// // SqlSharpGtk - Mono SQL# For GTK# - SQL Query and Configuration tool for // Mono.Data providers // // Author: // Daniel Morgan // // (C)Copyright 2002, 2003 by Daniel Morgan // // To be included with Mono as a SQL query tool licensed under the GPL license. // namespace Mono.Data.SqlSharp.Gui.GtkSharp { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using Gdk; using Gtk; using GtkSharp; using Mono.GtkSharp.Goodies; using Gtk.Controls; using SqlEditorSharp; public enum OutputResults { TextView, DataGrid } public enum ExecuteOutputType { Normal, XmlFile, HtmlFile, CsvFile } public class EditorTab { public SqlEditorSharp editor; public Label label; public string filename; public string basefilename; public int page; } public class SqlSharpGtk { static int SqlWindowCount = 0; private IDbConnection conn = null; public DbProvider dbProvider = null; private Type connectionType = null; private Type adapterType = null; public Assembly providerAssembly = null; public string connectionString = ""; private Statusbar statusBar; private Toolbar toolbar; int lastUnknownFile = 0; // OutputResults private VBox outbox; // OutputResults.TextView private ScrolledWindow swin; public TextBuffer buf; private TextView textView; private TextTag textTag; // OutputResults.DataGrid private DataGrid grid; private Gtk.Window win; public static readonly string ApplicationName = "Mono SQL# For GTK#"; private OutputResults outputResults; public DbProviderCollection providerList; Notebook sourceFileNotebook; Notebook resultsNotebook; ArrayList editorTabs = new ArrayList(); public SqlSharpGtk () { CreateGui (); SqlWindowCount ++; LoadProviders (); } public void Show () { win.ShowAll (); } public void CreateGui() { win = new Gtk.Window (ApplicationName); win.DeleteEvent += new GtkSharp.DeleteEventHandler(OnWindow_Delete); win.BorderWidth = 4; win.DefaultSize = new Size (450, 300); VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 4); win.Add (vbox); // Menu Bar MenuBar mb = CreateMenuBar (); vbox.PackStart(mb, false, false, 0); // Tool Bar toolbar = CreateToolbar (); vbox.PackStart (toolbar, false, false, 0); // Panels VPaned paned = new VPaned (); vbox.PackStart (paned, true, true, 0); // SQL Editor (top TextView panel) sourceFileNotebook = new Notebook(); sourceFileNotebook.Scrollable = true; NewEditorTab(); paned.Add1 (sourceFileNotebook); sourceFileNotebook.SwitchPage += new GtkSharp.SwitchPageHandler(OnEditorTabSwitched); // bottom panel resultsNotebook = CreateOutputResultsGui (); paned.Add2 (resultsNotebook); statusBar = new Statusbar (); vbox.PackEnd (statusBar, false, false, 0); outputResults = OutputResults.TextView; ToggleResultsOutput (); } EditorTab NewEditorTab () { SqlEditorSharp editor; editor = new SqlEditorSharp (); editor.UseSyntaxHiLighting = true; editor.View.Show (); editor.View.KeyPressEvent += new GtkSharp.KeyPressEventHandler(OnKeyPressEventKey); lastUnknownFile ++; string unknownFile = "Unknown" + lastUnknownFile.ToString() + ".sql"; Label label = new Label(unknownFile); label.Show(); sourceFileNotebook.AppendPage(editor, label); sourceFileNotebook.ShowAll (); sourceFileNotebook.ResizeChildren (); sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage = -1; EditorTab tab = new EditorTab(); tab.editor = editor; tab.label = label; tab.filename = ""; tab.basefilename = unknownFile; tab.page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; editorTabs.Add(tab); editor.Tab = tab; UpdateTitleBar(tab); return tab; } // bottom panel Notebook CreateOutputResultsGui () { Label label; Notebook results = new Notebook(); results.TabPos = PositionType.Bottom; grid = CreateOutputResultsDataGrid (); grid.Show(); label = new Label("Grid"); results.AppendPage(grid, label); swin = CreateOutputResultsTextView (); swin.Show(); label = new Label("Log"); results.AppendPage(swin, label); sourceFileNotebook.ShowAll (); sourceFileNotebook.ResizeChildren (); return results; } DataGrid CreateOutputResultsDataGrid () { return new DataGrid (); } ScrolledWindow CreateOutputResultsTextView () { ScrolledWindow sw; sw = new ScrolledWindow ( new Adjustment (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Adjustment (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; textView = new TextView (); buf = textView.Buffer; textView.Editable = false; textView.ModifyFont (Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("courier new")); sw.Add (textView); return sw; } void OnKeyPressEventKey(object o, GtkSharp.KeyPressEventArgs args) { if (o is TextView) { TextView tv = (TextView) o; //Gdk.EventKey k = args.Event; // if the F5 key was pressed if (args.Event.keyval == 0xFFC2) { if (tv.Editable == true) { // execute SQL ExecuteSQL (ExecuteOutputType.Normal, ""); } } } } Toolbar CreateToolbar () { Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar (); toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons; toolbar.AppendItem ("Execute", "Execute SQL Commands.", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.Execute, IconSize.SmallToolbar), new Gtk.SignalFunc (OnToolbar_Execute)); toolbar.AppendItem ("DataGrid", "Toggle Results to DataGrid or TextView", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.GoDown, IconSize.SmallToolbar), new Gtk.SignalFunc (OnToolbar_ToggleResultsOutput)); return toolbar; } // TODO: use the ProviderFactory in Mono.Data // to load providers // instead of what's below public void LoadProviders () { providerList = new DbProviderCollection (); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "MYSQL", "MySQL (Mono)", "Mono.Data.MySql", "Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection", "Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "MYSQLNET", "MySQL (ByteFX)", "ByteFX.Data", "ByteFX.Data.MySQLClient.MySQLConnection", "ByteFX.Data.MySQLClient.MySQLDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "POSTGRESQL", "PostgreSQL (Mono)", "Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient", "Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient.PgSqlConnection", "Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient.PgSqlDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "NPGSQL", "PostgreSQL (Npgsql)", "Npgsql", "Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection", "Npgsql.NpgsqlDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "SQLCLIENT", "Microsoft SQL Server", "", "", "", true )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "TDS", "TDS Generic", "Mono.Data.TdsClient", "Mono.Data.TdsClient.TdsConnection", "Mono.Data.TdsClient.TdsDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "ODBC", "ODBC", "", "", "", true )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "OLEDB", "OLE DB", "", "", "", true )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "SQLITE", "SQL Lite", "Mono.Data.SqliteClient", "Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection", "Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "SYBASE", "Sybase", "Mono.Data.SybaseClient", "Mono.Data.SybaseClient.SybaseConnection", "Mono.Data.SybaseClient.SybaseDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "DB2", "IBM DB2", "Mono.Data.DB2Client", "Mono.Data.DB2Client.DB2ClientConnection", "Mono.Data.DB2Client.DB2ClientDataAdapter", false )); providerList.Add (new DbProvider ( "ORACLE", "Oracle", "System.Data.OracleClient", "System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection", "System.Data.OracleClient.OracleDataAdapter", false )); } public MenuBar CreateMenuBar () { MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar (); Menu menu; Menu submenu; MenuItem item; MenuItem barItem; MenuItem subitem; // File menu menu = new Menu (); item = new MenuItem ("New SQL# _Window"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileNewSqlWindow); menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); item = new MenuItem ("_New"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileNew); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Open..."); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileOpen); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Save"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileSave); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("Save _As..."); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileSaveAs); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("Close"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileClose); menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); // TODO: submenu Save Output submenu = new Menu (); subitem = new MenuItem ("CSV - Comma Separated Values"); //subitem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileSaveOutput_CSV); submenu.Append(subitem); subitem = new MenuItem ("TAB - Tab Separated Values"); //subitem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileSaveOutput_TAB); submenu.Append(subitem); subitem = new MenuItem ("XML"); //subitem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileSaveOutput_XML); submenu.Append(subitem); item = new MenuItem ("Save _Output..."); item.Submenu = submenu; menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); item = new MenuItem ("E_xit"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_FileExit); menu.Append (item); barItem = new MenuItem ("_File"); barItem.Submenu = menu; menuBar.Append (barItem); // Edit menu menu = new Menu (); item = new MenuItem ("_Undo"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditUndo); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Redo"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditRedo); menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); item = new MenuItem ("Cu_t"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditCut); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Copy"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditCopy); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Paste"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditPaste); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Delete"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditDelete); menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); item = new MenuItem ("_Find and Replace..."); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditFindReplace); menu.Append (item); menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); item = new MenuItem ("_Options"); //item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_EditOptions); menu.Append (item); barItem = new MenuItem ("_Edit"); barItem.Submenu = menu; menuBar.Append (barItem); // Session menu menu = new Menu (); item = new MenuItem ("_Connect"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_SessionConnect); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Disconnect"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_SessionDisconnect); menu.Append (item); barItem = new MenuItem ("_Session"); barItem.Submenu = menu; menuBar.Append (barItem); // Command menu menu = new Menu (); item = new MenuItem ("_Execute"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_CommandExecute); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Execute With Output to XML"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_CommandExecuteXML); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Execute With Output to CSV"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_CommandExecuteCSV); menu.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("_Execute With Output to HTML"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (OnMenu_CommandExecuteHTML); menu.Append (item); barItem = new MenuItem ("_Command"); barItem.Submenu = menu; menuBar.Append (barItem); return menuBar; } void AppendText (string text) { AppendText (buf, text); } public void AppendTextWithoutScroll (TextBuffer buffer, string text) { TextIter iter; text = text.Replace("\0",""); buffer.MoveMark(buf.InsertMark, buffer.EndIter); if (text.Equals ("") == false) { iter = buffer.EndIter; buffer.Insert (iter, text); } iter = buffer.EndIter; buffer.Insert (iter, "\n"); } // WriteLine() to output text to bottom TextView // for displaying result sets and logging messages public void AppendText (TextBuffer buffer, string text) { AppendTextWithoutScroll(buffer,text); while (Application.EventsPending ()) Application.RunIteration (); textView.ScrollToMark (buf.InsertMark, 0.4, true, 0.0, 1.0); } public bool LoadExternalProvider (string strProviderAssembly, string providerConnectionClass) { try { SqlSharpGtk.DebugWriteLine ("Loading external provider..."); providerAssembly = null; providerAssembly = Assembly.Load (strProviderAssembly); Type typ = providerAssembly.GetType (providerConnectionClass); conn = (IDbConnection) Activator.CreateInstance (typ); SqlSharpGtk.DebugWriteLine ("External provider loaded."); } catch (Exception f) { string errorMessage = String.Format ( "Error: unable to load the assembly of the provider: {1} because: {2}", providerAssembly, f.Message); Error (errorMessage); return false; } return true; } void QuitApplication() { if(conn != null) if(conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { Console.WriteLine("Closing connection..."); conn.Close(); conn = null; Console.WriteLine("Connection closed."); } if(grid.DataSource != null) { grid.Clear (); grid.DataSource = null; grid.DataMember = ""; grid = null; } SqlWindowCount --; if(SqlWindowCount == 0) Application.Quit (); else win.Destroy (); } void UpdateTitleBar(EditorTab tab) { string title = ""; if(tab != null) { if(tab.filename.Equals("")) title = tab.label.Text + " - " + ApplicationName; else title = tab.filename + " - " + ApplicationName; } else { title = ApplicationName; } win.Title = title; } void OnEditorTabSwitched (object o, GtkSharp.SwitchPageArgs args) { int page = (int) args.PageNum; EditorTab tab = FindEditorTab(page); UpdateTitleBar (tab); } void OnWindow_Delete (object o, GtkSharp.DeleteEventArgs args) { QuitApplication(); } void OnExit (Gtk.Object o) { QuitApplication(); } void OnMenu_FileNewSqlWindow (object o, EventArgs args) { SqlSharpGtk sqlSharp = new SqlSharpGtk (); sqlSharp.Show (); } void OnMenu_FileNew (object o, EventArgs args) { NewEditorTab(); sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage = -1; } void OnMenu_FileOpen (object o, EventArgs args) { FileSelectionDialog openFileDialog = new FileSelectionDialog ("Open File", new FileSelectionEventHandler (OnOpenFile)); } void OnOpenFile (object o, FileSelectionEventArgs args) { EditorTab etab = NewEditorTab(); try { etab.editor.LoadFromFile (args.Filename); } catch(Exception openFileException) { Error("Error: Could not open file: \n" + args.Filename + "\n\nReason: " + openFileException.Message); return; } TextBuffer buf = etab.editor.Buffer; buf.Modified = false; string basefile = Path.GetFileName (args.Filename); etab.label.Text = basefile; etab.basefilename = basefile; etab.filename = args.Filename; sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage = -1; UpdateTitleBar(etab); } EditorTab FindEditorTab (int searchPage) { EditorTab tab = null; for (int t = 0; t < editorTabs.Count; t++) { tab = (EditorTab) editorTabs[t]; if (tab.page == searchPage) return tab; } return tab; } void OnMenu_FileSave (object o, EventArgs args) { int page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; EditorTab tab = FindEditorTab(page); if(tab.filename.Equals("")) SaveAs(); else { SaveFile(tab.filename); tab.label.Text = tab.basefilename; } } void SaveFile (string filename) { int page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; EditorTab etab = FindEditorTab(page); try { // FIXME: if file exists, ask if you want to // overwrite. currently, it overwrites // without asking. etab.editor.SaveToFile (filename); } catch(Exception saveFileException) { Error("Error: Could not open file: \n" + filename + "\n\nReason: " + saveFileException.Message); return; } TextBuffer buf = etab.editor.Buffer; buf.Modified = false; } void OnMenu_FileSaveAs (object o, EventArgs args) { SaveAs(); } void SaveAs() { FileSelectionDialog openFileDialog = new FileSelectionDialog ("File Save As", new FileSelectionEventHandler (OnSaveAsFile)); } void OnSaveAsFile (object o, FileSelectionEventArgs args) { int page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; EditorTab etab = FindEditorTab(page); SaveFile(args.Filename); string basefile = Path.GetFileName (args.Filename); etab.label.Text = basefile; etab.basefilename = basefile; etab.filename = args.Filename; UpdateTitleBar(etab); } void OnMenu_FileClose (object o, EventArgs args) { CloseEditor(); } void OnCloseEditor (object obj, EventArgs args) { CloseEditor(); } void CloseEditor () { int page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; SqlEditorSharp sqlEditor; sqlEditor = (SqlEditorSharp) sourceFileNotebook.GetNthPage(page); TextBuffer buffer = sqlEditor.Buffer; if(buffer.Modified) { // TODO: if text modified, // ask if user wants to save // before closing. // use MessageDialog to prompt RemoveEditorTab (sqlEditor.Tab, page); } else { RemoveEditorTab (sqlEditor.Tab, page); } sqlEditor = null; buffer = null; } void RemoveEditorTab (EditorTab tab, int page) { tab.editor.Clear(); tab.editor.Tab = null; tab.editor = null; tab.label = null; editorTabs.Remove(tab); sourceFileNotebook.RemovePage (page); sourceFileNotebook.QueueDraw(); tab = null; } void OnMenu_FileExit (object o, EventArgs args) { QuitApplication (); } void OnMenu_SessionConnect (object o, EventArgs args) { LoginDialog login = new LoginDialog (this); login = null; } void OnMenu_SessionDisconnect (object o, EventArgs args) { AppendText(buf, "Disconnecting..."); try { conn.Close (); conn = null; } catch (Exception e) { Error ("Error: Unable to disconnect." + e.Message); conn = null; return; } AppendText (buf, "Disconnected."); } void OnToolbar_ToggleResultsOutput () { ToggleResultsOutput (); } void ToggleResultsOutput () { if (outputResults == OutputResults.TextView) { outputResults = OutputResults.DataGrid; } else if (outputResults == OutputResults.DataGrid) { outputResults = OutputResults.TextView; } } public void OnToolbar_Execute () { ExecuteSQL (ExecuteOutputType.Normal, ""); } // Execute SQL Commands void ExecuteSQL (ExecuteOutputType outputType, string filename) { if (conn == null) { AppendText (buf, "Error: Not Connected."); return; } DataTable schemaTable = null; int page = sourceFileNotebook.CurrentPage; EditorTab tab = FindEditorTab(page); string msg = ""; string sql = ""; IDbCommand cmd; try { cmd = conn.CreateCommand (); } catch (Exception ec) { AppendText (buf, "Error: Unable to create command to execute: " + ec.Message); return; } SqlSharpGtk.DebugWriteLine ("get text from SQL editor..."); // get text from SQL editor try { TextIter start_iter, end_iter; TextBuffer exeBuff; exeBuff = tab.editor.Buffer; start_iter = exeBuff.StartIter; end_iter = exeBuff.EndIter; sql = exeBuff.GetText(start_iter, end_iter, false); } catch (Exception et) { AppendText (buf, "Error: Unable to get text from SQL editor: " + et.Message); return; } try { cmd.CommandText = sql; } catch (Exception e) { AppendText (buf, "Error: Unable to set SQL text to command."); } IDataReader reader = null; SqlSharpGtk.DebugWriteLine ("Executing SQL: " + sql); if ((outputResults == OutputResults.TextView && outputType == ExecuteOutputType.Normal) || outputType == ExecuteOutputType.HtmlFile || outputType == ExecuteOutputType.CsvFile) { try { reader = cmd.ExecuteReader (); } catch (Exception e) { //msg = "SQL Execution Error: " + e.Message; msg = "SQL Execution Error: " + e; Error (msg); return; } if (reader == null) { Error("Error: reader is null"); return; } } try { if (outputResults == OutputResults.TextView && outputType == ExecuteOutputType.Normal) { DisplayData (reader); // clean up reader.Close (); reader.Dispose (); reader = null; } else if(outputType == ExecuteOutputType.HtmlFile) { schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); if(schemaTable != null && reader.FieldCount > 0) { OutputDataToHtmlFile(reader, schemaTable, filename); } else { AppendText("Command executed."); } // clean up reader.Close (); reader.Dispose (); reader = null; } else if(outputType == ExecuteOutputType.CsvFile) { schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); if(schemaTable != null && reader.FieldCount > 0) { OutputDataToCsvFile(reader, schemaTable, filename); } else { AppendText("Command executed."); } // clean up reader.Close (); reader.Dispose (); reader = null; } else { DataTable dataTable = LoadDataTable (cmd); switch(outputType) { case ExecuteOutputType.Normal: AppendText("set DataGrid.DataSource to DataTable..."); grid.DataSource = dataTable; AppendText("DataBind..."); grid.DataBind (); AppendText("Clean up..."); // clean up grid.DataSource = null; break; case ExecuteOutputType.XmlFile: AppendText("Create DataSet..."); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); AppendText("Add DataTable to DataSet's DataTableCollection..."); dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable); AppendText("Write DataSet to XML file: " + filename); dataSet.WriteXml(filename); AppendText("Clean up..."); dataSet = null; break; } // clean up dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); dataTable = null; AppendText("Done."); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { //msg = "Error Displaying Data: " + e.Message; msg = "Error Displaying Data: " + e; Error (msg); } } public void OutputDataToHtmlFile(IDataReader rdr, DataTable dt, string file) { AppendText("Outputting results to HTML file " + file + "..."); StreamWriter outputFilestream = null; try { outputFilestream = new StreamWriter(file); } catch(Exception e) { Error("Error: Unable to setup output results file. " + e.Message); return; } StringBuilder strHtml = new StringBuilder(); strHtml.Append("\n"); strHtml.Append("Results"); strHtml.Append("\n"); strHtml.Append("\n"); strHtml.Append("


\n"); strHtml.Append("\t\n"); outputFilestream.WriteLine(strHtml.ToString()); strHtml = null; strHtml = new StringBuilder(); strHtml.Append("\t\t\n"); for (int c = 0; c < rdr.FieldCount; c++) { strHtml.Append("\t\t\t\n"); } strHtml.Append("\t\t\n"); outputFilestream.WriteLine(strHtml.ToString()); strHtml = null; int col = 0; string dataValue = ""; while(rdr.Read()) { strHtml = new StringBuilder(); strHtml.Append("\t\t\n"); for(col = 0; col < rdr.FieldCount; col++) { // column data if(rdr.IsDBNull(col) == true) dataValue = "NULL"; else { object obj = rdr.GetValue(col); dataValue = obj.ToString(); } strHtml.Append("\t\t\t\n"); } strHtml.Append("\t\t\n"); outputFilestream.WriteLine(strHtml.ToString()); strHtml = null; } outputFilestream.WriteLine("\t
"); string sColumnName = rdr.GetName(c); strHtml.Append(sColumnName); strHtml.Append("
"); strHtml.Append(dataValue); strHtml.Append("
\n\n\n"); strHtml = null; outputFilestream.Close(); outputFilestream = null; AppendText("Outputting file done."); } public void OutputDataToCsvFile(IDataReader rdr, DataTable dt, string file) { AppendText("Outputting results to CSV file " + file + "..."); StreamWriter outputFilestream = null; try { outputFilestream = new StreamWriter(file); } catch(Exception e) { Error("Error: Unable to setup output results file. " + e.Message); return; } StringBuilder strCsv = null; int col = 0; string dataValue = ""; while(rdr.Read()) { strCsv = new StringBuilder(); for(col = 0; col < rdr.FieldCount; col++) { if(col > 0) strCsv.Append(","); // column data if(rdr.IsDBNull(col) == true) dataValue = "\"\""; else { object obj = rdr.GetValue(col); dataValue = "\"" + obj.ToString() + "\""; } strCsv.Append(dataValue); } outputFilestream.WriteLine(strCsv.ToString()); strCsv = null; } strCsv = null; outputFilestream.Close(); outputFilestream = null; AppendText("Outputting file done."); } void OnMenu_CommandExecute (object o, EventArgs args) { ExecuteSQL (ExecuteOutputType.Normal, ""); } void OnMenu_CommandExecuteXML (object o, EventArgs args) { ExecuteAndSaveResultsToFile (ExecuteOutputType.XmlFile); } void OnMenu_CommandExecuteCSV (object o, EventArgs args) { ExecuteAndSaveResultsToFile (ExecuteOutputType.CsvFile); } void OnMenu_CommandExecuteHTML (object o, EventArgs args) { ExecuteAndSaveResultsToFile (ExecuteOutputType.HtmlFile); } ExecuteOutputType outType; void ExecuteAndSaveResultsToFile(ExecuteOutputType oType) { outType = oType; FileSelectionDialog openFileDialog = new FileSelectionDialog ("Results File Save As", new FileSelectionEventHandler (OnSaveExeOutFile)); } void OnSaveExeOutFile (object o, FileSelectionEventArgs args) { ExecuteSQL (outType, args.Filename); } public void DisplayResult (IDataReader reader, DataTable schemaTable) { const string zero = "0"; StringBuilder column = null; StringBuilder line = null; StringBuilder hdrUnderline = null; string outData = ""; int hdrLen = 0; int spacing = 0; int columnSize = 0; int c; char spacingChar = ' '; // a space char underlineChar = '='; // an equal sign string dataType; // .NET Type Type theType; string dataTypeName; // native Database type DataRow row; // schema row line = new StringBuilder (); hdrUnderline = new StringBuilder (); try { OutputLine ("Fields in Query Result: " + reader.FieldCount); } catch(Exception e){ Error ("Error: Unable to get FieldCount: " + e.Message); return; } OutputLine (""); for(c = 0; c < reader.FieldCount; c++) { try { DataRow schemaRow = schemaTable.Rows[c]; string columnHeader = reader.GetName (c); if (columnHeader.Equals ("")) columnHeader = "column"; if (columnHeader.Length > 32) columnHeader = columnHeader.Substring (0,32); // spacing columnSize = (int) schemaRow["ColumnSize"]; theType = reader.GetFieldType(c); dataType = theType.ToString(); //dataTypeName = reader.GetDataTypeName(c); switch(dataType) { case "System.DateTime": columnSize = 19; break; case "System.Boolean": columnSize = 5; break; } hdrLen = Math.Max (columnHeader.Length, columnSize); if(hdrLen < 0) hdrLen = 0; if(hdrLen > 32) hdrLen = 32; line.Append(columnHeader); if(columnHeader.Length < hdrLen) { spacing = hdrLen - columnHeader.Length; line.Append(spacingChar, spacing); } hdrUnderline.Append(underlineChar, hdrLen); line.Append(" "); hdrUnderline.Append(" "); } catch(Exception e) { Error ("Error: Unable to display header: " + e.Message); return; } } OutputHeader(line.ToString()); line = null; OutputHeader(hdrUnderline.ToString()); OutputHeader(""); hdrUnderline = null; int numRows = 0; // column data try { while(reader.Read()) { numRows++; line = new StringBuilder(); for(c = 0; c < reader.FieldCount; c++) { int dataLen = 0; string dataValue = ""; column = new StringBuilder(); outData = ""; row = schemaTable.Rows[c]; string colhdr = (string) reader.GetName(c); if(colhdr.Equals("")) colhdr = "column"; if(colhdr.Length > 32) colhdr = colhdr.Substring(0, 32); columnSize = (int) row["ColumnSize"]; theType = reader.GetFieldType(c); dataType = theType.ToString(); //dataTypeName = reader.GetDataTypeName(c); switch(dataType) { case "System.DateTime": columnSize = 19; break; case "System.Boolean": columnSize = 5; break; } columnSize = Math.Max(colhdr.Length, columnSize); if(columnSize < 0) columnSize = 0; if(columnSize > 32) columnSize = 32; dataValue = ""; if(reader.IsDBNull(c)) { dataValue = ""; dataLen = 0; } else { StringBuilder sb; DateTime dt; if(dataType.Equals("System.DateTime")) { // display date in ISO format // "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" dt = reader.GetDateTime(c); sb = new StringBuilder(); // year if(dt.Year < 10) sb.Append("000" + dt.Year); else if(dt.Year < 100) sb.Append("00" + dt.Year); else if(dt.Year < 1000) sb.Append("0" + dt.Year); else sb.Append(dt.Year); sb.Append("-"); // month if(dt.Month < 10) sb.Append(zero + dt.Month); else sb.Append(dt.Month); sb.Append("-"); // day if(dt.Day < 10) sb.Append(zero + dt.Day); else sb.Append(dt.Day); sb.Append(" "); // hour if(dt.Hour < 10) sb.Append(zero + dt.Hour); else sb.Append(dt.Hour); sb.Append(":"); // minute if(dt.Minute < 10) sb.Append(zero + dt.Minute); else sb.Append(dt.Minute); sb.Append(":"); // second if(dt.Second < 10) sb.Append(zero + dt.Second); else sb.Append(dt.Second); dataValue = sb.ToString(); } else { object o = reader.GetValue(c); dataValue = o.ToString(); } dataLen = dataValue.Length; if(dataLen <= 0) { dataValue = ""; dataLen = 0; } if(dataLen > 32) { dataValue = dataValue.Substring(0,32); dataLen = 32; } } columnSize = Math.Max (columnSize, dataLen); if(dataLen < columnSize) { switch(dataType) { case "System.Byte": case "System.SByte": case "System.Int16": case "System.UInt16": case "System.Int32": case "System.UInt32": case "System.Int64": case "System.UInt64": case "System.Single": case "System.Double": case "System.Decimal": outData = dataValue.PadLeft(columnSize); break; default: outData = dataValue.PadRight(columnSize); break; } outData = outData + " "; } else outData = dataValue; line.Append (outData); line.Append (" "); } OutputData (line.ToString ()); line = null; } } catch (Exception rr) { Error ("Error: Unable to read next row: " + rr.Message); return; } OutputLine ("\nRows retrieved: " + numRows.ToString()); AppendText(""); } public void DisplayData(IDataReader reader) { bool another = false; DataTable schemaTable = null; int ResultSet = 0; OutputLine ("Display any result sets..."); do { // by Default, data reader has the // first Result set if any ResultSet++; OutputLine ("Display the result set " + ResultSet); if (reader.FieldCount > 0) { // SQL Query (SELECT) // RecordsAffected -1 and DataTable has a reference try { schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable (); } catch (Exception es) { Error ("Error: Unable to get schema table: " + es.Message); return; } AppendText (buf, "Display Result..."); DisplayResult (reader, schemaTable); } else if (reader.RecordsAffected >= 0) { // SQL Command (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) // RecordsAffected >= 0 int records = 0; try { records = reader.RecordsAffected; AppendText (buf, "SQL Command Records Affected: " + records); } catch (Exception er) { Error ("Error: Unable to get records affected: " + er.Message); return; } } else { // SQL Command (not INSERT, UPDATE, nor DELETE) // RecordsAffected -1 and DataTable has a null reference AppendText (buf, "SQL Command Executed."); } // get next result set (if anymore is left) try { another = reader.NextResult (); } catch(Exception e) { Error ("Error: Unable to read next result: " + e.Message); return; } } while(another == true); } // used for outputting message, but if silent is set, // don't display public void OutputLine(string line) { //if(silent == false) OutputData(line); } // used for outputting the header columns of a result public void OutputHeader(string line) { //if(showHeader == true) OutputData(line); } // OutputData() - used for outputting data // if an output filename is set, then the data will // go to a file; otherwise, it will go to the Console. public void OutputData(string line) { //if(outputFilestream == null) // Console.WriteLine(line); //else // outputFilestream.WriteLine(line); AppendTextWithoutScroll(buf,line); } public void Error(string message) { Console.WriteLine(message); Console.Out.Flush(); AppendText(buf, message); } bool OpenInternalProvider () { string msg; string providerKey = dbProvider.Key; switch (providerKey.ToUpper ()) { case "SQLCLIENT": try { conn = new SqlConnection (); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create connection: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return false; } break; case "ODBC": try { conn = new OdbcConnection (); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create connection: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return false; } break; case "OLEDB": try { conn = new OleDbConnection (); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create connection: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return false; } break; default: msg = "Error: provider not supported."; Error (msg); return false; } return true; } bool OpenExternalProvider() { bool success = false; success = LoadExternalProvider ( dbProvider.Assembly, dbProvider.ConnectionClass); return success; } public DbDataAdapter CreateDbDataAdapter (IDbCommand cmd) { string msg = ""; DbDataAdapter dbAdapter = null; if (dbProvider.InternalProvider == true) { dbAdapter = CreateInternalDataAdapter (cmd); } else { dbAdapter = CreateExternalDataAdapter (dbProvider.AdapterClass, cmd); } return dbAdapter; } public DbDataAdapter CreateInternalDataAdapter (IDbCommand cmd) { string msg = ""; DbDataAdapter dbAdapter = null; string providerKey = dbProvider.Key; switch (providerKey.ToUpper ()) { case "SQLCLIENT": try { dbAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (cmd as SqlCommand); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create adapter: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return null; } break; case "OLEDB": try { dbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter (cmd as OleDbCommand); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create adapter: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return null; } break; case "ODBC": try { dbAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter (cmd as OdbcCommand); } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: unable to create adapter: " + e.Message; Error (msg); return null; } break; } return dbAdapter; } public DbDataAdapter CreateExternalDataAdapter (string adapterClass, IDbCommand cmd) { adapterType = providerAssembly.GetType (adapterClass); System.Object ad = Activator.CreateInstance (adapterType); // set property SelectCommand on DbDataAdapter PropertyInfo prop = adapterType.GetProperty("SelectCommand"); prop.SetValue (ad, cmd, null); return (DbDataAdapter) ad; } public DataTable LoadDataTable (IDbCommand dbcmd) { string status = String.Empty; AppendText("Create DbDataAdapter..."); SqlSharpDataAdapter adapter = new SqlSharpDataAdapter (dbcmd); AppendText("Create DataTable..."); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable (); AppendText("Fill data into DataTable via DbDataAdapter..."); int rowsAddedOrRefreshed = 0; IDataReader reader = null; try { reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader (); if (reader.FieldCount > 0) rowsAddedOrRefreshed = adapter.FillTable (dataTable, reader); } catch(Exception sqle) { status = "Error: " + sqle.Message; } if (status.Equals(String.Empty)) { AppendText("Rows successfully Added or Refreshed in the DataTable: " + rowsAddedOrRefreshed); int rowsAffected = reader.RecordsAffected; AppendText("Rows Affected: " + rowsAffected); int fields = ((IDataRecord) reader).FieldCount; AppendText("Field Count: " + fields); if (fields > 0) { status = "Rows Selected: " + rowsAddedOrRefreshed + " Fields: " + fields; } else { status = "Rows Modified: " + rowsAffected; } } AppendText("Status: " + status); adapter.Dispose(); adapter = null; AppendText("Return DataTable..."); return dataTable; } public bool OpenDataSource () { string msg; bool gotClass = false; msg = "Attempt to open connection..."; AppendText (buf, msg); conn = null; try { if (dbProvider.InternalProvider == true) { gotClass = OpenInternalProvider (); } else { gotClass = OpenExternalProvider (); } } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: Unable to create Connection object. " + e.Message; Error (msg); return false; } if (gotClass == false) return false; conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; try { conn.Open (); if( conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) AppendText (buf, "Open was successfull."); else { AppendText (buf, "Error: Open failed."); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error: Could not open data source: " + e.Message; Error (msg); conn = null; } return true; } public static void DebugWriteLine (string text) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine (text); Console.Out.Flush (); #endif // DEBUG } public static int Main (string[] args) { Application.Init (); SqlSharpGtk sqlSharp = new SqlSharpGtk (); sqlSharp.Show (); Application.Run (); return 0; } } }