header->code_size; while (ip < end) { i = *ip; if (*ip == 0xfe) { ip++; i = *ip + 256; } opcode = &mono_opcodes [i]; switch (opcode->argument) { case MonoInlineNone: ++ip; break; case MonoInlineString: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineType: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineField: token = read32 (ip + 1); rtd->field_info[n_fields].field = mono_field_from_token (image, token, &class); mono_class_vtable (domain, class); g_assert(rtd->field_info[n_fields].field->parent == class); write32 ((unsigned char *)ip + 1, n_fields); n_fields++; ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineMethod: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineTok: case MonoInlineSig: case MonoShortInlineR: case MonoInlineI: case MonoInlineBrTarget: ip += 5; break; case MonoInlineVar: ip += 3; break; case MonoShortInlineVar: case MonoShortInlineI: case MonoShortInlineBrTarget: ip += 2; break; case MonoInlineSwitch: { guint32 n; ++ip; n = read32 (ip); ip += 4; ip += 4 * n; break; } case MonoInlineR: case MonoInlineI8: ip += 9; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } /* * We store the inline info in addr, since it's unused for IL methods. */ if (method->klass == mono_defaults.string_class) { if (strcmp (method->name, "get_Length") == 0) method->addr = GUINT_TO_POINTER (INLINE_STRING_LENGTH); else if (strcmp (method->name, "get_Chars") == 0) method->addr = GUINT_TO_POINTER (INLINE_STRING_GET_CHARS); } else if (method->klass == mono_defaults.array_class) { if (strcmp (method->name, "get_Length") == 0) method->addr = GUINT_TO_POINTER (INLINE_ARRAY_LENGTH); else if (strcmp (method->name, "get_Rank") == 0 || strcmp (method->name, "GetRank") == 0) method->addr = GUINT_TO_POINTER (INLINE_ARRAY_RANK); } else if (method->klass == mono_defaults.monotype_class) { if (strcmp (method->name, "GetElementType") == 0) method->addr = GUINT_TO_POINTER (INLINE_TYPE_ELEMENT_TYPE); } mono_profiler_method_end_jit (method, MONO_PROFILE_OK); method->info = rtd; LeaveCriticalSection(&calc_section); } #define LOCAL_POS(n) (frame->locals + rtd->offsets [n]) #define LOCAL_TYPE(header, n) ((header)->locals [(n)]) #define ARG_POS(n) (args_pointers [(n)]) #define ARG_TYPE(sig, n) ((n) ? (sig)->params [(n) - (sig)->hasthis] : \ (sig)->hasthis ? &frame->method->klass->this_arg: (sig)->params [(0)]) typedef struct _vtallocation vtallocation; struct _vtallocation { vtallocation *next; guint32 size; guint32 max_size; union { char data [MONO_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY]; double force_alignment; } u; }; #define vt_allocmem(sz, var) \ do { \ vtallocation *tmp, *prev; \ prev = NULL; \ tmp = vtalloc; \ while (tmp && (tmp->max_size < (sz))) { \ prev = tmp; \ tmp = tmp->next; \ } \ if (!tmp) { \ tmp = alloca (sizeof (vtallocation) + (sz)); \ tmp->max_size = (sz); \ g_assert ((sz) < 10000); \ } \ else \ if (prev) \ prev->next = tmp->next; \ else \ vtalloc = tmp->next; \ tmp->size = (sz); \ var = tmp->u.data; \ } while(0) #define vt_alloc(vtype,sp,native) \ if ((vtype)->type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE && !(vtype)->data.klass->enumtype) { \ if (!(vtype)->byref) { \ guint32 vtsize; \ if (native) vtsize = mono_class_native_size ((vtype)->data.klass, NULL); \ else vtsize = mono_class_value_size ((vtype)->data.klass, NULL); \ vt_allocmem(vtsize, (sp)->data.vt); \ } \ } #define vt_free(sp) \ do { \ if ((sp)->type == VAL_VALUET) { \ vtallocation *tmp = (vtallocation*)(((char*)(sp)->data.vt) - G_STRUCT_OFFSET (vtallocation, u)); \ tmp->next = vtalloc; \ vtalloc = tmp; \ } \ } while (0) #define stackvalpush(val, sp) \ do { \ (sp)->type = (val)->type; \ (sp)->data = (val)->data; \ if ((val)->type == VAL_VALUET) { \ vtallocation *vala = (vtallocation*)(((char*)(val)->data.vt) - G_STRUCT_OFFSET (vtallocation, u)); \ vt_allocmem(vala->size, (sp)->data.vt); \ memcpy((sp)->data.vt, (val)->data.vt, vala->size); \ } \ (sp)++; \ } while (0) #define stackvalcpy(src, dest) \ do { \ (dest)->type = (src)->type; \ (dest)->data = (src)->data; \ if ((dest)->type == VAL_VALUET) { \ vtallocation *tmp = (vtallocation*)(((char*)(src)->data.vt) - G_STRUCT_OFFSET (vtallocation, u)); \ memcpy((dest)->data.vt, (src)->data.vt, tmp->size); \ } \ } while (0) /* static void verify_method (MonoMethod *m) { GSList *errors, *tmp; MonoVerifyInfo *info; errors = mono_method_verify (m, MONO_VERIFY_ALL); if (errors) g_print ("Method %s.%s::%s has invalid IL.\n", m->klass->name_space, m->klass->name, m->name); for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { info = tmp->data; g_print ("%s\n", info->message); } if (errors) G_BREAKPOINT (); mono_free_verify_list (errors); } */ #define MYGUINT64_MAX 18446744073709551615ULL #define MYGINT64_MAX 9223372036854775807LL #define MYGINT64_MIN (-MYGINT64_MAX -1LL) #define MYGUINT32_MAX 4294967295U #define MYGINT32_MAX 2147483647 #define MYGINT32_MIN (-MYGINT32_MAX -1) #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW(a,b) \ (gint32)(b) >= 0 ? (gint32)(MYGINT32_MAX) - (gint32)(b) < (gint32)(a) ? -1 : 0 \ : (gint32)(MYGINT32_MIN) - (gint32)(b) > (gint32)(a) ? +1 : 0 #define CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW(a,b) \ (gint32)(b) < 0 ? (gint32)(MYGINT32_MAX) + (gint32)(b) < (gint32)(a) ? -1 : 0 \ : (gint32)(MYGINT32_MIN) + (gint32)(b) > (gint32)(a) ? +1 : 0 #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_UN(a,b) \ (guint32)(MYGUINT32_MAX) - (guint32)(b) < (guint32)(a) ? -1 : 0 #define CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW_UN(a,b) \ (guint32)(a) < (guint32)(b) ? -1 : 0 #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64(a,b) \ (gint64)(b) >= 0 ? (gint64)(MYGINT64_MAX) - (gint64)(b) < (gint64)(a) ? -1 : 0 \ : (gint64)(MYGINT64_MIN) - (gint64)(b) > (gint64)(a) ? +1 : 0 #define CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW64(a,b) \ (gint64)(b) < 0 ? (gint64)(MYGINT64_MAX) + (gint64)(b) < (gint64)(a) ? -1 : 0 \ : (gint64)(MYGINT64_MIN) + (gint64)(b) > (gint64)(a) ? +1 : 0 #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64_UN(a,b) \ (guint64)(MYGUINT64_MAX) - (guint64)(b) < (guint64)(a) ? -1 : 0 #define CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW64_UN(a,b) \ (guint64)(a) < (guint64)(b) ? -1 : 0 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT(a,b) CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW(a,b) #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN(a,b) CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_UN(a,b) #else #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT(a,b) CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64(a,b) #define CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN(a,b) CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64_UN(a,b) #endif /* Resolves to TRUE if the operands would overflow */ #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW(a,b) \ ((gint32)(a) == 0) || ((gint32)(b) == 0) ? 0 : \ (((gint32)(a) > 0) && ((gint32)(b) == -1)) ? FALSE : \ (((gint32)(a) < 0) && ((gint32)(b) == -1)) ? (a == - MYGINT32_MAX) : \ (((gint32)(a) > 0) && ((gint32)(b) > 0)) ? (gint32)(a) > ((MYGINT32_MAX) / (gint32)(b)) : \ (((gint32)(a) > 0) && ((gint32)(b) < 0)) ? (gint32)(a) > ((MYGINT32_MIN) / (gint32)(b)) : \ (((gint32)(a) < 0) && ((gint32)(b) > 0)) ? (gint32)(a) < ((MYGINT32_MIN) / (gint32)(b)) : \ (gint32)(a) < ((MYGINT32_MAX) / (gint32)(b)) #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_UN(a,b) \ ((guint32)(a) == 0) || ((guint32)(b) == 0) ? 0 : \ (guint32)(b) > ((MYGUINT32_MAX) / (guint32)(a)) #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64(a,b) \ ((gint64)(a) == 0) || ((gint64)(b) == 0) ? 0 : \ (((gint64)(a) > 0) && ((gint64)(b) == -1)) ? FALSE : \ (((gint64)(a) < 0) && ((gint64)(b) == -1)) ? (a == - MYGINT64_MAX) : \ (((gint64)(a) > 0) && ((gint64)(b) > 0)) ? (gint64)(a) > ((MYGINT64_MAX) / (gint64)(b)) : \ (((gint64)(a) > 0) && ((gint64)(b) < 0)) ? (gint64)(a) > ((MYGINT64_MIN) / (gint64)(b)) : \ (((gint64)(a) < 0) && ((gint64)(b) > 0)) ? (gint64)(a) < ((MYGINT64_MIN) / (gint64)(b)) : \ (gint64)(a) < ((MYGINT64_MAX) / (gint64)(b)) #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64_UN(a,b) \ ((guint64)(a) == 0) || ((guint64)(b) == 0) ? 0 : \ (guint64)(b) > ((MYGUINT64_MAX) / (guint64)(a)) #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT(a,b) CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW(a,b) #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN(a,b) CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_UN(a,b) #else #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT(a,b) CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64(a,b) #define CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN(a,b) CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64_UN(a,b) #endif static MonoObject* interp_mono_runtime_invoke (MonoMethod *method, void *obj, void **params, MonoObject **exc) { MonoInvocation frame; ThreadContext *context = TlsGetValue (thread_context_id); MonoObject *retval = NULL; MonoMethodSignature *sig = method->signature; MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->ret); int i, type, isobject = 0; void *ret; stackval result; stackval *args = alloca (sizeof (stackval) * sig->param_count); ThreadContext context_struct; MonoInvocation *old_frame; if (context == NULL) { context = &context_struct; context_struct.base_frame = &frame; context_struct.current_frame = NULL; context_struct.env_frame = NULL; context_struct.current_env = NULL; context_struct.search_for_handler = 0; TlsSetValue (thread_context_id, context); } else old_frame = context->current_frame; /* FIXME: Set frame for execption handling. */ switch (sig->ret->type) { case MONO_TYPE_VOID: break; case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: isobject = 1; break; case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: retval = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass); ret = ((char*)retval) + sizeof (MonoObject); if (!sig->ret->data.klass->enumtype) result.data.vt = ret; break; default: retval = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass); ret = ((char*)retval) + sizeof (MonoObject); break; } for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; ++i) { if (sig->params [i]->byref) { args [i].type = VAL_POINTER; args [i].data.p = params [i]; continue; } type = sig->params [i]->type; handle_enum: switch (type) { case MONO_TYPE_U1: case MONO_TYPE_I1: case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: args [i].type = VAL_I32; args [i].data.i = *(MonoBoolean*)params [i]; break; case MONO_TYPE_U2: case MONO_TYPE_I2: case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: args [i].type = VAL_I32; args [i].data.i = *(gint16*)params [i]; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case MONO_TYPE_U: /* use VAL_POINTER? */ case MONO_TYPE_I: #endif case MONO_TYPE_U4: case MONO_TYPE_I4: args [i].type = VAL_I32; args [i].data.i = *(gint32*)params [i]; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_I: #endif case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_I8: args [i].type = VAL_I64; args [i].data.l = *(gint64*)params [i]; break; case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: if (sig->params [i]->data.klass->enumtype) { type = sig->params [i]->data.klass->enum_basetype->type; goto handle_enum; } else { args [i].type = VAL_POINTER; args [i].data.p = params [i]; } break; case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: args [i].type = VAL_OBJ; args [i].data.p = params [i]; break; default: g_error ("type 0x%x not handled in runtime invoke", sig->params [i]->type); } } if (method->klass->valuetype) /* Unbox the instance, since valuetype methods expect an interior pointer. */ obj = mono_object_unbox (obj); INIT_FRAME(&frame,context->current_frame,obj,args,&result,method); if (exc) frame.invoke_trap = 1; ves_exec_method_with_context (&frame, context); if (context == &context_struct) TlsSetValue (thread_context_id, NULL); else context->current_frame = old_frame; if (frame.ex != NULL) { if (exc != NULL) { *exc = (MonoObject*) frame.ex; if (*exc == (MonoObject *)quit_exception) mono_print_unhandled_exception(*exc); return NULL; } if (context->current_env != NULL) { context->env_frame->ex = frame.ex; longjmp(*context->current_env, 1); } else printf("dropped exception...\n"); } if (sig->ret->type == MONO_TYPE_VOID && !method->string_ctor) return NULL; if (isobject || method->string_ctor) return result.data.p; stackval_to_data (sig->ret, &result, ret, sig->pinvoke); return retval; } static CRITICAL_SECTION create_method_pointer_mutex; static MonoGHashTable *method_pointer_hash = NULL; void * mono_create_method_pointer (MonoMethod *method) { gpointer addr; MonoJitInfo *ji; EnterCriticalSection (&create_method_pointer_mutex); if (!method_pointer_hash) { method_pointer_hash = mono_g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); } addr = mono_g_hash_table_lookup (method_pointer_hash, method); if (addr) { LeaveCriticalSection (&create_method_pointer_mutex); return addr; } /* * If it is a static P/Invoke method, we can just return the pointer * to the method implementation. */ if (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL && method->addr) { ji = g_new0 (MonoJitInfo, 1); ji->method = method; ji->code_size = 1; ji->code_start = method->addr; mono_jit_info_table_add (mono_root_domain, ji); addr = method->addr; } else addr = mono_arch_create_method_pointer (method); mono_g_hash_table_insert (method_pointer_hash, method, addr); LeaveCriticalSection (&create_method_pointer_mutex); return addr; } static MonoMethod * get_native_wrapper(MonoMethod *method, ThreadContext *context) { jmp_buf env; jmp_buf *old_env; MonoMethod *wrapper; old_env = context->current_env; if (setjmp(env) != 0) { context->current_env = old_env; context->search_for_handler = 1; return NULL; } context->current_env = &env; wrapper = mono_marshal_get_native_wrapper (method); context->current_env = old_env; return wrapper; } /* * Need to optimize ALU ops when natural int == int32 * * IDEA: if we maintain a stack of ip, sp to be checked * in the return opcode, we could inline simple methods that don't * use the stack or local variables.... * * The {,.S} versions of many opcodes can/should be merged to reduce code * duplication. * */ static void ves_exec_method_with_context (MonoInvocation *frame, ThreadContext *context) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoInvocation child_frame; MonoMethodHeader *header; MonoMethodSignature *signature; MonoImage *image; GSList *finally_ips = NULL; const unsigned char *endfinally_ip = NULL; register const unsigned char *ip; register stackval *sp = NULL; MethodRuntimeData *rtd; void **args_pointers; gint tracing = global_tracing; unsigned char tail_recursion = 0; unsigned char unaligned_address = 0; unsigned char volatile_address = 0; vtallocation *vtalloc = NULL; MonoVTable *method_class_vt; GOTO_LABEL_VARS; frame->ex = NULL; frame->ip = ip = NULL; context->current_frame = frame; if (frame->method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) { frame->method = get_native_wrapper (frame->method, context); if (frame->method == NULL) goto exit_frame; } method_class_vt = mono_class_vtable (domain, frame->method->klass); if (!method_class_vt->initialized) mono_runtime_class_init (method_class_vt); signature = frame->method->signature; DEBUG_ENTER (); header = ((MonoMethodNormal *)frame->method)->header; if (frame->method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) { if (!frame->method->addr) { /* assumes all internal calls with an array this are built in... */ if (signature->hasthis && frame->method->klass->rank) { ves_runtime_method (frame, context); if (frame->ex) goto handle_exception; goto exit_frame; } frame->method->addr = mono_lookup_internal_call (frame->method); } ves_pinvoke_method (frame, frame->method->signature, frame->method->addr, frame->method->string_ctor, context); if (frame->ex) goto handle_exception; goto exit_frame; } else if (frame->method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) { ves_runtime_method (frame, context); if (frame->ex) goto handle_exception; goto exit_frame; } /*verify_method (frame->method);*/ image = frame->method->klass->image; if (!frame->method->info) calc_offsets (image, frame->method); rtd = frame->method->info; /* * with alloca we get the expected huge performance gain * stackval *stack = g_new0(stackval, header->max_stack); */ g_assert (header->max_stack < 10000); sp = frame->stack = alloca (sizeof (stackval) * header->max_stack); if (header->num_locals) { g_assert (rtd->locals_size < 65536); frame->locals = alloca (rtd->locals_size); /* * yes, we do it unconditionally, because it needs to be done for * some cases anyway and checking for that would be even slower. */ memset (frame->locals, 0, rtd->locals_size); } /* * Copy args from stack_args to args. */ if (signature->param_count || signature->hasthis) { int i; int has_this = signature->hasthis; g_assert (rtd->args_size < 10000); frame->args = alloca (rtd->args_size); g_assert ((signature->param_count + has_this) < 1000); args_pointers = alloca (sizeof(void*) * (signature->param_count + has_this)); if (has_this) { gpointer *this_arg; this_arg = args_pointers [0] = frame->args; *this_arg = frame->obj; } for (i = 0; i < signature->param_count; ++i) { args_pointers [i + has_this] = frame->args + rtd->offsets [header->num_locals + has_this + i]; stackval_to_data (signature->params [i], frame->stack_args + i, args_pointers [i + has_this], signature->pinvoke); } } child_frame.parent = frame; frame->child = &child_frame; frame->ex = NULL; /* ready to go */ ip = header->code; /* * using while (ip < end) may result in a 15% performance drop, * but it may be useful for debug */ while (1) { main_loop: /*g_assert (sp >= stack);*/ #if DEBUG_INTERP opcode_count++; if (tracing > 1) { char *ins, *discode; if (sp > frame->stack) { ins = dump_stack (frame->stack, sp); } else { ins = g_strdup (""); } output_indent (); discode = mono_disasm_code_one (NULL, frame->method, ip, NULL); discode [strlen (discode) - 1] = 0; /* no \n */ g_print ("(%u) %-29s %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), discode, ins); g_free (ins); g_free (discode); } #endif SWITCH (*ip) { CASE (CEE_NOP) ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_BREAK) ++ip; G_BREAKPOINT (); /* this is not portable... */ BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDARG_0) CASE (CEE_LDARG_1) CASE (CEE_LDARG_2) CASE (CEE_LDARG_3) { int n = (*ip)-CEE_LDARG_0; ++ip; vt_alloc (ARG_TYPE (signature, n), sp, signature->pinvoke); stackval_from_data (ARG_TYPE (signature, n), sp, ARG_POS (n), signature->pinvoke); ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDLOC_0) CASE (CEE_LDLOC_1) CASE (CEE_LDLOC_2) CASE (CEE_LDLOC_3) { int n = (*ip)-CEE_LDLOC_0; MonoType *vartype = LOCAL_TYPE (header, n); ++ip; if (vartype->type == MONO_TYPE_I4) { sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = *(gint32*) LOCAL_POS (n); ++sp; BREAK; } else { vt_alloc (vartype, sp, FALSE); stackval_from_data (vartype, sp, LOCAL_POS (n), FALSE); } ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STLOC_0) CASE (CEE_STLOC_1) CASE (CEE_STLOC_2) CASE (CEE_STLOC_3) { int n = (*ip)-CEE_STLOC_0; ++ip; --sp; if ((LOCAL_TYPE (header, n))->type == MONO_TYPE_I4) { gint32 *p = (gint32*)LOCAL_POS (n); *p = sp->data.i; BREAK; } else { stackval_to_data (LOCAL_TYPE (header, n), sp, LOCAL_POS (n), FALSE); vt_free (sp); BREAK; } } CASE (CEE_LDARG_S) ++ip; vt_alloc (ARG_TYPE (signature, *ip), sp, signature->pinvoke); stackval_from_data (ARG_TYPE (signature, *ip), sp, ARG_POS (*ip), signature->pinvoke); ++sp; ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDARGA_S) { ++ip; sp->data.vt = ARG_POS (*ip); sp->type = VAL_MP; ++sp; ++ip; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STARG_S) ++ip; --sp; stackval_to_data (ARG_TYPE (signature, *ip), sp, ARG_POS (*ip), signature->pinvoke); vt_free (sp); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDLOC_S) ++ip; vt_alloc (LOCAL_TYPE (header, *ip), sp, FALSE); stackval_from_data (LOCAL_TYPE (header, *ip), sp, LOCAL_POS (*ip), FALSE); ++ip; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDLOCA_S) { ++ip; sp->data.p = LOCAL_POS (*ip); sp->type = VAL_MP; ++sp; ++ip; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STLOC_S) ++ip; --sp; stackval_to_data (LOCAL_TYPE (header, *ip), sp, LOCAL_POS (*ip), FALSE); vt_free (sp); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDNULL) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_OBJ; sp->data.p = NULL; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_M1) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = -1; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_0) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_1) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_2) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_3) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_4) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_5) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_6) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_7) CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_8) sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = (*ip) - CEE_LDC_I4_0; ++sp; ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_I4_S) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = *(const gint8 *)ip; ++ip; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_I4) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = read32 (ip); ip += 4; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_I8) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_I64; sp->data.l = read64 (ip); ip += 8; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDC_R4) { float val; ++ip; sp->type = VAL_DOUBLE; readr4 (ip, &val); sp->data.f = val; ip += 4; ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDC_R8) ++ip; sp->type = VAL_DOUBLE; readr8(ip, &sp->data.f); ip += 8; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED99) ves_abort (); BREAK; CASE (CEE_DUP) stackvalpush(sp - 1, sp); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_POP) ++ip; --sp; vt_free (sp); BREAK; CASE (CEE_JMP) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_CALLVIRT) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_CALLI) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_CALL) { MonoMethodSignature *csignature; stackval retval; stackval *endsp = sp; guint32 token; int virtual = *ip == CEE_CALLVIRT; int calli = *ip == CEE_CALLI; unsigned char *code = NULL; /* * We ignore tail recursion for now. */ tail_recursion = 0; frame->ip = ip; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; if (calli) { MonoJitInfo *ji; --sp; code = sp->data.p; if (frame->method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_DELEGATE_INVOKE && (ji = mono_jit_info_table_find (mono_root_domain, code)) != NULL) { child_frame.method = ji->method; csignature = ji->method->signature; } else if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) { csignature = (MonoMethodSignature *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); child_frame.method = NULL; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } g_assert (code); } else { if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) child_frame.method = (MonoMethod *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else child_frame.method = mono_get_method (image, token, NULL); if (!child_frame.method) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_missing_method (), ip -5); csignature = child_frame.method->signature; if (virtual) { stackval *this_arg = &sp [-csignature->param_count-1]; if (!this_arg->data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference(), ip - 5); child_frame.method = get_virtual_method (domain, child_frame.method, this_arg); if (!child_frame.method) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_missing_method (), ip -5); } } if (frame->method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) if (child_frame.method && child_frame.method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_SYNCHRONIZED) child_frame.method = mono_marshal_get_synchronized_wrapper (child_frame.method); g_assert (csignature->call_convention == MONO_CALL_DEFAULT || csignature->call_convention == MONO_CALL_C); /* decrement by the actual number of args */ if (csignature->param_count) { sp -= csignature->param_count; child_frame.stack_args = sp; } else { child_frame.stack_args = NULL; } if (csignature->hasthis) { g_assert (sp >= frame->stack); --sp; /* * It may also be a TP from LD(S)FLDA * g_assert (sp->type == VAL_OBJ || sp->type == VAL_MP); */ if (sp->type == VAL_OBJ && child_frame.method && child_frame.method->klass->valuetype) /* unbox it */ child_frame.obj = (char*)sp->data.p + sizeof (MonoObject); else child_frame.obj = sp->data.p; } else { child_frame.obj = NULL; } if (csignature->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) { vt_alloc (csignature->ret, &retval, csignature->pinvoke); child_frame.retval = &retval; } else { child_frame.retval = NULL; } child_frame.ip = NULL; child_frame.ex = NULL; child_frame.ex_handler = NULL; if (!child_frame.method) { g_assert (code); ves_pinvoke_method (&child_frame, csignature, (MonoFunc) code, FALSE, context); if (child_frame.ex) { frame->ex = child_frame.ex; goto handle_exception; } } else if (csignature->hasthis && sp->type == VAL_OBJ && ((MonoObject *)sp->data.p)->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class) { g_assert (child_frame.method); child_frame.method = mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke (child_frame.method); ves_exec_method_with_context (&child_frame, context); } else { switch (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (child_frame.method->addr)) { case INLINE_STRING_LENGTH: retval.type = VAL_I32; retval.data.i = ((MonoString*)sp->data.p)->length; /*g_print ("length of '%s' is %d\n", mono_string_to_utf8 (sp->data.p), retval.data.i);*/ break; case INLINE_STRING_GET_CHARS: { int idx = GET_NATI(sp [1]); if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= mono_string_length ((MonoString*)sp->data.p))) { child_frame.ex = mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (); FILL_IN_TRACE(child_frame.ex, &child_frame); } else { retval.type = VAL_I32; retval.data.i = mono_string_chars((MonoString*)sp->data.p)[idx]; } break; } case INLINE_ARRAY_LENGTH: retval.type = VAL_I32; retval.data.i = mono_array_length ((MonoArray*)sp->data.p); break; case INLINE_ARRAY_RANK: retval.type = VAL_I32; retval.data.i = mono_object_class (sp->data.p)->rank; break; case INLINE_TYPE_ELEMENT_TYPE: retval.type = VAL_OBJ; { MonoClass *c = mono_class_from_mono_type (((MonoReflectionType*)sp->data.p)->type); if (c->enumtype && c->enum_basetype) /* types that are modifierd typebuilkders may not have enum_basetype set */ retval.data.p = mono_type_get_object (domain, c->enum_basetype); else if (c->element_class) retval.data.p = mono_type_get_object (domain, &c->element_class->byval_arg); else retval.data.p = NULL; } break; default: ves_exec_method_with_context (&child_frame, context); } } context->current_frame = frame; while (endsp > sp) { --endsp; vt_free (endsp); } if (child_frame.ex) { /* * An exception occurred, need to run finally, fault and catch handlers.. */ frame->ex = child_frame.ex; if (context->search_for_handler) { context->search_for_handler = 0; goto handle_exception; } goto handle_finally; } /* need to handle typedbyref ... */ if (csignature->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) { *sp = retval; sp++; } BREAK; } CASE (CEE_RET) if (signature->ret->type != MONO_TYPE_VOID) { --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_VALUET) { /* the caller has already allocated the memory */ stackval_from_data (signature->ret, frame->retval, sp->data.vt, signature->pinvoke); vt_free (sp); } else { *frame->retval = *sp; } } if (sp > frame->stack) g_warning ("more values on stack: %d", sp-frame->stack); goto exit_frame; CASE (CEE_BR_S) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BR) if (*ip == CEE_BR) { ++ip; ip += (gint32) read32(ip); ip += 4; } else { ++ip; ip += (signed char) *ip; ++ip; } BREAK; CASE (CEE_BRFALSE) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BRFALSE_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BRFALSE_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } --sp; switch (sp->type) { case VAL_I32: result = sp->data.i == 0; break; case VAL_I64: result = sp->data.l == 0; break; case VAL_DOUBLE: result = sp->data.f ? 0: 1; break; default: result = sp->data.p == NULL; break; } if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BRTRUE) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BRTRUE_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BRTRUE_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } --sp; switch (sp->type) { case VAL_I32: result = sp->data.i != 0; break; case VAL_I64: result = sp->data.l != 0; break; case VAL_DOUBLE: result = sp->data.f ? 1 : 0; break; default: result = sp->data.p != NULL; break; } if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BEQ) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BEQ_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BEQ_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i == (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l == sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = sp [0].data.f == sp [1].data.f; else result = sp [0].data.nati == (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BGE) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BGE_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BGE_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i >= (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l >= sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = sp [0].data.f >= sp [1].data.f; else result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati >= (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BGT) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BGT_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BGT_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i > (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l > sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = sp [0].data.f > sp [1].data.f; else result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati > (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BLT) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BLT_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BLT_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp[0].data.i < (mono_i)GET_NATI(sp[1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp[0].data.l < sp[1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = sp[0].data.f < sp[1].data.f; else result = (mono_i)sp[0].data.nati < (mono_i)GET_NATI(sp[1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BLE) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_BLE_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BLE_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i <= (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l <= sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = sp [0].data.f <= sp [1].data.f; else { result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati <= (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); } if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BNE_UN) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BNE_UN_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BNE_UN_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i != (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l != (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = isunordered (sp [0].data.f, sp [1].data.f) || (sp [0].data.f != sp [1].data.f); else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati != (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BGE_UN) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BGE_UN_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BGE_UN_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i >= (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l >= (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = !isless (sp [0].data.f,sp [1].data.f); else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati >= (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BGT_UN) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BGT_UN_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BGT_UN_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i > (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l > (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = isgreater (sp [0].data.f, sp [1].data.f); else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati > (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BLE_UN) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BLE_UN_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BLE_UN_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i <= (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l <= (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = islessequal (sp [0].data.f, sp [1].data.f); else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati <= (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BLT_UN) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_BLT_UN_S) { int result; int broffset; if (*ip == CEE_BLT_UN_S) { broffset = (signed char)ip [1]; ip += 2; } else { broffset = (gint32) read32 (ip + 1); ip += 5; } sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp[0].data.i < (mono_u)GET_NATI(sp[1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp[0].data.l < (guint64)sp[1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = isunordered (sp [0].data.f, sp [1].data.f) || (sp [0].data.f < sp [1].data.f); else result = (mono_u)sp[0].data.nati < (mono_u)GET_NATI(sp[1]); if (result) ip += broffset; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_SWITCH) { guint32 n; const unsigned char *st; ++ip; n = read32 (ip); ip += 4; st = ip + sizeof (gint32) * n; --sp; if ((guint32)sp->data.i < n) { gint offset; ip += sizeof (gint32) * (guint32)sp->data.i; offset = read32 (ip); ip = st + offset; } else { ip = st; } BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDIND_I1) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I32; sp[-1].data.i = *(gint8*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_U1) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I32; sp[-1].data.i = *(guint8*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_I2) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I32; sp[-1].data.i = *(gint16*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_U2) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I32; sp[-1].data.i = *(guint16*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_I4) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDIND_U4) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I32; sp[-1].data.i = *(gint32*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_I8) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_I64; sp[-1].data.l = *(gint64*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_I) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_NATI; sp[-1].data.p = *(gpointer*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_R4) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_DOUBLE; sp[-1].data.f = *(gfloat*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_R8) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_DOUBLE; sp[-1].data.f = *(gdouble*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDIND_REF) ++ip; sp[-1].type = VAL_OBJ; sp[-1].data.p = *(gpointer*)sp[-1].data.p; BREAK; CASE (CEE_STIND_REF) { gpointer *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = sp[1].data.p; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_I1) { gint8 *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = (gint8)sp[1].data.i; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_I2) { gint16 *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = (gint16)sp[1].data.i; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_I4) { gint32 *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = sp[1].data.i; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_I) { mono_i *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = (mono_i)sp[1].data.p; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_I8) { gint64 *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = sp[1].data.l; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_R4) { float *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = (gfloat)sp[1].data.f; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STIND_R8) { double *p; ++ip; sp -= 2; p = sp->data.p; *p = sp[1].data.f; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_ADD) ++ip; --sp; /* should probably consider the pointers as unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i += sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati + sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l += sp [0].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f += sp [0].data.f; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i + sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = sp [0].type; } else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati + sp [0].data.nati; } BREAK; CASE (CEE_SUB) ++ip; --sp; /* should probably consider the pointers as unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i -= sp [0].data.i; else { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l -= sp [0].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f -= sp [0].data.f; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i - sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = sp [0].type; } else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.nati; } BREAK; CASE (CEE_MUL) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i *= sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati * sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l *= sp [0].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f *= sp [0].data.f; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati * sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i * sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_DIV) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [0].data.i == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i /= sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.nati /= sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (sp [0].data.l == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); sp [-1].data.l /= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { /* set NaN is divisor is 0.0 */ sp [-1].data.f /= sp [0].data.f; } else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati / sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i / sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_DIV_UN) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [0].data.i == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati / (mono_u)sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i = (guint32)sp [-1].data.i / (guint32)sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { guint64 val; if (sp [0].data.l == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); val = sp [-1].data.l; val /= (guint64)sp [0].data.l; sp [-1].data.l = val; } else { if (sp [0].data.nati == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati / (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.i / (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_REM) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [0].data.i == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati % (mono_i)sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i = sp [-1].data.i % sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (sp [0].data.l == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); sp [-1].data.l %= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { /* FIXME: what do we actually do here? */ sp [-1].data.f = fmod (sp [-1].data.f, sp [0].data.f); } else { if (sp [0].data.nati == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati % (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.i % (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_REM_UN) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [0].data.i == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati % (mono_u)sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i = (guint32)sp [-1].data.i % (guint32)sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (sp [0].data.l == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.l % (guint64)sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { /* unspecified behaviour according to the spec */ } else { if (sp [0].data.nati == 0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_divide_by_zero (), ip - 1); if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati % (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.i % (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_AND) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati &= sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i &= sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l &= sp [0].data.l; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati & (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.i & (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_OR) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati |= sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i |= sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l |= sp [0].data.l; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati | (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.i | (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_XOR) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati ^= sp [0].data.i; else sp [-1].data.i ^= sp [0].data.i; } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l ^= sp [0].data.l; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati ^ (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; else { sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_i)sp [-1].data.i ^ (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } BREAK; CASE (CEE_SHL) ++ip; --sp; if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i <<= GET_NATI (sp [0]); else if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l <<= GET_NATI (sp [0]); else sp [-1].data.nati <<= GET_NATI (sp [0]); BREAK; CASE (CEE_SHR) ++ip; --sp; if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i >>= GET_NATI (sp [0]); else if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l >>= GET_NATI (sp [0]); else sp [-1].data.nati = ((mono_i)sp [-1].data.nati) >> GET_NATI (sp [0]); BREAK; CASE (CEE_SHR_UN) ++ip; --sp; if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) sp [-1].data.i = (guint)sp [-1].data.i >> GET_NATI (sp [0]); else if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I64) sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.l >> GET_NATI (sp [0]); else sp [-1].data.nati = ((mono_u)sp[-1].data.nati) >> GET_NATI (sp [0]); BREAK; CASE (CEE_NEG) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) sp->data.i = - sp->data.i; else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp->data.l = - sp->data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp->data.f = - sp->data.f; else if (sp->type == VAL_NATI) sp->data.nati = - (mono_i)sp->data.nati; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_NOT) ++ip; --sp; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) sp->data.i = ~ sp->data.i; else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) sp->data.l = ~ sp->data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_NATI) sp->data.nati = ~ (mono_i)sp->data.p; ++sp; BREAK; CASE (CEE_CONV_U1) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.i = (guint8)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.i = (guint8)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.i = (guint8)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.i = (guint8)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_I1) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.i = (gint8)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.i = (gint8)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.i = (gint8)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.i = (gint8)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_U2) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.i = (guint16)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.i = (guint16)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.i = (guint16)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.i = (guint16)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_I2) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.i = (gint16)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.i = (gint16)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.i = (gint16)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.i = (gint16)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_U4) /* Fall through */ #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 CASE (CEE_CONV_I) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_CONV_U) /* Fall through */ #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_I4) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.i = (gint32)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.i = (gint32)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: break; default: sp [-1].data.i = (gint32)sp [-1].data.p; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_I) /* Fall through */ #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_I8) ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.l = (gint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.l = (gint64)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.l = (gint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = ip[-1] == CEE_CONV_I ? VAL_NATI : VAL_I64; BREAK; CASE (CEE_CONV_R4) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.f = (float)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.f = (float)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.f = (float)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.f = (float)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_DOUBLE; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_R8) { ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.f = (double)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.f = (double)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.f = (double)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.f = (double)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_DOUBLE; BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_U) /* Fall through */ #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_U8) ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type){ case VAL_DOUBLE: sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.l = sp [-1].data.i & 0xffffffff; break; default: sp [-1].data.l = (guint64) sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = ip[-1] == CEE_CONV_U ? VAL_NATI : VAL_I64; BREAK; CASE (CEE_CPOBJ) { MonoClass *vtklass; ++ip; vtklass = mono_class_get (image, read32 (ip)); ip += 4; sp -= 2; memcpy (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.p, mono_class_value_size (vtklass, NULL)); BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDOBJ) { guint32 token; MonoClass *c; char *addr; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) c = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else c = mono_class_get (image, token); addr = sp [-1].data.vt; vt_alloc (&c->byval_arg, &sp [-1], FALSE); stackval_from_data (&c->byval_arg, &sp [-1], addr, FALSE); BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDSTR) { MonoObject *o; guint32 str_index; ip++; str_index = mono_metadata_token_index (read32 (ip)); ip += 4; if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) { o = (MonoObject *)mono_string_new_wrapper( mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, str_index)); } else o = (MonoObject*)mono_ldstr (domain, image, str_index); sp->type = VAL_OBJ; sp->data.p = o; ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_NEWOBJ) { MonoObject *o; MonoClass *newobj_class; MonoMethodSignature *csig; stackval valuetype_this; stackval *endsp = sp; guint32 token; stackval retval; frame->ip = ip; ip++; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) child_frame.method = (MonoMethod *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else child_frame.method = mono_get_method (image, token, NULL); if (!child_frame.method) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_missing_method (), ip -5); csig = child_frame.method->signature; newobj_class = child_frame.method->klass; /*if (profiling_classes) { guint count = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (profiling_classes, newobj_class)); count++; g_hash_table_insert (profiling_classes, newobj_class, GUINT_TO_POINTER (count)); }*/ if (newobj_class->parent == mono_defaults.array_class) { sp -= csig->param_count; o = ves_array_create (domain, newobj_class, csig, sp); goto array_constructed; } /* * First arg is the object. */ if (newobj_class->valuetype) { void *zero; vt_alloc (&newobj_class->byval_arg, &valuetype_this, csig->pinvoke); if (!newobj_class->enumtype && (newobj_class->byval_arg.type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE)) { zero = valuetype_this.data.vt; child_frame.obj = valuetype_this.data.vt; } else { memset (&valuetype_this, 0, sizeof (stackval)); zero = &valuetype_this; child_frame.obj = &valuetype_this; } stackval_from_data (&newobj_class->byval_arg, &valuetype_this, zero, csig->pinvoke); } else { if (newobj_class != mono_defaults.string_class) { o = mono_object_new (domain, newobj_class); child_frame.obj = o; } else { child_frame.retval = &retval; } } if (csig->param_count) { sp -= csig->param_count; child_frame.stack_args = sp; } else { child_frame.stack_args = NULL; } g_assert (csig->call_convention == MONO_CALL_DEFAULT); child_frame.ip = NULL; child_frame.ex = NULL; child_frame.ex_handler = NULL; ves_exec_method_with_context (&child_frame, context); context->current_frame = frame; while (endsp > sp) { --endsp; vt_free (endsp); } if (child_frame.ex) { /* * An exception occurred, need to run finally, fault and catch handlers.. */ frame->ex = child_frame.ex; goto handle_finally; } /* * a constructor returns void, but we need to return the object we created */ array_constructed: if (newobj_class->valuetype && !newobj_class->enumtype) { *sp = valuetype_this; } else if (newobj_class == mono_defaults.string_class) { *sp = retval; } else { sp->type = VAL_OBJ; sp->data.p = o; } ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CASTCLASS) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_ISINST) { MonoObject *o; MonoClass *c; guint32 token; int do_isinst = *ip == CEE_ISINST; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); c = mono_class_get (image, token); g_assert (sp [-1].type == VAL_OBJ); if ((o = sp [-1].data.p)) { if (!mono_object_isinst (o, c)) { if (do_isinst) { sp [-1].data.p = NULL; } else THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_invalid_cast (), ip - 1); } } ip += 4; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_CONV_R_UN) ++ip; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: break; case VAL_I64: sp [-1].data.f = (double)(guint64)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: sp [-1].data.f = (double)(guint32)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.f = (double)(guint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_DOUBLE; BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED58) CASE (CEE_UNUSED1) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNBOX) { MonoObject *o; MonoClass *c; guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) c = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else c = mono_class_get (image, token); o = sp [-1].data.p; if (!o) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference(), ip - 1); if (!(mono_object_isinst (o, c) || ((o->vtable->klass->rank == 0) && (o->vtable->klass->element_class == c->element_class)))) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_invalid_cast (), ip - 1); sp [-1].type = VAL_MP; sp [-1].data.p = (char *)o + sizeof (MonoObject); ip += 4; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_THROW) --sp; frame->ex_handler = NULL; if (!sp->data.p) sp->data.p = mono_get_exception_null_reference (); THROW_EX ((MonoException *)sp->data.p, ip); BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDFLDA) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDFLD) { MonoObject *obj; MonoClassField *field; guint32 token; int load_addr = *ip == CEE_LDFLDA; char *addr; if (!sp [-1].data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip); ++ip; token = read32 (ip); field = rtd->field_info[token].field; ip += 4; if (sp [-1].type == VAL_OBJ) { obj = sp [-1].data.p; if (obj->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class && field->parent->marshalbyref) { MonoClass *klass = ((MonoTransparentProxy*)obj)->klass; addr = mono_load_remote_field (obj, klass, field, NULL); } else { addr = (char*)obj + field->offset; } } else { obj = sp [-1].data.vt; addr = (char*)obj + field->offset - sizeof (MonoObject); } if (load_addr) { sp [-1].type = VAL_MP; sp [-1].data.p = addr; } else { vt_alloc (field->type, &sp [-1], FALSE); stackval_from_data (field->type, &sp [-1], addr, FALSE); } BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STFLD) { MonoObject *obj; MonoClassField *field; guint32 token, offset; sp -= 2; if (!sp [0].data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip); ++ip; token = read32 (ip); field = rtd->field_info[token].field; ip += 4; if (sp [0].type == VAL_OBJ) { obj = sp [0].data.p; if (obj->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.transparent_proxy_class && field->parent->marshalbyref) { MonoClass *klass = ((MonoTransparentProxy*)obj)->klass; mono_store_remote_field (obj, klass, field, &sp [1].data); } else { offset = field->offset; stackval_to_data (field->type, &sp [1], (char*)obj + offset, FALSE); vt_free (&sp [1]); } } else { obj = sp [0].data.vt; offset = field->offset - sizeof (MonoObject); stackval_to_data (field->type, &sp [1], (char*)obj + offset, FALSE); vt_free (&sp [1]); } BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDSFLD) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDSFLDA) { MonoVTable *vt; MonoClassField *field; guint32 token; int load_addr = *ip == CEE_LDSFLDA; gpointer addr; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); field = rtd->field_info[token].field; ip += 4; vt = mono_class_vtable (domain, field->parent); if (!vt->initialized) mono_runtime_class_init (vt); if (!domain->thread_static_fields || !(addr = g_hash_table_lookup (domain->thread_static_fields, field))) addr = (char*)(vt->data) + field->offset; else addr = mono_threads_get_static_data (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (addr)); if (load_addr) { sp->type = VAL_MP; sp->data.p = addr; } else { vt_alloc (field->type, sp, FALSE); stackval_from_data (field->type, sp, addr, FALSE); } ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STSFLD) { MonoVTable *vt; MonoClassField *field; guint32 token; gpointer addr; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); field = rtd->field_info[token].field; ip += 4; --sp; vt = mono_class_vtable (domain, field->parent); if (!vt->initialized) mono_runtime_class_init (vt); if (!domain->thread_static_fields || !(addr = g_hash_table_lookup (domain->thread_static_fields, field))) addr = (char*)(vt->data) + field->offset; else addr = mono_threads_get_static_data (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (addr)); stackval_to_data (field->type, sp, addr, FALSE); vt_free (sp); BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STOBJ) { MonoClass *vtklass; ++ip; vtklass = mono_class_get (image, read32 (ip)); ip += 4; sp -= 2; /* * LAMESPEC: According to the spec, the stack should contain a * pointer to a value type. In reality, it can contain anything. */ if (sp [1].type == VAL_VALUET) memcpy (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.vt, mono_class_value_size (vtklass, NULL)); else memcpy (sp [0].data.p, &sp [1].data, mono_class_value_size (vtklass, NULL)); BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I_UN) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I8_UN) { switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: if (sp [-1].data.f < 0 || sp [-1].data.f > 9223372036854775807LL) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: /* Can't overflow */ sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I64; ++ip; BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U_UN) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U8_UN) { switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: if (sp [-1].data.f < 0 || sp [-1].data.f > MYGUINT64_MAX) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: /* nothing to do */ break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: /* Can't overflow */ sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: /* Can't overflow */ sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } sp [-1].type = VAL_I64; ++ip; BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U_UN) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I1_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I2_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I4_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U1_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U2_UN) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U4_UN) { guint64 value; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: if (sp [-1].data.f <= -1.0) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); value = (guint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: value = (guint64)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: value = (guint64)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: value = (guint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } switch (*ip) { case CEE_CONV_OVF_I1_UN: if (value > 127) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_I2_UN: if (value > 32767) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case CEE_CONV_OVF_I_UN: /* Fall through */ #endif case CEE_CONV_OVF_I4_UN: if (value > MYGUINT32_MAX) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_U1_UN: if (value > 255) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_U2_UN: if (value > 65535) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case CEE_CONV_OVF_U_UN: /* Fall through */ #endif case CEE_CONV_OVF_U4_UN: if (value > 4294967295U) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } ++ip; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_BOX) { guint32 token; MonoClass *class; ip++; token = read32 (ip); if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) class = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else class = mono_class_get (image, token); g_assert (class != NULL); sp [-1].type = VAL_OBJ; if (class->byval_arg.type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE && !class->enumtype) sp [-1].data.p = mono_value_box (domain, class, sp [-1].data.p); else { stackval_to_data (&class->byval_arg, &sp [-1], (char*)&sp [-1], FALSE); sp [-1].data.p = mono_value_box (domain, class, &sp [-1]); } /* need to vt_free (sp); */ ip += 4; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_NEWARR) { MonoClass *class; MonoObject *o; guint32 token; ip++; token = read32 (ip); if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) class = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else class = mono_class_get (image, token); o = (MonoObject*) mono_array_new (domain, class, sp [-1].data.i); ip += 4; sp [-1].type = VAL_OBJ; sp [-1].data.p = o; /*if (profiling_classes) { guint count = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (profiling_classes, o->vtable->klass)); count++; g_hash_table_insert (profiling_classes, o->vtable->klass, GUINT_TO_POINTER (count)); }*/ BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDLEN) { MonoArray *o; ip++; g_assert (sp [-1].type == VAL_OBJ); o = sp [-1].data.p; if (!o) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip - 1); g_assert (MONO_CLASS_IS_ARRAY (o->obj.vtable->klass)); sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; sp [-1].data.i = mono_array_length (o); BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDELEMA) { MonoArray *o; guint32 esize, token; mono_u aindex; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; sp -= 2; g_assert (sp [0].type == VAL_OBJ); o = sp [0].data.p; g_assert (MONO_CLASS_IS_ARRAY (o->obj.vtable->klass)); aindex = sp [1].type == VAL_I32? sp [1].data.i: sp [1].data.nati; if (aindex >= mono_array_length (o)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (), ip - 5); /* check the array element corresponds to token */ esize = mono_array_element_size (o->obj.vtable->klass); sp->type = VAL_MP; sp->data.p = mono_array_addr_with_size (o, esize, aindex); ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDELEM_I1) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_U1) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_I2) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_U2) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_I4) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_U4) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_I8) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_I) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_R4) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_R8) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_LDELEM_REF) { MonoArray *o; mono_u aindex; sp -= 2; g_assert (sp [0].type == VAL_OBJ); o = sp [0].data.p; if (!o) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip); g_assert (MONO_CLASS_IS_ARRAY (o->obj.vtable->klass)); aindex = sp [1].type == VAL_I32? sp [1].data.i: sp [1].data.nati; if (aindex >= mono_array_length (o)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (), ip); /* * FIXME: throw mono_get_exception_array_type_mismatch () if needed */ switch (*ip) { case CEE_LDELEM_I1: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, gint8, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_U1: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, guint8, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_I2: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, gint16, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_U2: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, guint16, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_I: sp [0].data.nati = mono_array_get (o, mono_i, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_NATI; break; case CEE_LDELEM_I4: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, gint32, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_U4: sp [0].data.i = mono_array_get (o, guint32, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_LDELEM_I8: sp [0].data.l = mono_array_get (o, guint64, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_I64; break; case CEE_LDELEM_R4: sp [0].data.f = mono_array_get (o, float, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_DOUBLE; break; case CEE_LDELEM_R8: sp [0].data.f = mono_array_get (o, double, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_DOUBLE; break; case CEE_LDELEM_REF: sp [0].data.p = mono_array_get (o, gpointer, aindex); sp [0].type = VAL_OBJ; break; default: ves_abort(); } ++ip; ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_STELEM_I) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_I1) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_I2) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_I4) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_I8) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_R4) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_R8) /* fall through */ CASE (CEE_STELEM_REF) { MonoArray *o; MonoClass *ac; mono_u aindex; sp -= 3; g_assert (sp [0].type == VAL_OBJ); o = sp [0].data.p; if (!o) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip); ac = o->obj.vtable->klass; g_assert (MONO_CLASS_IS_ARRAY (ac)); aindex = sp [1].type == VAL_I32? sp [1].data.i: sp [1].data.nati; if (aindex >= mono_array_length (o)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_index_out_of_range (), ip); /* * FIXME: throw mono_get_exception_array_type_mismatch () if needed */ switch (*ip) { case CEE_STELEM_I: mono_array_set (o, mono_i, aindex, sp [2].data.nati); break; case CEE_STELEM_I1: mono_array_set (o, gint8, aindex, sp [2].data.i); break; case CEE_STELEM_I2: mono_array_set (o, gint16, aindex, sp [2].data.i); break; case CEE_STELEM_I4: mono_array_set (o, gint32, aindex, sp [2].data.i); break; case CEE_STELEM_I8: mono_array_set (o, gint64, aindex, sp [2].data.l); break; case CEE_STELEM_R4: mono_array_set (o, float, aindex, sp [2].data.f); break; case CEE_STELEM_R8: mono_array_set (o, double, aindex, sp [2].data.f); break; case CEE_STELEM_REF: g_assert (sp [2].type == VAL_OBJ); if (sp [2].data.p && !mono_object_isinst (sp [2].data.p, mono_object_class (o)->element_class)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_array_type_mismatch (), ip); mono_array_set (o, gpointer, aindex, sp [2].data.p); break; default: ves_abort(); } ++ip; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_LDELEM) CASE (CEE_STELEM) CASE (CEE_UNBOX_ANY) CASE (CEE_UNUSED5) CASE (CEE_UNUSED6) CASE (CEE_UNUSED7) CASE (CEE_UNUSED8) CASE (CEE_UNUSED9) CASE (CEE_UNUSED10) CASE (CEE_UNUSED11) CASE (CEE_UNUSED12) CASE (CEE_UNUSED13) CASE (CEE_UNUSED14) CASE (CEE_UNUSED15) CASE (CEE_UNUSED16) CASE (CEE_UNUSED17) ves_abort(); BREAK; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I1) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I2) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I4) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U1) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U2) CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U4) { gint64 value; switch (sp [-1].type) { case VAL_DOUBLE: value = (gint64)sp [-1].data.f; break; case VAL_I64: value = (gint64)sp [-1].data.l; break; case VAL_VALUET: ves_abort(); case VAL_I32: value = (gint64)sp [-1].data.i; break; default: value = (gint64)sp [-1].data.nati; break; } switch (*ip) { case CEE_CONV_OVF_I1: if (value < -128 || value > 127) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_I2: if (value < -32768 || value > 32767) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case CEE_CONV_OVF_I: /* Fall through */ #endif case CEE_CONV_OVF_I4: if (value < MYGINT32_MIN || value > MYGINT32_MAX) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_U1: if (value < 0 || value > 255) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; case CEE_CONV_OVF_U2: if (value < 0 || value > 65535) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4 case CEE_CONV_OVF_U: /* Fall through */ #endif case CEE_CONV_OVF_U4: if (value < 0 || value > MYGUINT32_MAX) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = value; sp [-1].type = VAL_I32; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } ++ip; BREAK; } #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_I8) /* FIXME: handle other cases */ if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_I64; } else if(sp [-1].type == VAL_I64) { /* defined as NOP */ } else { ves_abort(); } ++ip; BREAK; #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U) #endif CASE (CEE_CONV_OVF_U8) /* FIXME: handle other cases */ if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.l = (guint64) sp [-1].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_I64; } else if(sp [-1].type == VAL_I64) { /* defined as NOP */ } else { ves_abort(); } ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED50) CASE (CEE_UNUSED18) CASE (CEE_UNUSED19) CASE (CEE_UNUSED20) CASE (CEE_UNUSED21) CASE (CEE_UNUSED22) CASE (CEE_UNUSED23) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_REFANYVAL) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_CKFINITE) if (!finite(sp [-1].data.f)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_arithmetic (), ip); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED24) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED25) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_MKREFANY) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED59) CASE (CEE_UNUSED60) CASE (CEE_UNUSED61) CASE (CEE_UNUSED62) CASE (CEE_UNUSED63) CASE (CEE_UNUSED64) CASE (CEE_UNUSED65) CASE (CEE_UNUSED66) CASE (CEE_UNUSED67) ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_LDTOKEN) { gpointer handle; MonoClass *handle_class; ++ip; handle = mono_ldtoken (image, read32 (ip), &handle_class); ip += 4; vt_alloc (&handle_class->byval_arg, sp, FALSE); stackval_from_data (&handle_class->byval_arg, sp, (char*)&handle, FALSE); ++sp; BREAK; } CASE (CEE_ADD_OVF) --sp; /* FIXME: check overflow */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW (sp [-1].data.i, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = (gint32)sp [-1].data.i + (gint32)sp [0].data.i; } else { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT (sp [-1].data.nati, (mono_i)sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati + (mono_i)sp [0].data.i; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64 (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l = (gint64)sp [-1].data.l + (gint64)sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f += sp [0].data.f; else { char *p = sp [-1].data.p; p += GET_NATI (sp [0]); sp [-1].data.p = p; } ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_ADD_OVF_UN) --sp; /* FIXME: check overflow, make unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_UN (sp [-1].data.i, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i = (guint32)sp [-1].data.i + (guint32)sp [0].data.i; } else { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN (sp [-1].data.nati, (mono_u)sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati + (mono_u)sp [0].data.i; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_ADD_OVERFLOW64_UN (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l = (guint64)sp [-1].data.l + (guint64)sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f += sp [0].data.f; else { char *p = sp [-1].data.p; p += GET_NATI (sp [0]); sp [-1].data.p = p; } ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_MUL_OVF) --sp; /* FIXME: check overflow */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT (sp [-1].data.nati, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati * sp [0].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } else { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW (sp [-1].data.i, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i *= sp [0].data.i; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64 (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l *= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f *= sp [0].data.f; else ves_abort(); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_MUL_OVF_UN) --sp; /* FIXME: check overflow, make unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_NATI) { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_NAT_UN (sp [-1].data.nati, (mono_u)sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.nati = (mono_u)sp [-1].data.nati * (mono_u)sp [0].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } else { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW_UN ((guint32)sp [-1].data.i, (guint32)sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i *= sp [0].data.i; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_MUL_OVERFLOW64_UN (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l *= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f *= sp [0].data.f; else ves_abort(); ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_SUB_OVF) --sp; /* FIXME: handle undeflow/unsigned */ /* should probably consider the pointers as unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { if (CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW (sp [-1].data.i, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i -= sp [0].data.i; } else { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW64 (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l -= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f -= sp [0].data.f; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i - sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = sp [0].type; } else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.nati; } ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_SUB_OVF_UN) --sp; /* FIXME: handle undeflow/unsigned */ /* should probably consider the pointers as unsigned */ if (sp->type == VAL_I32) { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { if (CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW_UN (sp [-1].data.i, sp [0].data.i)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.i -= sp [0].data.i; } else { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.i; sp [-1].type = VAL_NATI; } } else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) { if (CHECK_SUB_OVERFLOW64_UN (sp [-1].data.l, sp [0].data.l)) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_overflow (), ip); sp [-1].data.l -= sp [0].data.l; } else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) sp [-1].data.f -= sp [0].data.f; else { if (sp [-1].type == VAL_I32) { sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.i - sp [0].data.nati; sp [-1].type = sp [0].type; } else sp [-1].data.nati = sp [-1].data.nati - sp [0].data.nati; } ++ip; BREAK; CASE (CEE_ENDFINALLY) if (finally_ips) { ip = finally_ips->data; finally_ips = g_slist_remove (finally_ips, ip); goto main_loop; } if (frame->ex) goto handle_fault; ves_abort(); BREAK; CASE (CEE_LEAVE) /* Fall through */ CASE (CEE_LEAVE_S) while (sp > frame->stack) { --sp; vt_free (sp); } frame->ip = ip; if (*ip == CEE_LEAVE_S) { ++ip; ip += (signed char) *ip; ++ip; } else { ++ip; ip += (gint32) read32 (ip); ip += 4; } endfinally_ip = ip; if (frame->ex_handler != NULL && MONO_OFFSET_IN_HANDLER(frame->ex_handler, frame->ip - header->code)) { frame->ex_handler = NULL; frame->ex = NULL; } goto handle_finally; BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED41) ++ip; switch (*ip) { case CEE_MONO_FUNC1: { MonoMarshalConv conv; ++ip; conv = *ip; ++ip; sp--; sp->type = VAL_NATI; switch (conv) { case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_LPWSTR: sp->data.p = mono_string_to_utf16 (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_LPSTR_STR: sp->data.p = mono_string_new_wrapper (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_LPTSTR: case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_LPSTR: sp->data.p = mono_string_to_utf8 (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_BSTR: sp->data.p = mono_string_to_bstr (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_TBSTR: case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_ANSIBSTR: sp->data.p = mono_string_to_ansibstr (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_SB_LPSTR: sp->data.p = mono_string_builder_to_utf8 (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_ARRAY_SAVEARRAY: sp->data.p = mono_array_to_savearray (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_ARRAY_LPARRAY: sp->data.p = mono_array_to_lparray (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_DEL_FTN: sp->data.p = mono_delegate_to_ftnptr (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STRARRAY_STRLPARRAY: sp->data.p = mono_marshal_string_array (sp->data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_LPWSTR_STR: sp->data.p = mono_string_from_utf16 (sp->data.p); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "MONO_FUNC1 %d", conv); g_assert_not_reached (); } sp++; break; } case CEE_MONO_PROC2: { MonoMarshalConv conv; ++ip; conv = *ip; ++ip; sp -= 2; switch (conv) { case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_LPSTR_SB: mono_string_utf8_to_builder (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.p); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_FREE_ARRAY: mono_marshal_free_array (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.i); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } break; } case CEE_MONO_PROC3: { MonoMarshalConv conv; ++ip; conv = *ip; ++ip; sp -= 3; switch (conv) { case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_BYVALSTR: mono_string_to_byvalstr (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.p, sp [2].data.i); break; case MONO_MARSHAL_CONV_STR_BYVALWSTR: mono_string_to_byvalwstr (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.p, sp [2].data.i); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } break; } case CEE_MONO_VTADDR: { ++ip; sp [-1].type = VAL_MP; /* do nothing? */ break; } case CEE_MONO_LDPTR: { guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; sp->type = VAL_NATI; sp->data.p = mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); ++sp; break; } case CEE_MONO_FREE: { ++ip; sp -= 1; g_free (sp->data.p); break; } case CEE_MONO_OBJADDR: { ++ip; sp->type = VAL_MP; /* do nothing? */ break; } case CEE_MONO_NEWOBJ: { MonoClass *class; guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; class = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); sp->data.p = mono_object_new (domain, class); sp++; break; } case CEE_MONO_RETOBJ: { MonoClass *class; guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; sp--; class = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); stackval_from_data (signature->ret, frame->retval, sp->data.vt, signature->pinvoke); if (sp > frame->stack) g_warning ("more values on stack: %d", sp-frame->stack); goto exit_frame; } case CEE_MONO_LDNATIVEOBJ: { MonoClass *class; guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; class = (MonoClass *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); g_assert(class->valuetype); sp [-1].type = VAL_MP; break; } default: g_error ("Unimplemented opcode: 0xF0 %02x at 0x%x\n", *ip, ip-header->code); } BREAK; CASE (CEE_UNUSED26) CASE (CEE_UNUSED27) CASE (CEE_UNUSED28) CASE (CEE_UNUSED29) CASE (CEE_UNUSED30) CASE (CEE_UNUSED31) CASE (CEE_UNUSED32) CASE (CEE_UNUSED33) CASE (CEE_UNUSED34) CASE (CEE_UNUSED35) CASE (CEE_UNUSED36) CASE (CEE_UNUSED37) CASE (CEE_UNUSED38) CASE (CEE_UNUSED39) CASE (CEE_UNUSED40) CASE (CEE_UNUSED42) CASE (CEE_UNUSED43) CASE (CEE_UNUSED44) CASE (CEE_UNUSED45) CASE (CEE_UNUSED46) CASE (CEE_UNUSED47) CASE (CEE_UNUSED48) CASE (CEE_PREFIX7) CASE (CEE_PREFIX6) CASE (CEE_PREFIX5) CASE (CEE_PREFIX4) CASE (CEE_PREFIX3) CASE (CEE_PREFIX2) CASE (CEE_PREFIXREF) ves_abort(); BREAK; /* * Note: Exceptions thrown when executing a prefixed opcode need * to take into account the number of prefix bytes (usually the * throw point is just (ip - n_prefix_bytes). */ SUB_SWITCH ++ip; switch (*ip) { case CEE_ARGLIST: ves_abort(); break; case CEE_CEQ: { gint32 result; ++ip; sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i == (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l == sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { if (isnan (sp [0].data.f) || isnan (sp [1].data.f)) result = 0; else result = sp [0].data.f == sp [1].data.f; } else result = sp [0].data.nati == GET_NATI (sp [1]); sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = result; sp++; break; } case CEE_CGT: { gint32 result; ++ip; sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i > (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l > sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { if (isnan (sp [0].data.f) || isnan (sp [1].data.f)) result = 0; else result = sp [0].data.f > sp [1].data.f; } else result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati > (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = result; sp++; break; } case CEE_CGT_UN: { gint32 result; ++ip; sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i > (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l > (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = isnan (sp [0].data.f) || isnan (sp [1].data.f) || sp[0].data.f > sp[1].data.f; else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati > (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = result; sp++; break; } case CEE_CLT: { gint32 result; ++ip; sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.i < (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = sp [0].data.l < sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) { if (isnan (sp [0].data.f) || isnan (sp [1].data.f)) result = 0; else result = sp [0].data.f < sp [1].data.f; } else result = (mono_i)sp [0].data.nati < (mono_i)GET_NATI (sp [1]); sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = result; sp++; break; } case CEE_CLT_UN: { gint32 result; ++ip; sp -= 2; if (sp->type == VAL_I32) result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.i < (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); else if (sp->type == VAL_I64) result = (guint64)sp [0].data.l < (guint64)sp [1].data.l; else if (sp->type == VAL_DOUBLE) result = isnan (sp [0].data.f) || isnan (sp [1].data.f) || sp[0].data.f < sp[1].data.f; else result = (mono_u)sp [0].data.nati < (mono_u)GET_NATI (sp [1]); sp->type = VAL_I32; sp->data.i = result; sp++; break; } case CEE_LDFTN: case CEE_LDVIRTFTN: { int virtual = *ip == CEE_LDVIRTFTN; MonoMethod *m; guint32 token; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) m = (MonoMethod *)mono_method_get_wrapper_data (frame->method, token); else m = mono_get_method (image, token, NULL); if (!m) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_missing_method (), ip - 5); if (virtual) { --sp; if (!sp->data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference (), ip - 5); m = get_virtual_method (domain, m, sp); } /* * This prevents infinite cycles since the wrapper contains * an ldftn too. */ if (frame->method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_SYNCHRONIZED) if (m && m->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_SYNCHRONIZED) m = mono_marshal_get_synchronized_wrapper (m); sp->type = VAL_NATI; sp->data.p = mono_create_method_pointer (m); ++sp; break; } case CEE_UNUSED56: ves_abort(); break; case CEE_LDARG: { guint32 arg_pos; ++ip; arg_pos = read16 (ip); ip += 2; vt_alloc (ARG_TYPE (signature, arg_pos), sp, signature->pinvoke); stackval_from_data (ARG_TYPE (signature, arg_pos), sp, ARG_POS (arg_pos), signature->pinvoke); ++sp; break; } case CEE_LDARGA: { guint32 anum; ++ip; anum = read16 (ip); ip += 2; sp->data.vt = ARG_POS (anum); sp->type = VAL_MP; ++sp; break; } case CEE_STARG: { guint32 arg_pos; ++ip; arg_pos = read16 (ip); ip += 2; --sp; stackval_to_data (ARG_TYPE (signature, arg_pos), sp, ARG_POS (arg_pos), signature->pinvoke); vt_free (sp); break; } case CEE_LDLOC: { guint32 loc_pos; ++ip; loc_pos = read16 (ip); ip += 2; vt_alloc (LOCAL_TYPE (header, loc_pos), sp, FALSE); stackval_from_data (LOCAL_TYPE (header, loc_pos), sp, LOCAL_POS (loc_pos), FALSE); ++sp; break; } case CEE_LDLOCA: { MonoType *t; guint32 loc_pos; ++ip; loc_pos = read16 (ip); ip += 2; t = LOCAL_TYPE (header, loc_pos); sp->data.vt = LOCAL_POS (loc_pos); sp->type = VAL_MP; ++sp; break; } case CEE_STLOC: { guint32 loc_pos; ++ip; loc_pos = read16 (ip); ip += 2; --sp; stackval_to_data (LOCAL_TYPE (header, loc_pos), sp, LOCAL_POS (loc_pos), FALSE); vt_free (sp); break; } case CEE_LOCALLOC: --sp; if (sp != frame->stack) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_execution_engine (NULL), ip - 1); ++ip; sp->data.p = alloca (sp->data.i); sp->type = VAL_MP; sp++; break; case CEE_UNUSED57: ves_abort(); break; case CEE_ENDFILTER: ves_abort(); break; case CEE_UNALIGNED_: ++ip; unaligned_address = 1; break; case CEE_VOLATILE_: ++ip; volatile_address = 1; break; case CEE_TAIL_: ++ip; tail_recursion = 1; break; case CEE_INITOBJ: { guint32 token; MonoClass *class; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; class = mono_class_get (image, token); --sp; g_assert (sp->type == VAL_TP || sp->type == VAL_MP); memset (sp->data.vt, 0, mono_class_value_size (class, NULL)); break; } case CEE_CONSTRAINED_: { guint32 token; /* FIXME: implement */ ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; break; } case CEE_CPBLK: sp -= 3; if (!sp [0].data.p || !sp [1].data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference(), ip - 1); ++ip; /* FIXME: value and size may be int64... */ memcpy (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.p, sp [2].data.i); break; case CEE_INITBLK: sp -= 3; if (!sp [0].data.p) THROW_EX (mono_get_exception_null_reference(), ip - 1); ++ip; /* FIXME: value and size may be int64... */ memset (sp [0].data.p, sp [1].data.i, sp [2].data.i); break; case CEE_NO_: /* FIXME: implement */ ip += 2; break; case CEE_RETHROW: /* * need to clarify what this should actually do: * start the search from the last found handler in * this method or continue in the caller or what. * Also, do we need to run finally/fault handlers after a retrow? * Well, this implementation will follow the usual search * for an handler, considering the current ip as throw spot. * We need to NULL frame->ex_handler for the later code to * actually run the new found handler. */ frame->ex_handler = NULL; THROW_EX (frame->ex, ip - 1); break; case CEE_UNUSED: ves_abort(); break; case CEE_SIZEOF: { guint32 token; int align; ++ip; token = read32 (ip); ip += 4; if (mono_metadata_token_table (token) == MONO_TABLE_TYPESPEC) { MonoType *type = mono_type_create_from_typespec (image, token); sp->data.i = mono_type_size (type, &align); } else { MonoClass *szclass = mono_class_get (image, token); mono_class_init (szclass); if (!szclass->valuetype) THROW_EX (mono_exception_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "InvalidProgramException"), ip - 5); sp->data.i = mono_class_value_size (szclass, &align); } sp->type = VAL_I32; ++sp; break; } case CEE_REFANYTYPE: ves_abort(); break; default: g_error ("Unimplemented opcode: 0xFE %02x at 0x%x\n", *ip, ip-header->code); } continue; DEFAULT; } } g_assert_not_reached (); /* * Exception handling code. * The exception object is stored in frame->ex. */ handle_exception: { int i; guint32 ip_offset; MonoInvocation *inv; MonoMethodHeader *hd; MonoExceptionClause *clause; /*char *message;*/ MonoObject *ex_obj; #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Handling exception '%s' at IL_%04x\n", frame->ex == NULL ? "** Unknown **" : mono_object_class (frame->ex)->name, frame->ip - header->code); #endif if (die_on_exception) goto die_on_ex; if (frame->ex == quit_exception) goto handle_finally; for (inv = frame; inv; inv = inv->parent) { if (inv->method == NULL) continue; if (inv->method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) continue; if (inv->method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL | METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME)) continue; hd = ((MonoMethodNormal*)inv->method)->header; ip_offset = inv->ip - hd->code; inv->ex_handler = NULL; /* clear this in case we are trhowing an exception while handling one - this one wins */ for (i = 0; i < hd->num_clauses; ++i) { clause = &hd->clauses [i]; if (clause->flags <= 1 && MONO_OFFSET_IN_CLAUSE (clause, ip_offset)) { if (!clause->flags) { if (mono_object_isinst ((MonoObject*)frame->ex, mono_class_get (inv->method->klass->image, clause->token_or_filter))) { /* * OK, we found an handler, now we need to execute the finally * and fault blocks before branching to the handler code. */ inv->ex_handler = clause; #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Found handler at '%s'\n", inv->method->name); #endif goto handle_finally; } } else { /* FIXME: handle filter clauses */ g_assert (0); } } } } /* * If we get here, no handler was found: print a stack trace. */ for (inv = frame; inv; inv = inv->parent) { if (inv->invoke_trap) goto handle_finally; } die_on_ex: ex_obj = (MonoObject*)frame->ex; mono_unhandled_exception (ex_obj); exit (1); } handle_finally: { int i; guint32 ip_offset; MonoExceptionClause *clause; GSList *old_list = finally_ips; #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Handle finally IL_%04x\n", endfinally_ip == NULL ? 0 : endfinally_ip - header->code); #endif if ((frame->method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) || (frame->method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL | METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME))) { goto exit_frame; } ip_offset = frame->ip - header->code; if (endfinally_ip != NULL) finally_ips = g_slist_prepend(finally_ips, (void *)endfinally_ip); for (i = 0; i < header->num_clauses; ++i) if (frame->ex_handler == &header->clauses [i]) break; while (i > 0) { --i; clause = &header->clauses [i]; if (MONO_OFFSET_IN_CLAUSE (clause, ip_offset) && (endfinally_ip == NULL || !(MONO_OFFSET_IN_CLAUSE (clause, endfinally_ip - header->code)))) { if (clause->flags == MONO_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE_FINALLY) { ip = header->code + clause->handler_offset; finally_ips = g_slist_prepend (finally_ips, (gpointer) ip); #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Found finally at IL_%04x with exception: %s\n", clause->handler_offset, frame->ex? "yes": "no"); #endif } } } endfinally_ip = NULL; if (old_list != finally_ips && finally_ips) { ip = finally_ips->data; finally_ips = g_slist_remove (finally_ips, ip); sp = frame->stack; /* spec says stack should be empty at endfinally so it should be at the start too */ goto main_loop; } /* * If an exception is set, we need to execute the fault handler, too, * otherwise, we continue normally. */ if (frame->ex) goto handle_fault; ves_abort(); } handle_fault: { int i; guint32 ip_offset; MonoExceptionClause *clause; #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Handle fault\n"); #endif ip_offset = frame->ip - header->code; for (i = 0; i < header->num_clauses; ++i) { clause = &header->clauses [i]; if (clause->flags == MONO_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE_FAULT && MONO_OFFSET_IN_CLAUSE (clause, ip_offset)) { ip = header->code + clause->handler_offset; #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Executing handler at IL_%04x\n", clause->handler_offset); #endif goto main_loop; } } /* * If the handler for the exception was found in this method, we jump * to it right away, otherwise we return and let the caller run * the finally, fault and catch blocks. * This same code should be present in the endfault opcode, but it * is corrently not assigned in the ECMA specs: LAMESPEC. */ if (frame->ex_handler) { #if DEBUG_INTERP if (tracing) g_print ("* Executing handler at IL_%04x\n", frame->ex_handler->handler_offset); #endif ip = header->code + frame->ex_handler->handler_offset; sp = frame->stack; sp->type = VAL_OBJ; sp->data.p = frame->ex; ++sp; goto main_loop; } goto exit_frame; } exit_frame: DEBUG_LEAVE (); } void ves_exec_method (MonoInvocation *frame) { ThreadContext *context = TlsGetValue (thread_context_id); ThreadContext context_struct; if (context == NULL) { context = &context_struct; context_struct.base_frame = frame; context_struct.current_frame = NULL; context_struct.current_env = NULL; context_struct.search_for_handler = 0; TlsSetValue (thread_context_id, context); } frame->ip = NULL; frame->parent = context->current_frame; ves_exec_method_with_context(frame, context); if (frame->ex) { if (context->current_env) { context->env_frame->ex = frame->ex; longjmp (*context->current_env, 1); } else mono_unhandled_exception ((MonoObject*)frame->ex); } if (context->base_frame == frame) TlsSetValue (thread_context_id, NULL); else context->current_frame = frame->parent; } static int ves_exec (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *assembly, int argc, char *argv[]) { MonoImage *image = assembly->image; MonoCLIImageInfo *iinfo; MonoMethod *method; MonoObject *exc = NULL; int rval; iinfo = image->image_info; method = mono_get_method (image, iinfo->cli_cli_header.ch_entry_point, NULL); if (!method) g_error ("No entry point method found in %s", image->name); rval = mono_runtime_run_main (method, argc, argv, &exc); if (exc != NULL) mono_unhandled_exception (exc); return rval; } static void usage (void) { fprintf (stderr, "mint %s, the Mono ECMA CLI interpreter, (C) 2001, 2002 Ximian, Inc.\n\n" "Usage is: mint [options] executable args...\n\n", VERSION); fprintf (stderr, "Runtime Debugging:\n" #ifdef DEBUG_INTERP " --debug\n" #endif " --dieonex\n" " --noptr\t\t\tdon't print pointer addresses in trace output\n" " --opcode-count\n" " --print-vtable\n" " --traceclassinit\n" "\n" "Development:\n" " --debug method_name\n" " --profile\n" " --trace\n" " --traceops\n" "\n" "Runtime:\n" " --config filename load the specified config file instead of the default\n" " --workers n maximum number of worker threads\n" ); exit (1); } #ifdef RUN_TEST static void test_load_class (MonoImage* image) { MonoTableInfo *t = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_TYPEDEF]; MonoClass *klass; int i; for (i = 1; i <= t->rows; ++i) { klass = mono_class_get (image, MONO_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF | i); mono_class_init (klass); } } #endif static MonoException * segv_exception = NULL; static void segv_handler (int signum) { signal (signum, segv_handler); mono_raise_exception (segv_exception); } static void quit_handler (int signum) { signal (signum, quit_handler); mono_raise_exception (quit_exception); } static MonoBoolean ves_icall_get_frame_info (gint32 skip, MonoBoolean need_file_info, MonoReflectionMethod **method, gint32 *iloffset, gint32 *native_offset, MonoString **file, gint32 *line, gint32 *column) { if (iloffset) *iloffset = 0; if (native_offset) *native_offset = 0; if (method) *method = NULL; if (line) *line = 0; if (column) *column = 0; if (file) *file = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), "unknown"); return TRUE; } static MonoArray * ves_icall_get_trace (MonoException *exc, gint32 skip, MonoBoolean need_file_info) { return NULL; } typedef struct { MonoDomain *domain; int enable_debugging; char *file; int argc; char **argv; } MainThreadArgs; static void main_thread_handler (gpointer user_data) { MainThreadArgs *main_args=(MainThreadArgs *)user_data; MonoAssembly *assembly; char *error; if (main_args->enable_debugging) mono_debug_init (main_args->domain, MONO_DEBUG_FORMAT_MONO); assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open (main_args->domain, main_args->file); if (!assembly){ fprintf (stderr, "Can not open image %s\n", main_args->file); exit (1); } if (main_args->enable_debugging) mono_debug_init_2 (assembly); #ifdef RUN_TEST test_load_class (assembly->image); #else error = mono_verify_corlib (); if (error) { fprintf (stderr, "Corlib not in sync with this runtime: %s\n", error); exit (1); } segv_exception = mono_get_exception_null_reference (); segv_exception->message = mono_string_new (main_args->domain, "Segmentation fault"); signal (SIGSEGV, segv_handler); /* perhaps we should use a different class for this exception... */ quit_exception = mono_get_exception_null_reference (); quit_exception->message = mono_string_new (main_args->domain, "Quit"); signal (SIGINT, quit_handler); ves_exec (main_args->domain, assembly, main_args->argc, main_args->argv); #endif } static void mono_runtime_install_handlers (void) { /* FIXME: anything to do here? */ } static void quit_function (MonoDomain *domain, gpointer user_data) { mono_profiler_shutdown (); mono_runtime_cleanup (domain); mono_domain_free (domain, TRUE); } int main (int argc, char *argv []) { MonoDomain *domain; int retval = 0, i, ocount = 0; char *file, *config_file = NULL; int enable_debugging = FALSE; MainThreadArgs main_args; if (argc < 2) usage (); for (i = 1; i < argc && argv [i][0] == '-'; i++){ if (strcmp (argv [i], "--trace") == 0) global_tracing = 1; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--noptr") == 0) global_no_pointers = 1; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--traceops") == 0) global_tracing = 2; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--dieonex") == 0) { die_on_exception = 1; enable_debugging = 1; } if (strcmp (argv [i], "--print-vtable") == 0) mono_print_vtable = TRUE; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--profile") == 0) mono_profiler_load (NULL); if (strcmp (argv [i], "--opcode-count") == 0) ocount = 1; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--config") == 0) config_file = argv [++i]; if (strcmp (argv [i], "--workers") == 0) { mono_max_worker_threads = atoi (argv [++i]); if (mono_max_worker_threads < 1) mono_max_worker_threads = 1; } if (strcmp (argv [i], "--help") == 0) usage (); #if DEBUG_INTERP if (strcmp (argv [i], "--debug") == 0) { MonoMethodDesc *desc = mono_method_desc_new (argv [++i], FALSE); if (!desc) g_error ("Invalid method name '%s'", argv [i]); db_methods = g_list_append (db_methods, desc); } #endif } file = argv [i]; if (!file) usage (); g_set_prgname (file); mono_set_rootdir (); g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); g_log_set_fatal_mask (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); g_thread_init (NULL); thread_context_id = TlsAlloc (); TlsSetValue (thread_context_id, NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&calc_section); InitializeCriticalSection(&create_method_pointer_mutex); mono_install_compile_method (mono_create_method_pointer); mono_install_runtime_invoke (interp_mono_runtime_invoke); mono_install_remoting_trampoline (interp_create_remoting_trampoline); mono_install_handler (interp_ex_handler); mono_install_stack_walk (interp_walk_stack); mono_runtime_install_cleanup (quit_function); domain = mono_init (file); #ifdef __hpux /* generates very big stack frames */ mono_threads_set_default_stacksize(32*1024*1024); #endif mono_config_parse (config_file); mono_init_icall (); mono_add_internal_call ("System.Diagnostics.StackFrame::get_frame_info", ves_icall_get_frame_info); mono_add_internal_call ("System.Diagnostics.StackTrace::get_trace", ves_icall_get_trace); mono_add_internal_call ("Mono.Runtime::mono_runtime_install_handlers", mono_runtime_install_handlers); mono_runtime_init (domain, NULL, NULL); main_args.domain=domain; main_args.file=file; main_args.argc=argc-i; main_args.argv=argv+i; main_args.enable_debugging=enable_debugging; mono_runtime_exec_managed_code (domain, main_thread_handler, &main_args); quit_function (domain, NULL); /* Get the return value from System.Environment.ExitCode */ retval=mono_environment_exitcode_get (); #if DEBUG_INTERP if (ocount) { fprintf (stderr, "opcode count: %ld\n", opcode_count); fprintf (stderr, "fcall count: %ld\n", fcall_count); } #endif return retval; }