GC Hnadles

GC handles are wrappers that are used to keep references to managed objects in the unmanaged space and preventing the object from being disposed.

These are the C equivalents of the System.GCHandle structure.

There are two kinds of GCHandles that can be created:

To retrieve the target address of an object pointed to by a GCHandle you should use mono_gchandle_get_target.

For example, consider the following C code:

static MonoObject* o = NULL;

The object in `o' will *NOT* be scanned.

If you need to store an object in a C variable and prevent it from being collected, you need to acquire a GC handle for it.

        guint32 handle = mono_gchandle_new (my_object, TRUE);

TRUE means the object will be pinned, so it won't move in memory when we'll use a moving GC. You can access the MonoObject* referenced by a handle with:

        MonoObject* obj = mono_gchandle_get_target (handle);

When you don't need the handle anymore you need to call:

        mono_gchandle_free (handle);

Note that if you assign a new object to the C var, you need to get a new handle, it's not enough to store a new object in the C var.

So code that looked like this:

        static MonoObject* o = NULL;
        o = mono_object_new (...);
        /* use o */
        /* when done to allow the GC to collect o */
        o = NULL;

should now be changed to:

        static guint32 o_handle;
        MonoObject *o = mono_object_new (...);
        o_handle = mono_gchandle_new (o, TRUE);
        /* use o or mono_gchandle_get_target (o_handle) */
        /* when done to allow the GC to collect o */
        mono_gchandle_free (o_handle);




